Rats in a cage--yes, the DemonRATs--see how they run

When I think of "blue wave", I don't think of Democraptic gains in Congress. No, I think about the blue swirl of toilet bowl cleaner going down the drain. If the Democrats are going to win anything during midterms, other than their already assured Stupidity Prize, they are going to have to come with something, anything--except A) we're not Trump (true you're stupid mofos), B) Russia! made me do it.

If things hold up as they are currently with Trump's approval rate, while still below 50%, slowly rising, any Dem will have to come up with a great candidate. Do they have one in the stable--no, but they do have plenty of rats in the stable, about which more below. The economy is growing, even if most, but not all, the benefit going to the 1%. The proles are happy to receive Nancy Pelosi's scoffed at "crumbs", one of the stupidest comments made since "basket of deplorables".

The unemployment, no matter how deceitfully counted is still lowering--not enough, but better than under Hussein. Side note: Hussein took to heart the song dedicated initially to the Jews exiting Egypt: "Let My Bankers Go!"

If the Dims can't take over the House, they won't take the Senate either. Wither goest Trump impeachment. Saddled with the Orangutan for probably 7 more years and the suicidally inept DNC (aided by the equally ridiculous DCCC [see Stogie Hoyer lecturing non-establishment Colorado Dem lecturing upstart candidate], the prospects for a party revival are as dim as Killary being a prima ballerina.

So what ammunition do the Dims have to undergo a fight with the Repugnants? Bad economy? Nope. Jobs, even if many don't pay well, at least they pay? Nope. Peace? Nope. Honest government? Nope!

Here is the crux of my essay (finally). Both sides of the duopolistic coin are filthy, although currently the Dims are winning in the Muck and Mire contest. The Dims thought Medusa could. not. lose. Hell, there were the fixers after all. They fixed the SuperDupers (delegates). They fixed the DNC. They fixed Bernie (beginning of accelerating party deterioration).

On a personal note, I loved watching Rachel Madcow's meltdown on election night as she frantically sought ways for the Clinton Creature to pull a victory from the jaws of the Trumposaurus.

Confidence? Yes, the Dims exuded confidence confidence. How could Her Heinous not win? But...just in case, Hussein and company cleverly plotted to sabotage Trump before the election with the pee-pee portfolio and Trump Jr. meeting a Russian lawyer to scheme the overthrow of our government for the sake of adoptable orphans.

Thinking another step ahead, Hussein placed plants in Trump's campaign, all of whom were FBI informants who also had Clintonite connections: Manafort, Carter Page, and George P. These individuals would then be used to stab the Orange one in the back for their various sins (guilt by association).

Here is where the Rats get involved. Lordy (to quote one rat), I hope I don't forget any of the schemers. Altho British spooks at GCHQ were surveilling Trump in 2015 and came up with nothing, the Dims used former spook Steele whose work of fantasy and fiction earned him quite a bit of money (enjoy it while you can, Chris) was proffered unverified via McCain, Brennan, Comey, Rosenstein, Sally Yates to gullible FISA judges (and one likely corrupt one named Contreras). The FISA warrant was renewed 3 times, each after a mandatory wait of 90 days, by FBI rats. They all knew the basis for these allegations were nil. But they had a job to do.

But the rats were sloppy, leaving a trail of crumbs behind (think Q). Without going through the rat-trapping details, the following rats have been either fired or demoted:
Comey, Yates, McCabe, Baker, Rybicki, Strzock, L. Page, Ohr, and several others I likely overlooked.

So now comes the first rat fight. Leaking Weasel Comey blames leaking Rat McCabe for leaking. Trying to climb out of the water, McCabe retaliates saying Comey made him do it. Then L. Page says that McCabe told her to leak.

Now that the rats' net lovers' memos have been outed (minus redactions), this will surely ignite yet more infighting. And there is more of this to come.

Don't let that unified pose fool you, they are all turning inward. The McCabe-Comey-Page fight is just the first of more to come.

Science Experiment

Put one rat in a cage, what happens. At first the rat explores, trying to find its way out. Then after realizing the futility of its situation, the rat calms down but will still patrol its cage, perhaps somewhat possessively. Now put another rat in same cage. What happens? If the rats are of opposite gender, they fuck each other in a non-destructive way. If the rats are of the same gender, they may fight or assume a dominance relationship. In the occasion where both get along, things are fine--as long as they get food and water.

Change the environment some by reducing supply of food and water, the result, regardless of gender is fight for survival. So far, in this allegory, the food supply hasn't been diminished, although the rates are still in the cage.

Change the environment in a different way. Electrify the cage floor in isolated segments. The rats run away from the electrified portions. As long as they have enough safe space for each of them, no problem, providing they stay in place. But reduce the safe areas and both rats will contest for the safe area. They can either fight each other until a dominance has been achieved or totally exhaust themselves. The fighting will get even more hectic if there are NO unnelectrified cage areas. The the rats will madly run around, trying for safety. But if they happen to collide, watch out. Fighting will begin.

The electricity is starting to flow into the cage. Watch the fun (if you are a sadist or a Clinton).
Now, let's throw in a few more rats for good measure. What happens?

Consider all those sealed indictments. How many have rat names on them?

By the way, a few of the rats, like the Paul Ryan Rat and the Orrin Hatch Rat, and the Harry Reid Rat have escaped.

For the Rats, some information about your life in cages:


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Lookout's picture

they have far more dignity and character than the dimocraps and FBI creatures. They have more empathy than the low lives with which you compare them.

Just wait till 2020...the next year of the rat.

Speaking of low lives what ever happened with the Awan's? That story has disappeared and I know you were keeping up with it. Thanks for the rat-ional essay!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

gulfgal98's picture

@Lookout @Lookout The whole situation with the Awans, specifically with Imran Awan, is not isolated from the rest of this. George Webb has made linkages between the Q posts and the Awan investigation he was doing. The Awans were not operating on their own, but are a small part of the corruption that has infested our government, including a large part of Congress. When this all unravels, I think what we will see is just how much of our government was operating on a pay to play basis, mostly under CIA, State Dept, DoJ, and FBI coordination. They were selling weapons, secrets, and whatever else they could to foreign governments, including those that were purported to be our enemies (see North Korea). It is a huge rat's nest that is going to take some time to unwind. But many of the rats within that nest are getting desperate.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

The Aspie Corner's picture

@gulfgal98 You don't need a 4chan troll or a former spook to figure that out.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

gulfgal98's picture

@The Aspie Corner Does this mean I should avoid posting anything in reference to either George Webb or Q anon? Just wondering if this subject is off limits here.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

The Aspie Corner's picture

@gulfgal98 I'll never stop calling it out for the reactionary B.S. that it is. These people aren't heroes and they aren't doing this shit because they give a damn about 'Murica or anyone else for tht matter. The fact that they defend Billary's patsy should make this clear enough.

This whole thing is nothing more than various capitalist factions fighting it out for domination as they have done for the last 500 years. The tactics may have changed with technology and methods of communication but the the end goal is still the same as always: He who dies with the most toys wins. No conspiratorial terms such as 'Deep State' or 'The Jews' or 'Neoliberalism' are needed to explain the contradictions or problems caused by capitalism itself.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner
on a nonpartisan site. Sure, most here are on the left spectrum, but that does not mean that truth cannot be found elsewhere on the political spectrum. Truth is subjective, therefor the validity of anyone's truth should be up to them to decide. Your truth may not be their truth, and vice versa.

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snoopydawg's picture

@The Aspie Corner

Like saying, "in my opinion."? If you haven't been following what Q and others have been saying, then how can you know what is true or not? Why not let this play out and see where it goes?

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture


...out on bail? Just wondering where things stand, but I don't want to hijack AE's thread.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

gulfgal98's picture

@Lookout Imran Awan was arrested and then placed with an ankle monitor. That was some time ago and I have seen very little since. The curious thing is how so many members of Congress have disavowed knowledge of the Awan spy scandal.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Lookout's picture


That was some time ago and I have seen very little since.

Same here, that is why I asked. I hope you and AE will keep us posted. It is a stunning story.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Alligator Ed's picture

@Lookout in some ways.

Empathy also could facilitate helpfulness, another potentially useful trait, and lead to diminished aggression: The more sensitive animals are to others’ emotional states, the more socially agreeable they tend to be. That’s been documented in animals living at high population densities, including chimpanzees, and urban rats are nothing if not populous.

I'm not sure if there are any war-mongering rats but there sure are War-mongering Dims.

P.S. expect to see the Awans in the news in May.

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gulfgal98's picture

We need to break out of binary thinking and use our critical thinking skills. In other words, two seemingly opposing things can be both true at the same time. For example, Trump's approval rating can be in the toilet but that does not mean that the Democrats will take over either, let alone both houses, of Congress. Many Democrats were very angry at the outright cheating and the continued rigging of the primaries. The lesser of two evils voting no longer works for a lot of Democrat voters who can both despise Trump and yet not support corrupt Democrats at the same time.

The Q anon posts of the last several days have been loaded with a lot of great information for us to process. If Q is right and thus far Q seems to be right, then Trump is a part in the taking down the deep state. I can say I support Trump in this endeavor even though I do not support vast majority of his policies. This is another case where two opposing things can be both true at the same time.

Meanwhile very few Democrats are talking about actually proposing things to benefit the American people and those who do are being marginalized by the corrupt establishment that has been running the Democratic party.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

QMS's picture

@gulfgal98 just wish more were up to that task in these times. Black and White contrasts miss alot of gray areas, which is where most badly neglected negotiation lives. Cheers!

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Shahryar's picture

great essay, of course, but um...

I prefer Obummer or Obomber or The Torturer's Friend.

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Mark from Queens's picture

choices. That's my stuff, the stuff I was weened on.

Think I've seen you post Montrose, UFO and some others that escape me now.

Saw the Highway To Hell tour at MSG. I was the only kid in my town into AC/DC from the previous album, Powerage, which was the first one of theirs I bought as a jr high kid in Catholic School. Played this one and was reminded of their ummatched, single-minded, hard rock power. But when viewing it just now was nauseated to see a little box fly in "suggesting" a fucking Bon Jovi song. What could be more polar opposite than those utterly lame cheeseball goombas (yeah, I can see that as an Italian-American). Must be their bought-off admission into the R&R Hall of Fame, which cements the end of my fealty to that institution, which was already suspect way back when I attended the inaugural year opening in Cleveland. They strike me as the kind of goons who would pay for such placement, as I'm sure they have done similarly throughout their lame career to create a celebrity status their tepid music couldn't. Sorry for the rant. But if there's anybody who would understand it would be you I think.

I don't always click on people posting YouTube music videos (because I want to be able to easily go back into my history there to find important, edifying political and historical lectures/segments), although I'm always curious to see and hear what people listen to.

Dig your essays too, of course. But it's fun to know there's some hard rock comrades on here.

And by the way, when I read your headline yesterday I thought immediately of this song, whose famous chorus is your headline to a tee:

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Alligator Ed's picture

@Mark from Queens I don't have another Rat song handy but how about this one?

A law for the rich; a law for the poor.


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