Purchasing Politicians
I apologize for the drive by essay here. I just caught this piece by David Swanson of World without War which clearly lays out the bipartisan buy in for war (and violence).
To their credit, Senators Murphy and Lee and Sanders were very clear that a vote to table, rather than directly vote on, their resolution to end the war, would be a cowardly vote not to have a debate and not to obey the U.S. Constitution. And to their greater credit, they went ahead and had the substantive debate prior to the vote to table. In the past on at least one occasion of the many times that we’ve seen such resolutions brought forward in the House, the war-proponents talked substance while the opponents talked only procedure. This change, too, was progress.
So, why? Why did the Senate vote for genocide? And why is nobody surprised by it?
So, a vote against one war is never just a vote against one war. It’s a vote to challenge, if ever so slightly, the power of the war machine. These Senators are paid not to do that.
Here is a list of Senators and their 2018 bribes
Check out your senators take at the link above.
Then there’s the media problem. The Democratic Party-promoting MSNBC was silent, while NPR told its listeners that poor innocent Saudi Arabia was surrounded and under attack by the demonic Iran. The New York Times editorial board did better than its reporters. But if any coverage of the U.S. role in Yemen had made it onto television, then I would be able to find people when I travel around the United States who are aware that there is a war in Yemen. As it is, I can find few who can name any current U.S. wars.
Maybe now is the time to push against war and violence?
Dennis Kucinich got it right in his tweet Saturday...
When a nation is the biggest exporter of violence around the world, it’s inevitable that it comes home. Today gives me great hope. I’ve stood for peace all my life. I’m so heartened by what I’m seeing in the streets all over the country.

Perhaps we should all help our fellow citizens connect the dots of killing at home and abroad. It seems a teachable moment.

I am shocked that CA's 2 worthless senators actually voted NO
Old DiFi voted no because if she wants to get re-elected she better come off as less war-like than John Bolton. Likewise for the Camel, who looks to stick her nose under the tent when 2020 comes around. Once the Camel has accrued more debt to the MIC, she will not deviate from war-mongering.
As far as the rest, I am surprised that as many Dems voted against this one war as they did. Besides, what does America know about Yemen--is that a rap band from the Bronx?
Rest easy
So in this case a no vote is a good thing. No to war!
He discussed one of yours-
It is such a no brainer, and yet isn't discussed. After all there's Russia!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Lookout, you made your point clearly--I got it
I wouldn't call that progress, no more than Cory Booker's voting against Big Pharma, once another Dem stepped in to take his place. DiFi is simply a political opportunist, no surprise here. If the vote had been nearly a tie, she and probably the Camel would have voted yes.
Now those are David Swanson's words...
not mine. I saw the point much like the dims that signed on to medicare for all...for spin only.
I added the comment to make sure you saw the Y vs N vote meaning.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ayup, it's the rotating villain voting
As stated, Schumer didn't cast his vote until there were already 51 votes to make any difference. Brave Schumer isn't getting the same pressure from the rubes as Reid did. Remember those fun days? "Call Reid and ask him to vote for/against this bill. Sign this petition, email him using this form." ad nauseum.
DiFi voting either way doesn't surprise me because there's always the rotating villain that will cover her votes.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The bought reps from RI, both dems
voted for more unchecked war. Going to make a stink for them on that. Turns out they have been purchased, lock stock and barrel, by military contractor money. Dim wits think kick backs and power is more in their interest than negotiation and peace. Who is to blame when the bombs are aimed at us, the murican war consumers?
question everything
gjohn dropped a link in the OT
We could build on what the high school kids have started.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
A list of the 44 nos can be found here:
What I noticed is that every Democratic senator who can be remotely thought to have 2020 presidential ambitions voted no. Tester is facing a tough re-election campaign as are DiFi and McCaskill. So maybe the we are tired of foreign adventures message is getting through to some.
Mary Bennett