A New Indictment in the Attempted 2016 Election Overthrow

The New York Post published a story about a new indictment that was filed this week by Special counsel John Durham. Durham is investigating the FISA warrants that the FBI obtained for their wiretaps of Donald Trump, while Trump was a candidate for president in 2016. Russian-born Igor Danchenko, was indicted as the principal source for the bogus Steele dossier. He fed fake Russian intel about Donald Trump to Christopher Steele while he was working at an influential DC think tank. The FBI used the Steele dossier as a basis for their Trump-Russia investigation. The FBI tried for months but were never able to verify anything in the Steele dossier. Nevertheless, they knowingly used the dossier to trick the FISA court into issuing spy warrants, long after the fact.

INFOGRAPHIC Timeline of FISA Abuse

This chart by Jeff Carlson at The Epoch Times is useful in searching the sequence of events of Russiagate. As noted in the subtitle, "In pursuit of surveillance of a Trump campaign adviser, the FBI consistently ignored exculpatory evidence."

The upcoming nationwide "Presidential Alert"--it's not what most people think

Anybody believe in political "coincidences"? That's a rhetorical question. Answering "yes" to that question is akin to announcing belief in the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. (The few of you who answered yes to the question may leave the room and tune in Alex Jones if you still find him broadcasting.)

Alligator University announces curriculum for training FISA Judges

Fellow swampers and others who do not like to get wet (and/or slimy), I have the distinct privilege, no, honor, to introduce to you and anyone else a new course curriculum which may be of use to you if you want to get people in trouble just on your say so. We did invite Hellery Klinton to be our first matriculation speaker, but she respectfully declined when it was made known to Her that AU has no five star accommodations as befitting her Snakeness.

Today's double feature: phony FISA application and Rosenstein's attempted blackmail

First some "old news": the genesis of the phony FISA warrant / Trump surveillance. For those unfamiliar with the whole sordid history of the Piss Dossier, here is an excellent timeline compiled by former federal prosecutor Joseph DeGenova. The video is 31 minutes long and most of us are aware of this.