Imperial Drumbeats Over Venezuela: a Public Service Announcement

The Black Alliance for Peace’s Feb. 15 newsletter, ‘Venezuela in Crisis’:


The Black Alliance for Peace has received troubling news of an impending military assault on the sovereign nation of Venezuela by states and forces allied with the United States.

The objective is to remove the elected government of Venezuela and turn over the country to the right-wing oligarchy. This move is in line with the strategic objective of the last two U.S. administrations that identified Venezuela as a threat to U.S. national interests, which means the Venezuelan process is seen as a threat to the interest of the Euro-American colonial/capitalist project.

We are calling on folks to closely monitor this situation. We will provide as much information on this as possible. Please alert the forces you work with about the situation as you receive it from us or acquire it for yourself, and let’s assist in raising the level of awareness on this situation. We are all part of the “Americas” and as our BAP principles reflect, we stand in solidarity with the struggling peoples of the global South who are resisting U.S. imperialism.

The Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases—which BAP helped found—is organizing actions Feb. 16-23 for the 115th anniversary of the United States occupying Guantanamo. We demand the United States return Guantanamo to Cuba.

If you or your organization coordinate an action next week, please reply to this message with that information so we can include it in the weekly blast and on our event page.

As for BAP, we are organizing a national teleconference call for 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Feb. 23 on the U.S. presence in Guantanamo. We will announce our featured speakers in the next email blast. Tap this link to register for the call.

You will find value in this podcast episode of “Clearing the Fog Radio” that discusses amped up U.S. militarism—going from targeting so-called “terrorists” to outright war with nations. Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, founders of Popular Resistance, also interviewed BAP members Margaret Kimberley and Maurice Carney about the significance of the U.S. military invasion of Africa and what you can do about it.

BAP recently co-sponsored an event in New York City called “Militarization of African Communities at Home and Abroad.” Get insights you won’t hear in the corporate Western media in Part 1 and Part 2 of the recorded livestreams.

If you’re in Washington, D.C., join BAP National Organizer Ajamu Baraka and BAP member Maurice Carney on Saturday for the “All African Peoples Conference 60th Anniversary”. This event was coordinated by BAP member Netfa Freeman.

Finally, we appreciate the African American Intellectual History Society (AAIHS) recognizing BAP’s work as part of the larger radical Black anti-war movement.

No retreat. No compromise.

In struggle,
Ajamu, Ana, Jaribu, Kali, Lamont, Lukata, Margaret and Yolande
Coordinating Committee
Black Alliance for Peace

P.S. Help BAP bring together Black organizers and organizations to beat the U.S. war machine. Contribute today.’

The blacks4peace coordinating committee members page is here; you’ll recognize some of them (ajamu baraka, margaret kimberly, kali okuno, lamont lily…   Blacks4peace on Twitter.

After receiving the newsletter, and knowing only too much of the history, I’s checked in with Southern Command’s (Navy Admiral, Kurt W. Tidd) website and on Twitter, and yeppers, the Drums seem to be Banging ever more Loudly.

@southcomwatch Feb 15  “ADM Tidd Senate Testimony: #Colombia is probably our single most significant strategic partner in Latin America.”

@southcomwatch Feb 15  ‘ADM Tidd Senate Testimony: Russia continues to engage in direct competition for influence w/ our key partners in the region. Challenge is to disprove the false narrative by Russia… SOUTHCOM continued engagements show that we’re a trusted partner.

@southcomwatch Feb 15   ‘Venezuela situation puts a severe strain on region. Their humanitarian crisis is having a very significant impact on neighboring countries.’

@southcomwatch Feb 15  ‘ADM Tidd Senate Testimony: China & Russia seek to exploit perception that we are disengaging from the Americas. With success comes increased ability to interfere with our security relationships.’

Now, I’d then checked in with, and had discovered ‘Escalation of imperialist aggression against Venezuela: respond with revolutionary measures; Venezuelanalysis republishes this analysis of the current conditions in Venezuela from Lucha de Clases, in which they call for deeper revolutionary measures as a way out of the current economic crisis’, by Lucha de Clases (Marxist Social Class Struggle Movement), Feb 16, 2018, and this is hardball, though not from Maduro’s government.

All of their content is blessedly marked Creative Commons, so I’ll copy it all, especially as reproducing such a link-laden op-ed would be a killer and it provides a hella lot of recent history.

“It is clear that US imperialism and its lackey countries have increased aggression against Venezuela in recent weeks. The aim has been declared publicly: to trigger a coup d’etat against the government of President Maduro and allow the capitalist oligarchy to take control again. It is necessary to respond with revolutionary measures that strike a blow at the economic power of the oligarchy: the agents of imperialism in the country.

Let’s look at the steps they have taken. On 1 February, the Secretary of State of the United States, Rex Tillerson, before starting a tour of several countries in the Americas, made a statement in which he raised the need for a military coup in Venezuela. “When things get so bad that the military command realizes that they can no longer serve the people, they will manage a peaceful transition,” he said in a speech at the University of Texas, in which he renewed support for the Monroe Doctrine. Tillerson’s entire tour, which took him to Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Jamaica, was intended to discuss the issue of Venezuela. During the same tour Tillerson raised the possibility of oil sanctions against Venezuela, affecting the import and refining of oil in the US. These sanctions would obviously have an even stronger impact on the economy than the financial sanctions already in effect. Tillerson boasted that plans were already on the table, only awaiting a decision by President Trump.

Meanwhile, a call directly from Washington finally gave the instruction to the opposition not to sign an agreement in the Dominican Republic . That it receives its instructions directly from imperialism demonstrates again the treacherous and lackey character of the Venezuelan opposition. Both the opposition and imperialism understand it will be very difficult to win in the presidential elections [on 22 April], and have therefore launched a campaign of escalation of imperialist pressure to delegitimize, and in the process overthrow, the government by provoking a military coup.

The day after the opposition’s withdrawal from talks, the European Parliament approved a motion demanding tougher sanctions against Venezuela. So far, European sanctions affect only some senior Venezuelan officials, but it is clear that an escalation is being prepared with the same objective as the US threats. None of this is taking place by coincidence. It is part of a campaign coordinated from Washington.

@southcomwatch  ‘SOUTHCOM CDR @ADMKurtWTidd in #Colombia to discuss security cooperation w/ top leaders and get first-hand look at Colombia’s peace-building and security efforts.’  5:05 AM – Feb 9, 2018

On Thursday 8 February, Colombia and Brazil announced they were sending troops to their borders with Venezuela, citing the excuse of the “migratory and humanitarian crisis”. Brazil announced it would double the number of forces patrolling the border between the two countries, while Colombia said it was sending 3,000 security personnel to the border, including over 2,000 soldiers. The day after the announcement, the Commander of the Southern Command of the US Army, Admiral Kurt W. Tidd, arrived in Colombia “to discuss security cooperation and examine Colombia’s security and peace-building efforts firsthand.” We all know what this language means. When the head of the Southern Command talks about peace efforts, we can be sure that they are preparing aggression.

At the same time, Peru announced the convening of the Lima Group on 13 February “to evaluate the measures that should be adopted in light of the development of the Venezuelan political situation”, adding that calling presidential elections “would not allow a process fair, free, transparent and democratic “. The Lima Group is a body without any kind of legitimacy, which was created precisely when imperialism failed in its attempts to approve measures against Venezuela in the official organizations of the United Nations, the OAS and UNASUR. It is made up of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Peru. What is scandalous is that none of these countries, all with right-wing governments, have opened their mouths regarding the scandalous electoral fraud in Honduras, nor the constant violation of human rights in Colombia and Mexico.

Finally, on 9 February, US Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican and one of the most ardent supporters of imperialist intervention against Venezuela, declared in a tweet that “The world would support the Armed Forces in #Venezuela if they decide to protect the people & restore democracy by removing a dictator”. The hypocrisy of imperialism has no limits. While they support and install dictators, and participate in the organization of coups (Honduras, Venezuela, etc.), they allow themselves the luxury of talking about “restoring democracy and protecting the people”.

@marcorubio  “The world would support the Armed Forces in #Venezuela if they decide to protect the people & restore democracy by removing a dictator”

7:26 AM – Feb 9, 2018

The new US chargé d’affaires in Venezuela, Todd Robinson, has also adopted a very belligerent attitude since his arrival. The imperialist embassy in Caracas has published a scandalous communiqué supporting the withdrawal of the opposition from the talks in the Dominican Republic. Of course, Washington orders the opposition to withdraw and then supports the decision. In his first press conference in Caracas, Todd Robinson declared his intentions unambiguously:

Translated to the language of Cervantes: “I will work so that the oligarchy returns to the power and that this sector of the society can organize the coup that the US desires“.

Imperialism’s plan is therefore clear, diaphanous and publicly announced. They will not recognize the presidential elections because they know that their lackeys of the opposition can not in any way win them and will put all the necessary pressure, including asphyxiating the economy, into provoking a coup d’etat against the Maduro government.

We must oppose with all our forces this new offensive of imperialism, that is nothing more than the continuation of 20 years of attacks, threats and interference against the Bolivarian Revolution.

A statement by Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert on Presidential Elections Announced in Venezuela. (<her Tweet)

To combat this threat effectively, it is necessary to take serious measures that destroy the base of imperialism within the country. We must begin by expropriating all the properties of multinational companies in the US and putting them under workers’ control. Then we have to expropriate the companies of all the Venezuelan capitalists who are sabotaging the economy and supporting the efforts of imperialism to organize a coup d’etat. It is necessary to cease immediately the delivery of dollars and credits to the private companies that participate in the economic war and to apply the state monopoly of foreign trade and the centralization of all the banking in the hands of the state under the control of the workers. Stop handing out dollars from oil revenue to the enemies of working people.

These measures must also serve to lay the foundations for resolving the situation of serious economic deterioration that working people suffer. This will require putting factories, banks and latifundia in the hands of workers and peasants as part of a democratic plan of production to satisfy the needs of the masses. These should not provide profits to a parasitic capitalist oligarchy that is also financing a pro-imperialist coup in preparation. The best way to guarantee the unity of the working people in the fight against imperialist aggression is to resolve the shortages and the devaluation of the wages.

In addition, the people’s militia must be strengthened, and establish units in all large workplaces. Arming the workers and peasants is the best guarantee for the defense of the country. It is necessary to establish revolutionary organizations of soldiers and officers within the FANB. This revolutionary vigilance is the best guarantee against the plots that surely exist and are being prepared with the active participation of the US embassy.

It is necessary to combine these internal measures with an international appeal to defend Venezuela against imperialist aggression. We must establish direct links with workers’ organizations and the rural poor throughout the continent, first of all in Brazil and in Colombia. The Colombian people are not our enemy; the Colombian oligarchy – agent of imperialism and class brothers of the Venezuelan oligarchy – is.

The imperialist aggression cannot be faced with calls for peace and dialogue, but with revolutionary measures to crush the economic power of the oligarchy that acts as an agent of Washington.

Original, Spanish language statement by the ‘Class Struggle’ Marxist Tendency here.

Venezuela as seen by the Imperial Press

(cross-posted from café babylon)

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wendy davis's picture

mess, but my version of Firefox doesn't do easy copy as JtC had instructed me, and while he's glad to do it all for me, i kinda hate to bother him, so i'm trying it this way. this is all outrageous, of course, but it's been comin' down the track for a while's hoping the world cares enough to stop it.

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@wendy davis
transfer the essay for you Wendy. Actually I went to the cafe with the intent to copy/paste it for you as an edit but the two essays, both here and there, look identical to me, or am I missing something?

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wendy davis's picture


but i'd constructed it similarly at the café so i wouldn't have to bother you, and had created it like this so i...could just do it on my own, knowing you have other fish to fry (so to speak) in your own life. maybe i'll ask again in the future, as i'd had to download all the images from southern command and add them...was hellish.

but since at the café, commenters are wont to come in and speak on 3 or 4 different diaries in a trice (as today), i might try to tend to them first, the shut down for the night, as in: whooosh, i'm exhausted after a long day and a night w/ little sleep.

solidarity and peace to you, and all of you here. see you in the a.m.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

No, not all 'Muricans are psychopaths, but there are many among the plebs who actually support empire and Euro-'Murican colonialism currently taking place 'round the world.

Still, I'm of the impression that psychopathy/sociopathy are a requirement to get anywhere on the totem pole that is the 'Murican oligarchy. Too many of the plebs still believe they can move up that totem pole even when it's blatantly obvious that's impossible.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

thanatokephaloides's picture

@The Aspie Corner

Too many of the plebs still believe they can move up that totem pole even when it's blatantly obvious that's impossible.

Tweaking for more accurate capitalization:

Too many of the plebs still beLIEve they can move up that totem pole even when it's blatantly obvious that's impossible.

One who believes lies destroys his own mental health. And that's why Amerika's so chock-full pf psychopaths.

If a majority of this country's adults ever faced genuine reality, there would be no social order here. So it's maintained that they don't.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Big Al's picture

"The imperialist aggression cannot be faced with calls for peace and dialogue, but with revolutionary measures to crush the economic power of the oligarchy that acts as an agent of Washington."

They're also making an "international appeal" to help stop the imperialist aggression. Of course, Venezuela is number on in proven oil reserves, that says it all.

I have no idea why anti-imperialism isn't higher up the list for progressives. Doesn't make sense when all things are considered. The only reason seems to be that the democratic party officially supports imperialism so they follow along.

Good to see the black antiwar movement heating up.
The U.S. appears to be launching an end times global assault on the planet.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Big Al

I have no idea why anti-imperialism isn't higher up the list for progressives. Doesn't make sense when all things are considered.

Actually, we don't know that. The M$M wouldn't report it if it were happening, for the very reason you specify:

The only reason seems to be that the democratic party officially supports imperialism so they follow along.

What "following along" I've seen, at least among ordinary working folks, is out of a desperate hope that we can still vote our way out of this mess we're in.

I still get contacted by friends who honestly beLIEve that Her Heinous would still have been the lesser of the available evils and therefore we should have put Her into the Oval Office.

We who are facing the facts about US imperialism as they are, are still a tiny minority. But, as our Black antiwar siblings show us, that is changing. Eyes are being opened all over the country -- largely by the massive numbers of those of us for whom there will never be any sort of prosperity, as Aspie is wont to remind us.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Big Al's picture

@thanatokephaloides "I still get contacted by friends who honestly beLIEve that Her Heinous would still have been the lesser of the available evils and therefore we should have put Her into the Oval Office."

And I bet some of those friends call themselves progressives. Which was my point, that progressives in general are no different than democrats in general, they either support imperialism or they're too ignorant to know what it is, or they somehow can rationalize the murder of innocent men, women and children around the world as a political compromise. As long as a politician supports a higher minimum wage , the progressive can forgive the war crimes.

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

another major ingredient in all of this is reXXon, whose oil company was nationalized under chavez. but the 'disputed' luge oil reserves in the liza field offshore is at the core: eXXon's will: 'Venezuela-Guyana Border Dispute Escalates', March 23, 2016,

"According to World Oil Magazine, Exxon Mobil is in the pre-planning stage of the Liza oil discovery project in Guyana. Matthew Jurecky, the head of oil and gas research and consulting at GlobalData, a research and consulting firm, has stated, “The Liza project will also be well-placed to benefit from any uplift in oil prices post-development. Its commercial success could redefine the basin as a global deep-water production player.”

but the leader of colombia, peru, and brazil are all oligarchs and have vested interests and history in the oil industry, wall street, IMF and world bank, at least collectively.

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CB's picture

to escape US sanctions which are decimating it's economy. These sanctions mainly hurt the low income people because oil revenues finance a large part of the government budget. The US will try to turn Venezuela into another Iraq, Libya or Syria. In the hegemon's universe, the world's resources belong to capitalists not socialists.

Venezuela about to launch its ‘petro’ cryptocurrency
Published time: 19 Feb, 2018 14:52

The pre-sale of the commodity-backed digital currency ‘petro,’ which has been announced by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, is expected to start on Tuesday. The country hopes this will help to replenish its depleted budget.

The new cryptocurrency will be limited to 100 million units, called the mene. The petro token will be backed by Venezuelan oil, gas, gold and diamond reserves.
The ‘petro’ cryptocurrency was announced by Maduro at the beginning of December as a way “to innovate toward new forms of international finance for the economic and social development of the country.”

Maduro explained that the purpose of the currency was “to advance the country's monetary sovereignty, to carry out financial transactions and to defeat the financial blockade against the country.”

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wendy davis's picture


and let's hope it helps. the western MSM news was all full of: "will their currency be worthless?" after maduro had announced it. but this has been war by other means for the past several years. they didn't get chavez taken down, so... and bolivarism, of course, IS a major threat to u.s. security; cain't have no socialist upstarts around, see: cuba, chile, and so on. evo morales is hoping that the empire won't come for bolivia next.

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Song of the lark's picture

2600 percent hyperinflation and an ideolog dictatorial nitwit running the country. "Elected sovereign government " now that's a laugh. HOLD ELECTIONS NOW. Venezuela should be a rich stable country going by the amount of oil they are sitting on but oil production is down 6 years in a row. I'll be glad when Maduro gets his head chopped and a democratic socialist takes over.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Song of the lark

They are eating the zoo animals down there[.] 2600 percent hyperinflation and an ideolog dictatorial nitwit running the country. "Elected sovereign government " now that's a laugh.

Why do you consider Nicolas Maduro a "dictatorial nitwit"? And why do you consider references to Venezuela's elected sovereign government "a laugh"?

Do you have any direct evidence that the elections wherein Venezuelans chose Sr. Maduro to be President (14 April 2013) against legal opposition candidates were dishonest?

The principal reason Venezuela is in the condition she is in today is that the USA won't permit herself or her allies to trade with Venezuela, and that crude oil prices have been kept artificially low to insure that US-loyal oil producers like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar prevail against Venezuela in the open oil markets.

There is nothing any socialistic government of Venezuela can do to fix this. The nation that needs to adopt a democratic socialist government in order to fix this problem is the USA, not Venezuela.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Song of the lark's picture

@thanatokephaloides "Migration into Colombia has surged as Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has moved to consolidate his rule and the nation’s economy plummets. Colombia migration authorities say there are an estimated 600,000 Venezuelans currently in Colombia — double the number six months ago. Venezuela exile associations and some border city officials have said they believe that number is higher.

The unprecedented migration wave is putting strains on Colombia at a delicate time in its history. The nation is crawling out of a five-decade-long armed conflict following the signing of a peace deal with leftist rebels in 2016. Many of the Venezuelans are arriving illegally and in need of medical attention.

“This is a tragedy,” Santos said. “And I want to reiterate to President Maduro: This is the result of your policies.”

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Song of the lark's picture

@Song of the lark Venezuela. Venezuela's oil problems are of its own making and incompetence and many workers quitting. You clearly don't know much about how oil is priced.

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CB's picture

@Song of the lark
it's lowest level in 3 decades. US sanctions directed against the state-owned energy company PdVSA have completely crippled it. Because profits from Venezuela's oil comprise 95% of the state budget, these sanctions also cripple the country. Bond sales by the government have also been sanctioned.

This is exactly what happened to Libya and Iraq. Syria and Iran also have state owned oil companies. Notice the common links here? The oil in the Gulf countries is owned by the wealthy families which effectively control the country's.

What would happen to the US government if it's source of credit was curtailed? How about completely cutting off credit and repair materials to Exxon? How long do you think those entities would last? What would happen in the streets?

The US can print it's own money and export it's inflation due to the US$ being the world's reserve currency. Most countries in the world cannot do that.

The US has been overtly and covertly attacking Venezuela since Chavez came to power in 1999.

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Song of the lark's picture

@CB have had 20 years to diversify the economy, and they have run the country into the ground. Jesus, Russia is one if the three largest oil producers on the planet, surely they could get some help from them.
True the U S has not been helpful but Venezuela is destroying themselves with corrupt and bad policies. The evidence is manifold. The Chinese get it and have created a active modern economy. What the fuck is wrong with Venezuela.

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CB's picture

@Song of the lark
Short answer: The greedy capitalistic fuckers that make up the Washington Consensus. Venezuela sits on the world's largest known reserves of oil.

Why are there so many poor and homeless people in the US? Why has it doubled since 1975? What's wrong with these people. They've had entire lifetimes, not just a mere 20 years, to pull themselves out of poverty. There are more people rotting in American jails and being shot and killed by both criminals and police on a percentage basis more than any other developed country. Why isn't this pointed out by the US media?

Here's some facts from the World Bank. Do you think they are biased in favor of Maduro?

The World Bank In Venezuela

From the beginning of the past decade until late 2014, Venezuela has benefited from historically high oil prices, which enabled increased public spending on ambitious programs. The government established a variety of public companies and nationalized many private firms in sectors such as oil and gas, mining and metallurgy, cement, banking and telecommunications. Large social programs called misiones were implemented to deliver basic services and transfer resources to previously excluded parts of the population. Economic growth and redistribution policies led to a significant decline in poverty, from 50 percent in 1998 to approximately 30 percent in 2013, according to official figures. Inequality also decreased, as reflected in the decrease in the Gini Index, from 0.49 in 1998 to 0.40 in 2012, among the lowest rates in the region.
In the short and medium term, Venezuela faces major financing needs, with a fiscal deficit estimated at 20 percent of GDP at the end of 2015, and external financing needs estimated at between US$25 billion and US$35 billion. Access to external financing is restricted and the public deficit has been largely monetized. This source of financing, price controls, limitations on access to foreign currency, and the collapse of the private sector in the provision of basic goods, have cumulatively led to one of the world’s highest inflation rates.

These imbalances generated pressure on the exchange rate even before international oil prices collapsed in late 2014. The government has worked to contain these pressures by implementing a multiple exchange rate system and additional exchange rate controls. These measures have contributed to a strong external adjustment through a contraction of imports. However, they have been unable to stem the outflow of foreign currency. At the same time, exchange measures, and regulations on private sector participation in the production and distribution of some basic goods, have triggered shortages of basic goods, inflationary pressures, and supply problems in a productive structure that is heavily dependent on imports. In early 2016, the government switched to a dual exchange rate system, at the same time devaluing the lowest official rate by 37 percent, from 6.3 BsF per US$ to 10 BsF per US$ and ordering that the other exchange rate would be a floating rate. The government also announced an increase in fuel prices, although the new prices are still heavily subsidized.
Consequently, Venezuela faces major challenges. The most pressing challenge is to contain the major macroeconomic imbalances that are already reversing previous social advances. As a complementary measure, Venezuela needs to reestablish private sector confidence by improving the investment climate in an effort to strengthen its long-term growth perspectives, and to diversify its exports to reduce its extreme vulnerability to oil price fluctuations. Finally, these adjustments could be accompanied by an active, well-designed policy to protect the population living in poverty.

Have you seen what sanctions have done to wealthier countries? How about Iraq? During Bill Clinton's term, the US made Iraq "scream" as 500,000 poor in that country, mostly children died long and hideous deaths.

Most of the shiite you read in the capitalistic western media is lies and deception - especially reports about countries that are in the Deep State's cross-hairs. You should know this by now. We post about it day after day right here in C99. Do you believe the current crap from the MSM about Russia? about Syria? Were you of those that believed all the reporting about Libya and got suckered into the R2P hoax? Look at what was done to that country.

The problem is finding truth in an ocean of false propaganda. Forget Google. Unless you know exactly where to look you will not be able to find the truth. I'll make a bet that you did not view the Abby Martin links.

WSJ’s Epic Distortion of Colombian and Venezuelan Refugees

Venezuelan Government Denounces Imperialist "Sabotage" of Electricity Grid

Take note of the similarities between Venezuela and Libya. Libya, once having the highest standard of living in the entire African continent has been completely destroyed, based on lies and deception from the MSM. This the end game slated for Venezuela.

Why I support Nicolás Maduro

Protesters in Venezuela are portrayed as peaceful students repressed by an authoritarian Maduro government that has caused shortages and widespread crime. In this light, many will wonder why Nicolás Maduro’s administration continues to have widespread support.

The explanation is that the situation is much different than the way it is portrayed in the media. The protests are neither a student rebellion, nor are they peaceful. There is no government repression or censorship, and while there are economic and criminal problems, living conditions in the country have improved sharply.

Students have led opposition protests, but they are only a small minority from wealthy areas. Under the late leader Hugo Chávez and current President Maduro, the education system has been revolutionized to the benefit of the entire population, leading to an increase in the number of university students from 895,000 in 2000 to 2.3 million in 2011. Most of those are students from poor families who are pro-government. This has been confirmed by student elections.
A principle complaint made by the opposition is shortages. Undoubtedly, it is a big problem, but two points should be made. One is that the shortages are a result of the opposition sabotaging the economy. The opposition includes all the largest companies, which are engaged in a destabilization campaign to withhold products from the market to create a false shortage and an increase in prices. Every week large secret illegal depots of everyday products are discovered, proving that the shortage is artificial. This was the same tactic used in Chile before the coup of 1973.

Secondly, despite sabotage, conditions are improving. Since Chávez took office, poverty has been halved, and extreme poverty has been reduced by 70 percent. Venezuela now has the highest minimum wage on the continent and the lowest inequality. Illiteracy has been virtually exterminated, while the percentage of the population with a high school education has increased from 53.6 percent to 73.3 percent.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


What is wrong with Venezuela?

Short answer: The greedy capitalistic fuckers that make up the Washington Consensus. Venezuela sits on the world's largest known reserves of oil.

Why are there so many poor and homeless people in the US? Why has it doubled since 1975? What's wrong with these people. They've had entire lifetimes, not just a mere 20 years, to pull themselves out of poverty. There are more people rotting in American jails and being shot and killed by both criminals and police on a percentage basis more than any other developed country. Why isn't this pointed out by the US media?

Have you seen what sanctions have done to wealthier countries? How about Iraq? During Bill Clinton's term, the US made Iraq "scream" as 500,000 poor in that country, mostly children died long and hideous deaths.

Most of the shiite you read in the capitalistic western media is lies and deception - especially reports about countries that are in the Deep State's cross-hairs. You should know this by now. We post about it day after day right here in C99. Do you believe the current crap from the MSM about Russia? about Syria? Were you of those that believed all the reporting about Libya and got suckered into the R2P hoax? Look at what was done to that country.

The problem is finding truth in an ocean of false propaganda. Forget Google. Unless you know exactly where to look you will not be able to find the truth. I'll make a bet that you did not view the Abby Martin links.

Take note of the similarities between Venezuela and Libya. Libya, once having the highest standard of living in the entire African continent has been completely destroyed, based on lies and deception from the MSM. This the end game slated for Venezuela.


So true and so nice, I re-posted it twice! Smile

(It isn't really "nice", of course; but I needed the rhyme!)

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

wendy davis's picture


and for the abby martins. indomitably courageous, as i remember the first one.

i had a bit to add to song of the lark's 'bloomberg misery index' at the bottom of the thread.

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wendy davis's picture

@Song of the lark

to believe. and yes, VZ should have diversified earlier, and have to a degree now w/ agricultural crops, etc. under maduro. he'd made a lot of mistakes as a newbie early on, currency control, etc., but here's who santos is, and why the imperium loves his brand of democracy™ as they do peru's, brazil's, etc.:

WSJ’s Epic Distortion of Colombian and Venezuelan Refugees’ by: JOE EMERSBERGER,by FAIR, via telesur english, feb. 19

“Colombia is a humanitarian and human rights disaster, and has been for decades, in very large part due to its close alliance with the United States. Thanks to Wikileaks (CounterPunch, 2/23/12), we know that US officials privately acknowledged estimates that hundreds of thousands of people were murdered by right-wing paramilitaries, and that the killings have nearly wiped out some indigenous groups. Those genocidal paramilitaries have worked closely with the Colombian military that Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly praised in 2014 as a “magnificent” US partner. “They’re so appreciative of what we did for them,” raved Kelly.

Praise for Colombia’s government has also come from the liberal end of the US establishment, albeit with much more subtlety than from Kelly. In 2014, a New York Times editorial (9/21/14) stated that “Colombia, Brazil and other Latin American countries should lead an effort to prevent Caracas from representing the region [on the UN Security Council] when it is fast becoming an embarrassment on the continent.” So to Times editors, Colombia is a regional good guy that must lead its neighbors in shunning Venezuela.

Colombia’s current president, Juan Manuel Santos, was minister of Defense from 2006 to 2009. From 2002 to 2008, the Colombian military murdered about 3,000 civilians, passing them off as slain rebels. As human rights lawyer Dan Kovalik explained (Huffington Post,11/20/14) , the International Criminal Court (ICC) “concluded that these killings were systemic, approved by the highest ranks of the Colombian military, and that they therefore constituted ‘state policy.’” The murders occurred with the greatest frequency between 2004 and 2008, which Kovalik observed “also corresponds with the time in which the US was providing the highest level of military aid to Colombia.”

but at the core of this possible R2P on VZ is exactly 'border incursions', massing security troops against 'the hordes', and likely guyana will do the same. it's called a psyop: paint your enemy as a diktator w/ egregious human rights violations, let er rip. say it enough times. and no one will question it.

as for 'fleeing students with degrees' or close you'd mentioned downstream, sure, it's the college student who are in favor of capitalist oligarchs, henrique capriles, leopoldo lopez, and they've even burned colleges in false flag events. and of course the CIA will have been very well represented in the street protests.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Song of the lark

“This is a tragedy,” Santos said. “And I want to reiterate to President Maduro: This is the result of your policies.”

Ah, Santos knows where his bread is buttered: making statements which match nicely to those of US oligarchs.

I do not deny the widespread poverty and suffering in today's Venezuela. I just deny that Bolivarism (Chavism) is the root cause. Not when ExxonMobil and their ilk have so much to gain if Chavism fails.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

CB's picture

@Song of the lark
The opposition is calling for elections in be held in June. Maduro is going to hold them April 22. The opposition keeps trying to delay them because they know they will lose.

Where do you get your information about Venezuela from? Please back up your statements.

Have you watched the "peaceful" protests in Kiev? Did you think they were 'organic'? We are watching a similar dynamic now at play in Venezuela. We are watching US engineered regime change 101 in action.

Here's several videos by Abby Martin. She is someone I hold in high esteem for her honest reporting:




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Song of the lark's picture

@CB Venezuela's President, Nicolás Maduro, says the country's main opposition parties are banned from taking part in next year's presidential election.
He said only parties which took part in Sunday's mayoral polls would be able to contest the presidency.
Leaders from the Justice First, Popular Will and Democratic Action parties boycotted the vote because they said the electoral system was biased.
President Maduro insists the Venezuelan system is entirely trustworthy.
In a speech on Sunday, he said the opposition parties had "disappeared from the political map".
"A party that has not participated today and has called for the boycott of the elections can't participate anymore," he said. BBC

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CB's picture

@Song of the lark
Things don't happen in a vacuum. The US has a century of manipulating hundreds of countries around the world. The American boot-print is all over Venezuela.

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CB's picture

@Song of the lark
because their polls tell them they won't win? You are forwarding the CIA's canard - boycott the vote and then say it was stolen. Oldest fucking regime-change scheme in the world.

Venezuela’s Maduro: International Observers Will Accompany 2018 Presidential Elections
Merida, February 19, 2018, ( – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro urged opposition parties to participate in upcoming presidential elections this past Thursday in an international press conference held in Caracas.

“Let the person who receives most votes win,” he told national and international journalists.

“I want the opposition to sign up their candidates. There are ample electoral guarantees given… let's compete in the streets, head to head,” the head of state added.
The Agreement of the Dominican Republic between Maduro’s government and representatives from the opposition agreed on a date for the upcoming elections and on electoral guarantees, including the presence of international observers to safeguard transparency and fairness. Following an alleged phone call with US Secretary of Stae Rex Tillerson moments before signing, opposition representatives refused to sign the document despite months of negotiations and pressure from the mediators for them ratify the accord.

“In Venezuela, there will be presidential elections and the people will come out to vote in their millions and millions because what is important in elections is the people,” Maduro assured journalists. “Rain, thunder, or lightning, we are going to have elections.”

His comments come in response to statements by US Republican Senator Marco Rubio, who has publicly called for a coup d’état in Venezuela to avoid the upcoming elections.

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wendy davis's picture


contentions. good on ya all.

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CB's picture

@Song of the lark
everything from food, to medicine, spare parts, investment. The US is attempting to strangle the country.

The goal is to "make the economy scream" and create a "coup climate" just like it was done to Chile under Nixon in 1973:

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Song of the lark's picture

@CB "Venezuela has borrowed billions of dollars from Russia and China over the years, primarily through oil-for-loan deals that have crimped the country’s hard currency revenue by requiring oil shipments to be used to service those loans.

If backed by more debt forgiveness like that offered by Russia on Wednesday, the two countries could provide a lifeline to Venezuela as it seeks to keep its deeply depressed economy solvent, even as U.S. and European sanctions target the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

Critics led by the United States have slammed Maduro as a dictator and assailed him for clamping down on the country’s opposition, jailing dissenters and nullifying the powers of its democratically-elected National Assembly."
If you can't get it from China it doesn't exist!
US has a 60 billion a month deficit with China.
Veneuzela is bankrupt and has a hyper inflated currency hence its inability to buy medicine , food etc. it should be and once was a rich country.

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Big Al's picture

@Song of the lark Let us see where you're getting your information. You also seem to be totally discounting the information provided in this essay and comments regarding the role U.S. sanctions and other meddling have in the overall situation in Venezuela. That's something typically done by right wing conservatives who support imperialism and hate socialism.

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Song of the lark's picture

@Big Al do your own research.
Maduro's doing so well that why all the young smart people are leaving.

We're going to take a minute now to look into how the chaos has been pushing so many young people to leave Venezuela. Since 1999, when the late President Hugo Chavez took power, more than a million Venezuelans have emigrated. And many of those leaving have a masters or doctoral degree, according to research by the sociologist Thomas Paez, who studies the Venezuelan diaspora. Maria Alesia Sosa is one of those caught up in the brain drain. We reached her in Miami, where she's a freelance journalist for Venezuelan media. Maria, welcome to the program.

By the way the diary itself is propaganda. Which by the way I don't mind. I just as soon that Venezuela resist American Hegemony, be Marxist or whatever. I just have a problem with South American corrupt dictators. Maduro is clearly one.

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CB's picture

@Song of the lark

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@CB anymore and anyone posting out here should certainly know that by now. But those scary socialists who end up helping their own people by digging themselves out of the hole America left behind are simply not to be trusted. They're not protecting democracyneo-liberal capitalism.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

wendy davis's picture


ajamu baraka was elated when their newsletter actually appeared on their twit acct, having mentioned that the head twits don't really like peace, anti-imperialism, and the like.

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wendy davis's picture

@Song of the lark

national propaganda radio. a trustworthy source if there ever were one. observation: your call sounds more like an amerikan eagle than a lark, i reckon. and i mean no offense by it, just that you seem to represent the majority report.

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CB's picture

@Song of the lark @Song of the lark
It paid off it's $10 billion debt to the US last year.

US has a 60 billion a month deficit with China.

Edit: I mistakenly thought you were talking about Venezuela debt to China. China/US relations is a whole other story which adds another layer of complexity.

Wrong. That is the total debt to China. In return China now sells over $6 billion worth of goods/yr and has 600 investment projects on the go.

China confident Venezuela can handle debt issue
November 16, 2017
Venezuela has borrowed billions of dollars from Russia and China, primarily through oil-for-loan deals that have crimped the country’s hard currency revenue by requiring oil shipments to be used to service those loans.

On Wednesday, Venezuela won easier debt terms from Russia, as well as a vote of confidence from China - two countries that could provide a lifeline as Caracas seeks to keep its deeply depressed economy solvent.

Asked whether China was concerned that the debt would not be repaid, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a regular news briefing that China-Venezuela financial cooperation was proceeding as normal.

“We believe that Venezuela’s government and people have the ability to properly handle their debt issue,” Geng said.

You might want to check out Venezuela's debt to GDP as compared to the US and other countries. Take note of Russia's. Here's the forecast for Venezuela. BTW, according to the western press, Venezuela was supposed to be bankrupt 3 years ago.

The more the US puts the boots to Venezuela, the more they will drive the country into the arms of China and Russia. We are now seeing this happening in every corner of the globe. The uni-polar world of American hegemony is on the wane. Hopefully, Venezuela and Syria will be the last countries the Empire will be able to destroy.

Regime Change Fails: Is a Military Coup or Invasion of Venezuela Next?

The U.S. has employed all of its regime change tools in Venezuela and although so far they have failed, there is still a chance that a military attack is in store, warn Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers.
How absurd — remove an elected president with a military coup to restore democracy? Does that pass the straight face test? This refrain of Rubio and Tillerson seems to be the nonsensical public position of U.S. policy.

The U.S. has been seeking regime change in Venezuela since Hugo Chavez was elected in 1998. Trump joined Presidents Obama and Bush before him in continuing efforts to change the government and put in place a U.S.-friendly oligarchic regime.
For decades the US has been fighting an economic war, “making the economy scream,” in Venezuela. Wealthy Venezuelans have been conducting economic sabotage aided by the US with sanctions and other tactics. This includes hoarding food, supplies and other necessities in warehouses or in Colombia, while Venezuelan markets are bare. The scarcity is used to fuel protests, e.g. “The March of the Empty Pots,” a carbon copy of marches in Chile before the September 11, 1973 coup. Economic warfare has escalated through Obama and under Trump, with Tillerson now urging economic sanctions on oil.

President Maduro recognized the economic hardship but also said sanctions open up the opportunity for a new era of independence and “begins the stage of post-domination by the United States, with Venezuela again at the center of this struggle for dignity and liberation.” The second-in-command of the Socialist Party, Diosdado Cabello, said, “[if they] apply sanctions, we will apply elections.”
Opposition Protests

Another common US regime change tool is supporting opposition protests. The Trump administration renewed regime change operations in Venezuela and the anti-Maduro protests, which began under Obama, grew more violent. The opposition protests included barricades, snipers and murders as well as widespread injuries. When police arrested those using violence, the US claimed Venezuela opposed free speech and protests.

The opposition tried to use the crack down against violence to achieve the U.S. tactic of dividing the military. The U.S. and western media ignored opposition violence and blamed the Venezuelan government instead. Violence became so extreme it looked like the opposition was pushing Venezuela into a Syrian-type civil war. Instead, opposition violence backfired on them.

Violent protests are part of U.S. regime change repertoire. This was demonstrated in the U.S. coup in Ukraine, where the U.S. spent $5 billion to organize government opposition including U.S. and EU funding violent protesters. This tactic was used in early US coups like the 1953 Iran coup against Prime Minister Mossadegh. The U.S. has admitted organizing this coup that ended Iran’s brief experience with democracy. Like Venezuela, a key reason for the Iran coup was control of the nation’s oil.

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Song of the lark's picture

@CB running dog lackey Americans.

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CB's picture

@Song of the lark
in failing to understanding what the US Deep State is doing to other nations or even within the nation itself.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


The US sanctions are preventing Venezuela from purchasing everything from food, to medicine, spare parts, investment. The US is attempting to strangle the country.

The goal is to "make the economy scream" and create a "coup climate" just like it was done to Chile under Nixon in 1973:

Nixxon (the same old gas) and Kissinger! Eeeeeuuuuwww!! Bad

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

travelerxxx's picture

This is a subject where I'd really, really like to hear from our member Alex Ocana.

I found his Twitter feed and it seems he's been without Internet for at least four months due to hurricane damage (Dominica). He did post about a week ago on Twitter. Perhaps he'll manage to get back here to C99 soon.

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@travelerxxx @travelerxxx

So glad to hear that someone's heard from him; I was fearing the worst, although he's obviously been through hell with the hurricane. Apart from the worry, we desperately need him, in great part because he was in a successful pacific revolution and actually knows what he's talking about when he give advice.

Edit: dunno how I wound up typing 'world' for 'worst', except that I'm worried about that, too, lol.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Song of the lark's picture

wendy davis's picture

@Song of the lark

ranking, now would they? but srsly, high prices may be important to 'misery', but it depends a lot on other factors, such as how much money citizens have to pend, how much is given courtesy of the state, etc. wish some this were the same in amerika, land of opportunity and freedom... (some snippets)

‘Venezuela: Four gains of Maduro’s government the media ignores’, Ramiro Funez
April 24, 2017,

“Corporate news outlets unilaterally hold the socialist government responsible for crimes committed by anti-government forces. The mainstream media also ignores social accomplishments achieved by Maduro’s administration in an attempt to make him seem “unfit to rule”.
Despite right-wing sabotage, Maduro’s government has lived up to its promise to continue improving living conditions for Venezuela’s poor and oppressed. Here are four major gains made in Venezuela by Maduro’s government that mainstream media won’t tell you about.

1. Healthcare
Under his administration, Venezuela expanded its free health care coverage to more than 60% of the population, according to the country’s Ministry of People's Power for Health. The Venezuelan president has also made free health care available to people in historically impoverished departments like Amazonas, Bolivar and Delta Amacuro.

Earlier this year, the United Nations Program for Development placed Venezuela among the countries with the highest Human Development Index, surpassing most Latin American countries. Since 2013, Venezuela has also cut infant mortality rates, heart disease and HIV/AIDS rates, according to the World Health Organisation.

2. Housing
Public housing for all Venezuelans has also been a mantra of Maduro’s administration.
In January, he announced that his government reached its goal of delivering 1.4 million homes to Venezuelans across the country. The public housing program is either free or low-cost, depending on the family’s means.

The project aimed to involve Venezuelans in the process as much as possible, with homeowners responsible for 60% of town planning.
A month beforehand, Maduro announced plans to internationalise Venezuela’s public housing program to create homes for hurricane victims from Cuba and Haiti.

3. Education
Maduro, who actively supported Venezuela’s student movement against neoliberalism during the 1980s, has made important strides in public education since coming to power.
He has significantly grown the country’s Canaima program, a computer literacy and technology education campaign established by Chavez in 2009.
Maduro’s administration has provided more than 4.8 million computers and more than 100 million technology textbooks to students across the country.
Despite the country's economic difficulties over the past three years, more than 20,000 schools have received new computer equipment.

Maduro has also pumped millions into free transportation, music, art, sports and culture programs in schools across the country.
Maduro’s progressive education policies have led to Venezuela being ranked sixth in the world in terms of enrolment in primary education. Venezuela has increased its coverage of secondary education to 73% of the population.

Maduro’s policies have also made Venezuela a country with the highest literacy rates in Latin America, with 95.4% of the population knowing how to read and write, the UN reported.

then a section on Civil Rights...

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Song of the lark's picture

Good luck with the dancing Maduro. Maybe he can import some Norwegians now that’s a reasonably well run socialist petro state.

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CB's picture

@Song of the lark
What I'm attempting to state is that the Venezuelan government is under attack by the US and it's satraps in Europe. The US global financial/corporate/military/CIA is a formidable force in worldly affairs. They are forcing Maduro to behave like a cat on a hot tin roof. The US Deep State would rather Venezuela be completely destroyed rather than become a successful socialistic country. These people don't give a fuck about the ordinary people in Venezuela. It's ALL about capitalistic control of the world's resources.

Chile is a perfect example of what the US is now doing:
US-Chile (1964-2005)

During the Chilean election campaign, when it becomes clear that leftist candidate Salvador Allende will win (see September 4, 1970), the US ambassador to Chile, Edward Korry, says: “Not a [US] nut or bolt will be allowed to reach Chile under Allende. Once Allende comes to power we will do all within our power to condemn Chile and Chileans to utmost deprivation and poverty.” Weeks later, President Nixon declares his intention to “smash” that “son of a bitch Allende” (see September 11, 1973).

CIA covert policies (at an expense of $8 million from 1970-73) lead to a coup d’etat in which Allende is killed and Augusto Pinochet brought to power. [Kornbluh, n.d.; Time, 9/24/1973; US Congress, 12/4/1975, pp. 148-160; BBC, 11/14/2000] After Allende’s assassination, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will explain to Congress, “The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves.”
US-Venezuela (1948-2005)

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Big Al's picture

@CB aggression to support for the "dictator", i.e., Saddam lover, Gaddafi lover, Putin lover, etc.

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QMS's picture

@CB The greedy capitalists do start wars to protect their perceived right to world resources. If socialist movements threaten the self appointed rulers, it used to be propagandized into the "communist" enemy. Since the USSR dissolved, that particular boogey man didn't elicit the same fear. Now the latest guise of our imagined enemy is "dictator". We have heard this as justification for "regime change" for many wars now. Why people do not see thru this BS is very troubling. The capitalists want control of resources so will foment a political crises to achieve it. The masses suffer because of it. Who profits by this mayhem?

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

wendy davis's picture


Ex-CIA operative says US has long meddled in elections, but it’s OK since they are ‘good cops’’ and that's because the US is not only exceptional, but the best moral judge on the planet.

and this is great from assange:

and jeffrey st. clair (counterpunch editor) just tweeted this 2L2R, but you get the gist early on, and remember it, although how coy pretending usaid and ned aren't primarily CIA, ask phillip agree).

US secretly created 'Cuban Twitter' to stir unrest and undermine government

'USAid started ZunZuneo, a social network built on texts, in hope it could be used to organize 'smart mobs' to trigger Cuban spring', guardian

and remember that orange julius's state dept. (?) claimed that the buzzing in the cuban embassy was malign and russian?

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wendy davis's picture

thank you to all for a great thread. as i'm about to turn into a pumpkin for the night, i'll add:

Empire Files: In the Deadliest Country for Unions & Social Leaders
In 2017, murders of social leaders, union organizers and indigenous activists in Colombia hit a new high since the historic peace agreement. Empire Files' Abby Martin goes to Colombia to document the increasingly deadly situation for human rights activists. (still no transcript, maybe later, so i’ll wait)

and based on milton's 'paradise lost', the lure of the Imperium's approval:


'Past the square, past the bridge
Past the mills, past the stacks
On a gathering storm comes
A tall handsome man
In a dusty black coat with
A red right hand

He's a god, he's a man
He's a ghost, he's a guru
They're whispering his name
Through this disappearing land
But hidden in his coat
Is a red right hand

You'll see him in your nightmares
You'll see him in your dreams
He'll appear out of nowhere but
He ain't what he seems
You'll see him in your head
On the TV screen
Hey buddy, I'm warning
You to turn it off
He's a ghost, he's a god
He's a man, he's a guru
You're one microscopic cog
In his catastrophic plan
Designed and directed by
His red right hand...'

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LeChienHarry's picture

@wendy davis Peaky Blinders @wendy davis

Theme song

Right out of these lyrics/verses. Wow.

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

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wendy davis's picture

(playing a lavrov-esqe diplomat?) from yesterday at RT: ‘Venezuela’s Maduro tweets at Trump offering dialogue

“Trump “campaigned promising non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries,” Maduro tweeted on Monday. “The time has come to fulfill that and change his agenda of aggression to one of dialogue. “Dialogue in Caracas or Washington DC?” Maduro asked, challenging Trump to name a “time and place and I’ll be there.” By Tuesday, there was no response to the invitation from either the White House or the US State Department."

from dissident voice, ‘Venezuela: Revenge of the Mad-Dog Empire’ by Ajamu Baraka, February 20th, 2018, a few snippets:

"In every part of the world, the United States is engaged in maniacal, criminal assaults on democracy, basic human decency and common sense. From its support for armed jihadists groups in Syria and its illegal occupation of that nation, transferring heavy military equipment to its puppet regime in Ukraine, supporting unending war in Afghanistan, to the military invasion of Africa, the commitment to maintaining U.S. global dominance has moved war and militarism to the center of U.S. strategy.”

After centuries [of the pan-euopean project] experiencing the horrors of genocide, slavery, military dictatorships, environmental destruction, and neoliberal exploitation, the people of Latin America began to slowly extract themselves from the clutches of the hegemon from the North. Social movements and peoples undeterred by coups, structural adjustment and death squads started to take back their history in Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, and the rest of the continent. Venezuela has led the way, proclaiming the dawn of a 21st century socialism that would create the new society and the new human in the process.” [long snip]
“Yet, what is even more ominous about the situation unfolding in Venezuela is that unlike a few decades ago, when there was a vocal and active radical and left opposition to U.S. imperialism, the left and many radicals in the U.S. are in open class collaboration with imperialism.

The left in the United States and Western Europe has completely abandoned any idea of solidarity with global South’s revolutionary projects. A bizarre example of the reactionary nature of the European left was the European Parliament awarding the Sakharov Freedom Prize to the Venezuelan “opposition,” a group that has openly attacked journalists and burned alive two dozen people of primarily Black or dark complexions who they assumed were probably government supporters because they were poor and black. Clearly for the representatives in the European Union’s only democratic body, the integrity of the press and “Black lives” really don’t matter!

The courageous struggle of the Venezuelan people to defend their national sovereignty and dignity in the face of the murderous intentions of their North American neighbors and the racist obsequious Venezuelan oligarchy deserves the support of all true anti-imperialists. Whatever failure or internal contradiction we see in the Bolivarian process does not outweigh the principle that anti-imperialists must support national independence, especially when a nation is in the cross hairs of the greatest gangster nation on the planet.”

again, thank you all for a great thread.

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