My last diary for some time at the GOS
Congratulations Hillary Supporters from a Bernie Supporter, and my hopes for a Clinton Presidency
You won. I will no longer criticize your candidate here based on her past record, how effective a candidate she will prove to be in the general election or any other matter. It’s Kos’ site and his rules. Fair enough.
For the record, I am not congratulating Hillary Clinton. She’s not my candidate. But I will vote for her if she is the nominee.
Nor will I be offering constructive criticism (whatever that term may mean) on how she can be a better candidate in the general election. She has her own coterie of formal and informal advisers for that, and besides, I doubt anything anyone says on any blog, even the mighty Daily Kos, will alter her campaign’s strategy or tactics in the general election (since she is “our nominee” to quote Markos).
I will assume, because kos tells me its true, and, by my reading of Kos’ edict, I am not allowed to suggest otherwise, that millenials and left leaning independents will turn out and vote for her, hopefully in numbers that match the performance of President Obama in 2008 and 2012. For the record, Obama won 66% of young voters in 2008, and 60% in 2012, both years in which younger voters turned out in much higher numbers than in past elections.
So, since I am not offering criticism or suggestions for Clinton in the general, and because, as we have been told she will win the Presidency in November regardless of who wins the Republican nomination, what is the purpose of my commentary? Only this: an expression of my hopes (though not my expectations) regarding what Hillary Clinton will do once she is elected President.
A brief prefatory remark: I know that there is little any President can accomplish without the support of legislators, and we will have, at best, a divided national Congress going forward, assuming Democrats win control of the Senate. That said, the Oval Office gives one the opportunity to lead and influence the American people in a number of ways, from the issuance of executive orders, the enforcement of exiting laws, and by using the bully pulpit to rally the American people and advocate for an agenda that breaks from the status quo. And I believe we can all agree that the status quo is ruining our country. So, in no particular order, here are a few of the issues I hope a Clinton administration will actively promote, through executive action or by making the case to the American people that change is needed.
1. An End to the ruinous Drug War
The War on Drugs has resulted in the mass incarceration of millions of non-violent offenders with a disproportionate number of them being Latinos and African Americans. At the very least, I hope she calls for an end to the inequality in sentencing between white offenders and minority offenders, where whites receive much less harsh punishments than blacks and hispanics.
2. Crack down on Wall Street Fraud and Abuse
Few, if any, high profile figures in the financial industry have been indicted for the many documented crimes they committed (for just one example, see the case of Wachovia that laundered over $370 billion of drug cartel money, for which no bank official was ever prosecuted, and where Wachovia was allowed to settle the charges against it for the trivial amount of $160 million). That needs to change and it doesn’t require Congressional support, it only requires the President and her Attorney General to enforce existing laws.
In the same vein, I hope Clinton will seek, and actively call for, meaningful reform of the financial industry, particularly when it comes to the dangerous risk posed to the world economy by Wall Street’s continued peddling and profiting on derivatives trading. Financial reform is highly popular among a broad swathe of the American public, with majority support among both the old and young, and among Independents, Democrats and Republicans. Pushing for reform is not easy, but a President has the power to go over the head of an obstreperous Congress and speak directly to the people. And I cannot think of many issues that would help elect more and better Democrats in the next mid-term election cycle, provided the President made a point of spearheading that call for Wall Street Reform.
3. Eliminate and/or Reduce the Crippling Burden of Student Loan Debt
This one is a no brainer. Nothing is harming our nation’s young ( and not so young as well) people than the excessively large student debt load so many of them carry. It seriously harms their chance to achieve upward mobility, home ownership, save for retirement or even remain in the middle class to which many of their parents still tenuously cling. The high studen loan default rates and the prospect of of even greater rates of default during an economic downturn is a major concern for the economy, as well, since student debt exceeds $1.2 Trillion.
Debt that, by the way, has been securitized and sold on the derivatives market by Wall Street. Even the Federal government has gotten into the action, as the Department of Education sold off some of its debt as securities, receiving around $100 “billion in revenue from student loans from 2008 to 2013.”
What could Clinton do? One thing would be to call for a moratorium on payments of student loan interest, or the reduction of interest rates that exceed more than 3% over the prime lending rate offered by the Fed. Another would be to call for the elimination of the onerous provision in the Bankruptcy Code that makes for student loan debt non-dischargeable in bankruptcy. Large corporations are allowed in bankruptcy to get out of collective bargaining agreements and obligations owed under pension funds, so why shouldn’t student be offered relief.
4. Infrastructure Investment
Need I say anything more than Flint, Michigan? Well, I suppose I could add that upgrading our infrastructure (bridges, water and sewer systems, the electrical grid, the intertubes, etc.) would be a job creation machine, according to many, many studies and reports.
5. End Police Violence Against All Americans, but in particular African Americans and other Minorities
Again, this need no explanation as to why it would be good policy and good for Democrats, as well. It is also a matter than Clinton could make a point of emphasis by herself through increased investigations and enforcement actions, by the Department of Justice.
Theses are only a few of my hopes for what a Clinton administration would do, but I don’t want the eyes of anyone reading this to gaze over anymore than they already have. Other obvious examples is oppose the TPP (including threatening a veto if such agreements are passed) and other proposed trade agreements that have resulted in job losses here in the United States, the whole issue of income inequality, and campaign finance reform, but I’ll leave those for another time.
Meanwhile, it appears more and more likely that The Donald will be the Republican nominee. To that I can only say to all of us that I wish the following for our country:
[video: width:640 height:370]

(No subject)
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Great dairy- their loss our gain
Guess what Steven D, I have been a fan of your writing style and fact based dairies for years; therefore, to bad for them so happy for us.
We need people like you (with passion and the ability to turn this into the written word) it will help us grow and improve our message. All the best writers (not me) are here, so we are happy you are here.
Hey, thank you
I really appreciate that.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
You are welcome
Easy to speak the truth. I look forward to more thought provoking diaries and information to enlighten (because I need it) from you and the entire community.
I desire a community that shares information and respects each other opinions and actually listens (write) and tries to understand points of views. No more echo chambers, glasshouses or shit sandwiches for me.
I was just banned from the Great Orange Corporation
And I don't even know why. It's gotten really weird over there. Eleven years or so and likely booted by Hillbots who joined in the past couple of months. I hope it's ok to post this here, not sure how to use this site yet.
Hey welcome ChemBob, great to see you here.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Banned for speaking the truth and voicing my opinions I guess. Can't have that apparently.
Kos's criterion of "malicious" Hillary commentary
is ridiculous since it speaks to motivation on the part of the commenter that cannot possibly be discerned. It also invites ad hominem replies, in themselves malicious, and attacks on the poster. And, as you have seen happen, the truth becomes "malicious". That is some seriously twisted thinking. Their right side commentary is going to be 1/4" wide and a mile long! It's going to be a train wreck.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Congrats ChemBob good to see you here. This is a progressive
site and there is no worry about your post.
Hillary Clinton is an Oligarch.
The Democratic Party is a shell organization for Multi-National Corporations.
Great day for my banning
They banned me on the morning I found out I have to have a reverse shoulder replacement. Tons of pain, meds don't seem to be working, and banned by Kos; what could make this day any better?
Where it as a badge of honor, Kos is a loss. I never ever
liked the guy.
He reminds me of the kid who always brought the ball to the play ground and as soon as his team was getting beat he'd change the rules and when the other kids would cry foul he'd threaten to take his ball and go home.
He is a yoooj tool.
Sending you healing mojo, Bob.
It's a crappy day all around Chez Moi too.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
A little badge for you
Wear it with pride.
(Compliments of Martha Pierce-Smith)
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I saved it to my collection of political images, etc.
probably this comment
I can't stand her and will never like her. She is a liar and a fraud. Upper crust to represent the 0.1%. You've no idea how screwed we are going to be, apparently. Climate change is about to become disastrous and she is not going to give a crap.
that's probably what did it. You'll like it better here. Not surprised that above comment wouldn't be allowed
May be
I thought I posted it before the deadline, but I've been in so much pain from my shoulder that perhaps I missed it. Don't much care. If they want to ban me after 11 years and several thousand comments for one lousy comment, so be it. Let the Hillbots have the place and see how well it works out for KOS.
Hey that's funny: "Great Orange Corp," Bob as a member,
you are now part owner of this site. Owned by the members for the members.
NOT owned by Boss Kos for Boss Kos and his corrupt Democratic Party elite.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
You are VERY welcome here ChemBob!
And I am pretty sure I won't be far behind you....wear your banning with pride! There are some graphics posted here if you are so inclined...
A Gift - Just in case
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
That's why I took my time out
after the Grand Edict. I'm reserving the right to go back and say "told you so" when President Clinton (if she's lucky enough to get elected) does something that the masses over there don't approve of, which she likely will in her first 12 months in office. Schadenfreude isn't really becoming, but hell I'm an old lady and could give a shit about that.
Move on and do not look back
I left and trying not to look back. No need to worry about them, only journey forward with the brave.
There are still a few good folks
over there I'll miss -- the Top Comments diary hosts, Meteor Blades (worry about him sometimes), and some other folks who'd fit in well here but not sure if they'll find their way.
Meteor Blades...
logged in last night, he didn't have anything to say, but he was here.
That's what he does scopes out other places.
Doesn't participate, though. Probably signed in just to look at member list.
He was a big fan of...
Joe Shikspack's Evening Blues. When Joe stopped posting it over there and began posting it here exclusively, MB joined to follow it. He does drop by occasionally and has commented.
Did he lobby for Joe's or JayRaye's series to be front paged
every day or even once in a while did he move them to the front page? I don't think so.
Meteor Blades is
either speechless to realize that the

and doesn't know what he is waiting for ...
or TOP people locked him up for watching the 99 percent instead of the watching them:

I couldn't write this on TOP. That's why I am here. Thanks, I hope one day Meteor Blades will have something to say to us here. It would be so nice of him and good for us.
I'm not yet among the banned......
..... but there's a certain irony to that.
I'm not banned because they have no cause to ban me, even under the new edict...... because I'm on strike!
I used to be a fairly prolific writer over there. Since the edict, STFU has been my attitude with respect to DK. I still rec the Bernie diaries and I still give whole support to the weekly Meditation Diary, but other than that, nada.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
yep, me to, I went on strike by pulling HJ out of there.
Don't even post a preview over there anymore.
Don't comment either.
Was going to stay completely logged out, but I log in to rec BNR and other Bernie diaries on rec list, and then I log out, just to remind myself not to go there for the rest of the day.
Took DK off my top of my browser also. Everything that slows down me down helps me not to go there.
And C99 keeps me plenty busy enuf anyways.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
You're a great writer
Good to see you here.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
More like the first month
is my guess.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
When it happens
advocated, worked to get her elected, etc. has no right to complain about anything she does. They were willing to overlook everything wrong beforehand. It will be their responsibility to overlook everything after the fact as well - smile and be good little voting drones.
There will be a lot of people who will not want to be held responsible for their choices.
Probably because you noted that Hill Supporters
are not particularly interested in reality.
Insofar as posting this here.... in general we're trying to discourage endless ranting over the GOS (great orange satan) but I suspect we'll get a steady trickle of new users and there'll be some transitional messages like this one. Welcome.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Daily Kos: the Dems' Izvestiya
Sure you do.
You were in the habit of telling the truth over there.
The truth isn't in vogue on DK right now. Neither is progressive thought.
It's become the Democrats' version of Izvestiya (in which there is no Pravda) over there.
So welcome to the Lifeboat! Tell your truth here, where it's welcome!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Izvestiya was founded on March 13th (New Style) 1917
And this purge of March 15th - coincidence? I think not!
Hello Steven D! Hello thanatokephaloides!
Peace and love to you, reader.
Hi back at you
Good to see you here!
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Wear that boot proudly
Many of the "best" people have been evicted. I'm slightly ashamed that I seem to have moderated my speech enough to remain tolerated. Have cut way back there; glad to see the migration here and to the reddit subthread, whether forced or voluntary. I rec'd some of your comments there earlier. Wonder if my account will soon disappear for that.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
It is all good, everything works out for a reason. Glad you are with us.
I expect 0 for 5 from a Clinton presidency,
leading to a primary challenge in 2020 and a highly probable upset (but from which party?).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
In two years we'll start hearing the same crap again.
Even though the supreme court argument has been thoroughly debunked, expect it to be brought out again, like a hideous fruitcake from aunt edna. (And not even the good one that my grandmother makes with the rum)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
More likely we'll hear
"can't change Presidents in a time of war" like we did from the GOP with GWB -- because I'm pretty sure we're going to be going to war somewhere in the first two years of Clinton's administration.
How does nuclear winter...
affect climate change? That is what my vision of an HRC presidency is.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I see one positive to global nuclear annihilation
I can't think of a better way for humanity to become one with the universe than to have our particles blasted into the cosmos.
See? There's always a silver lining.
Much as I agree we could use a blank slate
for the political landscape, I'd prefer to not have to buy a NEW slate altogether.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I am glad I am old. I don't think I can take too many more silver linings. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Why wait 2 yrs? Amuse yourself now with kos'
lament that Obama's nominee "is absolutely a missed opportunity." Link in case anyone cares:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
What a hypocrite eh?
Rags on Obama when we know the GOP will never confirm any Obama appointee but demands we toe the line on kissing Hillary's ring.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I don't expect a Clinton presidency.
If Clinton gets nominated, Trump will get elected.
Don't screw the pooch on this one, Dems.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Regardless, I foresee Hillary's presidency as one term only.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
That you will vote for her
makes you a bigger person than I am... I am really not sure I can do that.
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
I'm not voting for her
as much as I am voting against Republican idiocy -- I'll mark the ballot for her, but she won't get my time and she won't need my money; those will go to candidates and initiatives that really need the help. As I've said before but bears repeating, if Hillary Clinton is anywhere near in danger of losing cerulean blue California, she's in deeper shit than I can dig her out of.
Not voting for Hillary
because I refuse to give the Rethugs cover for their continued destruction of our government/society.
The world may go to hell, but I want somebody to take the fall for it, not spread the blame around.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Not helping The Democratic Party assassinate the future of
If they want Clinton, let them live with the results of that choice and if it's Trump, maybe he'll shut down TPP and prevent companies from offshoring plants. Or maybe not. Either way, I'm using my vote for good, not for evil.
Writing in Bernie is GOOD.
Voting for Clinton is voting for EVIL.
Don't let false loyalty determine your vote. Set your vote free!
If Trump were so bad then why:
In 2000 I was in NC
Even though Nader spoke to my issues NC was a purplish state. So I did what I could to run up the totals for Gore in Durham & Orange counties. It was a shit sandwich but no way was I a fan of another Bush in the WH.
My heart goes out to my progressive brothers & sisters in purple states that are facing that same prospect. Another poor campaigner, another neoliberal pro-NAFTA Democrat. I know what a shit sandwich it is.
#CAPrivilege is the luxury of voting for a progressive third party to help shift the Overton window knowing that the state is so solidly blue you can’t f*ck it up for others. I am not going to make it harder for those in purple states to defeat the GOP. Clinton will do enough of that without my help.
I'm teetering, I think I could vote for Schillary
but it would have to be the final tie breaking vote. Meaning the electoral college would have to be tied and the vote total in my State would have to be tied and I would have to be the last voter to vote.
I guess I'd have to move to Hawaii for this scenario to play out huh?
I do not want the responsibility of voting for her as president, because I don't trust her. Obama was the only President I ever felt responsible for because I voted for him twice and he fucked me(Rahm, Clinton (SOS),Tim Geithner, All of the Above Energy, TPP, Gates, Summers, Merrick).
Vote for Sanders!
Problem solved.
Write him in.
Or vote for Jill Stein, she won't win but if the Greens get enough votes they could be contenders in 2020 once the Clintons drive the Democratic Party so far to the right and into the dirt.
More a vote against Trump
or Cruz than for her.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I won't vote for Clinton
I do not consent.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
It'd would have to be
a vote while heavily drugged or drunk, for me.
And as those two scenarios are high(ly) unlikely to happen on polling day, well....
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
I will vote for Bernie regardless
of who the nominee is. If it is him - so much the better. If it is not him, I will proudly write him in. I plan to make a statement with my vote. That statement is a call for real change in my American government that only Bernie can deliver.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Rock on sister friend. That's the beauty of being an old lady
We don't have to carry heavy stuff when there's younger people around, and we don't have to vote for a lying, war-loving oligarch, even if it is another old lady ...
Rock on sister friend. That's the beauty of being an old lady
We don't have to carry heavy stuff when there's younger people around, and we don't have to vote for a lying, war-loving oligarch, even if it is another old lady ...
Confused as new user and need help
I am so confused with this site. Which blog link are we Kossacks supposed to go to so we can read and chat, or is it multiple links/blogs?
Thanks if you respond!
Welcome!! Community Content is where you post essays
and where you comment on them.
Thank you!!!
And thank you again!!!!
Hi Kay
and welcome!
The "Front Page" has pinned articles that the admins feel are worth site-wide eyes, or for all content, check on the top-left "Content Stream" for all diaries being published here at c99. As for a direct link back to Daily Kos or whatnot, those only appear in diaries that have been crossposted. Kos and 99 are two entirely separate different sites.
Don't fret this site is extremely user-friendly and I can personally assure you, every link you click (there aren't many) will be enlightening.
And keep asking questions, many people are happy to help. Good-luck!
Progressive to the bone.
Welcome KayCeSF!
Every morning, there is an Open Thread posted where you can go to chat. Here is today's Open Thread.
In the afternoons, Evening Blues serves that purpose.
Why it is confusing is that up until about ten days ago, we were a relatively small site with a small core group who posted. We had been in existence at this location for over a year. Then in less than three day period, we more than quadrupled our size with a lot of energized people who were eager to post. Our administrator, JtC, has been working really hard to accommodate the new influx of people and the traffic. He has upgraded our server and has more changes planned in the future.
We are not owned by anyone. The users here are the owners and our admin. has donated his time. I hope you will find this place a source of excellent and thought provoking conversation about issues facing us from a left perspective.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hi Gulf Gal!
Very informative. Thank you so much, and thanks to the Administrator.
I haven't been banned at DKos yet, but I will visit this site often. Good to see people I recognize!
Hi KayCeSF!
Good to see you around these parts! Most of us are new, but it's an easy place to navigate and a wonderful place to engage with friends.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hi Jazz!
Thank so much!!! I guess I'm making it more difficult than it is, which I do all the time when joining another blog! I thought there was one link to go to, in order to be with Bernie supporters.
Hi Kaye...
if you use the comment editor at the bottom of the page it will add a comment to the essay. To reply to a specific comment click the "reply" link under the comment you wish to reply to. Just like DK5.
Welcome to c99p!
Still There at the Moment
As an Admin at Street Prophets I'm hoping they will ignore the fact that I rec'd a lot of Bernie diaries but don't get into politics much comment wise. I find it ironic though that they are banning people on "Freedom of Information Day". I do hope Meteor Blades and Ojibwa both find their way over here. They are the main reasons I haven't bailed on the GOS yet.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
you can click on the memberlist to see who's here.
mb is on that list, but i don't know about ojibwa.
ojibwa has not registered here. BTW, searching for members is easy here with the search function, it also has a "user' category.
thanks :)
good to know!
That IS ironic.
I'm so glad to know Meteor Blades signed in. Wow. What does that say to all of us? OhWait... maybe he's a double spy. hahaha JT
MB. He joined some time ago when Evening Blues moved over here.
We never intended for this site to be the anti-kos. The early members wanted a site where we could focus on issues from a left perspective and to be able to engage in thoughtful discussion of these issues. Also every day, gjohnsit posts a News Open thread where he does a clipping service of links and summaries of interesting news items related to the big picture issues facing our world.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I read this on the Orange site
but won't log in to rec it, sorry. I made it to maybe the third comment down, about how we Berner's just need to "heal" and "grieve" our loss of "what might have been", GAG. They will be the ones grieving soon enough when they see themselves being taken yet again.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
No worries
Not really concerned about recs over there anymore now that any substantive discussion of the merits of Bernie and Hillary is off the table, or should I say the merits of Hillary. I'm sure lies and character assassination of Bernie are still more than welcomed there.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
That's how I feel. What's the point?
Plus I have a general malaise and disdain for the Democrats in general brought about by their own situational ethics and actions. So I can't relate to the reason for the site's existence at all anymore except in that it's a good vehicle for intense policy discussion when permitted.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
...... Donald Trump on the Capitol steps being sworn in as President......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That is my fear
Either him or Cruz.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
that's the trap, isn't it? (fear of Trump or Cruz)
instead of listening to us and incorporating what 45% of the party wants, those that run it will go their own way, the wrong way, and tell us we have no choice but to back their candidate, all the while calling us names.
So no thank you.'s coming...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Yep, it's not even satire anymore.
We re-watch that movie every once in a while when we force someone who hasn't seen it (usually a house guest, I don't go around kidnapping people off the streets) to view it with us. The universal comment is - "It's a documentary".
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
It's going to be interesting.
It's going to be interesting. I posted my last diary, I think anyway, it made the rec list for about an hour and then fell off. I got flagged 4-5 times, went down to mojo4, but somehow I'm back to mojo5 and haven't been banned yet. Fucking weird shit happening.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I went straight from mojo 5
to ban hammered in one fell swoop. Maybe they didn't like my snark. I posted this a couple days ago:
"Nothing escapes the Hillary Brigade, riding in on their svelte steeds to slay the Berniebots by the thousands. They are God’s chosen warriors, riding to the aid of their cherished Queen, trying to restore the Magic Kingdom of Clintonia before further insurrection tarnishes her fabled Crown. Bathing in the lies and racist blood of the Bernibots they hoist our heads high on their majestic pikes of wit and valor, while fisting their shields in the glory of their war songs."
Some of them didn't like this I noticed.
Kind of amazing...
Kept my mouth shut because I was at Mojo 4 for YEARS. Then hit 5, and there were so many new RULES about what you could and couldn't say I stuck to safe topics.
Don't seem to have that problem here.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Well I'm sick of the shit part
Considering Kos has never really been a progressive, it doesn't seem that weird to me at this point.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
"Progressive Hillary" is a limited-time offer
Like Nashville Hot Chicken, "progressive Hillary" is a limited time offer. Then she will go back to being a neo-liberal and neocon, or Third Way or DLC or whatever they are calling it these days when you serve to 1 Percent.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Interesting how Clinton's 'Southern Strategy'
kinda mirrors the Republican usage of it.
She's not really a Republican, but a Southern Strategy is certainly working for her in the primary.
But she's not Republican-Lite. er......Less taste. Less Filling.
We're gonna have to rename this drink and call it Third Way! Those who told us advocating for a third party is bad was due to the fact they already had a third party. It's called Third Way. Classic Democrats are being replaced just like Classic coke was.
The New Democratic party will taste just as good as the original. This is going to go over like New Coke people. MMMMMmmmmm! Try Third way today!
Sarah Palin took the Pepsi challenge. She chose Jif.