Looking like they really want their war with Russia

Teresa May gets to play the role that our country usually plays when wars are being planned and she is thinking about which steps to take to push the world into another war.

UK to 'consider next steps' after Moscow announces expulsion of British diplomats - May

The UK will consider its next steps in response to Russia's expulsion of 23 diplomats, British Prime Minister Theresa May has announced. It comes amid London's allegations that Russia was behind the poisoning of Sergei Skripal.

"In light of their (Russia's) previous behaviour, we anticipated a response of this kind and we will consider our next steps in the coming days, alongside our allies and partners," May said while speaking at the Conservative Spring Forum in London on Saturday. "But Russia’s response doesn’t change the facts of the matter - the attempted assassination of two people on British soil, for which there is no alternative conclusion other than that the Russian State was culpable."

No alternative? Sure there is. Give a sample to Russia so they can look at it and then both countries can take their findings to the UN and let other countries decide what to do with their findings. No evidence has been given to Russia for them to evaluate what the poison that they are being accused of using is. This goes against international laws when one country has a problem with another one.

She went on to state that “it is Russia that is in flagrant breach of international law and the Chemical Weapons Convention." She also reiterated her desire to “dismantle ” the so-called Russian spy network operating out of the UK, and to suspend all planned contact between London and Moscow. "We will never tolerate a threat to the life of British citizens and others on British soil from the Russian Government,” she said.

Do we even know if Skripal and his daughter are even sick or if they are, alive? The drug that she is accusing Russia of using is supposedly the most powerful one known, yet the doctor who was first on the scene and tended to the daughter does not have any symptoms of being poisoned. And if it is that dangerous to be around without proper protective equipment, then why aren't these other men wearing it?



The whole world is experiencing a false flag event and being subjected to propaganda and because people abhor Trump so much, they are believing it.


Who's it bad for? Everyone else.

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CB's picture

Here's the full Russian response to May's provocations. Normal response to the crap May originally served up.

Press release on summoning UK Ambassador to Russia Laurie Bristow to the Russian Foreign Ministry
17 March 2018 11:10

On March 17, Ambassador of the UK to Russia Laurie Bristow was summoned to the Foreign Ministry, where he was handed a note stating that in response to the provocative actions of the British side and groundless accusations against the Russian Federation with regard to the incident in Salisbury, UK on March 4, 2018, the Russian side has taken the following decisions in response.

Twenty-three diplomatic staff of the UK Embassy in Moscow are declared persona non grata and are to be expelled from Russia within a week.

Taking into account the disparity in the number of the two countries’ consular missions, the Russian Federation recalls its agreement on the opening and operation of the Consulate General of the United Kingdom in St Petersburg. Respective procedures will be followed in accordance with international legal practice.

Due to the unregulated status of the British Council in the Russian Federation, its activities are terminated.

The British side is warned that in case of further unfriendly actions against Russia, the Russian side reserves the right to take further retaliatory measures.

The British Council is a UK government propaganda program. It is not a non-profit NGO. It sells it's services. Due to this, it ran afoul of Russian tax codes.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@CB . The British Council is funded 15% by the UK government. Where does the rest come from? George Soros? There self-declared mission is to "confer" with the UK gov't to align policies. The British council participated in internal Russian affairs, such as blaming the Skripal poisoning with Novichok on, who else? The Brits made and may still make VX, a Novicihock-Like agent at Porton Down, 8 blocks from the restaurant where 61 OTHER people also were sickened.

Sounds to me like the DNC and the host of pseudo philanthropies operated by the Clinton War machine. DNC acts like an NGO, of course with now blatant cheating. DNC is partially funded by Democrats but also by the US government, funded by the Clinton mafia, along with probably both Soros and the CIA. The DNC of course started screaming about Russian hacking but never provided their servers for governmental or truly independent examination.

The failure of the Brits to provide samples of the poisoning agent is the same as the DNC failing to surrender its servers. Now Tories are as assuredly screaming Russia Russia Russia as the whole Dim party has been, without proof, for 18 months.

Same playbook. Our spooks are definitely educating Whitehall, as if MI-6 needed any.

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CB's picture

@Alligator Ed

The British Council is funded 15% by the UK government. Where does the rest come from?

Their website states they sell training and testing in English language proficiency.

But, it appears they may be just another NED type operation to be used as a front for spooks to operate from.

Russia shuts down undercover MI6 operation in Moscow

The decision to stop the activities of the British Council in Russia was made because of the fact that British intelligence MI6 was operating under the guise of this organization, as stated by a veteran of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, Igor Morozov. He recalled that the British side did not agree to the opening iof the Russian Center of Science and Culture in London, whose functions correspond to the officially announced functions of the British Council.

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CB's picture

Soviet toxin research was smuggled out and continued in other countries, including US – OPCW envoy

The 'Novichok' nerve agent allegedly used in the Sergei Skripal attack likely came from a country were Russian chemists were taken after the Soviet Union collapsed to continue their research, Russia’s OPCW envoy told RT.

“As for ‘Novichok,’ there was never a scientific program under such a codename in the Russian Federation,” Alexander Shulgin, Russia’s permanent representative at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said. “However, in Soviet times, research began to produce a new generation of poisonous substances. Such research was carried out not only in the USSR, but also in the US.”

As the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s, foreign “special services took a group of scientists… with the research that existed since the Soviet times” out of the country so that they could go on with their studies of poisonous substances, he said.

“We know the exact countries where such work continued, achieving certain success,” Shulgin said, without naming any. “The positive results of those studies can now be found in open sources.”
“My guess is that our British partners are afraid that, should our experts examine those samples, they will discover some catch in this whole case. And our British partners have absolutely no interest in that.”

“Moreover, we warned them that we’re ready for a meaningful dialogue, but only if the British side backs its accusations against us with convincing proof. In case nothing is presented to us… we’ll proceed from the fact that Britain has nothing and in this case it would have to be held accountable for slander,” he said.

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snoopydawg's picture


It seems to be boiling down to this, doesn't it? No evidence provided, so let's go to war. It's so unbelievable how people are falling for this again so soon after Libya and Iraq. But they are. Check out the insane asylum at ToP today.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


Johnson says UK to hand Skripal evidence to OPCW as he points finger at Moscow’, march 18. RT now if you can parse this, i tip my hat to you:

“While Johnson said that London would allow the international OPCW experts in The Hague to review the British analysis of the sample, the UK refuses to enact the mechanism in the OPCW that calls for a thorough investigation, the Russian FM noted. He added that “if you appeal to this organization, you must comply with the provisions of the convention that stipulate filing a request to us, because we are suspected of being a country of origin and even the country which had used this poisoning agent, and, providing us with samples of this agent, so we, together with OPCW experts, can analyze it.”

there are several internal links to try to make sense of it...

more on May's part in it later.

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CB's picture

@wendy davis
in the Hague but at the same time prevent Russia from doing any independent investigation themselves. It's like a prosecutor having all the "evidence" but refusing to let the defendant have any access to it.

It's similar to the secret "investigation" of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. Little evidence was released to Russia or the public allowing the "trial" to proceed by propaganda and manipulation in the media. We all know who controls the MSM in the west and how powerful and insidious they are.

From previous reports about CW's in Syria, it is apparent that OPCW reports can be politicized.

Whenever I see international agencies do their work in secrecy I question the results. The OPCW is supposed to be transparent and neutral. Also, why did the UK refuse to allow the OPCW to start an investigation immediately? Will the chain of custody for the evidence have been compromised as it was in Syria?

Implementing the Convention

Every State Party must implement the provisions under the CWC at the national level. This includes enacting penal legislation encompassing all activities prohibited. In addition, each State Party is obliged to provide other States Parties with its fullest cooperation to expedite prosecution.

The Secretariat supports States Parties in their national implementation providing advice and assistance to the staff of National Authorities, in order to help them enhance their skills and expertise to facilitate effective, autonomous, national implementation.

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Wink's picture

war and nobody showed up?

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

CB's picture


Just need to stage another Pearl Harbor and the sheeple will be tripping over themselves trying to sign up and go out to "kick some ass". USA! USA! USA!

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Wink's picture

Sure, some will show up.
But this bunch of soon-to-be 18s
is a pretty woke bunch, knows a
war with Russia is bull$h!t, and likely to protest like it's 1969! Only, instead of burning draft cards, since there aren't any, likely to Just Say No to the RW war machine.
Should be fun to watch. And participate!

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

CB's picture

They are probably the first generation that are born to readily propagandize. They will read the heading and form an opinion almost instantaneously. Their attention span is probably now 2-3 seconds. I see this when watching new nature documentaries. There are constantly changing video images lasting only seconds. One rarely gets to see the animal for long enough to study. Personally, I can no longer watch. I suppose this is a legacy from the newer music videos - all flash, wiz, bang, with no substance to speak of.

Then there are the other traits:



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Anja Geitz's picture


But I wonder if the millennials he's speaking about fall into a particular socio economic group? I'm not sure that the kind of parenting and access to technology he discusses applied to the same group of millennials.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

CB's picture

@Anja Geitz

lives. American wars upon foreign nations do not seem to be high on their agendas. I've yet to see any large cohesive anti-war movements to date.

Here's one YouTube site that looks promising: The Millennial Revolt


Unfortunately the currently popular sites are self centered all-about-me mindless crap that will lower one's IQ substantially if watched excessively.


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Anja Geitz's picture


I saw her presentation to the UN about year ago. It was actually the beginning for me in which I questioned everything.

My comment about working class kids, their parents, and technology, however, is more about the assertions the video makes of how ALL millennials grew up. I'm saying I don't believe all millennials had parents who had the time or money to give them what middle class and upper middle class millennials had. I think the video was talking more about kids who could afford to go to college and who were working in white collar jobs.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

character of the presentation -- i mean, it's an infomercial -- that second video was startling to me because so much of what he's got to say is what i've been saying to my kids for almost 20 years, since the oldest was in primary school.

it did no good -- as i now understand quite clearly, the only real solution is to take the electronics away from them, which creates its own problems of social isolation. even today, in their early 20s, the older ones react with considerable hostility and defensiveness when i make fairly straightforward assertions about the negative psychological outcomes that their technology fetishes must inevitably bring them. one of them blew up at me when i told a younger sibling to stop playing solitaire on the phone, put it down, pick up the pack of cards sitting on the coffee table 2 feet away, and play solitaire with real cards.

like most addicts, they don't like to be told that they have a problem, nor that their very favoritist thing in the world is more negative than positive.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.


The problem is that they don't actually declare war, they just jump in and start bombing other people in their own countries, where they were minding their own freaking business - rather than sacrificing themselves and their resources to suit American business interests.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

CB's picture

Guardian Rips-Off Goebbels - Fascist Propaganda For Better Anti-Russian Smears

The Steve Bell Guardian cartoon, just like the Economist cover, demonstrates a lack of creativity and originality. The spider cartoon is an obvious rip-off from a anti-Russian Nazi campaign:

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snoopydawg's picture


Keep your eye on the UK propaganda press(-all of it is now pretty much in unison), they will be an indicator of how soon a US air attack will take place in Syria.

The US, UK and France will want to punish Assad for the coming false flag chemical attack but it will be in the form of softening up the areas around Deir Ezzor and Palmyra again. They know E. Ghouta is lost, they need to take back the initiative. They will want to 're-invade' those areas with newly trained jihadists taking back the SAA's gains and thereby extending the war and perhaps a pincer movement to the north around Euphrates.

The Russians will probably take few bloody noses again, by accident of course, but they will retaliate and the MSM will herald a new opposition group taking on Assad. But what the Russians do in retaliation will be 'crashes' to western MSM, an F-16 crashed, an AH-64 crashes, a missile cruiser collides with something and so on and so forth.

It's all so predictable, however, the west is taking up a whole new level of dangerous posturing with Russia, this has more drama and wider ranging consequences than the Cuban missile crisis ever had. It looks like Trump is just along for the ride with this bit of foreign policy which is really, really dangerous.

US training Syria militants for false flag chemical attack as basis for airstrikes

It's so predictable anymore, isn't it? RT also has this op-ed where the author states that the US and its allies are responsible for 400,000 Syrian deaths. This is reprehensible for any country to willingly kill that many people for no reason except greed! Wars for profits is abhorrent and they are war crimes.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

for US and UK missile attacks on Syria in the coming weeks. Russia has been VERY successful in decreasing hostilities there. The US backed terrorist groups are now on the verge of being completely wiped out.

The US, UK, France and GCC countries have spent hundreds of billions in their failed attempt to destroy Syria. Putin outsmarted them and they're pissed. There are reports that US forces are now directly involved in the fighting.

Any bets I am correct? This is the only scenario that makes sense of the escalation of provocations. Get the public primed and ready for retribution.

Remember how it was done in the run-up to the Iraq war? Same old, same old.

US training Syria militants for false flag chemical attack as basis for airstrikes – Russian MoD

Russia’s Defense Ministry says “US instructors” are training militants to stage false flag chemical attacks in south Syria. The incidents are said to be a pretext for airstrikes on Syrian government troops and infrastructure.

“We have reliable information at our disposal that US instructors have trained a number of militant groups in the vicinity of the town of At-Tanf, to stage provocations involving chemical warfare agents in southern Syria,” Russian General Staff spokesman General Sergey Rudskoy said at a news briefing on Saturday.

“Early in March, the saboteur groups were deployed to the southern de-escalation zone to the city of Deraa, where the units of the so-called Free Syrian Army are stationed.”

“They are preparing a series of chemical munitions explosions. This fact will be used to blame the government forces. The components to produce chemical munitions have been already delivered to the southern de-escalation zone under the guise of humanitarian convoys of a number of NGOs.”

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Big Al's picture

@CB I haven't read much on it but it seems like they're very intent on sowing fear and anger. Could be a coverup for something that happened at that Porten Downs facility.
They just jump from one thing to another, stirring up shit while they take their actions.

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@CB The Syrians and Russians have beaten the Western jihadist proxies in the attempt to overthrow Assad. An excuse is need to stop the Assad regime from winner and creating what the neocons fear: an Shia crescent.

It is also an attempt to totally isolate Russia from the EU ecconmically. The big prize is stopping Nord Stream 2, which will stop Russian gas coming into the EU and will give American companies basically monoploy control of EU's energy needs.

And at least for May a way to prop up her falling poll numbers in the UK. She is doing what Bush did. Use war to win an election,.

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@MrWebster I read that phrase in "the Queen of Chaos" about the Shills, although that book is far more than just a hit job on Her, lots of history in it. But the author made that point and it stuck with me - while leaders may never be able to quell domestic "dissent" or domestic problems, a war puts that leader down in history. A legacy if you will. And what better way to cement your name in history than to start a nice big war, with the Russian Bear to boot.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

snoopydawg's picture

This should get people to stop and think about what they are hearing from May and question why she is pushing this so hard with no proof given. She isn't saying that the lab has studied the sample and the markers show where it was made, she's just saying "Russia did it." (Although the article is saying different.)

Dark secrets of Porton Down: Inside controversial defence lab which developed VX nerve agent and used human 'guinea pigs'

Human experiments

Since 1916 more than 20,000 people have taken part in studies at the base.

Porton Down's experiments on humans have been widely criticised as it is alleged some human 'guinea pigs' were duped into taking part in tests.

Tests were carried out on servicemen to try and determine the effects of nerve agents on humans - with one recorded death due to a nerve gas experiment.

Leading Aircraftman Ronald Maddison died aged 20 in 1953 after taking part in sarin nerve agent toxicity tests.

Between 1953 and 1976 a number of aerial release trials were carried out to help the government understand how a biological attack might spread across the UK.

The government said: "Given the international situation at the time these trials were conducted in secret."

And added: "The information obtained from these trials has been and still is vital to the defence of the UK."

Two separate and independent reviews concluded the trials did not have any adverse health effects on the UK population.

Sure. We'll just take your word for it. It seems mighty convenient that this laboratory is just down the road from the town that Skripal was poisoned in. Horses and Zebras again.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

First Recorded Successful Novichok Synthesis was in 2016 – By Iran, in Cooperation with the OPCW 136

This makes complete nonsense of the Theresa May’s “of a type developed by Russia” line, used to parliament and the UN Security Council. This explains why Porton Down have refused to cave in to governmental pressure to say the nerve agent was Russian. If Iran can make a novichok, so can a significant number of states.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Cassiodorus's picture

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

CB's picture

The US will not allow the people of Syria respite from war until they dismember the country. Just like they did in Afghanistan, they will turn this into a forever war.

As long as Americans are not coming home in body bags, 80% of Americans could give a fuck about the destroyed lives of tens of millions of innocent men, women and children in foreign countries. America continues to be the greatest force for evil, by far, in the world. They are the REAL terrorists.

‘US aid ends up with extremists’: Analysts alarmed over Pentagon’s 60,000-strong Syrian rebel force
Pentagon pays monthly allowance to rebels, seeks to establish large force in Syria

Following the virtual defeat of IS terrorists in Syria, the US appears to be trying to restructure its military presence in the war-torn country. In February, a fiscal year 2019 budget document mulled creating a new army out of elements of the so-called Vetted Syrian Opposition (VSO). The forces are “projected to total approximately 60,000 to 65,000” by October 2018, according to a report titled 'Justification for FY 2019 Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)'.

The document explains that some 30,000 fighters will conduct “ongoing combat missions” against remaining pockets of IS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley (MERV), while another 35,000-strong contingent will form Internal Security Forces in liberated areas.

Creating the massive new military structure of rather questionable legality, roughly equivalent to the size of the Canadian armed forces, is an expensive endeavor....
The Pentagon plans to spend the bulk of the new funds on arming the forces. Nearly $50 million is allocated for buying AK-47s, PKM machine guns, as well as RPG-7 anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launchers. Mortar launchers and sniper rifles are also on the menu next to hand grenades, different types of vehicles and tons of ammunition.

Washington plans to pay a monthly allowance to its force, in addition to providing the new force with uniforms, hygiene kits and medical equipment. “[The Department of Defense] will transition to a stabilization effort that will focus on support to local Internal Security Forces, who will receive stipends for their efforts to secure liberated territory and prevent the re-emergence of ISIS or its affiliates,” the document reads. “Currently, 10,000 established partner force personnel are being paid stipends. The individual stipend payments range from $200 to $400 per month.”

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... Do we even know if Skripal and his daughter are even sick or if they are, alive? The drug that she is accusing Russia of using is supposedly the most powerful one known, yet the doctor who was first on the scene and tended to the daughter does not have any symptoms of being poisoned. And if it is that dangerous to be around without proper protective equipment, then why aren't these other men wearing it? ...

Can you make out any White Helmets under the black hats on the guys wearing the space-leisure-suits?

Guess this is from Fri... they were then said to be still in critical but stable condition, although you'd expect more and recent updates on their condition, if human life was of any concern here.


Russian Official Says U.S., U.K. Developed 'Novichok' Poison Used in Sergei Skripal Attack
By Benjamin Fearnow On 3/16/18 at 6:18 PM

British officials continue to point the blame at Russia for poisoning former military intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter earlier this month, but a Russian representative said the “Novichok” nerve agent used was developed in the West.

British and American officials are adamantly accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of ordering or allowing the March 4 poisoning of Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, in the English city of Salisbury. The two remain in critical condition at a local hospital after being found unconscious on a bench outside a city shopping center.

But Alexander Vasilievich Shulgi, Russia’s representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague, told the country’s state-run television Friday that the U.S. and U.K. developed the military-grade nerve agent used in the attack.

"There has never been a ‘Novichok’ research project conducted in Russia," Shulgin told the Rossia-1 television station, as the The Moscow Times first reported. "But in the West, some countries carried out such research, which they called 'Novichok,' for some reason.”

According to military experts at the British Defence, Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down, the substance used in the attack is part of the "Novichoks" family of nerve agents. This roughly translates into "newcomer" in Russian.

Speaking at the 87th session of the OPCW Friday, Shulgin suggested the “unfounded” accusations from the West should be redirected at themselves. “[It] may very well be that the substance used [in Skripal’s poisoning] may have come from the stocks” of the U.S. and U.K.

“Our British colleagues should recall that Russia and the United Kingdom are members of the OPCW which is one of the most successful and effective disarmament and non-proliferation mechanisms," Shulgin said. "We call upon them to abandon the language of ultimatums and threats and return to the legal framework of the chemical convention, which makes it possible to resolve this kind of situation." ...

Speaking of Porton Down:


Dark secrets of Porton Down: Inside controversial defence lab which developed VX nerve agent and used human 'guinea pigs'

More than 20,000 people have been tested on at the top secret lab which is concentrating on gas attack defences

ByAnna Verdon

16:25, 15 MAR 2018Updated17:14, 16 MAR 2018

It is one of Britain's most secretive sites, remaining shrouded in mystery for more than 100 years.

But this week Porton Down found itself at the centre of one of the biggest diplomatic crises the UK has faced in recent years.

The top secret defence base in Wiltshire was instrumental in helping identify the nerve agent used to poison a former Russian spy in Salisbury.

Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned with a weapons grade nerve agent in the city last week, leaving them fighting for their lives in hospital.

And, not only have scientists from the specialist laboratory been at the centre of a clean-up operation following the attack, but its helped identify Russia as the source of the poison.

What is Porton Down?

The 7,000 acre site, near Salisbury, is one of the UK's most secretive and controversial military research facilities and the oldest chemical warfare research installations in the world.

Scientists from Porton were among the first to create biological weapons as well as one of the world's most lethal chemical weapons, but now its main purpose is to support the military and help combat terrorism.

Porton Down opened in 1916 as the War Department Experimental Station for testing chemical weapons during WW1.

Scientists at the lab researched and developed weapons agents used by the British military during the war such as chlorine, mustard gas and phosgene.

After the war the government decided that work should continue at the site and by 1930 it had grown and developed into the Chemical Defence Experimental Station.

During WW2 research concentrated on chemical weapons like nitrogen mustard and nerve agents such as sarin.

It then led to the development of CS - or tear gas- and VX nerve agent in 1952, one of the most lethal substances ever created which results in a painful death. ...

Seem to have had some mysterious deaths among their biochemical warfare staff - not a healthy place at all...


Episode 192 – Requiem for the Suicided: Dr. David Kelly
Corbett • 06/25/2011 • 17 Comments

Famed microbiologist and UN weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly became the centre of a dispute between the BBC and the UK government over claims that the government had “sexed up” its dossier on Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction in order to sell the Iraq war to the public. He was found dead on Harrowdown Hill on July 18, 2003. It was ruled a suicide. Today we look at the troubling discrepancies, inconsistencies and questions surrounding that official verdict, and broach the question of what secrets Dr. Kelly may have taken to the grave… ...

From comments:

Pablo de Boer says:
05/17/2017 at 4:26 am

Hola aloha señor James,

Dr David Kelly is not only employee / scientist for chemicaland biological weapons research at Porton Down, near Salisbury, who died under suspicious circumstances.

WMD expert killed in plane crash

A scientist working on weapons of mass destruction at a top-secret government laboratory has died in a plane crash, it emerged today.
Almost a year to the day after weapons expert Dr David Kelly was found dead, Dr Paul Norman was identified as the pilot of a plane that crashed in Devon.

Dr Norman, 52, was chief scientist for chemicaland biological weapons research at Porton Down, near Salisbury.

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Pablo de Boer says:
05/17/2017 at 4:36 am

Air crash man was weapons expert

The pilot of a light aircraft who was killed along with three passengers when his plane came down in a Devon field was a chemical weapons expert.

Dr Paul Norman, 52, of Salisbury, Wiltshire, died when the Cessna 206 crashed shortly after taking off from Dunkeswell Airfield on Sunday.

Pablo de Boer says:
05/17/2017 at 5:48 am

Defence Science and Technology Laboratory – GOV.UK
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Pablo de Boer says:
05/17/2017 at 6:35 am

List of Dead Microbiologists

The worlds top anti-virus microbiologists are being killed off. By 2005, 40 were dead. Today, over 100.

Many murdered, the rest died under very suspicious circumstances. It is known they were all working on highly sensitive or government-funded research projects tied to bio-weapons and viral pandemics.

Are these silenced ‘whistleblowers’ who knew too much?

Why didn’t the mainstream media report in on these stories?


Suicide riddle of weapons expert who worked with David Kelly: Scientist tells wife he is going for a walk, then takes his life in a field... just like his friend

Body of Dr Richard Holmes discovered in a field four miles from the Porton Down defence establishment
Police said there were no suspicious circumstances in latest case but revealed scientist was 'under a great deal of stress'
He resigned from Porton Down last month, but it is unclear why

By Nick Constable for The Mail on Sunday and Ian Gallagher for The Mail on Sunday

Published: 17:58 EDT, 21 April 2012 | Updated: 18:45 EDT, 21 April 2012

A weapons expert who worked with Dr David Kelly at the Government’s secret chemical warfare laboratory has been found dead in an apparent suicide.

In circumstances strongly reminiscent of Dr Kelly’s own mysterious death nine years ago, the body of Dr Richard Holmes was discovered in a field four miles from the Porton Down defence establishment in Wiltshire. It is not yet known how he died.

Mr Holmes, 48, had gone missing two days earlier after telling his wife he was going out for a walk – just as Dr Kelly did before he was found dead at an Oxfordshire beauty spot in July 2003. ...

... He resigned from Porton Down last month, although the centre yesterday refused to explain why. ...

...Despite Lord Hutton’s ruling eight years ago that Dr Kelly committed suicide, many people – among them a group of doctors – believe his inquiry was insufficient and have demanded a full inquest.

Some believe Dr Kelly, who kept an office at Porton Down right up until his death, was murdered. He was outed as being the source of a BBC report that Downing Street ‘sexed up’ evidence of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction to justify going to war. ...

... Although it is not clear if the two scientists were close, one source told The Mail on Sunday that they were friendly when they worked at Porton Down in the Nineties.

At the time, Dr Holmes ran a project organising the installation of chemical protection equipment in RAF Sentinel spy planes, while Dr Kelly was head of microbiology and frequently toured the former Soviet Union as a weapons inspector.

After the first Gulf War, Dr Holmes is also thought to have worked on the production of chemical protection suits for troops. In 1991 he was the joint author of a scientific paper about an RAF chemical and biological protection system. ...

...Before finding his body, Wiltshire Police made a public appeal for information but warned people not to approach Dr Holmes for their own safety because they believed he had been ‘looking at information on the internet regarding self-harm and the use of toxic substances’.

Friends of Dr Holmes say this disclosure irritated his family, who questioned why a scientist engaged in chemical warfare research would ‘need to Google toxic substances’.

Dr Holmes’s widow, Susan, is a chemist who also works at Porton Down as head of business administration.

One of the Government’s most sensitive and secretive military facilities, the site has long been the focus of controversy.

Three years ago hundreds of ex-servicemen who were used as chemical warfare guinea pigs there between 1939 and 1989 were given compensation and an apology from the Ministry of Defence.

They were tested with the nerve agent sarin, but some of those involved claimed they had been told they were taking part in cold-remedy trials.

Many suffered serious illnesses after exposure to the gas, which was developed by the Nazis during the Second World War.

An inquest into Dr Holmes’s death was opened and adjourned by Wiltshire Coroner David Ridley last week. Coroner’s officer Paul Tranter said Dr Holmes’s family had grown concerned for his wellbeing after he failed to return from a walk on April 11.

A search party involving police and members of the other emergency services began combing waste ground close to his home in the Bishopsdown area of Salisbury.

Police discovered his body half a mile away in a field used regularly by dog-walkers and joggers in the village of Laverstock.

Mr Tranter said the results of tests carried out to establish the cause of death would not be known for several weeks.

He added: ‘Police do not consider this death to be suspicious in any way, nor do they believe there was any third-party involvement.’

Why it would take weeks to discover the cause of death was not explained although you'd think that deaths among those in a group working on Top Secret biochemical warfare would be thoroughly investigated and ASAP - unless the cause was known and the concern had been with stopping potential leaks after a recent police investigation had been halted and charges not after all pressed against scientists at the facility.

And just as with his friend, searchers seemingly were told not to approach him if found - the assumption apparently being, in both cases, that they'd be dead - not injured and needing help - despite neither having been suicidal and both merely having gone for a typical walk, a habitual, regularly taken one in the case of Dr. Kelly.

Just as with his friend, the death was said to be suicide - despite neither having been obviously suicidal and Dr. Kelly having plans to go places and do thing, including write an expose;

Just as with his friend, it was said that there no evidence of specifically 3rd-party involvement, in both cases, apparently implying-by-Freudian slip that there was 2nd-party involvement.

It would have been difficult for those involved to have behaved in a manner more likely to look suspicious in both cases.

This site lays out details nicely:


Weapons expert working with David Kelly suicided after going for a walk ...just like his friend
Apr 22, 2012


Porton Down Scientist Found Dead
Posted on April 22, 2012

...The Hutton Inquiry reached the conclusion that Dr Kelly had taken his own life by slitting his left wrist and overdosing on Coproxamol tablets despite much of the crime scene evidence to the contrary. In his 2007 book The Strange Death of David Kelly, Norman Baker MP argued that Kelly was almost certainly murdered. He described the police investigation and Hutton Inquiry as a ‘farce’, which failed to investigate numerous discrepancies and anomalies in the physical, medical and witness evidence. On publication of the report of the Hutton enquiry, many UK newspapers accused the government of a “whitewash”. Not surprisingly, Lord Hutton (appointed by the then Labour government), unsurprisingly cleared the government of any wrongdoing.

A British ambassador called David Broucher reported a conversation with Dr Kelly at a Geneva meeting in February 2003. Broucher related that Kelly said he had assured his Iraqi sources that there would be no war if they co-operated, and that a war would put him in an ‘ambiguous’ moral position.

Broucher had asked Kelly what would happen if Iraq were invaded, and Kelly had replied, ‘I will probably be found dead in the woods.‘

So of course Porton Down were hired to blame the RUSSIANS!!! for the poisoning of a wrung-dry Russian spy no longer useful to British Intelligence, his info on the defunct Soviet Union being decades out of date and a couple of regime changes behind. And they got rather a lot of special funding right after doing so.

Have to join to access this, but this is what shows on the search page:

Porton Down laboratory to get £48m boost after Skripal attack
... additional £48m for Britain's defence science and technology laboratory at Porton Down, in the wake of the poisoning of a former Russian ... Porton Down have ...
[Search domain www.ft.com] https://www.ft.com/content/d78f43fc-27b0-11e8-b27e-cc62a

Porton Down stinks, always has, always will. What they used to term 'pure poison'. Quite literally.

Edit: took me all day to get this posted; glad to see I was so thoroughly ninja'd! I love this site!

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Ellen North I was aware of numerous scientists, mainly biologists, dying by unusual circumstances, the UK's version of Arkancide, but I could never see the connection before. Even with the Syrian sarin gas attack fantasy, it never made sense to me--until now. The other 61 injured were merely collateral damage to the WarHawks.

0 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Ellen North

Guess who was on MH-17 that was blown up over Ukraine? The world's leading AIDS experts who were on their way to an AIDS meeting.

Good job on those articles pulling in even more sh*t this bright sunny day. The whole world is on one huge propaganda campaign just so they can kill more people, take money from some more and make f*cking profits for the defense and banking industries as well as the others that profit from war regardless of the cost of human lives.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

“We don’t even know if a Novichok program existed!”


0 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


and once again the American sheeple jump off the war cliff and give their permission and blessing for it.

I don't understand why Russia hasn't spoken out against the NATO buildup? Putin had to know what was happening.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture


I guess you haven't been following his many speeches over the years.



I believe Putin knew there was animus against him and Russia being built up within the Atlantist countries in the last 6 months or so. That is why he talked about Russia's defenses in his annual address to the Federal Assembly several weeks ago. Putin has his finger on the pulse of the world. He never acts rashly. But when he does act, it is deliberate and forceful. He is reactionary. He will never instigate conflict but he will never shy away if the security of Russia is at stake.

Did you watch his last address to the state? He first talks about his country. Then he shows the world that if they dare step on Russia, the response will be quick and decisive.


0 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


you're right, I haven't heard about his speeches mainly because I haven't gone to the sites that cover him. In the second vid he says that he did try reaching out to our government, but they don't want partners, only vassals.

If the war does start, I wonder which of his allies would come to his aid? I'm pretty sure that Iran and China would, but which others was he talking about when he said that they had plenty of allies?
He doesn't take the threat against him personally, he says that it is directed at Russia for them to get out of the way of our hegemony. Brilliant. His concern is for his country and people, not him personally. This is how I have seen him act in the videos of him that I have seen.
BooYah! His dig at McCain was great. "I'm sure that his hand are elbow deep in blood of civilians." Hell yeah they are. "is that what you call democracy?" speaking about Gaddaffi's murder.

Thank you for posting them. I have seen the last one before. Which sites do you follow for Russian news beside RT?

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture



0 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture


https://theduran.com/ (this site is exceptional for being right on top of the latest issues)
http://www.tomdispatch.com/ (current: America’s Phony War Blitzkrieg Overseas, Sitzkrieg in the Homeland)

0 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I hit most of them a few times a week and MoA daily. Haven't heard of a few of the others. It's simply amazing how the whole world is in on this propaganda campaign. Our government, U.K., France and the others that have sanctioned Russia for the poisoning know damn well that they didn't do it.



0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

lotlizard's picture

I agree with earthling1’s suggestion of strategic-culture.org —

Perhaps this one too:

0 users have voted.


NATO appears to have been, most unfortunately, used as a tool in the long-running incremental corporate/military global takeover.


Operation Gladio is a NATO-backed paramilitary network established after WW2, originally inspired by fear of the USSR. It was also called the "Stay behind network", since if the Red Army invaded Europe, its members would 'stay behind' enemy lines and disrupt Soviet control. Officially non-existant, secrecy was such that these networks were hard for NATO/MI6/Deep state officials to control. Gladio was responsible for bombings, kidnappings and assassinations to such an extent that the network was publicly exposed in Italy in the 1980s and was the subject of a BBC documentary by Alan Francovich some years later.[1] The project was adapted in the mid 1990s as "Gladio B", using "Moslem terrorists" as a substitute enemy image for communists. ...

And here we are, back full-circle to 'Communists' - regarding a no longer remotely Communist country that they themselves warped into crony-capitalism via their routine electoral interference of which they then accuse their previous victim, as an excuse for attacking them - because Putin's been making Russia independent, cleaning out the corruption which the US PTB installed, and providing basic social benefits such as pensions and health care to his people out of their own resources rather than allowing his people and country to be polluted and sucked dry in order to provide maximized profits to The Right People/Corporations.

Meanwhile, The Psychopaths That Be blatantly work with terrorists they've created themselves, one way or another, terming them 'moderate rebels', to disrupt, dispossess and kill civilians. When not starving them with 'official sanctions' also depriving them of medical care. The powerless citizens seem always to be the target, which would be why they seem to always suffer the most.

I have never been able to see any sense in claims of civilian groups harming/killing innocent and powerless citizens as a protest - purportedly directed against those actually having power, doing the damage and clearly uncaring of all resultant suffering and loss of life - thus also triggering public detestation of the group and damaging their own cause. And that's because there wasn't any sense in it and it appears that these maimings and killings of innocent civilians are typically committed around the world because globally interlocked TPTB and their various secret projects wish to control and strip rights from a population, believe that carefully manipulated fear will make a people turn neocon and beg for fascism to be imposed upon themselves, (which unfortunately does work on a number of people, if not nearly as well as the Clinton CorpoDems believe) are manufacturing an excuse to attack/invade a country or apparently to discredit certain groups and their aims - if involving any degree of public good or hope for a better - or any - future for the general public.

We mustnever swallow the propaganda that the pathology instilled in various societies has anything to do with 'human nature'; humans naturally tend toward forming a social contract in one form or another, the possession of and respect for the essential human qualities of ethics and empathy being a basic requirement for species survival.

Psychopaths are parasitic and destructively predate upon others due to mental deficiencies limiting their capacities and perceptions; just because a society can survive for some time with a certain level of these within their midst does not make it acceptable or sustainable to allow the very ruthlessness of their limited and self-interested world-view to gain power over anyone.

TPTB 'hate us for our freedoms' and detest democracy enforcing equal rights for all, the 'social contract', what I term an ideal socialism, where the fulfillment of human needs, including equal rights and protection from predation for all, forms the first priority of (the delegates of) the overall social unit having public ownership and control over all human essentials and natural resources, because the general concept of equality and lack of deprivation for 'lesser beings' underlying these denies TPTB their imposition of their own 'personal exceptionalism', they seeing themselves as being the only Ones Who Matter. The rest of us are either useful or disposable. And in that sense, they are, indeed 'Lizard people'.

Back to:


Operation Gladio


The power hierarchy of Gladio remains unclear to this day, and is unknown to elected national leaders. When the European Union learned of the existence of Gladio, it passed a resolution mandating national investigations to reveal what was going on, but as of 2016, only 5 countries have done so (including Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland). A large question mark therefore remains over the role that Operation Gladio has played, and continues to play in influencing events. It seems very likely that the deep state controls these forces whether through the national intelligence services or in more informal fashion. The connection, in particular, with false flag terrorist attacks is particularly concerning.
Operation Gladio B

Full article: Rated 5/5 Operation Gladio B

Sibel Edmonds has exposed an international development of the original Gladio program referred to as "Operation Gladio B", which can be understood as a response in the min 1990s to the subsidence of the Soviet threat after the end of the cold war. As a way of kickstarting the "war on terror", instead of nationalist extremists in European countries, radical Muslims are armed, trained and assisted to carry out terrorist attacks while law enforcement is prevented from intervening.
Dr. Daniele Ganser Interview: Nato's Secret Armies - Operation Gladio

Operation Gladio first came to light in Italy in 1990, after over 40 years of clandestine operations. Members of the project revealed that similar projects existed in most if not all countries of Western Europe.[2] These stay-behind networks were, in essence, super secret armies in at least 14 European countries, which were kept secret from the official governmental structures of the host countries – being controlled by other forces such as the CIA and MI6. They remained mostly dormant but were also involved in anti-communist activities including anti-democratic agitation and false flag "terrorism".

The name Gladio, (or ‘Sword’ in Italian) was technically the name given to their operations in Italy, but has since come by extension to stand for the phenomenon as a whole. Evidence of such arrangements, which had been kept secret from both public and politicians democratically elected governments in the host countries for a quarter of a century was revealed through a series of scandalous revelations in Italy and other NATO countries during the 90s, and meticulously documented by Swiss historian Daniele Ganser in his 2004 book NATO’s Secret Armies,[3] arguably the most shocking book ever to be ignored by the corporate media. The evidence contained in Ganser’s book, of terrorism directed against the people by secret armies funded and organised by NATO and answerable to deep state elements within NATO, MI6 and the CIA rather than the respective governments is so shocking that the initial reaction of most people would be to reject it. And yet the claims have been substantiated by juridical inquiries in Italy, Switzerland and Belgium and have been debated (and condemned) in the European Parliament. ...

...The Strategy of Tension

Full article: Strategy of Tension

During his trial, Vincenzo Vinciguerra revealed that, in addition to discrediting left wing political groups, there had been a second aim behind the bombings - to inculcate a climate of fear among the general populace. This was known as the 'strategy of tension' which was intended to generate a pervasive sense of fear which would encourage the population to appeal to the state for protection. As Vincenzo Vinciguerra summarized during his trial:

‘You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public to turn to the State to ask for greater security.’

In Francovich's documentary on Gladio, he described the aim as to ‘destabilise in order to stabilise’… ‘To create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies.’

In 1990 Judge Casson was given permission by prime minister Giulio Andreotti to search the archives of the Italian military secret service Servizio informazioni sicurezza Militare (SISMI) where he found proof of the existence of the Gladio network, and links to NATO and the United States. Following this, on 3 August 1990 prime minister Andreotti confirmed to parliament the existence of the Gladio networks but claimed they had ceased operating in 1972. This was subsequently revealed to be false by the Italian press. Andreotti then admitted the existence of the Gladio networks and their connection to NATO. ...

... The Scandal Spreads

Fortuitously for the powers-that-be Andreotti’s revelations coincided with Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait and as a result did not garner the publicity they almost certainly otherwise would have. Even so, the scandal began to spread. In October Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou confirmed there had been a Gladio network in Greece. In Germany a TV programme shocked the nation by revealing how former members of Hitler’s Special Forces SS had been part of a German stay-behind network. The Belgian Parliament appointed a special committee to investigate the existence – confirmed by the defence minister – of a Belgian Gladio network.

Most sensitively the Belgian parliamentarians discovered that the secret NATO army was still active. They found that a secret meeting of Generals directing the secret stay-behind armies in the numerous countries in Western Europe had been held in the secret NATO-linked Gladio headquarters ACC as recently as October 23 and 24, 1990. The meeting of the ACC had taken place in Brussels under the chairmanship of General Raymond Van Calster, chief of the Belgian military secret service SGR (Service General de Renseignement).[5]

In France President Mitterand claimed that the French Gladio network had been dissolved long ago but to his enormous embarrassment Andreotti then claimed the French had taken part in the recent meeting in Brussels. And so it went on. British defence officials refused to comment. In Portugal, contrary to official denials, a retired general confirmed there had been such a network in Portugal, while in Spain former defence minister Alberto Oliart claimed it was childish to "ask whether also under dictator Franco a secret right-wing army had existed in the country because 'here Gladio was the government'."[6]

In Turkey former prime minister Bulent Ecevit went even further and admitted that a secret army had been involved in torture, massacres, assassinations and coups d'etat, prompting the serving defence minister Giray to retort "Ecevit had better keep his fucking mouth shut!"[7]
The EU Debate

In all, 12 EU countries were affected and on November 22 1990 the European Parliament debated the issue.

The tone was set by Greek parliamentarian Ephremidis:

'Mr. President, the Gladio system has operated for four decades under various names. It has operated clandestinely, and we are entitled to attribute to it all the destabilization, all the provocation and all the terrorism that have occurred in our countries over these four decades, and to say that, actively or passively, it must have had an involvement.' Ephremidis sharply criticised the entire stay-behind network: 'The fact that it was set up by the CIA and NATO which, while purporting to defend democracy were actually undermining it and using it for their own nefarious purposes.'

(DG p.21) ...
... He concludes:

The dog barked loudly, but it did not bite. Of the eight actions requested by the EU parliament not one was carried out satisfactorily. Only Belgium, Italy and

Switzerland investigated their secret armies with a parliamentary commission, producing a lengthy and detailed public report.
(DG pp. 23–24)

Silence from NATO, CIA & MI6

NATO reacted to these revelations in November 1990 with confusion. Against a background of newspaper headlines typified by the Guardian’s ‘Bombs Used at Bologna came from NATO unit’, spokesmen first denied the stories and then denied the denials by saying it was a subject which couldn’t be discussed on grounds of military secrecy.

The Portuguese press reported on November 7 a confirmation, NATO secretary General Manfred Woerner was quoted as telling in secret 16 ambassadors of NATO countries, Worner confirmed that the military command of the allied forces - Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) - coordinated the activities of the

"Gladio Network", which had been erected by the secret services in various countries of NATO, through a committee created in 1952.
(DG p.27)

German press confirmed that the so-called Secret Armies were co-ordinated in a special secure wing of NATO HQ in Casteau. Access was via a bank vault type door and papers were circulated with the stamp ‘American Eyes Only.’

The revelations began to mount and a picture emerged of a NATO Clandestine Planning Committee, responsible for the Gladio armies; of protocols which actively protected right-wing extremists from pursuit since they would be useful in anti-Communist activities. The CPC was run by the US with the UK and France as junior partners, with CIA members present at their meetings. Despite numerous revelations from those who took part, the official NATO position was (and is) one of denial. Official CIA response to information requests has been to neither confirm nor deny. In the UK, MI6 was even more cagey, prompting John Simpson on BBC 2’s Newsnight programme in April 1991 to say

'Britain's role in setting up stay-behinds throughout Europe was absolutely fundamental... it has emerged that other European countries had their own stay-behind armies - Belgium, France, Holland, Spain, Greece, Turkey. Even in neutral Sweden and Switzerland there has been public debate. And in some cases enquiries have been set up. Yet in Britain, there is nothing. Save the customary comment of the ministry of defence that they don't discuss matters of national security.'

(DG p.36)

Paradoxically, despite the secrecy, an exhibition at the Imperial War Museum tacitly admitted the existence of the stay behind networks, and subsequent to this, two former Royal Marine officers admitted to having spent time at Fort Monckton near Portsmouth where MI6 and members of the SAS trained foreign gladiators.

The original models for the secret armies had been set up in the UK during WW2 by Section D of MI6. Arms caches were buried in anticipation of a German invasion. Initially, this was a purely domestic affair, but in 1940 with the inception of Special Operations Executive (SOE) the same tactics were taken behind enemy lines throughout occupied Europe. Officially SOE was closed down in 1946 and gave way to a successor - Special Operation (SO) - created under the auspices of MI6 to translate the same networks into resistance in countries overrun by the Soviets. Surviving secret units of the Axis powers were targeted and members of the defeated were sometimes recruited for the new anti-Soviet stay-behind networks. ...

... Allan Francovich's 1992 Expose

Full article: Operation Gladio (film)

Operation Gladio (film).jpg

John Major's government continued to peddle the line of not commenting on matters of national security but headlines continued. Newsnight in April 1991 highlighted the evidence that the Gladio networks had operated politically with subversion of the Left. This was reinforced a year later in three ground-breaking documentaries for the BBC by Allan Francovich. Francovich made extensive use of primary sources, focusing almost exclusively on Gladio in Italy and in Belgium, where he looked at the Brabant Massacres and attempted to connect them to the Gladioesque anti-communist group, Westland New Post. His documentary interviews key figures in Gladio such as Licio Gelli, head of the P2, Italian right-wing activist Vincenzo Vinciguerra, Venetian judge and Gladio discoverer Felice Casson, Italian Gladio commander General Gerardo Serravalle, Senator Roger Lallemand, head of the Belgian Parliamentary inquiry into Gladio, Decimo Garau, former Italian instructor at the Sardinian Gladio base, William Colby, former Director of CIA and Martial Lekeu, former member of the Belgian Gendarmerie to name but a few. ...

... Gladio-orchestrated coups in Italy.

One reason the US focussed such attention on Italy was the country had become an ideological battleground between left and right after the Second World War. The communist party was popular and strong and ranged against it on the right stood an ad hoc coalition of the Italian military secret service, right wing extremists as well as the Mafia and the CIA. Much of the wartime fascist bureaucracy survived, with the support of the US. Most notoriously, Prince Valerio Borghese (whose partisan army had killed hundreds of communists during the war), was saved from execution by the protection of the US. Such was the American determination that Italy should not go communist that President Truman signed a top secret order in 1950 which explicitly included invasion of Italy as an option if the country should turn red.

In April 1963 the socialists and communists did well in the polls, with members of the socialist party given cabinet posts but the success was short-lived. The following November Kennedy was assassinated and five months later the Italian socialists were forced out of office by a right-wing coup orchestrated by the CIA and Gladio units.

Code-named 'Piano Solo' the coup was directed by General Giovanni De Lorenzo whom Defence Minister Giulio Andreotti of the DCI had transferred

from chief of SIFAR to chief of the Italian paramilitary police, the Carabinieri. In close cooperation with CIA secret warfare expert Vernon Walters, William Harvey, chief of the CIA station in Rome, and Renzo Rocca, Director of the Gladio units within the military secret service SID, De Lorenzo escalated the secret war. Rocca first used his secret Gladio army to bomb the offices of the DCI and the offices of a few daily newspapers and thereafter blamed the terror on the left in order to discredit both Communists and Socialists. As the government was not shaken, De Lorenzo in Rome on March 25, 1964 instructed his secret soldiers that upon his signal they were to 'occupy government offices, the most important communication centres, the headquarters of the leftist parties and the seats of the newspapers closest to the left, as well as the radio and television centres. Newspaper agencies were to be occupied strictly for the time only that it takes to destroy the printing machines and to generally make the publication of newspapers impossible.' De Lorenzo insisted that the operation had to be carried out with 'maximum energy and decisiveness, free of any doubts or indecisiveness' and, as the Gladio investigation put it, made his men 'feverish and biting'. The Gladiators equipped with proscription lists naming several hundred persons had the explicit order to track down designated Socialists and Communists, arrest and deport them to the island of Sardinia where the secret Gladio centre was to serve as a prison. The document on 'The Special Forces of SIFAR and Operation Gladio' had specified that 'As for the operating headquarters, the Saboteur's Training CAG is being protected by a particularly sensitive security system and equipped with installations and equipment designed to be useful in case of an emergency.' In an atmosphere of greatest tension the secret army was ready to start the coup. Then, on June 14, 1964, De Lorenzo gave the go-ahead and with his troops entered Rome with tanks, armoured personnel carriers, jeeps and grenade launchers while NATO forces staged a large military manoeuvre in the area to intimidate the Italian government. Cunningly the General claimed that the show of muscle was taking place on the eve of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Carabinieri and, together with feverishly anti-Communist Italian President Antonio Segni of the right-wing of the DCI, saluted the troops with a smile. The Italian Socialists noted that somewhat unusually for a parade the tanks and grenade launchers were not withdrawn after the show but stayed in Rome during May and most of June 1964 .
(DG p.72)

A second CIA-backed right-wing coup, code-named Tora-Tora,, was planned for December 1970 but was called off at the last minute. Reportedly, the phone call that aborted it came from President Nixon himself.

As a consequence, the Left continued to gain ground in Italy. Foreign secretary Aldo Moro together with president Giovanni Leone flew to the US but were told by Henry Kissinger|Kissinger]] that on no account should the Left be included in government. Aldo Moro’s wife Eleonora later testified that the words used to her husband were, "You must abandon your policy of bringing all the political forces in your country into direct collaboration. Either you give this up or you will pay dearly for it.'" (DG p.79)

Subsequently Moro was kidnapped and murdered.

The Senate commission investigating Gladio and the terrorist bombings suspected the CIA and the Italian military secret service to have organised the abduction and murder of Moro. It therefore reopened the case but found that almost all files on the Moro kidnapping and murder had mysteriously disappeared from the archives of the Ministry of the Interior. The final 370-page report of the commission concluded in 1995 that, ‘It emerges without the shadow of a doubt that elements of the CIA started in the second half of the 1960s a massive operation in order to counter by the use of all means the spreading of groups and movements of the left on a European level.’ However these words were not strong enough for some Senators who continued the investigation under the chairmanship of Senator Pellegrini and concluded in June 2000 that

'those massacres, those bombs, those military actions had been organized or promoted or supported by men inside Italian state institutions and, as has been discovered more recently, by men linked to the structures of United States intelligence.

(DG p.82)

Ganser continues his inquiry with an exhaustive but depressingly familiar account of the same anti-democratic crimes being played out in the other countries of Western Europe, both within and without NATO, namely: France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Greece and Turkey. ...

...The terrorist bombings proved to be a means by which Pentagon planners were able to take their own (imaginary or delusional) fears about the rise of the Left and turn them into very real and concrete fears for the populace. The swiftness with which the fear of Communism has since been transmuted following the end of the Cold War into a fear of Islamic terrorism, along with the arrival of the whole security-military-industrial-complex paraphernalia of the "War on Terror" illustrates that this is almost a modus operandi of military planners. It’s as if they can’t help themselves. In light of this information, there is now a vast army of people around the world who reject the official government narrative of what happened on 9/11 and suspect there may have been US government complicity in the attacks. Opponents cry out that such a thing is unthinkable and that ‘they’ would never do such a thing. But as Ganser’s meticulously footnoted history of the Gladio armies makes clear: it may be unthinkable but it certainly isn’t unprecedented.

Ganser’s Conclusion in full: ...

... Based on the fear of a potential invasion after the Second World War highly placed officials in the national European governments, in the European military secret services, in NATO as well as in the CIA and the MI6 therefore decided that a secret resistance network had to be set up already during peacetime. On a lower level in the hierarchy citizens and military officers in numerous countries of Western Europe shared this assessment, joined the conspiracy and secretly trained for the emergency. These preparations were not limited to the 16 NATO member countries, but included also the four neutral countries in Western Europe, namely Austria, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland, on which the author is preparing a second publication. In retrospect it has become obvious that the fear was without reason and the training had been futile for the invasion of the Red Army never came. Yet such a certainty was not available at the time. And it is telling that the cover of the network, despite repeated exposures in many countries during the entire Cold War, was only blown completely at exactly the same moment when the Cold War ended and the Soviet Union collapsed.

The secret stay-behind armies of NATO, however, were also a source of terror, as the evidence available now shows. It has been this second feature of the secret war that has attracted a lot of attention and criticism in the last decade, and which in the future will need more investigation and research. As of now the evidence indicates that the governments of the United States and Great Britain after the end of the Second World War feared not only a Soviet invasion, but also the Communist Parties, and to a lesser degree the Socialist Parties. The White House and Downing Street feared that in several countries of Western Europe, and above all in Italy, France, Belgium, Finland and Greece, the Communists might reach positions of influence in the executive and destroy the military alliance NATO from within by betraying military secrets to the Soviet Union. It was in this sense that the Pentagon in Washington together with the CIA, MI6 and NATO in a secret war set up and operated the stay-behind armies as an instrument to manipulate and control the democracies of Western Europe from within, unknown to both European populations and parliaments. This strategy lead to terror and fear, as well as to "humiliation and maltreatment of democratic institutions', as the European press correctly criticised.

Experts of the Cold War will note that Operation Gladio and NATO's stay-behind armies cast a new light on the question of sovereignty in Western Europe. It is now clear that as the Cold War divided Europe, brutality and terror was employed to control populations on both sides of the Iron Curtain. As far as Eastern Europe is concerned, this fact has long been recognised, long before it had been openly declared. After the Red Army had in 1968 mercilessly crushed the social reforms in Prague, Soviet leader Leonid Breschnew in Moscow with his infamous 'Breschnew doctrine' had openly declared that the countries of Eastern Europe were only allowed to enjoy 'limited sovereignty'. As far as Western Europe is concerned the conviction of being sovereign and independent was shattered more recently. The data from Operation Gladio and NATO's stay-behind armies indicates a more subtle and hidden strategy to manipulate and limit the sovereignty, with great differences from country to country. Yet a limitation of sovereignty it was. And in each case where the stay-behind network in the absence of a Soviet invasion functioned as a straightjacket for the democracies of Western Europe, Operation Gladio was the Breschnew doctrine of Washington. The strategic rationale to protect NATO from within cannot be brushed aside lightly. But the manipulation of the democracies of Western Europe by Washington and London on a level which many in the European Union still today find difficult to believe clearly violated the rule of law and will require further debate and investigation. In some operations the secret stay-behind soldiers together with the secret military services monitored and filed left-wing politicians and spread anti-Communist propaganda. In more violent operations the secret war led to bloodshed. Tragically the secret warriors linked up with right-wing terrorists, a combination that led - in some countries including at least Belgium, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, Greece and Turkey - to massacres, torture, coup d'etats and other violent acts. Most of these state-sponsored terrorist operations, as the subsequent cover-ups and fake trials suggest, enjoyed the encouragement and protection of selected highly placed governmental and military officials in Europe and in the United States. Members of the security apparatus and the government on both sides of the Atlantic who themselves despise being linked up with right-wing terrorism must in the future bring more clarity nd understanding into these tragic dimensions of the secret Cold War in Western Europe.

If Cold War experts will derive new data from NATO's stay-behind network for their discourse on limited sovereignty during the Cold War, then international legal experts and analysts of dysfunctions of democracies will find data on the breakdown of checks and balances within each nation. The Gladio data indicates that the legislative was unable to control the more hidden branches of the executive, and that parliamentary control of secret services is often non-existing or dysfunctional in democracies on both sides of the Atlantic. Totalitarian states have long been known to have operated a great variety of largely uncontrolled and unaccountable secret services and secret armies. Yet to discover such serious dysfunctions also in numerous democracies comes as a great surprise, to say the least. Within this debate of checks and balances military officials have been correct to point out after the discovery of Operation Gladio and NATO's stay-behind network that there can never be such a thing as a 'transparent stay-behind army', for such a network would be exposed immediately in case of invasion and its members would be killed by the invasion force. Parliamentarians and constitutional lawyers meanwhile have been equally correct to emphasise that both the armed forces and the secret services of a democracy must at all times be transparent, accountable, controlled and supervised closely by civilian representatives of the people as they represent the most powerful instruments of the state.

This clash between mandatory secrecy and mandatory transparency, which lies at the heart of the Gladio phenomenon, directly points to the more general question of how much secrecy should be granted to the executive branch of a democracy. Judged from the Gladio evidence, where a lack of transparency and accountability has lead to corruption, abuse and terror, the answer is clear: The executive should be granted no secrecy and should at all times be controlled by the legislative. For a secret government, as it manifested itself in the United States and parts of Western Europe, can lead to abuse and even state terrorism. The growth of Intelligence abuses reflects a more general failure of our basic institutions', US Senator Frank Church had wisely noted after a detailed investigation of CIA covert operations already in the 1970s. Gladio repeats this warning with a vengance.

It can hardly be overemphasised that running a secret army and funding an unaccountable intelligence service entails grave risks every democracy should seek to avoid. For the risks do not only include uncontrolled violence against groups of citizens, but mass manipulation of entire countries or continents. Among the most far-reaching findings on the secret war, as seen in the analysis, ranges the fact that the stay-behind network had served as a tool to spread fear amongst the population also in the absence of an invasion. The secret armies in some cases functioned as an almost perfect manipulation system that transported the fears of high-ranking military officers in the Pentagon and NATO to the populations in Western Europe. European citizens, as the strategists in the Pentagon saw it, due to their limited vision were unable to perceive the real and present danger of Communism, and therefore they had to be manipulated. By killing innocent citizens on market squares or in supermarkets and blaming the crime on the Communists the secret armies together with convinced right-wing terrorists effectively translated the fears of Pentagon strategists into very real fears of European citizens.

The destructive spiral of manipulation, fear and violence did not end with the fall of the Soviet Union and the discovery of the secret armies in 1990, but on the contrary gained momentum. Ever since the vicious terrorist attacks on the population of the United States on September 11, 2001 and the beginning of the 'War on Terrorism' fear and violence dominate not only the headlines across the globe but also the consciousness of millions. In the West the 'evil Communist' of the Cold War era has swiftly been replaced with the 'evil Islamist' of the war on terrorism era. With almost 3,000 civilians killed on September 11, and several thousands killed in the US-led war on terrorism so far with no end in sight, a new level of brutality has been reached.

Such an environment of fear, as the Gladio evidence shows, is ideally suited to manipulate the masses on both sides into more radical positions. Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaida terror network manipulated millions of Muslims, above all young male adults, to take up a radical position and believe in violence. On the other side also the White House and the administration of George Bush junior has fuelled the spiral of violence and fear and lead millions of Christians and seculars in the United States and in Europe to believe in the necessity and justice of killing other human beings in order to enhance their own security. Yet human security is not being advanced, but on the contrary decays, as the atmosphere is drenched with manipulation, violence and fear. Where the manipulation and the violence originate from and where they lead to, is at times very difficult to dissect. Hitler and the Nazis had profited greatly from manipulation and the fear in the wake of the mysterious Reichstagsbrand in Berlin in 1933, whereupon the Third Reich and Second World War followed. In 2001 the war on terrorism began, and once again radical critics have argued that the White House had manipulated 9/11, the largest terrorist attack in history, for geostrategic purposes. ...

And people were surprised that Bernie didn't spit defiance at the root of this and make it all go away and seems to be using (actual) Resistance strategy instead.

Can't say that I see how creating secret groups of fascist civilian-attacking terrorists around the world to operate outside of democratic controls and erode the checks and balances enabling democracy's function, purportedly just in case of Communist invasion, apparently until the (fast-approaching, at current rates) end of planetary life, protects democracy.

This current insanity only 'makes sense' if we go back to the US industrialists who sponsored Hitler, introduced fascism as the psychopathic viewpoint of a 'political system', and, when Russian tenacity, defensive ferocity and winter weather defeated their Nazi-proxy's attempt at a first fascist global take-over, collected a core of their pet Nazis well away from the threat of trial for their war-crimes and started over again for a 2nd try, incrementally, using America as their drainable base this time, the Bush family and others among them entering politics and recycling the same - and identifiably familiar - propaganda, terroristic strategy, and False Flags, using their own created (whether controllable or not) terrorists as the excuse to attack/invade - first - the most vulnerable of their targeted resource-rich countries in order to steal their stuff and set up more military bases for the next targets in each step of their dream of Total Global Domination.

That, together with such as Operation Gladio and various secretive anti-democratic groups such as the Trilateral Commission, explains just about everything wrong with the world today, doesn't it? Just put the Russian hatred and paranoia together with those US industrialists pouring money into Hitler's Nazis and, when the perpetual Russian scapegoat defeated the Nazi invasion of their country at great cost and thereby weakened them too much for their armies to enable the planned fascist global take-over, the US industrialists cutting their losses and bringing back that core group of Nazis to start over again - not only to and in America, either. But always with that sick, seething hatred of those pesky Russians having had and still having the nerve to successfully defend themselves and feeling a sadistic need to slander and crush them forever...

And for that they need ever more and bigger nukes and are willing to destroy the world even faster than is their wholesale industrial and military pollution and devastation already destroying it. Anything that they can't hope to own, micromanage and utterly control has to go, even if their own health and survival depends upon it in a reality they believe that they can simply refuse to accept as real.

A relatively small group of psychopaths, their pathologized enablers and order-followers have warped the natural history of the world to produce so incredibly much of the misery in which the world now lives and dies with in the present, in order to take away all potential and future from planetary life, for their exerted control over any remains.

Are we going to just let them finish us off? Kinda looks like it, doesn't it?

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Creosote.'s picture

@Ellen North

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if they simply made up a Russian-sounding name to go with their cover story for any even implausibly lunatic excuse for mob-attacking yet another still-free (or perhaps re-freed might be more accurate) country on their lengthy list. Would you?

That cover story has an awful lot of holes being filled in with denial, but to the various Psychopaths that Be, it doesn't matter if much of the population doesn't believe them, since the stonewalling of official denial in the face of the evidence has allowed them to get away with so very many murders so very many times.

This needs to stop...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

earthling1's picture

0 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

QMS's picture

for sharing this info. Bookmarked

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question everything