The OT meta syle Thrusday
So me and Shah who slit the Thursday OT decided we needed to make some money and not piss off our time blogging. As Hecate pointed out we should just wait until the Brooklyn Deli Man won and then copious unattainable amounts of money would not be required to live out side the gates of this nasty ass Eden. But here I am back again writing late Wednesday night because I care about what becomes of this wonderful site I somehow staggered into. I'm not saying get off my lawn cause I don't own this space no one does other then the people of good spirit who are looking for a place to caucus, share, learn, share some joy and communicate with each other.
Actually caucus99persent is the offspring?, final result of more then a year. It morphed into this from a group of people who needed a lifeboat that we could use to build a place to talk that was about something more then partisan politics ala dkos. Issues and policy and community we're discussed without self or external censorship or partisanship. We started out posting on g-mail and and after several moves and attempts Johnny the Conqueroo created this user friendly site Hats of to JtC. I can't speak of the other original life-boaters but I found it the most liberating place to communicate since I got online to contract the by-partisan coup of god knows when but there doing it again.
We are democratic but not necessarily Democratic some are some are not. We have always been able to speak freely and openly rants are welcome. Some of us were in the 'What's Happening' DFH group on dkos some were former Docudrama participants and members. The tie that seems to bind is a mutual interest in building a safe community where issues, global news, policy and every other topic under the sun or even in the universe can be freely written about and discussed. How liberating not to be tied to partisanship and all that bs. jazz. How wonderful not anchored to dkos or any freaking establishment Democratic political online organizing Democratic blog.
Speaking for myself I want a real political revolution one that's not sanctioned by the totally sold out corrupt Democratic party regardless of the fake powerless so called progressive end of the Democratic Party. I do not hate any pol it's stupid to love or hate any of them they are pols, they want and work for power and profit. I feel sorry for people who feel their only option is to work within this so called pragmatic reality. Here I don't have to be hypocritical and praise the fakers who claim we're as progressive as can be in this inevitable non-reality. Gimmie a break the whole damn US government local state and national is complicit and the crux of the problem. We need a political revolution a real one not a bogus US Democratic one.
I can't take another offshoot of dkos or some blog that bases reality on the insane story line and the cooked up cultural wars between red and blue. That doesn't mean I want to hide my head in the sand in denial as I'm a firm believer in human connectivity via universal principles and people across the great divides that are designed ad implemented by both parties to keep us from forming coalitions or using our power as humans.
Enough is enough and I do not trust after more then 16 years of being a political activist in and out of the Democratic party, off and online any one that tells me to render up and ratify the some faker progressive pol with no guts or courage to take this by-partisan horror show. Fear is not going to get my eye balls anymore and certainly not my vote. This is not democracy it's extortion by fear of the by-partisan creepy crawly power brokers including kos, who are in cahoots.
I got no interest in Mission Statements or loyalty oaths of sides taken in a such a bogus kabuki show. I'm interested in hearing what people think feel and how possibility we can as humans globally can stop this bs. My little rant about my feelings of what this site means to me. Here I can read gjohnsit's great news domestic and global, Pluto's astute takes on what happening globally and here, Joe's excellent news round ups, hecates wonderful deep writing, the peoples history about how we got here by Jaye Ray, Robyn's coverage of Transgender, GBLT issues. I learn and expand here it's my home on the shattered world wide net.
Lets have more of the same. It's a small world after all cause were all wired globally right? My aim and vision here is to expand people's consciousness and join a needed global wave of 'power to the people' and figure out how to pry this blood sucking vampire off humanity and the planets face, including the fucking Democratic party. I'm not a hater of people or individuals even pols and but that doesn't mean that any of these psycho's and their marks/suckers/followers deserve my support or respect. I'm may feel compassion for them but we need to get them out of power and off the face of humanity and the planet.
So that's my rant. I don't want no stinking mission statement. That locks in our goals. Hey change is good but it's fluid and god know I sure liked those Firebaggers including Jane Hamsher. Who by the way was at one time a Kossack. The comment threads where impossible to navigate so I did not do much other then read there excellent writers.
Here we go off into the wild blue yonder where all things are possible if you don't limit yourself to thinking that there is no other possible reality. Politics are not static neither is history. Why not expand your vision beyond the captured sad scary 'inevitable' bs. political 'realit ytouted by both party's as the world as we find it. Forget about it, it's Chinatown, writ global. Forget about fear of the other including The Hairball from hell and your appliances that are well known terrists who will kill yer family .Is Hillary the Hun any less scarier? Yes and no but isn't life all yes and no when your choice boils down to which psycho gets to rule the 'free world' of the inevitable global free market's new economy.
No sanctimonious lefty's who are well known rotten Dr. Commie Rats and purists to boot are going to change the world. We need to compromise with the lesser evils who won't kill us all but will spare the 'responsible' people Obama goes on about. The losers well hell they need a new skill maybe they could be retrained to make robots and contribute to winning the race to the top.
Organizing the site's content seems a minor thing. Why not use the OT or EB to write posts that are not anything other then posts like vote Bernie or kos sucks or other snippets of the ongoing political partisan propoganda and fear the establishment duopoly offrers up as reality . Perhaps the people here who want to focus on partisan Dem. politics could make an OT or daily place like BNT here that focuses on partisan politics or taking over the party or whatever. Surely we do not have to have a community that is nothing more then the so called liberal/progressive end of dkos
I should talk I'm a terrible diary writer and a well known contrarian and insurgent. I'm learning here I'm not alone which is another great part of what this community is about. My opinion so take it for what it is worth. I also enjoy a good rant regardless of it's PC correctness or lack of focus and organization .
Donate liberally as JtC and this whole community needs to go onward.
Dreaming is free
I seem to be stuck on 1979 musically so here's another decades great song about hero's and villains
Vegetables are an issue I care more about then partisan pols. This tune features Paul McCarthy on carrot

I am
anti-mission statement. I really don't see what purpose it would serve other than to restrict discussion. Like you I enjoy the variety of views - I especially enjoy the ones that I disagree with as they are the ones that make me think. I also like the variation in depth - a balance between longer in depth pieces and the shorter notes works well.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Good Morning Shaz and 99%'ers!
As Shaz already knows, but most of you do not, she is absolutely one of my favorite people here because no one tells it like it is better than Shaz.
She says what I am thinking, but am too restrained to say it in such straight up terms. In this meta OT, she lays it out perfectly.
Tonight, my best friend is having her annual St. Patrick's Day dinner. She always insists on doing the entire dinner herself except she allows me to bring my traditional drunken pistachio almond rum cake. If you do not drink, you better not eat this cake.
I have been down for over a week with what I thought was a cold, but is more like the grunge in that it keeps on hanging on. I am hoping I can make the dinner myself, but regardless, my cake will be there.
To all our new members, welcome and to everyone, have a great day!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hope you get to feeling better soon gg.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
to you, Burnt.
It's nothing big, just an unwanted visitor that has overstayed its welcome.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Yes, hope you get better soon.
Both of us here got down with some respiratory stuff when we came back from Costa Rica a few days ago, but after a day in bed Jakkalbessie rebounded. I still have rattling etc but I have more allergies than she does.
Laying off of drinking to see if I can kick it.
Your rum cake sounds woundrous!
Got to get back to more planning and prep for our next expedition. Hope all have a good day!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Don't forget to hydrate!
I've been doing that. Something about floating a battleship?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
G'morning Shaz and fellow 99ers.
Getting ready to go car shopping this morning, one of my least favorite activities. I mean what's more fun than shaking hands with a guy wearing a painted on smile as he sizes you up to determine how badly he can screw you? (Sorry if any car sales peeps are reading this, don't take my opinion personally, I'm sure not all are like that, but past experince has colored my opinion)
Anyway, our present vehicle has been sending us ominous signals for quite awhile. Like the weird sound from the transmission, a funny electrical smell that comes and goes and now a complete failure of the air conditioning system that our mechanic estimates will cost us around $1500 to repair. And after giving it much thought, taking into consideration the other pending problems on the horizon, we've decided that replacement is a better option than repair. And just like that, poof, my so carefully retirement plan is in ruins. Ah well, that's life.
Enjoyed your most excellent rant Shaz! Have a great day everyone.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Hope you get the perfect vehicle
and enjoy the process!
Have a friend who has moved from Boulder CO to the Big Island Hawaii who has been car-free for years. There are millions like him on this planet, apparently.
Both our vehicles are from the early 2000's still chugging but I shudder to think about getting a new one.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Thanks d o, got er did, can't say I enjoyed the process but it
went better than the last time. Hopefully this one will last us as long as we need it to. Our retirement savings can't take too many hits like this one.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Your car salesman sounds like a certain candidate for president.
I had an epiphany for a "Quick Hits" section under
The Community Content tab.
So essays would go in CC and items like the one posted this morning about the Bernie conference call would go in QH.
Go c99p go!
hi shah
It is good to see you, here where you belong, in the Thursday OT. ; ) And yes: once The Cranky Brooklyn Deli Man becomes the president, no one will need to work, but can just sit home and collect checks from Socialism. It will be a new dawn.
Any "mission statement," it seems to me, would be simple: "To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life, and new civilizations. To boldly go where no blog has gone before."
(No subject)
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Specialization is for Insects.
Love that quote. It's at the end of an incredibly long list of things that humans should be able to do. And Yep, it's Heinlein.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Great quote, fully agreed.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
In my job as an organization and position analyst
for the fed, I've worked closely with and developed many mission statements. They can be helpful to those on the outside that want a quick view of what an organization is all about.
That said, I don't think the timing is right for any type of mission statement for this blog. There are going to be major changes within the next year and where that leads us is anybody's guess. We could have Trump for President (shut your mouth!). We could have another major recession, more war, who knows. Best to keep the options open for now imo and see what evolves.
Personally my mission is set - stop the bullies.
Hi Big Al in Washington State
It's been awhile! xo
Hi angel,
yes it has. Good to see you and everyone here. What a long strange trip it's been.
Hi there angel d
I love your writing your good and funny. You've got style and moxie. Glad to see you here. Like your stop Hillary picture on the side. I'm changing mine it's embarrassing and makes me cringe. Shah helped me put it on as I'm tech illiterate. Yesterday I finally figured out the process.
BREAKING: The Republican Party
Is this the shape of things to come?
Yeah. This should go over well.
I love how both
party's machine bosses pull these rules out of their butt's during the primary and the general.. I followed the UK Labour election where Corbyn's election managed to flip out the so called moderate Blairite bosses. In the UK the pols seem to much more up front about their internecine opposition and back stabbing. One Labour MP said she was stabbing him in the front not the back. I guess it's always been like this but these days we all get to see them making their toxic not fit for human consumption sausages.
DWS cluelessly hinted it was
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Morning Shaz, good people~
As you know I was out of the loop when this place was formed, went live, but I was sure happy when some of my old What's Happening friends told me about it. I love the OTs and the no mission statement, the no loyalty oath, the freedom to say...whatever. I don't get around as much as I'd like to, but from the moment I got here this joint felt like home. No matter what comes down the road, having this place is going to be important for all of us.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Indeeed and I'm glad we are all together again!
We got thrown to the four corners ...
Peace and infinite love you 99%ers
This is a great Open Thread. So meta.
A must read to help 99ers get a handle on how unstructured, enchanted, eccentric, exotic, and experimental the community is. For better or worse, it will probably remain more of a galactic incubator than a political plantation.
I'm not a founding member and not speaking for them. But I was privileged to watch it coalesce before I knew what it was. It took a year for me to figure out how much deep intention created it.
Embrace it, be yourself, feel safe, contribute your best work, watch it expand, celebrate the uniqueness of those who join this voyage, and fund it as best you can, because it is carefully designed to accommodate you.
What a beautiful comment, Pluto!
I was glad that you found us fairly early on. I always enjoy reading your thoughts.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
what are
"politicks"? Are they, like, those gross parasitical creatures that bore into your flesh and feed on your blood and make you Sick with Diseases? ; 0
politicks defined
any magic act, including seemingly complex math in one's head, for the amusement of others, as performed in Boston or sometimes New York, usually with a cigarette in one's mouth.
i try to do that here,
live from outta the Catskills, by way of Caledonia, every Tuesday and Saturday, in the early a.m., smoke billowing forth, all the while.
Step right up.
Very nice Pluto
I really wasn't a founding member I just hung on to Can'tStoptheSignal's apron strings. I sat back and watched the great people who knew how to organize and techieize create a tasty treat. You comment says it all for me anyway. No more political plantation for me, I've done my time on Kos's. I've noticed in the last few days my fingers are not automatically hitting the Daily Kos bookmark link. I seem to be getting over my addiction to my daily doze of hate, fear and contention. All these new people here are giving me the hopies. I think strange days are laying ahead. It's good to watch something better beginning.
Ubu Imperator concurs
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Are We All Cowards? - I kinda chuckled
There was that diary at TOP Anonymous states intent to intervene in The Rise of Mein Trumpf written by xxdr zombiexx
It was based on this announcement from the Anonymous Group
Anonymous Declares 'Total War' on Trump - MAR 16, 2016 03:20 PM ET // BY GLENN MCDONALD
and xxdr zombiexx basically said that
Then someone not so anonymous reacted with:
this comment
Someone else got upset about this and asked
Oh, yeah, so aren't we all anonymous? Wasn't it one of the rules to never out someone at TOP or here? So, I rest my head in shame, I am so coward, I am anonymous (officially - nobody would believe it, but we pretend we don't know that everything of us is known by the overlords, we play the *fool*).
How about you? ARE YOU ALL COWARDS? Should we not and could we not being anonymous any longer and all of us would become all heroes? I am so confused these days... I am dreaming of being a hero.
I am also confused where to put my comments. Which OT to use? This META OT I liked.
Leave them here
or at EB for now. I'm sure it will all sort itself out content wise. It's really confusing to me too mimi. JtC was talking about using tags to organize the diaries posted. I can't even figure out where I read his comment. You not cowardly your quite courageous in my book. No one here seems cowardly to me. I like the Anonymous masks they are not cowards either. They are hackers for the cause. If they weren't anonymous they would be arrested and tried as enemies of the state or spies. It's strange living in a familiar classical dystopian novel plot that the bad guys call reality and the inevitable world that we have created.
Joe said just in his "The Dreaded Site - Meta #1
that it would be nice if people put their comments (and may be shorter diaries as comments) in the morning OT or later on in the day under the Evening Blues.
I am not on good footing with tags. Or subject categories. I worked once with a site that ordered books by 250 000 subject categories of the Library of Congress Subject categories list. I tested a lot of my former colleagues under which category they would think a certain book should be listed.The answers were so diverse that it seemed pretty useless to rely on subject categories, as most books needed to be listed in several categories. Nobody had time to do that sorting and tagging. And I still hate the search functions that TOP used. I guess the same might be true with tags. But then the tags might be the only practical venue to sort diaries and search for them. I have just to overcome my dislikes of certain search templates. And then I think of the tag "Hi Mimi". You wonder what kind of essays you would find under THAT tag./s Say thanks to NCTim.
I like news stories and article dumps. Some people here constantly provide those and it's what makes this site so great, imo. They either could appear in a News Story Dump OT or just in the Morning OT or later in the day in the Evening News as comments or as an essay, if the author puts his own meat into it.
I never would bother with a mission statement. The mission I might have today could be another by tomorrow and I don't like to be muzzled because of a mission statement. I also don't like loyalty oaths and I even don't like pledges. Every time I break the oath or the pledge (and I always do) I feel miserable and I just don't know why I have to put myself through that. I think being loyal to talking truth to power at our level best, pledges to treat others as humanely as we wanted them to treat us, should be good enough framework to give us all the freedoms we need without abusing them or imposing ourselves on others.
I like it here. That's all there is to feel at home. Thanks for your Meta OT again.