Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wanted to wear a wire

Let this little clip from Zero Hedge sink in for a moment.

In a shocking report citing a bevy of anonymous DOJ officials, the NYT recounted on Friday an aborted mutiny attempt organized by Rosenstein, who allegedly tried to organize members of Trump's cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment to oust Trump from office. In an attempt to persuade the clearly reluctant members of Trump's cabinet, Rosenstein suggested that he or other officials should secretly tape Trump "to expose the chaos" he said was engulfing the West Wing.

This is being reported by several sources, including the New York Times, ABC News, Zero Hedge, and the Daily Caller. I first came across this information while monitoring one of the Qanon aggregation boards that I use to follow Q posts.

21 Sep 2018 - 2:42:41 PM
Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.

The first source cited by Q is a New York Times article which I cannot access because it is behind a paywall. The second link provided in the Q post is to a tweet which I am embedding here.

It was not just himself that Rosenstein suggested to wear a wire, but that other persons with close contact with the Oval Office also do so. From the ABC News link:

Sources familiar with the memos of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe tell ABC News that, according to those memos, during a conversation in May 2017 between McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Rosenstein suggested that McCabe or others wear a wire when speaking with President Donald Trump.

Note the timing of when Rosenstein offered to wear a wire. It was the day after May 9, 2017 when James Comey was fired as FBI director. Rosenstein wrote the letter recommending that Comey be fired.

One week later, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate Russian collusion. This investigation is still ongoing even though there has been no evidence of the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians to influence the outcome of the Presidential race in 2016.

The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.

This is not about whether or not we like Trump. What we are seeing is an attempt of the deep state players to stage a Presidential coup. Is this not sedition, at best? Whatever it is, it is shocking that people within our government would go to such lengths to remove a President.

To be clear, I am not defending Trump, but I am defending our system of government. Based upon some earlier Q posts, I believe that this revelation may prove to be among the milder ones if more comes out. There are plenty of checks and balances built within our government that do not require the illegal wiretapping of the President or staging a soft coup.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

And people wonder why Rod won’t cooperate.

Whatta bunch of (incompetent) liars and cheats.

EDIT: NYT link

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

gulfgal98's picture

@Amanda Matthews @Amanda Matthews This is seeing a Presidential coup attempt. We have read talk to that effect, mostly coming from Democrats in Congress, but this shows that there was actually planning to try to pull off a coup.

Edit to add. I did link the NYT article above, but I am not allowed to access it because of their pay wall.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Amanda Matthews's picture

fools are still trying. Booby Mueller needs to drop the pretense that RUSSIA! had anything to do with TCC being tossed to the curb.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

wendy davis's picture


as your browser, if you right click on the link url, choose 'private window' to escape the paywall. dunno about any others.

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gulfgal98's picture

@wendy davis I am using Firefox and it worked great for the NYT article. However the WaPo article was still blocked by an ad even using the private window.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

wendy davis's picture


i'd had to de-list the site from my ad blocker. if you have the re ABP stop sign in the upper right corner, chose to disable that software for the site, then hit Refresh. at least it works for me. ; )

partick martin at wsws is reporting that:

"NBC News reported that the discussion consisted of seven people in a room set aside for secure discussions, and identified two of the participants as Andrew McCabe, then acting FBI Director after Comey’s firing, and Lisa Page, then his senior staff attorney. Both have since been fired by the FBI."

file under 'small wonder secrets':

"The Times article also noted that the unidentified “senior administration official” whose op-ed was published in the newspaper’s editorial pages last month had also confirmed discussions among top officials over whether to try to invoke the 25th Amendment against Trump."

because to me that NY Slimey piece was the paper of record calling for a coup against him, re: "other means".

dunno how to ask this politely, but i'm ignorant of Qanon, but when i'd clicked into the hashatag from disobedientmedia, the tweets were almost incoherent. where do you find the Qanon you site? i remember someone telling randy credico that there are #fake ones out there, which theme did make me chuckle.

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gulfgal98's picture

@wendy davis to follow the Qanon posts. The only place Qanon posts is on an 8chan board which is specifically dedicated to his posts and other anonymous commenters on those posts. The aggregation sites show only the Qanon posts. Here are my two favorites, and

I am sending you more info via pm.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

wendy davis's picture


the two here are all geek to me, even after my eyes uncross. ; )

did disabling your ad blocker for the wapo help?

i went to an old, old (accursed) haunt of mine that has a thread on this that is a-twitter with news and views and tweeties, but i backed off for now in kinda...overload.

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@gulfgal98 Thank you, gulfgal. I was unaware of these aggregator sites and reddit is difficult to sift through.

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Deja's picture

I went there. Not sure which one I got caught up on, but lawd! "Nigger, Boy" "Faggot" "Fuck the Jews" "Retard". Reminds me of 4chan. They sound like 12 year olds. Only thing missing was 'suck my balls', though it's probably there somewhere.

Do you just pop in at a certain time and look for a Qdrop link? How on earth do you filter out the obnoxious, worthless chatter? The YouTube videos going over the drops don't have any of that language in them. They post legitimate questions, and toss around legitimate possibilities. Is there a direct 8chan link to Q?

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Deja's picture

Duckduckgo gave site link 1st in list as it should be, but it was from Feb. Hit home button from there, and I'm lost now. -_-

I just want a link to the main Qdrop 8chan board, but I'm feeling super stupid right now lol.

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Deja's picture


I'll eventually find the original from here, I think.

So glad c99 isn't as confusing as all those places! Kisses to c99!

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gulfgal98's picture

@Deja I am not recommending any site linked from the sites I have recommended. I am ONLY recommending the aggregator sites for those who wish to read the Qanon posts only. If you chose to venture beyond those sites, do so at your own risk.

I thought I was clear about this earlier.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

gulfgal98's picture

@Deja I go only to the aggregator sites which post only the Q posts, so there is none of that extraneous garbage you find on 8chan.

What the aggregator sites do is they automatically pull the Q posts and link them to their site. Here are my two favorites, and

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Deja's picture

@gulfgal98 @gulfgal98
I went to qmap link then hit first voat link in top post. Ack!

The 8chan link I posted was apparently created by a manly man who isn't fond of women speaking. He said not to link to his channel or whatever it's called because new people suck or something.

Silver lining: I found a direct link to Q posts, and made a shortcut on my phone desktop. Mission accomplished.

Yesterday day he said Rosenstein called Lynch 4x in 11 days. Also asked, when do birds sing?

Edit: who called whom

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gulfgal98's picture

@Deja regarding going beyond the sites I directly linked.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Deja's picture

Are just filled with posts of links. That's why I asked if you go at a certain time. Like maybe someone posts Q stuff at a certain time. Doesn't matter. I've been on 8chan since yesterday. I'm getting the hang of it, and learned how to filter out certain posters who post nonsense. Computer is easier than phone, though. (I went to 4chan back when pizzagate first hit. Those guys can dig! Very impressed despite the language. 8chan is similar. Some morons, but more diggers. I'm "digging" it, so thanks for leading me there!)

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But, it looks like that was already standard practice by the outgoing Administration in its "unmaskings" of Flynn and others in the incoming Administration on hundreds of occasions and subsequent leaks of warrantless wiretaps.

Obama's UN ambassador Samantha Power asked for hundreds of 'unmaskings' of Americans in classified material – right up until Trump's inauguration

Former UN ambassador Samantha Power unmasked an average of one person each day business of 2016
She sought the identity of 260 people mentioned in intelligence documents
As a security council member, she was allowed to seek the identities of people mentioned in intelligence reports
She is expected to testify on Capitol Hill in October
The House Intelligence is pursuing Obama officials who sought identities of Trump operatives mentioned in intelligence reports
It is also probing Russian interference in the presidential election and contacts with Trump associates.

Committee subpoenas seeking information on unmasking requests have mentioned Power, former National Security advisor Susan Rice, and former CIA Director John Brennan.

Rice and Brennan have acknowledged making unmasking requests.,/blockquote>

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k9disc's picture

This is like through the mirror darkly, Star Trek parallel universe stuff.

Where the crew is knifing everyone in the back for a leg up? American pop, social and political culture is looking awful ugly right now.

Goatees and sashes for everybody.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

snoopydawg's picture

First off .. why now? This happened 17 months ago and yet we're just hearing about now and from whom?

In a shocking report citing a bevy of anonymous DOJ officials, the NYT recounted on Friday an aborted mutiny attempt organized by Rosenstein, who allegedly tried to organize members of Trump's cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment to oust Trump from office. In an attempt to persuade the clearly reluctant members of Trump's cabinet, Rosenstein suggested that he or other officials should secretly tape Trump "to expose the chaos" he said was engulfing the West Wing. According to NYT, the sources were either briefed on Rosenstein's plans, or learned about it from the files of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired after being disgraced by an inspector general investigation. ABC News, which also reported the story, cited sources familiar with McCabe's files

But in case people don't know about it they want us to know that

A grand jury is also weighing whether to press charges against McCabe for allegedly misleading the inspector general.

From the Slimes article

Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials. Several people described the episodes, insisting on anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. The people were briefed either on the events themselves or on memos written by F.B.I. officials, including Andrew G. McCabe, then the acting bureau director, that documented Mr. Rosenstein’s actions and comments.

None of Mr. Rosenstein’s proposals apparently came to fruition. It is not clear how determined he was about seeing them through, though he did tell Mr. McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John F. Kelly, then the secretary of homeland security and now the White House chief of staff, to mount an effort to invoke the 25th Amendment.

The Slimes doesn't have a reputation for honest reporting right? And I have been leary of giving anonymous sources credibility. So what's really happening? I have no idea. Besides. Did Rosenstein even actually do it? Or is it that he just thought about doing it? 17 months ago.

ETA both zero hedges and the daily caller are using the Slimes as their source while abc says this

Sources familiar with the memos of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe tell ABC News that, according to those memos, during a conversation in May 2017 between McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Rosenstein suggested that McCabe or others wear a wire when speaking with President Donald Trump.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

It was a trade off.
Trump agreed to hold off declassifying the FISA warrant if they gave him what he wanted,
Rod Rosenstein's head on a platter.

The NYT does the TDS bidding.

RR was the sacrificial lamb.

Good riddance to good garbage!

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gulfgal98's picture


The NYT does the TDS bidding.

RR was the sacrificial lamb.

According to one analyst, the NYT is doing the bidding of the deep state by publishing this article. What is the rationale for this? The deep state is willing to sacrifice Rod Rosenstein in order to trap Trump into firing him. Then they have an excuse to impeach Trump. I never thought of it that way, but it could be a possibility.

I doubt that Trump will walk into that trap and fire Rosenstein, but that Rosenstein will be forced out or forced to recuse himself.

Another analyst that I read recently said that Brennan is the key figure behind all of this.

Trump could be the biggest idiot and asshole in the world and they would not care. What they do care about is that Trump is not part of the deep state and he represents a real threat to them as a result.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

@gulfgal98 @gulfgal98 @gulfgal98 @gulfgal98
Not to fall into the New York Slime’s trap.
When have they ever been on his side?

That said, as they did publish that disparaging anonymously written OP Ed, it sort of makes sense, that either they can not be trusted OR part of the deal was that the Slime was to have their comeuppance too.

Of course I could just have a very vivid imagination and do, but what if they were made to publish something really damning about their ‘source’ as part of the deal not to disclose the docs?

The timing of how it all went down just looks too coincidental to me to be discounted. NYS’s article comes out, Trump backs off. (I later read that the WH new about it 24 hours before it’s release.)

I do wonder who might be having the last laugh?

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snoopydawg's picture


or maybe Coats who is DNI. But it's probably someone in the intelligence agencies. I don't think Trump is being pushed out because he isn't tuff enough on Russia. He has put more sanctions on them then Obama did. Plus he armed the neo Nazis in Ukraine which Obama thought was too dangerous.

He's playing well with Bibi on Iran and Palestine and he is doing someone's bidding about tariffs, tax cuts and gutting the safety net including SS and Medicare.

So what else does he need to do to appease the deep state? I know. More questions than answers.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

@gulfgal98 @gulfgal98

Trump could be the biggest idiot and asshole in the world and they would not care. What they do care about is that Trump is not part of the deep state and he represents a real threat to them as a result.

While, in some areas, DT's possibly 'certifiable' ( Wink ) and is clearly a capitalist, of the few policy prescriptions that he's brought to Office with him, many are not in keeping with the Deep State's preference for 'globalist neoliberal governance.'

If folks recall, two of Romney's major problems with DT's policy stances were on 'trade' and so-called 'entitlements.' Here's an excerpt from Romney's scathing March 2016 speech:

"On the other hand, if we make improvident choices, the bright horizon I’ve described will not materialize. And let me put it very plainly. If we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished.

Let me explain why I say that. First on the economy. If Donald Trump’s plans were ever implemented, the country would sink into prolonged recession. A few examples. His proposed 35 percent tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war and that would raise prices for consumers, kill our export jobs and lead entrepreneurs and businesses of all stripes to flee America.

His tax plan in combination with his refusal to reform entitlements and honestly address spending would balloon the deficit and the national debt. So even though Donald Trump has offered very few specific economic plans, what little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families."

Further, DT's strong anti-immigration stance is totally against the grain of a typical neoliberal agenda, including mainstream corporatist Dem and Republican business cronies--such as the National Chamber Of Commerce/Business Roundtable crowd.

As SD points out, his Administration has enacted much tougher sanctions than O's ever did. Yet, as far as I can decipher, aside from possibly some (unrelated) Russian real estate/banking business connections--the Russia Ruse is mostly a story fabricated out of whole cloth.

Not sure that we'll ever know if Rosenstein actually made the remarks attributed to him (in a serious vein).

What I do know is that the corporatist MSM often pretends to take serious, very blatantly sarcastic remarks. (Which I'll expound upon later, since it late, and I don't want to fetch the bookmarks, right now. Wink )

If I had to bet--and, I'm in the camp with those who believe that this may be an attempt to bait DT into firing Rosenstein--I'd say that now that the trial of the biggest fish (Manafort) is over, unless Roger Stone turns out to be a target (regarding a Wikileaks connection), the DS may be fishing for something--any offense--to report out to Congress, so they'll have grounds for impeachment proceedings.

Since my current schedule will temporarily cause me to become somewhat of a 'weekend warrior,' and I probably won't be able to follow this stuff as closely as I'd like, I'm glad that you Guys are following this topic, and keeping us posted. Pleasantry

Blue Onyx

"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche

“At the end of the day, people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”
~~Maya Angelou

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

snoopydawg's picture

Apparently Trump wanted to fire Comey and Rosenstein said that he would write the memo. But then he was upset with the way Trump framed the firing which led to this:

During their discussion, Mr. Rosenstein expressed frustration at how Mr. Trump had conducted the search for a new F.B.I. director, saying the president was failing to take the candidate interviews seriously. A handful of politicians and law enforcement officials, including Mr. McCabe, were under consideration.

To Mr. Rosenstein, the hiring process was emblematic of broader dysfunction stemming from the White House. He said both the process and the administration itself were in disarray, according to two people familiar with the discussion.

Mr. Rosenstein then raised the idea of wearing a recording device, or “wire,” as he put it, to secretly tape the president when he visited the White House. One participant asked whether Mr. Rosenstein was serious, and he replied animatedly that he was.

If not him, then Mr. McCabe or other F.B.I. officials interviewing with Mr. Trump for the job could perhaps wear a wire or otherwise record the president, Mr. Rosenstein offered. White House officials never checked his phone when he arrived for meetings there, Mr. Rosenstein added, implying it would be easy to secretly record Mr. Trump.

Mr. Rosenstein mentioned the possibility of wearing a wire on at least one other occasion, the people said, though they did not provide details.

The suggestion itself was remarkable. While informants or undercover agents regularly use concealed listening devices to surreptitiously gather evidence for federal investigators, they are typically targeting drug kingpins and Mafia bosses in criminal investigations, not a president viewed as ineffectively conducting his duties.

In the end, the idea went nowhere, the officials said. But they called Mr. Rosenstein’s comments an example of how erratically he was behaving while he was taking part in the interviews for a replacement F.B.I. director, considering the appointment of a special counsel and otherwise running the day-to-day operations of the more than 100,000 people at the Justice Department.

I still have no idea what to make of this, but again I'm questioning why this is coming out now? Are we being distracted from something and if yes, then what?

This is an interesting Twitter thread.

One more thing. Do we list this under Russia Gate or the FBI protected Hillary at all costs Gate?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

gulfgal98's picture

@snoopydawg And I honestly do not know what to believe. I think it all depends upon who is controlling the narrative.

I have seen many cases in which Democrats have been calling for Trump's cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment. For this reason and the fact that Rosenstein has been slow walking every request for transparency, I tend to believe that Rosenstein may have said this.

Why it is coming out right now is another guess.

Perhaps I am premature in posting this essay.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy


Do you believe in coincidences?
Look at the timing.

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snoopydawg's picture


and it's a huge story. I'm just wondering why this came out now. Sirena makes a great point for the why. I have seen some tweets that tie this to Trump delaying the information on the FISA warrant and who has are caught up in this. I'm sorry I gave you that impression that you shouldn't have posted it. We have been piled on with so much propaganda especially since Russia Gate was created and we started seeing how corrupt the intelligence agencies were with their investigation into Hillary's private email server, the Steele dossier and just about everything Trump does or says.
I'm still looking at what's coming out. I meant to say good job on this too. Did you have a chance to read the Twitter thread I posted just above? It probably makes me ask more questions than it answers.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

Bye, bye, Mr. Rosenstein.

Trump doesn't need to fire you now, you've fired yourself!

And I think, you have outed yourself as the writer of the NYT’s Anonymous Editorial

It's Payback time!

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gulfgal98's picture

@snoopydawg and it makes a good case for this being used to distract from the Kavanaugh hearings.

There seems to be conflicting details about whether or not Rosenstein said it, sarcastically or not. Rosenstein claims he was being sarcastic. I really do not know any more as what we are being fed is true, half true , or patently false.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

WheninRome's picture

@gulfgal98 Regarding the Democrats' sometime on again, off again discussion about the 25th Amendment which got more traction because of Omarosa's book and how hashtag TFA was a thing/joke, I did notice one particular spokesgopher on MSNBC whose hair is generally on fire about russiagate protest rather oddly on the 25th being invoked and he proceeded to go on and on about how complicated and costly it would be. Which I thought was odd. He is an older thin guy with glasses whom I generally dismiss because he is a hillbot, but this time I took note.

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wendy davis's picture


the wapo version.

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Most of it, anyway.

He ended up in that place by default because it was the cost of his own survival.

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wendy davis's picture

alleged story, and this roundup contains a lot of pithiest portions: ‘The NYT's Rosenstein Story Is An Attempt To Bring Trump Down’, bernhard at, sept 22 2018

he even gives kudos to marcy wheeler, but i'd add that she'd written that after a lot of pushback from calls of BS, the NYT had updated their OP to indicate that there were actually two meetings on the same date. yes to his belief about the timing before midterms, and he thinks that boss tweet won't fall for it (as urged by sean hannity at fox news) as the dems already have a campaign set to go if he fires mueller, sessions, and rosenstein. T: "i'l deal with the stench around here'" or something.

"NYT Gives Trump His Excuse to Fire Rod Rosenstein

The NYT has an inflammatory article claiming that Rod Rosenstein floated recording the President and/or invoking the 25th Amendment in the days after Trump fired Jim Comey.
The insinuation is clear: in an attempt to accuse Rosenstein of things known to set off the President (notably, being recorded), someone took memos McCabe wrote and read them to people who would then leak them to the NYT."

in the wapo version, iirc, it was lisa page who was at one meeting and said rosenstein was provoked into his sarcasm.

"It is obvious who would be served by such a 'slaughter'. It would not help Trump or the Republicans at all. It would be huge gift to the Democrats who have long prepared for such an eventuality. Dozens of groups aligned with the Democrats have prepared a campaign to be launched the very moment Trump announces the firing of Mueller, Session or Rosenstein:

[W]e're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody Is Above the Law" rallies around the country in the event they are needed—900+ of them and counting, in every state, with 400,000 RSVPs to date!

Join us."

but did a fibbie holding the mccabe memos phone some of them into the NYT?

on edit: politico's version has almost too many fascinating quotes to share, but this is from rosenstein's arch enemy:

""A set of those memos remained at the FBI at the time of his departure in late January 2018," Bromwich said, without commenting on what the memos said. "He has no knowledge of how any member of the media obtained those memos."

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), one of Rosenstein's fiercest critics in Congress and who has endorsed a measure to impeach him, said Friday afternoon that he's still trying to understand the facts of the story. He said the conflict underscores Congress' need to access McCabe's memos — which he said the Justice Department and FBI have denied lawmakers for months.

"I want to see those memos and evaluate them," he said in a phone interview.

Jordan, who has clashed publicly with Rosenstein over access to internal agency documents, was notably more muted about the explosive allegations in the Times story."

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Deja's picture

@wendy davis

[W]e're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody Is Above the Law" rallies around the country in the event they are needed—900+ of them and counting, in every state, with 400,000 RSVPs to date!

Join us."

I'm confused, though. Why is it okay for Trump to fire Comey, and others, but not Rosenstein? He's forced to work with someone who's clearly working against him? I don't understand it.

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WaterLily's picture

@Deja And Russiagate must not be exposed for the blatant bullshit it is.

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WaterLily's picture

Reported by Bloomberg.

I'm starting to think this Q thing is real ...

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