The Evening Blues - 6-13-18


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Tommy Tucker

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features blues singer and piano player Tommy Tucker. Enjoy!

Tommy Tucker - Hard Luck Blues

“Pity the nation whose people are sheep,
and whose shepherds mislead them.
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice,
except to praise conquerors and acclaim the bully as hero
and aims to rule the world with force and by torture.
Pity the nation that knows no other language but its own
and no other culture but its own.
Pity the nation whose breath is money
and sleeps the sleep of the too well fed.
Pity the nation — oh, pity the people who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away.
My country, tears of thee, sweet land of liberty.”

-- Lawrence Ferlinghetti

News and Opinion

Centrists Are Very Concerned That Donald Fucking Trump Isn’t Hawkish Enough

Today American centrists (who only get to call themselves that because plutocratic media control has made Orwellian neoliberal neoconservatism the dominant ideology in the US) are deeply, profoundly concerned that Donald fucking Trump is insufficiently hawkish. ... Centrist pundits and politicians on both sides of the aisle are saying that this very man is being too soft and cuddly toward North Korea. These would be the same centrist pundits and politicians who loudly cheered both of the times this administration bombed the Syrian government, effectively sending the message that the only way this narcissistic president can win praise by the manufacturers of the mainstream narrative is by rejecting peace and embracing war. Thanks guys.

In addition to bipartisan freak-outs from the punditry of the DC orthodoxy, Democratic leaders in both the House and the Senate have released statements criticizing the administration for not making more demands of Kim Jong-Un in this first extremely rudimentary initial meeting. To their credit, fifteen more progress-minded House Democrats signed a statement addressed to the president diverging from the mainstream position of their party and expressing concern that “some, from both parties and inside and outside of your administration, seek to scuttle progress by attempting to limit the parameters of the talks, including by insisting on full and immediate denuclearization or other unrealistic commitments by North Korea at an early date.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer would be one such voice, again repeating his previous demands for the “complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, nothing less” in a press conference today. This is plainly insane. Demanding that North Korea immediately disarm as a condition of further peace talks will immediately end those peace talks, since North Korea has no reason to disarm at this time, or at any time in the foreseeable future. Insisting on an immediate and completely illogical capitulation from Pyongyang is the very kind of demand which has prevented these peace talks from happening in the past, and if Trump made them he would be ensuring a return to previous tensions.

Gee, do you suppose that maybe the warmongering Democrats might be upset because their investments in armaments stocks took a dive?

Trump, Kim handshake, talk of peace sinks U.S. defense stocks

Talk of peace between the U.S. and nuclear-armed North Korea sank defense stocks Tuesday. ...

Shares of Raytheon, which makes Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, closed 2.8% lower. Lockheed Martin, which supplies the Pentagon with air and missile defense systems as well as the F-35 Stealth fighter jet, tumbled 1.3%. And Northrop Grumman, which has increased its focus on cyber warfare and missile defense systems more recently, declined 1.5%. Boeing, which makes Apache helicopters and aerial refueling aircraft, dipped 0.1%. General Dynamics, a Navy shipbuilder, fell 1.6%.

By contrast, the Dow Jones industrial average finished the day virtually unchanged with a loss of less than 2 points. ...

While peace overtures between the long-time enemies will put "defense stocks on the defensive" in the short term, investors shouldn't worry about long-term problems for makers of military equipment, explains Gary Kaltbaum, president of Katlbaum Capital Management.

"Funding," he says, will be "plentiful for years to come." ...

And thawing relations between the U.S. and North Korea isn't likely to translate into lower defense budgets, Bloomberg Intelligence aerospace analyst George Ferguson noted recently. He expects U.S. military expenditures to continue to rise. "If North Korea turns from a pariah state to being welcomed in the world community," Ferguson wrote in a recent report, "there are still enough trouble spots that require strong defense spending, supporting revenue and profit growth at prime defense contractors."

From the dubious claims department:

Speaking From Experience, Iran Warns North Korea Trump Could Scrap Agreement Before He Even Gets Home

In an interview shortly following U.S. President Donald Trump's meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on Tuesday, Iranian government spokesman Mohammad Bagher Nobakht predicted—speaking from direct experience—that any deal Kim reached with Trump could be short-lived and warned "it is not clear that he would not cancel the agreement before returning home."

Having just been on the receiving end of the Trump administration's most significant hammer-blow to diplomacy—namely, its decision to ditch a six-nation nuclear accord that was negotiated over a period of several years—Iran is perhaps better-positioned than any other nation to assess Trump's reliability as a negotiating partner and "dealmaker."

"The United States, especially Mr. Trump, has undermined international agreements and has unilaterally withdrawn from them," Nobakht noted on Tuesday, alluding to the Trump administration's decision to violate the nuclear deal, which is vastly more comprehensive than the "thin" and extremely vague joint statement Trump and Kim signed at the close of their summit.

Generations of betrayal: US presidents have trend of scrapping predecessors' deals

Yemen: Saudi-led coalition begins battle for vital port

The Saudi-led coalition in Yemen has launched an all-out assault on the rebel-held port of Hodeidah in a move that aid agencies warn will cut off vital humanitarian supply lines to millions and directly endanger the lives of up to 200,000 people living in the city. Coalition warplanes and warships on Wednesday pounded fortifications in the Houthi-controlled city to support ground operations by Yemeni, UAE and Sudanese troops massed on its south approaches.

The information minister of the exiled Yemeni government, Muammar al-Iryani, told Hodeidah residents not to “allow any sniper or gunmen from Houthi militia on the roofs of your houses. Stay away from military camps .... Do not store petrol products.”

As much as 80% of the aid, including medicines, fuel and food that reaches the famine-struck country, goes through the port, but the Saudi-led coalition claims the Iranian-backed Houthis use the port to smuggle arms and raise taxes.

An estimated 8.4 million people in Yemen face pre-famine conditions, according to the World Health Organization.

The coalition claims its rapid advance up the coast south of Hodeidah proved that the Houthi forces are not as entrenched as some claim. It argues capture of the port will shorten the three year civil war by tipping the military balance towards the coalition, forcing the Houthis to negotiate. The assault led a barrage of warnings and criticism, including claims that the UK, and US, both closely tied to the Saudis, had effectively given the assault a green light by not intervening more decisively to deter the Saudis.

A Humanitarian Catastrophe: U.S.-Backed Forces Attack Key Yemeni Port Imperiling Millions

Netanyahu, White House Working to Drive Wedge Between Palestinians and Gulf States

The Trump administration is working with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to create a rift between the Gulf states and the Palestinians, according to a wide-ranging report on Trump's Middle East policy that was published on Monday in The New Yorker.

The report says that the Trump administration's peace plan, which will likely be much closer to the Israeli government's positions than previous U.S. peace plans, could be used by Netanyahu to divide the Gulf monarchies and the Palestinians. Netanyahu, according to the report, expects the Palestinians to reject Trump's plan, thus creating an opening for the Gulf states to support it and distance themselves from the Palestinian leadership while inching closer towards Israel, with whom they share a common view of Iran as the main threat in the region.

According to the report, the Obama administration suspected that Netanyahu secretly met with leaders from the Gulf in 2015 in Cyprus, as part of an attempt to organize a joint strategy against the Iran nuclear deal. Netanyahu did visit Cyprus in 2015, but the report didn't include specific details on when exactly the meeting took place, or who attended it. The prime minister's presence at the meeting was suspected by the Obama administration, but never fully proven.

Why the Civilized World Breaking Up With America Was Inevitable

It couldn’t go on forever. America was bound to break up with the civilized world sooner or later — and form a new set of alliances with poorer, less enlightened, more authoritarian, less democratic countries. Sure — making pals with North Korea is scraping the bottom of the barrel — but a great global realignment, with America nearer the bottom, not at the top, was as inevitable as the Titanic sinking after it hit the iceberg.

Here’s why. America and its peers have long been on vastly different paths. The rest of the rich world embraced modernity fiercely and proudly — it wrote expansive, broad, supportive social contracts, providing citizens with everything from healthcare to education to finance to media. It expanded basic rights, like childcare, elderly care, maternity leave, collective bargaining, and pensions. It began to understand that people should enjoy better and better lives, as society got wealthier, by society investing more of that wealth in them. But America alone refused — absolutely and flatly — to join modernity in applying this great and beautiful discovery, which was one of humanity’s greatest insights yet, the key to lasting prosperity.

What did it do instead? Well, it went in precisely the opposite direction — away from modernity, and backwards in history. At the very time the rest of the rich world was doing all the above, from the 1970s onwards, America was beginning to undo those very things. It slashed every kind of social investment. It cut all its safety nets. It took what little security and stability people had once enjoyed away. It let hedge funds raid pensions and “jobs” become things without benefits. It began privatizing everything from water to energy to education. It went so extreme, in fact, that it is now at the point of closing hospitals and schools. Have you ever heard of a society whose population is still growing shuttering hospitals? Does that make the slightest bit of sense to you?

Nations of a feather flock together. That’s a trite way to put an oft overlooked truth of global order: nations with similar political economies tend to form lasting alliances and partnerships. ... Alliances and partnerships naturally form between nations with similar interests. But America’s interests and the interests of its rich peers no longer coincide in any way whatsoever. What are America’s interests? Well, thanks to a generation or three of extremist politics, the only interest left that American thinking, American politics, American economics appear to have is to promote, protect, and spread the gospel of predatory capitalism.

The pursuit of predatory capitalism in America also necessitates authoritarianism. After all, just as in the Soviet Union, you can hardly expect to keep all of the people fooled all of the time. A working democracy will hardly choose to be cogs in the machines of their own ruin — to work for the very predatory systems which are ripping their lives apart. But America is not a working democracy — 70% of people want functioning healthcare, education, finance, gun control, etcetera — but precisely zero percent of their representatives do. So predatory capitalism is a system which must be imposed from the top down. ... Mom-and-pop capitalism might go hand in hand with democracy — but monopolistic, gigantic, ruthless, predatory capitalism cannot. It requires authoritarianism, in the end, as the ordering force in society which sustains it. And that is why America is now making a new set of best friends.

Kim Jong Un Offers to Host Peace Talks Between United States and Canada

One day before his summit with Donald J. Trump, the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un, has offered to host peace talks between the United States and Canada.

Speaking to reporters at his hotel in Singapore, Kim said that the rising tensions between the North American neighbors were posing an “intolerable threat to world peace.”

In addition to offering to host U.S.-Canada talks in Pyongyang, Kim urged the immediate creation of a demilitarized zone along the border separating the two hostile nations.

What Would Really Happen If Russia Attacked Undersea Internet Cables

US Navy officials have warned for years that it would be devastating if Russia, which has been repeatedly caught snooping near the cables, were to attack them. The UK’s most senior military officer said in December that it would “immediately and potentially catastrophically” impact the economy were Russia to fault the lines. NATO is now planning to resurrect a Cold War-era command post in part to monitor Russian cable activity in the North Atlantic.

The idea of the global internet going dark because some cables were damaged is frightening. But if Russia or anyone else were to snip a handful of the garden hose-sized lines, experts say that the consequences would likely be less severe than the picture the military paints. The world’s internet infrastructure is vulnerable, but Russia doesn't present the greatest threat. There are plenty of more complicated problems, that start with understanding how the cable system actually works.

“The amount of anxiety about somebody sabotaging a single cable or multiple cables is overblown,” says Nicole Starosielski, a professor at New York University who spent six years studying internet cables to write the The Undersea Network. “If somebody knew how these systems worked and if they staged an attack in the right way, then they could disrupt the entire system. But the likelihood of that happening is very small. Most of the concerns and fears are not nearly a threat at all.”

For one, ruptures aren’t exactly an anomaly. One of the estimated 428 undersea cables worldwide is damaged every couple of days. Nearly all faults aren’t intentional. They’re caused by underwater earthquakes, rock slides, anchors, and boats. That’s not to say that humans are incapable of purposefully messing with the cables; off the coast of Vietnam in 2007, fishermen pulled up 27 miles of fiber cords, disrupting service for several months. (It wasn't cut off completely, because the country had one more cable that kept the internet going.)

You don’t notice when a cable faults, especially if you live somewhere like the United States, because your Instagram message or Google Voice call is instantly re-routed. If you’re Skyping with a friend in Romania for instance, and a fishing boat or anchor ruptures a cable—as causes two-thirds of faults—your conversation simply goes over another line. Many regions, like Europe, the United States, and East Asia have numerous cables running over the same path.

Demands grow that Australian government act to free Julian Assange

Last Sunday, Australia’s Channel 7 network broadcast an interview with Jennifer Robinson, an Australian-born, London-based lawyer who represents WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange. She issued a clear demand for the Australian government to carry out its responsibility to secure his freedom, as an Australian citizen. The interview and 10-minute segment on the nationally-televised “Sunrise” morning program was a significant break in the general silence within the Australian corporate media on the more than seven-year detention of Assange. It came amid a renewed international campaign to fight for the unconditional freedom of the courageous journalist, who has continued to expose the war crimes, regime-change operations and mass surveillance conducted by the US and its allies around the world. ...

Robinson’s interview came three days after she accompanied two Australian consular officials to meet with Assange inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he sought political asylum on June 19, 2012. The visit was the first made by Australian officials to the Australian citizen in the six years since he has been effectively imprisoned inside the embassy, denied the right to obtain medical treatment or sunlight and outdoor physical exercise. In her “Sunrise” interview, Robinson posed the pressing question: “What diplomatic representation is the Australian government willing to provide to protect Julian Assange from the risk of US extradition?” ...

After Robinson’s interview, New Matilda, an Australian media outlet, published a commentary by Kellie Tranter, a lawyer and human rights activist. She detailed documents, obtained by freedom of information requests, showing that Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop had refused to “seek to ‘resolve’ Mr Assange’s case.” Bishop’s refusal followed the February 2016 findings of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) that Assange was being arbitrarily detained by Britain and Sweden in violation of international human rights law. ... Tranter disclosed two further statements from Bishop’s department, on June 7 and 8 this year, adhering to the refusal to act on the WGAD verdict, even though in May 2017 Sweden finally dropped its trumped-up “investigation” into the sexual assault allegations against Assange. Among the exposures made of the politically motivated and dubious character of these allegations was a detailed examination undertaken by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “Four Corners” program on July 23, 2012 (see: “Sex, Lies and Julian Assange”).

Tranter explained that the Swedish decision meant that the only outstanding “court proceeding” was the “relatively minor one of a breach of bail conditions by Assange when he sought asylum in 2012.” Tranter stated: [I]t is incumbent upon a civilised nation to protect its citizens from risks posed by other nations to that citizen’s wellbeing.”

Creating 'Massive Media-Telecom Behemoth,' Judge Approves AT&T-Time Warner Merger

Dealing a significant blow to consumers by placing "unprecedented power in the hands of a single, massive media-telecom behemoth," a federal judge on Tuesday approved the widely denounced $85 billion merger between AT&T and Time Warner—a move that consumer advocates said paves the way for even further corporate concentration.

"With the recent repeal of net neutrality, AT&T now has the ability to block or throttle any online content that competes with Time Warner programming," Michael Copps, former FCC commissioner and special adviser with Common Cause, said in a statement reacting to the judge's ruling. "The decision to approve the AT&T/Time Warner merger further entrenches AT&T as a media gatekeeper that harms the public interest and opens the door for more media consolidation in the future."

"Common sense tells you that this degree of concentrated power isn't right," wrote Zephyr Teachout, a candidate for attorney general of New York, wrote immediately following the judge's ruling. "These giant mergers tend to hurt workers and democracy, not just prices—they lessen the control of the little guy." ...

In a statement responding to the judge's ruling on Tuesday, the Justice Department—which could appeal the decision—said it was "disappointed" and will "closely review" the opinion.

Rich bastards win again:

Seattle leaders repeal Amazon 'head tax' passed one month ago

A month after Seattle leaders applauded themselves for landing a small blow against big business in the form of an “Amazon tax”, on Tuesday they hurriedly abandoned it to avoid what they called “a prolonged, expensive political fight”.

The tax, which would have assessed a $275-per-employee “head tax” on Seattle’s largest private employer, was slated to pay for new public housing and homeless services in the booming city. Passed unanimously on 14 May, the tax was also an unsubtle demonstration of the company town’s disaffection with its unofficial patron, Seattle-headquartered Amazon.

A month of pressure from business interests broke city leaders. Seven of the city council’s nine members voted to repeal the ordinance, cutting short opponents’ efforts to put the tax up for a public vote. “This is not a winnable battle at this time,” councilmember Lisa Herbold said before voting for the repeal. “There is so much more to lose between now and November.”

An Amazon spokesman, Drew Herdener, called the council vote “the right decision for the region’s economic prosperity”.

“We are deeply committed to being part of the solution to end homelessness in Seattle,” continued Herdener, who went on to highlight Amazon’s support for charities involved in the issue.

The U.S. concentration camp system can't expand fast enough for Trump:

The Trump administration might build “tent cities” to shelter unaccompanied migrant children

The Trump administration’s efforts to separate children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border has been so successful that they’re running out of places to shelter them. In at least some Southern states, they’re reportedly considering putting the children in tent cities.

These tent cities would hold between 1,000 and 5,000 children, officials from the Department of Health and Human Services and other sources familiar with the plans told McClatchy News Service on Tuesday. More than 10,000 migrant children are already being held at HHS shelters, which are currently almost full.

The news comes just weeks after the Trump administration began implementing a “zero-tolerance” policy on illegal migration, immediately arresting and detaining people trying to enter the country illegally — but without their children. Since then, the number of migrant children held in U.S. government custody without their parents has increased by more than 20 percent, resulting in the full HHS shelters.

Minneapolis cops halt low-level marijuana stings after racial disparity revealed

Minneapolis police abruptly ended the practice of targeting small-scale marijuana sellers downtown after revelations that nearly every one arrested was black. In a series of rushed announcements Thursday, authorities said that police would no longer conduct sting operations targeting low-level marijuana sales, and charges against 47 people arrested in the first five months of 2018 would be dismissed.

The extraordinary turnaround came after Hennepin County’s chief public defender contacted Mayor Jacob Frey to complain about what looked like blatant racial profiling. Frey then directed Chief Medaria Arradondo to stop the stings. “I believe strongly that marijuana should be a lowest-level enforcement priority and that it should be fully legalized at the state level,” Frey said in a statement Thursday.

“The fact that racial disparities are so common nationwide in the enforcement of marijuana laws is one of the reasons I support full legalization.”

the horse race

The Democratic Party’s 2018 View of Identity Politics Is Confusing, and Thus Appears Cynical and Opportunistic

The 2016 Presidential election was the peak, at least thus far, for the tactics of identity politics in U.S. elections. In the Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton’s potential status as the first female candidate was frequently used not only to inspire her supporters but also to shame and malign those who supported other candidates, particularly Bernie Sanders. ... But all of these stalwart, bedrock imperatives of identity politics seem strangely absent from the 2018 election cycle. These professed beliefs, in fact, seem to have vanished from Democratic Party politics almost entirely. Over and over, establishment Democrats and key party structures have united behind straight, white male candidates (including ones tainted by corruption), working to defeat their credible and progressive Democratic opponents who are women, LGBT people, and/or people of color.

Clinton herself has led the way. In New York state, Cynthia Nixon is attempting to become the first female governor, as well as the first openly LGBT governor, in the state’s history. ... But virtually the entire Democratic establishment has united behind the white male dynastic prince, [Andrew] Cuomo, over his female, LGBT challenger. That includes Clinton herself, who enthusiastically endorsed Cuomo last month, as well as Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who — despite starting a political action committee with the explicit purpose of supporting women running for office — also endorsed Cuomo over Nixon in March.

It is possible, of course, to argue that uniting behind a white male against challengers who are female or people are color is justified by ideological, policy, and strategic preferences. ... The candidates challenging Cuomo, Crowley, Menendez, and Ashford are running to their left. They are advocating things like abolishing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, “Medicare for All,” an end to the war on terror, and a far higher minimum wage. The Democratic establishment tends to despise progressive platforms like that. ... But that’s not the ethos or philosophy that the Democratic establishment embraces when it’s their centrist, pro-status-quo candidates who are women, LGBT people, or people of color, at which point it becomes a moral obligation to support them and evidence of bigotry if one refuses to do so. ...

At the very least, in light of all this seemingly conflicting conduct in the 2018 election cycle, real clarification is needed for what Democrats believe about these matters. Otherwise, people may start suspecting that the Democratic Party establishment does not have any genuine belief in these lofty principles of diversity and identity politics it likes to invoke.

Here’s Why Dems Deny You Medicare For All

the evening greens

Putting Solar Panels in Pipeline's Path, Campaign to Combine Power of Sun 'With Power of the People'

An Indigenous-led coalition is fundraising to install solar panels along the route of TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline to protest the project and provide renewable energy to family farms and Native communities in Nebraska and South Dakota.

"In the fight against dirty tar sands oil from crossing Indigenous treaty lands, we must also take moments to highlight the things we are fighting for," explained Indigenous Environmental Network campaigner Dallas Goldtooth. "We will not only build renewable energy in America's breadbasket, on Indigenous lands for Indigenous people, demonstrating the goals of a just transition towards sustainable energy, but we will build it in the face of the Keystone XL pipeline."

"The fight against Keystone XL has always been about more than one pipeline—we're demanding a world free of dirty fossil fuels," added executive director May Boeve. "Putting solar in the path of this pipeline models the massive overhaul our energy system needs to stop the worst of climate change." ...

The activists and landowners—who are also fighting the pipeline's development in court—are optimistic about the message the new solar installations will send to politicians and the public alike, and compared the effort to mass demonstrations against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

"The powerful thing about alliances for mother earth is when they create a space to unlearn fear and to relearn leadership. This was true at Standing Rock, and Solar XL is another chance to learn and build a shining example of the future we want," said Faith Spotted Eagle, a member of the Yankton Sioux Nation and the Brave Heart Society. "Our efforts to fight Keystone XL combines the power of solar with the power of the people."

Antarctic ice melting faster than ever, studies show

Ice in the Antarctic is melting at a record-breaking rate and the subsequent sea rises could have catastrophic consequences for cities around the world, according to two new studies. A report led by scientists in the UK and US found the rate of melting from the Antarctic ice sheet has accelerated threefold in the last five years and is now vanishing faster than at any previously recorded time.

A separate study warns that unless urgent action is taken in the next decade the melting ice could contribute more than 25cm to a total global sea level rise of more than a metre by 2070. This could lead eventually to the collapse of the entire west Antarctic ice sheet, and around 3.5m of sea-level rise.

Prof Andrew Shepherd, a lead author of the study on accelerating ice loss, said: “We have long suspected that changes in Earth’s climate will affect the polar ice sheets. Thanks to our satellites our space agencies have launched, we can now track their ice losses and global sea level contribution with confidence.” He said the rate of melting was “surprising.”

“This has to be a cause for concern for the governments we trust to protect our coastal cities and communities,” Shepherd added.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Bipartisan War Party Panics as Kim Meets Trump

Chris Hedges: Scapegoating Iran

How the legal profession became Wall Street’s helpmeet

Donald Trump was right. The rest of the G7 were wrong

The Intra-Democratic War Over Personnel Zeroes In on Chuck Schumer

Back to the wild! How letting Mother Nature reclaim prime farmland and allowing cattle and ponies to run free produced breathtaking results

Spiked Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Cartoonist Speaks Out

A Little Night Music

Tommy Tucker - It's A Mighty Hard Way

Tommy Tucker - Hi-Heel Sneakers

Tommy Tucker - I'm Shorty

Tommy Tucker - Chewin gum

Tommy Tucker - It Hurts Me Too

Tommy Tucker - Long Tall Shorty/Mo Shorty

Tommy Tucker - Lightning Bug

Tommy Tucker - Alimony

Tommy Tucker - Drunk

Just for grins and giggles... there are some other recording artists that went by the name "Tommy Tucker" ...

Tommy Tucker - Shame, Shame, Shame

Tommy Tucker - The Man That Comes Around

Tommy Tucker - Seven Beers With The Wrong Woman

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detroitmechworks's picture

When he got to the "negotiating Table"


Course, he essentially just played grab ass with another megalomaniac and laughed about it. I'm sure that the dictator of a despotic government that tortures its own people got along famously with North Korea.

Course, the MIC wants their war, and they will have it from the upper castes however they can get it. Expect the CIA to be hard at work at their sewing machines.

0 users have voted.

I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

joe shikspack's picture


you'd think that they could be satisfied with the half dozen or so wars that the u.s. is actively engaged in now, plus the war that trump and netanyahu are working on for them in iran. but no. of course not.

0 users have voted.
GreatLakeSailor's picture

...the fair[dot]org website? It will occasionally load for me but most often not.

And THANK YOU, js, for another EB.

0 users have voted.

Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

joe shikspack's picture


i run some script blockers, but i white listed some of fair(dot)org's scripts and now it loads just fine. you can also subscribe to their feed and direct links to their articles will show up in your mailbox. back when i was having problems getting the site to load, the direct links always worked.

0 users have voted.
GreatLakeSailor's picture

@joe shikspack

In my case neither direct links nor the main page will load...except on days that it does. It's almost like its getting blocked somewhere.....

0 users have voted.

Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

GreatLakeSailor's picture

@joe shikspack

Just tried pinging it from command line - "Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again."

Maybe I'll look at my domain name resolution.

0 users have voted.

Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

GreatLakeSailor's picture

@joe shikspack

0 users have voted.

Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

snoopydawg's picture

Gee how did I know that Caitlin wrote that first article? She certainly has a great history of making sense. I don't pity the people who agree with Joe Walsh. It's more like I'm disgusted with them for believing that this country is benevolent.

Guess this guy doesn't know about all the governments we've overthrown and then put a brutal dictatorship in place for as long as they did our biddings. All Trump did was meet with Kim.

0 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

lotlizard's picture

They’re the elites’ willing helpers, propagandizing the people to deny the ridiculously obvious.

0 users have voted.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg Michael Tracey had a great response for the bizzare of giving legitamcy.
Michael Tracey

What exactly is Kim supposed to do with this “legitimacy” that he’s been wrongly granted? Export it as a commodity? Harvest it for food? It’s such an intangible concept as to be meaningless

0 users have voted.
divineorder's picture


0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


gosh, i guess the press will eventually notice that presidents jimmy carter and bill clinton both met north korean dictators and gave them "handshake legitimacy."

our press is full of idiots.

0 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

going to meet with Kim from his adoring fans. Bet even Pelosi and Schumer would have some kind words to say about him doing that. The kos kids went nuts over Trump legitimizing Kim!


0 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

QMS's picture

In addition to offering to host U.S.-Canada talks in Pyongyang, Kim urged the immediate creation of a demilitarized zone along the border separating the two hostile nations.

0 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

MarilynW's picture

But we are having some trouble between US (Vermont) and Canada where the border is indicated by a row of potted plants. Canada and the USA can't agree on what plants to put in the pots. The tension is growing by the day and US/Canada "town hall" meetings are becoming nasty. I'm sure little Kim could help. He doesn't care much for people and kills those he dislikes but we heard that he really does care for plants. Wink

0 users have voted.

To thine own self be true.


0 users have voted.

Beware the bullshit factories.

divineorder's picture


0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


yep, it's snark. every now and then andy borowitz or the onion comes up with something perfect and i slide it in.

0 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

is outstanding! Now to find a way to get the message out to Hillary's supporters. One recently said that "no woman could get elected president in today's environment." It got lots of rec's and agreement comments.

Does that mean that Hillary, Nancy and Kristen are going to hell for not voting for the women who are running against men?

0 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

joe shikspack's picture


well, since the article was written by glenn greenwald, you can imagine how much the hillbots will appreciate it. Smile

0 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

Sometimes it seems everyone’s a Nazi under the surface when it comes to hating on East Asians.

0 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


pretty sad. i wonder what people a hundred years from now will find desperately unpleasant about the vast majority of us which even the best of us may fall prey to.

0 users have voted.
mimi's picture

@joe shikspack
dead. God is great. He has the solution to everyone for us.

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divineorder's picture

@joe shikspack endangered animals but helping to fry them in the process.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

MarilynW's picture

@joe shikspack
No kidding. Car culture is killing us and yet we embrace it with wild abandon.

Our ancestors will be shaking their heads.

That's if the human race survives the car culture.

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To thine own self be true.

mimi's picture

Nazi, and that is we don't need to care about it anymore. What's the point?

Slowly, but surely I understand what you have been saying in previous comments. I couldn't live without putting people in the "Nazi category" and "Non-Nazi category" in my previous life. Since I am back in Germany and run around like a blind chicken picking here and there a corn of truthiness, I fell flat and feel like dying. My whole concept of 'good' and 'evil' has been crashed.

I feel like emigrating again. Or just dying. At least I won't disturb the Nazis (oops they don't exist, sorry) enjoying their life. That's for sure.

I am so sorry, I don't understand life anymore. Just wanted to let you know, before I stop commenting.

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lotlizard's picture

Leipzig Book Fair didn’t work out — we were still reeling from my friend’s death, we only went for two days instead of four, we were bitten by bedbugs in the place we were staying, and on the way back our car got stuck in a snowdrift (rescued by a friendly stranger with a shovel).

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mimi's picture

and I come there. I have a car now and it would be great to get to know you in person.
Sorry that I have been so 'out of wack" lately. Let's talk, face to face. Smile

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lotlizard's picture

airing a drama about schoolgirls being sexually abused by rings of mostly-immigrant men in the U.K. — the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal.

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mimi's picture

Arte, Phoenix and all in all there are good documentaries broadcasted all over the spectrum.
Just can't keep up with it. Take care, lotlizard. May be we make it at the next Leipzig Bookfair 2019?

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MarilynW's picture

themselves to billions of gallons of fresh pristine water (Nestlé for example) and if Canadians object, the companies can sue. NAFTA really does benefit the US, but illiterate Trump is not aware of the details.

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To thine own self be true.

snoopydawg's picture


with the investor dispute on steroids. There were so many people that gave Trump shit for not joining the TPP and it was probably Obama and Hillary wanted it without knowing how bad a deal it would have been for American workers. Their blind adulation of them is disgusting. No criticism is allowed on ToP towards the two of them. I read a comment there today that anyone who writes something critical about the democrats should be banned. That was written by a long time member. Just wow.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

joe shikspack's picture


absolutely. but then again, i think of nafta (and all of the other trade agreements) as benefiting corporations rather than governments. these days, governments are only the lackeys of the wealthy and corporate interests.

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MarilynW's picture

obsequious hulk Trump fawning over a brutal thug dictator Kim the day after repeatedly insulting Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. (I didn't vote for him but he is a decent person). Fox News Trump fanatics followed up with insults galore. Up here, all of the brouhaha only served to increase Mr. Trudeau's popularity. It had been lagging because of his approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline.

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To thine own self be true.

lotlizard's picture


In the age of Trump, many Americans pine for a charming, supposedly progressive leader like Trudeau, but nothing Trump has done or will do may have as big an impact on climate change as Trudeau’s relentless pursuit of this pipeline.

That’s because, as author and founder of Bill McKibben wrote in 2011, Alberta’s “tar sands are the second-largest pool of carbon in the atmosphere, behind only the oil fields of Saudi Arabia. If we tap into them in a big way, NASA climatologist James Hansen explained in a paper issued [in 2011], the emissions would mean it’s ‘essentially game over’ for the climate.”

You have to wonder how the younger generation of Canadian voters will react to Trudeau’s decision. They are the ones who propelled him to victory in the last election; in the wake of this and a slew of other policy betrayals, those young people feel lied to and betrayed.

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joe shikspack's picture


i assure you that your distress as a canadian at the idiocy and thuggery of mr. trump aimed at your country, is no greater than the distress of those that have to live with the fact that "our government" is led by such a knuckle-dragging jackass who is leading us into a form of fascism embraced by much of the u.s. public.

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mimi's picture

@joe shikspack
even from you, who has clear words in his genes.
Good evening (Good morning). Thanks for the EB. I fell asleep reading them over and waking up again continue to read.

I found several articles uplifting, especially the great satire piece about Kim hosting peace talks between the US and Canada.

And I was happy to read about the success of putting solar panels alongside the Keystone Pipeline for Renewable Energy Resistance goals. Made me smile and wanting to support in person.

Many good articles tonight. Thanks. Hope everything is going well in your world. I hope the nightmares will stop. I need better nightsleep to make it. Thanks again.

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joe shikspack's picture



i hope that you have a comfortable sleep. it's a good thing to be able to have in these times.

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MarilynW's picture

@joe shikspack
I actually get physically ill reading the news from the US. All those really decent people having that imbecile in charge?! The story of the US State Department as one example. Imbecile Trump replaced career professionals with ignorant thugs. It's all too much. The most prominent characteristic of this administration is cruelty.

But the imbecile's reign of terror is temporary. Relief will soon be on the horizon.

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To thine own self be true.

@MarilynW @MarilynW
a Canadian patriot and sticking up for his country's interests, as a leader should. He thinks he can get Canadians fighting each other the way Americans do, but he's just unifying them. America's going downhill. Canada may have to build a wall soon to keep out all the undocumented Americans.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

divineorder's picture

@MrWebster @MarilynW Not getting that from ky Canadian friends . More like Obama?

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

MarilynW's picture


He's buying a pipeline with our tax money.

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To thine own self be true.

divineorder's picture

@MrWebster @MarilynW Not getting that from ky Canadian friends . More like Obama?

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Who are these people that continue to use the term "civilized world" ? That sounds so 18th century.

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It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan

joe shikspack's picture


i doubt that such a thing as a "civilized world" exists.

Journalist: What do you think of Western civilization?
Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.

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mimi's picture

@joe shikspack

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enhydra lutris's picture

transatlantic cables? Exactly the same thing as if Spain or Botswana did, that's what. Now, for the grand prize - does anybody have a remotely credible theory as to why any of them would do so?

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

well, see, they might be trolling the depths for the not-that-terribly-elusive red herring, of which the u.s. is desperately trying to corner the market.

gosh, do you suppose that the russians might spy on the internet? pffffttt!!!

get over it, u.s. military.

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