Adam Schiff running for president in 2020--that's not a joke, is it?
Those April showers bring May flowers....but, hey, this story is from February 2018. How did we miss this? My dreams have come true--unless HRC runs again (which I fervently wish her to do). So many stories, so little time...yet this story requires serious concern (cough, wheeze).
As the L.A. Times, a bastion of neutral political probity and famous for its unbiased reportage (rhymes with garbage) proclaimed in serious tonality (as if such were possible in print media) the following bon mots about Mad Adam.
Warning, empty your mouth of all contents before reading further.
The Burbank congressman had significantly elevated his positive public profile as the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee that is looking into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Schiff was becoming a household name, at least among politics followers in California.
Schiff, 57, is one of few modern politicians with an ability to grab attention without polarizing people. He's a portrait of steadiness and calm, wearing a very slight smile. No populist fire and brimstone. Rather, controlled articulation that smacks of common sense. He's soft-spoken, but can use his words like a stiletto.
These days, Schiff is a national TV regular, expounding on the Russia investigation in a pleasant way.
What has the author been smoking to write such drivel in a serious manner? Calm? Steady? No fire and brimstone? Controlled articulation? Pleasant?
One part I will agree with is using his words like a stiletto such as stabbing Bernie and Medicare for All in the back.
For those of you who enjoy H.A. Goodman's delivery, watch this 15 minute video in which Goodman prays, as do I for Schiff to realize his dreams and be the next Hillary Clinton.
Russian influences? Nah! No way--but Ukranian influences are okay with Adam and his sister's former father-in-law George Soros. Here is how Adam campaigned for congress, while strictly abiding by rules precluding foreigners from investing in domestic elections.
From a Wikipedia page comes this:
Igor Pasternak founded a design bureau in USSR in 1981 at the Lviv Polytechnic University. The private company Aeros was created in 1986 as a result of Soviet reforms and started producing moored balloons. It moved to the USA in 1992.
After the September 11th terrorist attacks, the company shifted its focus from advertising to surveillance, as its large ships can hold 1,000 pounds of radar-surveillance equipment. The blimps have such varied uses as monitoring oil pipelines in Mexico to performing surveillance for the Ukrainian government along the Russian border.[2]
When is a Russian a Ukranian? When Papa George says so.
Okay, Hillary, get your track shoes on and beware of the stiletto voice--you should know the sound as you've used it many times.
This seals the deal for me
With this glowing review of Schiff how could I not vote for him? He seems to have everything that I want in a candidate for president.
Biden too has been messing with Ukraine and his family has made millions since the coup. I would think that this type of action by current members of government would be illegal, but when a country is as corrupt as ours is, anything goes.
Russia Gate doesn't make sense when there are so many other countries that meddle much more with not only our elections, but they also meddle with every aspect of our domestic and foreign policies. Israel raise your hand because you are the worst offender. What democracy is being threatened by Russia? Gah!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Yes please!
But maybe the dream ticket is Creepy Uncle Joe for pres, Adam the Unhinged for vice. And the LAT is now full of articles promoting Feinstein and Pelosi. I'm slowly but surely confining my perusal of that paper to the Food Section.
Gotta love the capitalist kabuki theater.
That's really all this is anyway. After all, since there's no real working class movement in the United States, they can do what they want, when they want, where they want to whoever they want. And it's not like 'Murica's working class will fight back. Most have totally capitulated to fascism. The teachers strikes? Give me a break. They'll take whatever extra crumbs this gets them and go back to testing their kids to death.
As far as 2020 goes, it doesn't matter who wins. We who are not the bourgeoisie will continue to lose.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Is this a joke?
Sadly, this whacko is not a joke.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy