Grant Opportunity


The Library of Congress is awarding grants to organizations who will design history/civics related interactive online and mobile apps.

I heard of this through my educational techie group. There is at least one programmer there who would like to be involved. Since there are many wonderful historians at c99percent, I thought there may be some here who could be interested in participating. Aspie? Is this in your line of work?

We could house it at Might be the perfect launching project. There are also some there with impressive educational resumes who might enjoy this effort. My personal request is that the app would accommodate dyslexia and other academic challenges.

This page lists the apps already developed. The deadline for the application is April 30.


All interested parties should discuss possibilities in the comments. Thank you!

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mhagle's picture

Grants are never a sure thing. In 2009 I worked really hard on writing a grant. Filled it with great ideas, and great plan, and great people. It was at the federal level, and I think you have to have the grant writing lingo down better than I did. In the next grant proposal listed, I noticed that they lifted a bunch of my ideas and included them. Sigh.

As a teacher I won a state level grant for more computer equipment in my lab. The school district just basically took the money. They bought me my stuff out of the tech budget, which meant that my tech colleagues were not able to purchase supplies they needed. The director of finance responsible eventually left (forcibly I think).

But still . . . if someone had it in their heart to create civics apps for kids that were not twisted by propaganda, it might be worth a try?

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

TheOtherMaven's picture

Since most of us are about as apt to "organize" as a kindle of kittens, that lets most of us out.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

mhagle's picture


I'm just too frickin old for organizing anything. Even my nowtheparthforward efforts are on hold until things slow down.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo