The Evening Blues - 10-2-18


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Johnny Fuller

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features West coast blues guitarist and singer Johnny Fuller. Enjoy!

Johnny Fuller - Don't Slam That Door

"There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved.”

-- Barack Obama

News and Opinion

Long, but worth a read. Here are some excerpts:

Noam Chomsky: I Just Visited Lula, the World’s Most Prominent Political Prisoner. A “Soft Coup” in Brazil’s Election Will Have Global Consequences.

My wife Valeria and I have just visited a prison to see arguably the most prominent political prisoner of today, a person of unusual significance in contemporary global politics. ... The prisoner we visited, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva – “Lula,” as he is universally known — has been sentenced to virtual life imprisonment, in solitary confinement, with no access to press or journals and with limited visits one day a week. The day after our visit, one judge, citing press freedoms, granted the request of the nation’s largest newspaper, Folha of São Paulo, to interview Lula, but another judge quickly intervened and reversed that decision, notwithstanding the fact that the country’s most violent criminals — its militia leaders and drug traffickers — are routinely interviewed in prison.

To Brazil’s power structure, imprisoning Lula is not enough: They want to ensure that the population, as it prepares to vote, cannot hear from him at all, and are apparently willing to use any means to accomplish that goal. ... We were encouraged, but not surprised, to find that despite the onerous conditions and shocking miscarriage of justice, Lula remains his energetic self, optimistic about the future and full of ideas about how to turn Brazil from its current disastrous course. There are always pretexts for imprisonment — maybe valid, maybe not — but often it makes sense to seek what may be the actual reasons. That is so in this case. The primary charge against Lula, based on plea bargains by businessmen sentenced for corruption, is that he was offered an apartment in which he never lived. Hardly overwhelming. The alleged crime is almost undetectable by Brazilian standards. ... That aside, the sentence is so totally disproportionate to the alleged crime that it is quite appropriate to seek reasons. Candidates are not hard to unearth. Brazil is facing an election that is of critical importance for its future. Lula is by far the most popular candidate and would easily win a fair election, not the outcome preferred by the plutocracy. ...

In office, Lula was tolerated by Western power, but with reservations. There was little enthusiasm for his success, with his Foreign Minister Celso Amorim, in propelling Brazil to the center of the world stage, beginning to fulfill the predictions of a century ago that Brazil would become “the colossus of the South.” Some of their initiatives were sharply condemned, notably their steps toward resolving the conflict over Iran’s nuclear programs in coordination with Turkey in 2010, undercutting U.S. insistence on running the show. More generally, Brazil’s leading role in promoting forces independent of Western power, in Latin America and beyond, was hardly welcome to those accustomed to dominating the world.

With Lula barred from running, there is a good chance that the right-wing favorite, Jair Bolsonaro, can gain the presidency and seriously escalate the harshly regressive policies of President Michel Temer, who replaced Dilma Rousseff after she was impeached in ludicrous proceedings in an earlier stage of the “soft coup” now underway in Latin America’s most important country. Bolsonaro presents himself as a harsh and brutal authoritarian and an admirer of the military dictatorship, who will restore “order.” ... Bolsonaro affirms that he knows nothing about economics, leaving that domain to economist Paulo Guedes, an ultraliberal Chicago product. Guedes is clear and explicit about his solution to Brazil’s problems: “privatize everything,” the whole national infrastructure (Veja, August 22), in order to pay off the debt to the predators who are robbing the country blind. Literally everything, ensuring that the country will decline to insignificance as a plaything of the very rich and the dominant financial institutions. Guedes worked for a time in Chile under the Pinochet dictatorship, so it may be useful to recall the results of the first experiment in Chicago neoliberalism.

Returning to the Bolsonaro-Guedes prescriptions for undermining Brazil, it is important to bear in mind the overwhelming power of finance in the Brazilian political economy. ... The phenomenon is worldwide. Joseph Stiglitz summarizes the situation simply: “Where before finance was a mechanism for getting money into firms, now it functions to get money out of them.” That is one of the sharp reversals of socio-economic policy brought to the world by the neoliberal assault, along with the sharp concentration of wealth in few hands while the majority stagnates, social benefits decline, and functioning democracy is undermined by obvious means as economic power concentrates, increasingly in the hands of predatory financial institutions. ... This is the future planned by the plutocracy and its favored candidates. It would be undercut by renewal of Lula’s presidency, which did cater to the financial institutions and the business world generally, but not sufficiently so in the current era of savage capitalism.

Brazil presidential election: new poll shows rising support for Bolsonaro

Somebody nudge the fellow who moves the hands on the atomic clock.

US Nato envoy's threat to Russia: stop developing missile or we'll 'take it out'

The US ambassador to Nato has warned Russia that if it does not halt the development of a new cruise missile in violation of a treaty between the countries, the US will “take out” the missile. Kay Bailey Hutchison was speaking to reporters about a longstanding issue of contention, a Russian ground-launched cruise missile which Washington says breaks the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).

Moscow has denied the charge, and the Trump administration has announced plans to develop its own medium-range cruise missile in response, raising the spectre of a new nuclear arms race. But Hutchison went further in her remarks and appeared to suggest the possibility of a pre-emptive strike when the Russian missiles became operational.

“The counter-measures would be to take out the missiles that are in development by Russia in violation of the treaty,” the envoy said, mistakenly referring to the missile in question as a ballistic missile, rather than a cruise missile. She also suggested the missile, known as 9M729, was still in development, but the US accused Russia of deploying it last year. ...

The Russian foreign ministry accused Hutchison of dangerous rhetoric. “It seems that people who make such statements do not realise the level of their responsibility and the danger of aggressive rhetoric,” the ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said, according to Tass news agency.

A US threat of a pre-emptive strike against Russia would be unprecedented since the end of the cold war, and a dangerous new departure in rhetoric and military posture towards Russia.

Pre-emptive hit: US NATO envoy threatens striking Russian missiles

Saudi Arabia admits coalition 'mistakes' in targeting in Yemen

Saudi Arabia said on Monday it was working hard to correct mistaken targeting by its military coalition in Yemen that has killed civilians including children, but U.N. rights experts voiced scepticism. International pressure mounted on the kingdom, including from allies, to do more to limit civilian casualties in a 3-1/2 year civil war that has killed more than 10,000 people and pushed the already impoverished country to the brink of famine. ...

The U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child on Monday examined the Saudi record on compliance with a treaty protocol on children in armed conflict, and repeatedly raised the issue of children killed by coalition attacks in Yemen. “This has been going on a number of years. But still there is no information that any perpetrators or people responsible for these kinds of actions have been prosecuted or sanctioned or dealt with in any way,” said panel vice-chair Clarence Nelson.

US Air Force Refueling of Saudi Warplanes in Yemen Continues

New data from the US Air Force shows that the refueling operation for the Saudi-led war in Yemen is continuing apace with no sign of slowing. The US has refueled Saudi warplanes attacking Yemen since April of 2015.

Central Command revealed that the US has conducted 2,919 sorties, offloading 92.3 million pounds of fuel since the war began.

China Cancels Annual US Security Talks

U.S. Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday he did not see relations between the United States and China worsening, a day after his trip to China was canceled and tensions have started affecting military ties. ... Reuters reported on Sunday that China canceled a security meeting with Mattis that had been planned for October. ...

On Sunday, a U.S. Navy destroyer sailed near islands claimed by China in the South China Sea. Just days before, the U.S. military flew B-52 bombers in vicinity of the South China Sea. While such operations are common, they have led to angry reactions from China in the past. ...

China recently denied a request for a U.S. warship to visit Hong Kong and postponed other joint military talks in protest against a U.S. decision to impose sanctions on a Chinese military agency and its director.

China has been particularly angered by recent overtures by the United States toward Taiwan. The United States last week approved the sale of spare parts for F-16 fighter planes and other military aircraft worth up to $330 million to Taiwan, which China considers a wayward province.

Worth a full read.

Everyone Washes Their Hands as Gaza’s Economy Goes Into Freefall

The moment long feared is fast approaching in Gaza, according to a new report by the World Bank. After a decade-long Israeli blockade and a series of large-scale military assaults, the economy of the tiny coastal enclave is in “freefall”. At a meeting of international donors in New York on Thursday, coinciding with the annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, the World Bank painted an alarming picture of Gaza’s crisis. Unemployment now stands at close to 70 per cent and the economy is contracting at an ever faster rate. While the West Bank’s plight is not yet as severe, it is not far behind, countries attending the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee were told. Gaza’s collapse could bring down the entire Palestinian banking sector.

In response, Europe hurriedly put together a €40 million aid package, but that will chiefly address Gaza’s separate humanitarian crisis – not the economic one – by improving supplies of electricity and potable water. No one doubts the inevitable fallout from the economic and humanitarian crises gripping Gaza. The four parties to the Quartet charged with overseeing negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians – the United States, Russia, the European Union and the UN – issued a statement warning that it was vital to prevent what they termed “further escalation” in Gaza.

The Israeli military shares these concerns. It has reported growing unrest among the enclave’s two million inhabitants and believes Hamas will be forced into a confrontation to break out of the straightjacket imposed by the blockade. In recent weeks, mass protests along Gaza’s perimeter fence have been revived and expanded after a summer lull. On Friday, seven Palestinian demonstrators, including two children, were killed by Israeli sniper fire. Hundreds more were wounded.

Nonetheless, the political will to remedy the situation looks as atrophied as ever. No one is prepared to take meaningful responsibility for the time-bomb that is Gaza.

Wikileaks Reveals Real Reason Julian Assange Is Being Abandoned

Judge Rapey McPerjurer lied flagrantly and often, but will it be enough to prick the conscience of a Rep. Senator?

Sen. Jeff Flake Won’t Vote for Brett Kavanaugh If He’s Shown to Have Lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee. But Which Lies Matter?

Brett Kavanaugh is a liar. During testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Kavanaugh lied about whether he’d ever attended a gathering like the one Christine Blasey Ford described, likely lied about the definition of a “Devil’s Triangle,” and lied about when he learned of allegations made by Deborah Ramirez, among a slew of other falsehoods. A penchant for lying is typically disqualifying for anybody nominated to a judicial position, and Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., reiterated Monday in New Hampshire that he could oppose Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court if the nominee is shown to have lied under oath.

But Republicans have signaled that they don’t consider all lies to be equal, and which lies are considered disqualifying could determine Flake’s vote. “I’ve said, and some of my colleagues have said as well, that any nominee who lies to the committee, that’s disqualifying,” Flake told reporters after his speech at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at St. Anselm’s College in Manchester. ...

One of Kavanaugh’s more glaring lies appears to be his claim that he had not received or exploited confidential internal Democratic emails from Republican operative Manny Miranda during the 2000s when Kavanaugh worked in the Bush administration. Another set of falsehoods comes from Kavanaugh’s denial of his involvement in the development of the Bush post-9/11 detainee and torture policies — testimony that has been called into question by Senate Democrats. Flake on Monday told The Intercept that he didn’t find those denials to be untruthful. “Those of us who sat through the 30 hours of testimony discounted those claims,” said Flake, adding that he didn’t think there was a chance Kavanaugh committed perjury on those issues.

Brett Kavanaugh faced police questioning over 1985 bar brawl

The embattled supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was questioned by police more than three decades ago following an altercation at a bar, according to reports. The incident took place in September 1985 when Kavanaugh was a student at Yale University, according to a police report obtained by the New York Times on Monday. ...

According to the police report, Kavanaugh was accused of throwing ice at a another patron at a bar in New Haven, Connecticut, after attending a UB40 concert with his friends. A Yale classmate who released a statement describing the incident, Charles Ludington, said the group had been staring at the man, believing he looked like the band’s singer; he responded by swearing at them.

A brawl ensued, prompting a call to the police. Kavanaugh was among those questioned in relation to the incident but was not arrested. There was also no indication any charges were filed. The revelation nonetheless adds to an emerging portrait of Kavanaugh that contradicts the testimony he gave to US lawmakers last week. ...

On Monday night, meanwhile, the Harvard Crimson reported Kavanaugh would not return to teach at Harvard law school. In an email sent to Harvard law students from the administration and seen by the Guardian, the law school’s curriculum committee announced the decision. “Today, Judge Kavanaugh indicated he can no longer commit to teaching his course in January Term 2019, so the course will not be offered,” Catherine Claypoole, associate dean and dean for academic and faculty affairs, wrote. Harvard spokespeople could not be immediately reached for comment.

Kavanaugh was hired to teach at the school in 2009 by the then dean, Elena Kagan, becoming the Samuel Williston lecturer on law. He was planning on teaching a course titled ‘The Supreme Court Since 2005’ during the winter session. Many law students have urged the university over the past two weeks to bar Kavanaugh from teaching until an FBI investigation was conducted into sexual assault allegations. An online petition by alumni has circulated and collected over 700 signatures, saying: “HLS must send a clear message that it takes sexual violence seriously.”

How We Know Kavanaugh Is Lying: Top 5 Times He Committed Perjury

Lindsey Graham’s plan if Kavanaugh fails? Just nominate him again.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham has a solution for President Donald Trump if his beleaguered Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh doesn’t make it through the confirmation process: Just nominate him again.

Graham — who went on a tirade in Kavanaugh’s defense during the nominee's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week — said Tuesday that the midterm elections could bring in a new batch of senators who might be persuaded to confirm Kavanaugh — even if he fails this time.

“I believe Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the Supreme Court very soon,” the South Carolina senator said in a news release. “However, if his nomination were to fall short, I would encourage President Trump to re-nominate Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. It would — in effect — be appealing the Senate’s verdict directly to the American people.”

McConnell says only senators will see FBI's Kavanaugh report

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Tuesday that only senators will see the FBI's report on its investigation into the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"We'll get an FBI report soon. It will be made available to each senator and only senators will be allowed to look at it," McConnell told reporters. He added, "that's the way these reports are always handled." ...

Shortly after McConnell's comments, GOP Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), McConnell's No. 2, said that he expected a "public statement" on the FBI's findings but not for the report itself to be released.

Republicans, leaving a closed-door lunch, said they did not know when the FBI would finish up its investigation but floated that it could happen as early as Wednesday.

Trump Admin Sends 1,600 Kids to Texas Tent City as Number of Detained Children Hits Record High

Charlottesville: police arrest multiple people over violent 2017 far-right rally

Federal prosecutors in Charlottesville have charged a number of people tied to violent unrest during a far-right rally in the city last year. Multiple individuals were arrested on Tuesday morning, said Brian McGinn, a spokesman for the US attorney’s office in Charlottesville. The charges remain under seal, McGinn said, adding that authorities had taken “less than 10” individuals into custody.

A press conference where the nature of the charges and the individuals in custody will be announced is due at 2pm on Tuesday afternoon. ...

The Unite the Right rally was organized by a number of high-profile members of the white supremacist movement including alt-right leader Richard Spencer. On Tuesday, Spencer told the Guardian via text message “I know nothing” about the charges and confirmed he had not been among those arrested.

Jeff Bezos just caved to activists and Bernie Sanders and raised Amazon’s minimum wage to $15

The world’s richest man has caved to pressure from his workers, activists, and Bernie Sanders and raised the minimum wage at Amazon to $15.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced Tuesday that, after fielding much criticism, the company would increase the baseline of its workers’ wages — affecting about 350,000 employees, including people who work at Whole Foods — and lobby for a $15 minimum wage nationwide. The federal minimum wage is currently just $7.25.

“We listened to our critics, thought hard about what we wanted to do, and decided we want to lead,” Bezos said in a statement. “We’re excited about this change and encourage our competitors and other large employers to join us.” ...

Sanders commended Bezos for the decision to raise the minimum wage at Amazon. “What Mr. Bezos today has done is not only enormously important for Amazon’s hundreds of thousands of employees,” Sanders said at a news conference. “It could well be, and I think it will be, a shot heard around the world.”

the horse race

Neera Tanden And Bill Kristol Unite To Say That Populism Undermines Democracy

In a conference at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, “Resistance” leader and professional left-puncher Neera Tanden met with Iraq-raping neocon Bill Kristol to discuss bipartisanship and shared values. ... To get the event started, the host whose name I refuse to learn asked the pair to discuss briefly what common ground such wildly different people could possibly share to make such a strange taboo-shattering dialogue possible. “Issues around national security and believing in democratic principles as they relate to foreign policy,” replied Tanden. “And opposing authoritarianism, and opposing the kind of creeping populism that undermines democracy itself.”

Neera Tanden, in case you are unaware, is a longtime Clinton and Obama insider and CEO of the plutocrat-backed think tank Center for American Progress. Her emails featured prominently in the 2016 Podesta drops by WikiLeaks, which New Republic described as revealing “a pattern of freezing out those who don’t toe the line, a disturbing predilection for someone who is a kind of gatekeeper for what ideas are acceptable in Democratic politics.” Any quick glance at Tanden’s political activism and Twitter presence will render this unsurprising, as she often seems more concerned with attacking the Green Party and noncompliant progressive Democrats than she does with advancing progressive values. Her entire life is dedicated to keeping what passes for America’s political left out of the hands of the American populace. ...

The buzzword “bipartisan” gets used a lot in US politics because it gives the illusion that whatever agenda it’s being applied to must have some deep universal truth to it for such wildly divergent ideologies to set aside their differences in order to advance it, but what it usually means is Democrat neocons and Republican neocons working together to inflict new horrors upon the world. America’s two mainstream political parties agree furiously with one another on war, neoliberalism, Orwellian surveillance, and every other agenda which increases the power and profit of the plutocratic class which owns them both. The plutocrat-owned mass media plays up the differences between Democrats and Republicans to hysterical proportions, when in reality the debate over which one is worse is like arguing over whether a serial killer’s arms or legs are more evil.

Neera Tanden and Bill Kristol are the same fucking person. They’re both toxic limbs on the same toxic beast, feeding the lives of ordinary people at home and abroad into its gaping mouth in service of the powerful. And populism, which is nothing other than support for the protection of common folk from the powerful, is the only antidote to such toxins. Saying populism undermines democracy is like saying democracy undermines democracy.

the evening greens

The Trump administration knows the planet is going to boil. It doesn't care

In the cloud of toxic dust thrown up by the Kavanaugh hearings last week, two new Trump initiatives slipped by with less notice than they deserve. Both are ugly, stupid – and they are linked, though in ways not immediately apparent. In the first, the administration provided the rationale for scrapping President Obama’s automobile mileage standards: because Trump’s crew now officially expects the planet to warm by 4C . In the environmental impact statement they say it wouldn’t make much difference to the destruction of the planet if we all keep driving SUVs. ...

Meanwhile, reporters also discovered that the administration has set up what can only be described as a concentration camp near the Mexican border for detained migrant children, spiriting them under cover of darkness from the foster homes and small shelters across the nation where they had been staying. ... Most of those migrants are from Central America and Mexico, and they might as easily be described as refugees fleeing gang violence (much of it rooted originally in the US) and a changing climate. Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras first saw an outbreak of coffee rust linked to higher nighttime temperatures; the El Niño that began in 2015 led to years of unprecedented drought. Deep new droughts this summer wiped out more harvests: “total or partial loss of crops means that subsistence farmers and their families will not have enough food to eat or sell in coming months,” the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization warned. The author Todd Miller, writing in the Nation, described meeting men trying to jump a train in Guatemala headed north toward the border. “When I asked why they were heading for the United States, one responded simply, “No hubo lluvia.” (“There was no rain.”)

This will, of course, get steadily worse in the years ahead – every climate forecast shows deserts spreading and water evaporating across the region. And of course more migration will follow, in every corner of the world. ... Telling people to stay home is not an option – when there’s no water, or when the floods come each year, or when the sea rises into your kitchen, people have to leave. Period. ... The Trump years are a fantasy land where we pretend we can go on living precisely as in the past, unwilling even to substitute electric SUVs for our gas guzzlers, and able to somehow insist that the rest of the world stay locked in place as well. It’s impractical, it’s unfair, and when it ends up with camps for kids in the desert it’s downright evil.

Imperiling People and Planet, Warnings Mount That Trump's NAFTA 2.0 Just Another 'Corporate Giveaway'

Environmentalists on Monday slammed President Donald Trump's replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), with Food & Water Watch executive director Wenonah Hauter warning that it "would enshrine and globalize Trump's deregulatory zealotry into a trade pact that would outlast the administration and imperil future efforts to protect consumers, workers, and the environment."

Presented as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), many have noted that Trump's trade deal, as Bloomberg put it, "looks more like a rebranding than a revolution," despite Trump's vows when he was a presidential candidate that he would negotiate a new deal that's dramatically better for American workers. As experts and campaigners comb through the details of the agreement, environmental activists are homing in on provisions they warn would endanger people and the planet.

Calling on Congress to reject the deal, Hauter outlined in a statement how USMCA:

  • features deregulatory provisions that "would have a dangerously chilling effect on food safety enforcement";
  • includes "giant giveaways to the agrochemical industry," from rolling back Mexico's GMO rules to enabling companies such as Monsanto and Dow to keep pesticide safety data secret for a decade; and
  • bolsters Trump's industry-friendly agenda with measures that would "encourage more pipelines and exports of natural gas and oil that would further expand fracking in the United States and Mexico."

"Based on our initial read, Trump's trade deal poses a considerably greater threat to commonsense regulatory protections," Hauter concluded. "A closer look at the text will undoubtedly reveal a host of pro-polluter, pro-fossil fuel industry, pro-Wall Street deregulation that has been a hallmark of Trump's domestic agenda."

What Does Trump’s “New NAFTA” Trade Deal Signal for Workers, Corporate Power & the Environment?

Supreme court rejects California billionaire's 'private beach' case

Beach lovers were celebrating on Monday after the US supreme court declined to hear a case brought by the billionaire Vinod Khosla that threatened the public’s right to access beaches across California.

After purchasing a $32.5m, 89-acre property in Half Moon Bay, south of San Francisco, in 2008, Khosla cut off entry to Martin’s Beach, a popular surf spot. California mandates that all beaches be accessible to the public. The Surfrider Foundation, a not-for-profit organization that takes on beach access issues for the public, filed a lawsuit against Khosla in 2013, and has been fighting for public entry through the property through the courts ever since.

Although Khosla repeatedly lost in state courts, he hoped the supreme court would take up his case challenging the California Coastal Act, which requires private property owners to allow the public access through their land if there is no other open route to the sand. Khosla told the New York Times in an interview that he was fighting for property owners on principle. ...

Martin’s was just one of several beaches across the state being protected by affluent owners and advocates are hopeful that this decision has strengthened the Coastal Act and will bolster their continued efforts to take on the others.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Modern Monetary Theory Grapples With People Actually Paying Attention to It

Here’s What Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell Gets Wrong About the Evidence Against Brett Kavanaugh

Mother Jones Writer Shows What Happens When You Apologize To A Manipulator

Dwarf planet 'The Goblin' discovery redefining solar system

A Little Night Music

Johnny Fuller - All Night Long

Johnny Fuller - Mercy Mercy

Johnny Fuller- No More

Johnny Fuller - Back Home

Johnny Fuller - I Can't Succeed

Johnny Fuller - You Got Me Whistling

Johnny Fuller - She's Too Much

Johnny Fuller - Wyatt Erp Shot Stagger Lee

Johnny Fuller - Train Train Blues

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Raggedy Ann's picture

I don't think Bretzy was intentionally lying about anything. He really seems like an upstanding kind of guy - white, privileged - I'm sure he only threw ice to cool down the situation. He seems like a guy anyone can talk to, confide in, trust. Okay, I'm making myself ill. Bad

I'm sure Kay Bailey Hutchinson doesn't MEAN we're going to destroy Russia's missiles. It only means we're going to tell them, in a really nice way, not to launch them. We love Russia! On a serious note - the Russian spokesperson hit the nail on the head with this quote:

“The impression is that people making such claims are unaware of the degree of their responsibility and the danger of aggressive rhetoric," Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters, the Interfax news agency reported. “Who authorized this dame to make such allegations? The American people? Do ordinary Americans know that they are paying out of their pockets for so-called diplomats who behave so aggressively and destructively?”

We probably need to tell Maria Zakharova that this dame and her handlers don't care about the American people and we are in as much of a precarious position as the Russian people are.

Looking for rain this evening. I hope it materializes!

Have a beautiful evening, folks! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

@Raggedy Ann An American official basically threatens to light up a war in Europe and Europeans say jack squat. Oh, the NATO guy huffs and puffs, struts, and sticks out his chest. Sure buddy, the Russians will just cower at your rooster walk and talk.

Heaven help us all.

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lotlizard's picture

“We used to be a Soviet satellite. Now we’re an American satellite. NATO, the E.U., our so-called government — all a puppet of Washington, D.C. It’s like with Moscow in the old days.”

So of course Europe isn’t going to say jack squat.

As for Gaza, I’m really beginning to think that Israel could turn the place into one big gas chamber and still the “international community” would do nothing.

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joe shikspack's picture

@Raggedy Ann

no, no. see, judge rapey mcperjurer's lies are all fine because they were in answer to questions that nobody has a right to ask a fellow of his level of privilege.

oh, well of course we're not going to bomb their missiles. we're going to take them out. we'll send over the donald and he will ask their missiles to join him for dinner at his hotel, then he will grab the missiles by the ...

and everything will be fine.

good luck with the rainfall!

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divineorder's picture

@joe shikspack

Glad several New Yorkers are challening is in court.

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


the donald appears to me to be the #1 american president of all time at creating distractions. nobody else even comes close.

nixon is green with envy, wherever he is.

0 users have voted.
Pricknick's picture

Here in Michigan, many homeowners on the great lakes are trying to keep people off their shorelines by fencing and posting of no trespass signage.
My new favorite method is to approach by kayak and stand in a couple of inches of water. As the lake levels are increasing, it's very easy to find mostly submerged rocks to sit on.
I been approached by owners and had the police and department of resources called on me. None have been legally able to remove me. I make note of those who make a fuss so as to return whenever possible.
If I had my way, nobody would be allowed to own property on the shorelines. They belong to all.

0 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

snoopydawg's picture


it used to be private and some rich dick bought and put a fence up to keep us out. Keep on keeping on ...

0 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Pricknick's picture

Everybody needs to laugh.

0 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

joe shikspack's picture


heh, they want their own private, inland ocean, eh? what do you bet that all of their childhood report cards came home with a note, like, "does not play well with others."

0 users have voted.
Pricknick's picture

@joe shikspack
How the hell else do I explain my disregard for those of silver spoon?

0 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

lotlizard's picture

Law goes back to the era when the Kingdom of Hawaii was recognized by the family of nations as an equal, sovereign, independent country.

0 users have voted.

What if a Trump official said that if Iran did not stop developing (non-nuclear) ballistic missiles, the US would bomb them. What if a major Trump official said that the US will bomb China or North Korea or Venezuela over some slight to some UN resolution say. The so-called resistance would go ape shit as it has demonstrated in the past and accused Trump of being an out of control war monger.

But an American official threatens to launch an attack against targets on Russian soil and fucking nothing. Trump threatens an attack on the homeland of a nuclear power and fucking
nothing. NO reporter at the press conference asked "are you fucking crazy?".

This is just another level of the normalization in talking about an actual shooting war with Russia as if it is just everyday normal shit.

What makes this dangerous beyond the obvious is that I think there is a group of deep state neocons who believe Russia is a paper tiger and would not react. Clinton as SoS produced a policy paper calling on direct US attacks against Assad with the assertion that the Russians would do nothing except complain about it. These aholes will convince themselves that a conventional weapons attack against targets on Russian soil will just result in whimpering on the part of the Russians.

BTW. Russians caused the latest Star Wars movie to flame out.

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divineorder's picture


0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

divineorder's picture


FWIW saw this. Citizens / Track II Diplomacy has been made so much harder now.

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


i blame ronald reagan for this normalization of warmongering.

My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.

oh, and john mccain:

well, let's just say that there's a streak of homicidally crazy that runs through american politics, and has run through it for quite a while. kay bailey hutchison is just standing on the shoulders of far too many bat-shit crazy american warmongers.

"If I see that the Russians are amassing their planes for an attack, I'm going to knock the shit out of them before they take off the ground."

-- General Curtis LeMay

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0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Pricknick's picture

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Mark from Queens's picture


Woody and the rambling spirit...

As I went walking I saw a sign there
And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."
But on the other side it didn't say nothing,
That side was made for you and me.

Also makes me think of George Carlin's bit about the signs that say, "Authorized Personnel Only." Says that when he sees it on a door he walks right through. "Well surely I must be authorized for something."

Percy was a ramblin' hippie too.
Then of course there's the Allmans. Which to my suburban grade school ears when it came on AM radio as a top 40 hit I couldn't stand because it was too country for me.

Nice interview here of Phil Donahue by Ralph Nader.

Hope you all are well, C99ers.
Regards to you and yours, Joe.

0 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

joe shikspack's picture

@Mark from Queens

good to see you, hope all is well. best to you and yours.

0 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


sounds like scotland is a more civilized society than ours.

0 users have voted.

@joe shikspack
so there's that.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

divineorder's picture

Great news, we are getting some nice rain here in Santa Fe from former Hurricane Rosa!

Hey, who remembers Nuclear Freeze Campaign? World Beyond War? International Physicians To Prevent Nuclear War?

Lots of strides made, but sadly we are still having to work to rid the world of this threat.




Published on
Published on
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Greenpeace Blog
Five Reasons to Support a Total Ban of Nuclear Weapons Today

September 26th is the United Nations’ International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Jen Maman
5) They are the only weapons of mass destruction which have not yet been (really) banned

But this could change soon. While biological and chemical weapons have been prohibited worldwide, since 1972 and 1993 respectively, nuclear weapons have not been constrained up to now. This is a legal anomaly which is in the process of being fully corrected with the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons which is set to come into force in 2020, and was adopted in 2017 by 122 states at the United Nations.

Of course, states that have nuclear weapons, including France, have boycotted this Treaty. But the pressure on the nine nuclear-armed states is building – from the growing number of nations and financial institutions who are ceasing to invest in the production of these weapons systems, to thousands of people speaking out across the globe.

So what can we do?

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is a roadmap to achieving the total elimination of these weapons of mass destruction. To enter into force, the Treaty must be signed and ratified by 50 countries. To date, there are 15 ratifications and 60 signatures.

Let’s keep up the pressure on governments to put an end to nuclear proliferation and to strengthen international security.


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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


Hey, who remembers Nuclear Freeze Campaign? World Beyond War? International Physicians To Prevent Nuclear War?

heh, you mean who remembers the 80's when there was a popular culture movement to end both nuclear weapons and nuclear power?


i was among the millions of people that marched and protested.

and here we are. the rich peoples' death cult continues undeterred.

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divineorder's picture

@joe shikspack

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

snoopydawg's picture

The world is a tinderbox right now and it's not going to take much to see something big and bad happen. And guess which country is holding a box of matches.

The this country is coming off the rails and it's not going to take much either for it to completely derail. The GOP aren't even trying to hide their disdain for anyone who isn't gawddamn rich and they don't give two flying f*cks if we know that Kavanaugh lied during his testimony or not. They are going to confirm him and if by some miracle Collins or Muchawski doesn't then two of the blue dawgs will. Manchkin has not said that he won't vote for him and if Flake can't already see that he lied then he's going to vote for him too. This has probably been preordained since before Kennedy's retirement. He worked out a deal with Trump before he he said he was doing it. Or he was approached to retire and he could pick his replacement. Either way Kavanaugh is da man. Game over.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

divineorder's picture


0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


your predictions seem pretty good. i guess we'll see how the squirming people in the spotlight play their cards when everybody is watching them intently.

0 users have voted.
divineorder's picture

But some people just won't give up on ending nukes. Something to do in the end times I guess.

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

divineorder's picture

@divineorder @MrWebster @divineorder

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


some of us won't give them the satisfaction of shutting up.

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