The Weekly Watch
Friends and Enemies
A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
~ Oscar Wilde

It took me a few years of teaching to fully understand that what you do...your habits and behaviors...carry more meaning and impact than what you say. It is the adage “Actions speak louder than words”. I think looking at what nation states do, not what they say, is an excellent strategy too. A couple of weeks ago we discussed the making of a more perfect oligarchy. I expressed amazement that the oligarchs no longer feel the need to hide behind purchased politicians, but are out front, self serving politicians for all to see. This week I want to make a similar point about our friends and enemies. Why is Saudi Arabia, the most oppressive monarchy in the world, our good buddy..., and nations like Iran, Syria, and Venezuela are so horrible that we feel compelled to ignore their international rights and assume that we must conquer and corporatize them?
Here's the 10 min media meeting in the oval office this week with President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

It is hard to stomach the full meeting... it is blatant that we are for sale... and have been for a long time. Obomber was cutting arms deals with the Saudis up till the end of his term as the war in Yemen was increasingly becoming a human nightmare and shame.

T-rump has removed the mask. We are weapon whores that don't give a damn about the damage and destruction we wrought. Congress is in on it. They voted 55-44 to refuse to consider the legality of the Yemen conflict....too much money at important swing states.
Medea Benjamin has some thoughts on the Saudis (15 min or text)
“In his effort to improve Saudi Arabia’s badly tarnished image and project the kingdom as embracing an unidentified form of moderate Islam, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has hinted that he envisions a conservative rather than an ultra-conservative society, but not one in which citizens are fully free to make personal, let alone political choices of their own.”
So this week, I've been considering the nature of the Saudi regime, along with the fact that 15 of the 19 911 attackers were Saudis.

I've been wondering if we can be friends with the Saudis, why do we “hate” Iran. Is it because they are Shiites?

There is no millennia old war between Shiites and Sunnis. The roots of the current tensions can hardly be traced back longer than a few decades. The tale of the ancient bitter enmity of the two Islamic denominations is a myth. With the aim of uniting peoples behind their leaders in distinction to “the other”, as it is so often the case, religion is misused as a dividing tool in order to enforce a political agenda.
Well, is it because they are Persian rather than Arab?
Here's an interesting series of articles distinguishing between the two countries
Based on reading these pieces and these pictures...
I would much rather visit Iran than Saudi Arabia!
Here's Iran..
...and now Saudi Arabia
Seems it always gets back to money and resources.
Oil (black) and gas (red) deposits are mainly found under predominantly Shiite populated areas (dark green). Sunni areas are highlighted in light green, Wahhabi (a Sunni branch) in purple.
So surprise surprise, it is about power, politics, spheres of influence, market shares, and predominance.
Qatar has been caught in the crossfire.
Saudi Arabia lined up all its lackey states in a row and they all obediently declared Qatar a mortal enemy because it had the temerity to pursue a semi-independent path. That included maintaining relations with both Iran and Turkey, who are persona non grata in Saudi eyes.

At least we're being honest about our aggression toward Iran.. past and present.
The U.S. military stands astride the Greater Mideast region on behalf of an increasingly rogue-like regime in Washington, D.C. Worse still, this isn’t a Donald Trump problem, per se. No, three successive administrations—Democratic and Republican—have widened the scope of a global “war” on a tactic (terror), on the basis of two at best vague, and at worst extralegal, congressional authorizations for the use of force (AUMF). Indeed, the U.S. is veritably addicted to waging undeclared, unwinnable wars with unconvincing legal sanction.
Things haven't worked out so well in Iraq...this week was the 15th anniversary...of our second invasion
Sam Husseini tried to ask about our role in Iraq at a state department briefing this week...
Oil has been the lubricant of this conflict for over a century. And that is the greatest irony of all. The greatest threat to our existence as a species is rooted in the burning of this resource which is at the heart of the war.

I thought Paul Jay had a thoughtful approach to the threats we face:
“So the issue of the climate crisis should be the front and center burning thing that everyone's talking about, and then look at all the other issues, because the truth when one looks into the issue of the climate crisis and the economic crisis, because were in another stock market bubble here, driven by cheap money, some real growth, but the market itself is a bubble. All the real solutions the economic problems and much of the issue of social inequality, it all ties right back to the climate crisis, because a sustainable green economy is the way out of all this.
Of course, we're not talking about any of this in mainstream media or mainstream politics. “
(20 min with text)
Chris Hedges suggests they'll build an Iron Wall around no one will know.
“The corporate oligarchs, lacking a valid response to the discrediting of their policies of economic pillage and endless war, have turned to the blunt instrument of censorship and to a new version of red baiting.“
From data mining and Obama to the fall of the empire...with Jimmy Dore and Carlin too.
Abby Martin talks with Miko Peled, an Israeli-born activist for Palestinian rights, about prosecution of Palestinian Holy Land Foundation charity workers. (26 min)

...and to speak for those shithole countries in the America's...
The once (and future?) Brazilian President Lula -interview with text
….it’s quite visible that the United States is interfering in the countries of Central America. It’s not just today that there’s U.S. interference. In many countries of Central America, the U.S. ambassador behaves as though they were elected by the far right in the countries of our dear Central America. What I deeply regret is that the United States has not learned to live democratically with the countries of Central America and with the countries of Latin America.
Lula talks about his future...
While we're on's one with Bernie after the town hall this week (text or audio)
There's so much more to say about our friends and enemies. We never got to Israel nor Honduras for example. Barely touched on Venezuela. But I hope the primary example of Saudi Arabia and Iran serve to point out the utter hypocrisy of our foreign policy.
So we sleep walk into more war. Look at our new national security advisor
Revoltin' gotta be kidding
Phyllis Bennis is a Fellow and the Director of the New Internationalism Project at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington D.C. Expresses her disgust (14 min or text)
...and he has Iran in his sights
Why? Well he has a long association with a group infamous for its role in publishing “fake news” and spreading hate about Muslims.
Let's not forget our other friends, like Duterte in the Philippines
Chris Hedges talks with Anthony Arnove, Editor at Haymarket Books, about the fight against fascism (26 min)
The Economy
How about the spending bill? (4 min)
Trump signs Omnibus budget as congress goes on holiday for two weeks (3 min)
Meanwhile inequality is at record levels...
If there is hope it lies with...

Teacher (and students) may be leading the way back to unions and effective protests
A seemingly spontaneous teacher revolt in Oklahoma has resulted in a potential statewide walkout to shut down schools beginning April 2.
DeVos testified in congress requesting a billion for privatizing schools (5 min)
...while cutting public schools to the bone -
...although public schools are already under funded
Poor old Betsy....she doesn't even understand what school performance means -

Restoring the Environment
Planting forests would be a good place to start!

We propagate violence around the world, so yes in part the issue is gun control (1.5 min)
But it is really so much more... it is missile and drone and bombers and weapon and violence control. How is it we don't see the connection between our leading role in global destruction and our national disintegration and collapse? Perhaps because we refuse to look?
hat tip snoopyd...
Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.
~ Oscar Wilde
Matthew 5:43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
I think we should wish the world well and be friends with all. Instead I find our "Great" country (and the world's oligarchs) focused on personal profit. Perpetrating violence to enrich themselves. Encouraging the creation of enemies...especially countries that try to serve their people rather than our corporations. Promoting fossil fuels and destroying the habitable planet to pocket ever more profit? If praying to a great spirit will help....I'll's Sunday and I live in the temple of the rich and disappearing deciduous forest. It is spring and woods sing with birds celebrating. Perhaps I should listen.

...and I'll look forward to listening to your stories and ideas in the comments.

Judge people by their foes as well as their friends paraphrase Conrad.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Scream it, Brother, 'Texas tea.' Spendid presentaion this week,
meat to chew upon for days; thank you!
Go to run, off to the mountain to see the crew before we close up shop this coming week.
Have a great day and conversation, Lookout and everyone!
glad you came by
So ski season is done in NC? It is in Alabama too. You think I jest? No, we too have a ski resort on the mountain...
...of course like many things in Alabama it ain't much. Good luck with your shut-down.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
the Big Fella has an awesome sense of humor.
"If you do that one more time, I will kill you with your crime." - Dog
Easy now, Big Fella! oowww. aargh.
edit. made clear I refer to the Big Fella
oops...might need a muzzle
like revoltin' Bolton

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I meant God.
sorry for misunderstanding.
.. unless, of course, You have returned! (in nick of time)
or are you saying I need a muzzle.
As usual...
I was speaking in generalities.
Reminds me of a Skillet lickers skit.
Here's one they did about hog killing with the tune mississippi sawyer
But the skit that come to mind is about a gal, Liza may be. They asked:
Did you hear about Liza?
No I didn't
Well just laid down and died. Fell out in the middle of the street.
What happened?
She bought a cotton dress, and it was full of boll weevils.
They tickled her to death.
She needed muslin (muzzlin')
May be I do too!
No problem in any way with your comment. Thanks for coming by!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
thx, no problem. worth a repeat, though.
the punishment fits the crime.
where have you gone Johnnie Cochran?
a guilty nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
Welcome back from vacation...
Hope you had a great trip. Enjoyed sharing it with you.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Hey dk
Nice to be home. Glad you went along.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Saudi Arabia,
also known as a puppet dictatorship of Big Oil, also known as Chevron and their spawn, hates the dictatorships of Syria, Iran, Libya, Iraq, and Yemen because they have become TOO DEMOCRATIC. Each of these countries has moved toward sharing some of the wealth of their nations with the workforce.
Your photographs illustrating the difference between Iran and Saudi Arabia, as to why you would want to visit one and not the other, highlight the difference in the treatment of women. Each of the countries listed on our Big Oil kill list has allowed women to vote. That is a measure of progressive values because women, though not always progressive, represent a more progressive voting block, probably because of their traditional closeness to the problems of children, the elderly and the disabled. And they're poorer generally than men, another measure of voting perspective. What the Saudis see in women being allowed to vote is not just the end of the Saudi extreme persecution of women but also a more progressive electorate.
The Saudis recently announced women's suffrage on a limited basis, no doubt because this has been a key indicator of their backwardness. One has to wonder if there is anything to vote on that would make a difference.
That we, the people of the United States, are doing the killing tells me that we have a King, that we have been taken over by a ruthless beheader. But that King is not Salman, it is Big Oil. What all of this represents for me is that Big Oil does not allow the social and economic progress that has been made in countries like Syria, Iran, and most especially Russia. The difference between Yeltsin and Putin is exactly the same, the difference between rampageous capitalism and the struggle toward peace and prosperity.
Here are the years listed for women gaining the right to vote in the countries on our kill list:
Syria 1949
Iran 1963
Libya 1964
Afghanistan 1965 (first time)
South Yemen 1967
North Yemen 1970
Iraq 1980
Afghanistan 1996 (revoked by Taliban)
Afghanistan 2001 (re-granted after the fall of Taliban)
Which is most repressive is an easy question
interesting comparison of women's rights -
We still have our issues in this regard too!

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Employers Hire Likeable Women
And smart men, but
Not Smart Women
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The Cross of Iron speech
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed".
D.D. Eisenhower.
It's not like we were not warned. We baby boomers knew all along.
The glorification on tv in the form of war movies with "The Duke" at sea defending our way of life.
The Duke on horseback defending our way of life against indians or Mexicans.
A constant barrage of cops n' robber shows, cowboy n' indians, we were brainwashed, thoroughly.
The brainwashing of succeeding generations continued through violent video gaming in addition to tv and movies. The constant parading of military at our sporting events. The flyovers. "Shock n' awe" at prime time.
How to counter this I do not know. We are too far down the rabbit hole.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Ike was pointing one finger at Russia
and it's not clear whether he realized three fingers were pointing back at us. William Jennings Bryan he was not.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
excellent analysis
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Time To Give Hawks A Chance
I walked by a tv during Meet the Press and saw a claim flashed on the screen that the doves had their chance during the Obama administration. Now it's the Hawks turn. I missed the Obama peaceniks.
So now it's All we are saying, is give war a chance?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Not just oil
Since we switched to the petrodollar, our banking system is dependent on oil being sold in dollars. Which is why Iran is now on two lists: Not only do they dare sit atop OUR oil, but now they are selling it in euros.
This also explains why nations like Venezuela get near daily coverage about how bad their economy is while other nations, like say Niger, get none.
So when Iraq decided to sell oil in Euros in 2002, this was doubly bad. Not only was the US not able to grab the oil, but the US/London exchanges couldn't sell it in dollars. France didn't care because it was sold in Euros. Thus the Bush/Blair duo.
Now that Asian markets are growing, France has joined the corrupt crowd in keeping the system going.
Nowhere in this process is things like Global Warming a concern. The banks, like the IMF, have a vested interested in keeping the status quo. Which is why someone like Paul Wolfowitz could go from failing badly in Iraq to failing badly as president of the IMF.
Qaddafi had the money to help the African Union create an African Monetary Fund that would let them develop on their own without the IMF dictating policy. So before this, Qaddafi was acceptable. After this, he was a serious threat to Western controlled international banking.
the petrodollar...
is based on oil (being sold in US dollars) and as you say is very much problematic.
Kissinger was knee deep in it too.
Thanks for the input...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Nothing Dollarable Is Safe
A great quote from John Muir in a history of the rise and fall of the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve:
Nothing Dollarable Is Ever Safe
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Mornin lookout
Good round up of the stupidity of oil being the reasons for both war and the thing that is slowly killing the planet. I still think other intelligent life forces are laughing their asses off at us for our stupidity of sh*tting in our sandbox.
Saw this comment on this article
Saddest thing is...the DoD is recruiting another class right now...
How many ads for DoD were played during the NCAA basketball tournament?
How many more American young men and women will join primarily for the benefits?
Instead of giving our youth free college at a cost of $65 billion--we are giving the world hell on earth for $700+ billion per year.
The executives of WAR, INC. (USA) thank you for sacrificing 1% of the Class of 2018 so they can keep making payments on their mansions and collection of luxury cars..
Yesterday it was in the 50's and today it's snowing again. Oh well, we didn't have much snow this winter so I guess it's all good. We did get a huge pounding rain storm the other night though and hopefully it came as snow in the mountains.
Love the 'toons
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
if the et's aren't laughing now
...they will be... when our radio waves reach them.
Seems sports and militarism are pretty well linked.
Thanks for dropping by.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
My beloved NY F'n A
Yankees have run out of
heroes to present to the fans and tv watchers during the 7th inning stretch (when most teams are playing "take me out to the ballgame"). This Yankees practice started soon after 9/11 when Rudy Giuliani, a big Yankees fan, was mayor of NYC, and asked the Yankees to trot out FDNY and NYPD first responders to be recognized for their efforts. Which was fine for a month or so, Rudy seated nearby so tv could get a shot of him applauding the heroes, never miss a photo op. But then the practice morphed into recognizing military war heroes, dragging out practically everyone who has served in the sandbox and, fifteen long years later, well, the Yankees are running out of heroes, now featuring kids just having signed up to serve. Or a friend of a friend who once served, or... "Ladies and gentlemen... may I direct your attention to home plate... where today we have with us... a neighbor of Staff Sergeant so-and-so who served in Iraq back in '07... please welcome... " Times are getting tough in Yankees Land, running out of heroes to keep the war effort in front of Americans who have Long lost interest in the war. And, of course, after the introductions and faint applause, "now... would everyone please stand for Kate Smith's rendition of (the gawd forsaken) Gawd Bless America... " At which point fans are about ready to hurl at the force fed patriotism.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
They could always add a fly over
You know blue angel style...or maybe a tank parade...oh that might ruin the astroturf. Well i'm sure they can come up with something...hey what about a giant video war game on the big screen that everyone could play with their smart phone? Now that's an idea! A pretty bad one.
Have a good day anyway.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Trump Is Crass
A good analysis of how America's anti- intellectual tradition got Trump elected:
Trump Is Crass
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Self serving as they come...
...and brags about it. Anyone who looked could see he is a lying con man.
A sad comment on the state of things.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Why does everyone ignore the Israeli/Neocon Influence . . . .
In discussing such American foreign policy issues?
Perhaps such a discussion is not “politically correct” and also risky, in that it may bring about accusations of “anti-Semitism.” However, I believe such a discussion is nonetheless necessary for understanding U.S. foreign policy when it comes to the countries the U.S. treats as friends and enemies, especially those in the Middle East.
Yes, American foreign policy is driven by money, the quest for control over resources and markets, and the degree to which other countries’ leaders are willing to “play ball” or not “play ball” with American influence and control over their internal affairs.
However, if anyone wants to understand American foreign policy of the past 20 years--especially when it comes to the neoconservatives and their desire to make war on Iran--one has to also look at the degree to which the neocon agenda is driven by loyalty to a pro-Israeli agenda of using the United States to take out or at least destabilize/balkanize Israel’s perceived enemy countries in the Middle East.
Here’s a nice little 2015 expose by two Jewish people, Philip Weiss and David Corn, on the degree to which the neoconservative agenda (and the war in Iraq in 2003) is/was driven by a desire to further Israeli interests:
(Referenced in this article are two things: A position paper called “A Clean Break” and the “Oded Yinon Plan.” I recommend that anyone reading this comment do some research on these two items and educate yourself as to what they are about.)
Here’s another discussion in 2016 by journalist Jim Lobe on who the neoconservatives—and John Bolton is a neoconservative—are, and how much they are motivated out of a loyalty to Israel:
During the last 20 years, we’ve seen destabilizing wars on Iraq, Libya, and Syria, and if the neocons get their way, we will see a war on Iran. This agenda has been carried out by Republicans AND Democrats, including Bush II, Obama, and Hilary Clinton. Do you think that it is just a mere coincidence that these countries also correspond to the list of countries that Israel has historically identified as threats?
Here’s an article about, among other things, the link between a leading neoconservative “think tank” Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (which has been pushing for greater U.S. involvement in Syria), and that think tank’s control by Israeli operatives:
Let me just leave you with this—Wesley Clark talking about how, in the aftermath of 9-11, the agenda was to invade seven different Middle Eastern countries, including Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and, finally, Iran:
Israel and Saudi alliance sounds odd...
but it is real. You are certainly correct, our blind support of Israel is involved. I often write about Israel just can't cover it all in one piece. Israel is following the US model...genocide, confinement, and abuse of its native peoples. They also provide a good reason for us to stick our nose in the ME.
Scholar As'ad AbuKhalil says Saudi Arabia is a strategic partner of the U.S. and Israel, promoting Zionism though its powerful media while increasing its hostility to Iran
(video or text)
EDIT to add this easily missed paragraph from the essay...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Pretty much everyone here has written about how
Israel sets our foreign policy. I know that I have done this many, many times. That is what is so utterly silly about Russia Gate and it's $100,000 worth of ads. Israel not only sets our FP, it also tells our government who can be elected to congress and if anyone stops playing ball with them they are thrown out.
Let me just leave you with this—Wesley Clark talking about how, in the aftermath of 9-11, the agenda was to invade seven different Middle Eastern countries, including Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and, finally, Iran:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
You are right
that some of us may feel constrained not to focus on Israel for fear of a misplaced accusation of anti-Semitism, not from other writers here, but from readers who may not comment.
But for myself, I also think the loyalty to Israel, whether it is by people like John Bolton or others whose family histories may in one way or another be dedicated to the cause of Israel, may be religious or otherwise sincere, but also may be purely mercenary because there is so much money in the Military Industrial nailing of the American taxpayer.
I am shocked to see the long lists of dual US/Israeli citizens involved in U.S. government that appear online. On one such list John Bolton does appear. I suspect at least some of these individuals are involved with Israel to that extent because it translates into power, which translates into financial power, because Israel has been such a linchpin in defense industry spending.
I almost had a heart attack listening to Sharmini Peries
and Phyllis Bennis in Bolton Fabricated Lies that Justified War on Iraq, in which Peries really formulated her question like this:
For a short moment I thought Peries had lost it. Trump our saving grace? An advocate for peace? Really? Fortunately Bennis responded saying:
Oh lordy, Peries shouldn't joke around like that again, my heart might just jump the ship.
Thank You for your
excellentawful collection of essays. As horrible an enema it is to clean out the shit of the colon, it feels great once one has gone through the procedure of reading all and feel to be all clean.Thank you over and over again and have a great remainder of a Sunday.
PS I was somewhat relieved that Germany wasn't yet on the list of enemies of the "great advocate of peace". Yet. How much longer you think we can hold that position? Two weeks, a months ...?
for as long as Angela
tows the line...buying weapons, participating in the Afghan war, and so on...Germany will be ole buddy ole pal...but step out of line....
Good to "see" you
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
looks as if some folks here are ready to step out of line
... I hope they do... en masse.
me too
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
so we are both dreamers, old ones, I guess we never learn
... and I can't believe the arrest of Former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont has been detained in Germany, the Reuters news agency reported, citing his lawyer.
Catalan protesters clash with police over Puigdemont arrest.
We should be ashamed, we Germans, again. It's hard to accept what I see.
Hope springs eternal
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest.
The soul, uneasy, and confin'd from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.”
― Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man
Still we can't have the wealthy region of Spain withdraw from "our EU" country. Didn't know about the arrest. Thanks for the info...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
People sure trusted Dubya a decade or 2 ago
Sadaam has those WMDs and he's going to visit us in the form of a mushroom cloud and he was a big part of 9/11. This will only take a couple of months to accomplish the mission and they'll welcome us with flowers and be so grateful for us bringing them peace and democracy that they'll gladly relinquish oil revenue to pay for the invasion...and occupation.
The US populace had as much concept of Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds as the framers of the Second Amendment had of AR-15s.
Beware the bullshit factories.
ain't that right!
onward through the fog...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”