Hot Air

Something to keep in mind…
We have to make decisions now
which will literally determine whether
organized human life can survive
in any decent form.
You can imagine what the world would be like if sea level rises
say, ten or twenty feet or even higher now
which is easily within the range of predictions
the consequences are unimaginable.
It is as if we are like the proverbial lemmings
just happily marching off the cliff
led by leaders who understand very well what they are doing
but are so dedicated to enriching themselves
and their friends in the near future
that it simply doesn’t matter what happens to the human species.
There is nothing like this in all of human history.
There have been plenty of monsters in the past.
Plenty of them.
But you can’t find one who is dedicated with passion
to destroying the prospects for organized human life.
Noam Chomsky
In October of 2018, The Extinction Rebellion was co-founded by Dr Roger Hallam, Gail Bradbrook and Simon Bramwell as well as other activists from the campaign group Rising Up!. They advocate civil disobedience and non-violent direction action.
This UK movement is asking the government to do the following:
• Take robust and emergency action on climate breakdown,
• reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2025,
• establish a People’s Assembly to reshape an economy that will protect the climate.
Dr Roger Hallam of Extinction Rebellion talks about Climate Breakdown in this video. h/t lookout
Hallam is an academic who specializes in social change and protest. He predicts an increase of 1.7C temperature rise around 2024, in just six (6) years.
Dr. Hallam makes the point that he is addressing only what he sees as “actually happening now” and only wants to speak about events that have "absolutely clear science". “I am selecting only three or four tipping points, the ones I think are dead certain. There are 69 tipping points.”
He specifically looks at existing “numbers” before adding “what humans are doing”. He begins by addressing the reduction of sea ice.
[Polar sea] ice has gone from fully covered to a 25% cover in 30 years. “So, the idea is that it is going to hit zero in the next few years. There is 25% left to go. If you follow this out it figures out to being ice free by 2024, give or take, by doing simple math.”
Not 2030 or 2050 as many people say.
There is a latent heat effect once the ice is gone. Because the water is dark it sucks up more heat, which becomes a positive feedback cycle. When all the ice melts it will lead to a .5C degree increase in the global temperatures average. So, it is likely that the temperature will go up by .5C in next 10-20 years. “Once you have triggered a feedback loop you can’t turn back.”
“Looking at the numbers we see that the CO2 that is now in the atmosphere has yet to come through. Right now we are at 1.2C.”
1.2C (current temp) +.5C (increase from ice melt) = 1.7C [potentially] by 2024.
But there will also be impact from the CO2 that is currently being put into the atmosphere. He says that this will cause another .5C increase in temperature. Which means, if we include that, that we would already be above 2 degrees C (1.2 + .5 + .5 = 2.2C)
“I just want to show you what is absolutely certain using basic physics.” He goes on to talk of other tipping points…
But we also need to consider water vapor. For every degree the temperature increases, in theory, you should add on another degree for the effect of water vapor.
Then if you look in the scientific literature, when the global temperature goes over ~3C the Amazon will burn down and that will add 1.5 degrees to the total.
This is an average increase but it is also “basic physics that the center of the continent will warm faster. The center of the continent warms twice as fast as the coast so if we go over 2C it makes a four degree increase in the center of the continent.”
Basically, then, you can’t grow grains in the center of the continent. This means a 60% reduction in corn production. According to his calculations we are looking at this happening in the next 10 to 15 years.
Hallam briefly addresses methane release but says the science is not yet clear and so does not include it in his hard numbers. He notes that if 1% of the methane releases, that it will cause a .5C increase in global temperatures and it only takes a year for that to happen.
He goes on to explain hot earth and cold earth.
The average global temperature is 12.5C when the poles are covered with ice. But when there is no ice the average global temperature is 23C. The earth ’flips’ in and out of states with and without ice. Once it ‘flips’ into a state with no ice the temperature rises to 23C and [60 to] 95% of life on earth dies.
This is consistent with what Katherine Richardson, a co-author of the Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene says. This study found that whenever the temperature reached two degrees above the pre-industrial level in the past, it did not pause, it kept pushing upwards until it got to around four to five degrees above that level.
Hallam states that there have been five major extinctions in the historical record. One was caused by an asteroid, but the rest were caused by excess co2 and methane. [This is not quite accurate. See specifics below.]
He says that extinctions are caused by [a sulfidic state from increased microbial-sulfate reduction due to increased availability of organic matter]. This happens because the lack of wind causes the oceans to become stagnant and O2 production decreases. This causes most mammals to die off.
Here are some studies that address extinction events…
Eutrophication, microbial-sulfate reduction and mass extinctions
Journal of Communicative & Integrative Biology December 4, 2015
In post-Cambrian time, life on Earth experienced 5 major extinction events, likely instigated by adverse environmental conditions. Biodiversity loss among marine taxa, for at least 3 of these mass extinction events (Late Devonian, end-Permian and end-Triassic), has been connected with widespread oxygen-depleted and sulfide-bearing marine water. Furthermore, geochemical and sedimentary evidence suggest that these events correlate with rather abrupt climate warming and possibly increased terrestrial weathering.
This cascade of events is relevant for the future ocean under predicted greenhouse driven climate change. The exacerbation of anoxic “dead” zones is already progressing in modern oceanic environments, and this is likely to increase due to climate induced continental weathering and resulting eutrophication of the oceans.
One common ground for at least 3 of the “Big Five” extinctions (Late Devonian, end-Permian and end-Triassic) is the compelling evidence for synchronous (or in close temporal relation) widespread occurrence of oxygen deficient (anoxic) and hydrogen sulfide-enriched (euxinic) marine regions.
Modelling determinants of extinction across two Mesozoic hyperthermal events
Ocean Acidification Center October 26, 2018
The Late Triassic and Early Toarcian extinction events are both associated with greenhouse warming events triggered by massive volcanism. These Mesozoic hyperthermals were responsible for the mass extinction of marine organisms and resulted in significant ecological upheaval. It has, however, been suggested that these events merely involved intensification of background extinction rates rather than significant shifts in the macroevolutionary regime and extinction selectivity.
Global warming increases the risk of an extinction domino effect
Science Daily November 28, 2018
The complex network of interdependencies between plants and animals multiplies the species at risk of extinction due to environmental change, according to a new study.
[Scientists] constructed 2000 "Virtual Earths," which they populated with thousands of plants and animals organized into a global system of inter-connected food-webs.They then subjected the virtual Earths to extreme trajectories of environmental change, consisting in either a "global warming," i.e. a linear, monotonic increase in temperature, or a "nuclear winter," i.e. a progressive cooling, such as that which could follow multiple nuclear detonations or an asteroid impact.
PHYS ORG July 2017
The Five Major Mass extinctions
Ordovician extinction
When: about 445 million years ago
Species lost: 60-70 percent
Likely cause: Short but intense ice age
Devonian extinction
When: about 375-360 million years ago
Species lost: up to 75 percent
Likely cause: oxygen depletion in the ocean
Permian extinction
When: about 252 million years ago
Species lost: 95 percent
Possible causes: asteroid impact, volcanic activity
Triassic extinction
When: about 200 million years ago
Species lost: 70-80 percent
Likely causes: multiple, still debated
Cretaceous extinction
When: about 66 million years ago
Species lost: 75 percent
Likely cause: asteroid strike
The 4th National Climate Assessment (NCA4)
The 4th National Climate Assessment (NCA4), volume 2, was published a week ago Thursday. It was written by the U.S. Global Change Research science panel, with representatives from 13 government agencies. The Global Change Research Act was signed into law in 1990 by George H.W. Bush. Previous reports were published in 2000, 2009, and 2013.
This volume focuses on how climate change is affecting the economic infrastructure of the United States and suggests adaption strategies. Volume 1 focused on how climate is affecting temperatures, water resources, sea-level rise, and other natural systems around the country.
Climate impacts grow, and U.S. must act, says new report
National Geographic November 23, 2018
In clear, unwavering terms, the new report states that without "substantial and sustained reductions" in greenhouse gas emissions, climate change will hurt people, economies, and resources across the U.S. But the report also highlights how its worst impacts can be avoided, by adapting to our warmer world and by working to lessen future changes in Earth's climate.
“It joins the mounting evidence about the scope and magnitude of climate-change impacts,”
Charleston, South Carolina, could experience 180 tidal floods in a year by 2045, compared to 11 per year in 2014. In the Southern Great Plains, extreme heat could cause thousands of premature deaths and billions in lost work-hours by the end of the century.
Notably, the new report also examines how climate change is affecting different sectors of the economy - agriculture, forests, and fisheries. It highlights how they are vulnerable to future change.
"[The report] is really about impacts, about how we adapt, and the choices we have to make. It's an incredibly important dialogue to be having, and to miss out on that would be a loss," says Hill.
The 1990 act, which passed with not a single dissent in the Senate, required a report every four years to pull together the best available research on how climate change affects the U.S. The reports were supposed to look into the future, predicting how climate would influence Americans 25 to 100 years ahead. Energy to address the growing specter of climate change was high in the late 1980s. Climate change had been a topic of conversation in the halls of government for over a decade: in 1978, Congress had passed a proto-version of the act that called for “assessments of the effect of climate” on society. And throughout the 1980s, discussion about climate change fomented within agencies and across scattered committees.Simultaneously, the science about how increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere would affect global temperatures progressed quickly, so that by 1988, NASA scientist James Hansen could sit in front of a Senate Committee, peering over a bouquet of microphones, and say that he was “99% certain'' that global warming was underway.
A Report Not to Be Buried: Part II of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
Weather Underground November 26, 2018
For a pithy summary, it's hard to beat the one the authors put in italics:
“[This report] concludes that the evidence of human-caused climate change is overwhelming and continues to strengthen, that the impacts of climate change are intensifying across the country, and that climate-related threats to Americans’ physical, social, and economic well-being are rising.
The follow-up is just as important:
“These impacts are projected to intensify—but how much they intensify will depend on actions taken to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the risks from climate change now and in the coming decades.”
[In this report] There are now separate analyses for the Northern and Southern Great Plains, a sensible switch from the previous lumping of states that stretch from Texas to North Dakota. I was especially impressed with a supplemental set of State Climate Summaries that provides succinct background on what to expect in each of the 50 states as well as the Western Pacific Islands and Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands. Each of these state reports is compellingly presented and easy to digest, even if the messages are often bleak.
For example, the increasing threat posed by wildfire in California is related to an increase in “hot” droughts, which research shows is consistent with human-produced climate change.
More from Noam Chomsky
One of the most amazing documents is the Trump Department of Highway Standards just issued a long report, a 100 page report urging that all regulations on automotive emissions should be ended. It had a very logical argument, they said that if we extrapolate current trends, by the end of the century the climate will have warmed several degrees centigrade meaning a huge rise in sea level which they underestimate.
So basically, we are going over the cliff anyway and automotive emissions don’t really add much to this so there is no point in cutting them back. The assumption of the department is that everyone in the world is as criminally insane as we are and isn’t going to do anything about it. And on that assumption, yeah, let’s just rob while the planet burns, putting Nero into the shade, he only fiddled while Rome burned.
I can’t think of anything like this is human history. You just can’t find words to describe it.
At the peak of the monstrosity is, in fact, the Trump administration. And we should recall that Trump, himself, as I mentioned is a firm believer in Global Warming, recently he applied to the government of Ireland for permission to build a huge wall, one of his famous walls, this one to protect a golf course of his in Ireland which as his plea indicates is threatened by sea level rise as a result of Global Warming.
Climate Change is Too Important For a Monster Like Trump—Or a Corrupt Hack Like Pallone
Down with Tyranny November 24, 2018
Friday, we saw how a corrupt Jersey political hack, Frank Pallone-- who, as ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and has taken $135,689 in legalized bribes from Big Oil and Gas-- got into a turf war with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who is trying to revitalize a great Pelosi idea that was killed off by John Boehner in 2011, the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. When Alexandria is sworn in in January, she will be the youngest woman to ever be seated in Congress. Millennials, unlike hack politicians from Jersey with their grubby paws out for a bribe, take Global Warming seriously and consider it urgent.
The National Climate Assessment was written long before the deadly fires in California this month and before Hurricanes Florence and Michael raked the East Coast and Florida. It says warming-charged extremes “have already become more frequent, intense, widespread or of long duration.” The report notes the last few years have smashed U.S. records for damaging weather, costing nearly $400 billion since 2015.
Warnings of 'Destructive and Irreversible Impacts' as Greenhouse Gases Hit Highest Levels in 3-5 Million Years
Common Dreams November 22, 2018
As communities most impacted by the climate crisis ramp up demands for urgent global action, atmospheric concentrations of the top three greenhouse gases driving global warming have hit record high levels, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) out Thursday.
Last year, as the latest WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin (pdf) details, average concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide all rose—with CO2 hitting 405.5 parts per million (ppm), its highest level in a few million years.
The report also noted that there was a "resurgence of a potent greenhouse gas and ozone-depleting substance"—called trichlorofluoromethane, or CFC-11—likely tied to "increased emissions associated with production of CFC-11 in eastern Asia."
Lots of pictures…
Climate change battle at the gates of Buckingham Palace: Eco-warriors clash with police outside the Queen's home after 'funeral march' ground London to halt
Daily Mail November 24, 2018
• Protesters will be led by professional activists who are opposed to fracking and a third runway at Heathrow
• Authorities have advised motorists to avoid travelling through central London as protesters take over
• Extinction Rebellion demonstrations are part of a campaign of mass civil disobedience co-ordinated online among environmental groups
'This Is a Climate Emergency': Extinction Rebellion Takes to Streets to Stand for the Planet Over Polluter Profits
Common Dreams November 24, 2018
"Business as usual equals extinction."
As scientists warn that the "window of opportunity for action" to prevent catastrophic and irreversible planetary harm from the climate crisis "is almost closed," members of the Extinction Rebellion movement took to the streets of London on Saturday to demand an urgent response to the world's ecological emergency and mourn the lives that human-caused climate change has already taken—and will take in the near future in the absence of radical change.
"Last Saturday we celebrated all the life we wanted to save. This Saturday we mourn all the life we've lost, are losing, and are still to lose,"
This article has great charts on global temperature scenarios for mid and late 21st centuries…
Three Charts: What Trump Doesn’t Want You to Know About the Climate Emergency
Global Research November 25, 2018
The problem? If we let them go on pushing out 41 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide a year throughout the world, it is going to cost the US hundreds of billion dollars a year by the end of the century. The economic contribution of entire states could be wiped out.
To Tackle Climate Crisis, Says Bernie Sanders, US Must 'Be Bold and Aggressive in Standing Up to Greed of Fossil Fuel Industry'
Common Dreams November 25, 2018
In an interview on CBS's "Face the Nation" shortly after the Trump administration attempted to bury a devastating report on the climate crisis, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said it is more important than ever to unite the public around ambitious solutions to human-caused climate change as the White House actively works with the fossil fuel industry to make it worse.
The World Needs to Quit Coal. Why Is It So Hard?
NYT November 24, 2018
Central to that transformation: Getting out of coal, and fast.
And yet, three years after the Paris agreement, when world leaders promised action, coal shows no sign of disappearing. While coal use looks certain to eventually wane worldwide, according to the latest assessment by the International Energy Agency, it is not on track to happen anywhere fast enough to avert the worst effects of climate change. Last year, in fact, global production and consumption increased after two years of decline.Cheap, plentiful and the most polluting of fossil fuels, coal remains the single largest source of energy to generate electricity worldwide. This, even as renewables like solar and wind power are rapidly becoming more affordable. Soon, coal could make no financial sense for its backers.
So, why is coal so hard to quit?
Because coal is a powerful incumbent. It’s there by the millions of tons under the ground. Powerful companies, backed by powerful governments, often in the form of subsidies, are in a rush to grow their markets before it is too late. Banks still profit from it. Big national electricity grids were designed for it. Coal plants can be a surefire way for politicians to deliver cheap electricity — and retain their own power. In some countries, it has been a glistening source of graft.
And even while renewables are spreading fast, they still have limits: Wind and solar power flow when the breeze blows and the sun shines, and that requires traditional electricity grids to be retooled.
Click on the link and look at the pictures…
U.S. Nuclear Fleet’s Dry Docks Threatened by Storms and Rising Seas
Inside Climate News November 19, 2018
Rising seas will likely engulf the shipyard by century's end, but the reckoning for Norfolk and nearby military installations could come much sooner.
"They're going to disappear" unless the Pentagon acts quickly to protect them, said Ray Mabus, Navy secretary under President Barack Obama.
In October, Hurricane Michael offered a glimpse of what can happen to coastal military bases in a storm's path when it leveled much of Tyndall Air Force Base, damaging more than a dozen stealth fighters undergoing maintenance.
Today, all of the nation's 69 submarines and 11 aircraft carriers are nuclear-powered, and they help project the military's power across the globe. The carriers bring fighter jets to the South China Sea to defend American allies from territorial claims by China. They sail to the Middle East to counter Russia's presence in Syria. Ballistic missile submarines carry atomic warheads as part of the country's nuclear deterrence.Nuclear power has a drawback, however: The ships can be repaired at only a handful of facilities that have the equipment and personnel required to handle radiological material. Of the Navy's four shipyards—the others are in Maine, Hawaii and Washington state—only two can dry-dock aircraft carriers: Puget Sound and Norfolk.
Good rant…
Climate, Human Delusion and Our Destruction of the Biosphere: We Aren’t Even Trying!
Global Research November 27, 2018
The most casual perusal of the evidence in relation to what is happening to Earth’s biosphere – as distinct from the propaganda that is endlessly promulgated in the global elite’s corporate media – clearly indicates that the cataclysmic assault on our biosphere in a wide range of synergistic ways is now driving the sixth mass extinction event in Earth’s history and that, as a direct result of our relentless and rampaging destruction of habitat, it will take down humanity with it. Well within 10 years. See ‘Human Extinction by 2026? A Last Ditch Strategy to Fight for Human Survival’.
Countries vowed to cut carbon emissions. They aren’t even close to their goals, U.N. report finds
Faster Than Expected November 27, 2018
Seven major countries, including the United States, are well behind achieving the pledges they made in Paris three years ago, the report finds, with little time left to adopt much more ambitious policy measures to curb their emissions.
That verdict is likely to weigh heavily during a U.N. climate meeting that begins in Poland next week, where countries are scheduled to discuss how well they are, or are not, living up to the goals set in the landmark 2015 Paris climate agreement. The UNEP report finds that, with global emissions still increasing as of 2017, it is unlikely they will reach a peak by 2020.
Climate Adaption
Clean Disruption - Energy & Transportation
Stanford University futurist Tony Seba spent the last decades studying technological disruptions. He argues that the Electric Vehicle, battery storage, and solar power, along with autonomous vehicles, are a perfect example of a 10x exponential process which will wipe fossil fuels off the market in about a decade.
Wildlife & the Environment
Fraser islands deforestation Canada's most urgent rivers issue
Vancouver Sun November 27, 2018
Deforestation of three islands in the heart of the Fraser River is the most pressing rivers issue in the country for the coming year, according to the Outdoor Recreation Council.
“It sustains our largest single spawning run of salmon, the millions upon millions of pink salmon that spawn right in the main stem every two years, right in and around those islands,” said Angelo, who has received the Order of British Columbia and the Order of Canada for his conservation work.
Good read…
The Insect Apocalypse Is Here
NYT Magazine November 2018
Within days of announcing the insect-collection project, the Natural History Museum of Denmark was turning away eager volunteers by the dozens.
When entomologists began noticing and investigating insect declines, they lamented the absence of solid information from the past in which to ground their experiences of the present. “We see a hundred of something, and we think we’re fine,” Wagner says, “but what if there were 100,000 two generations ago?” Rob Dunn, an ecologist at North Carolina State University who helped design the net experiment in Denmark, recently searched for studies showing the effect of pesticide spraying on the quantity of insects living in nearby forests. He was surprised to find that no such studies existed.
Entomologists also knew that climate change and the overall degradation of global habitat are bad news for biodiversity in general, and that insects are dealing with the particular challenges posed by herbicides and pesticides, along with the effects of losing meadows, forests and even weedy patches to the relentless expansion of human spaces.
Drying Canadian wetland drives muskrat decline
Stanford Earth November 26, 2018
46 years of satellite imagery show the Peace-Athabasca Delta has been drying since the 1970s, significantly reducing muskrat habitat. Stanford University researchers published their findings in the journal Environmental Research Letters.
“The ecological impacts are not limited to muskrat – they extend far beyond that,”
Climate Studies
Is Antarctica becoming more like Greenland?
Science Daily November 20, 2018
Antarctica is high and dry and mostly bitterly cold, and it's easy to think of its ice and snow as locked away in a freezer, protected from melt except around its low-lying coasts and floating ice shelves. But that view may be wrong.
Meltwater is now ponding on the surface of Antarctica's inland ice and in larger and more numerous ponds on the ice shelves surrounding the continent.
Canopy mortality has doubled in Europe’s temperate forests over the last three decades
Nature Communications November 26, 2018
Mortality is a key indicator of forest health, and increasing mortality can serve as bellwether for the impacts of global change on forest ecosystems. Here we analyze trends in forest canopy mortality between 1984 and 2016 over more than 30 Mill. ha of temperate forests in Europe
Canopy mortality increased by +2.40% year–1, doubling the forest area affected by mortality since 1984. Areas experiencing low-severity mortality increased more strongly than areas affected by stand-replacing mortality events. Changes in climate and land-use are likely causes of large-scale forest mortality increase. Our findings reveal profound changes in recent forest dynamics with important implications for carbon storage and biodiversity conservation, highlighting the importance of improved monitoring of forest mortality.
Global Warnings
QMS: Time to disconnect greed from the welfare of earth, if survival means anything. I like trees.
Paul Beckwith: "I declare a global climate change emergency to claw back up the rock face to attempt to regain system stability, or face an untenable calamity of biblical proportions."
Kevin Hester: "There is no past analogue for the rapidity of what we are baring witness to. There has been a flood of articles ... 2C is no longer attainable and that we are heading for dangerous climate change"
Guy McPherson: "The recent and near-future rises in temperature are occurring and will occur at least an order of magnitude faster than the worst of all prior Mass Extinctions. Habitat for human animals is disappearing throughout the world, and abrupt climate change has barely begun."
me… We need to turn on a dime at mach nine!
The needle is threaded
sowing seeds blowing
threading the wind with song
Mercedes Sosa
Lhasa de Sela

good morning...
Looking for some good news
Hanging bricks, a simpler way of storing energy
The Green Optimist
November 19
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Heh, I read about that. Clunky but workable, except in
seismically active regions. I don't expect to see one here very soon. They really need to pair up with one of those firms that can eliminate/recapture CO2 in the concrete production process, though, because ordinary production of ordinary concrete generates a ton of CO2.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
And it takes sixteen truckloads of cement,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
We've done something
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Good morning, magi. I suspect that this one line from
Chomsky has a lot to do with it, at least in the US.
Though the masses are concerned and support action nobody sees a crisis because nobody can reduce it to specific floods occurring to specific areas and the like. Nobody can say Look, your downtown and 6 of your outlaying business centers will be underwater 15 weeks out of every year starting in February 2020, and whether you sandbag, wall or let let them flood, they will be inaccessible, so everybody says "well, that's Florida's problem, we'll be ok." They certainly are not convinced that food will dry up, and nobody is saying so in specific enough terms.
Question, if you happen to know, whee the hell is all of the nitrous coming from?
OK, as promised, something cheerful, upbeat and uplifting for you today:
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
best song! 50s, so polyester...
nitrous? more info please. did I miss something? are you talking about Hallam saying something about sulpher nitrate maybe.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Just below the Common Dreams link in the blockquote:
Which raised my eyebrows, so I took a peek and the wiki tells me --
In order, the most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are:
Water vapor (H. 2O)
Carbon dioxide (CO. ...
Methane (CH. ...
Nitrous oxide (N. 2O)
Ozone (O. ...
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Hydrofluorocarbons (incl. HCFCs and HFCs)
Greenhouse gas - Wikipedia
Nitrous is #4, laughing gas, still used in some dental surgery, and for power bursts in some hot-rods, but huge volumes, and increasingly so?
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
nitrous oxide is mentioned in the Common Dreams article
The article references this bulletin
(World Meteorological Organization)
Nitrous oxide
I am not sure what atmospheric nitrogen deposition means quite. Guess I'll look it up.
Thanks, great info.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Ah, biomass burning and fertilizer (and Industrial processes).
Thanks. Sounds like a byproduct and not a product, which answers part of the question right away.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
There is a N cycle
Involving both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in the soil (as well as Rhizobia bacteria "fixing" N in many legumes). The soil is the buffer. NO is also created by lightening fusing these two most common elements in our atmosphere together.
When N fertilizer is applied (mainly Urea in Europe or an ammonia product in the US) the denitrifying bacteria are promoted hence more NO into the ATM.
That's the quick view anyway.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
thank you lo...
so nitrogen deposition is promoted by denitrifying bacteria?
Another interesting tidbit I found about sulpher...
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
We are lemmings
leaping off the cliff. What most folks don't realize is that one foot is out over the abyss, one foot is pushing Off of the cliff, and our center of balance has Already shifted to the point that we Are Committed to the fall.
Does this mean we shouldn't try to deploy some kind of fall arresting device? No. But we should hold No Illusions that we can Reverse the process. At this point, amelioration is the best I can see us hoping for.
And THAT'S pretty damn slim.
Thanks for the roundup.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
oh leaping lemmngs, tbh
yeppers that's why they call it a tipping point. rotflmao. there is a point beyond which nothing can be done. hope we are not there yet.
this Hallam guy is talking 2024 and he is not taking into consideration methane release which he says he does not think there is clear science on. I disagree. I have posted at least two recent studies on methane release as well as a few articles on it. It' has not been considered bc the way they are measuring it has not been accurate and so it does not show up. It's happening.
thanks for stopping by. we have the beginning of another el niño here which means a lot of rain but also a shitload of wind. boy howdy, hold on. also means drought in Austrailia and the African Sahara. have a good one...
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
It's worse - we are Wile E. Coyote
standing on thin air but we haven't yet looked down. As soon as we do....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
excellent image
it says it all...
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
I just returned from Southern California
I toured Malibu. Wow, Just wow! The landscape looked like mars, only black. The fire jumped the coastal highway, 6 lanes, in many places. Cars were burned to a crisp with their aluminum wheels in puddles under the car. Aluminum melts at about 1200 degrees F. I saw steel chain link fences sagging. Steel melts at about 2500 degrees.
The ecosystem in So Cal is changing rapidly with climate change. The perennial grasses have been replaced by fast growing annuals. They spring up in the wet months of Winter, then transpire moisture out of the soil and then turn brown. All of the area is kindling waiting for a spark. They refer to their climate as Mediterranean, but I think that that name came from marketing. It seems to me that it is more Savannah trending towards desert.
At first the air was not breathable, but got better as the wind died and the fire was extinguished. Finally the rain came and a heavy brown soot was deposited on cars.
OK, paint me a picture of the climate disaster reversing. How? I don't see it. This essay is an excellent summary of what people are writing about this subject. I think that it is even worse. This is a global emergency, but in the Capitalist countries "government can't pick winners and losers". Well, governments had better pick civilization as the winner and the hell with the military and the free market economies. Can this happen?
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
wow tw...
thanks for the report.
i think. no. thanks. really
I read about it jumping 6 lanes. Cause wind. Wind is more now, to coin a phrase. More wind more heat. Melted steel. That's just insane.
Hallam said
ifwhen we reach 3C above industrial the, wait for it, ... drum roll...Amazon will burn down. Lungs of the planet. Buh bye. ag. (I will have to look this up and get more details.)
have a good one...
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The Central/
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
No. Oligarchs will not pick
pick civilization. ‘They’ will pick capitalism and the military. They have always picked that. Most of the current ‘solutions’ are capitalistic. I don’t see that changing. Maybe but probably not. They will live in gated communities, have guards and eat caviar while the ship goes down. Revolution is the only way things will change imho. XR is on the right track. Maybe if enough people get on board. Sunshine not so much. Cannot work within the system. The system is too slow. And ‘they’ are too comfortable and too obstinate to change things in any case.
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Good morning
Thanks for the summary of Hallam's talk. He does a good job explaining how we underestimate the changes. One of his comments struck me...once sea ice melts, the Amazon burns, and that kills the phytoplankton...bye bye species.
Chomsky is always thought provoking - Amy rebroadcast his interview last Friday in full.
I like this comment too -
When I ask an audience, “Who believes we are on a path to self-extinction?” nearly every hand goes up. It’s a sign of a growing awareness that humanity is on a path to self-imposed environmental and social collapse. For me, that awareness is a source of hope.
Groups like extinction rebellion are our hope....
In closing I want to plug gardening again...something real we can do.
Thanks for keeping on keeping on!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
hey, hi lo...
plant a climate victory garden and share what you don't need
great site with a great video that i cannot post. worth watching.
the sunrise movement and the extinction rebellion are both sign of hope. information is power. woo hoo!!!
have a good one...
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That's what we are doing.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
hi b...
wondering exactly what you are doing? Planting a garden? or something else?
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Planting a victory garden,
That's what we did in town. We have now moved out of town, partly to increase the amount we can grow...and partly for the better water available outside the watershed that was polluted by a massive mine.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Thanks again
for a great wrap up post.
Re: dates for an ice free Arctic. Most experts who use that phrase are talking about a "year-round ice free Arctic", which is of interest to shipping interests, military/security people, oil companies, etc. Climate people are talking about the "blue ocean event" where we see the first period of an ice free Arctic (defined, IIRC, as under 1 million sq km), probably for a week or two during the September minimum. That's the point where the climate goes off the rails. It is thought that there will be about 10 years between those two events. We are looking for a blue ocean event any time now, we didn't hit it this year, maybe 2019 or 2020, it just depends on the weather. The date we see of 2030, understood to mean a year-round ice free Arctic, is probably about right.
I contrast climate change protesters in the UK with protesters in France complaining about higher fuel taxes (an essential tool for reducing oil use). Do something, but don't do anything that affects me!
Re: methane. The issue is not that we'll see an increase in Arctic emissions (we are already seeing it), but the magnitude. We have absolutely no idea when, if, or how big bulk releases will take place. The continental shelves (already ice-free for part of the year, so the warming is already under way) are irregular, and nobody has a map of the permafrost thickness or where free methane is concentrated. If a big hole forms in the permafrost in the right (wrong) place it could release a vast amount of methane in weeks. Imagine the California methane leak of 2016 scaled up 10,000 times. Or it could all dribble out slowly over a century or more. We absolutely don't know.
As to Trump actually believing in climate change, I think Chomsky is giving him too much credit. Anything competent done by the Trump Organization is done by some underling. Trump screws up anything he touches. He probably has never heard about that sea wall.
The point about continental interiors heating more than the global average is critical and not mentioned enough. The global average temperature includes the oceans, at 70% of the Earth's surface. The oceans (and thus the air above them) will warm more slowly than the land, so 70% is below the average, the remaining 30% has to be substantially above the average, with the coastal temperature being moderated by the ocean. Bulk grain production is the basis for civilization and occurs in continental interiors.
Abrupt climate change is upon us, we should not be surprised to see 0.1 C annual global average temperature increases. Nothing can adapt at that rate.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Thank you wd for the explanations...
Beckwith did a post about what I think was a blue ocean event a month or so ago. He put the date around 2023-5 iirc. Will check later. He also regularly mentions that food production will become a problem. He did not connect it to the higher interior temps but spoke about it in context of the shifting of the jet stream.
Your clarification about average global temps is sobering. It is here now. We have front row seats. I have said this for many years. Front row seats. I am so sorry I was right about this. I still keep hoping (futilely?) that there will be some glimmer of hope. And yeah, probably t-rump does not have a clue. Thanks again for all the useful info. Have a good one.
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Beckwith has mentioned different dates for the BOE. In the past he has mentioned an earlier date. I noticed when it did not happen this year he backed off not one year, but a few. Can't say that I blame him. One to five years from now is a reasonable range, we probably can't predict closer than that.
You can't divorce jet stream chaos from temperatures, they contribute to one another. The total package is one that is not conducive to agriculture.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
The jet stream changes that are happening now,
Nationwide, the summer jetstreams have drifted south, not delivering our rain, and wintertime have seen much more erratic shifts, north and south and back again, and frequent polar airmass splitting into two, one of which terrorizes the US.
Bottom line, agriculture requires predictability, more than anything...guiding when to plant, when to water, when to expect a harvest. Get it wrong, because the climate has changed, and there goes your crop.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
We have the same problems with drought and rain here
Four year of drought and the last three years when we were inundated with rain. It helps but not enough. El niñn forming again so more rain on the west coast. Crazy rain and wind the last couple of days. Not sure how it will affect AZ.
Beckwith has a great video blog on the breaking up of the jet stream. There is another more recent on the jet stream and one about how the he thinks the center of the polar vortex will shift over Greenland once the ice melts.
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Great explanation of jet stream and arctic ice
Arctic News
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Peter Wadhams, the ice guy talks about methane
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Thank you Magiamma,
You have the best climate roundup around by a longshot. Yeah it's a bit of a downer, but, truth is truth.
The fact that folks are continuing as usual, as if there is nothing different going on in the world...and purchasing brand spanking new diesel SUV's? What the holy hell.
Oh, and I really appreciated the video from Tony Seba, I hadn't seen him before. I don't normally go in for long talks, it is usually more efficient to read, but I didn't turn him off. Good stuff. I learn so much from you (and Joe and so many others..) I very much appreciate how much work this was to put together. Thanks.
You are welcome peachcreek
Thank you for your supportive comment. It’s a labor of love. I find the science fascinating. I think I am seeing the beginnings of what might be a sea change.
New this morning a bunch of Australian school kids walked out of school to protest lack of action on climate breakdown. Thousands. And more protests to come. This after ‘regimen change’ in their government.
Also big fire there. Info at second link.
Fire link
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