When Did Ajit Pai Know?

Another day, another predatory lying sack of shit. This makes me think that maybe we should resurrect that old time-honored method dealing with conmen, liars, and cheats, tarring and feathering. THEN put them in the slammer for decades. This guy is just one more example of the self-serving, morally bankrupt, lying trash we have running our government.

When Did Ajit Pai Know?

Set to appear before a Senate oversight committee next Thursday, Ajit Pai will face a barrage of questions about why multiple senior officials at the agency he leads, the Federal Communications Commission, provided false information to members of Congress—a federal crime, punishable by up to five years in prison, had they done so knowingly.

The top question, which the commission has yet to answer, and which Democratic lawmakers are itching to ask, is exactly how long Pai knew that Congress and the American people were being misled.

A report from the commission’s own inspector general this week revealed that in January 2018, FCC investigators became convinced three senior officials—David Bray, Tony Summerlin, and Leo Wong—may have broken the law after providing false information in response to congressional inquiries about a purported cyberattack on the FCC. The so-called attack had disrupted the FCC’s comment system, the officials claimed, as the commission sought public input over a proposed rollback of net neutrality protections established during the Obama administration.

While Pai publicly acknowledged this week that the cyberattack was a hoax, sources say he has yet to reach out to the lawmakers who were deceived (several of whom are traveling) to correct the record personally or rescind letters containing false information that Pai signed over the past year. Multiple Democratic lawmakers are also incensed that Pai, who knew the report’s findings at least a full day before it was released, has done nothing but publish a press release placing the blame solely at the feet of Bray, his former chief information officer, in an apparent attempt to clear his own name.


Last summer, the FCC Media Director Brian Hart accused reporters critical of the commission’s response of being “completely irresponsible” while insisting that the agency had “voluminous documentation of this attack in the form of logs collected by our commercial cloud partners.” At the same time, Hart’s office fed false information to reporters at Politico, the Wall Street Journal, and FedScoop about a purported distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack in 2014, which, as Gizmodo previously reported, also never occurred.


Here's the Internal Report Proving the FCC Made Up a Cyberattack

“While we identified a small amount of anomalous activity and could not entirely rule out the possibility of individual DoS attempts during the period from May 7 through May 9, 2017, we do not believe this activity resulted in any measurable degradation of system availability given the minuscule scale of the anomalous activity relative to the contemporaneous voluminous viral traffic


FCC Chairman Ajit Pai sought to distance himself from any of the institutional failings described by the inspector general’s report ahead of its release on Monday, placing full blame at the feet of his former chief information officer and his subordinates. In a statement on Monday, Pai accused Bray of providing him with “inaccurate information” about the May 2017 incident, which Pai then personally relayed to members of Congress.

In a June 2017 letter, for example, Pai informed Wyden and Schatz that the FCC’s comment system had been disrupted by a “cyber-based attack.”


Wyden continued: “Americans face higher prices for streaming services and other content as a result of Chairman Pai’s repeal of net neutrality protections, and it’s going to sting even worse knowing they were lied to about it by their government. The fact that Chairman Pai and the FCC came clean only after their story was debunked by the inspector general is disappointing, but it’s sadly unsurprising in this administration



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JekyllnHyde's picture

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A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

ggersh's picture

mcconnell, need anything else be said

government of, by for the people, what a
fucking crock of shit

Ajit Pai
Ajit Varadaraj Pai is a telecommunications director who serves as the Chairman of the United States Federal Communications Commission. He is the first Indian American to hold the office. He has served in various positions at the FCC since being appointed to the commission by President Barack Obama in May 2012, at the recommendation of Mitch McConnell. He was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate on May 7, 2012, and was sworn in on May 14, 2012, for a five-year term.More at Wikipedia
Ajit Varadaraj Pai, Jan 10, 1973, Buffalo, New York, U.S.
Political party:

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Trump, Mr "I will drain the swamp".
Former executive for Verison and then a Telco lobbyist.
The swamp is now twice as deep under trump.

Bonus: Pai always has a totally punchable shit eating grin on his face -- which widens as he lies to you.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

It is just intended to give both parties an excuse for not stopping Pai's attack on Internet freedom. The sheeple will think "well ok at least they tried." And voters will go back to supporting both Neoliberal parties, and the asshole they put in the white house.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.