What are the Leaders of the Progressive Resistance really Resisting?
I'm tired of progressives tied to the democratic party ignoring the killing and destruction, including of our own country, of U.S. imperialism.
What are you tired of?
The Campaign for America's Future (CAF) is "an American nonprofit progressive political advocacy organization. Founded in 1996, the organization bills itself as "the strategy center for the progressive movement."
"Within the Democratic Party, it often serves as a counterweight to the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC). CAF argues that the Democratic Party should draw sharp contrasts with the Republicans and advance a progressive agenda."
The CAF recently released a "Pledge to Fight for America's Future" which includes an eleven plank "agenda". This agenda of theirs is evidently a product of 70 progressive "leaders of the resistance" who had supported democratic party presidential candidates Hillary the Warmonger Clinton and Bernie the Savior Sanders. Talk about resisting eh.
"Democrats can’t build an enduring majority for real change without clarity on an agenda far different and bolder than the neoliberalism of the past years. But now, 70 leaders of the resistance—supporters of both Hillary Clinton and Bernie, Sanders—have released a Pledge to Fight for America’s Future that outlines an economic agenda and vows to build the movement needed to make it a reality. (For list of signers, go here; to join the pledge go here. Full disclosure: This was spearheaded by Roger Hickey and released by the Campaign for America’s Future, which I co-founded.)
The agenda is not a grab-bag of glittering new ideas. Rather, it reflects an emerging consensus among the activist base of the Democratic party that began to take form in the DNC platform born from negotiations between Clinton and Sanders in 2016. Parts of the pledge are also in the “Better Deal” agenda that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are rolling out, but can be found too in the stirring platform put out by the Movement for Black Lives and 60 other organizations in 2016."
Those 70 "prominent progressive leaders" evidently include author Naomi Klein and Our Revolution president Nina Turner. Here's the "11 planks of the agenda".
(1) Jobs for All—Created by Rebuilding America
(2) Invest in a Green Economy
(3) Empower Workers to Reduce Inequality
(4) Opportunity and Justice for All—With Focus on Communities Harmed by Racism
(5) Guarantee Women's Economic Equality
(6)High-Quality Public Education—Pre-K to University
(7) Medicare for All—and Shared Economic Security
(8) Make Corporations and Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share
(9) A Global Economic Strategy for Working People
(10) Close Wall Street's Casino
(11) Rescue Democracy from the Special Interests
Robert Borosage, president of the CFA says "the pledge is a document in progress. It hopes to spark a debate, and to encourage others to join. It doesn’t claim to be comprehensive, and doesn’t address national-security policies nor social policies."
What's up with this nonsense from the progressives, like Bernie Sanders himself, of ignoring "national security" as Borosage puts it? Why put out a progressive agenda supposedly to "draw a sharp contrast with the republicans" that doesn't include war and imperialism?
When I originally saw their 11 planks I was outraged by the omission of anything related to foreign policy and this country's global military empire. I found it hard to believe they could stoop that low. Then I found the article by Robert Borosage which did admit to leaving it out along with the explanation that the agenda was a work in progress. He didn't however say that the foreign or national security issue was going to be addressed.
I did find this statement at the end of the "A Global Economic Strategy for Working People" plank.
"Our current national security policies commit us to policing the world. The result costs lives and drains public resources. We need a real security policy that makes military intervention a last resort, and focuses on global threats like climate change, poverty and inequality. We should reduce military budgets and properly support humanitarian programs."
Oops, they gave it away right there in the first line - "policing the world". That's the standard propaganda line for why we have 1000 military bases, 14 aircraft carriers, and special forces in 150 countries, to act as the world's policeman, like we're some kind of benevolent country acting to keep the order, help people in danger and spread democracy. Nope, wrong answer 70 progressive leaders of the resistance. That's not what our government (and those that control it) is doing with the global military machine. That's the propaganda we're fed like in the Navy and Army commercials that proclaim their mission as a "global force for good".
Obviously the CAF, as an appendage of the democratic party, will support U.S. imperialism including as a lead in the "let's go to war with Russia" mania sweeping the country because the Democratic party is now the lead war party of the duopoly, or at least co-lead.
The United States is a (dying) global imperialist military empire controlled by an oligarchy which includes a military/intelligence/security industrial complex (MIC), trying to enforce and maintain hegemony over the entire planet, and the space above it. A U.S. president, Eisenhower, warned about the MIC back in his 1961 farewell address.
To do this, the United States marauds the earth waging war, enforcing sanctions, destroying countries, and killing people, including innocent men, women, children, and BABIES. It threatens, bribes, punishes and lies like a criminal mafia. It spies on it's own people. It's estimated that the U.S. has killed, or is responsible for the deaths of from 20-30 million people since the end of World War II. The immorality of U.S. imperialism is off the charts and to ignore this aspect of U.S. government is beyond the pale.
Then there's the impact to the federal budget and domestic and social programs.
The total combined imperialism budget is approximately $1.2 trillion per year, including the $700 billion for "defense". The rest is made up of intelligence, homeland security, Dept of Energy (nukes), Veterans Administration, etc. There are two broad aspects to the federal budget, the discretionary budget and the non-discretionary budget. The non-discretionary budget include programs that are backed by law, such as Social Security and Medicare. Congress cannot touch those unless they change or add to the law. The discretionary budget includes programs that Congress has the discretion to authorize annually. The Department of Defense is a discretionary program as are most intelligence and homeland security programs. Currently the total budget for defense, intelligence and security, and related such as the V.A and Dept of Energy (nukes), take up about 65% of the discretionary national budget.
Like with Bernie Sanders, the inability to address U.S. global militarism and imperialism while proclaiming support for Medicare for All or a higher minimum wage is not only a glaring hole, it's a hypocritical omission that discredits their other claims of populist policies. There is nothing more racist and destructive to the humans on this planet at this time than U.S. imperialism.
There is no way we're going to get any of the things on the CAF list unless we end the ruling class agenda for global hegemony. Look at what's happening now with the republicans in charge. They've implemented a ten year plan to greatly increase the imperialism and police state budget (no doubt preparing for war with Russia and China, not to mention North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and Africa, the next great oil battlefield), while cutting and gutting social programs including Medicare and Social Security, privatizing infrastructure, and furthering increasing of the stupendous wealth inequality that has enveloped not just this country but the entire planet. All being done with the help of the democratic party.
So Robert Borosage, Robert Hickey and Campaign for America's Future, how about a debate? Let's start with why you and those 70 progressive leaders of the resistance don't want to confront U.S. imperialism?

the so-called "resistance"
In my humble opinion, here's the money phrase right here.
So long as Perpetual Goldwater Girl Hillary Clinton's supporters are in any way involved, we won't get progress here and the project is highly unlikely to succeed in even its weak-beer goals.
Unless the American Left first resists and disconnects from everything Clinton, it's hosed and will remain hosed. Sometimes you don't need just to stand for something; sometimes you need to stand against some other thing as well.
And whether one looks at it as being the world's unpaid policeman or as an oligarchic bully, our hyper-bloated military-industrial complex is a perfect example of the latter, as you pointed out in the Essay!
edit: corrected typo
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
A progressive agenda invoking Hillary Clinton?? WTF?
And now the systematic purging of progressives in the DNC and cheating and slander of progressive candidates in the current primaries.
I'm not sure about the Progressive Resistance (TM?)
but the teachers in West Virginia and Oklahoma are up to something.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I'm tired of the New (Internet) Atheist Moral Majority
whining about how they've 'lost' the non-existent culture war because of capitalist-appropriated feminism, 'Cultural Marxism' and 'Muslim refugees' while ignoring the very causes of the refugee crisis in the first place, namely US/NATO hegemony. Oh, and their incessant whining about the non-existent left also annoys me.
I'm also tired of First World IDPOL utterly ignoring real economic issues that are a direct cause of the reactionary social conservatism in the first place. But hey, what do I know? I'm just an angry disabled white guy who will never get a fair shake no thanks to being born with disabilities.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Do I call you BA
for Bad Attitude or Big Al?
Powerful and needed. It will never happen without
Many of the others are just fairy dust.
Well done you dirty hippy.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Whatever you want, just don't call me
Ya, I'll be here all week.
I've read articles stating that if Hillary was president
then the anti war movement would be stifled, but if Trump won and he continued the wars, then it would come out of its coma. So far I haven't seen anything about this. People spend their time on writing about what he says, tweets or the other stupid things he does. Not many are even covering the wars unless something big happens. And of course the media will not talk about them because their owners are the defense companies. As you and others have stated, what people want economically to happen will never happen as long as we are spending so much on the defense budget. I try to remind people of this whenever they are excited about things like this movement. I appreciate what they are trying to do, but they have to realize reality. This new deal is still less filling.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
It's pretty hard for democrats and those supporting Obama
There are opportunities this year to rev up an antiwar movement. There are plans to protest Trump's possible military parade (as a Vet I might even fly out for that to represent) and I think there's a global day of action on Apr 15th as I recall. Would have to check that.
I can't say enough that there should be a boycott of this duopoly combined with an antiwar/anti-imperialism movement started ASAP.
People I engaged with denied what those two did
Especially Hillary. I'd tell them that she was as big a warmonger as Bush was and they told me I was wrong about that. I'd put links in to support what I said, but that did no good. Willfully blind people can't be reasoned with. And anyone who is critical of any democrat is told that "now is not the time for this because we have an election coming up and we need every democrat so they can oppose the republicans and Trump"
Doh! Isn't that familiar?
I do wonder what they will say if Trump does decide to take military action against Russia? This is what I think some of them want. They are so blinded because Her didn't win they can't think straight.
You're so right about the democrats being pro war and I'm waiting for them to start talking about how we need to upgrade our nukes. Ya know, just in case Putin does nuke Florida. I thought that the military parade was a no go? If it's still on and you go to the protest, maybe you will have a chance to talk to people about getting the anti war movement back in action. Some how we have to get it going again.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I was going to include a quote from Nina Turner about
There's either ignorance of the truth (perhaps willful as you say) which prevents a focus on the immorality of imperialism or a sociopathic attitude toward imperialist crimes or both. There's a whole lot of hypocrisy going on when it comes to the democrats and progressives.
Paul Jay interview at The People's Summit June 2017
Moar workshops, okie dokie! At least the death merchants might get mentioned in a workshop framework this summer. Maybe you should go there and give it to 'em in person. lol
"maybe next year"
She's says we're falling behind on domestic issues. Well no shit, that's because our government is spending all the money trying to rule the world.
"I believe that the Democratic Party is worth fighting for."
D-Worthy. Peace? Maybe next year. meh
Trump is "creating" the alliance
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Cynicism overload.
I've become cynical to the point of speculating that progressive leaders are afraid they can't win on $27 a pop from their donors (broke progressives), so they think they have to cut deals with the MIC to get adequate campaign fundraising, to do stuff that is opposed by other corporate interests from whom they'll never get contributions.
Someone once said 'you can't be too cynical, because it's worse than anyone can imagine'.
Progressives shilling for the MIC would fit that anecdote.
Mike Taylor
Very true.
When the majority get their news from less than six news broadcasters, it's understandable that the majority vote with the minority.
MSM absolutely blows.
I want my MTV.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Wasn't Hillary going to reverse Citizens United after
she became president? That's what her supporters told me. "She has to take money to get elected and then she'll get it reversed." I'd come back with "that's what people said about Obama when he voted for the FISA bill." He had to vote for it and then once he's president he will get it reversed." He went on to strengthen it much more than it was when he voted for it.
Big sigh
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Like you said
You can't reason with the willfully blind.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Nice job Homer.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Oops, dupe
I'll use it for this
Obama's surveillance vote spurs blogging backlash
Wouldn't he had known about this before he promised to filibuster the bill?
I had forgotten about this
I'm betting that they got that letter
Heavy sigh still
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Yep, they did
Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence, testified before Congress that all the companies received such letters.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Yes we are.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Ah yes, cynicism.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Hi, Big Al, and the answer to your question is ...
...the realization that they haven't achieved anything. They can't admit it and don't have solutions to the unintended consequences, that swim on top of all of it now.
Borosage? I was at the Populism Conference in 2014 in the Sheraton in DC and watched Borosage, him being in the audience and as a speaker on the podium, as well as many other speakers (especially from the LBQT community) sitting like four yards apart of him. I was asking myself why he was smiling so much and where the organizers got all the money for pulling off that conference. I could feel the "class" differences of people in the audience and probably I was alone in thinking that those differences were used to win "some hearts and minds" of the not that fortunate progressives.
All the words seemed to be right, yet I came out of the conference with a fogged mind and lots of questions that I couldn't formulate. Something wasn't right. The whole conference seemed to be a theater performance, self-promoting the resistance intentions of the new populist (and I guess progressive) movement. The discrepancy between groups in that conference was imo conveniently not mentioned or overlooked and ignored. Which felt uncomfortable to me. It didn't convince me and I can't even say exactly why it didn't. It felt to me like kabuki theater. I felt ashamed because I didn't understand what it was that made me feel so dumb to not be enthusiastic about what was said.
Exactly what I was thinking
This was exactly what I was feeling while reading the "11 Planks of the Agenda". Something seemed off.
The titles for the 11 planks are vague and foggy. "Empower Workers to Reduce Inequality". What the heck does that mean? If you're going to espouse an agenda, shouldn't the items be set forth clearly, in a straightforward manner, and with strength? As in, "Here is what we believe, no BS, and we are serious about it. We're going to get this done."
I went to the CAF website to read the descriptions of the 11 Planks, hoping for enlightenment. They used a lot more words than in the titles, but the general feeling I came away with was still fogginess, and puzzlement as to what their agenda really is.
By that I mean both their overt agenda, as well as whatever is underneath it. It really did feel like a "theatre performance", as you said, Mimi. And not a Tony award-winning performance, either. It almost seemed like the purpose was to confuse and obfuscate, rather than energize and inspire.
They use buzzwords and catchphrases that are likely to catch the eye of actual progressives ("Corporate CEOs' salaries are too high!"), but it's not presented in a way that enunciates a coherent agenda, at least not that I could see. I found the entire presentation fuzzy.
On every page there's at least one button for you to click so you can "Sign the Pledge!" Of course, you have to give them your name and contact information.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Seemed one step up from Tom Perez leading on values
"Progressive Resistance"
"Progressive Resistance" is an oxymoron. A contradiction in terms.
Progressive = looking to the future. Using your energy to create something new and more evolved; to progress, to advance.
Resistant = focused on what you don't want. Using your energy to fight against something that's old and/or unwanted.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
What are they resisting?
All of us. We are in their way - trying to make them accountable - trying to make the US a better place to actually live in peace - trying to make them get out of war - trying to get them to ditch their corporate donors - trying to make them actually represent WE, THE PEOPLE. They are resisting us.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I have started and will continue
to use the "defense" budget as a perfect example of why we "can't afford" universal healthcare. With some I get the blank look but with one in particular, this time I didn't get the blank look but an actual look of comprehension - it really is not that damned difficult. I'm going to hammer on that with every person I encounter who says "we can't afford" any social safety nets. Naïve, probably, but I really feel that if people can be made to see the math, and it is ONLY math after all, maybe some inroads can be made. Hell, when even a Repugnant Tea Bagger looks at me and says I need to come educate her on what's really going on, I feel like more people are beginning to see it. As mimi described perfectly above - many know something isn't right but can't put their finger on just what it is, but they are starting to doubt. And that doubt can maybe help. Maybe.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur