Revolutionary Civility: Abstention from Expressing Contempt
If you impartially pay attention to the processes within you, and long enough, I’m pretty sure that you will notice that Expressions of Contempt have a pay-off that is far more substantial than “letting off steam.” And certainly more reality-based than expecting the target to change whatever it is you hold contemptible in them.
What’s the real pay-off; the actual motive force for such expression? It’s that mighty rush of adrenaline flooding the system. End of story.
Take that away, and the need to express contempt will rarely appear.
Mind you, sometimes in society it is necessary to express contempt, just to keep the society viable. It can be used to bring someone else to sobriety of the soul; has been a tool to correct unjust behavior throughout history.
A tool that doesn’t work so well with psycho- and social-paths. (Where Apparatchiks, of, say, political parties or those kinds of manipulators fall in that regard…?)
The aforesaid find great value in encouraging people to be Contempt Junkies, to be doping themselves up. (There’s a reason they call it “dope.”)
It’s simply reality: people pumped up on adrenaline have their critical faculties largely turned off. It's easier to "get over" on them. They have increased openness, and vulnerability to, suggestion. Especially negative suggestions. There’s an increase in self-confidence (and self-righteousness) that is usually not warranted.
And of course, there’s setting people at each others throats, since the recipient of contempt is almost always likely to hurl it back. Downward spiral from there. The time-proven tactic of a minority who intend the subjugation of everyone else: Divide and Conquer.
Anyone paying attention to Corporate Media for the last 50 years must have noticed that when there's a major issue, like guns or abortions, there has never been anything but a pro- and con- person fighting each other. Not once has anyone here ever seen a panel devoted to working out a compromise, nor anyone on any panel ceding the other parties concern as being something to consider. Divide and conquer.
If anything is going to change in this country, we’re going to need Revolutionary Civility.
Perhaps a truce among the Everyday People, aka 99%. Abstaining from abusive language toward people with whom we disagree. And if the habit of expressing contempt (and Junkies do find it hard to give up their rush) then perhaps we can agree to aim it at the insanely corrupt -- in fact lunatic -- Two Parties and Media. The latter, in particular, does everything it can to keep us out of any meaningful role in our governance: working overtime to keep us divided, distracted, and ill-informed.
Let each and every member in office, the editors and news-readers, know that we know they function as enemies of the people, and our Democracy. With whatever mix of reason and contempt each of us can manage.
Abstain for blasting each other for, say, three months; alert our enemies of where they stand in our eyes. (I'm not saying we should refrain from disagreeing among ourselves on other issues. Just that such disagreement should be done in the manner of adults instead of brats). And if people just need a “fix” so desperately after three months, we can all go back to being the 1% Illites fools.
At this point, I’d like to try an experiment I’ve done, and seen fail, over the years.
I would request of you that you take some moments to really consider, and then to comment here, how Revolutionary Civility, plus focus on our common foes, can become something that actually happens. Thank you.

Not relevant but I just found this:
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
(No subject)
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Funny, but it disappoints me.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
It's all in the target.
So long as we reserve our contempt for ideas rather than people, contempt can often drive the best discussions.
However, I have noticed am unusual spate of name calling and other ad hominem based attacks lately round these parts.
Again, as long as people remember to attack the message instead of the messenger, I say contempt away.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
And apart from getting that rush
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
"I'd like to thank our
guests once again. We're out of time, and as usual we didn't accomplish a goddamned fucking thing, but we did fill 4 minutes of air time, so there is that. Thanks for watching point counterpoint where each week we duke it out for 4 or 5 minutes hoping the Librul bastid goes home with the bloodier nose. (and usually does). See you next time! Goodnight everybody... "
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I agree that if we the people want to own our country
then we need to find a way to work together and repair our differences. The PTB have spent decades on dividing us with this left right thinking and if people would just sit down and talk to each other we will probably find that we agree on lots of issues.
We have been brainwashed since kindergarten starting with the pledge to a damn flag. The flag should have been flying upside down because we're a nation in distress.
Now how to do this is a good question, but we should at least be willing to talk with the people on the right.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I think the post I made just minutes ago fits in here
the choice thingy ... choose your response
I think a lot of importance should be put on where the line between civility and non-civility is put, where you exercise your civility or non civility, and who has the power to prevent perceived non-civility from happening and with what kind of methods.
It is uncivil for an armed police officer to shoot and kill an unarmed demonstrator, who has not engaged in major destructive, ie uncivil behavior, which for me starts with killing a person. (RAF radicals in Germany way back for example). Rock throwing is uncivil but not comparable to shooting, or killing or bombing. The police must be capable to prevent rock throwers, who destroy property, without shooting and killing the rock thrower.
The revolutionary civility tip-toes around the issue of who has shown more violent behavior in their uncivil behavior. Everyone who is heavily armed has the assured power to kill, shoot, bomb and oppress is therefore very uncivil by default as soon as they not only threaten to use their weapons, but start to use them. Everybody who is unarmed, has less powerful arms, is still civil, when they can't counter the uncivil violent behavior of police or military might, but still behave uncivil themselves in throwing back something that is be default less destructive and less violent than the power of the military or police.
Media by their mission to report on uncivil behavior by default will skew and manipulate through their focus on those images that are most 'inciting your emotions'. Talking heads are uncivil if they exaggerate, lie, use demagoguery, or other rhetorics for effect, in order to cross over and impress the audience. Being uncivil doesn't have to mean being violent with regards to bodily harm. They do harm in triggering counter-uncivil rhetoric. Since the digital age that rhetorical power of the word to manipulate has more power than ever before to cause mental-health related harm. The media has no way to "show" visually the mental-health related harm and therefore the population underestimates how prevalent those harms are.
Questioning of who, why, when, where, what and how always helps a little to be a little bit more civil in any responses, I believe. Being more civil in your dissent, because an armed officer threatens to use his might, is rather oppressive and quite an uncivil method to "manage dissent', imo.
This whole revolution stuff, I believe, has been always a method to question, incite, overstep the lines and use a little bit of tiny violence to cause bodily or property harm to those they oppose. There is no way to find civility in that, but then you have to ask what kind of uncivil oppression has caused the revolutionaries to overstep the line between civil dissent to violent attempts to defend themselves against their own uncivil and potential violent oppression.
I believe in negotiating til you have found a compromise everybody agrees with is the only civil and non-violent method. But then it's not called anymore 'revolutionary'. I dunno.

Can't stand these revolutionary talks...
they are way too lame /s.
Peaceful dissent
is impossible today. As with peaceful assembly, TPTB will just send in undercover goons to start aggression or property damage to give legitimacy
to a brutal responce.
Divide and conquer, its been going on since the first caveman clan formed.
The flipside of united we stand, same coin.
I agree with what the author, Jim P, was trying to say. We need to stop bickering amongst ourselves and identify our common enemy.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I know ... may be I didn't express myself clearly enough,
nevertheless the undermining with goons and staged violence to produce justification for a violent oppression.
I'm not letting go
on writing about this, but in future my opening line will be
"We need to stop bickering amongst ourselves and identify our common enemy."
Thanks for being an attentive reader.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Brutality by State Agents goes back
Before written history. The general climate of the population can -- and does here and now -- exacerbate the aggression. I'm interested in how we start having decency among the 99% AND shift focus onto the main instruments fucking up society regardless of how people come down on any particular issue of the day. And even on issues, increasing the chances of a somewhat workable outcome
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
I was at an affair where
a retired Egyptian general responded when us American youngsters were pushing revolution talk, this in the early 90s.
"Since the time of Christ Egypt has had 70 revolutions; one a generation. What is the condition of the Egyptian people today?" Three more since then, and what is the condition of the people there today?
Clearly something different has to happen in human character if anything other than "new boss same as the old boss" is to come about.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Three months? Try three hours.
I like the idea of experimenting with no shit posts for a period of time, just to see what would happen. For me, what happens is I have nothing to say, no comments.
Every morning I go looking for some good news, there isn't any. It is my local, regional outlets causing the adrenaline spikes, which causes me to seek relief talking about it here. We're all in the same boat, some have life jackets others not so much. "No matter where you go, there you are." I don't get off on posting criticisms, I am already off and need a place to say how crazy it all appears, anger of the disenfranchised.
"That's the system." Politicians and the lobbyists who own them have made California a cesspool of insidious shit. I can't even go three minutes without getting spit on by some fucked up corporation stuffing bullshit up my ass.
I'll start being civil when politicians and corporations start being civil, stop lying to me.
Thanks jim p, good talk.
Make it impossible for
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
That's not the start.
On the whole, . . .
. . . I largely agree with this.
What's more, on the whole I think it already happens IRL. Think of the people you encounter on a shopping line or at an event who you know aren't the wild-eyed socialists that we get along with in these parts. You still manage to have conversations with them, joke with them, actually bond with them in the "well, he's my neighbor, after all" kind of way. Sure, there are some who can't let go of their grievances (especially if they're wholly or partially imagined ones) for a second to actually connect with another person who could possibly hold a different idea or perspective in their heads, but in real life those people aren't the majority. Which, parenthetically, is why there are more Indies than Dems or Repubs. And why those on the outside, the people in foreign countries, can like Americans individually and detest American policy all at the same time. There has long been a chasm between the civility of civilians and the agenda of the defenders of the state.
It's when all these people in the shopping lines or at events begin to realize they are a movement and a majority that is not reflected in the state that you have a revolution. And the role of the media today is to keep us from realizing that.
good comment
Happens all the time... I am glad I lived so long in the US and started to like many Americans and their culture, but started to dislike the agenda of the defenders of the state.
oh, that happens, when there is nothing on the shelves to buy ... no sufficient food or just some they can't pay for. Has that happened yet in the US? I guess not.
Like This:
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Ahh, "Tillerson you are fired - Is this civil or revolutionary ?
or just uncivil ?
U.S. President Donald Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Washington Post reported Tuesday. Trump will reportedly replace Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo.
I think Trump needs to go back to his old playground. He is running out of apprentices in the White House.
Nothing says SoS like CIA
Pompeo. woo hoo I didn't click on the WaPo linky just went straight to the CIA:
omg replaced withbig club got bigger
merge merge
Following URL seems to be hung and tcpdump says is amazon's fault LOL good one. cia cloud failure ftw. ServFail at state dot guv. MAGA
good luck
Pompeo was bad news as CIA and will be more bad news
But of course, the deep state made Trump do it.
They are trained killers not diplomats
in your face
Irrelevant to the context of how the 99% interact.
Which is what this post is about, and moreover on the way to getting to where a Trump or Clinton or any of the others we have could possibly get into office.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
sorry for going off topic, I just was upset
about what I just read with regards to Tillersen being fired and Pompeo be his successor and kinda needed to post it in what I considered a sarcastic word play of civil and revolutionary.
In a discussion related to identity politics
the idea came up of a truce among the 99% for the purpose of focusing on what ails all of us, that criminal class at the top ruling over us. It's possible in the vein that anything is possible. There are commonalities among the right and the left regarding the "establishment".
Something has to be done outside this two party political system which keeps the people divided. There's still time before this next election to get something going.
I think my plan for
What happens when Media and Officials start getting 10 million communications each week for a month demanding they talk about the rampant corruption of Dem and Republican parties? I know some might say they won't talk about it. But if even one does, and that happened with one news reader in the Soviet Union, ... Well, what happened even among his courtiers when the boy shouted the king is naked?
Ain't no third party arising in my grandkids life time if it's formed in the cesspool we have now.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Everybody wants money out of politics
Any politician who makes that the main issue will galvanize the Country, even if that person is some old Senator from Vermont. That issue is what separates the wheat from the chaff as far as sycophantic politicians go.
Beware the bullshit factories.
yet another war criminal put in charge
Edward Snowden
Verified account
Follow Follow @Snowden
More Edward Snowden Retweeted Donald J. Trump
The new CIA director was a key part of the torture program and its illegal cover-up. Her name was on the Top Secret order demanding the destruction of tapes to prevent them being seen by Congress. Incredible. …Edward Snowden added,
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job! Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all!
5:59 AM - 13 Mar 2018
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
That's exceptional news
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
This was broadcasted on German evening news - and
certainly noted for those who listened to it.
Yay for women's progress!
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I appreciate . . .
It's important to remember . . .
that you are rarely interested in converting the target of your incivility. When Joe McCarthy was made an object of contempt for a considerable majority of the country no one expected "Tailgunner Joe" to respond "My God, you're right. I behaved horribly." But he was brought down.
When Madeleine Albright was asked about the 500,000 Iraqi children who died as a result of US sanctions that accomplished not a damned thing, she replied "we think the price is worth it."
It's hard even to describe contemptible behavior without revealing your contempt.
As noted there are times
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Thank you for the essay and essential points!
Just to add to this, from The Essential Caitlin:
Nobody is ever going to agree with anyone on everything; nobody is ever going to be perfect by anyone's standards.
You choose your allies by the goals you share so all of you can get somewhere, acting together in those areas. Or you never get anywhere at all.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.