Where Russiagate meets Identity Politics
You probably knew that you were a Putin Puppet, but did you know that you were a Nazi too?
I didn't know that I was a Nazi until recently. It was a surprise to me because a large branch of my family was executed in the Holocaust by actual Nazis.
How did I become an anti-Semite? I used the term "globalist".
Peter Beinart, writing in The Atlantic, explained that “globalist” is “an epithet … a modern-day vessel for a slur” against the Jews, and he linked to a video of Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the ADL, who verified that “the term ‘globalist’ was developed and originated in extremist circles populated by white supremacists” (by which I can only assume he meant the Anti-globalization Movement, which apparently is just a big Nazi front). Eli Rosenberg, inThe Washington Post, although allowing that “globalist” can sometimes mean “globalist,” emphasized that, “to some observers of extremism,” it also “speaks to something darker.” Bret Stephens, in The New York Times,couldn’t quite decide whether using the word makes you an official goose-stepping Nazi or just a garden variety anti-Semite. CNN’s Don Lemon, delving into “the ugly history” of the word, explained that “it is shorthand for a worldview based on racism, xenophobia, and anti-Semitism” … the worldview of “far right conspiracy theorists obsessed with prominent Jews like George Soros.” And these are just a few of the many examples.
So if you oppose globalism you hate Jews.
I'm guessing that most Jews don't agree with this viewpoint.
The lesson here is that accusations of racism are being used to shut down debate about the political-economic order in order to defend the status quo.
The liberal mainstream is currently dominated by Identity Politics.
"All politics is identity politics," so say the defenders of Identity Politics.
They are so committed to fighting racism and sexism that they've invented a whole new vocabulary of words, redefined other words, and are attempting to eliminate other words.
But have you noticed that there is one Identity that they can't be bothered with?
Class Identity.
That's why if you say "working class" there is the automatic dishonest misdirection that you are only talking about white people.
Some Identities are more equal than others.
Let me be clear about something, Identity Politics has done some good things in the past.
Obviously the Civil Rights Movement of the 50's and 60's comes to mind, as does First Wave and Second Wave Feminism.
However, today's Identity Politics is different for a very specific reason - it's Reactionary.
Reactionary Politics has been, and always will be the domain of the right-wing.
Which is why those who preach contemporary Identity Politics today are not, and never will be, of the left.
To put this into context, consider the two ideas that came out of the Enlightenment that are not part of contemporary Identity Politics: Solidarity and the belief in universal human values.
The origins of identity politics in the late eighteenth century lie with the reactionary right. The original politics of identity was racism and nationalism, and it developed out of the counter-Enlightenment. These early critics of the Enlightenment opposed the idea of universal human values by stressing particularist values embodied in group identities. ‘There is no such thing as Man’, wrote the French arch-reactionary Joseph de Maistre in his polemic against the concept of the Rights of Man. ‘I have seen Frenchmen, Italians and Russians… As for Man, I have never come across him anywhere.’Where reactionaries adopted a particularist outlook, radicals challenging inequality and oppression did so in the name of universal rights. They insisted that equal rights belonged to all and that there existed a set of values and institutions, under which all humans best flourished. It was a universalism that fuelled the great radical movements that have shaped the modern world – from the almost-forgotten but hugely important Haitian Revolution of 1791, to the anti-colonial and anti-imperialist struggles of the twentieth century to the movement for women’s suffrage to the battles for gay rights.
Today's contemporary Identity Politics revolves around reacting to perceived outrages by those of different tribal identities. It's first and foremost a movement based on emotions.
The stronger your emotional reaction, the more political capital you have.
There is no overarching vision of the future, other than vague platitudes such as "a world without racism and sexism". There is no serious attempt to achieve that goal because there is no serious attempt to define that goal.
That's where true progressives and supporters of contemporary Identity Politics split.
Consider this reaction to something Bernie Sanders said.
"I have to know whether that Latina is going to stand up with the working class of this country and is going to take on big money interests," Sanders said. "It is not good enough for somebody to say, I'm a woman, vote for me. No, that’s not good enough. What we need is a woman who has the guts to stand up to Wall Street, to the insurance companies, to the drug companies, to the fossil fuel industry.""In other words, one of the struggles that you’re going to be seeing in the Democratic Party is whether we go beyond identity politics," he continued. "I think it’s a step forward in America if you have an African-American CEO of some major corporation. But you know what, if that guy is going to be shipping jobs out of this country, and exploiting his workers, it doesn’t mean a whole hell of a lot whether he’s black or white or Latino."
Talking Points Memo published a report under the misleading headline, "Sanders Urges Supporters: Ditch Identity Politics and Embrace the Working Class."
You know what, fuck Bernie Sanders when Republicans are literally trying to outlaw my identity with their politics.
— Katelyn Burns (@transscribe) November 21, 2016
Sen. Bernie Sanders in latest speech: "... ... ...racism... ... ... ... ... is .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... good... ... ..."
— Current Affairs (@curaffairs) November 21, 2016
Bernie made the "mistake" of talking about solidarity, beyond skin color or gender, and universal human values, in opposition to the wealthy and powerful. IOW, traditional leftist positions.
He may as well been speaking another language to some people.
Once you realize that the supporters of contemporary Identity Politics are actually on the right, then their reaction here makes perfect sense. As does their opposition to Medicare-For-All, and any other progressive cause that the ruling elite opposes.
While watching clips from Bernie's town hall on inequality, a comment by Michael Moore caught my attention. He pointed out that the three wealthiest men in America, who's wealth equalled the wealth of the bottom 50% of the population, were all mainstream Democrats.
It got me thinking about the nature of the Democratic Party, which is supported by the people who owe the most to defending the status quo.
So how would the Dems defend the interests of the wealthy elite? By using accusations of racism to distract the public, of course.
Another way that the Dems are defending the status quo is with Russiagate, and how Google, Facebook are shutting down left-wing dissent.
Coincidently another billionaire Democrat is Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook.
The interesting part of Russiagate is how it's proponents have overlooked a basic fact.
“Russian operatives also sought to promote the left-wing identity politics that currently dominate the Democratic Party, previous reporting has shown. One Russian account promoted a militant, left-wing form of feminism, similar to the kind pushed by Women’s March organizers.”
Mainstream Democrats and supporters of today's Identity Politics have bent over backwards to ignore this.
One or two Facebook ads for Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein make them "Putin Puppets", but repeated references to the Women's March somehow doesn't make women into "Putin Puppets".
It's the same hypocrisy that has supporters of today's Identity Politics ignoring Class Identity, and the hypocrisy always leans to the same side - toward the side of billionaires and against traditional grassroots leftists.
The supporters of today's Identity Politics make the assumption that people identify on only the most simplistic and superficial of ways, such as your gender and skin color.(On the right-wing you are supposed to identify by nationality and religion.)
What about those that identify based on shared values instead? Are all of us dissenters just racist and sexist? Or are we just able to think outside of your tiny box?
Where the politics of identity divides, the politics of solidarity finds collective purpose across the fissures of race or gender, sexuality or religion, culture or nation. But it is the politics of solidarity that has crumbled over the past two decades as radical movements have declined. For many today, the only form of collective politics that seem possible is that rooted in identity.
‘Solidarity’, therefore, has become increasingly defined not in political terms – as collective action in pursuit of certain political ideals – but in terms of ethnicity or culture. The answer to the question ‘In what kind of society do I want to live?’ has become shaped less by the kinds of values or institutions we want to establish, than by the group or tribe to which we imagine we belong.
From the 1870's to the 1960's, all left-wing political movements arose out of the labor movement, which was a class movement, or found solidarity with labor. This was true even for the civil rights movement and second wave feminism.
Any movement that calls itself progressive that ignores labor and class is a trojan horse.

There's nothing progressive about russiagate
Chris Hedges suggests they'll build an Iron Wall around media...so no one will know.
“The corporate oligarchs, lacking a valid response to the discrediting of their policies of economic pillage and endless war, have turned to the blunt instrument of censorship and to a new version of red baiting.“ https://www.truthdig.com/articles/building-the-iron-wall/
As you suggest it is about workers and class...and economic structure.
Thanks for the essay.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Awesome job
One more that needs to be tucked in.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Because the whole purpose of the . . . .
. . . United States is to protect Israel and to fight its wars for it.
Chucky reminds us of where his true loyalties lie . . . where those of all American citizens should belong.
And to think that this is the leader of what passes for the "left" party in the Senate.
Nah, it's a vote against the Likud.
Let 'em run in their own political Swamp and stay out of other people's governments, publicly funded budgets and policy.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Is Hedges' use of this metaphor--"iron wall"--a mere coincidence?
The reason I ask is because in the 1920s, leading Zionist theorist/activist, Vladimir Jabotinsky, wrote at least two VERY frank essays in which he stated that the Zionist colonists flowing into Palestine would need an "iron wall" of NAKED FORCE to protect them from opposition by the native/indigenous Palestinian population to the Zionist colonial enterprise in their native homeland.
Here are Jabotinsky's essays: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/quot-the-iron-wall-quot
Given the subject matter of Hedges' essay and his discussion of how pro-Zionist operatives are currently trying to suppress an undercover Al Jazeera expose on how the pro-Israel lobby clandestinely infiltrates American politics, I ask again: Is his use of the term "Iron Wall" a mere coincidence?
BTW, for more on that Al Jazeera documentary on Zionist influence in the U.S. that Hedges refers to, and how political pressure is being brought to bear to make sure that that documentary never sees the light of day, read this:
(Incidentally, for anyone that is interested, Al Jazeera did a similar 4-part undercover documentary last year about how Israeli operatives infiltrate and manipulate British politicians and politics in favor of Isreal's anti-BDS agenda, even to the point of attacking British Jews that are not on board with the pro-Zionist plans or Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. It was a damning expose called "The Lobby," and it caused very negative repurcusions for the exposed pro-Israeli players when it was aired last year.
The first part of the documentary can be viewed here (but the 4th part is the most damning):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceCOhdgRBoc )
Again: A similar documentary has been prepared by Al Jazeera pertaining to how pro-Israeli interests infiltrate and manipulate American politics. And, as the article I cited above shows--though you can do more research on this issue on your own--pro-Israeli operatives, apparently have been putting pressure on the government of Qatar (which owns Al Jazeera) to suppress the Al Jazeera documentary on Israeli influence in the United States.
The documentary...
may indeed be the root cause of the aggression against Qatar.
Some even suggest that Qaddafi's comment to Saudi King - something to the effect of "you are a lapdog of the US." was the root cause of the Libya invasion.
Thanks for the additional links!
PS - Hedges is well educated (elite prep schools and university) so he may indeed be referring to the Iron wall you suggest.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The media only take dictation anymore
They don't do any investigative journalism like in the days before they were captured by the intelligence agencies. From having intelligence agents on their staff who tell them what they want us to hear to journalists being in bed with them, we're constantly being fed bullshit and people don't understand that. Yep
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The American media has ALWAYS been captured . . . .
By the American intelligence agencies.
If you don't believe me, do some research on the following two things:
1. The CIA's (and Allen Dulles') Operation Mockingbird, and
2. Carl Bernstein's 1970's expose of CIA corporate media infiltration that you can find online.
In fact, during the past decade, there's an apocryphal story I've heard in at least two different places . . .
Apparently, back when Nikita Kruschev visited the United States, his Soviet delegation had watched numerous media American outlets. They told their American hosts that back in their country, there were only a few media outlets, and that the way they were able to control the information and opinions that the Soviet people got was that they controlled these very few media outlets (like TASS and Pravda.) But they marveled at how, in the U.S., with its relative plethora of media outlets with numerous private owners, all these different media outlets pretty much spouted the SAME uniform outlooks and messages. They were truly impressed by the American ruling class' ability to bring about conformity in its propaganda messaging, in spite of the existence of so many ostensibly different and independently owned media outlets. (And remember, this was back in the early 1960s, long before media ownership had largely been consolidated into the hands of five or six media conglomerates.)
I now strongly suspect the CIA's Operation Mockingbird had a lot to do with this uniformity of outlook.
I'll do you TWO better:
Not only am I a Putin puppet AND Nazi, I'm also a bin Laden/Islamofascist sympathizer, . . . . AND I hate America.
Thus, I will claim every put-down that the power establishment of the moment has used to smear and marginalize dissenting points of view in this country.
Oh, I forgot to confess: I also like torturing little children and small furry animals.
As for the new "globalist" meme, I read an article about this today by the writer Israel Shamir. I silently chuckled to myself:
And I repeat for emphasis: "Any movement that calls itself progressive that ignores labor and class is a trojan horse."
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I've said it before....
But the only place I saw any number of Hillary signs in 2016 was the exclusive Kenwood neighbourhood, just west of downtown Minneapolis. Everywhere else was just 'meh' in terms of signage.
Rich Democrats love the social stuff, but hate the money stuff.
from a reasonably stable genius.
The Salt-White will tell you differently.
According to them, anyone of the so-called SJW/Third-Wave/Porky Feminist crowd is 'The Left'.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Excellent essay!
Here is more from the same article (first link above)
The essential nature of the conflict is neoliberalism versus neo-nationalism. This is what we are experiencing currently, not a Russian assault on Western democracy, nor even a resumption of the Cold War, but, rather, the global capitalist ruling classes putting down a neo-nationalist insurgency … the insurgency that led to the Brexit referendum and the presidency of Donald Trump.
Well I have always thought of myself as an American nationalist, even though I can't stand T-rumpus, so is that racist now? I already knew I was anti-Semitic because I had the bad taste a while back to express my admiration for the writing of the late, and much lamented, Edward Said. His music criticism in particular. What that might have to do with Semitism, pro or anti, I cannot imagine but I had it explained to me. In detail and am no wiser than before. Mind, as with most writers I read, I did not always agree with Said. I read the book on Orientalism with great interest, and IMHO, he did not understand Mansfield Park, although he had a better handle on the novel than did Lionel Trilling, whose essay on the subject was mostly gibberish so far as I am concerned. His point about the Caribbean source of English upper class wealth was of course well taken; I wondered that he did not mention Robert and Elizabeth Browning who both came from Anglo-Caribbean families with Elizabeth being almost certainly of mixed descent.
Mary Bennett
I think identity politics against racism and sexism
has ironically resulted in more racist and sexist emotions in the last two decades, despite deeply felt affirmation to the opposite. At least it felt like this to me. Not among the young though. But what do I know anyhow.
Identity Politics just works with identities that are based on genetics and ethnicity-based religions. It is a convenient tool to discriminate or blame someone on, because you can't change those hard-wired identities.
Works like a charm.
Values can be debated, changed, disputed etc. Hard to use those as strong identity marker. Shared values can fall apart in a second. Race and gender sticks with you. Cultural differences based on nationality and the culture that you were brought up with in your nation's culture are also more difficult to get rid of. Religion as a matter of strong faith and convictions, harder too to disassociate yourself from. So, the former identities are hard-wired. The latter values and feelings are soft-wired, flexible identities and more for the "faint of heart" - so to speak.
For sure if you discriminate someone on the basis of hard-wired identities, you have to hide it and make it look like the opposite. So there is the need to lie and be a con-artist and the need to 'make things up' that aren't there to make you believe that none of what you promote is based on sexism and racism. So being a Putin puppet or a globalist-turned-anti-semite or old Nazi or commie or a xyz-bot or whatever the slur you want to think of here, becomes a necessary by-product of identity politics.
Sure and that's why the main purpose of misguided political activism online is often just based on inciting strong emotional reactions in the people you converse with.
So, I hereby admit that I am a free-range politics
puppetchicken and grow well in an organic community. And you are all Sixpacksters, didn't you know?Tomorrow will be a bright day and I will say something kinder, gentler and nicer. Promise.
The young are victims of the I know it all syndrome.
I suffered from it in my late teens and early 20s. No one could tell me anything, and I had zero historical perspectives to aid my way including my own short life experience.
I have three GenZ. If they know they have a wisdom shortfall, you can't prove it by me.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I am not sure I understand what you want to say
but if it means that you don't think what I said is correct, ie - the young are less affected by sexism and racism - , then it's just because I hesitate to be judgmental about the young. I don't know many, and I don't want to discourage any of being "their better angels".
Are you as tired of life as I am?
Essential Dose of Counter-propaganda
In a good way. We have to deconstruct the Neoliberal propaganda to untie the gordian knot. Thanks for the essay and all of the enlightening comments.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Identity politics was
the shipwreck of the Left the last time we did it, too. The '70s saw black feminists fighting with white privileged feminists, black church people with gay and abortion advocates, Latinos vs Blacks and so on down the line. The FBI and their ilk were cackling with joy as it became so easy to push the divisions.
Myself, I'm thinking should people be honoring the memory of James Brown? "This is a man's world" is clearly politically offensive in the extreme.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
As I've said many times....
The oligarchs have harnessed the power of identity politics.
Mike Taylor
Identity politics is the mask the rulers
hide behind to make it look like they care about the interests of the people they supposedly serve, and to distinguish themselves from members of the "other team" in the great R v. D charade.
It's all a ruse. It's all posturing.
"The Iron Wall"--Is this a mere coincidence??
Is Hedges' use of this metaphor--"iron wall"--a mere coincidence?
(I'm referring to the post by "Lookout,", above, in which he/she cites Christopher Hedges' essay on censorship. For some reason, this comment didn't post in direct sequence to Lookout's post, but instead posted here.)
The reason I ask is because in the 1920s, leading Zionist theorist/activist, Vladimir Jabotinsky, wrote at least two VERY frank essays in which he stated that the Zionist colonists flowing into Palestine would need an "iron wall" of NAKED FORCE to protect them from opposition by the native/indigenous Palestinian population to the Zionist colonial enterprise in their native homeland.
Here are Jabotinsky's essays: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/quot-the-iron-wall-quot
Given the subject matter of Hedges' essay and his discussion of how pro-Zionist operatives are currently trying to suppress an undercover Al Jazeera expose on how the pro-Israel lobby clandestinely infiltrates American politics, I ask again: Is his use of the term "Iron Wall" a mere coincidence?
BTW, for more on that Al Jazeera documentary on Zionist influence in the U.S. that Hedges refers to, and how political pressure is being brought to bear to make sure that that documentary never sees the light of day, read this:
(Incidentally, for anyone that is interested, Al Jazeera did a similar 4-part undercover documentary last year about how Israeli operatives infiltrate and manipulate British politicians and politics in favor of Isreal's anti-BDS agenda, even to the point of attacking British Jews that are not on board with the pro-Zionist plans or Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. It was a damning expose called "The Lobby," and it caused very negative repurcusions for the exposed pro-Israeli players when it was aired last year.
The first part of the documentary can be viewed here (but the 4th part is the most damning):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceCOhdgRBoc )
Again: A similar documentary has been prepared by Al Jazeera pertaining to how pro-Israeli interests infiltrate and manipulate American politics. And, as the article I cited above shows--though you can do more research on this issue on your own--pro-Israeli operatives, apparently have been putting pressure on the government of Qatar (which owns Al Jazeera) to suppress the Al Jazeera documentary on Israeli influence in the United States.
When you reply...
to a comment you'll notice a parent link at the top of the editor body, it consist of an at symbol (@), followed by a hash symbol (#), followed by a series of numbers. If you remove that parent link the reply will default to the bottom of the comment queue and appear as a comment to the original essay. Leave the parent link as is and the reply will nest in the proper order.
@JtC Thanks
Well, I guess that since the Republicans AND the
Democrats are trying via their policies to strip my children of any economically secure future, eventually reducing them effectively to serfs, while simultaneously slaughtering other people's children willy-nilly all over the globe in pursuit of what is ultimately a rather narrow interest, I guess I can only say Fuck You Katelyn Burns.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Thanks gjohnsit,
I am hoping that the Poor People's Campaign might get some traction in addressing the issues you've raised here. They strike me as good folks trying to do good work outside of the oversimplification of identity politics.
Same sematic bullshit of "national socialists = liberals"
Liberals are socialists. Nazis called themselves "socialists". Therefore liberals are Nazis.
Neo-Nazis anti-semites are against "globalism". Liberals are against globalism. Therefore liberals are neo-Nazi anti-semites.
Globalist and globalism do not have the popular connotation nor denotation as meaning a slur against Jews.
I really do not what to go to neo-Nazi sites to look at the usage on those sites.
Let's call "identity politics" by its one true name:
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."
- Albert "Person of the 20th Century" Einstein
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
What an asinine remark
from whoever the twit is who thinks Repugnants are "trying to outlaw my identity." I mean for real? And that type of hyperbolic and ignorant remark does absolutely nothing for the cause of feminism or women. But then again, that was not her intent, I get that.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
how they use "anti-semitism"
the BBC headline today
"Jeremy Corbyn and Labour's anti-Semitism issue".
if it's not that then they accuse someone of being a pedophile or a rapist. Nothing is too low for them. Just like right-wingers!
For what it's worth
I have a 1934 copy of Mein Kampf, edited and annotated by the best minds at the most "liberal" US schools of the Woodrow Wilson thread of facism and anti-semitism.
"You just don't understand, Da Fuhrer is a good guy looking out for his people and is very misunderstood."
Hey, but what about that Stalin character.
Nothing ever changes, does it.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Trying to figure out if you keep endlessly outdoing yourself
or if it's just hard for the peanut gallery to distinguish between any instances within the flood of consistently really high-quality essays you produce; leaning heavily toward the latter...
But, indeed, TPTB are focused on obscuring the fact that actual democracy is based on the recognition of intrinsic human worth, even though - or perhaps because - it's stated so clearly in Founding documents: equal rights, treatment and opportunity for all.
TPTB have used this in a claim of 'exceptionalism', but they don't want anyone understanding what it actually means... a case of wanting to have and eat all of the cake, methinks.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.