The Weekly Watch

Conspiracy Theories and Untold Stories

What brings this topic to mind is the Awan story. Here at c99 we've have been lucky to have Alligator Ed and gulf gal (among others) inform us. It is a spy thriller... Pakistani Spy Ring in the halls of congress tending to the reps computers. Gun and drug trade is involved. And nary a word from corporate media? We have many stories which we don't speak about. Consider 911 with questions about building 7 and the hole in the pentagon not being large enough for an airplane. And for that matter all the assassinations in the sixties. The common thread that seems to run through these so called conspiracy theories is CIA involvement.

sometimes true.jpg

Let's start with the Awan family.

If you're new to the story here's a nice overview...
I'm no purist, so be aware this is a RW anti-hillary site (as opposed to our LW one) -
In this edition of "JW Inside Report," host Jerry Dunleavy joins Luke Rosiak, an investigative reporter for The Daily Caller's to discuss the cybersecurity scandal involving multiple members of Congress, including Debbie Wasserman Shultz. A Democratic IT staffer named Imran Awan was arrested last July on charges of bank fraud. He was employed by Shultz and other congressional members. He is also a suspect in a cybersecurity investigation, having been banned from congressional networks in February. In addition, his relatives, also government IT employees, are currently being investigated for alleged involvement in defrauding the federal government as well as compromising sensitive information from congressional servers. (40 min)

George Webb takes it a step farther and links CIA, guns and drugs to the case. (9 min)
He provides links below his video

So what is going on with the case?
FBI Insider: “It's Rigged From Almost Every Angle”
After 11 months of unexplained court delays, the husband and wife team of Imran and Hina Alvi-Awan will be pleading guilty to federal charges, according to new court documents. At this point, no one knows exactly what the federal charges are. The duo, indicted for bank fraud, are expected in federal court on July 3, 2018 for a plea hearing. I won't believe it until it happens. (5.5 min)

George is back explaining how 80% of the witnesses are being turned away by the FBI. (5 min)

Looks like a plea deal and permanent silence in the case.

It's a cover up all right...

911 ct.jpg

Maybe the biggest cover up was 911. There are many questions...was it a false flag attack to create an endless war on terror?

Architects and engineers don't see how the collapse of the buildings fits with the story.

Scientist examining data also have doubts

Pilots have difficulty accepting the story...especially about the pentagon.

There are several documentaries calling out the contradictions... (1.75 hours) (45 min) (1 hour)
More from CIA whistleblower Susan Lindauer (90 min)

But have you ever heard a corporate news show question the 911 narrative?


It is like the Kennedy assassination. DK posted this link that seems a credible analysis... (2 hours)

JFK explains his opposition to the CIA. (5 min)

We have some honorable folks coming out of the secret organizations trying to inform us of what we've become.
Kevin Shipp has been forthcoming of late.. (1 hour)
...and more recently this 2 part talk. (1 hour) (1 hour)

In 2007, John Kiriakou became the first Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official to publicly confirm that agency interrogators waterboarded. Ironically he is the only one to serve time for the torture program. The torturer ends up as head of CIA. (17 min)

Thomas Drake was also arrested for his leaks. He speaks to the National Press Club. (1.25 hours)

Bill Binny was smart enough to entrap the agents trying to arrest him. Here's his documentary A Good American followed by Q&A (90 min)

And we can't forget Ed Snowden who tried a different approach after seeing Kiriakou's and Thomas Drake's arrest. Here he is in an interview about a year ago. (55 min)

Operation Mockingbird seems alive and well. (3 min)


Israel is a secret in plain view. The world sees. The UN voted to condemn Israel's use of "excessive force" against protesters in Gaza. (2 min) we withdraw from the Human Rights Council (2.5 min)

Chris Hedges and Norm Finkelstein discuss Gaza. (26 min)

This week Israel bombed Gaza...some more.

Additionally this week, Israel bombed troops fighting ISIS in Syria killing 52 people. Max Blumenthal says this is part of a larger campaign to destabilize and fragment Syria and weaken its ally Iran (video or text)

There are many understood but untold stories about Israel

As Lee Camp writes...the US drops a bomb every 12 minutes, but no one is talking about it.

It isn't just the US and Israel raining terror in Syria, Turkey is doing it's share as well. President Erdogan is escalating military intervention in northern Syria and Iraq as the snap election approaches. Scholar Baris Karaagac says this is part of a political strategy to unite right-wing nationalist forces. It is also a continuation of a decades-long war on Kurds (video or text)

How bizarre is this relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia?

The silence about the horrors we perpetrate in Yemen is oppressive. The UN warns millions of Yemenis could starve as US-backed Saudi and Emirati forces attack Yemen’s port city of Hodeida. Ben Norton speaks with Medea Benjamin. (video or text)

The Yemen horrors get even worse..

Sy Hersh adds...
"And it’s not just we’re aiding. We’re supplying intelligence. We’re refueling planes. We’re working very closely with the United Arab Emirates and, of course, the Saudis, who are doing most of the horrific stuff that’s going on."
(video or text with side link to more from Sy)

Most Americans are unaware of the droning in Libya...over 500 since 2011


When the press can't quit covering a story...they usually aren't telling us the full story. Jimmy Dore and Abby Martin talk immigration, detention, and deportation policies over the last few decades... (11 min) (22 min) (25 min) (11 min) (8 min)

Then Abby and Jimmy discuss the situation in Venezuela (25 min)

Here a comparison of Obama vs Trump's policy on migrants.

The demonrats are being very quiet about their past actions...

More from the Real News in video or text

So why is there so much migration? Perhaps because we train people in the School of the Americas and send them back to Central and South America to foment trouble for governments who stand up to the global corporations. Consider Nicaragua....
Following two months of protests and an estimated 170 dead, the violence briefly subsided, as opposition-government negotiations tried to resolve the situation. The opposition now says the government is reneging on commitments and will abandon negotiations. What led to this crisis and where will it go from here? We discuss the situation with Trevor Evans and Camilo Mejia (2 parts in video or text)

There is some good news coming out of Mexico...
Mexico’s July 1 presidential election is likely to lead to a historic result as the center-left candidate Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador leads the race by 25 percentage points over his closest rival. We talk to Laura Carlsen about the race, the murders of local candidates, and the impact of Trump’s immigration policy on the race (video or text)

Will the loss of net neutrality slow our ability to communicate? Jimmy tells the story of net neutrality and the CA demonrats... (12 min)

As a final piece, Paul Jay explains that the billionaires are not fit to rule

truth is there.jpg

The search for truth requires evidence. I think it has become evident on many levels we no longer live in a democratic republic.


There is a blatant stab at reorganizing the entire government structure to benefit the elites even more. Will they ever have enough? Sometimes the story is in plain view if we look.

We are misled, ill informed, and deceived by politicians, the media, and the secret shadow government. If you believe the CIA and NSA whistleblowers, we are totally in the dark about the way in which this empire operates. How can there be a political solution when the problem is deeper than politics but reflects the very nature of the country's secret power structure?

I look forward to reading your thoughts, comments and favorite conspiracy theories below.

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Lookout's picture

with Chris and Ralph...25 min


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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

and Israel have been working together with the US government/Wall St. for a long time. When I was younger life went on it's boring predictable way. Now you can only count on unpredictability from our seats in the nosebleed section. Not Trump, but the last 35-40 years. Bush2 and Obama were the epitome of NOT acting in a predictable manner, of flipping heads 41 time in a row, of your bread and jam always falling jam side down. It has to be by design.

The neolibs are salivating for a blue wave. If it comes, and I have doubts, it will be telling to see how they act. The r's have wielded power with the thinnest majorities, and Trump and the party have steamrolled through every corner of the government. If the democrats fail to do half of that at least it will put their "agenda" out in the open.

Right now I feel like I'm reliving my thirtyteens all over.
EDited cause I can't spell.

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Lookout's picture


we won't see much change. Wars will rage, immigrants deported, coups conducted around the world. The coin has 2 sides, but it is the same coin.

I like this Bucky quote...
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

Thanks for the song...we gotta change wrong to right.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture


If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don't bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.

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Lookout's picture


so from memory another Bucky quote -
The child wants to understand the universe, but the teacher says no we have to learn the parts first - A,B,C....and they never get back to the whole.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bob In Portland's picture

@Snode Look up the "Safari Club", a group of intelligence agencies, to include Israel, US, Saudi Arabia and, I believe, Pakistan. It started during the Carter Administration (not sure if he was in on it, but Zbigniew was). And you can trace almost all of the mischief of the intervening years in the Middle East to it. I'm trying to think who's written about it. It may have been mentioned in Jonathan Marshall and Peter Dale Scott's THE IRAN-CONTRA CONNECTION. You can start here:

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@Bob In Portland @Bob In Portland I am almost afraid to keep looking. Actually, I was hoping I'd just get called an idiot, that's impossible. But hey who am I going to believe, that nice young man on the TV or my lying eyes. But yeah, that feels like the time things started going sideway

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gulfgal98's picture

Rev. Dr. Barber is awesome! His speech had me jumping up off my chair, yelling "stand!" He is a man filled with a great passion to try to right all the wrongs in this country, very much in the same vein as Dr. King. I see him as trying to continue Dr. King's work.

I first learned about Rev. Dr. Barber when he took a massive public stand against the anti-gay marriage bill in NC. He made a video in which he talked specifically to black people about how discriminating against gays is no different than discriminating against blacks. At that time, many black churches were actually for the anti gay marriage bill, so Rev. Dr. Barber's stand was in the face of most black religious institutions in NC. Discrimination is discrimination! Then he began the Moral Monday movement which I believe has formed the precursor to the Poor People's campaign.

I highly recommend to everyone to watch his speech beginning around the 1 hour 22 minute mark or shortly thereafter, in the linked video. Unfortunately there is no embed code for this video, but here is the link again.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Lookout's picture


I was wowed. I learned a trick about facebook vids. use the option at the bottom
Embed Video
Video URL

It won't expand but you can listen
Click on the image

PS you might want to read the comments in the PPC essay thread.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

gulfgal98's picture

@Lookout I posted my comment above in the wrong essay. Blush

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Lookout's picture


always glad to "see" you where ever we are!

The PPC is a movement. I hope the c99 community will at least give it a chance. So many folks have been burnt so many times that many of us are hesitant to believe in a movement. In my state we are growing. I think Dr. Barber may be coming here next month.

So glad you see this as a hopeful effort!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

detroitmechworks's picture

is that Slavery never ended.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Lookout's picture


The capitalist system forgot to include people in its formulas and algorithms.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

gulfgal98's picture

I think Luke has done some excellent reporting on the Awan spy scandal, but I disagree with him on one thing. He seems to think the main reason for the Democratic stonewall on the Awans has to do with elections. That many be a factor, but I seriously doubt that it is the main reason.

Until recently no one in Congress on either side of the aisle seemed to care about the Awans exfiltrating terabits of data from the House to who knows where. This scandal did not break yesterday. We have known about it for over a year. It was not until Imran Awan and Hina Alvi were indicted for bank fraud (a minor charge compared to spying), that anyone was even aware of this scandal.

I believe that there is far more to this than just a bunch of Pakistanis stealing data from House members, including those serving on Homeland Security and Foreign Affairs Committees. First, not one member who employed the Awans had a background check done.

This is absolutely appalling because I personally have been there in a far lesser situation with my own employment in local government. All new employees were required to undergo a background check. I retired with a spotless record of 31 years. Eighteen months later, my former department called and asked if I would be interested in coming back part time on a temporary basis. Here is the kicker. I had to undergo a new background check to come back to the same office I had worked in for over 31 years. There were no exceptions on background checks.

However, in regard to Imran Awan and the rest of his spy cohorts, none were ever required to undergo a background check. Imran Awan was granted the highest employee security clearance in order to work for members of those two very sensitive committees. It is unfathomable that no one at any level required Imran Awan to undergo a background check.

Second, Hina Alvi was allowed to leave the US with more cash on her person than is legally permitted. She was stopped at the airport and found to be carrying said cash, but was allowed to leave along with the cash she had.

In March 2017, FBI agents were tailing House of Representatives IT aides suspected of hacking Congress, and apprehended one at the airport trying to make a hasty exit to Pakistan. She refused to speak with them, and a search revealed that she was carrying an apparently illegal amount of cash.

The FBI allowed Hina Alvi, wife of Imran Awan, to board the plane anyway — then filed paperwork saying agents believed she had no intention of returning to the U.S.

Third, when Imran Awan was arrested for bank fraud, Chris Gowan, Bill Clinton's personal attorney and a former Hillary Clinton advisor immediately became Awan's attorney. Since then, Imran Awan's trial on said bank fraud charges has be postponed several times. The bank fraud case is not a complex one.

What this points to for me is that the Awans are being protected by people very high up and powerful, beyond just the Democratic party. For this reason, I believe that there is far more to this story than what we see on the surface. IMHO, the Awans were not just working against the US government, but were working with persons and agencies of the US government.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Lookout's picture


it is just too fishy with an obvious cover up and judicial rigging...and NO media coverage.

Thanks for keeping us informed. You and AE have been my main educators about this all.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

gulfgal98's picture

@Lookout for bringing this back up. A lot of people cannot understand why things like this are happening. I know I could not until I began to realize that the people pulling the strings are globalists who care very little about country other than as a means to achieve their global objectives.

It is shocking that this spy scandal should be plastered all over the news and yet only Luke Rosiak has been covering it in the print media.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Lookout's picture


be aware of what's going on because TPTB don't want us to understand the depth of the secret state of corruption. Beyond elections and so called democracy, with no checks nor balances. At this stage education is key...of course I'm biased in that way.

All the best!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bob In Portland's picture

@Lookout Speaking of judicial rigging, in case you missed it, this:

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gulfgal98's picture

@Bob In Portland was outstanding! If anyone here has not yet read it, please do. It goes to show just how small and incestuous the deep state club is.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Bob In Portland's picture

@Lookout Speaking of judicial rigging, in case you missed it, this:

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Lookout's picture

@Bob In Portland

that was a great essay. Mueller is a low life front man. What a dreadful web we weave!

Thanks again.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@gulfgal98 And contrast this kid-glove treatment with the way the Meuller gang/Rod Rosenstein operate in the Russia hoax.

Taking over Trump's lawyer's work sites and all documents; keeping Manafort in jail??? And we let Awan's wife walk?

Mueller, DOJ, and RR are working really, really hard to keep something suppressed.

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QMS's picture

@dfarrah DOJ keeping us in the dark goes much deeper than selective prosecution, imo. Were the dirty machinations of covert operations allowed to see the light of day, people may get the impression our democracy is a sham. Bust that myth and anger becomes stronger than the puppeteers can manage.

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question everything

Lookout's picture


The lair of corruption is deep, wide, unseen, and unmentioned. It's nice that we shine a little light here at c99!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@QMS a sham.

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Lookout's picture


...but you have to know where to look. I'm a fossiler and birder. I spot what most people miss because I've learned how to look. But arrowhead and artifacts...not so much. I once went on a walk with herpetologist Bob Mount. He could see so much more than me.

So we all need to watch and help each other see in this time of collapse...using the differing talents we all have.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

Just coming in late. Sorry, Monday morning here and trying to stay in touch.
Now, is C99p a right wing or a left wing site? Because if it's a right wing one, then it's a conspiracy messing with me, believing it is a left wing one. All that is going to be too much for me.

And if the answer is this site is both, left wing and right wing, then I say ... nah, I won't tell you, because it's a waste then to comment here.

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Lookout's picture


this is site full of doubters and truth seekers. Is the truth left or right?

Dr. Barber suggests we leave the labels behind and create a new paradigm. I tend to agree.

I hope all is well with you on your side of the pond.

wishing you the best....

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

gulfgal98's picture

@mimi this part of your comment.

And if the answer is this site is both, left wing and right wing, then I say ... nah, I won't tell you, because it's a waste then to comment here.

As Lookout said, most of us are seeking the truth. The idea of left and right has been turned upside down and inside out as far as the politicians who run this country go. It has no real meaning any more. They are working for the same masters with only slight shades of variation as far as their rhetoric goes.

I have been posting for some time now that we must forget the old labels and learn to work together because the vast majority of us are being used and impoverished by the globalists. Occupy helped me to better define where I personally stand as far as that goes. The old left/right or Democrat/Republican or liberal/conservative paradigms have been used to keep we the people divided against one another. This is so the oligarchy can continue to fleece us and the environment until there is nothing left for we the people.

So for me, it is about who cares about humans versus who cares about money. I am hoping the humanists win.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

@gulfgal98 @lookout
still living in the old times, when - at least in Germany (that is in the sixties and seventies) - being left wing and being right wing had meaning. I understand that these times are gone. Too much has changed. I think in Europe it still has more meaning than in the US, where everything is muddled and mixed and talked into something that can always be right no matter what it is. Indeed I believe left wing has no meaning in the US and right wing it has been anyway, so there is no use in mentioning it. I won't bother anymore with it. At least I try. But I am like an old mule, stubborn and difficult to teach and unwilling to learn too. May be one day I will be back and can do the things I thought I could do.

But to me there are some US intellectuals who I consider being left. I am at a loss. My apologies for saying it's a waste to comment here, if ... etc., I just don't know how to understand something else than left and right, it confuses me if I don't recognize one side or the other and then it's better I don't say anything and don't comment.

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Lookout's picture


I've been involved with interviewing old musicians, mainly fiddlers who play traditional music. However, if they grew up during tin pan alley it is reflected in their music...same with big band...and swing era...and my generation, rock and roll. We can't help but be a product of our time. I sure feel lucky maturing in the '60's when thinking and protests were a part of the times.

Be yourself. Filter the world through your have no choice.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

gulfgal98's picture

@Lookout We are all colored and influenced by our personal experiences.

Be yourself. Filter the world through your have no choice.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

I have no choice and so hasn't my son. We try to cope.

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thank you for this great essay. I am arriving late with great excitement but little time to respond or to access all your links. I hope to look at all of them very soon.

In answer to your exchange with gulfgal98, I especially wanted to praise her statement:

I began to realize that the people pulling the strings are globalists who care very little about country other than as a means to achieve their global objectives.

This is the conspiracy theory that I think is most substantial, that the military industrial complex and its clientele are multinational corporations that couldn't care less about the American people or the Uzbekistan people or anyone else.

I come from the perspective of having read Antony Sutton, who documented U.S. corporations developing Soviet military industrial resources from the revolutionary period onward, and Charles Higham, who documented those same exact companies arming Hitler for the duration of WWII.

So I would say, one of the most exciting, spine-tingling moments in my theorizing life came when I read some of the research of Bill Simpich, who documented the CIA files on Lee Harvey Oswald, especially his activities in the Soviet Union. In these files Simpich noticed the CIA also had files on another American defector who worked for a U.S. military contractor and who defected at almost the exact same time as Oswald, like weeks apart, and returned to the United States also just weeks apart. They looked quite a lot alike, Oswald and this guy Webster. And they were about the same age, height, and weight. And in their files the age, height, and weight notes sometimes interchanged.

The researcher, Simpich, doesn't quite know what to make of this. So he guesses it had to do with the CIA's James Angleton's method of finding moles. But if you've read Antony Sutton, you know exactly what to make of this. Sutton's work is about how U.S. corporations extended military industrial technology to the Soviet Union through deceptive and illegal means, and this action on the part of the CIA exemplifies that activity.

So, in making this too brief to work it out, I will just say, that the Awans being allowed to come and go and spill beans all over the place is standard operating procedure if you're working for the military industrial operational front, the CIA, in order to extend military secrets to the enemies of the United States. It's what they do.

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Lookout's picture

@Linda Wood

I'll look forward to reading more.
Caught a good piece on the MIC today...Lee Camp and David DeGraw: 1st 15 min

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

gulfgal98's picture

@Lookout with David DeGraw was excellent. DeGraw has been tracking Pentagon waste for some time and after seeing this interview, you have to wonder why it has been allowed to go on for so long.

Waste = Corruption. Our nation is incredibly corrupt.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Lookout's picture


you have to wonder why it has been allowed to go on for so long.

Money and greed?

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”