The Resolution Foundation has provided forensic detail of how this has come about – and why. A complex mix of reasons includes the financial crisis, austerity and reluctance by successive governments (albeit ones filled with baby boomers) to radically tackle the challenges of housing, health, social care, employment and a woefully deregulated market at a time when people are living so much longer – but no baby-boomer banditry. Politicians have failed to decide equitably, in this different climate, who pays and how – and what they receive in return.
(emphasis added)
It wasn't all of us old farts. Following The Powell Memo guidelines, the Global Neoliberal/Media Coup operated under the radar. By the time Slick Willy implemented "welfare reform" and "criminal justice reform" it was probably already too late. Then the 9/11 and Bush 43 distraction happened. Like a lot of left wing Boomers I didn't see the forest for the trees until the Obama hope & change debacle.
We are all in this together fighting a desperate rear guard battle for survival. We either stand together or we all die.
0 users have voted.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Politicians have failed to decide equitably, in this different climate, who pays and how – and what they receive in return.
And in support of your emphasis ...
We are all in this together fighting a desperate rear guard battle for survival. We either stand together or we all die.
From The Guardian:
The Resolution Foundation has provided forensic detail of how this has come about – and why. A complex mix of reasons includes the financial crisis, austerity and reluctance by successive governments (albeit ones filled with baby boomers) to radically tackle the challenges of housing, health, social care, employment and a woefully deregulated market at a time when people are living so much longer – but no baby-boomer banditry. Politicians have failed to decide equitably, in this different climate, who pays and how – and what they receive in return.
(emphasis added)
It wasn't all of us old farts. Following The Powell Memo guidelines, the Global Neoliberal/Media Coup operated under the radar. By the time Slick Willy implemented "welfare reform" and "criminal justice reform" it was probably already too late. Then the 9/11 and Bush 43 distraction happened. Like a lot of left wing Boomers I didn't see the forest for the trees until the Obama hope & change debacle.
We are all in this together fighting a desperate rear guard battle for survival. We either stand together or we all die.
Yet today, “baby boomer” is a toxic phrase, shorthand for greed and selfishness, for denying the benefits we took for granted to subsequent generations, notably beleaguered millennials, who reached adulthood in the early years of this century. So, where did it all go so very wrong?
When I graduated high school there were many job opportunities I could choose from. I choose to go into the medical field as an Ophthalmic Photographer where jobs weren't readily available.
But what has changed since then is that companies have taken their money, closed the factories and that is why there are not many jobs available for the younger generation now. Even a lot of technology jobs have been given to foreigners who have Hb1 visas. Or jobs were computerized, etc.
Older workers who were laid off during the Great Recession have problems finding jobs today. This might be age discrimination, but my point is that people who are having problems finding jobs is not because we took our balls and went home.
Then there's the issues that meteor man and Janis commented on. Plus the younger kids can't find homes to buy because housing prices have skyrocketed again and there aren't a lot to choose from because of the housing shortage.
Now I can be wrong here and if I am I'd like to hear why.
0 users have voted.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
and tragically comprehensive. We need help of a compassionate kind, wherever possible.
Yet today, “baby boomer” is a toxic phrase, shorthand for greed and selfishness, for denying the benefits we took for granted to subsequent generations, notably beleaguered millennials, who reached adulthood in the early years of this century. So, where did it all go so very wrong?
When I graduated high school there were many job opportunities I could choose from. I choose to go into the medical field as an Ophthalmic Photographer where jobs weren't readily available.
But what has changed since then is that companies have taken their money, closed the factories and that is why there are not many jobs available for the younger generation now. Even a lot of technology jobs have been given to foreigners who have Hb1 visas. Or jobs were computerized, etc.
Older workers who were laid off during the Great Recession have problems finding jobs today. This might be age discrimination, but my point is that people who are having problems finding jobs is not because we took our balls and went home.
Then there's the issues that meteor man and Janis commented on. Plus the younger kids can't find homes to buy because housing prices have skyrocketed again and there aren't a lot to choose from because of the housing shortage.
Now I can be wrong here and if I am I'd like to hear why.
Yet today, “baby boomer” is a toxic phrase, shorthand for greed and selfishness, for denying the benefits we took for granted to subsequent generations, notably beleaguered millennials, who reached adulthood in the early years of this century. So, where did it all go so very wrong?
When I graduated high school there were many job opportunities I could choose from. I choose to go into the medical field as an Ophthalmic Photographer where jobs weren't readily available.
But what has changed since then is that companies have taken their money, closed the factories and that is why there are not many jobs available for the younger generation now. Even a lot of technology jobs have been given to foreigners who have Hb1 visas. Or jobs were computerized, etc.
Older workers who were laid off during the Great Recession have problems finding jobs today. This might be age discrimination, but my point is that people who are having problems finding jobs is not because we took our balls and went home.
Then there's the issues that meteor man and Janis commented on. Plus the younger kids can't find homes to buy because housing prices have skyrocketed again and there aren't a lot to choose from because of the housing shortage.
Now I can be wrong here and if I am I'd like to hear why.
Special cameras can take photos of the inner workings of the eye and they give doctors the information they need to treat people.
The eye is divided into two. The anterior and posterior parts. Front and back if you will. Documenting the front part is much more challenging and it's used for problems such as glaucoma and corneal abrasions and other corneal issues.
The retina is how we well see and especially how we read. The biggest cause of blindness outside cataracts is Macular degeneration which affects ones reading vision. The macular is about the size of pencil lead. The rest of the retina is for peripheral vision and there are many diseases that affects that.
This is a picture of a superior vein occlusion. This patient would have a blind spot on the lower half of his vision and he would also have blurry vision because the veins are leaking fluid into the macular.
Photos are taken after injecting dye into an arm vein and then photographing it as it travels through the vessels in the eye. This tells the doctor where he needs to use a laser to seal the vessels.
Anyone who has diabetes would have this test done at least annually starting 5 years after diagnosis. People might not notice that they are having vision problems until abnormal blood vessels break and their eye is filled with blood. The blood can be removed, but by the time the eyes get to that point much of the retina has died already. This is called putting out the barn fire after the horses have left. Laser treatments are still needed though so that the vision doesn't get much worse which will cause nastier problems and pain.
This is the simplest explanation for what I did in a previous life which I miss immensely!
Today's PSA is that if you see door frames not being straight or blank spots as you look at a clock or something you want to call your eye doctor immediately and explain what is happening. Many times the damage can be stopped or kept from getting worse.
Same thing if you start seeing lots of flies in your vision. This is another emergency phone call because you retina could be detaching. This is not the end of the world for your vision unless you ignore it. And most of us here are at the age when this starts happening. Or past it ...
for denying the benefits we took for granted to subsequent generations
I/my generation didn't deny anyone anything. It was stolen by the 1%. As parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, how in the hell could anyone possibly believe that we would wish for and deliberately create such a fucked up country for our kids? I was brought up to believe that every generation could do better than the next. I wasn't brought up believing children were fodder for my old age. This opinion piece is utter bullshit pulled from you know where.
0 users have voted.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Talk to 70 year olds forced to choose between obscenely priced medicine or food. Talk to the 60 year olds living in trailers and chasing Amazon warehouse jobs across the country. Talk to the the 50 year olds in the grips of an opiod crisis fueled by the absolute failure to regulate the pharmaceutical industry.
Yeah, this article may point out that times have changed, regarding how to fund pensions. But it still leaves the impression that boomers are doing great - which is a huge lie.
The Aristocratic Kleptocrat Boomers
From The Guardian:
(emphasis added)
It wasn't all of us old farts. Following The Powell Memo guidelines, the Global Neoliberal/Media Coup operated under the radar. By the time Slick Willy implemented "welfare reform" and "criminal justice reform" it was probably already too late. Then the 9/11 and Bush 43 distraction happened. Like a lot of left wing Boomers I didn't see the forest for the trees until the Obama hope & change debacle.
We are all in this together fighting a desperate rear guard battle for survival. We either stand together or we all die.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
My emphasis ...
And in support of your emphasis ...
Well, I certainly disagree with this
When I graduated high school there were many job opportunities I could choose from. I choose to go into the medical field as an Ophthalmic Photographer where jobs weren't readily available.
But what has changed since then is that companies have taken their money, closed the factories and that is why there are not many jobs available for the younger generation now. Even a lot of technology jobs have been given to foreigners who have Hb1 visas. Or jobs were computerized, etc.
Older workers who were laid off during the Great Recession have problems finding jobs today. This might be age discrimination, but my point is that people who are having problems finding jobs is not because we took our balls and went home.
Then there's the issues that meteor man and Janis commented on. Plus the younger kids can't find homes to buy because housing prices have skyrocketed again and there aren't a lot to choose from because of the housing shortage.
Now I can be wrong here and if I am I'd like to hear why.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The shortage of housing and other necessities is worldwide
and tragically comprehensive. We need help of a compassionate kind, wherever possible.
@snoopydawgOphthalmic Photographer
Um... what's that?
Sorry, I've just never heard of it before.
I photo documentation of the eye
Special cameras can take photos of the inner workings of the eye and they give doctors the information they need to treat people.
The eye is divided into two. The anterior and posterior parts. Front and back if you will. Documenting the front part is much more challenging and it's used for problems such as glaucoma and corneal abrasions and other corneal issues.
The retina is how we well see and especially how we read. The biggest cause of blindness outside cataracts is Macular degeneration which affects ones reading vision. The macular is about the size of pencil lead. The rest of the retina is for peripheral vision and there are many diseases that affects that.
This is a picture of a superior vein occlusion. This patient would have a blind spot on the lower half of his vision and he would also have blurry vision because the veins are leaking fluid into the macular.
Photos are taken after injecting dye into an arm vein and then photographing it as it travels through the vessels in the eye. This tells the doctor where he needs to use a laser to seal the vessels.
Anyone who has diabetes would have this test done at least annually starting 5 years after diagnosis. People might not notice that they are having vision problems until abnormal blood vessels break and their eye is filled with blood. The blood can be removed, but by the time the eyes get to that point much of the retina has died already. This is called putting out the barn fire after the horses have left. Laser treatments are still needed though so that the vision doesn't get much worse which will cause nastier problems and pain.
This is the simplest explanation for what I did in a previous life which I miss immensely!
Today's PSA is that if you see door frames not being straight or blank spots as you look at a clock or something you want to call your eye doctor immediately and explain what is happening. Many times the damage can be stopped or kept from getting worse.
Same thing if you start seeing lots of flies in your vision. This is another emergency phone call because you retina could be detaching. This is not the end of the world for your vision unless you ignore it. And most of us here are at the age when this starts happening. Or past it ...
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
utter bullshit
I/my generation didn't deny anyone anything. It was stolen by the 1%. As parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, how in the hell could anyone possibly believe that we would wish for and deliberately create such a fucked up country for our kids? I was brought up to believe that every generation could do better than the next. I wasn't brought up believing children were fodder for my old age. This opinion piece is utter bullshit pulled from you know where.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Lost me at the first sentence
What a lying generalization.
Talk to 70 year olds forced to choose between obscenely priced medicine or food. Talk to the 60 year olds living in trailers and chasing Amazon warehouse jobs across the country. Talk to the the 50 year olds in the grips of an opiod crisis fueled by the absolute failure to regulate the pharmaceutical industry.
Yeah, this article may point out that times have changed, regarding how to fund pensions. But it still leaves the impression that boomers are doing great - which is a huge lie.