Wednesday Open Thread - April 1, 2015
Today is April Fool's Day, but I do not want to play the fool, so no jokes from me.
I have been back in NC for two full days now. One of the first things I do each year, usually within hours of arriving, is to put my bird feeders up. I am a bird watcher, not the kind that goes out and hunts down as many different species of birds as I can, although I am participating in the Great Backyard Bird Race over at dkos. I am not a bird photographer like some of the very talented folks who post to the Dawn Chorus diaries. No, I am a just watcher of the birds that come to my feeders. But they are my birds and the feeders allow me to share in their comings and goings.
Our yard is naturally a great place for birds. The previous owner had planted the exterior borders of the yard with lots of shrubs and trees. It not only provides a lot of privacy, but also many places for birds to sit and to nest. The previous owner also had planted a large tree next to what was once the deck to shade it from the afternoon sun. This tree provides a wonderful jumping off spot for the birds to come to my two hanging bird feeders.
These two hanging feeders are right next to the breakfast nook of the kitchen and the place where I spend most of my time when on the computer so I have a great view of the birds from only two to five feet away, depending on the feeder, and separated only by the window.
My two pole feeders sit on posts on the ground below. All four of my seed feeders can be see from both the table in the breakfast nook and from the kitchen itself when I am working in there. So I get a lot of opportunity to watch the birds. I also maintain one hummingbird feeder which I have not yet put out, but should do so soon.
One of the pole feeders is large metal feeder with a tray big enough for birds that usually feed on the ground to stand in. It was a gift from an old friend who is a metal worker and it is a work of art. This bird feeder will long outlive me. It was designed to last and it is extremely functional. I have yet to see a squirrel figure out how to open the hinged lid on the top. While no bird feeder is squirrel proof, because the squirrels still can get in it to eat from the tray, they cannot raid this one. In addition to the squirrels, the birds that come to this feeder include cardinals, blue jays, towhees, song sparrows, and mourning doves. The song sparrows, towhees, and mourning doves are normally ground feeders, but the tray on this feeder allows them to get in and feed as if they were on the ground. I use a basic all purpose seed mix in this feeder.
The two hanging feeders are pictured below. These are very cheap bird feeders that I bought at WalMart. I used to have two much nicer ones, but both were destroyed by squirrels when we were away for the day and I had forgotten to take them down. So now I just use these cheap ones and if they get destroyed, it costs very little to replace them.
These feeders each hang from a line that can be raised and lowered from the ground below. I fill these two feeders with a higher grade songbird mix which consists mostly of black oil sunflower seeds, plus safflower seeds, dried fruit, and peanuts. I have tried various mixes, but the one I like best comes from WalMart because it has the peanuts in it. The nuthatches, woodpeckers, and titmice really love the peanuts and will search until they find one. Even though this seed mix is expensive, I have also found that using a higher grade seed mix is more cost efficient because there is no waste. Everything gets eaten.
The birds that regularly come to these hanging feeders include cardinals, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, house finches, gold finches, downy woodpeckers, and blue jays. Occasionally a Carolina wren, a house wren or a song sparrow will come, but not on a regular basis.
In some future installments, I will share some of my observations from watching the birds.
This is an open thread diary so feel free to post whatever you wish.
Good morning,
Good to see everyone again. Been away from the tubz for weeks - eyes mostly, work second. Anyway life is good, spring has sprung (almost), and I hope everyone is doing well. I hate April Fool jokes, so that's for not being a traditionalist.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Nice days
Welcome back, I ordered warm sunny days with cool evenings.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Glad it's April. Isn't this the month that Hillary Clinton is supposed to make her decision?
I see Daily Kos has been completely taken over by conservatives. Since it's largely a mirror of the Democratic
party, it's evident why the party is where it is.
Evidently if you're antiwar and won't take no for an answer, you're a purist.
The thing is, Brooklynyou're not a bad boy, you're a democratic party dupe, almost 2/3rd's of registered democratic
party voters ended up not voting for democrats in the last election. That's upwards of 50 million people. That's would be a lot of white
male bible thumper gun nuts if they were the only ones leaving the party.
No, it's far worse than that and those remaining with the democratic party are the problem. They're the ones working for
the ruling class, the class the rest of us are at war with.
the old joke 'outstanding in left field' comes to mind.
More of STFU or GTFO
Amazing since I can remember when bbb was one of the few front pagers who was critical of Obama, way back when. I guess he has been brought into the fold.
Big Al, you nailed this:
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
All you have to do is look at the names.
We know those names, the ones not only rec'ing but applauding that diary in the comments. The joefrom Lowell's,
Rich in PA, certainot, etc., they're all the conservative set on that blog. And the front pagers/management clearly
advocate it, agree with it, and basically that's what they are too.
So it's a segment of society, a rather small one like the one on the right. And they don't want anything to do with
anyone to the left or right of them.
That's the big problem with a two party system, there isn't enough room.
I's say it's
a one party system with hardliner theocratic RW'ers on one end corrupt corporate RW'ers on the other side. The so called centrist's or moderates are non existent as they have rigged it to the point where it really doesn't make much difference which side wins. It's a fake wrestlin' match to keep the heated up cultural divides alive and well stoked. This allows the owners of the place to keep the power right where they want it.
"how dare you tell me, a Republican, that I'm not a Democrat!"
and what's with this thing where people are supporting former Republicans? Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren. I swear, if Ted Cruz switched his affiliation today and became a "Democrat" there'd be people at dKos supporting him because he can connect with the wingers.
Good riddance to the lefties, bubbas anyway!
When I go there, I either get into trouble or see nothing of interest. BBB's diary really irked me too. I haven't been back since I put in my two cents - probably been HR'd to red state and back.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You made a good comment.
Glad there was some pushback to that idiotic diary.
I'd like to see a mass exodus from that site. Maybe sometime during the middle part of the election
season to go with a boycott of the two major political parties. Something that could get the attention of
the overall blogosphere and D.C.
Easy for me to say since I already left, but there isn't any changing that blog, just won't happen.
actually your two cents has 44 rec's
as your comment made sense and did not take the racist bubba's are leaving bait. BBB's stirring the culture war pot. White bigoted gun totting fundamentalist men do not vote Democratic and why would 'progressives' want them to? He's vilifying populist's by equating populism with fascism. Protectionism, the word he used as a descriptor for regulation and an economy that works for the 99% is a dead giveaway. I love it when the dkos conservadem's get all riled up and start saying the problem is white working class bubba's. Talk about divide and conquer and deflection. It's a ready made catch 22 where if you refuse to believe that the Democratic party is 'progressive' and balk at voting for their nasty neoliberal agenda then your a racist, white privileged, sexist Dr. Commie Rat. Identity politics that is so illogical and upside down it makes your head spin. Guilt tripping and blaming lefties and 'intellectuals' who don't or won't vote Democratic because Hillary is a woman and Obama is an African American and are victims of racism and sexism is absurd and insulting. They are as ass backwards and misinformed as the teabaggers they fear and loath. The reality of the Democratic party's agenda and what they implement and support is never brought up and if it is they go into severe denial and say this Dem. administration is the most liberal and populist ever. Bubba's made them do it. heh? Your comment was spot on. Reality based my ass.
Sigh I left my two cents over there too
... I had to hold myself back.
As long as you support the Dems no matter what
Dems do to poor people (who are disproportionately women and people of color), you can pretty much say whatever you want over there, esp if you are a front pager.
BBB used pussy as an insult and then called me a prick when I confronted him about it:
And then, sure enuf, they rely on him to build up the credibility of the Democratic Party!
Great vote-getting strategy!!!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
would we expect anything from the DNC site?
We still, apparently (and I include myself) hold on to the notion that dKos has some relation to what it was in 2004.
If we went to, say, Debbie Wasserman Schultz' website we'd get the same sort of policy and same sort of comments....but would we waste our time thinking about it? We'd just smirk and leave.
Yet we keep going back, if not to post at least to read, and what I read today had me cursing out loud. BarbInMD had a front page diary about, what else?, a bad Republican. Now that's bold, isn't it!? Right on, Barb! She thinks Mike Pence is a dope. But what made me angry was her comment that the guy isn't handling this situation well which proves he shouldn't be allowed "near the launch codes". $#^%&@! I hate this fairly new thing that the President's job is being Commander in Chief. Like we're such a war-mongering country (we are) that our main concern is how war-mongering our top official is. And how capable he is at being like that.
We'll survive however long the Repubs are in power. If it breaks the Democratic Party it'll be worth it.
Yeah, and I believe
that they are still holding you hostage over there by refusing to ban you.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Okay, I wandered over there into bbb's diary
And posted a long comment about why the dems are losing voters. bbb has totally missed the point or else he is trying to deflect the issue. Here's my very long comment. LOL I can hardly wait for the cheerleaders to jump in since I did not mention race.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
How can the culture wars
be separated from the agenda, policy and direction that the Democratic party supports and works hard to implement. Seems to me that the economic policy that both parties embrace and implement is racist, sexist, classicist, bigoted ignorant etc. and systemically entrenches the 1% anti-democratic agenda. Then there is the destruction of our rule of law, justice along with the broken system of checks and balances on power. Our foreign policy is racist so is our economy. These is no way for people to have human and civil right's when the powers that be have by-partisanly taken them away because scary Muslim brown people are a threat to our freedumbs.
What happened to the separation of church and state? We have religious nut's writing laws in our halls of government. Look at the racist police state and prison's and immigrant camps for profit the Democratic party and their owners have established? To declare that there is no connection between cultural 'issues' and what is happening to our broken system of government is delusional. Does that make me a bigoted white privileged, government hating, business hating, purist, sexist winger? Hell no it makes me a realist who can connect the dots. I think these people are all suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and have taken to double thinking and identify with their 'inevitable' oppressors.
I could have written a diary with that comment. Your comment is awesome because you do not spare the words.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hit 'em again
Great comment gulfgal.
"When the party loses the young voters, they have lost the future."
Seems to me the party leaders and many at kos have 'Hillary syndrome,' expecting future demographics to save the party.
Love the edit feature JTC.
Thank you Smiley!
And I love that edit feature too.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
welcome smiley, but I wasn't aware that you made mistakes.
Biggest laugh I've had in weeks
you are the best. Can't stop laughing.
Never, ever, ever....
If only the orange satins could fine the willpower to edit theirs.
Still laughing, my friend, thank you.