The Evening Blues - 2-26-18


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Little Willie John

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features r&b singer Little Willie John. Enjoy!

Little Willie John - Love, Life And Money

“Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure.”

-- George Carlin

News and Opinion

Accused 9/11 masterminds want to put CIA black sites on trial

The five men accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks appeared in the military courtroom here at Guantánamo Bay on Monday, as their lawyers argued another round of pretrial motions in the government’s case. The so-called “9/11 five” face five criminal charges, including conspiracy to commit the 9/11 attacks, attacking civilians, and murder in violation of the laws of war. But more than sixteen years after the attacks, there is still no trial date set. ...

Among the most consequential questions the court will consider is whether the government can stop the defense from speaking with foreign nationals in countries where CIA black sites may have been located -- and from speaking with Americans who may have knowledge of so-called enhanced interrogation techniques used at these sites. The government has invoked a national security privilege, declaring such information classified and off-limits.

On Monday morning, defense lawyers said that the restrictions have kept them from conducting investigations into the facts of the government’s case -- introducing a conflict between what the government has asked, and their obligations as lawyers. ...

Lawyers for Ammar al Baluchi, who is accused of financing the 9/11 hijackers, have said the restrictions will stop them from introducing exculpatory information about their defendant. During a briefing for media on Sunday, Baluchi’s lead attorney, Jay Connell, said that on five occasions this year he has told members of the team to hold off on pursuing leads, and he will likely cancel an upcoming trip of his own related to the investigation. “This investigation prohibition is killing us,” Connell said Sunday.

The commission Judge, Army Col. James Pohl, said Monday that he would not rule on these restrictions until he’s heard more discussion later this week.

North Korea 'very willing' to hold talks with US

As the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang came to a close on Sunday, there were murmurings of intent to bring the two Koreas closer together once the games were over. The colorful closing ceremony saw a US delegation that included US President Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka (photo), seated only a few spots from senior North Korean General Kim Yong Chol, who has been accused of masterminding attacks on the South Korean military.

Meanwhile, South Korea's presidential Blue House announced news that Chol's delegation had said North Korea was "very willing" to hold talks with the US.

South Korea's Yonhap news agency said the remarks came in a meeting between Chol and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, in which it was pointed out that the North should seek to improve relations with Washington as well as Seoul. "President Moon pointed out that US-North Korea dialogue must be held at an early date for an improvement in the South-North Korea relationship and the fundamental resolution of Korean Peninsula issues," Blue House spokesman Kim Eui-kyeom said of the meeting.

On Monday, during a meeting in Seoul with Liu Yandong, a Chinese envoy to the closing ceremony, Moon urged the US and North Korea to both make concessions to enable talks to take place. "There is a need for the United States to lower the threshold for talks with North Korea, and North Korea should show it is willing to denuclearize. It is important the United States and North Korea sit down together quickly," he said, according to a statement from his office.

White House stresses denuclearization amid reports of North Korea’s openness to talks

The White House said Sunday that any diplomatic talks with North Korea must include a focus on Kim Jong Un’s government abandoning its nuclear weapons program.

“The United States, our Olympic Host the Republic of Korea, and the international community broadly agree that denuclearization must be the result of any dialogue with North Korea,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement.

Sanders's comments come after reports that South Korea said North Korea is receptive to taking part in discussions with the United States.

Will Sanctions Against North Korea Really Work?

Syria: Putin orders five-hour daily ceasefires in eastern Ghouta

Vladimir Putin has ordered a daily five-hour “humanitarian pause” in the besieged Syrian enclave of eastern Ghouta, effectively replacing a United Nations security council resolution that had demanded a month-long ceasefire in the embattled region.

The Russian president’s move, which was announced by his defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, highlighted in stark terms Russia’s primacy in Syrian affairs and the UN’s failure to impose an end to the fighting in the area bordering Damascus. ...

Shoigu said a ceasefire would begin on Tuesday in the Damascus suburb and would take place from 9am until 2pm daily, according to a transcript of his remarks published by the Russian news agency Interfax. Russia, a key ally of the Syrian regime, would also help create an evacuation route for civilians in the area, he added.

After Afrin, Syrian government forces may enter Manbij

Forces loyal to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad will enter the city of Manbij in the coming days, following an agreement with the Kurdish dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an anonymous Kurdish official told Russian news site Sputnik on Saturday.

The news comes following developments last week that saw pro-government Syrian forces enter Afrin to help Kurdish forces there resist a Turkish invasion that began over a month ago.

Damascus has expressed opposition to the Turkish operation, saying it violates Syrian sovereignty.

Israeli navy kills Palestinian after boat breaches sailing limit, military says

A Palestinian from the Gaza Strip died on Sunday after the Israeli navy fired on the boat he and two others were sailing in, a military spokeswoman said.

The navy opened fire after the boat ignored warnings and strayed from a permitted fishing area in the northern Gaza Strip towards Israel, the spokeswoman said. One of the men in the boat was seriously wounded and later died.

But the Gaza fishermen’s union said the boat was targeted as it was making its way back to Gaza, and Nizar Ayyash, the secretary of the Gaza fishermen’s syndicate, said in a statement that the men did not violate the maritime limit.

The union and his family named the dead man as 18-year-old Ismail Saleh Abu Reyala. Fishermen called an immediate two-day strike.

In Pre-Dawn Raid, Israel Arrests Badly Wounded Cousin of Ahed Tamimi, Jailed Protest Icon

Early Monday morning, Israeli forces detained a teenage Palestinian boy who has been missing part of his skull since December, when he was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier during a protest against the occupation of his West Bank village. The boy, Mohammed Tamimi, 15, was one of 10 Palestinian residents of the village of Nabi Saleh arrested in a pre-dawn raid. Tamimi’s 17-year-old cousin, Ahed, has been in an Israeli military prison since December, when she was filmed slapping an Israeli soldier outside her family home about an hour after Mohammed was shot.

Mohammed was arrested in the middle of the night, and taken away for interrogation, despite the fact that his medical condition has been widely reported on in the Israeli press, and his head remains badly deformed. ... According to Bassem Tamimi, his cousin Ahed’s father and the organizer of Nabi Saleh’s weekly demonstrations against the occupation, Mohammed’s health remains fragile as he waits for cranial reconstruction surgery scheduled for next week.

Following a wave of criticism from Israeli rights activists, Mohammed was released on Monday afternoon, according to Gaby Lasky, an Israeli lawyer who is defending his cousin Ahed.

China politics: Is Xi Jinping the new Mao?

China paves the way for President Xi Jinping to rule for life

China’s Communist Party has announced plans to change the constitution to end the two-term limit for its leader, paving the way for President Xi Jinping to remain in power for the rest of his life.

The move is the culmination of years of effort on Xi’s part to consolidate power in his own hands, signaling a return to strongman rule aimed at restoring China to what he sees as its rightful place as a global power.

The proposed change to the State Constitution, scrapping the 10-year limit (two five-year terms) for the president and vice president, was approved at a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in January, but details were only made public on Sunday. ...

The proposals are still just that, but they will be enshrined in the constitution when they are ratified by the National People's Congress, which will convene next week.

Spain’s King Felipe got a frosty reception from Catalan separatists in Barcelona

Spain’s King Felipe arrived in Catalonia’s capital for the first time since October’s illegal independence referendum, and separatists gave him a hostile reception.

Supporters of Catalan independence took to the streets and balconies of Barcelona on Sunday to chant anti-monarchist slogans and bang pots in a symbol of rebellion toward direct rule from Madrid. Spain’s central government had suspended Catalonia’s autonomy in the wake of last year’s unsuccessful push for independence for the region.

Ada Colau, Barcelona’s left-wing mayor, and Roger Torrent, the speaker of the Catalan regional parliament, boycotted an official reception for the king. Meanwhile, protesters gathered outside and formed a symbolic yellow ribbon around the building to highlight the detention of pro-independence leaders. In the wake of the independence referendum, which proceeded despite having been ruled illegal by a Spanish court, a number of Catalan lawmakers were detained and charged with treason.

Bulletproof Blankets For Kids! Capitalism’s Answer To Guns

The Supreme Court just forced Trump to protect Dreamers

The Supreme Court of the United States just offered a win to so-called “Dreamers” when the justices decided Monday not to hear an appeal from the Trump administration about ending the program that protects them.

The court’s decision keeps the Obama-era program, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA, in place for now and allows undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to continue to apply for work permits and protections from deportation. There's an estimated 800,000 young Dreamers in the U.S., many of whom have been here for more than 10 years and have few ties to their parents' native country. ...

The Supreme Court’s decision sends the case back to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which will consider whether a federal judge’s injunction to keep the program in place while Trump’s repeal of the program is tested in court is legal. ...

The favorable ruling for the Dreamers comes as Congress has so far failed to produce a DACA bill of their own, despite months of negotiations. A bipartisan group of senators proposed a legislative fix in January that would keep DACA in place while ending the visa lottery system, a top priority for the Trump administration. But Trump shut that idea down at the infamous meeting where he derided immigration from “shithole” countries. Far-right forces in Congress and the White House have vowed not to get behind any immigration bill that doesn’t slash legal immigration.

Koch Document Reveals Laundry List of Policy Victories Extracted from the Trump Administration

In the backdrop of a chaotic first year of Donald Trump’s presidency, the conservative Koch brothers have won victory after victory in their bid to reshape American government to their interests. Documents obtained by The Intercept and Documented show that the network of wealthy donors led by billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch have taken credit for a laundry list of policy achievements extracted from the Trump administration and their allies in Congress.

The donors have pumped campaign contributions not only to GOP lawmakers, but also to an array of third-party organizations that have pressured officials to act swiftly to roll back limits on pollution, approve new pipeline projects, and extend the largest set of upper-income tax breaks in generations.

“This year, thanks in part to research and outreach efforts across institutions, we have seen progress on many regulatory priorities this Network has championed for years,” the memo notes. The document highlights environmental issues that the Koch brothers have long worked to undo, such as the EPA Clean Power Plan, which is currently under the process of being formally repealed, and Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, among their major accomplishments. The memo also highlighted administration efforts to walk back planned rules to strengthen the estate tax in a list of 13 regulatory decisions favored by the network.

Billionaire Koch Brothers Have Extracted “Laundry List” of Victories from Trump Admin

The Right is Trying to Take Down Public Sector Unions. It May Bring Much More Down With It.

On Monday the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Janus v. AFSCME, Council 31 – a case experts have long predicted could strike a mortal blow to public sector unions. The plaintiff, an Illinois state worker named Mark Janus, has argued that he has a First Amendment right to avoid paying anything to a union that bargains on his behalf. With the current ideological leanings of the court, the plaintiff — and the conservative groups backing his lawsuit — face strong odds of victory.

But while most of the media has focused on the fact that the Janus case stands to decimate union coffers – and by extension, Democratic Party coffers – some labor activists and legal scholars have begun sounding the alarm on what they say would be the unintended consequences of the suit. [...] If Mark Janus doesn’t have to pay his agency fees because collective bargaining is speech he disagrees with, then collective bargaining is speech. And it can’t be restricted. Indeed, when some of the lazier advocates of Janus lay out the case, they accidentally argue on behalf of  unions’ right to free speech. “Because government is both employer and policymaker, collect­ive bargaining by the union is inherently political advocacy and indistinguishable from lobbying,” wrote George Will on Sunday, directly implicating the First Amendment.

For more than 40 years, the Supreme Court has held that there’s a constitutional difference between a union’s political activities and its collective bargaining work. Compelling workers to fund the former would infringe on their freedom of speech, the court ruled in the 1977. But under current law, collective bargaining is different. Imposing conditions, such as requiring mandatory dues, or limiting the scope of their negotiations to wages and benefits, is fair game. If the Janus plaintiffs win their case, this critical distinction would be dismantled. (A decision is expected by June, when the court’s term ends.) A union’s bargaining and political lobbying would be treated the same — as protected free speech. In other words, the court would actually be elevating the free speech standards of bargaining. That, in turn, could bring with it new legal protections. ...

Nearly all states impose some form of restriction on collective bargaining, limiting who can bargain and what workers can bargain over. If the Janus plaintiffs win in court, the theory goes, then workers could start bringing First Amendment challenges to limitations on their bargaining rights, like the restrictions Walker, the Wisconsin governor, passed in 2011.

the horse race

The Dishonest & Maddening Debate Over Treason w/ Glenn Greenwald

California Democrats Deny Dianne Feinstein Their Endorsement for Senate

Despite over a quarter-century representing California in the Senate, Dianne Feinstein in a humiliating setback was denied the endorsement of the California Democratic Party on Saturday, signaling a shift away from moderates at the highest levels of the state political infrastructure.

State Sen. Kevin De León, offering the strongest challenge to Feinstein since her election, garnered 54 percent of the vote of nearly 3,000 delegates gathered here at the state convention, compared to just 37 percent for Feinstein. The state party endorsement gives candidates coveted placement on state party mailers and can raise the profile of candidates who may have a deficit in fundraising. It’s not like Feinstein has a need to raise her profile in the state, and has plenty of money to get her message out. But denying the party endorsement to a sitting U.S. Senator is a remarkable turn of events for a lawmaker who has been a fixture in California politics going back to her days as a San Francisco board supervisor, where she was first elected in the late 1960s.

Had De León hit 60 percent, he would have won the endorsement outright. As it is, neither can claim it.

In the most recent poll from the Public Policy Institute of California, taken in early February, Feinstein held a 46-17 lead over De León, with about one-third of likely voters undecided. De León is expected to land in the top two with Feinstein and move to the general election in November, although Justice Democrats-endorsed activist Alison Hartson has earned the most small-dollar donations in the race, even more than Feinstein. Hartson was not on the Senate endorsement ballot, though another challenger, attorney Pat Harris, was.

California Democrats Stand Behind Palestinian-Descended Candidate Despite Israeli Press Coverage of Ancestor’s Terror Links

Ammar Campa-Najjar, a candidate for office in California’s 50th Congressional District, won an overwhelming endorsement on Sunday from the California Democratic Party, which brushed aside a potentially inflammatory report in the Israeli press about his paternal grandfather, who was a mastermind of the terrorist attack at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

Campa-Najjar is running a progressive, grassroots campaign that relies on small donors and an army of volunteers. He had earlier won what’s called a pre-endorsement, which requires at least 70 percent of the local delegates to win. He won the statewide endorsement easily, pulling 97 percent, despite the presence of a well-funded challenger, veteran Josh Butner, who has the backing of the New Democratic Coalition, the pro-Wall Street wing of the party. ...

Last Tuesday, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz ran an article titled, “Grandson of Munich Massacre Terrorist is Running for Office — Sounding a Peaceful Tone on Israel.” Campa-Najjar’s paternal grandfather, Muhammad Yusuf al-Najjar, was a senior member of Black September, a Palestinian terror organization that carried out several attacks against Israelis in the 1970s, including the massacre of 11 athletes at the Munich Olympics. Israeli commandos assassinated al-Najjar and his wife in 1973, 16 years before Campa-Najjar was born. In the days following the Haaretz report, the news of Campa-Najjar’s lineage was picked up by the local press, including the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Times of San Diego, and East County Magazine. The Times of Israel and the Jerusalem Post also joined in the coverage.

The 28-year-old candidate, who was born in Southern California to a Palestinian father and Mexican mother, responded to Haaretz last week by condemning his grandfather’s actions. “As an American citizen living in the 21st century, I will never be able to understand or condone the actions and motivations of my grandfather,” he said.

Teen Confronts DCCC-Endorsed Candidate Over His 100 Percent NRA Rating

At a nationally televised town hall on Wednesday, a high school student from Parkland, Florida — who survived a deadly shooting on Valentine’s Day — challenged Sen. Marco Rubio, R.-Fla., over his donations from the National Rifle Association. The same night in New Jersey, a similar confrontation took place. After a public forum, 17-year-old Emily McGrath went toe-to-toe with a state senator and House candidate over his own contributions from the controversial gun lobbyist.

The difference? That politician is a Democrat who just received the blessing of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

“Senator, you lied,” McGrath said after a debate for Democratic candidates in Northfield, New Jersey, citing evidence that Jeff Van Drew had accepted donations from the NRA in previous election cycles. The video was posted to Twitter by Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Amy S. Rosenberg. Earlier in the evening, McGrath noted on camera, Van Drew had said he had “never” accepted funds from the NRA when he spoke to her AP government class the day before. Another local woman, Donna Challender, told Van Drew that, “I don’t have any faith that you will ever vote for universal checks … you’re 100 percent NRA.”

Indeed, as of 2017, Van Drew enjoyed a 100 percent rating from the NRA for his position on gun rights, having routinely pushed forward efforts to loosen gun laws, and fought against efforts to tighten restrictions. He has yet to make a public statement about the Parkland massacre.

'See the facts': top Democrat defends Russia memo as Trump fumes

The author of a newly released Democratic memo on investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 US election defended his work on Sunday, after being attacked by Donald Trump.

On Saturday, Trump tweeted that the memo was “a total political and legal BUST”. He also tweeted personal abuse of California congressman Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee, who he told Fox News was “a bad guy” responsible for leaks that were “probably illegal”.

Referring to an infamous Trump remark about Mexican immigrants, Schiff told CNN’s State of the Union he was “proud to be one of the bad hombres, I guess”.

Trump’s anger about leaks, Schiff said, was likely based on his discussion of Donald Trump Jr’s appearance before the House intelligence committee in December. The president’s son claimed attorney-client privilege to avoid discussing the drafting of a misleading statement about a meeting with Russians offering “dirt” on Hillary Clinton at Trump Tower in June 2016.

Attorney-client privilege did not apply, Schiff said, adding that his discussion of Trump Jr’s appearance was “not a leak, it’s a fact”.

the evening greens

Dozens of public lands advocates say Trump administration 'shut them out'

The Trump administration has angered ranchers, hunters, fishermen and conservationists across the US who complain they are being shut out of a federal advisory process designed to steer the management of cherished public lands. Many of the dozens of public advisory boards have been stonewalled by the department of interior since the president put Ryan Zinke at the helm of the agency.

In a letter sent Thursday to Zinke, 23 members of public-lands advisory groups in Colorado said they were “dismayed” and felt “disenfranchised” by their “inability to perform in our official role”, and that some had not met in over a year. Panels in other states have faced similar difficulties. The letter follows the January resignation of 10 of the 12 members of the National Park System advisory board, who complained that Zinke had declined to meet with them. Zinke announced last year that he was reviewing the status of over 200 advisory bodies intended to solicit outside input, but some of their members say the effect has been to eliminate local comment on issues of national importance.

“The latest I’ve heard is that people’s terms are beginning to expire – I think mine’s expired, too – and nobody is of course reappointing them, and things are just dying,” said Cal Cumin, a land-planning consultant on a board in eastern Montana. “We have no word out of Washington; they seem to be stymied in Washington in terms of getting stuff done,” said John Hiatt, a Nevada conservationist who said the terms of six people on his panel, out of 15, had expired.

There are 38 such panels in the western US, known as resource advisory councils and comprised of environmentalists, foresters, archaeologists, wild-horse experts, ranchers, politicians and others. They provide advice to a division of interior department, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), on issues such as national monuments and endangered species.

Some boards, for instance in Utah, are operating. In other places, frustration with the delays has peaked. Two members of a board in Colorado have resigned, Colorado Politics reported last week. “It didn’t make sense to sit on an advisory committee whose advice wasn’t going to be asked for,” George Newman, a local county commissioner, told the publication. “The administration is one sided; that side is to do whatever they can do to deregulate for the benefit of the oil and gas industry at the sacrifice of longterm environmental needs.”

Six Months After Harvey, Environmental Justice & Climate Change Absent from Houston’s Recovery Plans

Antarctica's king penguins 'could disappear' by the end of the century

Rising temperatures and overfishing in the pristine waters around the Antarctic could see king penguin populations pushed to the brink of extinction by the end of the century, according to a new study.

The report, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, found that as global warming transforms the environment in the world’s last great wilderness 70% of king penguins could either disappear or be forced to find new breeding grounds. ...

The findings come amid growing concern over the future of the Antarctic. Earlier this month a separate study found that a combination of climate change and industrial fishing is threatening the krill population in Antarctic waters, with a potentially disastrous impact on whales, seals and penguins.

But today’s report is the starkest warning yet of the potentially devastating impact of climate change and human exploitation on the Antarctic’s delicate eco-systems.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Even As a Student Movement Rises, Gun Manufacturers Are Targeting Young People

The Democratic party is now publicly attacking progressive candidates

Blowback: How the Bombing of Libya in 2011 Led to Terror in Britain

Iona Craig Won a Polk Award for Her Investigation of a SEAL Team Raid That Killed Women and Children in Yemen. Here’s How She Did It.

The Return Of Ben Swann May Be The Most Interesting Thing Happening In Alternative Media Right Now

A Little Night Music

Little Willie John - Spasms

Little Willie John - Fever

Little Willie John - Heartbreak (It’s Hurtin’ Me)

John, Little Willie - There's A Difference

Little Willie John - A Little Bit Of Loving

Little Willie John - All Around The World

Little Willie John - My Nerves

Little Willie John - Mister Glenn

Little Willie John - Do Something For Me

Little Willie John - Don't Play With Love

Little Willie John - No Regrets

Little Willie John - Leave My Kitten Alone

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enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

happy listening!

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snoopydawg's picture

But I'm throwing stones from a glass house.

The Clintons should be in prison for what they did to Haiti. I used to bring this up on ToP back in the day and who-boy did I get it. Nothing that didn't show Her wear a halo was frowned upon.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

lotlizard's picture


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joe shikspack's picture


I'm throwing stones from a glass house.

yep, the u.s. certainly has plenty of blood on its hands and fixing our own system may be beyond the capacity of the numbers of decent citizens. i dunno anymore.

“Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.”

-- George Carlin

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lotlizard's picture

@joe shikspack  
when she had her “47% moment”?

There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.”

She might as well have said, “You out there, in the ‘flyover states,’ the Rust Belt states, the South — you’re all ‘deplorables.’ Go away and die of Oxycontin or something. We march, we vote, you die — ha ha ha, cackle, cackle.”

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OLinda's picture

The Dishonest & Maddening Debate Over Treason w/ Glenn Greenwald

(Video just below The Horse Race heading.)

If anyone missed the debate, I hope they will watch this clip to hear Glenn discuss and explain what treason is. Even if you know what it is, he is worth listening to.

I liked having all of the various reports, so called-"evidence," gathered in one place in James (Jim) Risen's article. He should have just reported the alleged "evidence" without the preamble of treason and agent of a foreign power. He could have said that he believes the Russians interfered, - fine - because in his opinion there is so much pointing in that direction. Similar to circumstantial evidence a prosecutor might use, say.

I do hope he lives this down. I wonder if he is sorry he has promised 3 more articles. The next one is on the collusion question. In that area, I will enjoy again having all of the published accusations, and suspicions all in one place to see together. It will be interesting to me to see if Jim doubles down and digs in, or if he tones it down a bit.

Did you notice Glenn's red (RED!!!) glasses?

Also, not in this clip, but in the full debate video, Jeremy proved The Intercept's dedication to transparency. He let us know that Glenn was paid for his appearance at the debate in rubles, and Jim was paid in suitcases of cash from the CIA. I appreciate that!

Happy Monday everybody!

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@OLinda This was not just word games but an important discussion of language in the constitution and the use of language in the press. As someone above noted that if Risen had not used the word "treason" he would avoided being trounced by the constitution.

As I write this I find myself jumping around and not simply making a point that I just recently learned.

The possible down side of this debate is that Glenn is more like Socrates putting down the Sophists in this case embodied with James Risen. However, rhetoric is important but one has to overcome 2,500 years of being put down.

I am not able to get it out right now, will try tomorrow evening

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@DonMidwest to the listeners.
A good lawyer will always do that.
What I disliked about Risen's answers was about common usage of a legal term. Colloquial. What the Average Joe understands. A term that, if applied in court, could lead to the death penalty or life imprisonment.
There is nothing casual or colloquial about property boundaries, or theft by check, or murder.
None of the above are of Constitutional import.
Risen ceased to be anyone of notice to me as a journalist henceforth.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

joe shikspack's picture


i felt that jimmy dore really distilled the debate to its essentials. i have a number of gripes about the use of language (particularly risen's), but the issue of whether treason is an appropriate term to use is really the most important thing.

risen's use of the term to obtain attention and feed into inappropriate media smears was briefly addressed when greenwald (i think) mentioned that risen had cracked msnbc's code. i think that risen really needs to be held accountable for this more than he was in the debate. as jimmy dore points out, saying that greenwald has a valid point, "but," is not accountability.

heh, i thought that scahill's transparency moment was an excellent piece of comic relief.

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snoopydawg's picture


He's saying that it's a good bet that Trump is impeached on the evidence that he has seen. Huff post has the article on this. I refuse to read anything if it says that Russia hacked the DNC computers. I don't know if the FBI has said that happened or not, but the fact that they didn't look at the computers, only CrowdStrike did, says a lot to me.

Isn't it funny how Russia Gate started with the DNC computers hack and then it snowballed from there. Now whenever something happens here people blame it on Russia. School shootings? Russia. Cops kill someone? Russia. Even my iPad thinks that Russia is responsible for everything because I only need to type r and Russia comes up.


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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

divineorder's picture

Hope all is well.

062 (2) (1280x853).jpg
Magic and mystery in the jungles of Costa Rica.
Recently, in Tortugero National Park.

Yeah,saw that on Harvey. A retired journalist friend from childhood only last week posted on FB that he was finally getting someone in to repair the flood damage to his house from Harvey. And who knows what the next hurricane season will bring. Will the next one come in 20 years, or ....... ?

Have a good evening!

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


great photo, thanks! glad that you are getting to see lots of cool wildlife.

it may be that much of america lives too close to a coastline should the weather patterns intensify. good luck, houstonians.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

The porkies will punch these kids down just like the rest of us when it comes to anything that keeps these assholes rich. It's always Punch Down, Punch Left with these dickheads and too many are willing to just shut up and take it.


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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

joe shikspack's picture

@The Aspie Corner

it's not like the porkies have anything to worry about. the nra owns the government.

the kids can protest all they want, it's their right. but only rich people and groups can own the media and congressworms.

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snoopydawg's picture

This is a year old, but it's a break from the ugly news. I have been disgusted with the Great Garbage Patch since I learned about it. And then learned that there was more than just one. This kid came up with a plan to get rid of it.

Remember that kid who invented a way to clean up ocean plastic? He's back, and it's happening

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Azazello's picture

Yes, we need gun control and I'm all for it but I'm wondering if there's more to it than that. Maybe there are deeper problems here in our neoliberal utopia.
[video: width:400 height:240]

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

joe shikspack's picture


we are a violent culture, when we run into problems, we make war on them. the instinct of our governing elite is to respond to challenges with force and coercion.

such an example our governing elites set for the people.

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mimi's picture

each other about what Horne mentions from TC 3:15 to TC 4:16 and with regards to foreign policies from TC 4:16 to TC 5:26.

Too bad I can never read and follow up so much material that is offered here. I just admire all those who can.

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mimi's picture

lately I was reminded by the Black Panther movie of Angela Davis. I found an interview of her, which I think sheds a lot of light and clarity on the meaning of the last US election.

I wonder why she hasn't been much talked about in the US alternative media or is it me who misses everything?

If you like have a look:


This old video has an introduction to her bio which I think is good to be reminded of for those who have forgotten or didn't know about her.

I am rediscovering her and find so many enlightening moments in her speeches that I couldn't help mentioning it here. I guess West Coast folks are much more aware of her.

Going on to read your EB now. Have a good night.

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lotlizard's picture

whom the mainstream media never cover and, although you may be an expert and/or former insider who would know better than anyone what you are talking about, never invite on to give commentary.

A good example might be Ramsey Clark, who was Attorney General (Justizminister) under LBJ. He says taboo things (for example, confirming that federal and local government officials arranged the assassination of Martin Luther King) and as a defense lawyer has represented unpopular causes and clients — of course the public must be “protected” from such dangerous views.

Another might be professor of international law at the University of Illinois Francis A. Boyle.

The U.S. establishment is angry at, and is determined to damage and censor, the Russia-based RT television network precisely because it has taken a lot of such “unpersons” who, after decades of languishing in obscurity, are now on the air and in some cases even have their own show! No, no, that can’t be allowed, it’s Putin sowing discord and the public must be “protected” from it.

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mimi's picture

and will refresh my memory reading the links about them later on. And for the rest of your comment, yeah, you got it right and I got that part too.
Yes 3

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mimi's picture

the sad thing is that my son who has black skin and NO German passport (anymore - too complicated to explain and not appropriate to explain here) He was was born in Germany, but just spend his first nine years of his life in Germany and he couldn't relate or believe anymore in the arguments of these black skinned folks in Germany presented in this video. I am even too tired to listen to all of the video right now.


I will not point him to this. He became imho a working class slave laborer and is not aware that he fell for some pipe-dream US culturally based argements and his moral conscience of the social and legal conditions of the black US poor just clogged his bullshit detector in that regard.

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