So yeah...

Here in Claremont we have one of these:

'Trump just crossed a red line': Protesters rally nationwide in support of Mueller probe

I would show you my lousy photos of the rally here except that c99% won't upload them. At any rate, what's next? Rallies for President Pence? Once again, the nice liberals still can't figure out that if they are to stop the Republican Party they've got to do something about the Democratic Party's surrender of government to the Republican Party. Nancy "bipartisanship" Pelosi is back in power, and American politics appears as an endless rerun of the 1932 German Presidential election.

Yawn. Here's a productive alternative: how about protests against the homelessness and destitution that one can see everywhere. No, this isn't a problem to be solved by donating to charities. Governments must step in.

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lotlizard's picture

and that the whole idea, including requiring people to buy medical insurance from private companies, originated with a GOP think tank, the Heritage Foundation.

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@BernieOrBust I was so unbelievably disappointed that Obama immediately dumped Universal care in favor of the private "market solution". But you are absolutely right, deaths were prevented and misery has been greatly reduced. Just my opinion, but I believe the ACA is incrementalism toward a government run universal care model.

I cannot understand these arguments of Pence will be worse than Trump etc. Does that mean we lie down and take it because ...(insert conspiracy theory here).

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TheOtherMaven's picture


which isn't going to be easy, because he's a lot slicker.

And try to arrange it for after the Speakership of the House changes hands (and hope it's to someone decent).

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.
