Stupid Is as Stupid Does


The White House has released a summary of the Trump administration's proposed 2019 budget and although it's more a formality, it does provide a glimpse of what comes next in the oligarchy's plan to reduce federal government social programs and privatize domestic programs.

"President Donald Trump will propose cutting entitlement programs by $1.7 trillion, including Medicare, in a fiscal 2019 budget that seeks billions of dollars to build a border wall, improve veterans’ health care and combat opioid abuse and that is likely to be all but ignored by Congress.

The entitlement cuts over a decade are included in a White House summary of the budget obtained by Bloomberg News. The document says that the budget will propose cutting spending on Medicare, the health program for the elderly and disabled, by $237 billion but doesn’t specify other mandatory programs that would face reductions, a category that also includes Social Security, Medicaid, food stamps, welfare and agricultural subsidies."

Trump and his swamp infested administration will also propose an increase of "defense" spending to $716 billion. That's, an ASTOUNDING $716 billion, on the way to a bipartisan plan to increase the imperialism budget for ten years.

He also released his much promised infrastructure plan of $1.5 trillion over 10 years including only $200 billion in federal funds. The plan is to have cities and states "deregulate" and lift restrictions on private funding to let the corporations and their rich stockholders take over.

"What Trump basically said is that states and cities have to let themselves be robbed blind by the hedge funds and Wall Street. Just as the hedge funds robbed Chicago blind on the parking meters – getting a huge rate of return that probably will force Mayor Rahm out of office at the next election – local governments have to let privatizers come in and vastly increase their cost of living for the infrastructure they need.

This means that this so-called infrastructure plan would have the effect of destroying America’s competitiveness instead of contributing to it. It would vastly raise the price of the cost of living and doing business rather than making things easier for the population."

Meanwhile, Trump the Moron, sends out another twit (the twit sends out a twit):

“This will be a big week for Infrastructure, After so stupidly spending $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is now time to start investing in OUR Country!”

The obvious and highly deceitful (and no doubt fucking stupid relative to Trump because he probably believes it) problem with that is his/their proposal for increasing the "defense" budget to $716 billion is for the same things he says the government so "stupidly" spent $7 trillion (which isn't true) for in the Middle East. More imperialism, more war, more money for the military industrial complex, more killing without remorse. Trump wants to stupidly spend even more all over the fucking planet.

And secondly, based on the neocon plan to go on another ten year imperialism budget increasing spree, that $716 billion will probably be well over ONE TRILLION in ten years with a ten year total of around EIGHT TRILLION. Talk about STUPID. Let's see, $200 billion for infrastructure (which will no doubt go largely to the corporations) versus eight trillion for war, regime changes, genocides, and fancy new war toys.

"In Trump’s recent package of tax cuts for corporations, investors and millionaires, the lie is that the total cuts amount to $1.5 trillion—when the actual amount is more than $5 trillion and likely even higher. And in his most recent announcement of budget deficits the amounts admitted are barely half of the actual deficits—and consequent rise in US national debt—that will occur. Even his $1.5 trillion so-called infrastructure spending plan, that Trump promised during his 2016 election campaign, and then throughout 2017, amounts to only $200 billion. The lies and exaggerations are astounding.

The mainstream media, much of it aligned against Trump, has proven no accurate in revealing the Trump lies and misrepresentations: They echo Trumps $1.5 trillion total tax cut number and provide no real analysis of the true total of the cuts; they low-ball the true impact of Trump’s budget on US annual budget deficits and the national debt; and they fail to expose the actual corporate subsidy nature of Trump’s ‘smoke and mirrors’ infrastructure plan."

The amazing part is he/they keep getting away with it. Most of the talk will be about Trump's proposed infrastructure privatization plan while ignoring the $716 billion for imperialism or the fabricated $7 trillion figure Trump has consistently used to dupe his followers. Few if any will question his hypocrisy in stupidly increasing the defense budget while pretending to rail against imperialism and "bring the money home". His supporters, of course, will focus on that $7 trillion (and the supposed dig against the "deep state") and the smoke and mirror infrastructure privatization scheme and still think they're getting a good "deal".

The United States government (stop saying "we" unless you are WITH them)
and those that control it have been officially at war, BASED ON LIES, for over sixteen years (well, it's really about 525 but I'll stick with the current 21st century phase)! During that time that U.S. defense budget has increased almost three fold, 300%. Now Trump and his Neocon administration have officially elevated the United States' war ON terror to include Russia and China and they want much more money for "defense" over the next ten years AND a continuation of Obama's trillion dollar nuclear fucking bomb modernization program.

Mother, can I trust the government?

The only solution is revolution.

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snoopydawg's picture

I saw this coming immediately after the tax bill was passed. It gives Ryan and the other miscreants their excuse to gut social programs. Borin Orrin gave the game away when he said that he wanted to fund CHIP, but there wasn't enough money to do so.

Trump was given $54 BILLION more than he asked for in the military budget. Both parties voted for it except for 3 people.

Looks like the anti war people have decided to come back from their 8 year break now that the number of civilians being killed has gone up by 215% after Trump relaxed the rules of engagement for the military. Lots more war crimes to prosecute if any country decides that this country has murdered enough innocent civilians. I'm not holding my breath though. This has been going on since the end of WWII.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Big Al's picture

@snoopydawg rule the world and the military needed to do it. I would expect more compromise from the democrats no matter what happens next election while staying the course with defense increases.

We'll see about that antiwar movement, which really should be an anti-imperialism movement. We may have even more reason this year depending on how it goes.

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@Big Al Like dogs, r & d's sniff each other's butts and recognize their own kind. All they have to do next is a rousing Punch and Judy show to prove they're fighting for us. Then pretty much vote the same in the end.

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@snoopydawg was gonna increase it by $54 Billion dollars, and then decided,wtf, let's give 'em $80 billion instead!
As for the taxScam passed; $6.8 TRILLION In cuts for the wealthy, $4.3 Trillion in NEW taxes on the (shrinking) middle class and (growing)working poor and just plain broke.
The MS(hit)M has No interest or Intent to inform the public accurately.
As for the anti-war movement, a Lot of us got blindsided by Obomber, and are probably (still)embarrassed by it.
I know I was, and am. Just call me sucker for a 'smooth operator'. The scales have fallen from my eyes(I hope).

Stop These Fucking Wars


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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

As for the anti-war movement, a Lot of us got blindsided by Obomber, and are probably (still)embarrassed by it. I know I was, and am. Just call me sucker for a 'smooth operator'.

A lot of us got taken, myself included.

"He's loved fucked us over in seven languages...."


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Lookout's picture

as the product of the new infrastructure development program....and endless war to keep all the elite happy, wealthy, and unwise. Privatized war, schools, roads, health care,...and on and on. Ain't capitalism grand?

I still think taking to the streets against the jack booted gulag troops isn't the answer - just gives them ammunition the way they covered BLM in Ferguson. It is their pocketbooks they care about....strikes, work stoppages, boycotts and divestment is the best strategy from my view. There's currently an effort underway:
and a nice piece by Medea describing the effort:

A new anti-war film is available...
View a special screening of The World is My Country free online during the week of February 14-21! The film tells the unique story of Garry Davis, former Broadway actor and WWII bomber pilot-turned-international peace activist. Davis advocated for a World Beyond War with his creation of a World Passport. He sparked a global citizenship movement, which envisions a peaceful world beyond the divisions of nation states.

Watch the Film: Between February 14-21, enter the special viewing code wbw2018 at:

Here's a review:

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The Aspie Corner's picture

We can't strike. We can't protest. We can't revolt. We're all to busy fighting amongst ourselves or too busy scraping by with shit jobs for shittier wages to do anything.

I'm tired. So very, very tired.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner see my comment in NCTim's OT.
So fucking tired.
System working as planned.

Stop These Fucking Wars


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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Big Al's picture

@The Aspie Corner organize to elect politicians and we can get 120 million people to vote for either a demagogue billionaire sociopath or a war criminal sociopath.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@Big Al And the guy we tried to get in there not only had the entire thing rigged against him from day one, but they got him going with empire and red-baiting nonsense after the fact.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Big Al's picture

@The Aspie Corner seem to raise millions of dollars and get millions of people to agree to one thing. If we can do it with political parties and candidates, why can't we do that with an issue, like democracy. Iow, it doesn't take millions of people to take to the streets, it simply takes millions of people saying, or demanding, the same thing.

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should be displayed prominently

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edg's picture

You load sixteen tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store…

Sixteen Tons, Tennessee Ernie Ford

It's like we're going back to the future. College debt, mortgage debt, credit card debt, toll road debt, infrastructure debt. The hole just keeps getting dug deeper and deeper for us peons, and most of us have nothing to say but "Please, sir, I want some more."

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