of the Great Blue Heron is what I wished to could have done the last two weeks. The heat and drought here were horrible and we literally waited hourly for rain. So, plunging into a little lake like the one on your photos would have been paradise. We are even blessed, because on my parents land we still have a working well and we could water the plants. Today was the first day when temperatures dropped into the twenty plus Celsius degrees. The days before we had 33 to 36 degree Celsius. Next week it will go up again.
Hopefully you have not such crazy weather over in your parts of the world. Wishing you a nice little breeze and light rain shower and a climate in which you can't bake your cookies on your car's hood.
Even though I'm presently in Florida at my mom's, I am aware of the equally intolerable heat in Germany. Auckland, where I am not at the moment is half that hot. Set up the sprinkler next week to feed your garden and cool yourself. I might consider making Pfannkuchen on the hood of the car using Spelt ; ).
of the Great Blue Heron is what I wished to could have done the last two weeks. The heat and drought here were horrible and we literally waited hourly for rain. So, plunging into a little lake like the one on your photos would have been paradise. We are even blessed, because on my parents land we still have a working well and we could water the plants. Today was the first day when temperatures dropped into the twenty plus Celsius degrees. The days before we had 33 to 36 degree Celsius. Next week it will go up again.
Hopefully you have not such crazy weather over in your parts of the world. Wishing you a nice little breeze and light rain shower and a climate in which you can't bake your cookies on your car's hood.
OT, and the cool photos of the GBH. Along with being dog lovers, we're very much bird lovers. We're grateful that our White-Faced Cockatiel is still hanging in there. I can't quite make out the date on his band, but, we've had him 26 years, now, so he's at least that old.
Might be back with another photo that I've thought about posting, but, for now, I'll leave you Guys with a couple of screenshots from the LCC (Luthern Church Charities) Comfort Dog Twitter feed. Here's their sweet and pretty girl, 'Katie.'
Apparently, there are scores of them nationwide. Here's a diagram of the ones they deployed to the Santa Fe High School (TX) after the tragic shooting.
Aren't they cuties?
If I have to be absent, I always try to lurk/catch the excellent photography that you Guys so graciously share with our Community--it's such a treat!
Hope you and yours are doing well. Have a nice weekend.
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong." ~~W. R. Purche
"In a World where you can be anything--be kind." ~~LCC Comfort Dogs
For a little snark,
No Labels -- "Civility's our Name; Austerity's our Game."
0 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I hope you're finding ample comfort among your friends of all feathers and furs. I've missed you.
OT, and the cool photos of the GBH. Along with being dog lovers, we're very much bird lovers. We're grateful that our White-Faced Cockatiel is still hanging in there. I can't quite make out the date on his band, but, we've had him 26 years, now, so he's at least that old.
Might be back with another photo that I've thought about posting, but, for now, I'll leave you Guys with a couple of screenshots from the LCC (Luthern Church Charities) Comfort Dog Twitter feed. Here's their sweet and pretty girl, 'Katie.'
Apparently, there are scores of them nationwide. Here's a diagram of the ones they deployed to the Santa Fe High School (TX) after the tragic shooting.
Aren't they cuties?
If I have to be absent, I always try to lurk/catch the excellent photography that you Guys so graciously share with our Community--it's such a treat!
Hope you and yours are doing well. Have a nice weekend.
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong." ~~W. R. Purche
"In a World where you can be anything--be kind." ~~LCC Comfort Dogs
For a little snark,
No Labels -- "Civility's our Name; Austerity's our Game."
@Unabashed Liberal
lol, I almost wrote Blue Heron. Beautiful face that doggie has. Thanks for posting.
OT, and the cool photos of the GBH. Along with being dog lovers, we're very much bird lovers. We're grateful that our White-Faced Cockatiel is still hanging in there. I can't quite make out the date on his band, but, we've had him 26 years, now, so he's at least that old.
Might be back with another photo that I've thought about posting, but, for now, I'll leave you Guys with a couple of screenshots from the LCC (Luthern Church Charities) Comfort Dog Twitter feed. Here's their sweet and pretty girl, 'Katie.'
Apparently, there are scores of them nationwide. Here's a diagram of the ones they deployed to the Santa Fe High School (TX) after the tragic shooting.
Aren't they cuties?
If I have to be absent, I always try to lurk/catch the excellent photography that you Guys so graciously share with our Community--it's such a treat!
Hope you and yours are doing well. Have a nice weekend.
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong." ~~W. R. Purche
"In a World where you can be anything--be kind." ~~LCC Comfort Dogs
For a little snark,
No Labels -- "Civility's our Name; Austerity's our Game."
0 users have voted.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
blame you if you're experiencing a tad of confusion, since my (static) blogging user name is UL, and my signature line contains two more options!
Glad you liked Katie's photo. I've come to like and admire this breed a lot, since I ran across their Twitter Account. Enjoy many of their inspirational quotes, and appreciate their good deeds in regards to giving comfort to folks who are grieving and traumatized. Undeniably, they're a 'happy-looking' bunch of dogs.
Have a nice weekend . . .
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong." ~~W. R. Purche
lol, I almost wrote Blue Heron. Beautiful face that doggie has. Thanks for posting.
0 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
genuine love that dogs have to offer is so precious, possibly even especially so for those who are grieving. No words necessary, just the simple fact of being there.
blame you if you're experiencing a tad of confusion, since my (static) blogging user name is UL, and my signature line contains two more options!
Glad you liked Katie's photo. I've come to like and admire this breed a lot, since I ran across their Twitter Account. Enjoy many of their inspirational quotes, and appreciate their good deeds in regards to giving comfort to folks who are grieving and traumatized. Undeniably, they're a 'happy-looking' bunch of dogs.
Have a nice weekend . . .
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong." ~~W. R. Purche
experienced. Mr M and I have experienced a great deal of loss--human and pet--over the past four decades, as most folks do over that long of a period of time. But, the most recent one was one of the most difficult, partly, I believe, because we didn't have a doggie companion (left) to comfort us.
It is incredible, what a difference that makes. And, I suspect, one of the reasons that I came to so greatly appreciate the LLC Comfort Dogs, and their mission.
Thanks for making that point, Janis.
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong." ~~W. R. Purche
genuine love that dogs have to offer is so precious, possibly even especially so for those who are grieving. No words necessary, just the simple fact of being there.
0 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I’m sorry for the losses you and Mr. M have endured. Mr. B must be sorely missed. I hope that one day you will have another dog to love and be loved by. Your contribution to the mission of comfort dogs will be widely appreciated by many in need. Doggie hospice work is a beautiful thing. All the best to you Mollie and Mr. B, always.
experienced. Mr M and I have experienced a great deal of loss--human and pet--over the past four decades, as most folks do over that long of a period of time. But, the most recent one was one of the most difficult, partly, I believe, because we didn't have a doggie companion (left) to comfort us.
It is incredible, what a difference that makes. And, I suspect, one of the reasons that I came to so greatly appreciate the LLC Comfort Dogs, and their mission.
Thanks for making that point, Janis.
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong." ~~W. R. Purche
made much contribution, thus far, but, we're considering a (breed of) pup that could easily be trained as a comfort or therapy dog. If all goes well, we'll have our 'new addition' by Christmas.
Blue Onyx
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong." ~~W. R. Purche
I’m sorry for the losses you and Mr. M have endured. Mr. B must be sorely missed. I hope that one day you will have another dog to love and be loved by. Your contribution to the mission of comfort dogs will be widely appreciated by many in need. Doggie hospice work is a beautiful thing. All the best to you Mollie and Mr. B, always.
0 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Cayuga Bird Club does walks in the restricted area at Knox-Marsellus / Puddler's marsh most weekends this time of year.
0 users have voted.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
The only resident flock of Sandhill cranes in upstate NY AFAIK.
We also have resident Trumpeter swans
0 users have voted.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
The highlight of the day (for me) was the juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron. Rare to see them this far inland (unlike Black-crowned Night Heron)
There was also a female Ruff (very rare) but my photos are like Bigfoot photos. And all you can see is her butt and legs anyway...
0 users have voted.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
The worst part is that after you walk in you have to walk back out...
When I stopped for a breather
This Robin looks like I felt by that point
0 users have voted.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Probably a dumb question, but is that a serious surfing contest, or just a bunch of friends having fun? Either way, it's an event that I definitely would've enjoyed.
Have a good one!
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong." ~~W. R. Purche
Nice shots of the GBH. That third shot is the first time I've seen one submerged like that.
Some shots from the Imperial Beach surf dog contest.
Checking out the competition.
Shredding that wave.
Getting last minute instructions from the coach.
Trying to remember the coach's instructions.
The Hotdog. There's always one.
The Hotdog making his move on the wave.
A boy and his dog.
A boy and his other dog.
0 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Probably a dumb question, but is that a serious surfing contest, or just a bunch of friends having fun? Either way, it's an event that I definitely would've enjoyed.
Have a good one!
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong." ~~W. R. Purche
0 users have voted.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Those doggies are too funny. Wet dogs just don't look happy though I am sure they are I have seen some body surfing the waves on 'my' beach and loving it. Thanks for sharing.
Nice shots of the GBH. That third shot is the first time I've seen one submerged like that.
Some shots from the Imperial Beach surf dog contest.
Checking out the competition.
Shredding that wave.
Getting last minute instructions from the coach.
Trying to remember the coach's instructions.
The Hotdog. There's always one.
The Hotdog making his move on the wave.
A boy and his dog.
A boy and his other dog.
0 users have voted.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Even thought the dogs don't look happy they seemed to be having a great time.
Those doggies are too funny. Wet dogs just don't look happy though I am sure they are I have seen some body surfing the waves on 'my' beach and loving it. Thanks for sharing.
0 users have voted.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
My springer spaniel Bodega loved water. Every winter the golf course I lived by would retain huge pockets of water after it rained and Bo would do laps around them. I'd watch her eyes light up when she saw that I was taking her to play in them.
Bo and Bailey
Bo in 'her' pond checking to make sure that there weren't any golf balls in before she took off.
Here she is doing her laps. She went zipping around the pond for 20 minutes before she took a break.
Can't you just feel how much fun she was having?
Thanks for hosting tonight, Janis. Did that pelican lose its balance and fall in?
Nice shots of the GBH. That third shot is the first time I've seen one submerged like that.
Some shots from the Imperial Beach surf dog contest.
Checking out the competition.
Shredding that wave.
Getting last minute instructions from the coach.
Trying to remember the coach's instructions.
The Hotdog. There's always one.
The Hotdog making his move on the wave.
A boy and his dog.
A boy and his other dog.
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My springer spaniel Bodega loved water. Every winter the golf course I lived by would retain huge pockets of water after it rained and Bo would do laps around them. I'd watch her eyes light up when she saw that I was taking her to play in them.
Bo and Bailey
Bo in 'her' pond checking to make sure that there weren't any golf balls in before she took off.
Here she is doing her laps. She went zipping around the pond for 20 minutes before she took a break.
Can't you just feel how much fun she was having?
Thanks for hosting tonight, Janis. Did that pelican lose its balance and fall in?
My springer spaniel Bodega loved water. Every winter the golf course I lived by would retain huge pockets of water after it rained and Bo would do laps around them. I'd watch her eyes light up when she saw that I was taking her to play in them.
Bo and Bailey
Bo in 'her' pond checking to make sure that there weren't any golf balls in before she took off.
Here she is doing her laps. She went zipping around the pond for 20 minutes before she took a break.
Can't you just feel how much fun she was having?
Thanks for hosting tonight, Janis. Did that pelican lose its balance and fall in?
0 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
and two lab/springers. Bo forgot to go to the doggie class where they learn how fun it is to go for car rides. I would either have to carry her out to the car or drag her out. But first I had to get her out from under my bed. 99.9% of the car rides were to go somewhere fun, but she just hated the ride. She would shake the whole time I was driving. She has the biggest grin on her face in the bottom picture.
My springer spaniel Bodega loved water. Every winter the golf course I lived by would retain huge pockets of water after it rained and Bo would do laps around them. I'd watch her eyes light up when she saw that I was taking her to play in them.
Bo and Bailey
Bo in 'her' pond checking to make sure that there weren't any golf balls in before she took off.
Here she is doing her laps. She went zipping around the pond for 20 minutes before she took a break.
Can't you just feel how much fun she was having?
Thanks for hosting tonight, Janis. Did that pelican lose its balance and fall in?
0 users have voted.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
passed out on a bird house. It's a little hard to see, but this squirrel was so hot, it just did a spread eagle belly flop on the roof of this bird house (in the shade). Stayed there for about an hour until it's organs cooled off. Silly critters.
Maybe you need to attach a platform of steel to a tree to accomodate the squirrels during this heat ; ).
passed out on a bird house. It's a little hard to see, but this squirrel was so hot, it just did a spread eagle belly flop on the roof of this bird house (in the shade). Stayed there for about an hour until it's organs cooled off. Silly critters.
passed out on a bird house. It's a little hard to see, but this squirrel was so hot, it just did a spread eagle belly flop on the roof of this bird house (in the shade). Stayed there for about an hour until it's organs cooled off. Silly critters.
0 users have voted.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Love herons. jb and I lived on our little houseboat on a lake the last three years we taught HS. Great Blue Herons occasionally walked the docks day and night. It was always fascinating to look out the window and be surprised to see one slow lurching by.
0 users have voted.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Lurching gracefully definitely describes their movement.
Love herons. jb and I lived on our little houseboat on a lake the last three years we taught HS. Great Blue Herons occasionally walked the docks day and night. It was always fascinating to look out the window and be surprised to see one slow lurching by.
I few years ago I saw a bird that looked like that from the window of the Chicago Metra commuter train. But it was powder blue all over. The startling blue plumage was what caught my attention. It was BIG! And obviously fishing in the shallow pond.
I thought that it was a Blue Heron.
0 users have voted.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
when I tried to identify birds in Florida where I saw it. It is exceptionally tall and proud looking. The blue was somewhat camouflaged by the reflections of the light from the water.
I few years ago I saw a bird that looked like that from the window of the Chicago Metra commuter train. But it was powder blue all over. The startling blue plumage was what caught my attention. It was BIG! And obviously fishing in the shallow pond.
I thought that it was a Blue Heron.
I few years ago I saw a bird that looked like that from the window of the Chicago Metra commuter train. But it was powder blue all over. The startling blue plumage was what caught my attention. It was BIG! And obviously fishing in the shallow pond.
I thought that it was a Blue Heron.
Busy week. Love all the bird pics. This is getting to be a nature blog I think. Good relief from, yeah, that stuff...
Farmers market flowers
Monterey Alley
0 users have voted.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Busy week. Love all the bird pics. This is getting to be a nature blog I think. Good relief from, yeah, that stuff...
Farmers market flowers
Monterey Alley
Thanks for hosting. How's Florida? Love the Blue Heron bathing. When we moved in to our house here we had herons nesting in the eucalyptus trees near by. The first time I heard them I thought someone was being attacked. Horrisonant. They are truly amazing birds.
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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
it's bearable, thanks to the ocean and pool water which is only slightly cooler. My amazing, almost 90 year old mom helps too.
Thanks for hosting. How's Florida? Love the Blue Heron bathing. When we moved in to our house here we had herons nesting in the eucalyptus trees near by. The first time I heard them I thought someone was being attacked. Horrisonant. They are truly amazing birds.
This week's theme seems to be wading birds. I got to see two whooping cranes the other day:
They were pretty far away, so these are kind of Bigfoot photos, heh. It's something though. Someone who saw them closer than I did said they were raised in captivity and released in Wisconsin; they've been hanging out in the sw area of the twin cities this week. Hubby and I drove 2 hours to see them, but I think it was worth it as they are so rare, only about 500 in the wild still.
Janis, love your Great Blue Heron series, and that is what it is. BC, outstanding stuff! I love the dragonfly flight shot. Nice Whooping Cranes D. and mmm, it would terrible if this turned into a nature photo blog of sorts...
Male Painted Bunting, because you can't get too much of them.
mama Wolf Spider with a back full of spiderlings
juvenile female Cooper's Hawk at our birdbath
Red-tailed Pennant
Thanks all for all the great posts all week...
0 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Janis, love your Great Blue Heron series, and that is what it is. BC, outstanding stuff! I love the dragonfly flight shot. Nice Whooping Cranes D. and mmm, it would terrible if this turned into a nature photo blog of sorts...
Male Painted Bunting, because you can't get too much of them.
mama Wolf Spider with a back full of spiderlings
juvenile female Cooper's Hawk at our birdbath
Red-tailed Pennant
Thanks all for all the great posts all week...
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks S.D. Taken from my porch. Painted Buntings are found across the S.E. U.S. from Texas to Florida, mostly as a migratory breeder, a few winter in FL, but most of the population leaves the U.S. in winter for parts warmer to the south. Small numbers move each fall to the southwest chasing the monsoons and the bug and seed crop of "second spring". Females are uniform dull green, it doesn't pay to stand out when on a nest. They have already left the breeding grounds here in TX and are done for the season, all but gone.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
for your appreciation, and for all the interesting wildlife photos, especially the wolf spider carrying her babies.
Janis, love your Great Blue Heron series, and that is what it is. BC, outstanding stuff! I love the dragonfly flight shot. Nice Whooping Cranes D. and mmm, it would terrible if this turned into a nature photo blog of sorts...
Male Painted Bunting, because you can't get too much of them.
@janis b
know how you caught those three scenes, an all day affair, i presume. Drop dead gorgeous, my friend. Hope you are well and thanks to you and all our c99 photographers bringing weekly beauty, art and good conversation into our lives; who needs a space force when we have Friday Nights?
Dare I admit that the entire performance was recorded in a brief half hour of observation? I was lucky to be there at that time. Timing is everything in theatre and life, no?
know how you caught those three scenes, an all day affair, i presume. Drop dead gorgeous, my friend. Hope you are well and thanks to you and all our c99 photographers bringing weekly beauty, art and good conversation into our lives; who needs a space force when we have Friday Nights?
Good Evening, janis, that performance
of the Great Blue Heron is what I wished to could have done the last two weeks. The heat and drought here were horrible and we literally waited hourly for rain. So, plunging into a little lake like the one on your photos would have been paradise. We are even blessed, because on my parents land we still have a working well and we could water the plants. Today was the first day when temperatures dropped into the twenty plus Celsius degrees. The days before we had 33 to 36 degree Celsius. Next week it will go up again.
Hopefully you have not such crazy weather over in your parts of the world. Wishing you a nice little breeze and light rain shower and a climate in which you can't bake your cookies on your car's hood.
Be well and have a nice weekend yourself.
Hi mimi !!!
Even though I'm presently in Florida at my mom's, I am aware of the equally intolerable heat in Germany. Auckland, where I am not at the moment is half that hot. Set up the sprinkler next week to feed your garden and cool yourself. I might consider making Pfannkuchen on the hood of the car using Spelt ; ).
Hi, Janis--thanks for tonight's
OT, and the cool photos of the GBH. Along with being dog lovers, we're very much bird lovers. We're grateful that our White-Faced Cockatiel is still hanging in there. I can't quite make out the date on his band, but, we've had him 26 years, now, so he's at least that old.
Might be back with another photo that I've thought about posting, but, for now, I'll leave you Guys with a couple of screenshots from the LCC (Luthern Church Charities) Comfort Dog Twitter feed. Here's their sweet and pretty girl, 'Katie.'
Apparently, there are scores of them nationwide. Here's a diagram of the ones they deployed to the Santa Fe High School (TX) after the tragic shooting.
Aren't they cuties?
If I have to be absent, I always try to lurk/catch the excellent photography that you Guys so graciously share with our Community--it's such a treat!
Hope you and yours are doing well. Have a nice weekend.
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche
"In a World where you can be anything--be kind."
~~LCC Comfort Dogs
For a little snark,
No Labels -- "Civility's our Name; Austerity's our Game."
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Mollie, I am so happy to see you.
I hope you're finding ample comfort among your friends of all feathers and furs. I've missed you.
Thank you--the sentiment is mutual. Always
know that I can look to you for words of kindness, empathy, and encouragement. Appreciate it more than you know!
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I think I know, Mollie.
It's what we all need most. Thank you for yours.
Hi Mollie/Blue Onyx
lol, I almost wrote Blue Heron. Beautiful face that doggie has. Thanks for posting.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Hey, yourself--Magiamma! Guess I can hardly
blame you if you're experiencing a tad of confusion, since my (static) blogging user name is UL, and my signature line contains two more options!
Glad you liked Katie's photo. I've come to like and admire this breed a lot, since I ran across their Twitter Account. Enjoy many of their inspirational quotes, and appreciate their good deeds in regards to giving comfort to folks who are grieving and traumatized. Undeniably, they're a 'happy-looking' bunch of dogs.
Have a nice weekend . . .
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
The unreservedly,
genuine love that dogs have to offer is so precious, possibly even especially so for those who are grieving. No words necessary, just the simple fact of being there.
That is so true, as we just personally
experienced. Mr M and I have experienced a great deal of loss--human and pet--over the past four decades, as most folks do over that long of a period of time. But, the most recent one was one of the most difficult, partly, I believe, because we didn't have a doggie companion (left) to comfort us.
It is incredible, what a difference that makes. And, I suspect, one of the reasons that I came to so greatly appreciate the LLC Comfort Dogs, and their mission.
Thanks for making that point, Janis.
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I’m sorry for the losses you and Mr. M have endured. Mr. B must be sorely missed. I hope that one day you will have another dog to love and be loved by. Your contribution to the mission of comfort dogs will be widely appreciated by many in need. Doggie hospice work is a beautiful thing. All the best to you Mollie and Mr. B, always.
Thank you, Janis. Haven't
made much contribution, thus far, but, we're considering a (breed of) pup that could easily be trained as a comfort or therapy dog. If all goes well, we'll have our 'new addition' by Christmas.
Blue Onyx
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Last Saturday at Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge
Cayuga Bird Club does walks in the restricted area at Knox-Marsellus / Puddler's marsh most weekends this time of year.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
wow, boriscleto, thanks for
the wildlife tour! Wonderful photos.I like the Robin. It looks like a young 'un.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Part 2
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Part 3
There is an airstrip right next to the marsh.

" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Part 4
The only resident flock of Sandhill cranes in upstate NY AFAIK.
We also have resident Trumpeter swans

" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Part 5
The highlight of the day (for me) was the juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron. Rare to see them this far inland (unlike Black-crowned Night Heron)

There was also a female Ruff (very rare) but my photos are like Bigfoot photos. And all you can see is her butt and legs anyway...
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Part 6
The worst part is that after you walk in you have to walk back out...
When I stopped for a breather

This Robin looks like I felt by that point

" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Thank you Ben,
for all the beauty in flight!
Thanks for Friday Photos, Janis
Nice shots of the GBH. That third shot is the first time I've seen one submerged like that.
Some shots from the Imperial Beach surf dog contest.
Checking out the competition.

Shredding that wave.

Getting last minute instructions from the coach.

Trying to remember the coach's instructions.

The Hotdog. There's always one.

The Hotdog making his move on the wave.

A boy and his dog.

A boy and his other dog.

We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Thanks social
What a trip, both your photos and titles. I didn't realise that there were other hot dogs beside dachshunds. that must have been fun to watch.
Hi, Janis
The contest was lots of fun to watch and photograph. A hotdog is another term for a showoff. Wiener dog is the other name for a Dachshund.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
about half of those surfin doggies
question everything
Hey, QMS
I don't know about a psychedelic trip, but the dogs were having lots of fun.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Hi, SP--thanks for the delightful dog/surfing
Probably a dumb question, but is that a serious surfing contest, or just a bunch of friends having fun? Either way, it's an event that I definitely would've enjoyed.
Have a good one!
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hi, Molly
Yes this was a real surf contest with timed heats and judges scoring the rides.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Hi Social...
Those doggies are too funny. Wet dogs just don't look happy though I am sure they are I have seen some body surfing the waves on 'my' beach and loving it. Thanks for sharing.
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Evening, Magiamma
Even thought the dogs don't look happy they seemed to be having a great time.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Dawgs and water
My springer spaniel Bodega loved water. Every winter the golf course I lived by would retain huge pockets of water after it rained and Bo would do laps around them. I'd watch her eyes light up when she saw that I was taking her to play in them.
Bo and Bailey
Bo in 'her' pond checking to make sure that there weren't any golf balls in before she took off.
Here she is doing her laps. She went zipping around the pond for 20 minutes before she took a break.
Can't you just feel how much fun she was having?
Thanks for hosting tonight, Janis. Did that pelican lose its balance and fall in?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What beautiful, fun-loving dogs you've lived with.
It appeared to make a sudden break, beak-first into the water for a potential appetiser. From what I could see it was unsuccessful.
Hi, SD - Yes, I 'can' feel the fun!
Thanks for posting. There's no question about it, Springers are one of the most delightful breeds out there--not that I'm prejudiced, or anything.
You have a nice weekend!
Mollie/Blue Onyx (reverting to former handle)
"Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong."
~~W. R. Purche
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I've had two springers
and two lab/springers. Bo forgot to go to the doggie class where they learn how fun it is to go for car rides. I would either have to carry her out to the car or drag her out. But first I had to get her out from under my bed. 99.9% of the car rides were to go somewhere fun, but she just hated the ride. She would shake the whole time I was driving. She has the biggest grin on her face in the bottom picture.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hey, Snoopy
Nice looking dogs.
I used to live by a golf course. Every time it rained the 6th fairway would turn into a lake.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Hot squirrel
passed out on a bird house. It's a little hard to see, but this squirrel was so hot, it just did a spread eagle belly flop on the roof of this bird house (in the shade). Stayed there for about an hour until it's organs cooled off. Silly critters.
question everything
Hi QMS, that must have been an interesting sight.
Maybe you need to attach a platform of steel to a tree to accomodate the squirrels during this heat ; ).
In the shade of course ...
Yeah Janis
question everything
Must have
Nice to know the animal kingdom are taking care of their own.
Hey, QMS
Squirrel... look... over there...
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It may be just a feather fan
question everything
Too funny!
Hi janis!
Love herons. jb and I lived on our little houseboat on a lake the last three years we taught HS. Great Blue Herons occasionally walked the docks day and night. It was always fascinating to look out the window and be surprised to see one slow lurching by.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Lurching gracefully definitely describes their movement.
Are you sure that's a Blue Heron?
I few years ago I saw a bird that looked like that from the window of the Chicago Metra commuter train. But it was powder blue all over. The startling blue plumage was what caught my attention. It was BIG! And obviously fishing in the shallow pond.
I thought that it was a Blue Heron.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I'm only as sure as what google showed me
when I tried to identify birds in Florida where I saw it. It is exceptionally tall and proud looking. The blue was somewhat camouflaged by the reflections of the light from the water.
Deleted double
Hi everybody... thx for Friday Photos
Busy week. Love all the bird pics. This is getting to be a nature blog I think. Good relief from, yeah, that stuff...

Farmers market flowers
Monterey Alley
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Thanks magiamma
I like alleys and architecture too!
Hi Janis,
Thanks for hosting. How's Florida? Love the Blue Heron bathing. When we moved in to our house here we had herons nesting in the eucalyptus trees near by. The first time I heard them I thought someone was being attacked. Horrisonant. They are truly amazing birds.
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Beside being sizzling hot
it's bearable, thanks to the ocean and pool water which is only slightly cooler. My amazing, almost 90 year old mom helps too.
How long will you be there?
Is it winter in New Zealand now? If so don't you play in the snow? It's the only way to enjoy it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
7 more weeks in Florida,
with a possible interlude in the Northeast.
By the time I get home it will be well into Spring in Auckland, which never sees snow.
Evening Janis, everyone
This week's theme seems to be wading birds. I got to see two whooping cranes the other day:
They were pretty far away, so these are kind of Bigfoot photos, heh. It's something though. Someone who saw them closer than I did said they were raised in captivity and released in Wisconsin; they've been hanging out in the sw area of the twin cities this week. Hubby and I drove 2 hours to see them, but I think it was worth it as they are so rare, only about 500 in the wild still.
This shit is bananas.
Great pix everybody!
Janis, love your Great Blue Heron series, and that is what it is. BC, outstanding stuff! I love the dragonfly flight shot. Nice Whooping Cranes D. and mmm, it would terrible if this turned into a nature photo blog of sorts...
Male Painted Bunting, because you can't get too much of them.

mama Wolf Spider with a back full of spiderlings

juvenile female Cooper's Hawk at our birdbath

Red-tailed Pennant

Thanks all for all the great posts all week...
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Wow! The first photo is gorgeous
Where did you take it?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
south central Texas
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Thank you dystopian
for your appreciation, and for all the interesting wildlife photos, especially the wolf spider carrying her babies.
"A Great Blue Heron performance" … Wow.
Thanks smiley
Figures you would enjoy the performance; ). The stage lighting wasn't bad either!
When you've the time, someday would love to
know how you caught those three scenes, an all day affair, i presume. Drop dead gorgeous, my friend. Hope you are well and thanks to you and all our c99 photographers bringing weekly beauty, art and good conversation into our lives; who needs a space force when we have Friday Nights?
Hi dear friend
Dare I admit that the entire performance was recorded in a brief half hour of observation? I was lucky to be there at that time. Timing is everything in theatre and life, no?
Thanks for the great photos!!
I look for this diary every week. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Thanks orlbucfan!
I'm happy you enjoy Friday photography.