The world turned upside down
Submitted by gjohnsit on Wed, 04/11/2018 - 7:15pm
I don't watch Fox News and I never will.
What's more Tomi Lahren is a f*cking moron who's only asset is that she has a pretty face.
She's embarrassingly stupid.
So then why is it that Fox News is the only mainstream news outlet that is getting the Syria "crisis" somewhat partially right?
This reminds me in a way of the 2016 election, in that Trump only won because the Dems failed so completely.
Now Fox is able to monopolize the Syria reality because every other news media outlet decided that they have no interest in sanity.
At a rally in Cleveland last week, President Donald Trump said that the US will get out of Syria “very soon.” It is now clear that the 4,000 US troops currently occupying Syria (Washington Post, 10/31/17) will in fact stay in Syria (Independent, 4/4/18), even though keeping troops in another country in defiance of that country’s government is a violation of international law. Yet the very possibility of US withdrawal from Syria rendered apoplectic journalists who are convinced of the legitimacy of Washington’s domination of the country—international law be damned.
...Underlying all of these positions is the assumption that the United States has the right to determine Syria’s future. Merica and Acosta explicitly worried that removing US troops from Syria would interfere with regime change efforts: “A US withdrawal would make [Russia’s] job of combating forces hostile to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad considerably easier.” Cohen and Browne were troubled that “the Syrian regime could also benefit from the economic advantages of seizing oilfields currently controlled by US-backed allies.”
That Syrians might not want to be occupied by the US is never considered in any of these articles, such is the extent of the authors’ imperial hubris.
Fox News is a great place for the truth to hide because no one would think of looking there to find it.
It's really disturbing how completely the news media has failed us all.

While most of the msm is trying to sell the propaganda
we have had to turn to alternative websites and the PTB don't want us getting news from anyone but them. The hit on net neutrality is just a week or more away and many think it's because the alternative websites will never sell themselves out to our masters.
I've been seeing comments about how people are having trouble with certain websites and wondering if they were hit by a DDOS. It looks like they may have been.
From a comment on MoA:
The gloves are off for the alternative media: 21stCenturyWire was taken offline last night (Sibel Edmonds can rejoice). Fort-Russ, and others are also down. Southfront was under attack.
I just tried Fort Russ and it's still down, but they say they are working on their problem. Someone here (Linda ?) said that Obama signed an order to take the internet down in certain conditions. Would a world war give them the opportunity to do that?
Funny though that a kos kid saw Tucker's show and instead of reporting his commentary on the Syrian false flag, she said that all he talked about was Pandas. This is what ToP has been doing since Her lost her election. Their break with reality is sad. Bigly Sad.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I don't even want to know...
Ayup. Pandas
Forgot who the poster was, but there's a diary on DK about after watching Tucker say that the Ghouta chemical weapons attack was a false flag event the person only reported that he talked about pandas. Apparently he did that because he didn't want to discuss the FBI raid on his lawyer's office.
DK has lost touch with reality. Even when they admit the truth they find a way to ignore it.
"Water is wet." But it's bad that water is wet.
They will ridicule Trump for saying that Obama wiretapped him during the election while trying to make it sound like Trump is wrong for saying that. They know that his campaign was being tracked by the FBI because that is the reason for the Steele dossier and the FISA warrant.
Maybe it's hard to explain without you seeing it for yourself. Or not. I still read there because some writers cover important issues that others don't.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I read there, also
DoS attacks have allegedly . . . .
. . . occurred against two sites that I've recently starting visiting:
RussiaInsider (allegedly ongoing even as I write this)
Former UK Ambassador Craig Murray's blog
Both sites have been running pieces and showcasing info that are highly subversive of the accepted Western narratives about Russia, and its allegedly dastardly activities in the UK and in Syria.
At this point...
J. Stalin
(Yikes! I just quoted Stalin. Strange times.)
from a reasonably stable genius.
Upside-down indeed
No clue but the cynic in me will hazard a guess: Limited hangout. If this were so, the fact that it is being run through Fox News is pure comic genius. Think of it as, to paraphrase Churchill, a psy-op wrapped in propaganda inside a psy-op. Maybe. Again, I have no clue, yet nothing would surprise me at this late stage.
Cue the Billy Bragg.
Read on.....
gjohnsit nails it. Fox is, by comparison in MSM, seems to be getting this right, and Trump, by comparison in Presidential candidates, wasn't that much worse, because there is simply no viable opposition or alternative.
I get my news online, and vote for third Party and independent candidates, knowing it's the right thing to do, though hardly viable, but that's just me. All thanks for this lack of choices for most Americans should be directed to the the Democratic Party, which worships (faulty) campaign strategies that require sacrificing actual public service. They had that demonstrated for them 17 months ago, and still don't want to face it.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
bing! exactly. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Yes exactly
Although I agree with gjohnsit about Fox News, which sold us into this whole mess in the first place in 2003 (Patrick Tillman was a hero and so was Jessica Lynch), so didn't watch the video.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Jimmy Dore says exactly what I just said
about 1 minute in:
"This is how bad the news media is. Fox News is now the beacon of reasonable thought on war."
Kyle says something similar at 3:40
Well, that's just a different slant of propaganda from that
first video. Shit, less than a minute in I had to turn it off. Talk about an upside version of reality, she's got all the false narratives and fucked illusions rolled into one. Sure, she and other conservatives are tired of the U.S. spending money in the MENA but they still tell the public exactly what the oligarchy wants them to hear. I think all it does is validate the imperialist reasons and excuses the ruling class make up for their imperialist actions, just like the rest of the corporate media.
Vestiges of Libertarianism?
Could some FOX commentators be influenced by people like Ron Paul, who is questioning the chemical attacks in Syria and the U.S. response. Vestiges of libertarianism exist in the current Republican party, so maybe this is one explanation.
Lol, yeah,
occupying other people's countries does kinda fall into shared Repub/Libertarian 'government overreach' territory, doesn't it?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
We haven't talked about Wicker and his pro Israel rant
When Carlson asked him right from the get-go what the US interest would be in the attack, he said:
Why are are US troops dying for Israel? Why is congress looking to gut our social programs because we're spending so much effing money on the military? Because of effing Israel, of course. It's not enough that we're giving them close to $4 billion a year so they can buy our defense company's weapons, we're also paying our military, the mercenaries and the terrorists group to do Israel's dirty work for them. I say enough! If Israel wants to be the only superpower in the Middle East then they can put their own ass's on the line and do it themselves. I want to continue to eat.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Nope. Wicker is lying.
This isn’t about Israel. It’s all about the oil. But obviously Wicker can’t say that, so he uses Israel as a shiny distraction.
It’s the oil that chains us to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis want our soldiers to kill and die for their oil, so they will. They want us to fight their implacable arch enemy Iran and Iran’s client state Syria. Also those starving Yemeni Shiites. The Saudis are also trying to recruit nuclear-armed Israel as an ally, which is the real reason (as far as I can tell) that we’re moving our embassy to Jerusalem.
I have no evidence for this other than it allows all the puzzle pieces to fit together.
If I’m right then the way for us to break free is to just stop burning petroleum.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
It could be both
You are right about the Saudis wanting us to depose Assad because he told them that they could not build a pipeline in Syria. Kerry is on record stating that the Saudis told him that they would pay for us to do that.
But Israel has been directing our foreign policy for-about-ever. They do want to be the only superpower in the Middle East and that's one reason we've been deposing governments and all the other crap we've been doing for ever too.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Bibi is paranoid about Iran
This is another reason Israel is wanting Assad gone. A year ago an Israeli official said that he should be assassinated and a pro Israel government installed. All roads in the Middle East lead to Iran and Israel.
Israel jumps into WW3 fray, threatens to “wipe Assad off the map”
Israeli logic…attack Syria in order to punish Iran.
I am so tired of Israel's power over our government.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Nope. Wicker is NOT lying
While it ALSO could be about fossil fuels (I don't believe that any ONE agenda is operative here, but it is usually a convergence of two or more different agendas in such situations--just like were at play in the Iraq War), Israel is a BIG, BIG reason for what is now going on with Assad, Russia, and Syria.
If Israel and its agendas are not involved, then why did Israel launch a sneaky missle attack on Syria's bases last Sunday night, the day after the allegations of Assad's latest chemical attack first arose? Why did Israel even care enough to do this, and at that exact moment? For that matter, why have there been numerous reports during the past few years that Israel has been treating or even assisting ISIL and "Syrian rebel" fighters in their struggles against the Assad regime.
Furthermore, you ignore the fact that many if not all of the neoconservatives--who apparently have now gotten Trump to completely capitulate to them, especially with the appointment of Bolton--are all closet and not-so-closet "Israel-firsters?"
After the Iraq War started, neoconservative Paul Wolfowitz publicly admitted that there were MANY reasons why the United States deposed Hussein and that the "weapons of mass destruction" angle was the one angle everyone could agree upon as being the best "sell" to the American people. (By the way, one of the Israeli companies that is currently involved in oil exploration in the Golan Heights is Genie Oil and Gas. Look up who is on their advisory board of directors and you will see many familiar names, may of them being neoconservative and oil/gas industry personalities. The most prominent of these is Dick Cheney.)
Plus, a few of the latest items I've been reading show that Israel is now putting pressure on Syria to, at the very least, get Iranian presence out of that country. The Iranian presence/influence in Syria is something very problematic to the Israelis, for numerous reasons, not the least having to do with their support of and assistance to Hezbollah.
But apart from these items, in one of the two batches of leaked DNC e-mails in 2016, there was a missive from none other than Hillary Clinton ("her heinous," herself) in which she stated that one of the best ways to secure Israel's security would be to get rid of the Assad regime.
Again, Israel and its agendas may not be the ONLY reason for what is not going on in Syria, but they are certainly ONE of the BIGGER reasons for what is going on there.
And anyone that hasn't realized the degree to which the neoconservatives have captured or are completely in bed with "both sides" of the American foreign policy establishment, is just simply not in-the-know.
If you want a little education on Israel's role in the neoconservative's longterm projects in the Middle East (including those having to do with Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Iran, any of which have already played out, or are playing out NOW) here are links to two articles that you may want to read and consider:
Here are also two videos you can also watch that have to do with the subject:
Israel's operatives and "helpers" (referred to by the Israeli government as "sayanim") here in American think tanks, government, and the MSM are helping "wag the dog" of American foreign policy for Israel's selfish purposes. What we are seeing in Syria right now and for the past few years has Israeli fingerprints all over it.
The White Helmets don't give a flying EFF for children
This is beyond disgusting and comprehension. So they can setup a false flag gas attack, they take children who are already dead and arrange them for their photo-op! Look at how they carry the children that they tell us they care so much about! This should be on every f*cking media show and the headline of every newspaper in the world, but we know that will never happen because it proves that the event in Syria was staged.
US Backed Syrian Rebels Caught Staging Corpses of Dead Children in Douma to Play on Western Emotions
The same Syrian rebels who claimed the Assad Government dropped chemical bombs on innocents in Douma were caught using dead children to play on Western emotions.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Good catch! Only have swears to add, so....
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I made a comment to Joe shikspacks EB
from April 11th yesterday here and I think it fits in here and I believe it's easy to see that these days you have to be very careful about what you read and hear and see where.
What is this talk about the Graham amendment? I think I missed a lot. Wow, the world of media seems to be a little less upside down on this side of the pond. At least in ways of how most talking heads talk. Not that I understand how any of our dear leaders in Europe over here can support the military activities they are all involved in in the ME as allies of the US.
Heh, the British declared war on Germany without having a vote
in parliament as well, says some talking head to the BBC...
So, guys and gals of Nato member states, US allies and US congress, just "say yes and do it". Go to war. And if you "say no, go to prison". Reminds a lot of the Monopoly game I used to play as a child.
(Even the name of the game "Monopoly" is a well planned conspiracy.../s)
Theresa May summons cabinet to discuss Syria action
Well, I shut up now and wait.
so, the US at least declared war on Japan and Germany
having a vote on it. Good guys. Just one woman voted against.
Jeanette Rankin casts sole vote against WWII
She was apparently a tough cookie...
German declaration of war against the United States
Well, well, who else is prone to declare wars apparently offhand without consultations?
All I have left is to say:
Make love, no war. Damnit.
Yup. It's all about fossil fuels. The oiliogarchy controlled MIC
is desperately trying to stop the momentum of renewable energy. Good luck with that. Hopefully the planet and all living species will survive their stupidity and greed.
More: America’s ‘Unlimited Imperialists’
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
The MSM has failed us since Nixon who they got
Their total victory manipulating the citizens going strong now for over 50 years.
No one is responsible . No one indicted. No one is jailed. No matter what.
Gubmint is your friend and it's here to help...
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!