DNC is still completely out of touch
Submitted by gjohnsit on Mon, 04/16/2018 - 1:24pm
The DNC has been having trouble raising funds ever since the Clinton campaign purchased the organization in order to rig the 2016 primaries against Bernie. So you would think that the DNC leadership would go out of their way to distance themselves from their corrupt past. You would be wrong.
A set of likely presidential candidates will join their party's last nominee, Hillary Clinton, to raise money for the Democratic National Committee next month at its annual Women's Leadership Forum.
...Clinton's presence at the forum, a likely draw for some of the major donors who supported her campaign against President Trump, will come about two months after she held a New York fundraiser for her post-2016 political group, Onward Together, on the same day as Perez appeared in Manhattan to raise money for the party, drawing complaints from some donors.
The event will mark Clinton's first fundraiser for the DNC since the 2016 campaign, as Republicans continue to run campaign ads against her and some Democrats still question whether her active presence in the party is a helpful one. (Last month, asked in an interview when Clinton will "ride off into the sunset," North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, now in a tough red-state reelection bid, answered, "I don't know, not soon enough.")
Hillary could simply step aside. Or should could fundraise at a non-DNC event.
But this is just ridiculous and tone-deaf.
As recently as February, DNC lawyers argued in court that primary rigging was protected by the First Amendment.
Just today, the DNC was hit with a heavily partisan fraud lawsuit.
The Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee allegedly used state chapters as strawmen to launder as much as $84 million in an effort to circumvent campaign donation limits, and the Federal Election Commission ignored complaints exposing the practice, a lawsuit filed Monday claims.
The Committee to Defend the President (CDP), a political action committee formally known as Stop Hillary PAC, filed its complaint with the FEC in December 2017 with the claims that the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) solicited cash from big-name donors, and allegedly sent that money through state chapters and back to the DNC before ending up with the Clinton campaign.
This last lawsuit may or may not have any basis in reality, but is now the best time to associate Hillary with the DNC...again?

The significance of Biden as a front-runner
Not good
Biden voted as a goper in the 90's and before.
Deeply flawed Biden is responsible for Thomas
being on the Supreme Court because of his treatment of Anita. Then there's his groping women and children problem. Very tone deaf in this time of metoo.
Biden is a ruthless war criminal and is responsible for so much suffering in this country. The bankruptcy bill screwed Americans while letting rich fuckers get out of their bad deals.
And let's not forget that he's captain of our drug war.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It wasn't just his treatment of Anita.
He kept several women who were willing to testify to similar occurrences out of the hearings.
Ayup. That he gets a pass for Thomas
is what gets me. Look at how many people are saying that he'd make a great president after all the shite he has done.
The DLC Clintons didn't just ruin the DP, it also ruined the democratic voters. Obama got them to close their eyes to what he was too. Bigly sad.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Deeply Flawed Joe Biden
"Out of step with the mood of his party" and reality too. Is the DNC trying to become the favored party of the Koch Brothers? I can not think of a worse or more divisive candidate than Joe Biden. They are determined to nominate an even
worse(not possible) more corrupt candidate than Hillary. The good news is that both parties seem to be chasing the goal of complete self destruction."They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Biden . . .
doesn't have enough ambition to be more corrupt than Hillary.
The media portrayed him as a somewhat hapless fool
when he was Obama’svice president Before he occupied that office he was a “great statesman.” At the end of Obama’s term he regained that stature. It’s all smoke and mirrors.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Hillary's return is like a horror movie franchise.
Nightmare at the DNC. Part I. Freddy Awakening
And so on...
Let's split up to look for the alien
Let's hide from the axe murderer in the dark and creepy basement.
Let's associate the DNC with Hillary's fundraising.
Nah. That last one isn't believable.
Absolutely believeable
The DOJ is still With Her.
Too many skeletons in DC's closets to go messing with the Clintons. And nobody is going to look under the hood of democracy when it comes to state voting procedures or campaign finance laws. The US is proud to have the most irregular, unverifiable, and suspicious voting procedures of all of the OECD developed nations. That's how we like it. For my part:
An exceptional voting system
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Funny that Hillary's
Arrow pointed right.
Or not.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
"Can't anyone find me a stake?"
I would think that after losing the easiest election in history and to the worst candidate evah that she would never show her face in public again because she'd be embarrassed. I know I would. But no. Why? Because losing the election wasn't Her fault. Oh no. It was Bernie, Comey, Russia, everyone who didn't vote for her and Wikileaks. Did I miss anyone? But of course she takes full responsibility for her loss. Right? She should have thanked Comey for keeping her out of prison.
Boy the kos kids are having problems with how they think of Comey.
Hero for not letting Rumsfeld spy on us.
Bad guy for supporting torture even though he didn't want to.
Hero for finding Her not guilty.
Bad guy for reopening the investigation into her emails.
Hero for Trump firing him.
Hero for telling us that Trump isn't morally fit to be president.
I can see why they are having difficulty with this.
Me? Comey is a war criminal and he should have found Her guilty of sending classified emails from her private email server. "But her emails ... " says everyone who doesn't think she did anything wrong.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Glutens for banishment
Another Joe 'biding his time'. Smells like another Lieberman. Crime pays.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Are You Feeling the Political Realignment?
I think that is a question we should be asking everyone who is actively politically engaged.
It's friggin' happening. Forbes just smashed Ryan for his trillion dollar deficit legacy. Can you believe that? Republicans and Drumpf are going to get trounced for this, and we're going to be left with billionaire Democrats gutting taxes and hollowing out government. Forbes will cheer.
Seriously, though, I do think that question is an important one. Helps people to come to their own conclusion about what's happening.
The DNC isn't out of touch, they are realigning. And any of us with any Leftie in us at all are feeling it.
I'm sure this is happening on the Right as well, or has been for some time, perhaps.
So, Are you feeling this political realignment?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Oh Yea, Feel It
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The take over of the Democratic Party
should be complete next election. The Democratic Party will be the only party left standing, only it will be the party of Reagan.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I don’t think so.
We will always be offered a [non]choice, becuz “democracy!]
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Yep. And with ex CIA agents and military veterans
this is the new plan to move the DP to the left. Or something.
Why they think that will get the demexitted back is beyond me.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I think of it as more of a "reveal" than a take-over.
Biden has already given six speeches at the Council on Foreign Relations so far this year, as they build our Presidential bench. At the moment, Ted Cruz being prepped to take Trump's pace. It's like a candy store at the CFR; so many to choose from.
I love when H> opens her mouth.
Shows what the DNC is: Corporate Whore.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I feel I'm channeling Orwell's ghost
DHS takes over election "security".
50 CIA agents run as Democrats.
There is a "blue wave" election.
People start disappearing.
Paranoid enough for you?
On to Biden since 1973
stupid fucks
The DNC is rotten to the core.The only ideas they have is "TRUMP IS BAD".Which is entirely true BUT what are the DUMMYCRATS plans if or when Trump is gone?I see NO leadership coming from the DNC,they still havent addressed HILIBAG'S buying the DNC with money earned by speeches from wall st crooks then using that money to fleece the state partys to enrich Clintons national campaign.
The DEMs have the candidate that has the answers Americans want and need right in front of them,he runs on core Democratic policy's that being FDR NEW DEAL policys that pulled the country out of the great depression and created the middle class.This candidate has been working his ASS off since Trumps election he has been traveling the country trying to get the Democratic party competitive EVERYWHWERE!Who is this man?BERNIE SANDERS!
Now does the party embrace this candidate?HELL NO!The neoliberal turdway HILIBOTS still holds a grudge that ANYONE had the GALL to run against QUEEN HILLARY and they will make him pay!She is not going away and her followers would rather see a REPUG in office than a man that COULD be their salvation.
I have to admit I lurk on that other site that most of us have been removed from,and from what ive read lately the main message has been Bernie Sanders is a racist,they beat this drum loudly as if they can paint him with this VILE LIE to stop his message.They cant stand the idea of working folks of ALL races to come together to fight the 1%.Think about that a minute the DNC WONT SUPPORT a candidate that runs on FDR NEW DEAL policys....that says it ALL!
They only passed the New Deal to placate labor from the start.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
You're not alone in doing that
A few of us still troll the site. There are some people there that cover important issues that I haven't heard about. And yes, the vitriol they feel for Bernie is almost as much as what they feel towards Trump. I read subir's recent diary about what Bernie really said about Obama and they didn't buy it.
Bernie is too critical of the democrats and a lot of people there will not hear anything bad about them. I wonder though if Hillary wasn't running last year how many of them would have been in his camp? He ran on the issue that the democrats used to stand for and Hillary ran the opposite direction because she was running on her husband's issues of DLC politics. That more of them weren't upset with the things Obama did shows me that they looked at who he was instead of what he was doing. We know that he did the exact same things as Bush did, but apparently war crimes is acceptable when a charming black president does them. If FDR ran against Hillary, I wonder who they would have voted for? Heh ...
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sent back to Hyde Park
I don't wonder at all. FDR wouldn't get the time of day from them, nor would Eleanor. FDR's wheelchair might get them to let him through the door - no further. As Eleanor packed heat, she wouldn't even get that far.