Media spin totally flips on socialism
My, my. How quickly the news media narrative change.
These article are from today.
Politico: Bernie and his army are losing 2018
Politico: Down Goes Socialism
Fox: Socialist torchbearers flame out in key races, despite blitz by Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez
USNews: The Far Left Is Losing
Yahoo: Candidates backed by Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez mostly got walloped
Pretty simple. Commies never stood a
Two weeks ago the story was totally different.
July 21, PBS: Democratic socialism surging in the age of Trump
July 23, CSM: Democratic socialism on the rise in the Trump era
July 24, Washpost: Democratic socialists stage a summertime comeback
July 25, Newsday: Americans like socialism now
July 26, ConservativeReview: The rise of democratic socialism threatens the ‘blue wave’
August 1, LATimes: Democratic socialism has succeeded in many more places than it has failed
Gosh, you'd think that something significant had happened.
Fox and the conservative right had been in a panic that the socialists were taking over the Democratic Party.
Will they now report that it was a false alarm? Doubtful.
I've only seen one good article on this.
McElwee said no one should be surprised that progressive leftists tend to do better in deep-blue places like the Bronx and Detroit. It makes sense that first-time outsider candidates — particularly with new ideas — would have a harder time in the Midwest."Progressives tend to endorse underdog candidates," McElwee said. "Underdog candidates tend to lose — that's why they're called underdog candidates."
He added that as the progressive left grows, its candidates will improve in quality, viability, and diversity.
Before November 2017 the number of democratic socialists in elected office could be counted on your hands and toes, and all of them were in local elections.
Before 2018 is done there will be dozens more of them as incumbents. Some of them in major offices.
If the progressive insurgents aren't doing better in 2020, or if people have given up, then this reform effort has failed. But until then, this movement is still new.

This shows how the media are told what they are
supposed to write about when there is a point to be made. That Kos went on MSDNC to talk about how the democrats need to start embracing socialism and the headlines you included shows that we do not have an independent media. We've known that for awhile, but it's nice to see proof now and then.
I've mentioned before that I start my internet day on huffpo to see what the major issue is going to be in the media and sure enough I'll see the same subject on the other websites I read. Reminds me of the video of the Sinclair anchors saying the same thing on in every state.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Here's What I Think is Happening
Most media outlets (and blogs like DK) were trumpeting a win by Hillary Clinton several weeks before the 2016 Election. Many were gloating about a strong Clinton win and humiliating loss by Donald Trump. Since Hillary's loss, it has dawned upon such cheerleaders that there is no way in hell that she'll run again. Her approval ratings have also declined a lot since November 2016.
It doesn't surprise me that since very few people believe that she'll run in 2020, therefore, according to their rationale, neither will - and should - Bernie Sanders. Markos said that "Bernie's moment has passed." In fact, all evidence points in the opposite direction and were you to ask me, I think Bernie has an excellent chance of being the nominee.
This negativity about Sanders is only meant to console people who bet on the wrong candidate in 2016. It's therapeutic for them and nothing more than that.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
Was disappointing, but not
the end of the world. Hell, I don't expect our local Dim candidate will win this year vs. the Repub congress critter. But I totally expect we'll win that Red seat in 2020! I totally expect "we" will win a bunch of seats in 2020! If not we can kiss the Berniecrat experiment goodbye, a resounding defeat. And kiss our ass goodbye, nothing to slow down the complete and udder rape & pillage of the country. Welcome Yellowstone Oil Company!
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The Dims have turned into a pack
of fuckwits. I doubt if they can recover before 2024.
The only voice of reason in the MSM is Tucker Carlson. The Dims appear to be doubling down on teh stoopid.
Speaking of fuckwits, here's Rachel Madcow
I think somebody sat out of geography class. Detroit is not midwest?
I realize this is probably just a misstatement, but it bugs me a lot. Nothing hurts progressives more than this coastal belief that the midwest (especially the upper midwest) is bad for progressives. I have lived in all parts of the country and am currently in NYC, and there are tons of people here who think they are progressive because they support gays and are pro-choice but are otherwise not particularly progressive. Same for CA (sans the obvious pockets).
Honest question
What "obvious pockets"? I lived in San Francisco for 27 years and I almost never met anyone who wasn't an Elmer Gantry. (a complete and total hypocrite pretending to be a liberal, E.g. Diane Feinstein)
On to Biden since 1973
Blue CA
I was actually thinking berkeley (though its not what people stereotype it as). I am inclined to agree with you on SF, especially nowdays with the sil val hipsters moving in. SilVal itself is more libertarian blue than progressive blue.
CA, like NY, is more blue than progressive. In CA's case its because demographics changed when Rs (Wilson) were hating on the new demographics with the full support of the voters. I see a Bernie type having an easier time winning an upper midwest state like MN than CA.
I generally agree, except that in the CA primary (where they announceed Hillary's victory the day before the voting) when write in and provisional ballots were (partially) counted Bernie was winning 3-1 (then they stopped counting)
On to Biden since 1973
Sick of the hysteria & panic mongering
#demexit was real
#walkaway feels fake
From what I've seen
the core of #WalkAway's were #demexit's.
You're thinking it's Russian bots?
Here's how I feel about the entire political shit pot(PS - the title IS sarcastic). The Democratic Party will NEVER change until it is completely destroyed and it's ashes thrown to the winds. The game is rigged. You saw it being played at DKos. That site is representative of everything I despise about the current Democratic Party.
#walkaway started on Fox News
and other conservative sites, with people complaining how the Dems are "too liberal".
That stinks of astroturf.
Hell, your first video starts with the guy saying "I'm done with the left."
So much for ideology.
#demexit was started by Bernie supporters after the DNC emails.
That's my call anyway. Your mileage may vary.
I'm also done with the left
Antifa, SJW's, Russia, Russia, Russia, war mongering in every corner of the world and lie after lie after lie after lie. The fucking left has done nothing for me for two decades. The still continuing bullshit from Hillary and her cohorts in the media to explain away her well-deserved loss has completely turned me off. In fact, if they try to play the same bullshit games in 2020 I'll vote for Trump just to give them another well deserved ass kicking.
The best thing the Dims can do for their future is dump the Clinton infestation/cabal.
None of those things are "the left"
You mus accept that the Dems constitute all left-wing politics to put the blame here.
WTF is the left? It has no definition.
It is like saying "blue". Everyone sees their own color of blue.
I believe the system is so corrupt and reform so impossible that any involvement in the political process is a total waste of time, particularly mine. Howard Dean and Kos suckered me back in the day, and I kept my wallet shut until Bernie. After Bernie, I swear never again.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The left is an ideology, not a party
Socialism, environmentalism, labor movement, etc.
For example, the Green Party fits into The Left better than the Dems do.
If all those reasons you hate "the left" fits with the Dems and not the Greens, then your problem isn't with The Left.
I know that, but it doesn't matter.
You are an educated person. You use reason and facts in your reasoning and discourse. Everyone is not like you. Add in the deliberate obfuscation of the term by the right and centrist Democrats, and it has lost all meaning to most people.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I understand
and that's a good point
But it's dangerous to just let that go unchallenged.
If those guys are left-wing, then I'm the Queen of England.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
It helped to get Trump elected in 2016
Most of the people I know now hate Hillary more than they do Trump. The bitch has done more to dirty political discourse (with the help of the deep state) than any other political figure since Nixon.
Benjamin A Boyce explains #WalkAway
and how it counters the Dims identity politics.
BTW, #WalkAway was not started by Fox
and it is NOT astroturfed. There is little from the #WalkAway comments about being too liberal.
Fox was the only MSM to actually interview Brandon Straka about a week after he posted on Tacebook/Youtube.
All of the "left" media followed Huffington's derision of it being a Russian psyop.
remarks are so good, especially this:
In fact, I suspect the Democrats' entire hysteria is over their legal responsibility for rigging the 2016 primaries.
This is the biggest point that Russia Gaters refuse to look at and I find it funnier than hell. Hillary and Podesta 'colluded' to make up the meme of Russia interfering with the election after they found out that Wikileaks was going to post emails that showed how the primary rigged against Bernie.
Very hypocritical indeed. But then they don't believe that happened. Selective reality.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'm seeing all kinds of unusual behaviors
...peaking in the social realm. Thanks for posting this clip. It's familiar in two ways for me because it also has a foreign perspective secondary to the perspective of a Democrat who assumed the Party would remain value-consistent forever — and then abruptly woke to the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The last time they checked, the glory days of the New Deal had won the hearts and minds of the body politic. So, being confronted with "Stepford Democrats" who will swear to your face that they are, and have always been, the Real Democrats. "You must have been hallucinating," if you thought FDR was relevant, ever, they say.
The folks having this experience, which is everyone who paid attention to the 2016 Primaries, are not all reeling from the experience, but a significant percentage of them blinked and took a step back. They are not walking away with a hashtag, and have not expressed themselves as this chap did, but they are still blinking and standing still. They've watched the pussyhat brigades and witnessed the emergence of the Right Wing Democrats, who now dominate the Party with their divisive and dishonest intellectual betrayals, large and small. They are far more offended by the betraying Democrats than the truly awful Republicans. It feels personal. With every passing day, more will take one step back, quietly. I've seen this before. They are going to answer the polls as Democrats, and maybe vote that way one more time, as a test. But I predict they are going to find another way, come 2020.
Your comment is so good, PR, we should have it bronzed! It says
everything about disillusionment with Dems.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Why thanks, Lily O Lady
I'm glad you can relate to it.
More Russian spin
Dem senator: Russians have 'penetrated' some Florida election systems
Well then it's a good thing that congress is going to put sanctions from hell on Russia for election interference isn't it? This will tell the wascaly Wussions that they better cease and desist trying to make our democracy a joke and sowing discord that is tearing the country apart.
I'm sure that Nelson has proof that this happened right? I'm mean that he wouldn't get people to freak out that our elections are not secure from outside interference.
Now through in something that is unrelated to the Florida election just for giggles.
A few comments about this:
"I believe they hacked Delaware County in Ohio last night!"
..."Do you have proof of this"
...."Don’t need it anymore. We’ve lost the mere appearance of fairness and it won’t return until it is proven that elections are safe, not the other way around."
....."Now that Trump is accusing Russia of helping Democrats, and we know they helped Republicans in 2016, it is the new normal for everyone. They have succeeded in undermining people’s faith in the election system. Without that there is no legitimacy of the governing body no matter who it is doing the governing. At that point the only means of stability is use of force."
....."Of course they don’t care. Without Russian assistance, they’d have to gerrymander and vote suppress MUCH more vigorously, and sometimes they run into judges that aren’t on their payroll. Having the Russians do it invisibly is much more efficient." (???)
......"You really want to fuck shit up, Russia? Rub your hacking capabilities right in our face? Wait until election night this November and then start randomly changing vote counts in real time, in plain sight, on the globally-broadcast World stage." (Okay and then what?)
......"I guess the republicans could prevent that by letting Putin annex our country and becoming the colony of New Russiastan, but otherwise this short term power grab ain’t gonna end well for them."
And here's the winner!
"Putin elected Trump, read your own article!
GOP's damning actions?...instead of being alarmed,...the GOP’s made Putin's hacking & vote switching even easier by cutting funding for voting security!
Therefore, Paper ballots are essential to prevent Putin from controlling our government!
The treasonous GOP has by these very actions, confirmed that they're colluded w/Putin
to fraudulently elect Trump by “flipping” Electoral College votes!
And,... the GOP’s are still continuing to treasonously collude w/Putin
to "maintain" the GOP’s corrupt control of our government!
But I thought Putin was in control of our government?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Bill Nelson may as well run in the Repig Primary.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
What does this even mean?
Ok, I’m in IT. I am having a really hard time getting my head around his quote. “Russians got into our systems and golly there’s just nothing we can do about it but watch them run amuck.” I call bullshit. This just isn’t the way things work in the IT world. And if this is what he’s saying, we’ll looks like it’s time to go back to paper ballotts. Drives me nuts that no one will call these people on this.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Darn good question
I understand why it drives you nuts when people won't stop to question the narrative when it's thrown out there with out any proof that it happened.
Countless journalists will say that 'something happened', but won't offer any evidence of it and people will repeat what they wrote. Or journalists will report on something that is so outrageous that comes from unnamed sources or someone who wasn't authorized to say it and people will believe that it's true. Then it becomes like that telephone game where one person tells another one something and by the time it gets back to the first person the message is totally garbled.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The pigs will never allow the left to have any say.
But that won't stop idiots and their demagogues from constantly bashing those who have no power.
We will never be allowed to talk about class issues because racism/sexism.
"If you don't vote for Hillary, you're racist/sexist!!!!11!"
We will never be able to talk about economic issues because class warfare.
"What? Tax the rich? They're job creators!!! This is class warfare!!!!11!"
We will never be able to talk about environmental issues because economic terrorism.
"Those tree huggers care more about some trees and bugs than they do about creating jobs!!!11! They're economic terrorists!!!!11!"
The pigs control the narrative at every turn and we have no effective way to fight back. This dumbass country has no revolutionary potential. Prove me wrong.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.