The Weekly Watch

Trashing Trump

I don't like Donnie "tiny hands". I see him as an arrogant, authoritarian, oligarch, and a masterful con man....but the constant negative media hysteria about Trump plays right into his "fake news" meme. Even when he does something I think is positive, like peace with Korea or Russia, he is portrayed as evil and submitting to the communists. The Trumpeteers see it too, and it is uniting his base. More and more I see it as theater to distract the masses. Because all the while Trump and his administration have been stacking the courts, deregulating everything, dismantling public services, capitalizing the corporations, and promoting wars and coups. I agree with Jimmy and Ron...I don't like Trump, but I'm not going to let him rob me of my critical thinking skills.

trashing trump.jpg

Much of the hoopla is created by the media. Remember the $hill's emails asking MSM to play up T-rump before his nomination...which they definitely did...showing his empty podium while ignoring Bernie speaking to tens of thousands, allowing call-ins to every news show almost every morning, lobbing him softball questions. But after his nomination, suddenly switch and bait ... he is horrible, terrible, grabbing women, and so on. Then after he wins the election, they really turn it on full force...he's a Russian agent, Russia elected him, T-rump bad, bad, bad...and like most good propaganda there is some truth, he is bad...but so was Obomber. More and more I think we have a media controlled by the CIA et al, shadow government. I use to think it was just corporate media trying to maximize profit, but I've grown to think it is more nefarious. Operation mockingbird on steroids, no longer even trying to hide the fact.

Did any of you find it odd that they raided T-rump's lawyers office? What happened to attorney client privilege?


The raid was overseen by the U.S. Attorney’s office in Manhattan and was based in part on a referral from Mueller, said Cohen’s lawyer, Stephen Ryan. “The decision by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York to conduct their investigation using search warrants is completely inappropriate and unnecessary,” Ryan said in a statement. “It resulted in the unnecessary seizure of protected attorney client communications between a lawyer and his clients.”

Among the core exceptions to attorney-client privilege is the “crime-fraud exception,” which means that communications between you and your attorney about future criminal acts are not protected.

So it is all about paying a sex partner to be quiet about an affair...but I thought Mueller was investigating Russian connections? It all smacks of a hit job to me...and I'm sure his supporters are aware. I don't think this irrational, hyperbolic, hair on fire ranting and raving serve any purpose other than promoting his policies.

From the FBI to the New York Times to Hollywood, everyone has their knife out for Trump.

heaping it on.png

So let's try to look at this weeks news in order to clarify our understanding, and escape the mind warping media spin by looking at the nature of journalism.


Chomsky discusses the issues with media this week. Here are some gems from Noam's interview...(video or text), I think, are focusing on issues which are pretty marginal. There are much more serious issues that are being put to the side. So, the worst of—even on the case of immigration, once again, I think the real question is dealing with the roots of immigration, our responsibility for it, and what we can do to overcome that. And that’s almost never discussed. But I think that’s the crucial issue

So, of all Trump’s policies, the one that is the most dangerous and destructive, in fact poses an existential threat, is his policies on climate change, on global warming. That’s really destructive. And we’re facing an imminent threat, not far removed, of enormous damage. The effects are already visible but nothing like what’s going to come. A sea level rise of a couple of feet will be massively destructive. It will make today’s immigration issues look like trivialities.

...if you’re interested in foreign interference in our elections, whatever the Russians may have done barely counts or weighs in the balance as compared with what another state does, openly, brazenly and with enormous support. Israeli intervention in U.S. elections vastly overwhelms anything the Russians may have done, I mean, even to the point where the prime minister of Israel, Netanyahu, goes directly to Congress, without even informing the president, and speaks to Congress, with overwhelming applause, to try to undermine the president’s policies—what happened with Obama and Netanyahu in 2015. Did Putin come to give an address to the joint sessions of Congress trying to—calling on them to reverse U.S. policy, without even informing the president?

In massive ways, the concentrated private capital, corporate sector, super wealth, intervene in our elections, massively, overwhelmingly, to the extent that the most elementary principles of democracy are undermined. Now, of course, all that is technically legal, but that tells you something about the way the society functions. So, if you’re concerned with our elections and how they operate and how they relate to what would happen in a democratic society, taking a look at Russian hacking is absolutely the wrong place to look

NATO expanded after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in violation of verbal promises to Mikhail Gorbachev, mostly under Clinton, partly under first Bush, then Clinton expanded right to the Russian border, expanded further under Obama. The U.S. has offered to bring Ukraine into NATO. That’s the kind of a heartland of Russian geostrategic concerns. So, yes, there’s tensions at the Russian border—and not, notice, at the Mexican border.

The entire series is worth a read or listen. Much of it focused on immigration... (video or text)

... these people are fleeing from the wreckage and horrors of U.S. policies. So, essentially, what President Trump is saying is, we’ll destroy your countries, slaughter you, impose brutal regimes, but if you try to get out, you’re not going to come here, because America is full.

I'm always suspicious when both parties and all the media is pushing the same meme. Aren't you?


Q: What do the following wildly diverse people and institutions have in common: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Fox News’ Shepard Smith, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, The New York Times and The Weekly Standard, The National Review and the Daily Kos?
A: All agree that Donald Trump’s July 16 meeting and press conference with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki were, in Senator John McCain’s words, “a tragic mistake,” if not “treasonous” (the term used by former CIA director John Brennan). McCain declared that “the damage inflicted by President Trump’s naivety, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate.” The chorus singing this same tune now ranges from liberal columnists like Charles M. Blow and Tom Friedman to unrepentant neo-cons like Max Boot, Republican Hawks like Newt Gingrich, and pretty much every former head of the CIA, DIA, and NSA still alive. A remarkable amalgam of left- and right-leaning pols and pundits, whose unity, however temporary, demands explanation.

Bob Scheer interviews Nick Goldberg, editorial page editor of the Los Angeles Times, about the billionaire doctor-entrepeneur now running the business “Can a major-market paper owned by even a benevolent, deep-pocketed sponsor continue to cover potentially controversial stories about, say, the economy? “They are people that have benefited from a certain kind of capitalism,” Scheer says of the billionaire class. (30 min podcast)

Nice interview with text or audio by Bob Scheer and Sy Hersh, two experienced journalists.

Larry Wilkerson discusses the hit job directed at him on the Bill Maher Show...

Public Citizen showed in a new report on Friday that news reports largely ignore the link between the climate crisis and the extreme heat that is currently enveloping cities and regions all over the world.


We can't discuss journalist without mentioning Julian Assange and the way we are going after truth tellers.

Julian Assange is a step closer to being evicted from the Ecuadorian embassy in London after President Lenin Moreno said the whistleblower must "eventually" leave the facility. (2.5 min) (4 min)

Jimmy Dore expresses his opinion about Julian's situation. (23 min)

Jimmy has been hosting RT news replacing Ed Schultz this week. He has been paired with a RW model who he obviously doesn't like nor respect. Here they are discussing the media. (28 min)

Oddly enough sometimes the right wingers get it right. Jimmy explain how Tucker Carlton tripped on the truth and called it out....sort of (23 min)

It's The Economy, stupid!

This little piggy went to market

Many think an economic collapse is eminent. (2 parts video or text)

In the regulatory environment banks borrow more and make riskier loans and “no one is watching them” says, professor Gerald Epstein (video or text)

The cult of self is explored in a new film "Generation Wealth". Photographer and filmmaker, Lauren Greenfield, discusses the film with journalist Chris Hedges. (28 min)

Corporations and the rich are feasting on most of the growth while workers see their wages fall.

A quick trip...AROUND the WORLD...

The US expands its military around the world (5.5 min)

The America's
Cuba's new constitution (video or text)

A mere ten years ago almost all countries in South and Central America had left or center-left governments in office. Now only a handful remain (15 min)

Thomas Shannon was the third-ranking official in the US State Department, and most influential regarding relations with Latin America and the Caribbean. Here's fictional version of his resignation letter, however the events and facts described therein are well documented, quite real, and ongoing.

Middle East and Asia

Imran Khan’s Pakistan Justice Movement (PTI) wins the most seats of any single party in parliament, says Junaid Ahmad, Professor of Middle Eastern Politics at the University of Lahore

A spike in oil prices as a result of a temporary halt in shipments through the strategic Bab el Mandeb strait may be short-lived, but the impact on Yemen’s three-year-old forgotten war is likely to put the devastating conflict on the front burner.
The halt following a Saudi assertion that Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen had attacked two Saudi oil tankers traversing the waterway drives home the threat the conflict poses to a chokepoint in international trade and the flow of Gulf oil to world markets. The Houthis said they had attacked a Saudi warship rather than oil tankers.

Trump and his neocon advisors have been trying to provoke a war with Iran and Syria for many months.

Contemptuous of international law, the US makes no secret of its plots to overthrow the leaders of internationally recognized governments that reject the neoliberal New World Order. Iran is at the top of the US enemies list

reach for peace (1).jpg

Trump and his oligarchs lead us down a path of destruction by force feeding us fossil fuels, expanding our endless wars, and privatizing public services. It is time for the hunger strike. Capitalism has run its course creating unfathomable inequality while promoting the poverty of the the richest country the world has ever known. The technique to create this sort of insanity is to distract, mislead, and omit essential information. It has been a path we've been on for awhile. Do we possess the ability to see our way create a new future? Our very survival as a species is at stake.

I come more and more to the conclusion we must act as individuals to secure a situation that promotes our personal health and possible survival. Perhaps we are headed to a dystopia, but in the meantime can you carve out a corner of your world to promote your happiness? A place where you can be with friends and like minded folks. A place where you can be productive in a meaningful way. It is time for us all to focus on peace. We may not be able to create world peace, but I hope you all find a little peace within yourself and your surroundings...I think that is what we can seek to achieve.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

"Perhaps we are headed to a dystopia"

Um, from my vantage point, I think we've arrived.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Lookout's picture

@Citizen Of Earth

...just be patient. Seriously, we could be seen to be in dystopia, but just wait for the effects of climate chaos to really kick in with rising sea levels, massive migration, crop failures and food shortages, etc. at which point we'll look on today's situation as great.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Citizen Of Earth's picture

of Dystopia.
What you describe there is my def of Apocalypse. Smile
Have a great Sunday.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

The Aspie Corner's picture

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Lookout's picture

@The Aspie Corner

However, there's little doubt that climate chaos will impact food production...already is. Glad you came by and hope you're doing well and feeling happier. All the best.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Raggedy Ann's picture

I’m trying my hardest to do just as you say - carve out my own peaceful, self-sustaining piece of the world. We are far out in the country, which we hope will keep the insanity at bay longer than if we were closer to an urban area. Who knows what the future holds, so I’m just trying to be prepared for good or bad.

No only is all the blather about Herr Drumpf meant to distract, it also reignites his base and gets them more rabid than ever. Again, what will the future hold? We’re watching the drama unfold, which doesn’t usually end well for the 99%. It makes me wonder, if the “progressives” winning primaries win the general, will they remain true to being representatives for their constituents or will they sell out as well. Only time will tell that story - I’m curious to find out how far the deep state will go to stop we, the people from actually taking our country back and revamping the government.

Ah, the dreams of dreamers.

Have a beautiful day, folks! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Lookout's picture

@Raggedy Ann

...and as you suggest, it's better viewing from a "safe and peaceful" location.

Have a great Sunday!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

OLinda's picture

The raid was overseen by the U.S. Attorney’s office in Manhattan and was based in part on a referral from Mueller, said Cohen’s lawyer, Stephen Ryan. “The decision by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York to conduct their investigation using search warrants is completely inappropriate and unnecessary,” Ryan said in a statement. “It resulted in the unnecessary seizure of protected attorney client communications between a lawyer and his clients.”

...but I thought Mueller was investigating Russian connections?

Did any of you find it odd that they raided T-rump's lawyers office? What happened to attorney client privilege?

Mueller found reason to believe, or evidence, of illegal activity regarding Cohen that fell outside Mueller's scope. Can't just ignore criminal activity, so he turned the information he had found to SDNY. SDNY decided to pursue it, and got warrants for the search. They did not have to based on Mueller's referral. It was their decision that it was warranted. Warrants were warranted.

An independent Special Master, that's what they're called, was appointed and went through all of the items grabbed in the search, and determined what fell under atty/client privilege by their contents and subject matter. Cohen's legal team then went through what was not considered atty/client and was allowed to challenge, before it was turned over to the prosecutors. The prosecutors didn't receive what was confiscated in the search until this procedure was complete.

Whether you approve or not, it is interesting to see how these things are carried out - well, to me anyway.

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detroitmechworks's picture

@OLinda for a long time now. Ever since they said that it was OK to go through somebody's garbage without a warrant.

That was the line at which I knew they didn't give a shit about anything other than giving the police more power.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Lookout's picture

...didn't receive the same scrutiny...using the insecure emails as a reason.

I've been saying emoluments is the ticket to get Trump if they want him...and currently there is a case working through the court. But I think the objective is theater rather than substance.

I think the story of attacking his lawyer smells bad (or at least has bad optics) and unites the trumpeteers...that my view anyway. Have you noticed they are not reporting him as Trump's lawyer but as his fixer?

Glad you came by this Sunday. Nice to "see" you.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout the right-wingers that there has been one set of rules for the Clinton gang and one for the Trump gang.

A number of associates during the Clinton review were given immunity. Now, Mueller is trying to give immunity to Podesta in the Manafort case. Mueller wants to give five people immunity to get Manafort. Manafort is held in solitary now for some sort of tax evasion charge and for not registering as a foreign lobbyist (I think).

The double standards are nothing short of astounding. Essentially, the Clinton people are getting off scott free while the Trump people are being kept in solitary, spied upon, etc. The abuse of power by the government is astounding. I believe that Mueller's operation is nothing more than an operation to overthrow Trump.

Free Manafort! Free Assange!

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Lookout's picture


We know the $hill lied to them, but she has a multi-billion dollar foundation and the freedom to use it for herself.

Justice for some?

Glad you came by.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


and now Cohen is represented by good ole Lanny Davis a Clinton loyalists and he was the one that leaked the recent tape recording between Cohen and Trump. This Cohen flipping on Trump in the media stinks to high heaven. Isn't Cohen still bound by attorney client privilege? Unless it's true that Trump waived it, but why in hell would he have done that? That would have been the stupidest move ever made. Unless as I am beginning to suspect Trump is playing along with Russia Russia Russia.

Trump could have put a stop to a lot of this crap long ago by declassifying certain documents, especially the FISA warrant that started this shit in the first place.

While the country only talks about Russia/Trump congress is continuing to sell out the country. Good grief. How many 'look over there' is the country going to fall for? Every one of the it looks like.

Great roundup. Appreciate you doing this each Sunday.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


We fall for it every time. Charlie Brown kicking the ball again.

I have normally rational friends who have swallowed the russiagate meme hook line and sinker...and there is no convincing them otherwise.

I just re-read bob in portland's Mueller piece because I wanted to review all the seedy connections he presents.

what a world...what a world

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@OLinda highly unusual.

Mueller is going after everyone associated with Trump. The initial investigation began because of the Clinton-funded dossier the contents of which were made up by pro-Clinton forces for a made up crime: collusion.

This is very troubling, along with the Assange case and the way Obama treated whistle blowers.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Honestly at this point they could announce that Trump was walking down the street shooting people and I wouldn't care. They still wouldn't pass decent gun control at that point or charge him, so why should I care? The rich get away with pretty much anything they want to all the time. I mean, Weistein's out on bail, and nobody's mentioned him for a while. Won't be long before he's back at work grabbing actresses and blaming them for being whores. Hell the only reason he got busted in the first place was because he went after women with some money.

Right now, just concentrating on trying to improve me and mine, and try to do good things for folks around me if I can. The news is going to be stupid propaganda every single day, and as they lose influence they'll begin shouting the same story in unison because nobody's listening.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

The Aspie Corner's picture


The news is going to be stupid propaganda every single day, and as they lose influence they'll begin shouting the same story in unison because nobody's listening.

As far as I can gather, they've been doing that shit since at least the Iraq clusterfuck.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Lookout's picture

@The Aspie Corner

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture


...that he could shoot someone (was it on 5th avenue?) and his people would still support him.

Right now, just concentrating on trying to improve me and mine, and try to do good things for folks around me if I can.

Sounds like a good approach to me!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The MSM not only did NOT question the appropriateness of Bibi storming the Congress to lobby, but No One in the media (except groups who understand separation of church and state) said "boo" about Pope Francis being invited to lecture the US on morality. John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi were have orgasms in the aisles. Read the speech and note how many times this extremely corrupt man has the nerve to take the high road. The pinnacle of hypocrisy!

That being said, right now I am in the middle of maybe losing a friendship because I criticized that friend for having what is a non-stop Trump hating hair on fire 24/7 "dialogue" on her Facebook page. As someone wrote in an article, the nonstop outrage (against Trump) is exhausting and counter productive. Very counterproductive. But it's music to the ears of the CIA et al. because we are now completely focused on fear of Russia and not on what is really happening in this country and worldwide. And we are not taking even two seconds to apply skepticism and reason to what we are being spoon fed by our intelligence agencies and the MSM. There IS NO evidence that Russia hacked the DNC emails. None. None. None. But bring that up to the hysteria crowd and you are given the 'hey are you a Putin lover' eye.
A good read on this is Matt Taibbi's article on the growing Blacklist coming out of all this nonsense. We have been here before in our history many times (read Perilous Times by Geoffrey Stone). We never recognize it, and that is our our CIA/NSA/17 other fucking intelligence agencies are getting away with it all.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Lookout's picture

@Fishtroller 02

the nonstop outrage (against Trump) is exhausting and counter productive. Very counterproductive. But it's music to the ears of the CIA et al. because we are now completely focused on fear of Russia and not on what is really happening in this country and worldwide. And we are not taking even two seconds to apply skepticism and reason to what we are being spoon fed by our intelligence agencies and the MSM.

...and if you put yourself in the position of a Trump supporter, it plays directly into the fake news meme. Makes me understand how the Qanon psyops is so effective...

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Fishtroller 02 hysteria.

It's just crazy to see even people on this site hissing and spitting over Trump when much of what he does is no different from what other presidents have done.

Trump and the oligarchs!!!! Oh noes!!! (apparently, oligarchs and their power never existed before Trump, and immigrants were never deported before Trump).

Who the hell do the hysteriants think funded other presidents?

Pretty packages like Obama sure go a long way to disrupt perceptions of what is going on.

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Lookout's picture


...are much better when expressed by a well spoken and good looking man and family...but it is still an empire...evil then, evil now!

The media is designed to appease the masses (and create more profit) rather than inform. Therein lies our dilemma.

Have a good day!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture

as published in the Arkansas Times:

And another, from the Arkansas Times from May 2, 2013:

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Lookout's picture


...forget history. What problem was that?

Thanks for the toons, good to "see" you!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


t's just crazy to see even people on this site hissing and spitting over Trump when much of what he does is no different from what other presidents have done.

Pretty much everyone of us are aware of that have been saying the same thing. And that Hillary would be doing the same damn things if she had won.

Try not using a broad paint brush.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@Fishtroller 02
And Trump is giving him carte blanche to kill, corrupt and f**k things, which, lets be honest, is quite different from how Obama related to Netanyahu.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Lookout's picture


Both the Saudis and Israelis are on violence steroids. Interesting that Trump's first international visit was to those two countries.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


is doing now. We had NO CHOICE in the last election when it came to Israel. Both candidates sucked up to Bibi. Hillary did this partially because of her religious beliefs about the importance of Israel. I think Obama was cool to Netanyahu because he sensed that Bibi is a racist. That still didn't stop Obama from handing Israel a $38 billion dollar arms deal (the biggest ever).

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin