OT ~ Welcome to Saturday!

Water spills from sky dippers
lips meet
voices kiss.
Good morning good people,
Welcome to morning ramblings.
If America is great again, why is Trump living in my spare bedroom?
"Out damn spot!" "No more negative waves."
Forgive me, been out of sorts for a few months; poetry frozen.
Dormant; and i misbehave when the words don’t flow, tongue-tied i can be, sincerely; how can i say i’m humble when i so want to be like daddy!
What a week?! Waking from anesthesia to beers, followed by breakfast with friends...
life is incredible.
The purple lights before sunset
Shy they are, never talking, courteous, green,
wanting what all want
water, peace and sun
until work is done
seeds formed for eternity
rolling eggs of destiny
untouched by blight
they grow
sight unseen sharing delight, every right without constitution
breathing oxygen, giving back
great works of humility
treading upon no thing
possessing families galore greeting shores
knowing more in pores
than spiders
Magenta heart pumping, still
willing to run, if able...
writing fables, news no more
reaching roots, counting dreams
kissing winds
that wait
in green houses.
“A day spent without the sight or sound of beauty, the contemplation of mystery, or the search of truth is a poverty-stricken day; and a succession of such days is fatal to human life.”
~ Lewis Mumford
Hoping you all a beautiful day, the stage is yours!

A good Saturday to all
Your poetry has budded in the spring? I liked this line: willing to run, if able...
I have not been able to run for over a year. And I broke something in my surgically-stabilized foot 2 days ago in a tumble down a half-flight. I flew down. A new head injury as well. My facial scar will be vertical with a small gap all the way down through part of my nose. No Harry Potter lightning bolt.
So I am back in a foot brace. But not das boot to the knee. And I have been dosing with ibuprofen, ulcers not with standing. I had to break that last phrase down to its base words.
A thunderstorm early this AM. Woke up to my first distant thunder of 2018. The storm went N of me. Rain returning in a few hours. April showers have consequences.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I wished so much someone could help you and live
with you to take care of you. It's not good for you to live by yourself. Hugs.
TY mimi. working on that.
Are there leaves on the trees in Germany?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
yes, the first leaves are popping out
and everything starts to bloom. I will make photos and post them next Friday. It's really beautiful.
And we have a lots of birds and a mama deer which must have made her home in the neighbor's garden and has a little one. They hop over to our side and I think they eat up all the first blossoms and leafs. They are so 'fresh' they even come three meters in front of our livingroom window. We would need a dog to chase them away, but my sister doesn't want one, because she thinks she can't handle a dog anymore, which is true.
In the forest near by there are wild hogs and we don't walk into it anymore. Nor only because we don't walk well anymore, but because if my sister would fall, it would be a disaster to 'rescue' her. She is very heavy.
But we are surrounded by houses and actually it's a pity how much they built in our street.
In our thoughts, riverlover...
sorry to hear of the fall and new cast and facial injury. Joining, mimi, in concern for you going it, alone. Wishing you were close by. Please check messages later today.
As you say in your comment PS: you are a dear friend to us all, so the best back at you for good and gentle days of recovery.
Sounds like a good way to wake
from anesthesia. From oblivion to the company of friends. As long as the stomach can handle the beer and eggs, it sounds fine. Hope the shoulder is on the mend and you are doing well.
Friends in low places
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
No negative
The grestest performance by
Sutherland; stays in the recess of me mind. It's the little epiphanies that matter, have to keep the thought close, that they are there, waiting for a smile, a hug, a challenge a springing of green in the garden. Not always easy for this old coot, but, i'm learning and it feels good.
Carolina Blue Skies, remember the sunscreen :)
pass along a smile and hug in hopes special pickers get in your ears today!
Feeling good, thank you, randtntx. Can attest that our friend's
spirits in person exceed the sincerity of their good pens. Hoping for more meet-ups. Perfect timing for me after all as our crew lifted my spirits and the fog as well.
Looks as though, this healing process is a long one...no worries, it can be managed.
Smiling that you mentioned the pineapple; rambled across this story from The Paris Review and enjoyed: "The Strange History of the “King-Pine” https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2018/04/25/the-strange-history-of-th...
“There is no nobler fruit in the universe,” Jean de Léry writes of the pineapple. Charles Lamb loved the fruit erotically: “Pleasure bordering on pain, from the fierceness and insanity of her relish, like a lovers’ kisses she biteth.” Pieter de la Court professes: “One can never be tire’d with looking on it.” How did these men, and so many others, become so enraptured with the pineapple? And how have we forgotten its former grandeur?
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
edit for spelling
Wishing you and your friends a delicious breakfast
and joy along the days spent together. May you all be happy together.
Good times, mimi, good times.
Good to see you and thanks for your continued caring for this place!
The pineaple/fleet of ships
image puts me in mind of this image:
Colonizers all? I'm appropriating some land for a lemon tree this morning. Will need to be fenced in to fence something else out.
But, in appreciation of lemons, independent of anything else,
according to the nutritional tables. Their oils are an effective nontoxic insecticide, and they have a myriad of other uses.
Had a lemon tree, once, in LA...
bearing fruit; the ting backyard of our bugalo up the hill in Sherman Oaks shaded two small chairs and a bucket table.
I try to keep lemons on hand and drink lemon water, mostly, all day. I think it's magic along with apple cider vinegar with the "Mother."
Sounds nice.
Good morning, Smiley7. Have a speedy recovery and take
care of yourself in the interim.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good day to you, el.
Thanks for reading. Were missing you in conversation, here, as more than a decade has passed in sharing cyberspace; gentle thoughts headed you way.
Anticipating Spring to make an entrance up high this coming week; i'll give it two more weeks before my favorite day hike up to Story Teller's Rock.
Have a good one!
"Deport Trump, Make America Great Again"
Bumper sticker at a car in Germany in front of me....
Big smile, cool sticker
but giving it reflection, which country would take him...Russia?
On second thought, is Riker's Island a country?
nah, Italy is the right country
Elba... an Island where great men reflect on their accomplishments.
Corporate PACs