For the community: the WSWS List of CIA Dems
I was unable to find a compact, easy to read list of the CIA Dems on the web. The WSWS article is too prose-y and inconsistent in its details. So, I took an hour to create my own version of that list.
I encourage you to circulate this list is a public service. (Hey, Wink, put it on the Patreon?) I think showing people that half the Democratic primary candidates are some kind of ex-military/intel, up to their eyeballs in the illegal, dirty, counterproductive wars shows exactly who is in charge in the party.
I think that showing up at a rally of one of these warloving, MENA-trashing creeps and pointedly asking them to justify the obscene military budget, the endless wars, the $100 B black budget and the legalization of propagandizing the US is about the only way to get some exposure on the crap the DNC is pulling, since it sure doesn't look like the Our Revolution crowd is going to be doing much exposing.
The list is reproduced below as a .csv file (comma separated variable), which is suitable for reading into just about any file type. I created the csv file from a spreadsheet.
Sorting is alphabetical BY STATE.
Repeated commas indicate empty cells of the spreadsheet. These occur only at the right, where I was tallying up the number of people with various backgrounds
(organization found in first row: army, AF, navy, marines, CIA, state).
Sometimes the "Organization" record also contains comments, like "endorsed by".
The totals for these backgrounds are in the final row: ,,,,9,2,4,5,6,8. That is:
Army 9
Air Force 2
Navy 4
Marines 5
State 8
Here is the CSV file's contents (just copy and paste into a text file, then use that file as input to a spreadsheet or other file.
ON EDIT: Maura Sullivan is NH-1 - not NH-2, as stated by WSWS. Please let me know other corrections.
"Candidate","State-district","Organization",,"Army","Air Force","Navy","Marines","CIA","State"
"Jessica Morse","California-4","State Dept.",,,,,,,1
"Regina Bateson","California-4","State Dept – sex trafficking",,,,,,,1
"Omar Siddiqui","California-48","FBI advisor counter-terrorism; CIA ",,,,,,1,
"Sara Jacobs","California-49","State Dept – Africa counterterrorism",,,,,,,1
"Douglas Applegate","California-49","Marine corps – gunship pilot",,,,,1,,
"Josh Butner","California-50","23 years navy seal",,,,1,,,
"Jason Crow","Colorado-6","82nd airborne, army rangers",,1,,,,,
"Lauren Baer","Florida-18","State Department",,,,,,,1
"Nancy Soderberg","Florida-6","NSC",,,,,,,1
"Johnathan Ebel","Illinois-13","Naval Intelligence",,,,1,,,
"Amy McGrath","Kentucky-6","Marine fighter pilot",,,,,1,,
"Jesse Colvin","Maryland-1","US Army ranger, Army intelligence,",,1,,,,,
"Matthew Morgan","Michigan-1","Marine corps",,,,,1,,
"Elissa Slotkin","Michigan-8","CIA operative,NSC",,,,,,1,
"Dan Feehan","Minnesota-1","Army ",,1,,,,,
"Dan McCready","N. Carolina-9","Marine corps – gunship pilot",,,,,1,,
"Maura Sullivan","New Hampshire-1","Marine corps",,,,,1,,
"Mikie Sherrill","New Jersey-11","Navy helicopter",,,,1,,,
"Andy Kim","New Jersey-3","Pentagon,NSC","x",,,,,,
"Tom Malinowski","New Jersey-7","State Department",,,,,,,1
"Jeffrey Beals","New York-19","CIA intelligence officer",,,,,,1,
"Patrick Ryan","New York-19","Army (West Point)",,1,,,,,
"Shelley Chauncey","Pennsylvania-5","CIA counter-intel, Latin America, Asia",,,,,,1,
"Chrissy Houlahan","Pennsylvania-6","Air force ",,,1,,,,
"Matt Reel","Tennessee-7","on active COVERT duty",,1,,,,,
"Gina Ortiz Jones","Texas-23","Air Force intelligence officer",,,1,,,,
"Mary Jennings Hegar","Texas-31","helicopter pilot, sued to fly, movie",,1,,,,,
"Kent Lester","Texas-31","West Point, ",,1,,,,,
"Edward Meier","Texas-32 – LOST!","State Department",,,,,,,1
"Daniel Helmer","Virginia-10","endorsed by CIA directors & M. Flournoy",,,,,,1,
"Elaine Luria","Virginia-2","Navy",,,,1,,,
"Abigail Spanberger","Virginia-7","CIA – 10 years",,,,,,1,
"Talley Sergent","W. Virginia-2","State Dept – sex trafficking",,,,,,,1
"Aaron Scheinberg","W. Virginia-2","West Point, Odierno, M. Flourney assoc.",,1,,,,,
"Richard Ojeda","W. Virginia-3","20 years army airborne",,1,,,,,
Good hunting.

Two, count them, two marine helicopter gunship pilots
Douglas Applegate, Dan McCready.
Just what qualifies jarhead gunslingers to be Congressmen? I must have missed where the Marine Corps is selecting for people who do nuance and make compromises.
Plenty of nuance
A Marine helo pilot has to decide whether to splatter body pieces around with the 7.62 mm machine gun or with the 6 barrel Gatling gun or with 70 mm rockets. How much more nuance do you need?
"showing some initiative", eh? n/t
A woman fighter pilot, and two more (woman) helicopter pilots
Amy McGrath, Mary Jennings Hegar, ON EDIT: Mikie Sherrill.
Geez, are we going to have an aerial dogfight in the House of Representatives?
What the fuck does being Top Gun wannabee hotshot have to do with reprsenting citizens and passing decent laws?
Thanks for this eye opener
Heavy rests the thumb on the scales of democracy. How much more pro military government can we survive?
Very deliberate search for them by dems
If memory serves I seem to remember article awhile ago that establishment power brokers were deliberately looking for a number of attributes. Two of which I remember as "military" and "small business owner". I randomly looked up Dan McCready and fits that profile. Off hand, I am getting impression of candidates who are "socially liberal republicans". Basically democrats took the image of republican candidates and smoothed out the edges.
Jeez just looked up Chrissy Houlahan and she is a "air-force captain, entrepreneur". (McCready owned a solar business).
I guess the days of electing "community organizers" is over, and by that I mean not Obama but advocates for the poor, health care, etc.
Yep. Dems are the new Republicans...
Republicans are the new John Birchers.
None of these warmongers ever listened to Eisenhower's Farewell Address
Or his other gem, the "Chance for Peace" speech, after Stalin's death in 1953:
So much for reforming the Dimocraptic party
I don't believe in you.
Here's some complimentary reading on the Dim Party
. . . . from the Black Agenda Report, about the upcoming election cycles, and how Dems plan to pander to the lefties, while changing nothing substantive (and also while running on the CIA ticket):
(I don't get it with these blacks at BAR. Don't they understand that the Democratic Party is on their side, especially in view of the Democrats' identity politics rhetoric? Why won't these blacks get with the program, and join this "party of diversity" and "social justice?" Why won't they join the chorus at places like GOS? I would think they'd understand, having been subject to Jim Crow in the past, how important things like transgender bathrooms are, and that the Democrats are on the side of such things. Man, you can never satisfy such "uppity" people . . . .)
The CIA got tired of trying to get the democrats to do their
bidding and so they are going to cut out the middle man and do their own work instead. And if people don't have the time to research the candidates then they won't know what their histories are. I know that when I first started voting I didn't take the time to do that, I just went with what initial they had after their names. This couldn't be what they are counting on now is it? Nah!
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Nice find.
Thanks for the work!
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The new "USA!USA!" Democrats is a very dangerous development.
Greenwald was on Jimmy Dore for a long-ranging discussion, in which he talked about this encroaching militarism in the party being a very bad thing:
The whole thing is pretty amazing and well worth watching.
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- Kurt Vonnegut