When candidates and the media are gaslighting you, democracy doesn't work
There are no Maginot Lines in politics, no permanent positions. Politics is swordfighting, a swirling dance of thrust and parry. Before JFK, the Democratic Party was the home of Southern racists. Republicans started as the party of Lincoln. More recently, liberals used to be FDR New Dealers, before they became Clintonite corporate neoliberals. My point is that, in the current world, political labels are meaningless (if not downright misleading), policy papers and talking points are meaningless. It is by their actions that you know politicians.
But the vast majority of voters do not have time to follow all the little actions that make up a shift in policy. Voters rely on labels, and that is why the media is so important. The media is there to document and analyze all those little actions; and in the process they either reinforce or weaken the labels that voters use. People on this board are long familiar with the corporate media, the Mighty Wurlitzer controlled by the CIA. People here are aware of the media moving steadily in the direction of a pure propaganda machine, especially on the subjects of Russian "interference", Identity Politics, and rampant militarism. But, importantly, on those topics, even the overworked voters are not buying the propaganda line.
Progressive Democratic voters are aware that the media sold the Clintons as genuine liberals, despite the opposite being true. Republican voters are aware that their country, especially the rural parts, are going to hell while we spend a fortune blowing up and rebuilding places like Iraq and Afghanistan. So, the "old-fashioned" media technique of merely polishing the good parts and ignoring the bad parts of politicians background is not going to fly - and the propagandists are well aware of that.
Hence, the media seem to have taken the next step: outright gaslighting voters about Deep State candidates. A few months back, I posted about such candidates - the CIA Dems. At the time, I thought that these folks were merely going to be supported by the "old fashioned" media techniques of only reporting on candidates who had lots of money - freezing out lefties low on funds. I was wrong.
A few weeks ago, one of those CIA Dems, a certain Jeff Beals, running in NY-19, was the subject of an entire, hour-long episode of "This American Life", a popular corporate media show noted for its cerebral study of emotionally fraught topics. I listened to this show, did a little internet research, and came away feeling that I had just witnessed an attempt to gaslight me.
The rest of this OP is about the story the corporate media is telling about Jeff Beals and the facts buried deep on the internet. (Just FYI, Beals lost his primary; but his cover story, his "legend" remains intact.) It is a tale that highlights exactly how difficult it is for voters to make an "informed" decision about a candidate in the face of a CIA-controlled media.
Jeff Beals is a most improbable progressive Democrat. By the public record and by his own admission, he graduated Harvard and went straight into the CIA. He went to Iraq, where he transferred to the State Department. He worked at the highest levels under the regime imposed by Bush's neocon cabal. He was involved in selecting the corrupt Maliki to be President. He worked with the oil companies. He admits all this. The media folks running his gaslighting campaign admit all this.
Beals’ qualifications for elected office are both impressive and uncommon, although over the course of a dozen-plus house calls his work as a CIA analyst, which included writing for the daily presidential intelligence briefing for Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, came up exactly once.
Beals began working at the CIA as a graduate fellow in 1997 (he earned graduate and undergraduate degrees from Harvard simultaneously). His assignment had no spying or paramilitary aspect and largely involved synthesizing Arabic-language media and diplomatic cables into analysis for policymakers.
Beals left the State Department in 2007, when he was barely 30 years old—if he had stayed, he would likely be an ambassador or an undersecretary right now. It is almost inexplicable that someone of his abilities would leave behind the life of power and influence that he had more or less guaranteed for himself. It is so inexplicable that the more peaceniky people in the district suspect Beals never actually left the government, or that he didn’t really spend his first few post-State Department years overseeing his family’s farm in Putnam County or making a film with his brother or working on a book about his Iraq experiences or teaching in a private school in Woodstock. “Some of the progressive Democratic voters up here consider Jeff a spook,” Sajaa Tracy noted. “There’s a lot of activists up there. … They’ll go, oh, the CIA guy.”
In addition to being an unfounded conspiracy theory, the idea that Beals’ departure from State was some kind of cover story badly misunderstands both the candidate and human nature in general.
Armin Rosen, That Bernie Sanders CIA Guy Running for Congress from Woodstock
Yeah, its inexplicable. Therefore (sarcasm) anyone who presses Beals too hard about his road-to-Damascus (ha. bad pun.) conversion from CIA agent to progressive domestic politician must be a conspiracy theorist. (I say "domestic" because, just like almost all politicians, he would rather not discuss limiting the US military.) Even Matt Taibbi is following that party line:
Beals began his professional life as a CIA intelligence officer and diplomat.
This part of his bio has been something of a millstone around Beals' neck, as Internet sleuths and opponents alike have used it to portray him as everything from a deep-state plant to an outright "manufactured, faux-progressive candidate" surreptitiously inserted into the race by forces loyal to Hillary Clinton.
According to a theory espoused in Counterpunch, Beals was designed to so perfectly imitate a progressive campaign that evil Clintonites are "using the Beals campaign as a laboratory for a strategy of winning elections without raising millions of dollars."
If Beals is really in deep cover, trying to look like a broke-ass history teacher running a threadbare campaign in order to undermine progressivism by failing to raise money or national party support, he's doing a hell of a job. The motive for such a plan seems elusive, but such is life in the conspiratorial 2010s.
And that is all Taibbi has to say about the CIA connection. To which, the author of the Counterpunch piece, responded:
Why did a good journalist like @mtaibbi write a puff piece abt @JeffBealsNY19 without asking even 1 hard question? Taibbi even linked to my @NatCounterPunch piece exposing Beals as managed by Clinton lobbyist & proxy Bennet Ratcliff and completely ignored the evidence/conclusions
Taibbi explicitly accepts and recites Beals' story of his growing disenchantment with American foreign policy and his role in it. (Beals tells the story of his encounter with the DNC to Taibbi word-for-word identically to his appearance on This American Life. DNC corrupt. Jeff Beals honest. Got it?) Taibbi accepts and recites Beals' account of how he came to be in the NY-19 race - supposedly after almost a decade of living quietly, and eventually washing up in the iconic town of Woodstock, NY.
Ten minutes of internet research blows this story to pieces.
From 1997 to 2002, Beals served as a CIA intelligence officer. He served as a U.S. diplomat from 2002 to 2007 and was an adviser to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign’s foreign policy team from July to November 2016.
-The Daily Freeman, Potential Faso challenger Jeff Beals says diplomatic experience sets him apart from other Democrats
So, Beals worked for Hillary in 2016 - but he's really a Bernie kind of guy. Right. Sure. Bridge. Brooklyn. But that's not the only connection:
10:21: There's a flicker of hope as Beals moves into a tie for third, according to the New York Times tracker. Leader Delgado's percentage total keeps dropping, but probably not enough. Beals campaign adviser Bennet Ratcliff shakes his head as he looks at the totals from Duchess and Ulster Counties. Beals isn't making his targets in either place.
Matt Taibbi, The Battle of Woodstock, Part IV: Money Is Still Money
Are we clear here? Bennett Ratcliff is the guy that the Counterpunch article was pointing to, the guy the very same Mr. Taibbi refused to even discuss when he trashed Counterpunch. And one can see why Mr. Taibbi refused to discuss him:
...Beals’ campaign has been, and continues to be, directly managed in nearly every respect by Bennett Ratcliff, a longtime friend and ally of Hillary Clinton. Ratcliff is not mentioned in any publicly available documents as a campaign manager, though the most recent FEC filings show that as of April 1, 2018, Ratcliff was still on the payroll of the Beals campaign. And in the video of Beals’ campaign kickoff rally, Ratcliff introduces Beals, while only being described as a member of the Onteora School Board in Ulster County. This is sort of like referring to Donald Trump as an avid golfer...
One of Ratcliff’s most infamous, and indefensible, acts of fealty to the Clinton machine came in 2009 when he and longtime Clinton attorney and lobbyist, Lanny Davis, stumped around Washington to garner support for the illegal right-wing coup in Honduras, which ousted the democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya in favor of the right-wing oligarchs who control the country today...it was Ratcliff and Davis who enabled Clinton’s coup in Honduras by acting as a bridge between powerful interests in Washington, and actors on the ground in Honduras and the region broadly. As Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, wrote in the LA Times in 2009, just weeks after the coup:
“[Lanny] Davis is working with Bennett Ratcliff, another lobbyist with a close relationship to Hillary Clinton who is a former senior executive for one of the most influential political and public relations firms in Washington. In the current mediation effort hosted by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, the coup-installed government did not make a move without first consulting Ratcliff, an unnamed source told the New York Times.”
Eric Draitser, How Clintonites Are Manufacturing Faux Progressive Congressional Campaigns
Draitser's characterization of Ratcliff is easily confirmed. Here is something from 2009, when Democracy Now hadn't sold out yet:
Supporters of the coup in Honduras have begun hiring advisers and lobbyists with close ties to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an attempt to strengthen support in Washington for the coup. A Honduran business group has hired lobbyist Lanny Davis, who served as White House counsel for President Bill Clinton. The coup government has also hired Bennet Ratcliff, a public relations specialist with ties to former President Bill Clinton.
US Lobbyists with Clinton Ties Hired to Defend Honduran Coup Regime
Beals has accumulated many more "dubious" assoiciations that are documented in Draitser's articles. You should read the article. But for this OP, all that is really important is that Beals is pretending to be a progressive while he has a coup-facilitating Clinton lobbyist on staff, and he worked on foreign policy for Hillary's 2016 campaign. If Bernie Sanders (whose organization Beals touts endorsements from) is a sheepdog; Beals is a wolf in sheepdog's clothing.
Given all I just recited, I cannot swallow the concerted attempt to claim that Mr. Beals has had some kind of anti-war, pro-progressive epiphany. It is complete gaslighting, supported by supposedly left-friendly journalists like Taibbi, and by classic Identity Politics liberals like Ira Glass of This American Life. If one were one of those too-busy voters, who has been deluded into thinking they will get a left wing take from corporate outlets like NPR or faux-rebellious rags like the Rolling Stone, no facts will be learned in either place that contradict the gaslighting story about Beals.
When I have to do this much work to discover where a minor candidate is coming from, I know that our democracy is on its last legs. Because what I discovered here is that the Deep State has the money, the people, and the media power to pull off stunts like this in minor, rural places in America. And, judging by the WSWS CIA Dems article, they are doing this all over the country. This is deep penetration espionage, sleeper agent territory - sorta like "The Russians "The Americans", only the agents are from the CIA, not the Soviet Union.
This story about disinfo for the masses pairs up with my most recent post about QAnon, which I believe to be disinfo for political sophisticates. The bottom line here is that TPTB has infinite money and the long-term outlook that infinite money brings. It does not matter if this or that scheme (like Jeff Beals or QAnon) succeeds or fails. They are just out there always and everywhere looking to build up their domination a little bit at a time. Slowly, deniably, imperceptably, until one day you wake up and the democracy is just gone. That's my opinion. You may disagree.
END NOTES: I just want to point out the garden variety hypocrisy, so prevalent in today's politics, involved in selling Beals' life story. He portrays himself in speeches to NY-19 as someone whose "parents waited tables in Ellenville". He is more expansive in his website's biography:
My father spent years in his youth waiting tables in Ellenville in Ulster County at the old Catskills resorts along Briggs Highway before graduating Queens College and going on to medical school in Valhalla. I was born in Manhattan while he was in his residency there, and we lived in Queens as he continued his training and my mom taught math in New York’s public schools. We moved around Westchester as he built his practice, and I attended schools in Tuckahoe and White Plains before graduating in 1994 from Scarsdale High School...
- Beals website, Jeff Beals LIfe Story
Poor Jeff, his father was only a doctor in Westchester County. He only graduated from Scarsdale high, an infamously toney suburb of NYC. The bio is not a lie. Its merely defendable hypocrisy. As a college bound kid, I also waited tables as a summer job in the 1960s. Those resort jobs were jobs for kids in the 1960s - not for Eastern European guest workers like they are today.
Many articles reference his current teaching job. One says: "He is a teacher at the Woodstock Day School and has lived in Woodstock since August 2016."
Let's take a look at Woodstock Day School:
Nursery school (5 full days)...$11,025
Preschool (5 full days)........$10,920
Grades 1-4.....................$15,453
Grades 5-6.....................$16,059
Grades 7-12....................$17,187Source: Woodstock Day School
$11,000 a year for nursery school. $17,000 a year to attend high school. I'm sure Mr. Beals rubs elbows with working folks every day on that job. Besides, he had enough of an unstated income source to help his brother make a movie (that never got released) - all while having a wife and kids. Something tells me the "poor, struggling teacher" shtick is another costume from central casting.

Well done!
I have given up on trying to research those politicians which live outside of my county or districts.
I concentrate on where the riffraff begin their adventures within my area.
If we don't change the political game in our own back yards, we must accept defeat at the national level.
Again, very good essay.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
There's one of those open seat races in Massachusetts
The 3rd House District, Nikki Tsongas's seat. There are seven or so Dems vying for the nomination. The higher profile candidates have ties to non-local operations.
One guy (Rufus Gifford) was finance director for Obama for America. He is also gay and was ambassador to Denmark. Why all this matters in the very blue collar 3rd district is beyond me.
Another guy (Dan Koh) who has raised more than 2x as much as any other candidate, is part of Marty Walsh's (mayor of Boston) machine.
Another person (Lori Trahan) worked with Marty Meehan, who had Tsongas's seat before he retired to become president of U Mass-Lowell. She is sorta local, although Lowell is not in the district.
My point is that these open seat races attract stalking horses from every major operation, from nearby big cities, from national organizations. Finding a genuinely local candidate who will work for the actual residents of the district is very difficult.
I will agree that its easier to figure out what's going on in your own backyard. But, when a race gains some notoriety, like Beals, it is possible to figure out what's going on - if you get in before TPTB have buried all the dirt.
I feel like shite, I should have done my homework before spouting off about him.
Just goes to prove your point, though. I was Wondering why Ira sounded so shifty on that show.
Again, Thanks!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
We all help each other. That's called *common* sense.
I had to grep through your posts to see what you were referring to. I found it in the thread on Andrew Yang. You were correct to call BS on UBI, especially when promoted by some stock market crook like Andrew Yang.
You just didn't have enough info about Jeff Beals. As you said, you didn't do your homework. As I have said elsewhere, no one has time to do ALL the homework. That's why we depend on each other.
The left is an endangered species, being hunted down by TPTB. Places like c99p survive because JtC's policies do not let the place get destroyed by trolls and flamewars. In some ways, its like "brainstorming". That is, the management technique in which people are only allowed to either say something positive about someone else's idea or to shut up. No negativity allowed. The good ideas get reinforced. The bad ones just wither away.
It is so difficult, having to double and triple check everything, to have to write off people like Matt Taibbi, Amy Goodman, and Glenn Greenwald. But that's inevitable. As soon as a leftie scores a point, they become a target. That's what happens when you are outnumbered and outgunned. The other side can target one sniper with an entire artillery batallion. They can destroy you or co opt you. I believe the term is "make you an offer you can't refuse".
You had good intentions about Beals. You approached things correctly. Don't get discouraged. Don't stop investigating.
Can you describe how Ira sounded "shifty"?
He is a very smooth operator. I'd be interested in what set off alarms for you.
His usual
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
this is a great piece of work on Beals. Thank you so much. You've shed some permanent light on the whole issue of candidates supported by the Party. Beam on!
Well done.
I heard part of that episode of TAL*, driving around on errands, and immediately wondered how my leg was being pulled. The part I heard relayed the story of how Beals made a speech promising to support Medicare for All, which resulted in a young activist in the crowd joining his campaign and shaping it into a grassrootsy success story.
(That's a terrible sentence, but I'm too hot and lazy to fix it. Heat index of 104 here in Vermont right now!).
Anyway, since he wasn't running in my state, I kind of forgot about it until primary day, when I decided to look him up. Lo and behold, one of the first few links on Duck Duck Go pointed to his CIA connections. I'm sure Google has buried those.
Thanks for all of this research, for staying vigilant, and encouraging us to do the same.
*I rarely listen to NPR anymore, save for Wait, Wait and The Moth; the preset in the car happened to be on the station when I got in, and TAL was already in progress.
Wait wait is still funny...
although they keep spouting the party line: Russians are bad, Trump is owned by the Russians, the US is great - except for cutesy little faux pas that they can make fun of.
I can't abide "The Moth". Almost all the stories are family-based. My daughter this. My mother that. My awful/wonderful childhood. Plus, they are often five minutes or less, so not worth spending ten minutes to find them amidst all the other treacle.
But, yeah, NPR has been a propaganda shop for decades now. I don't listen to them at all. Just put the car radio on the local classical station.
The Moth
You must be in Northern VT,...
because its cooler further south (weird weather, the new normal) and towards the coast.
Depending on where you are with respect to the mountains, NPR might be one of the few radio stations available. Theoretically, Montreal is close if you live north; and NYC is close if you live south. But, mountains.
Its good to hear that c99p has people in VT. I know there are a few folks in central NY that had a meetup in spring. c99p is so small that meetups are few and attendance is small. I'm near the coast in MA; so not centrally located enough for a meetup. But, I would travel as far as Worcester to meet folks.
Burlington here
I used to live further south, where the mountains indeed interfered with most radio signals. We do have a few choices here, though most of them are corporate. The good news is, I'm rarely in my car and don't generally listen to the radio at home.
I think there are at least a few other Vermonters here? I don't remember if LaFeminista made it over from GOS; but I think there are one or two more.
Hope you can find a sea breeze this week!
IIRC, La Feminista moved to France.
I may have her confused with another woman who ran some kind of tea restaurant in VT. But there was such a person either at DU or at GOS; and wow was she argumentative. Relentless.
That's the problem with the internet. I have no face or voice to remember. So relationships die fast.
Well, a much simpler approach might be to
just realize that NPR is establishment propaganda, through and through, and automatically suspect EVERYTHING that you hear on that outlet as being such.
An even more simple approach would be to just never listen to NPR, and to try to wake other people up to the faux liberal lie machine that is National Propaganda Radio, which is the path I've taken for the past 15 years.
Again, I recommend David Barsamian's "The Decline and Fall of Public Broadcasting." In the past, I've bought many copies of this book and given them away to people. They can read through the book in two hours, and they usually come back to me saying things like, "I'll never listen to or give money to NPR again."
I agree. Thanks for the pointer to Barsamian.
Since Barsamian has done interviews with Chomsky for dog knows how long, I'm sure he's on the censorship list in the corporate bookstores. So, its order from an independent bookseller.
I need to purchase and distribute this to a few relatives.
Great work as always, Arendt.
I’m traveling for a gig now but wanted to just put forth one example of a different kind of guy.
Have you checked out Carne Ross? Top levels of British diplomacy but exposed the fraud for what it waa in his book, “The Leaderless Revolution.”
He’s now a proponent for Anarchism. Fascinating and courageous guy.
I’m on my phone or I’d also like the interview he did with Russell Brand. Really should check it out.
Thanks for your excellent essay.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks for Carne Ross
Too busy today (Monday) to check it out. Hope to get to it on Tuesday.
So, I need some help
I looked at Carne Ross's website, and saw that he was a big booster of Rojava. That means Murray Bookchin.
I get a bleeding headache everytime I go near that stuff. Bookchin was a Trotskyite who became a Libertarian. Both groups have more theological doctrine than ten Catholic churches. I just can't wade through that stuff. Just skimming through brings up badly digested writing about anarcho-syndicalism vs anarcho-capitalism. MEGO.
So, could you either give me a short summary of why Bookchin isn't just plain old Libertarianism in a slick leftwing wrapper named "anarchy" (since I have always maintained that Libertarianism is "organized anarchy"), or point me at a short summary that is readable?
Just FYI, ever since Rojava became a news item, I have been very surprised at the positive coverage it has gotten from the corporate media. My feeling is that Rojava/Kurds are supported because we are using them to dismantle Syria. My feeling is that the Bookchin crowd gets a free ride as long as its Assad they're fighting.
Perhaps my paranoia filter is set to tightly, after writing this OP, but I gotta ask myself why this "anarchist" gets a free pass from TPTB (go google {carne ross, criticism/opponent} and you get nothing.) when the so-called Black Block is roundly denounced as anarchists - and used to smear the entire left for its bad behavior. (And, of course, the left pushes back and says they are just cops/agents provocateur.)
Don't get me wrong. I haven't made up my mind about CR yet. And that's because I haven't made up my mind about Bookchin/Rojava yet. And that's because I cannot wade through the ideological boilerplate that surrounds "leftwing libertarianism".
Please do me a mitzvah and help. Thanks.
Thanks loads for this! I was certainly taken in by Taibbi, etc.
In feeling moved to link to those Rolling Stone articles, it seems I was duped partly by my own nostalgia — many years ago, New York’s 19th district (Ulster county / Kingston / Saugerties / Woodstock / Bearsville) was where I hung my hat.
Just as jet travel was killing the Catskills,...
I actually had a summer job up there, at a resort in the middle of nowhere. Saugerties was civilization to us. Don't really know the area, as the resort job was 3 meals a day, 7 days a week. But the pay was fabulous for the early 70s.
The job was my introduction to dealing with people from Queens. Ma-donna! I should write a book, but only New Yorkers from that era would bother to read it.