Probably my last Daily Kos diary. “The Sorry State of The Daily Kos Front Page - A Statistical Analysis”
Rather than writing another post about Markos’ ridiculous authoritarian decree to line up behind the establishment, I decided to write about the other major problem with that site. It’s a breakdown showing just how much of the front page is filled with Trump and other “dumb stuff a Republican said” posts and how little of it is about electing more and better Democrats. If Markos reads it, he should feel ashamed, but I think he’s beyond shame at this point.
Anyway, I worked very hard on this one. If you haven’t completely sworn off that place (or been banned already, lol), I’d really appreciate recs. I think it’s a piece that needs to be seen. Thanks!
Whether you’re a Hillary supporter or a Bernie supporter, I think there is one thing that all long time Kossacks can agree on:
First, let me say that this is not an attack on the many talented front page writers who can and do put out interesting and thought provoking work. This is a critique of the editorial decision to make most of the front page about stupid things that come out of the mouths of Republicans. Clearly when just about everyone is on the Trump/Cruz/Rubio bandwagon they are just following directions from the top.
Second, let me say that I recognize that the “dumb Republican” posts have always existed here and there is certainly a place for some of that. Hunter, in particular, is good for a chuckle when writing those. It is, however, a major problem when everything else is completely drowned out by it.
Just how bad is it? I looked at a 33 day period from February 1st to March 4th to find out. This chart categorizes every front page post during that period.
In order for this chart to be a manageable size I had to leave off all topics that had only one or two stories on the front page. This includes topics such as education (2), the economy (2), John Kasich (2), immigration (1) and veterans (1).
I didn’t break down at the content of the regular series that provide multiple links to stories around the web such as Abbreviated Pundit Roundup, Midday Open Thread, Cheers and Jeers and Open Thread for Night Owls. If I had, this chart would look far worse since the overwhelming majority of those posts include Trump links. Even without those there were a staggering 133 Trump posts in 33 days! Is the scary rise of Trump newsworthy? Of course. Do we need four standalone posts a day about him? Hell no.
Here is a breakout of just the stories about Presidential candidates. Stories that didn’t focus on one candidate more that the others are listed as Republican Primary or Democratic Primary. Note that this does not include debate or election live threads or election results. The ridiculousness speaks for itself.
Aside from the Morning Digest, State Republicans (which I am defining as elected officials and candidates for Governor and other statewide offices, state legislatures and local governments) had 23 front page posts. State Democrats? ZERO. Let that sink in. The site that claims to be about electing more and better Democrats had ZERO stories about them at the state and local level during a 33 day stretch of an election year.
How about Congressional Democrats and Republicans? Aside from the Morning Digest, there were 23 stories about Republicans and 7 about Democrats.
Of those seven stories about Congressional Democrats, two were about getting Russ Feingold back in the Senate. Two others were about electing more Democrats, but not necessarily better ones. In this one from 2/26, Laura Clawson comes right out and says the site is abandoning the whole “better Democrats” thing. Apparently we no longer need a questionnaire to see where candidates stand on key issues. As long as there is a “D” next to their name, they’re good.
The Senate is bigger than the Senate this year. Let's win it back.
We’re scrapping our usual questionnaire and backing a wide range of Senate candidates, because the Supreme Court is just that important.
David Nir said the same thing one day earlier.
With the Supreme Court at stake, Daily Kos is going all-in to win back the Senate. Will you join us?
Daily Kos typically asks federal candidates to fill out a questionnaire before issuing endorsements, but the unparalleled importance of this once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape the Supreme Court overshadows any questions we might ask.
Republicans Are Stupid and Scary is not a winning strategy that will inspire people to volunteer, give money and turn out on election day. We’ve already seen that time and again. We need to be advocating why we should vote for great progressives. And no, I’m not saying any of those candidates are bad. I’m saying that as a person living in Colorado, I have no freaking clue who Missouri candidate Jason Kander is or what he stands for. Why the hell would I give $3 to someone who could very well be another corporatist with no real interest in progressive change? It is very lazy to just say “Give this guy money because Supreme Court!” Make a case for him. Isn’t that what this site is supposedly here for? And before you call me lazy for not Googling Jason Kander, my point here is that people wouldn’t have to if the front page writers who claim to be about electing more and better Democrats would do a little leg work. They are the ones getting paid to write here.
Aside from the Morning Digest, there were ZERO stories about electing more and better Democrats in the House. ZERO.
Now about Morning Digest. David Nir, Jeff Singer and the rest obviously put a lot of work into it and I certainly appreciate their efforts, but let’s face it. Almost everything in there is “Candidate A is facing Candidate B. Candidate A has raised X dollars and has Y dollars on hand. Candidate B has raised C dollars and has D dollars on hand. Candidate A is making an $85,000 TV buy.” There is not a lot in there to help people get to know the candidates. There is nothing there to get people excited to volunteer and donate. I feel their time and effort would be much better spent in other ways. The low number of comments in those threads says I’m right about them generally being dry, inside baseball pieces that don’t generate much interest. The only one that broke triple digits in comments in this sampling is the one with the crazy headline. Time to try something new.
Now I’m no highfaultin professional progressive and I don’t have a journalism or political science degree, but it seems to me that if I was running a site like this I might have two or three in-depth interviews or profiles of progressive candidates for Congress and statewide offices each week. I might have a weekly or bi-weekly feature on up-and-coming progressives in state and local governments. I might have a regular feature on progressive mayors and mayoral candidates in top 100 cities with interviews and in-depth looks at accomplishments and goals. I might have a weekly feature on progressive ballot initiatives around the country. A few of those types of pieces each week would go 1000 times further in advancing the progressive cause than what they are currently doing with the Morning Digest. And maybe directing some of the other front pagers toward that kind of work instead of reporting on everything Donald Trump farts out of his assface would be helpful, too. And you know what? It might just generate more clicks and Facebook shares than 133 Trump posts a month while helping to get good people elected. If it was my site I would think it would be worth trying just so that I could actually feel good about the content. But hey, that’s just me. I’m someone who has quit linking to anything here because I would be embarrassed if any of my Facebook friends looked at the front page and thought I actually spent my time reading that vapid, vacuous Trump, Rubio and Cruz clickbait dreck.
Maybe Markos’s data says that Trump clickbait is great for business. I, however, have no interest in it. Maybe 20 links to other outlet’s stories about Republicans saying they’re going to obstruct any Supreme Court nomination is better for business than one well written long form epic takedown of the obstruction that might actually go viral. I just don’t see it, though. Even if it is really great for business, that doesn’t make it any more palatable for me. I want to spend my time at a site that aspires to be something better rather than chasing the lowest common denominator for clicks with wall-to-wall Trump just like the MSM.
I joined this site on February 26, 2008. I lurked for years before that. I’m an occasional commenter and very infrequent diarist (though I did make the top of the rec list once), but I’ve spent a decade visiting this site multiple times on most days. Now, I just don’t feel like there is nearly as much pulling me here. I’ll probably continue to check in from time to time to see if anything improves on the front page and because there are regulars, both paid and unpaid, who I still enjoy (Meteor Blades, FishOutOfWater, Egberto Willies, Josie Duffy, DarkSyde and more). My visits will be far fewer, though. Except for the rare front page headline on the rec list that piques my interest, I quit reading the front page many months ago. I’ve got better things to do than scroll through dozens of Trump and Cruz and Grassley and McConnell quotes to search for something of value. As Markos himself has said, it’s a big internet. There are places where people are actually discussing real progressive issues and candidates and doing real grassroots organizing. I’ll be spending the majority of my time and energy in those other places. I don’t feel like I’ve changed much in the time I’ve been coming here. I feel like Daily Kos has moved far, far away from the great content that kept me here for so long. This site has largely (though not completely) gone from thoughtful and original writing advocating for crashing the gates with true progressive policies and candidates to cheap clickbait without substance and lining up behind the pro-fracking, pro-death penalty, pro-regime change, pro-Wall Street, pro-free trade establishment.
Far larger organizations than this blog have faded into irrelevance. It’s often because they lose sight what made them successful in the first place.
Do I expect this little piece to change anything here? No. Do I expect anyone to miss my presence here? Of course not. I do, however, have the sense that there are many out there who feel the same as I do and are close to giving up on a place that used to feel like home. If I’m right, make your voices heard in the comments.

Excellent analysis
Thanks for it!
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
You're welcome!
Off to tip, rec and comment. Welcome!
Thanks for importing the diary!
Lots of us have washed our hands of that place, now and forever afterward.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The song that comes to mind...
When talking about TOP is this...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I left dkos.
I haven't read the front page is years. Your detailed analysis proves what we knew anecdotally.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You did an incredible job of analyzing the front page and are to be commended for it. Sadly, your reward may be just the opposite.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Excellent diary
those graphs are really damning. I suspect that if it wasn't for Meteor Blades green issues and climate change wouldn't even register.
Markos should rename his electronic fiefdom The Daily Irrelevance.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Daily intolerance?
I just took a gander over there. A virtual wasteland. And the inmates are cheering every time one of us leaves. They also seem to be ganging up on the few remaining souls who still support Bernie.
My biggest surprise is that I am not banned. OK I did go quietly, without drama, but I am sure that they are combing past posts for targets.
Twix manning the help desk? Oh deer. Oh antelope. Oh prey. Where seldom is heard, our pro Bernie word,
And like scrap, we are banned every day.
Old home is deranged
Old home is deranged......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Old home is deranged
Old home is deranged......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I just saw that there. I've reverted to permanent lurker mode
so I can't rec it on that other site, so I'm really pleased to see it cross-posted here where I CAN enthusiastically applaud the incredible effort that went into this. Thank you Ken. The management there really should respond and offer whatever defense/explanation they can come up with... but of course they won't.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
I enjoyed it - thanks
I think I joined in 2011 and until the Unify or Die edict combined with anonymous flags, I was very happy there. In all that time I never once HR'd anyone. That's how much I don't believe in censorship and group think. I would have HR'd on a couple of rare occasions but others were quicker on the draw and it was moot. I guess I got a comment hidden once, but I was too new to even know what the little pop-up was about acknowledging something or other. Aside from that I got a flag on my last diary which was about the Affordable Care act! It was a completely non-political diary except that it factually pointed out where the shortfalls in coverage in the ACA were.
As far as the front page goes, I rarely clicked on it for all the reasons you noted. The best writing on Kos was always the user content. If you liked to write yourself, it was incredible motivation to find yourself on the rec list. Most of the time I was there, I had no idea how broad the readership was. I was amazed to find myself quoted in the Orange County Register once on their editorial page and once I was quoted in an afl-cio communication of some sort. I look at the place now and I think Meh. It was great while it lasted but the light changed at that particular intersection.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Flagged for factually critiquing the ACA?
The thought police are out of control.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
ACA is another sacred cow over there
I've been noodling on a diary about one major flaw in it. Well, two, but one main one. Every time a governor signs up for medicaid expansion the cheers blow the roof off the place. What no one seems interested in finding out though is whether that particular state engages in Medicaid Estate Recovery.
It's one thing to offer people medical insurance. It's quite another to ram them into a loan program that will take everything they own as soon as they die.
beverlywoods wrote a series on this back in 2014 that I wish I'd read before I was auto-enrolled. As it was, I was on the expansion for a year and a half before I even heard the words Medicaid Estate Recovery. Then it took me another six months to find out if my state had changed their rules. They haven't.
So, unless we get a progressive in the governor's mansion before I kick it, my property will be up for grabs because I got a pair of glasses and new dentures. Total cost $1200. Apparently no provision to pay it back while I'm still alive either.
Anyway, because of the general tone over there these days I'm glad I never posted the diary.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
I'm very well aware of Medicaid Estate Recovery.
Thanks for bringing it up, because very few people are until it's too late. My state, Washington, is not in the least progressive about it. It's shocking the first time you run into it, frankly, and anyone who's sick and has anything they want to pass on needs to be aware of it. It's what would have caused Charles and me to divorce and me to put the house entirely in his name had the ACA not passed, and it may still become necessary at some point.
And btw, I'm here now, as of this morning. I haven't gotten ban hammered (yet) or anything like that, but I have been quite quiet on the site for months now. I still have my community involvement there and will do my best to keep it, since I still enjoy it, but that's been much of my participation there for over a year. I've been there since early 2005, lurking since early 2003. I got involved because of Howard Dean. My, how times have changed.
Don't take 'em with you - save lives, sight, and more. Let your family and your DMV know you want to be an organ donor.
Hi Kitsap River, I have often thought about you
and realized your increasing silence at TOP. I am happy you dip your feet into the waters here. I think for old-timers like you it's very good to swim in both ponds. There are places and writers over there I like and respect. For those I hope they will continue to do good over there and may be share their thoughts over here.
I hope you will find joy reading here. Welcome.
That's what galled me
I get a small Snap benefit because I'm on SS and the check is pretty dinky. So, when Kasich did an end run around the legislature and took the expansion, anyone who got any sort of assistance at all was auto-enrolled. I got a letter saying my application dated December 31, 2013 was approved on January 1, 2014. There was no application. A few days later I got a card, and a handbook from a managed care provider. Nowhere along the line did anyone say a word about the medicaid clawback. I learned about it by stumbling across beverlywoods diaries last October, and wow was I pissed.
As I understood what beverly wrote, legally, someone is supposed to explain all that to you BEFORE you enroll, and especially before you are automatically enrolled. I've since gotten my hands on an actual application and went over it with a magnifying glass. There's not a word on there about it either.
Glad to see you here. I recognize your name, and I have probably read you on TOP. Like you, I wasn't banned or anything. I came here the minute I saw a link in the comments to KeninCo's diary though because I was so glad someone had started an alternative.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
I was fully aware that republicans were getting more play than dems on that site, but man! Your graphs are shocking. Trump by 100 over Hillary in the graphs! I'm blown away. Thank for the work and the post. Seriously. It almost leads one to wonder if the one time republican and almost CIA agent hasn't been in contact with the Koch brothers recently.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
The daily excessive Trump news
in addition to kos's frequent postings of Clinton's inevitability made me face that my once progressive blog was now completely establishment media. There were days when the pundit roundup was all or nearly all Trump in addition to the individual front page stories on him.
Often you would see comments complaining about the mainstream media giving all its attention to Trump. It was ironic because so was DK, just like all the other establishment media. So many well meaning Kossacks complaining about the media and not seeming to notice where they were posting.
Well done and thank you!
Grateful for your research efforts leading to an objective analysis and picture. Let us know if you get a response from any FPers or from the honcho himself.
Furthermore, glad I didn't have to click over there to read it!
A request
Would you consider doing the same analysis for March 16 through April 15th? I'm wondering how the conversion to general election mode, otherwise known as the purge, affects the blend of stories. I don't know if there is anything to be learned from doing this but am curious. I appreciate how much work this was and will fully understand if you don't want to pursue another one of uncertain, if any, usefulness. Thanks for doing this it is a beyond interesting look into what TOS has become - outrage porn central.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
I don't know if I have the
I don't know if I have the stomach for round 2, but I'll give it some thought.
you have already gone through much more than what most of us could have borne. Save your sanity.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
my stomach is revolting just thinking about
what your stomach might feel doing one more of those charts. A lot of work in there. Kudos. And Thank You. The charts prove what probably most of us were feeling about the Front Page for quite a long time.
No worries.
I really asked too much. Thanks again for doing this work.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Excellent Diary Ken.
Sorry I WILL NOT go over there anymore.
Not even close to being banned. I just won't give them a click EVER. They screwed too many good people I liked over there.
We have this wonderful site and KossacksforSanders & SandersforPresident at Reddit so what is the point.
The place is crawling with political operatives over there anyeway. Pathetic.
GOTV Idaho, Utah, Arizona. Work to be done convinced four more folks yesterday to vote for and donate to Bernie and HIS whole Senate and House Supporters.
We will be ready in Jersey June 7!!!
The Octopus Squirts Ink into the Water Before It Strikes or Retreats
Great work.
Thanks for bringing it here or I wouldn't have read it.
Twain Disciple
I love your ideas for better Democrats
So simple and obvious. I am puzzled those ideas are not already in place.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
I would tip and rec but I'm banned!
But given the analysis you have here, it's clear DKos isn't for me anyway. I'm for BETTER Democrats, not just Democrats for D's sake.
Your post was great!
Your post was great!
Yes on the better Dems
Don't know how many times I posted that in The Other Place. Why do I care about electing anyone who won't try seriously to advance what matters to me? Politics isn't Sesame Street where we all cheer the letter "D" just because. Give me progressives, or we all get more death from too many causes.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Your post was outstanding!
There were a number of shocked and pissed off people at your banning, including some Hillary-siders. Wonder how much trouble I'll get in for rec'ing it?
Don't take 'em with you - save lives, sight, and more. Let your family and your DMV know you want to be an organ donor.
Your Saruman diary was for the ages!
I am wondering whether to put a memorial to you into my DKos signature. Haven't been banned yet, I am usually very careful not to say what I really think. And I am quite Machiavellian, I'll take Manchin's vote for Senate Majority Leader because it'll be a long time until we get somebody better from WV.
But banning you has pissed me off like nothing else from the Hill Camp. GRRRR!
Now to put this outrage to some constructive use - I think I need to write up a story from my childhood which has been sloshing around my head for ages. And then crosspost it at DK. hmmm perhaps without the last paragraph or something to make them come over here?
Gandalf and Saruman unite, demand to bring back Greywolfe359!
The comments on your DK post are telling.
Very few people had anything good to say about the front page at DK. Even some Hillary supporters agreed with you about that.
One comment down near the bottom mentioned something that really hit home to me. This is a time when BOTH political parties are in a possibly major re-alignment process ... but you'd never know it from reading the Trump dreck on the front page. So true.
So, so, so glad I left.
"Long term: first the rich get mean, then the poor get mean, and the rest is history." My brother Rob.
Yes to that insight as well
The serious candidacies of both Trump and Sanders are evidence of widespread rejection of both parties and, I think, recognition that the corruption in govt wouldn't exist without corruption in the duopoly as a willing enabler. What happens next is the question. Whether either or both parties will reform in a significant way after this election or whether an attempt to create a viable third party movement will take shape.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Right now
the majority of voters are Independent. Even though it is not a third party because there is no Independent party, it is a very overt symptom of a deep dissatisfaction with the politics of status quo. People know both parties are deeply corrupt and they are searching for something to fill that void.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Very much agree
and wonder how that recognition that the Ds and Rs are both Potemkin parties might move people in how they organize themselves, what something they--we--find "to fill that void." Hoping to see more discussion about that here as a precursor to action somewhere after this remarkable election cycle has played out. Or even before.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Read it over there...
I wish I could delete my account there
DKos was always a place to tout Democrats. But now that is strictly policed, and that's just too boring for me. Lots of Dems need to be criticized but that is verboten.
Somehow I knew the front page was uninspiring, but I never gave it much thought. Your analysis tells me why I stopped reading those articles a while ago. I look forward to great things here at c99. Sitting around at DKos and acting all surprised and outraged by things Republicans do is absurd.
The FP
Amen. We don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Left 3/15/2016 and haven't gone back
Your analysis just proves that the Democratic party is simply using fear of the Republicans as their main or only campaign strategy. But they don't realize fear only works for so long, and the Sanders movement is proof of that. Now they are fearful of losing their power. Happening on the other side too with Trump and Cruz. Seems like they are a little ahead of the left on getting rid of the party establishment.
Thank you for that excellent diary, and I did rec it!!!
Your hard work and statistical analysis will hopefully wake some folks up over there!! I pretty much only read the interesting recced diaries these days. The front page rarely has anything of substance or interest. We know we hate the GOP and that they suck in every way possible. So lets talk about how we can get those fuckers out of office, and get some real people with hearts/minds and INTEGRITY in office. OOOPPSSSS... that's the problem. So many of our beloved Dem candidates (won't mention any names), and elected officials have NO INTEGRITY WHATSOEVER!! OK, so maybe that will be difficult on the front page too since Kos has decreed that integrity is no longer of importance in our elected Dems. Well, they can still talk about real, and critical issues of the environment, education, health, happiness, children, old people, middle aged people, foreign policy, guns, water, food, voter ID, foster kids..... it's not like we don't have a list of about 1000 things that are absolutely critical to the health and well being of the American public!!
(No subject)
Thank you for that excellent diary, and I did rec it!!!
Your hard work and statistical analysis will hopefully wake some folks up over there!! I pretty much only read the interesting recced diaries these days. The front page rarely has anything of substance or interest. We know we hate the GOP and that they suck in every way possible. So lets talk about how we can get those fuckers out of office, and get some real people with hearts/minds and INTEGRITY in office. OOOPPSSSS... that's the problem. So many of our beloved Dem candidates (won't mention any names), and elected officials have NO INTEGRITY WHATSOEVER!! OK, so maybe that will be difficult on the front page too since Kos has decreed that integrity is no longer of importance in our elected Dems. Well, they can still talk about real, and critical issues of the environment, education, health, happiness, children, old people, middle aged people, foreign policy, guns, water, food, voter ID, foster kids..... it's not like we don't have a list of about 1000 things that are absolutely critical to the health and well being of the American public!!
Excuse.... I'm clearly pushing the wrong buttons!
An EXCELLENT anylisis...
I thought it was just me that there was a Trump bull horn on the front page... And NOW I see it was all part of the plan to scare us into voting for Clinton. Good luck over there (you may need it)...and THANKS for posting this here... it is an important Journal...
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Recommended there and here.
Recommended there and here. Lots of hard work on this.
Well done, Ken.
~ Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~
Outstanding work, Ken
I Rec'd it over there and here too. I've written several times that Markos intended to turn his site into a Clintonian version of The People's View, but that's giving him too much credit. At least deaniac was dogged in defending Obama's every sellout and inanity. The FP Over There can't even do that. The Republicans Behaving Badly schtick they've reduced themselves to even makes HuffPo look intellectual.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Ah thanks, was trying to think of the name
of TPV a bit earlier when Jakkalbessie read me Tasini had calls for his banning. I mused that dkos could become like that it too much dissent was banned.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Perfectly shows what TOP has become
In a word, irrelevant.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Done. Great essay!
I missed the post on the site just dropping the 'better' and just going for any old Dem...that site is definitely NOT for me now. Thanks for pointing that part out.
Fuck Liebermans and DINO's and Turd Way scammers. I don't want to be in the same room, much less tent then those asshats.
No I am feeling more and more we need a better PARTY - it's too late IMO for just worrying about better candidates.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Recommended this at Daily Kos, too...
A really superb piece.
Clearly a lot of work went into it, and it is extremely interesting.
A sad commentary of DK.
In a sense it makes sense
Fear is what the Democratic party is peddling now. It's really all they have. Well... fear and lies I suppose. So it's no surprise that on DKOS fear gets top billing and it is a bannable offense to challenge the lies. Exactly as Marcos says, such actions eat into the success of the Democratic party. I just find that to be a sad state of affairs.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard