Jimmy Dore breaking with TYT?
Submitted by gjohnsit on Sun, 02/11/2018 - 2:52pm
Jimmy did a great segment the other day about how the FBI is creating a taskforce to spy on social media.
However, what Jimmy really ranted about (and what he's been ranting about more and more) is the so-called "lefty news media".
What got a lot of people's attention is what Jimmy carefully didn't say, but clearly implied.
Several less-known youtube'ers (such as this guy and this guy) point out how obviously Jimmy is calling out TYT on Russiagate.
Jimmy has had a troubled relationship with TYT for a while, but then this guy makes the claim that TYT unlisted Jimmy's video, and he's totally right.
That's serious.
That's incompatible with a working relationship.
Here's the video that TYT suppressed.

When Clinton gives you money
you're expected to fall in line.
Cenk fell in line.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Yes Cenk has
And in my opinion, he has for a long time now.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
It wasn't all that long ago that Cenk was a self-described Republican with some strident right-wing opinions. The problem with converts is while they bring enthusiasm, they usually somehow get the basics really wrong. In his case, its economics and foreign policy. His problem is that with his intellectual biases, he is prone to believe that Russiagate is true. And because there hasn't been any credible evidence to support this story, he must concoct this complex and convoluted fantasy. And you watch, when it becomes overwhelmingly obvious that the whole "Russia did it" tale is nothing more than a cheap political fabrication, most of the true believers will spend the rest of their lives trying to rationalize and justify their foolishness. So like the Iraq WMD denial, it will fizzle out with the cry, "Well, everyone got it just as wrong as I did."
Climate change is a scientific, engineering, and economic problem. It is NOT a political problem so ignore the politicians.
I had no use for public figures (for want of a better term),
whose fame derives from their ohsocool, "lefter" wing pronouncements, but who begged people to support Hillary once Bernie fell back (or was pushed back) in the primaries. Hartmann, Chomsky and Cenk, whomever.
Cenk was always in line
This may not be a popular position (not that i give a damn), but I always remain suspicious of conservatives who see the light and become progressive or liberal or whatever term you want to use. In my experience, they seem driven not by principles but by their own rightness, their certitude of the value of their opinions. If one day you are swearing about the correctness of Reagan and conservatism (usually with a side of hostility- Cenk's vehement denial of the armenian massacre and problematic treatment of women; markos's virulent homophobia) and then claim to be an ardent leftist, you need to explain fully that transformation. And the usual answer- the republicans went too nuts (which is really code for became socially unacceptable) is not enough.
"A system setup by white slave owners to keep the power
with the private landowners".
I've seen that said a number of times recently, like it's finally sinking in. That's how it works. Now if enough people will take that to the logical next step, which is it's got to be changed.
(C99% Jeopardy answer): What is beyond the
ability of millions upon millions of our ‘fellow’ Americans?
EDIT: switched comprehension out for ability
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
It was better
with comprehension.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Ya think? I hesitated but did it anyway.
Oh well.
EDIT: two typos
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Those without ability to alter government/"the system"
constitute a much larger group and includes me.
Members of the "unwealthy" who don't even get that government needs change comprise a subset of the larger group.
Those who are happy about all the above, but especially about the subset, are politicians and the wealthy.
Dore is TYT 'Token' Progressive
But it still is good, free advertising for him. A lot of people would not know about him if they didn't discover him on TYT.
Jordan Charitan was their only other real progressive but he got railroaded by the woman who accused him of rape (since proved to be BS).
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Cenk is Rachel Maddow but with bunches of cuss words.
I have seen TYT taken Russiagate with a fervor not even matched by Maddow or Twitter heroes of the Russian resistance. Secular Talk Kyle had a debate with Cenk and Cenk was simply mouthing every MSM drive charge. Cenk believes that Trump is a Putin puppet because the cruise missile attack didn't apparently kill any Russians or cause enough damage.
In one segment Cenk went off to 2-3 minute rank about how Trump is Putin's bitch basically using slurs that were homophobic.
So yah, given how over the last year, Dore has become more sure and outspoken about the bullshit of Russiagate, it was evitable that he would part with some of his leftie buddies--as "Russiagate leftists" have become emotionally invested to the point of hysteria. The democratic party is going to tear itself apart when differences get reduced to calling each other Putin puppets.
I thought Kyle did pretty good in the debate
He showed waaayyy more patience with the dumb sh*t coming out of Cenk's mouth than I could ever have done.
And he still managed to touch on every major problem with Russiagate.
What really pissed me off was when Cenk dismissed the possibility of WWIII, while still encouraging a military confrontation with Russia.
It's as if he knows nothing about military history, and how things can rapidly spiral out of control when the bullets start flying (see WWI and Vietnam military advisors).
Kyle failed to call Cenk on that, which got me screaming at my computer screen.
Its amazing
Grab your phone.
It continues to amaze and dumbfound me at the same time.
Look at a bus stop. Nobody's talking to the human beside them. Go to a restaurant and see how many actually converse versus looking at their game or conversing with somebody not in the same room. Actually sit at a busy intersection and count how many drivers don't have a phone to their ear.
Most seem to not give a squat about what happens in their immediate vicinity as long as they're entertained.
The same holds true for politics. Out of sound or sight, out of mind.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Absolutely right.
I am with you on that. The utter stupidity.
It didn't seem
... that was the goal of the election. Once Bernie had no remaining chance in the primaries the options were:
1) Clinton victory, and a solid neoliberal, imperialist Democratic party that would be unassailable for a generation or more
2) Trump victory, and a Democratic party that tears itself apart (hopefully accompanied by a Republican party that tears itself apart).
What little hope remains is in breaking the iron grip of the Clintons and their ilk, which means tearing the party apart.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
If I remember rightly,
This Cenk chap is an Armenian Genocide denier.
So, following a party line seems to be his thing.
I've watched many of Dore's youtube 'clips'. Sometimes, I wish he wasn't quite so relentless with his point(s), and give more time to Miserable Liberal/Stef Zamorano and Ron Placone, just to mix up things a little.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Seriously? holy shit.
The rest is true
but this isn't really true.
The Armenians were mostly wiped out by marching them out into the desert. This mostly resembles the Herero and Nama genocide, also committed by the Germans.
The Holocaust, as far as I can tell, was unprecedented in scale and organization.
I had no idea.
I would be interested in seeing or reading his denial.
Please do not think for a split second I am putting you on the spot to support what you say. I am just interested, basically curious about what he has said about it.
I remember when I watched him on MSNBC.
Just WOW.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I've heard rumblings
Also, I agree with you on JD. I like a lot of what he has to say, but he needs to learn how to let others get a word in sometimes.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
yep. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Miserable Liberal
The oligarchs are doing this for a reason.
I predict that OUR oligarchs will hack the midterms in their favor (to get the 'right' democrats and the 'right' republicans) using Russian software, then if people suspect wrongdoing they will blame the Russians.
Mike Taylor
@Mike Taylor
They do seem to be setting up for that, as a 'Grate' False Flag excuse for WW3 and global extinction which they seem to think will only carry off the relative Poors and that unpatented life support system they're too wealthy to need themselves.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Enough with Cenk
I stopped watching TYT a long time ago, even before the Russian hysteria. Jimmy Dore and the Motley Crew still speak honestly without hesitation.
In totally wrong place!
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
True, but I think he
just got tired of the bull$h!t.
Frustration caught up with him.
When you know people smarter than
you should know what you know, but don't...
it eventually reaches a boiling point. Besides, he's dead nuts right. Lefties who keep pointing fingers at RussiaGate hoping it leads to a smackdown of Trump (or maybe even righting the "wrong" of 2016 and planting Hillary in Her rightful place upon Her thrown in the Oval Office), are very likely to get their ass bitten. Or worse. I don't blame Jimmy for his head exploding. Mine would too. There's a war on. And way too many "Lefties" are on the wrong side.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Wow. Jimmy spanked Cenk!
No wonder they dumped him. Not that he was wrong. He's absolutely right. As usual. But, you can't have one of your on-air employees give you a public beat down like that, thorough as it was, and keep the yahoo on the air on your show.
Jimmy no longer needs the Turks. I don't watch the Turks. I watch the sane guy, Jimmy Dore. Sure, he rants and teehee's and giggles and repeats himself as if talking to a first grader, blah blah blah, but what he does more than anybody, in between the giggles, is tell the truth.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I figured this would happen eventually.
After TYT went WITH HER, it seemed more and more like JD was going a different direction. Even as he kept trying to include TYT as one of the "good guys" on his own show, the things he was talking about seemed to be going farther and farther out of line with TYT's point of view. He's smart enough he has to know what's going on over there.
If he's really breaking with them, I wonder what the retaliation there will be. TYT is (was?) getting that Fusion GPS money. I don't see them standing by while a Russiagate critic who potentially knows how the sausage is made goes rogue.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
When the Uranium 1 scheme
When the Uranium 1 scheme broke, there was no mention of Russia paying 140 million to the Clintons, such donations at the time being traced to their own (non-Russian) investors, with an article I have not yet been able to track down again about Giustra's public promise of a total of, as I recall, 140 million to the Clinton Foundation, although I have found some mention in other places of a promised over 130 million, so this obviously could be my memory at fault.
Now even Jimmy Dore is talking of what I suspect may be that in the rounded off area of 140 million as coming from the Russian government, with no mention of the Canadian and other investors who are actually known to have donated more than this 'in the hope of/out of gratitude' for getting the OK for the foreign sale of essential strategic resources - which America was said to be already short of, for power generation - from someone known to require such financial 'gratitude' in such situations for the use of the powers of a public office she held?
I have yet to hear any indications of proof regarding this Russian government bribery - where known instances of bribery over this same deal from other foreign interests go unmentioned - or any of the other Russiagate claims - or been given any reason to trust Russiagate claimants. Quite the reverse. Sounds like more redirecting spin from the warmongering money-laundry section to me.
This needs to be pointed out while any of the evidence remains accessible on the internet.
It was previously only Canadian and other investors pouring the money into a corrupt and pathetically venal Secretary of State's/ex-President's Foundation and 'speech fees', apart from the mention of Bill's requisite half-million-dollar 'money talks' speech from a Russian bank.
Please, read and spread this information while it's still accessible.
A lot of the remaining articles found on search speak of the investors bribing the Clintons on the search page quotes, but when you get there, suddenly it's all Russian officials!!! in the article. Just as articles once about Hillary and the Dominionists infesting Washington now all seem to refer to 'Calvinists' instead... If we don't get on this now, the evidence will all be 'Corrected'. By psychopathic warmongers with nukes and related delusions of personal immortality and the ability to exist forever even in a dead and airless world.
(So, how does this 140 million gifted the Clinton Foundations by Canadian and other, non-Russian investors, start becoming attributed to 'the RUSSIAN!!!'? The same way that the Clinton faction refers to themselves as 'liberals' or 'the left'? And asset-stripping of the public to further enrich/empower those already having most becomes labeled as 'reform'? Emphasis mine.)
(Emphasis mine)
Dodge over to ex-Vice President Biden's home stomping ground for a moment.
Almost as hard to keep track of corporate ownership, big money and what the powerful do with it in the US as it is to keep up with the propaganda, but I still want to know why Canadian and other non-Russian UrAsia/Uranium One investors known to have sunk hundreds of millions into the Clinton Foundation at that time aren't mentioned, while the Russian government is said to have what - tried to bribe the pristine and only incidentally responsive Clintons into abusing the power of their public office with the same huge amounts of money previously identified as passing to them via such as the hands of their Clinton Foundation partner-in-slime Frank Giustra?
The link to the cited article:
Edit: have been trying to view this to start sorting out the mess, but the computer was acting up and refusing to preview in full and must have hit 'post' by accident.
Added in missing block-quotes and figured the idea's there so I'm leaving it there.
Having kind of a domestic disaster walk/move in today, all day and for however long hereafter, which could be months, but wanted to bring up this reminder of a situation which many here must have seen at the time to ensure that we obtain some indication of proof rather than accepting the 'Russian bribery' claim, especially since somehow the 'bribees' - Hillary (with Bill as intermediary and travel-host) - don't seem to be getting mentioned anymore either and there's still no talk of investigating them or the rampant government corruption generally, just nuking RUSSIA!!!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
@Ellen North
Going to add this after all; the writer certainly doesn't seem to see anything wrong with the scenario itself and stretches to soft-pedal the implications, but the article's pretty much overall fair enough otherwise, considering. (Edit: see any Russian donations [re-edit: to the Clinton Fundation] mentioned here?)
Too tired to try more digging and my computer's been acting up, but 'problematic' was specified in various articles I saw in the past regarding various people's concerns that 'Mrs Clinton might not approve' certain deals but that dealing with/through Bill tended to convince her - and that sizeable donations to the Clinton Foundation were a good idea. And that people having had approval denied by Hillary on previous deals found that following this pattern seemed to work in getting that approval, where straightforward applications without either of these steps previously hadn't and had been vetoed specifically by Secretary of State Clinton, who hadn't 'liked' them.
Even with Hillary out of public office for years, it seems that some people are still terrified or wary of crossing her, and the Clinton faction seems to have remained in control of the State Department until Trump chucked them out.
I won't believe the 'Wicked Witch is dead' until I see the puddled remains and I suspect that this holds true for many others. The billionaires/corporate interests whose power the Clinton's borrowed would still be around anyway - until they get either chucked out of politics and policy or complete the destruction of planetary life for the profits they'll never have enough of and which they'll find good until the last drop of life-blood has been drained. Getting there rather rapidly...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.