A winning election message, and how the Democrats will blow it

I normally hate anything bipartisan, because if both corrupt political parties agree on something then chances are their corporate masters spent a lot of money in order to screw the people with it.
However, like any rule, exceptions always exist.
In this case the exception is corruption. Or more specifically, anti-corruption.

But a new poll suggests there’s another message that works even better: The Trump administration and the Republican Party are hopelessly corrupt and incapable of governing because of it. As Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in May, “The swamp has never been more foul, or more fetid, than under this president.”
Conducted the first week of July, the poll found 54 percent of voters across 48 GOP-controlled congressional districts said Republicans are “more corrupt” than Democrats, with 46 percent arguing that Democrats were more corrupt.

Independents are even tougher on the GOP: 60 percent of independents polled said that Republicans are responsible for the majority of corruption taking place in Washington. Moreover, 56 percent of Republicans said Congress is not checking the Trump administration enough, and 57 percent of independents agree.

Interestingly, the corruption message seems particularly effective with white voters without college educations, while a focus on jobs and health care works well with nonwhite voters and supporters of Hillary Clinton.

Imagine that! An issue that resonates with the white working class that doesn't involve religion, guns, or race. An issue that practically no one can slander - eliminating corruption in politics.
Not only that, but the Democrats already have a lead on the issue before doing anything to deserve it. It's an early Christmas present, and this poll was done in battleground districts!
The public is paying attention, and is sick of it.

“The fact that you have these recurring Cabinet scandals, the fact that it keeps happening over and over again, it registers,” said Jesse Lee, spokesman for the CAP, the progressive policy group that commissioned the GBA Strategies poll. “People understand it’s been taken to a new level. There’s no check on it anymore. Trump isn’t pushing back on Congress to keep it under control. Congress isn’t pushing back on Trump.”
Lee pointed to the poll’s 4-point Democratic lead on the generic ballot as a notable shift from the last two cycles, where he said Republicans led in the same districts by an average of 14 points.


So the question is, as always, how will the Dems blow it?

For starters, Democrats have been blowing it for years.

What was the public's greatest fear in 2016?
Terrorism? The Economy? Russia? A new season of The Kardashians?
Nope and nope.

It's government corruption.

As the presidential election campaign drags on, it may come as no surprise that corrupt government officials are one of the greatest fears many Americans have, according to a new study.

This isn't an aberration. As many as 81% of Americans think the government is corrupt.
75% and 81% means this isn't a partisan topic.

Normally the voter's greatest fear would be the topic for endless policy debates, committee meetings, and political pundits yelling at each other.
Instead we've gotten an oppressive silence in Washington and the news media.
It's as if the entire establishment doesn't want to talk about the most important issue on people's minds.

The second way the Dems will blow it is by a weak response.

The Democratic establishment has been trying to shove issues down our throats, like Russiagate, that people simply don't give a sh*t about.
Because of this, the Democratic Party has literally never been more unpopular.

Finally, years too late, the Democrats realized that a winning issue slapped them across the face.

In response, Democrats are making anti-corruption part of their midterm messaging, adding an anti-corruption plank to the party’s “A Better Deal” proposal announced in February and arguing for improved ethics legislation on the basis of continued corrupt behavior in government — mainly by members of the Trump administration

It's interesting what is contained in that "anti-corruption plank".

Empower the American Voter to Ensure Responsive Government. We must protect every citizen’s right to vote, safeguard our election infrastructure from hostile actors and put an end to partisan redistricting.
Strengthen Our Nation’s Ethics Laws to Fight Special Interests. We must end the revolving-door in Washington and rein in the influence of high-powered Washington insiders, lobbyists and big-money donors – and the special interests that are driving Washington’s agenda.
Fix Our Broken Campaign Finance System to Combat Big Money Influence. We must break the stranglehold on our democracy by wealthy and well-connected campaign donors by empowering everyday Americans and ending the scourge of unaccountable “dark money” unleashed by Citizens United.

In other words, it's all the stuff the progressive insurgents in the Democratic Party have been running on, in opposition to the Democratic Party establishment.
Just more vague and without specifics.
The corrupt Dem establishment simply lifted these ideas, and to some degree even the wording, off of the grassroots movements they are trying to defeat.

Either way, it's not a catchy phrase like "drain the swamp". And by being non-specific, it's easily forgettable.
So what should the Dems do? The clue is right in the poll.

The polling suggests that the Republican tax cuts — and loopholes tapped by some of the same members who voted for the plan — may be an area ripe for exploitation.

Of those surveyed, 75 percent responded that it was “serious” or “very serious” that 53 Republicans in Congress would “get an average tax cut of over $200,000 each from a single loophole they added to the tax bill at the last minute.”

So do you want to see how a real master would create an easy to understand anti-corruption message that everyone would love?
Just look south of the border.
I give to you Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says he plans to earn less than half of what his predecessor makes when he takes office in December as part of an austerity push in government...

Glancing at a piece of paper with numbers on it, Lopez Obrador said he will take home 108,000 pesos a month, which is $5,707 at current exchange rates, and that no public official will be able to earn more than the president during his six-year term. The transition team calculates that current Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto makes 270,000 pesos a month.

Lopez Obrador said he'd like to reduce his salary even further, but that he doesn't want to cause resentment among future Cabinet members who are in some cases leaving private-sector positions and academic posts that pay more than the new ceiling for public officials.

He reiterated campaign promises to cut back on taxpayer-funded perks for high-level government officials, such as chauffeurs, bodyguards and private medical insurance. The official presidential residence will become a cultural center and ex-presidents will no longer receive pensions, he said.

At the same time, he doubled down on pledges to stem corruption...
Public officials will have to disclose their assets, he said, and corruption will be considered a serious offense.

Slam Dunk!
Now THAT'S how you do it!

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detroitmechworks's picture

I mean like openly offering the ref bribes weak.

So of course, that means that anybody associated with Hillary is weak on that... Therefore... It's great Idea, but unfortunately there aren't enough Dems that can weather that particular storm. Especially if the Rethugs start running a few Bubba-style in areas where Dems have been openly corrupt...?

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

@detroitmechworks @detroitmechworks
...Or Likely.

...Or within the ballpark of politically realistic.

I'm just pointing out the obvious. The emperor's new clothes, yadda, yadda.

I like this line: "Something is profoundly wrong."
When people finally realize this, real change can happen.

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mimi's picture

the living situation in Hawaii and with it of the US. It is so painful. That is a video one should watch every day with your evening prayers. If you pray and if not you just watch it without praying.

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@detroitmechworks In addition to still being the party of Clinton, the Dems lied, cheated, stole and disenfranchised members of their own party to throw the primary to Her. They still won’t admit to it and have given every indication they intend on doing the same if the need arises next time. I don’t think these are things only we on the “radical far-left” noticed. Doesn’t really set the stage for an anti-corruption campaign, does it?

Last I saw, the Dems were only ranked as slightly more trustworthy than the Republicans on this type of stuff. And neither party was pulling a number to be proud of. More trustworthy than the party of Trump is a pretty low bar to clear...

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Dr. John Carpenter

More trustworthy than the party of Trump is a pretty low bar to clear...

If the Dems did the hard/impossible to believe and were serious about eliminating corruption they could have a tidal wave election like 1964 or 1932.

It's not some mysterious secret. A huge election win for a generation is achievable.
All that is lacking is ethics, moral fiber and willpower.

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that the public holds Congressmen the least trustworthy of job titles - just below Used Car Salesmen and Siding Salesmen.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.


It's not some mysterious secret. A huge election win for a generation is achievable.
All that is lacking is ethics, moral fiber and willpower.

In other words, enjoy four more years of Trump. Sigh.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

He reiterated campaign promises to cut back on taxpayer-funded perks for high-level government officials, such as chauffeurs, bodyguards and private medical insurance. The official presidential residence will become a cultural center and ex-presidents will no longer receive pensions, he said.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

snoopydawg's picture


I see no reason why they shouldn't willingly give up their government pensions and all the perks that they receive on our dime. This goes for congress members who also have millions yet receive daily per diems for meals and the other things they get while serving. Not serving us of course. The lobbyists who pay for their meals, trips and who knows what else? And they have the gaul to complain about people who "live on the government's teat." Let's cut their welfare benefits before they touch ours!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

In response, Democrats are making anti-corruption part of their midterm messaging, adding an anti-corruption plank to the party’s “A Better Deal” proposal announced in February and arguing for improved ethics legislation on the basis of continued corrupt behavior in government — mainly by members of the Trump administration

That the democrats are running on this is hysterical. They have been as corrupt as the republicans they just act like they aren't and talk a better game. How many years have they been running on this?

Strengthen Our Nation’s Ethics Laws to Fight Special Interests. We must end the revolving-door in Washington and rein in the influence of high-powered Washington insiders, lobbyists and big-money donors – and the special interests that are driving Washington’s agenda.
Fix Our Broken Campaign Finance System to Combat Big Money Influence. We must break the stranglehold on our democracy by wealthy and well-connected campaign donors by empowering everyday Americans and ending the scourge of unaccountable “dark money” unleashed by Citizens United.

The revolving door has been spinning faster every time there has been a change in which party gets to play like they are in charge. Obama put the same people from the Clinton administration that set up the global economic crash in his cabinet and they did jack sh*t to put legislation in place to stop it from happening again. During Trump's tenure both parties have voted to weaken the already weak legislation that was to stop the crisis again. And that goes for the same people who have been revolving in and out of the intelligence agencies. Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey and many others have been involved with it going back decades. Holder came from a firm that protected the banks and he is back working for them now.

Same thing with the door between corporations and regulatory agencies. Remember when Obama put the guy whose company was number one for offshoring jobs in charge of creating jobs? I can't remember his name, but it was something like Imfelt. (little help) ?

Better message is not what is going to get people out to vote. Running on policies that will help people and then following through with it is what will. But after the Hope and Change bait and switch I don't know how people can possibly believe anything politicians say. Even before H&C they have been breaking campaign promises going back decades.

Why people think that if the blue wave succeeds the democrats will then save the day is beyond me. Apparently they haven't been paying any attention to what the democrats have been doing with helping the republicans pass their legislation.

And as to the corrupt people in Trump's cabinets who are doing heinous things, they wouldn't be doing them if enough democrats hadn't voted to confirm them. My grandpa used to say that if you don't vote then you don't get to complain. This needs to be updated. If you aren't watching as you team is being just as corrupt as the other one then you don't get to admonish people for not voting.

The winner of games between the Washington Generals and the Harlem Globetrotters are already decided before the game even starts.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg so they covered what goes on eve y day in our corrupt government. A video of some cartoonish admission of quid pro quo showing a stack of cash being passed isn't how corruption happens. But strangely, that's about how narrow public corruption laws are written.

Funny how that doesn't make their list.

(Hi, snoopydawg, old friend!)

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snoopydawg's picture


It's so good to see you again. How've ya been? Where've ya been? Hope things are going well for you and you will be sticking around? I've missed you. Lots!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg Politics has been too dispiriting for me to comment on, for the most part, but otherwise all is well. I hope you're doing well too?

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divineorder's picture

@Dallasdoc ....people back off for a while.

Senator Rand Paul did something I found interesting today re corruption:


Paul tweeted again Monday afternoon following his meeting with Trump, writing that he "restated to (Trump) what I have said in public," and reiterating his earlier statements, while expanding them to include "other partisans."

Just got out of WH meeting with @realDonaldTrump. I restated to him what I have said in public: John Brennan and others partisans should have their security clearances revoked.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) July 23, 2018

Public officials should not use their security clearances to leverage speaking fees or network talking head fees
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) July 23, 2018

CNN has reached out to representatives for Brennan and has not yet received a response.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed in a press briefing Monday that Trump is considering stripping Brennan and a number of other former national security officials of their clearances.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Dallasdoc God, so glad to "see" you!

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

orlbucfan's picture

@Dallasdoc Amen and Rec'd!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

thanatokephaloides's picture


Same thing with the door between corporations and regulatory agencies. Remember when Obama put the guy whose company was number one for offshoring jobs in charge of creating jobs? I can't remember his name, but it was something like Imfelt. (little help) ?

You're looking for General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt, I do believe.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

snoopydawg's picture


As I stated yesterday I have been having trouble coming up with words or names lately. It's the old " It's right there on the tip of my tongue", but for me it's there at the edge of my brain.

Thanks for your help.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

thanatokephaloides's picture


Better message is not what is going to get people out to vote. Running on policies that will help people and then following through with it is what will. But after the Hope and Change bait and switch I don't know how people can possibly believe anything politicians say. Even before H&C they have been breaking campaign promises going back decades.

Why people think that if the blue wave succeeds the democrats will then save the day is beyond me. Apparently they haven't been paying any attention to what the democrats have been doing with helping the republicans pass their legislation.

The only "better message" that will get the vote out to the necessary degree is: "We have the policies which will help you and we WILL implement them if elected." Yet the upChuck Schumers, Nancy Pelosis, and Dianne Fein[d]steins like the policies they work under now; i.e., a policy body to the right of Ike Eisenhower which leaves the 99%er nada to vote for.

As to why people think a Democratic win in 2020 would fix anything, it's because most Americans still beLIEve that they would be voting for what "Democrats" meant in continuously-loyal States from FDR's administration to the beginning of Richard Nixon's. This species is almost totally extinct today despite occasional attempts to rear its head up here and there.

The winner of games between the Washington Generals and the Harlem Globetrotters are already decided before the game even starts.

No, the winner hasn't been already decided. The loser has been.
It's us.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

k9disc's picture


RDCJ = Revolving Door Circle Jerk

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

The first essay I posted here was a repost from TOP about Clintonian industrial-scale corruption, which blew up TOP when I first posted it. The main defense from the Clintonites was that it wasn't corruption if Hillary agreed with the people giving her all that money.

In the larger picture, this defense applies to Republicans far more than it does to Democrats. Which the Clintonites would never admit, of course. This proves the point that it's a bullshit defense, but it's still an amusing argument to make, just to throw it in corrupt Democrats' faces.

Of course everybody knows politics is comprehensively corrupt. You'd have to be as stupid as a Kool-Aid drinking partisan not to know that. If Democrats grab this issue and run with it, I look forward to beating them over the head with their own words for years to come.

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snoopydawg's picture


I think it may have been the one you are talking about. It was incredible reading the pushback you got in it.

In the larger picture, this defense applies to Republicans far more than it does to Democrats. Which the Clintonites would never admit, of course.

The ToP-bots love to talk about all the horrible things that Trump is doing while conveniently leaving out that during Obama's tenure he did the same damn things. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Things have gotten even more insane there since 'we Russian bots' left the site. Seriously. They think that during the primary that we were working for Putin. This is why the site is much more peaceful since we left. I think it's because it's become an echo chamber.

"Me too ..."
"Me too ..."
"Me too ..."
"Me too ..."
"Not me ..." Hidden comment.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg It was basically a GBCW without giving them the satisfaction. Instead I took more of a "Ha ha, dumbasses. Told ya so!" approach. Drove them so fucking nuts they gave me a 24 hour TO. Which only proved all the points I made.

The one I referred to above was from Jan 2016, which focused on Clinton's corruption. That one didn't get nearly so much pushback, for some odd reason.

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dkos lost a lot of powerhouse writers, thinkers, and followers when they went full bot for Hillary. It is good to see you and OPOL again. Bob Swern drops by now and then to say Hi. Saw him in Feb.
I miss Phoebe Loossinhouse too. Yep, a lot of good writers and great people scattered to the wind. Big loss. Too many to name. Thanks to Joe and JtC, we still get to say hey to some of them. Take care Doc and don't stay away so long.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

thanatokephaloides's picture


Bob Swern drops by now and then to say Hi. Saw him in Feb.
I miss Phoebe Loossinhouse too. Yep, a lot of good writers and great people scattered to the wind. Big loss. Too many to name.

ZhenRen. I still miss him badly.

And we do hear from Galtisalie once in a while, albeit nowhere near often enough.....

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Dallasdoc @Dallasdoc Yeah, I think the response to running on corruption would be a resounding snort from voters across much of the political spectrum. If the Democrats ran on corruption, they would be incredibly vulnerable to certain kinds of right-wing pummeling, not so much from Bush or Trump Republicans, but from libertarians (with whom I don't agree; this statement does not indicate support for libertarianism).

They would have to, at the minimum, ditch Hillary and Bill, and Pelosi and Schumer. They might also have to dump some of the most vociferous defenders of the Clintons in the press, or at least put people on TV who were pro-Democratic Party but anti-Clinton to fiercely oppose the Clinton journalists. That would be a smart move for the PTB; ditch the least-liked, most visible Democratic leaders and make Bernie the face of the party, while maintaining the exact same policies and practices they always did. I've been expecting them to do that for a while, but they haven't. I'm guessing Hillary and Bill must have some serious leverage to still be in the room at all. There is, at any rate, some reason why the PTB won't cut the current leadership loose for any money. They keep trying to maintain that leadership while ALSO using Bernie as the face of the Democratic party. But you can't have that particular cake and eat it too; it will result in you doing some pretty foolish stuff if you try, like alternating between using Sanders as your poster boy and doing hatchet jobs on him.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

Yeah, I think the response to running on corruption would be a resounding snort from voters across much of the political spectrum. If the Democrats ran on corruption,

But the Democrats are running on corruption! The PTB in the party eat it every day!

Oh, you mean anti-corruption. My mistake.

"Never mind!" -- Emily Litella


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@thanatokephaloides LMFAO!

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Write it on a 2x4 and smack em' between the eyes. Been watching squabbles at a place that shall remain nameless and even if the d's come up with weak tea they'll proclaim it best - tea - ever. There is no intellectual democratic movement any more, no manifesto, just the same retread speeches, trolling for contributions and strategies like sacrificing the base to chase moderate republican voters. It didn't work last time so this time it'll be do the same thing, just twice as hard.

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lotlizard's picture


even if the d's come up with weak tea they'll proclaim it best - tea - ever


In the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the Nutri-Matic Drink Dispenser always produces something “almost, but not quite entirely unlike tea.”

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I can see the 1% buying hitmen already.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness

Is it a suicide mission?

He has just been elected commander-in-chief of a nation mired in an intractable drug conflict that has claimed more than 200,000 lives in little more than a decade.

But on Tuesday, Mexico’s incoming president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, claimed he would waive the right to close protection in a bid to stay close to the people.
“I don’t want to go around surrounded by bodyguards. I want you to take care of me, I want the people to look after me,” Amlo told a rally in Hidalgo state in May.

José Antonio Crespo, a political analyst at Mexico’s Center for Economic Research and Teaching, called Amlo’s decision “an act of absolute irresponsibility”.

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I'm sure he would have been good for Mexico.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness
As long as he's breathing there is hope.

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With both the Drug Lords and uber-rich Mexicans and politicians of both major partties gunning for him. And maybe the CIA too.

And no bodyguards.

0 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Bollox Ref's picture

making hay over corruption?

Given the shenanigans with regard to the Blue Wing's 'contest' for candidate in 2016, I'd say corruption is a lose-lose premise, with regard to the Red Wing.

And Trump lambasts the Iranians for corrupt government!?

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from a reasonably stable genius.

@Bollox Ref
coming from a guy with Pence waiting to take his place.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

what lay people believe is corruption is bound to occur.

Which lobbyist or legislator is so stupid as to create proof of a quid pro quo?

I mean, isn't it simply human nature for a lobbyist to be generous to legislators that are generous to the employers of the lobbyist? /s

Mandatory public funding is the only answer, but McCain Feingold made public funding optional and Citizens United took care of the rest. Now money is speech and spender/"speakers" have the right to anonymity (and a corporation is entitled to free exercise of religion)--or so the majority of Supreme Court has ruled.

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snoopydawg's picture



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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

McClatchy's lede about the meeting is on point:

Leading moderate Democrats forcefully argued this week that the party can embrace a robust agenda of change while still praising capitalism and downplaying income inequality


Sure. This looks like a winning plan.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg just not for the democrats

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lotlizard's picture

The “machine” in New York City that cheated Bernie by tampering with his supporters’ party registrations in the 2016 Democratic primary in Brooklyn.

The Dems credibly taking a stand against corruption? Ha!

I’m over seventy, I’m not seeing it, not in my lifetime.

Even in deeply blue Hawaiʻi, voters occasionally get so disgusted with Democrats that a Jewish GOP import from New Jersey can be elected governor (Linda Lingle, who held office around the same time as her Alaskan Republican counterpart Sarah Palin).

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mimi's picture

presenting Kaniela Ing? Open caucus in HI. Thank God.

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lotlizard's picture

Why folks like myself cannot afford to live in the land where I was born.

In the 1950s he would probably have been put on trial as a communist (“Hawaii 7” trial).

Kaniela Ing dares to name the military-industrial complex as one of the Hawaiian local people’s enemies. That’s a big break with the ultimate Hawaii Democrat, the late, long-serving Sen. Daniel Inouye, whose idea of service to Hawaii, in his role as ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, was to maximize military pork-barrel spending in the Islands.

“Kaniela” is Hawaiian for “Daniel.” Now I’m thinking about one of those Hollywood movie screenplays involving the supernatural — in the afterlife, a former Senator is called on his corruption by the Aloha Spirit of the Almighty, but given a chance to redeem himself by returning in the form of a younger politician with the same Christian name and a surname matching the first two letters of his.

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mimi's picture

thanks to the Aloha Spirit of the Almighty. I won't tell you how much my vet son makes a year ... no way that he could afford to live there, but he does so far anyway. Just try to help to not have him to sleep in his pick-up truck and get arrested for it from the police.

My first gut's impression was that the "Kaniela" guy is 'for real'. Glad to get you confirming that.

Be well and best wished to you.

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