The Mother of All Accusations

I may be many things, but I'm sure as hell not a Clinton supporter. She, and her goons within the DNC, gave us this laughing stock of a president. And all it took for such an accusation was saying that if she was behind this 'attack' on Kavanaugh, he isn't the intended target.

The accusers are the target, and by proxy, all accusers with regards to sexual assault and rape. Hillary Clinton has a long history of doing EXACTLY this, especially with regards to Bill's actions. She got a rapist off in court by blaming the victim when the accused was clearly guilty. David Brock, Republican Democrat extraordinaire, led the charge against Anita Hill during the conformation hearings of Clarance Thomas.

America, being the Puritanical/Catholic Empire that it is, has a long and storied history of normalizing this kind of shit through victim blaming and alienation. Hell, Catholics and Protestants were lopping off each other's ears when they weren't hanging women for suspected witchcraft before the American plutocrats wanted an empire of their own that would eventually surpass the Brits.

Now all this being said, why would I, someone who has rejected capitalism outright, support someone who embodies and embraces capitalism like Hillary Clinton? I have nothing to gain by doing so.

And besides, would a supposedly secret Hillary supporter listen to Grover Furr? How about Dongping Han and his views on The Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward?

Would someone who supports Billary listen to Abby Martin or Eyes Left? No. They'd go along with that tool Cenk Uygur and his toadies when they advocate for assassination of foreign leaders and regime change in...say, North Korea. Then again, most folks here believe some really stupid shit about that country, too.

I've had enough of this shit. Let's come up with solutions for a change instead of accusations.

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If there is even one Hillary supporter on this blog anywhere, I'd be amazed.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

magiamma's picture

Thanks for the rant. I totally concur and can't even think of any words that could frame my extreme distaste for that pathetic excuse for a ??? (words escape me). Smile

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dance you monster's picture

I don't want to get into the specifics of what that poster was positing in that thread, but it's not the first time his special certainty has led to some unsubstantiated conclusion.

I don't think anyone believed his charge against you.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@dance you monster

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

of Hillbot status and many of us being called man haters for even questioning these accusations against Kavanaugh, there was more than enough trolling and actual hysteria in some of those troll posts. I wanted to respond by saying I'm Rolling On the Floor, Hysterically Laughing My Fucking Ass Off but I didn't take that opportunity...

It seems to me some are losing the nuance here. While this shit show is undoubtedly being played by our slimy Corporate Pandering Dems to the hilt, the accusations behind it are not something to merely be blown off, in my opinion. It feels just like the ugly old trope of if you question America you are an America hater. If you say anything negative about Obama you are merely a racist. Hate Hillary, then you're a Trumper AND a misogynist. Want actual progressive legislation, you're letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Against the wars and want them to end, same deal, letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just get that Dem elected and they will make all this Trump nightmare go away, don't believe in that then you ARE the problem. On and on the dissembling, obfuscation and gaslighting goes. And we wonder why we live in a pretty much fully dumbed down America.....

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Roy Blakeley's picture

@lizzyh7 but I will add that this is a reflection of the Republican/DLC Democrat grand strategy which has been horribly successful since Bill Clinton came into office. Essentially the leadership of the two parties have conspired (actively or passively) with the main stream media to create a political system in which both parties are militarily aggressive corporate lackies and the areas of disagreement are pared down to issues that do not threaten the MIC and other corporate interests in any serious way (gay rights, immigrant rights, etc.). Likewise the acceptable range of political thought has been narrowed to the point that the possibility that individuals might be disgusted by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump (which would be true of much, probably most, of the country) is rarely discussed. I run into this all too often. If I say that the media are treating Trump unfairly on some issues. If I say that Mueller is a dishonest apparatchik, that Brennan is a liar with blood on his hands, or that the nebulous "Russia" investigation is bogus and that there no evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election, I must be a Trumper. (OK the Internet Research Agency stuff is real, but turned up by Russian journalists and so tiny as to be laughable.)

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snoopydawg's picture


Hate Hillary, then you're a Trumper AND a misogynist

Nicely stated.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg I really should have added that as it's so priceless but I missed it, thanks for adding it snoop!

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Mark from Queens's picture


Was nice to see Bors, who has always been one of my favorite political cartoonists (not sure if he has been zombified of late also, like the tragic fall of the previously-great Tom Tomorrow), lay it out there plainly for all to see the suffocating reality of the Duopoly:

Great piece by Jonathan Cook in which he describes the media makeover of the Neoliberal (emphasis mine):

The story of Britain’s Labour party is a case in point, and was illustrated even before Jeremy Corbyn became leader. Back in the 1990s Tony Blair reinvented the party as New Labour, jettisoning ideas of socialism and class war, and inventing instead a “Third Way”.

The idea that gained him access to power – personified in the media narrative of the time as his meeting with Rupert Murdoch on the mogul’s Hayman Island – was that New Labour would triangulate, find a middle way between the 1 per cent and the 99 per cent. The fact that the meeting took place with Murdoch rather than anyone else signalled something significant: that the power-structure needed a media makeover. It needed to be dressed in new garb.

In reality, Blair made Labour useful to power by re-styling the turbo-charged neoliberalism Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative party of the rich had unleashed. He made it look compatible with social democracy. Blair put a gentler, kinder mask on neoliberalism’s aggressive pursuit of planet-destroying power – much as Barack Obama would do in the United States a decade later, after the horrors of the Iraq invasion. Neither Blair nor Obama changed the substance of our economic and political systems, but they did make them look deceptively attractive by tinkering with social policy.

Were the neoliberal order laid bare – were the emperor to allow himself to be stripped of his clothes – no one apart from a small psychopathic elite would vote for neoliberalism’s maintenance. So power is forced to repeatedly reinvent itself. It is like the shape-shifting Mystique of the X-Men films, constantly altering its appearance to lull us into a false sense of security. Power’s goal is to keep looking like it has become something new, something innovative. Because the power-structure does not want change, it has to find front-men and women who can personify a transformation that is, in truth, entirely hollow.

Power can perform this stunt, as Blair did, by repackaging the same product – neoliberalism – in prettier ideological wrapping. Or it can, as has happened in the US of late, try a baser approach by adding a dash of identity politics. A black presidential candidate (Obama) can offer hope, and a woman candidate (Hillary Clinton) can cast herself as mother-saviour.

With this model in place, elections become an illusory contest between more transparent and more opaque iterations of neoliberal power. In failing the 99 per cent, Obama so woefully voided this strategy that large sections of voters turned their back on his intended successor, the new makeover candidate Hillary Clinton. They saw through the role-playing. They preferred, even if only reluctantly, the honest vulgarity of naked power represented by Trump over the pretensions of Clinton’s fakely compassionate politics.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

ggersh's picture

@lizzyh7 and the proof is in the pudding, all he had
to do is stop at it being a political hit, but then
he went all

Kavanaugh described the last-minute flurry of allegations as "a calculated and orchestrated political hit," fueled in part by anger at Trump, the 2016 election and "revenge" on behalf of the Clintons.

yep DC is sleazy and has no end of sleaze all over
but he's the perfect example of being a privileged
POS. For the Rs it's the clintons for the D's it's CT

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

WaterLily's picture

@lizzyh7 I would submit this for Top Comment status. Repeatedly.

Spot. Fucking. On. (If you'l pardon the expression).

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