YouTube Commentary: Hartmann Whiffs on Q Anon

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I've been dropping comments of late on YT. Seems pointless, I know, but the tone and quality of "discussion" on YT has changed. It's, more often than not, *trying* to be smart.

Thom Hartmann and Luke Barnes on Q Anon:

Not one mention of Psyops? No mention of the claim that Q claims to be an intelligence insider with inside info? WTF!?

My Response

Doesn't even sound like good journalism to me.

Last Tuesday, a conspiracy theory that had been festering in the fringes of the Trump-friendly internet burst into the mainstream, when some supporters of the President were seen holding QAnon signs at a Trump rally in Florida.

Media outlets rushed to explain, debunk, and “analyze” the conspiracy, which broadly claims that Trump is fighting a global cabal of deep-state pedophiles who also like to indulge in Satanic Abuse at cement plants in Arizona. In response, naturally, the popularity of Q exploded, and the main QAnon subreddit (the topical page on Reddit where proponents gather online) quickly posted disclaimers about how they were neither violent nor a cult, but merely “researchers.”

The media covering TO debunk it will be viewed as ratification of the media's collusion with these nefarious forces. Much like all Drumpf ALL the time feeds the idea that Drumpf is taking on the bad guys... "I mean he's got the libs and the media all worked up, so he must be working for us..."

Recently with Isaac Kappy's stuff, I've sensed the shift from dog whistle to stochastic terrorism. It does strike me as a rallying point for some Alt-Right Fascism, akin to the rise of the Reich.

And to make matters worse, the Antifa and Centrists are going fascist the other way - The Only Way to Fight Fascism is with Fascism, apparently - demanding the censoring uncomfortable and ugly stuff coming from the Right. Alex Jones, may he rest in flames, is a big fat loud mouthed canary in the coal mine.

This is being whipped and flogged. The Right hates the corporate center and the corporate center hates the Right.

This is the civil war version of "Let's you and him fight". We should all be concerned about the onset of thought crime vs open hatred being the binary dynamic of our civic discourse.

Meanwhile, American Oligarchs are consolidating more power, the type of power usually reserved for governments. And not only is it not-unconstitutional, their constitutional rights protect them from sunlight.

Now we've got "parental advisories" below videos and attached to posts on the FB. Talk about feeding the trolls... "man, it's like they want to tell us what to think or something..."

The corporate media will not be able to debunk this psyop. Thom, you used to know things like this. What happened?

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Pluto's Republic's picture

This is the civil war version of "Let's you and him fight".


Thom Hartman was a casualty of the 2016 election, which in my view, wiped out journalism and intellectual honesty in America. He's one of the pod people now. The majority of investigative journalists are working for the man in one way or another. It's been that way for a long time.

We should all be concerned about the onset of thought crime vs open hatred being the binary dynamic of our civic discourse.

That ship has sailed, of course. For many, the differences are ever more sharply drawn. We go from profound to profane with no stops along the way. With less nuance in society, you would think decisions would be easier to make; and for many, they are. We are the binary population that the oligarchs always dreamed of. It makes it so much easier to manage; and easier to criminalize dissent in the early stages.

With Q comes analysis, which I think is a good thing. It reminds me of the blooming of astrology back in the day, and the mental linking with the idea of invisible forces. Attempting to bring order out of chaos is good mental hygiene in general. In fact, according to the article you cite, both Q and astrology were held aloft by the same generation, the boomers. This is probably an important cultural marker and a worthwhile mental endeavor. But they are both better lagging indicators than they are leading indicators, and neither seems to alter or preempt the trends.

I've been dropping comments of late on YT. Seems pointless, I know, but the tone and quality of "discussion" on YT has changed. It's, more often than not, *trying* to be smart.

This is interesting. What is it like these days? What does "smart" look like?

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Carry a flame and share the light.


k9disc's picture

I think the personal investment in Q, both in sweat and intellectual equity is a big deal. It's kind of a game changer, in my mind.

It's creating a game that people can play along with; on their own team. It's a brilliant tack in these stiff political and apathetic winds. Scary stuff, too, as it's getting rather dark and the corporate media and the corporate center are not equipped to deal with it.

@Pluto's Republic

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Citizen Of Earth's picture

they will believe this Qanon bullshit.
You could tell them Trump is on their side and they would fuckin believe it.

And let's not forget there were authors on this very site who pitched the PizzaGate conspiracy back during the election. Hmm.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

k9disc's picture

@Citizen Of Earth Caitlin Johnstone's theory. I don't know if that's the correct essay, but it's right around the time I came across her thoughtful words on the topic.

I find it a very interesting approach to psyops from the beginning. It's like a murder mystery and choose your own adventure. It's got to be a cryptographic hoot.

As far as Pizzagate goes... Have you read anything specific about Jeffrey Epstein? And are you aware of Clare Bronfman's arrest?

Not saying a massive conspiracy held intact via extortion with pedophilia is a fact, but I don't find it out of the realm of possibility or dismissible on it's face due to fantastical claims. I'm watching millions die across the planet for profit with false flags galore hurtling towards a very nefarious end game from my perspective. So what's a little pedophilia amongst monsters?

It's not too far a stretch to be dismissed on it's face and omission easily becomes proof.

This topic, over the last couple weeks, is when I got the feeling that Drumpf was fomenting stochastic terrorism. I'm frightened of how it will play out in American politics and society in general.

@Citizen Of Earth

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Absolutely. His rallies have turned very Nazi-like IMO. It does make one wonder what they are willing to do for their Führer.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

k9disc's picture

As is universal corporate surveillance.

I don't think the way to fight fascism is with fascism.
@Citizen Of Earth

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Wink's picture

gate believer, just
yet, but neither do I discount it outright. There still could end up being some there there.
And more likely than not.
There is the assertion that anybody that's anybody among the 0.1% has boinked a kid under the age of 14. Some sort of Skull & Bones-type initiation into the 0.1% Club, or some $h!t. The video of some woman scurrying off with a handful of 8 year olds around a Manhattan corner (and into an awaiting van) recently, during the kids-in-cages at the border wakeup call... there's some seriously mysterious crap going on involving young kids (and it ain't good). Is Pizzagate a part of it? Dunno. But I wouldn't rule it out.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

I'm a lot more selective about shit I believe without facts/proof from CREDIBLE sources.

Pizzagate told of pedophilia happening in the basement of the pizza place -- which has no basement.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Wink's picture

simply was a contact
@Citizen Of Earth
point. If in fact any shenanigans were involved at all. Like in the Netflix mini season, 'Collateral' where those looking for drugs ordered a pizza with "special topping."

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

arendt's picture

The inevitable endpoint of propaganda is stochastic terrorism.

What's the point of whipping people into a frenzy of hatred without the catharsis of murder?

Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck were winding up STers for years and pointing them at the left. Now, the Deep State is winding people up to get Trump.

We are so done with honest democracy and genuine politics. It is all reduced to violent agitprop. We have become the Leninists whom we have decried for a century.

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k9disc's picture

The inevitable endpoint of propaganda is stochastic terrorism.

Marketing leads to murder. eek.



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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

arendt's picture


You are advertising for violence.

The problem lately is the twisted definitions of "hate speech". These days, that's anything I disagree with.

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k9disc's picture

Propaganda is part truth, mainly lies towards a purpose. Those lies have to be protected to maintain the idea. Extrapolate from there under the hegemony of the propaganda and I think your statement is likely true.

Marketing is propaganda with the purpose of sales. And here we are.

Just sayin'.
Hope that makes sense, @arendt .

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

arendt's picture


it flattens affect even more than just typing.

I was agreeing with you comment, and expanding on it. I think we are on the same page. Too bad its a very sad page for America.

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