Alligator University announces curriculum for training FISA Judges
Fellow swampers and others who do not like to get wet (and/or slimy), I have the distinct privilege, no, honor, to introduce to you and anyone else a new course curriculum which may be of use to you if you want to get people in trouble just on your say so. We did invite Hellery Klinton to be our first matriculation speaker, but she respectfully declined when it was made known to Her that AU has no five star accommodations as befitting her Snakeness. However she did send an autographed photo for our library:
My brother Alphonse has said that this is a great opportunity to enlarge the reach of our teaching institution much further into the Sleep State (I'm not sure if he meant Deep State). For those who may not remember, Alphonse is AU's lawyer but also Dean of the Law School. [By the way, here at AU, we have a strict anti-nepotism code. We adopted it from G.W. Bush, who always had a good word to say about despotism, er ....nepotism.
Mandatory display of A.U. logo
Unlike the usual curriculum of readin', writin', and 'rithmatic, we have stripped our law school course to, shall we say, the bare bones. Believing that students really should be taught sharply focussed information and skills, without other hindrances such as a code of ethics or knowledge of the law, in order to do their jobs well without those extraneous detractors--such as facts.
Basically our course of study has honed down the essentials for FISAcality to the ability to hold a pen and make an X. The more knowledge one has of other world reality, the less likely such an applicant will be to enter the hollowed hallowed ranks of our Law School's select course.
Here is a picture of one of our FISA judges, whom we are proud to say is already serving in Washington, D of C.
Folks, as Insane Obomber would say, folks, give a hand of applause for the members of the class of 2108, Alligator University FISA school. Fortunately 4 vacancies on the 11 member FISA roster are about to become vacant. Four of the existing judges were caught secretly watching Alternative Media. So here they are:
Please note the diversity of our graduates. Not a white one--or a black one--amongst them. We're not quite sure of their genders, it being impolite to ask them which of the 17 approved genders already existing they belong to. So, in fairness, even handedness and all that rot, we let them do their homeostasis in the Swamp just like every one else here.
Predicting of success, we fully anticipate opening special curricula for Circuit Court Judges, Appellate Judges, and Traffic Court magistrates. My sister Alice, who non-nepotistically happens to be AU's treasurer, Dean of Students, assures me that other exciting developments lay in wait for us--if only we're patient.
Alice is currently thinking about opening an advanced Seminar on Abnegation of Common Sense at our Swan School of Law.
Pictured below are the Three extraordinary faculty of our new legal division. Let's see if you can guess who they are. I will leave subtle hints via initials to help any of you out of a quandary as to whom may be so skilled in prevarications, bafflegab, and motions for summary execution judgment.
JC (no, not the one on the cross)
RR (no not a railroad crossing--although there are some interesting coincidences. An RR crossing can prohibit the transit of road traffic past the rails; whereas this RR precludes all traffic of information)
I am proud also to announce our semi-official, not for public hearing, law school anthem.
And, please, as always, donate to our bird sanctuary (got any spare swans?)

'They' don't need no
stinkin' training.
They're doing just fine without any, tyvm.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I giggled.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Nothing says democracy like a secret court
It's so patriotic, eh? Yet another lousy Bush law Obomber simply exploited for profit, instead of repealing it. I'd like to peal some of his change these days. LOL I'll take what's in his couches, and retire happy why not. cheers
A Democratic Congress, under Carter, set up FISA courts.
Was referring to the Patriot Act and fascist technology
I also somehow know the usa is a republic not a democracy, so secret courts are kinda perfect for these times. Upgrade Guantanamo too why not. Secret courts, secret prisons, MAGA. Get out the votes, LOL.
good luck to all.
Sorry, eyo. Obviously, I had misunderstood your earlier post.
such a cute FISA judge you are having there in D of C - not
I feel seduced to love him ... not
Sorry Alligator, once I have overcome my last addiction which is to come here and talk nonsense, all will be well. I need to hit bottom. Sigh. I am almost there.