Unemployment Hell
That's basically what my life is. Sure, I live in a nice enough place and I can get to most places I need to with a golf cart or motorized quad cycle, I'm married and have a cat, but all that is pointless in the eyes of a 'real world' that views people like me as nothing more than a useless eater all because through no fault of my own getting any job I'm actually trained to do is all but impossible. That's the price people like me pay for being born, raised and forever trapped in the former space coast of America's Wang (Florida).
So I guess I'm stuck working on a Bachelor's Degree that will get me nowhere because I have no ability to get a drivers' license. "But hey, at least you'll be doing something and making connections," as my mother-in-law tells it. I tried, in futility, to make her, my wife or anyone who would listen understand. No one is interested.
I guess I'd rather do that than go back to the employment hell (especially for anyone with disabilities) that is the service industry. I left that shit behind long ago and I'll shoot myself before I ever go back there. You couldn't pay me any amount of money to put up with customers and dipshit middle managers.
I'm already to old for employment, I guess, but at least I'll be doing something.

Our society expects people to adapt to job needs...
...rather than creating jobs people can do. It used to be the employers responsibility to provide the necessary training. Now the employee is supposed to become a debtor and train themselves (without pay).
Best of luck in your search but try not to blame yourself along the way...it's not you that's the problem.
I'm well aware.
But at least I'm still able to get grants to pay for classes and such so I might as well.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Hell, yes! That is definitely moving forward. Why not indeed! Do it!