Deep State after Trump's Family: Impeachment


At what point does this all become too unfair to the American voters, and this double standard of "justice" too personal to accept?


The corrupt and one-sided Mueller / Rosenstein inquisition has had nothing to do with any actual "Russian collusion" or rigging of the outcome of Elections on the part of Trump -- and if that objective had any relevancy at all then it would be Hillary Clinton (and her directly participating Globalist FBI/ DOJ operatives who are also performing this so-called "investigation") that would be the rightful target.

But the latest information now is that the President's own son Donald Trump Jr. is also going to be swept up in this witch hunt and indicted by Mueller for contrived reasons (related to the perfectly legal meeting at Trump Tower that was itself an orchestrated setup created by "Deep State" operatives closely associated with Obama and Clinton).

[video: width:640 height:480]


[video: width:600 height:340]

Unless the public wakes up, votes to protect our own control over our economy, and blocks the anticipated Democrat-Globalist-Pelosi takeover -- all this recent progress is going to be taken away.

I now fear for the fate of this Country.

The Globalists seem to win even when they lose. The unelected criminal Shadow Government (w/DOJ), and the faux-Democratic Party and U.S. Media enablers are determined now to proceed with the Coup d'Etat over President Trump and Impeach and Remove him from office (to which he was elected) -- creating and ensuring a soul less, destructive resumption of the (pre-Trump) U.S. de-Industrialization Import-Economy policies, Economic surrender to Foreign interests, total Borderless migrant overrun of our communities and cities, ham fisted Orwellian Totalitarian Internet Censorship, a return of massive Global scorched-earth (Bush-Clinton-Obama-McCain) "Regime Change" Warfare death and violence, George Soros-funded Civil unrest (ANTIFA), and Foreign Global government control over our Economy .... all of it well outside the reach of the voice of the American public.


Their hook has always been dumb down the American public using the seduction of the language of "Identity Politics" and "politically correct" brainwashing tactics. Too many people have been fooled by this.

Very sad ..... the people will soon have no voice anymore (unless it is only to parrot the narratives of the hollowed-economy Global Government and open borders agenda). Independent thinking will be banned.

It always begins with "Political correctness" which is the first step in dulling the human mind and preparing it for reverse logic. There is still time to fight back, but the hour is near.


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"We want to build, create, and grow more products in our country using American labor, American goods, and American grit. When we purchase products made in the USA, the profits stay here, the revenue stays here, and the jobs — maybe most importantly of all — they stay right here in the USA."

--President Trump

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Big Al's picture

I don't even want to know what you think the "recent progress" has been under Trump and the republican majority Congress.

But this:

"Unless the public wakes up, votes to protect our own control over our economy, and blocks the anticipated Democrat-Globalist-Nancy Pelosi takeover -- all this recent progress is going to be taken away."

You're not seriously suggesting people need to vote to keep the republican majority in Congress and Senate are you? I certainly wouldn't advocate voters vote for democratic party politicians, in fact, I advocate a boycott of the duopoly, but advocating for Trump and the republican party, so Donald Trump Jr. doesn't go to prison where he belongs is just another losing proposition. What we're seeing is a warfare among the ruling class of which Trump and his backers are fully part of. All of it has nothing to do with most citizens. Citizens need to fight back against both major political parties and end ruling class political power.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@Big Al

You're not seriously suggesting people need to vote to keep the republican majority in Congress and Senate are you?

What's the difference? Your not really pretending that is what this essay was about, are you? What in the world happened to your brain? What did you do with Big Al?

I certainly wouldn't advocate voters vote for democratic party politicians, in fact, I advocate a boycott of the duopoly, but advocating for Trump and the republican party, so Donald Trump Jr. doesn't go to prison where he belongs....

Your not seriously suggesting that Donald Jr. committed a crime for which he should be imprisoned are you?

What was that crime?

I remember the Hillary-Obama cartel trying to entrap him, but nothing illegal took place.

I thought you had been following along. How is it that it has become so easy for you to drop the thread of reason? Is this Trump Derangement Syndrome? You, too?

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Big Al's picture

@Pluto's Republic promoting the "progressive takeover" of the democratic party.

I don't know, what does this mean:

"votes to protect our own control over our economy, and blocks the anticipated Democrat-Globalist-Nancy Pelosi takeover"

I assumed it didn't mean voting for the Green party. Two plus two ya know.

As for Trump Jr., he's part of the giant criminal mafia who all should be put away on an Alcatraz somewhere on Venus. I was being facetious, no need to worry. I've read maybe two sentences about this entire bullshit theater production. It doesn't matter one bit relative to We the Peasant Class, unless of course it results in the entire ruling class being terminated (no, not that terminated).

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@Big Al

As for Trump Jr., he's part of the giant criminal mafia who all should be put away on an Alcatraz somewhere on Venus.

But only if they ALL go.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

@Big Al @Big Al I thought the InfoWars video in the OP kinda made it clear enough? I interpreted this post same way as you.

Edit to clarify.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Big Al


  • For 4 decades now our Country had been drowning in disappearing Industries and hollowed-out communities and neighborhoods. All the policy incentives made went (by design) towards moving Industry out of America and creating a Low-Wage Foreign-Import based Economic model. Hence the rise of Multinational Corps and their Monopolistic control (and the disappearance of local USA "Mom & Pop" shops and businesses).

    Under Trump we are reasserting our Economic control, and taking it back again away from the Foreign Globalist interests. 400,000 New U.S. Manufacturing Jobs have been created with Trump's new Trade, Tariff, Regulatory, and Tax rebalancing (the Globalists hate this), and this will go up much further with time. The once dead U.S. Steel and Aluminum Industries have already started back up again. And overall 4 Million Jobs have been created since the 2016 Election. I know you hate Trump..we get it. But this is far more important than any one man. Economic Independence and self-determination is important. It is how we have a self-sustaining lifestyle and how we have a high-wage economy. We will simply not have this without policies that favor native, sovereign manufacturing. Trump is the first President in 4 decades to face this problem (and upset the Foreign Oligarchs to get it).

    Trump knows what he is doing...


  • I do not support the Coup d'Etat, and would not support a Coup even if I didn't like (not all .. but) most of Trump's policies. The American public must protect their own right to vote for the candidates, and not have some corrupt unelected alphabet agencies and The Establishment decide for us who gets to hold office. So yes absolutely! I will not vote for a single Democrat-Party entry in November on the ballot and I will support the GOP holding the U.S. House to maintain the right of the American public to decide the policies of The United States rather than a corrupt Establishment. All the corrupt Democrat-Party wants to do anyway is just have runway open borders and censor the Internet, defend the bad, costly 'ObamaCare' bill, and have Warfare with Russia and Syria. Sorry but they suck more than the Repubs at this point. They are totally clueless on the Economy. People voted for an outsider in 2016, and they should have their choice upheld. Otherwise we are just a 3rd-World Banana Republic (which is what the Globalists and the open border people want).
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mimi's picture


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Wink's picture

for any of this,
and is no friend of the working class,
has no intentions of MAGA unless it benefits him, our King.
10,000 Boomers retire every day. 200,000 a month! At least!
That's where all dRump's jobs come from.
I'm no dRump hater, but dRump didn't make his $Millions by playing nice, totally expects to leave the WH much richer than he entered it. And who knows? Might actually be a Real $Billionaire after retiring to Mar a Lago!

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.


History will prove you long as Trump gets to stay in power and live out his full two-terms. Lets look at the job numbers then shall we?

Apparently you think that Trade/Tariff/Regulatory/Tax policy is irrelevant.

These are the things that Trump has changed (amid howls about new "trade wars") quite dramatically .... which is why Industry is now incentivised to come back to the U.S -- and are doing it! There is a big, big difference between a foreign-import based Economy and a homegrown Export-based Economy.

Obama once gleefully said that the "manufacturing jobs weren't coming back" (literal quote). And we see already now 400,000 new manufacturing jobs under Trump, and it will get better once all the changes kick in and really take effect. The policies matter. History will prove that.

And this is also why The Establishment, The Foreign Oligarchs, The EU, China, and the corrupt Globalist Media are so unhappy. They cannot just steal away the wealth and steal the Industry out of this Country and hollow it out anymore quite so easily.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


...became their leader and put a halt to the wild US asset-stripping of Russia.

They cannot just steal away the wealth and steal the Industry out of this Country and hollow it out anymore quite so easily.

All that stolen wealth and energy was directed back into Russia itself, lifting it out of dispair and building a sustainable future for the Russian people in a beautiful country.

Just sayin'.

The Trump machine fell to a coup in April 2017. Trump is on his own, which explains the Helsinki operation. US foreign policy is run by the Neocons, who just slammed Russia with draconian sanctions. Trump has no control over this. It works directly against his interests. If your views lined up with physical reality, you could potentially become a leader.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

But Trump and Co.'s plain old domestic corruption can and should put him away for a long time.

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They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore

Pluto's Republic's picture

@Johnny Q

domestic corruption can and should put him away for a long time.

When were they committed and what are the penalties?

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Wink's picture

won't. When has a
@Johnny Q
sitting president been convicted of anything?
It may however happen after he leaves office.
With any luck.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Pluto's Republic's picture

...for your excellent essay on the essential and universal nature of justice.

Very sad ..... the people will soon have no voice anymore (unless it is only to parrot the narratives of the hollowed-economy Global Government and open borders agenda). Independent thinking will be banned.

Open borders for asset-stripping corporations. Refugees, not so much.

It always begins with "Political correctness" which is the first step in dulling the human mind and preparing it for reverse logic.

There is still time to fight back, but the hour is near.

As of right now, I don't believe there is time to fight back. Actually, I never believed the American people had two neurons to rub together when it comes to knowing who is oppressing them in the first place. Any and all political salvation will come from outside the United States, compliments of the rest of the world. The American people will probably attempt to sabotage their own rescue and opportunity for self-determination. Today, I see them clinging to the feet of their current oppressors.

Still, this was a damned good essay, in my opinion.

0 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

@Pluto's Republic


Also see:

Important stuff ...

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point in time still believes Trump honestly gives two shits about the American people is living in full denial of reality, IMHO. As Big Al states and I fully agree with him, this is a fight between factions of the Deep State, this isn't Trump saving America from itself. While Democrats should indeed be reviled and no one in their right mind should believe anything out of their mouths, I will be damned if I will place my faith in a fully retrograde Repugnant party. While we'd love to sit here and blame Trump all on the Dems and ID politics I think we can all pretty well see by now that the decades of Faux racist dog whistles have paid off handsomely for our owners. Tax Cuts that benefit ordinary Americans? Trade wars that will benefit US workers? Please.

As for Donald Jr going to jail I will believe it when I see it.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

snoopydawg's picture

ham fisted Orwellian Totalitarian Internet Censorship, a return of massive Global scorched-earth (Bush-Clinton-Obama-McCain) "Regime Change" Warfare death and violence

Im just going to address these two issues. Net neutrality was revoked under Trump's administration and what the Hell do you think Bolton, Pompeo and Trump's sanctions against Iran and any country that deals with them is all about? Hint. Regime Change no matter what they say that aren't doing.

I do agree with you on one point though.

The corrupt and one-sided Mueller / Rosenstein inquisition has had nothing to do with any actual "Russian collusion" or rigging of the outcome of Elections on the part of Trump

This site has been saying this since Hillary and Podesta cooked it up. Haven't you noticed that?

Oh, and I agree with this too.

Their hook has always been dumb down the American public using the seduction of the language of "Identity Politics" and "politically correct" brainwashing tactics. Too many people have been fooled by this.

However. You and I already discussed the other issues you listed in this essay and we strongly disagreed with each other so I'm not going to address the other things you mentioned.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


It has been the Democrats in Congress (Sen. Mark Warner D-VA, Sen. Chris Murphy D-Conn, and others) who have been publicly calling out for the explicit banning of Web Sites they don't like, and then pressuring Facebook, YouTube with "consequences" if they do not comply.

CNN and MSNBC and "Media Matters", and Hillary Clinton herself (Democrat Establishment shills) also have been doing the same thing and publicly calling out for banning Web Sites.

It wasn't the GOP that started this purge and new Dark Ages. This is the work of the "haters".

And it certainly was not Trump (who has been reforming Trade/Tariff/Regulatory/Tax policy to "put America First" and return back to a high-growth, high-wage Export-based U.S. Economy).

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snoopydawg's picture


The corrupt and one-sided Mueller / Rosenstein inquisition has had nothing to do with any actual "Russian collusion" or rigging of the outcome of Elections on the part of Trump -- and if that objective had any relevancy at all then it would be Hillary Clinton (and her directly participating Globalist FBI/ DOJ operatives who are also performing this so-called "investigation") that would be the rightful target.

If you visit us frequently you would know that most of us are well aware of this as I previously stated in my earlier comment. There have been numerous essays here talking about how Russia Gate was created by Hillary and Obama's intelligence agencies. And it's not only the democrats who are getting social media to censor alternative websites and have changed their algorithms for the traffic to their sites.

It has been the Democrats in Congress (Sen. Mark Warner D-VA, Sen. Chris Murphy D-Conn, and others) who have been publicly calling out for the explicit banning of Web Sites they don't like, and then pressuring Facebook, YouTube with "consequences" if they do not comply.

CNN and MSNBC and "Media Matters", and Hillary Clinton herself (Democrat Establishment shills) also have been doing the same thing and publicly calling out for banning Web Sites.

This goes far beyond just the democrats doing that and again there have been numerous essays here about it. Here's my latest one on the recent time that Facebook censored websites.

We Told You That Once The Establishment Silenced Assange, The Rest Of The Media Would Be Next: We Were RightYou will need to follow the other links that I included in this to see what organizations are behind this censorship to see that it's not just the democrats who are behind this. As with many other issues they along with the republicans are just the ones who look like they are in charge of what happens in this country. They are 'elected'

Maybe before you come here and write essays like this you can take some time and look to see what the site has been covering. But if you actually think that Trump and the republicans give two sh*ts about us I feel that you are unaware of the damage that they are doing to the country.

The EPA and most of the policies that have been put in place to protect the air, water and the rest of the environment are being rescinded. DeVos is dismantling the public school system so that the religious right will be able to take control. The others who Trump appointed for the other cabinet positions are also quietly working behind the scenes to dismantle what they are supposed to be protecting. Zinke is allowing oil, gas, fracking and other agencies to do whatever the Hell they want to.

And after the midterms are over congress is going to be working on dismantling our social programs including social security, Medicare and Medicaid. Trump will sign it even though he promised not to touch social security. The ACA is hideously flawed. But if the republicans and Trump destroy it completely then the insurance companies will go back to kicking people off their insurance for pre-existing conditions just as they have in the past when people got diagnosed with a serious illness and tell them that they sh*t out of luck. Be careful what you wish for.

I think that this Carlin video is more appropriate.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


Several things...

Net Neutrality benefited the large internet providers/players and harmed the small players by placing financial burdens that only large players could support, which drove a monopolization, the same as Dodd–Frank Act did for small local banks vs large banks. The so-called "protections" of Net Neutrality were never needed and were already well covered by the FTC, all that Net Neutrality did was create fiefdom for the corporate establishment and killed competition. Thank god Net Neutrality is dead.

And re: IRAN. Here are a few Q drops to ponder:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5902e7 No.146454
Dec 22 2017 01:26:25 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 24dcf5 No.146326
Dec 22 2017 01:17:59 (EST)
we already knew this though.
What do Clowns do w/ the access codes and tech?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
What families are protected using leverage?
Bank / Financial leverage?
NUKE strike package leverage?
Why is IRAN protected?
Why is IRAN funded by the US?
What news about IRAN broke?
What about WMDs?
Why did Brennan / others provide false intel re: NK capability + IRAN Tech / NUKE DEV?
Plate full.
Have faith.

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e7b971 No.1248119
Apr 30 2018 10:51:06 (EST)
Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.
Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?
What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?
What if the program never ceased?
What other bad actors are possibly involved?
Did the U.S. know?
Where did the cash payments go?
How many planes delivered?
Did all planes land in same location?
Where did the U1 material end up?
Is this material traceable?
Define cover.
What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
What would be the primary purpose?
In the movie, where did the material come from?
What country?
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.
Patriots in control.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3497f0 No.1699714
Jun 11 2018 11:24:10 (EST)
Does Kim look nervous prior to the 'BIG' meeting w/ POTUS?
Did they already meet long ago?
Is he preparing at his hotel w/ his advisors ahead of time?
Or, is he out enjoying the 'FREEDOM' he never had in the past?
Deal done?
On guard?
POTUS moves up departure - why?
The World is Safer.
IRAN developments…

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3497f0 No.1700175
Jun 11 2018 11:56:26 (EST)
EU sanctions (IRAN).
Leaders of EU only care about protecting flow of MONEY - NOT the safety and security of their people/world.
IRAN deal orchestrated for the sole purpose of lifting sanctions (blockade) to allow access of foreign businesses for individual & co-wide enrichment. SCAM!!!
Nothing to do w/ NUKES (cover_)
Hussein pallets of cash.
Hussein secret auth to convert USD.
More coming.
No MSM coverage.
Got Popcorn?

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1a8b54 No.1925892
Jun 27 2018 12:17:45 (EST)
We stand w/ the good people of IRAN who are currently battling their 'installed' regime for FREEDOM.
At some point military generals will act w/ the will of the people simply because their soldiers ARE THOSE SAME PEOPLE and have no choice.
We stand with you.
We are monitoring the situation closely.
Stay safe.
God bless.

I could go on by posting decodes of those Q drops, but those should get the ball rolling for a real conversation about what is actually happening in Iran and why the Trump Admin is doing what the Trump Admin is doing with regards to Iran. In short, Iran was a clearing house to launder money /arms for the Global Communist Authoritarian Cabal, just like NK was. Those days are over.

Here is one take on the Q drops related to Iran by Neon Revolt:

We know US and Jordanian Marines ran a joint-operation last night, taking out a [Renegade]-funded base.

Now, it appears the location of that base has come to light: Iranian operators hanging out in Syria. According to Q, this is the “satellite” Iranian facility involved in manufacturing nuclear arms. These were the people Obama was funneling money to, through his little Iron Eagle shell company.

The other new bit of intel in these drops is that while Iron Eagle was used to cover up these “ransom” payments Obama made, Uranium1 was used to cover up the fact that Russia was providing the nuclear materials for sale to these nations! (Although there are some other possibilities, admittedly, which we’ll take a look at in a moment – but this is my reading of it). Which, of course, implies that HILLARY had been colluding with the Russians the whole time, literally risking nuclear war and the destruction of our entire nation!

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snoopydawg's picture


I have to admit the Iran stuff is going over my head a bit, but I have read those drops, but thanks for posting them again. I am quavering on Q a bit, but I am still keeping my mind open. Time is going to tell what this was all about.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

I wish to address "borderless migrant overrun of our communities."
I wish I could overlook that, discuss problems with our Deep State, which I think you and I agree upon.
Except you sound like the Grand Dragon of the KKK that lives about 35 miles from me.
White guy/gal, get over it.
Get your hood washed. Expect it to get stained.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

New Management needed here ...

0 users have voted.

I do hope the "here" that you speak of doesn't mean this site. I'll remind you that it is by the grace of the "Management" that you are allowed to post "here".

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It was about what CA policies have done to the city of SF (including the open border, sanctuary cities policies).

I don't see how anyone could have misunderstood had they watched the video (context) which was the point.

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Because Big Al and I quoted the same part. lol so did others and the discussion flow made me keep LOLing, because well... The Q hypocrisy:

Their hook has always been dumb down the American public using the seduction of the language of "Identity Politics" and "politically correct" brainwashing tactics. Too many people have been fooled by this.


What does Q "research" spend all day doing? Decoding sekret messages, getting out the vote for the R party's Red Wave. Them there are the Titanic dwellers, shuffling deck chairs as the world burns. More bad Bannon productions, that's all.

grow a brain
get a heart
oops forget it
meet the pitchforks

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k9disc's picture

There is no side for "us".

I actually am leaning towards drumpf being less damaging than Dems.

I'm seeing the "America First" reactions from corporate and the EU (Germany moving to replace SWIFT, for instance), but I'm not at all OK with the social demons being let loose in the process.

I don't give one rats ass about the economy if we wind up a bunch of nativist jingoes, and that's a burbling undercurrent of Drumpf, his supporters, and the Q movement.

I like the idea of America as a country, but as a nation, I think it's somewhat dangerous. A Republic if you can keep it is far different from the nation we are living in and that conservatives have foisted upon us.

This binary "Drumpf or Democrats" or Republicans vs Democrats sets up exactly this kind of short circuit to solidarity.

I'm feeling both sides of the argument, but as someone who does not tribe up well I'm not able to give my support to either. These two tribes are BOTH not healthy for America, our people, or the planet.

I feel you, @freesociety, and I feel you guys that are pushing back on the binary set up by our political situation, but I can't get past the manipulation of the choice.

How about we have an inclusive country that has a sustainable domestic economy that serves it's people? Which side of the coin is going to make that happen?

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu


I agree with you that most our problems do not fall into binary choices, and Trump is certainly not the perfect opposition to the Establishment.

But he is the first President that we've had who is bold enough and not afraid to have the guts to confront (and offend) the Establishment-World-Order on several important fronts - and resist their (oppressive) Global Government paradigm.

The President's new Trade/Tariff policies are one example that is already yielding good results and creating new confidence. And to the extent that he can undo the destructively designed low-wage Foreign-Import-based Economic model and reform it back to a self-sustaining, homegrown, high-wage Export-based Economy again (like America was decades ago) -- that by itself will make him a transformational, historical leader - because of the wide impact and benefits that it will have. As President Kennedy once said, "a rising tide lifts all the boats", and to quote Bill Clinton's campaign Manager (unfortunately) "Its the Economy". The Economy is #1, but also it is about our independence, freedom from unelected Foreign control, taxation, Foreign Warfare obligations, and our whole quality of life and the sustainability of our standard of living.

I also think Trump has been badly misunderstood (by the Media, and by The Left deliberately) about the immigration issue. Trump already publicly agreed to a deal that would fully support DACA in exchange for ending "catch and release" policy and getting full-funding for securing the southern border. He completely supports legal immigration (as do I and just about everyone) - which is how most other Countries operate (and are supposed to) and so he is not a "white supremacist", etc. (just a smear).

The whole issue is just simply having a legal and normal and responsible immigration system, and securing our borders from all the Drug gangs, the people with criminal records, the big Gangs (like MS-13), from ISIS, and the would-be terrorists, etc.

Some may see this as "nationalism" or jingoism or something "narrow", but I just see this as common sense.

For example, would you want the front doors on your own home to just be taken off so that anyone could just wander in to your home and eat food out of your refrigerator, potentially steal things or smash things up, or disrupt or physically harm your family members, or take up space you had reserved for others? Of course not.

We shouldn't then run our own Country that way either. Immigration is a assimilation process for Communities, and care should be taken. You can't just let everybody recklessly pour through.

We have all put up with very irresponsible policy for decades that is cleverly disguised by "politically correct" language (which is why I posted the George Carlin video).

The Globalists want the open border policy by design (along with the bad Trade deals) to create a low-wage economy and other civil unrest so that they can easily exploit the people and extract our Country's wealth.

To really understand what this whole struggle is about, you have to first understand the (authoritarian, unelected, oppressive) Global Government model that the Globalists and Big time Oligarchs designed and built-up --- and just how bad that would be for everyone here (except for the 1%).

Trump's policies are a push back against those tyrannical plans and that's why I'm rooting for him, and want him to retain power. These two videos reflect diametrically opposing policies with wide-ranging impact.


That's what this whole fight is about. Pick one -- and that's where the binary choice is.

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QMS's picture

@FreeSociety in our current presidential clown. You support what some of us perceive as being evil. Which brings back the lesser of evils conundrum. Good points about choice giving us none but illusion. You can see a world better represented by a capitalist. Despite the obvious failure of our democracy to address the needs of we the people. Wish I could share your optimism in things improving for us and the earth with the present power structure. And, BTW, second terms are not a given.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

k9disc's picture

But he is not just talking nativism and jinoism, he is gleefully stoking nativist jingo.

You can couch it in all the 5 sentence graphs you want, but that's at root. He is playing with fire for no reason at all - save his soul. Meaning he is showing us his soul, to be quite clear.

I want protectionism, I want an end to extractive global economics, but I want that because it is harmful to people, especially poor and indigenous people, and is unsustainable at this time in terms of climaticide.

What good does it do if we get domestic economic Robber Baron Nativist Jingo? We still burn the planet and the poor still suffer.

I'm more than concerned that we're looking at a shift in tactics, not strategy with Drumpf – we go from inverted totalitarianism to corn pone, golden toilet fascism.

I do appreciate your point of view but do not agree with it.



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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Pluto's Republic's picture


we go from inverted totalitarianism to corn pone, golden toilet fascism.

We've sure straddled those both for a long time. They are the trailheads for the two parties — and they both lead to the same destination.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange


What good does it do if we get domestic economic Robber Baron Nativist Jingo? We still burn the planet and the poor still suffer.

If Trump was really assisting the Robber Barons then you would not have this constant wall-to-wall negative Media coverage of President Trump (with numerous made-up smears), and a fully institutionalized Deep State effort to destroy him and remove him from Office.

You judge a man by his enemies. That tells you what Trump represents.

The facts are that Trump represents the best attempt we have available to fight back against The Global Government from which there will be no return possible if they get their way (and they are very, very close).


Priority #1: Fight the Globalists Plan


He's gotta stay in power or Global Government will win -- and ensure that all of us will lose all of our freedoms!

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k9disc's picture

might stays. That's what I'm seeing in his policies put forth. Infrastructure, in particular, his cabinet, and his rhetoric.

You seem to think that I'm not thinking and want to correct my thinking. I'm thinking clearly and historically.

Tying QAnon to Drumpf and Q is, most likely a safety valve to split and factionalize the movement and create two sides for the fight over the vacuum.

Q is an Anonymous operation, and while Drumpf and Q are facilitating at this moment, they are NOT the movement. Inextricably tying them to the movement creates demographic splits that can be stoked to complete the transaction from old boss to new boss. I'm not going to play that game.

I am happy to give him his due on taking on the global cabal, but I will not ignore his nativist jingo en route. Not much you can do to dissuade me from that either because, IMO, it IS dangerous.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu


I think QAnon/Q is a total fabrication. I see no evidence in these various Q rumors (that allege Jeff Sessions is really a "good guy" who is going indict all the Deep State criminals).

Not happening. It is a misdirection. The plot to overthrow Trump is very real, and Jeff Sessions is part of that Coup.

It all comes down to whether:

  • We will be systematically absorbed into (the economic slavery of) Global Government (with all our freedoms disappearing), or
  • We retain our Country's self-determination, Independence and Ideals, and have any control over our own Economy, and our Wallets, and our Laws.

That's a battle worth winning, and our moment is right now.

And Trump (so far) has been less Warlike. He's not perfect here, but he's clearly not the worst of the options. He has been far less Warlike than either: Bush I II, Clinton I II, or Obama. He left al-Assad in power (rejected the "Regime Change" policies), and has pursued peace deals with North Korea and Russia.

The people who then call him "a Traitor" and Treasonous for doing that are the ones who reveal themselves to be the real jingoists, and the true rule-by-violence progenerators.

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