The Logos of Ares

Glory for the greatest, and the greatest act in my name.
What use a return to home if not a return with honor?
For the poor soldier who returns without tribute and scars
The city screams as to his cowardice, and rightly so.

A hero fights his all, and retreats when the blood has left
It is no shame to seek recovery for a wound, provided that wound
was fairly gained by the hand of an enemy.
It is shame to quail and flatter and seek to hide away.

Oh you Heroes of Greece and Troy, know that your glory shall stand
for so long as man can speak, and know that you have gained
the greatest of victories, for you shall eternally live
Your names in song for all time, the great and the small.

For the war was just, because it was rightly and honestly joined.
It does not matter what marks you bore. It matters only that you fought.
You struck at your enemy in the full heat of the summer day
when Helios was yet another foe whose blows must be warded.

For ten glorious years you struggled, giving your all for your home,
and what does it matter if you do not return, for your home persists.
By your standing at the gates of your foes, you keep them within
so they cannot take your land, ravage your household, and end your line.

And indeed when the enemy is no more,
his goods and his household become yours
A righteous tribute to your glory and your power
Further gilding your effigies, and proclaiming your name.

Glory! Glory! Glory! Glory!
Hear the word ring from the heart. Hear the truth within it.
Glory! For Ares, the bringer of peace, and the champion of the people
Glory! For Ares, the Bringer of wealth, and the shaker of Nations.

Glory! For Ares, The paver of roads, the builder of ships!
Glory! For Ares, The caretaker of the soldier, and the merchants friend!
Glory! For Ares, The silencer of dissent, and the guardian of the truth!
Glory! For Ares, The master of man, and the procurer of Hades.

Why do you not cheer?
Why do you not shout as you should?
Behold me, Ares, In my Glory! See me for what I am and Rejoice!
Speak! Chant! Show my Glory! Show my greatness!

Why Do you not Cheer? I have done all that you have asked of me.
Father, why do they not cheer? Why do they look at me with wet eyes?
Why have they turned from my visage and looked across the sea.
Nothing waits for them there. No Glory. Nothing, save Home.


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detroitmechworks's picture

On the Trojan war. Smile

I hope that this comes across as it should. It's never easy to write for somebody you're diametrically opposed to as far as war goes.

Edit: I neglected to say a word of thanks to Ares for letting me feel his drives and to the muses for letting me express them.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Alligator Ed's picture

This is the duality of response to war--one is peace; the other is more war. So some will cheer the destruction of battle "so that Battle will bring us peace". This wish is flawed from outset. How can killing make us more peaceful? Explain that, you warmongering Neocons. The way to peace is not war nor is it surrender. Peace must be earned by good faith negotiation, neither bullying nor abject surrender. So the self-serving apology of Ares satisfies no one of good faith. Realizing that Ares self-satisfied posture, that War is righteous when righteously fault, will never be true, represents a foundation for action--disregard Ares--but how possible?

Thank you for another beautiful poem.

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detroitmechworks's picture

@Alligator Ed and I knew that Ares would not understand how anyone can not share his point of view, and be baffled by any response save that of cheers and righteous victory.

And yeah, I admit that I completely stole former presidential positions for Ares' speech. They seemed appropriate.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

mhagle's picture

It would be great for discussion in a study group.

I hope you compile your collection and publish it in Kindle. Even though amazon is evil . . . yes yes I know . . . you can publish and share it at no cost. Or there might be a less evil venue that would work as well.

Like I said before, don't have words to do it justice, but these writings speak to my soul.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

detroitmechworks's picture

@mhagle I know it's an added expense, but this is one of those ones that if it comes out like it should will be a play in the end. And nothing is better for an actor than having a nice script to write notes in.

Was commenting on Twitter that if this goes as well as I hope, there will be at least 20 roles for women, all with monologues, which is extremely unusual for a play in my experience. It's absolutely geared as an ensemble piece, and has plenty of places to insert music, lighting, mood music, etc. But I admit my theater geek is showing, and I couldn't help but imagine a man standing on the stage shouting GLORY! while most of the chorus and other characters look on with pity.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


I hope you compile your collection and publish it in Kindle. Even though amazon is evil . . . yes yes I know . . . you can publish and share it at no cost. Or there might be a less evil venue that would work as well.

I'm compiling a personal copy for my own reading. DMW is, of course, welcome to the fruits of any such efforts.

And he's definitely on a run here! Smile

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

detroitmechworks's picture

@thanatokephaloides It really does feel like cheating because these flow very easily.

Been thinking about some concepts that will be addressed when the heroes speak and when those that are not present speak... (Yes, I think Penelope deserves a Logos, but not the one you think you're going to hear.)

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

thanatokephaloides's picture

Why have they turned from my visage and looked across the sea.
Nothing waits for them there. No Glory. Nothing, save Home.

Now here's a kickoff point for "The Logos of Poseidon" if ever there was one!

Excellent work, DMW!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

detroitmechworks's picture

@thanatokephaloides Yes, I'm trying to have the images and the stories flow from one to the next. I envision many of the heroes speeches the same way, but as a separate act. I also want to have pieces for each of the muses, and yes, even Terpsichore. (Since she represents the chorus, I'm thinking a call and return might be a useful rhythmic tool for representing her station.)

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

yellopig's picture

Every line reminded me how much I loathe that guy, and why. And every one of his fans and followers, too.

And yet. And yet…

Ares is a god, after all. There is a reason why He is included in the pantheon. And I don't think it's because the Greeks of so long ago were "primitive" (compared to ourselves), or child-like, or unsophisticated. I don't think those things are true of the ancient Greeks. Rather, I think that Ares must provide some necessary role or function that is obscure to me. The very fact that He's there must be a key to something important about us humans. Food for thought,

I am provoked. Thank you!

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“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett

detroitmechworks's picture

@yellopig He's a bit of a warning about how we can fall victim to our own weaknesses. His running at the slightest wound, affairs with married women, and general hypocrisy are representative of the Professional soldier in his worst form. Angry, self-righteous, and prideful, he revels in the battle for all of the wrong reasons, but is very representative of a warrior culture.

He's a very "Barbarian" god, to be honest, compared to many of the other Gods. Perhaps in a ancient echo of Catholic Dogma changing there was a tribe that needed integration into the Hellenic world, and lo and behold there was a Greek God that just happened to match the ethos of the tribe in question...

Guessing, of course, since I have no idea.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.