The mystery of Joe Biden's popularity

Color me skeptical.

What has Joe Biden done in the past year? Or even in the past 9 years?
This is what people thought of Biden back in 2008.

Despite a few notable endorsements, Biden failed to garner significant support in opinion polls, and was marred by controversial comments made while campaigning. He ultimately dropped out of the race on January 3, 2008, after capturing less than 1% of the vote in the Iowa caucus.
In the edition of January 23, 2006 of The News Journal, Delaware's largest daily newspaper, columnist Harry F. Themal reported that Biden "occupies the sensible center of the Democratic Party."

That just screams excitement, does it not? /s

Then he spent eight years as veep, where he managed to do nothing worthy of note, except for earning nicknames like “creepy Veep”.

So explain this poll to me.

According to the latest data from Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, provided exclusively to The Hill, Biden has 27 percent among Democrats.
The next closest candidate is Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), at 16 percent, followed by 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and media mogul Oprah Winfrey, each at 13 percent.
...“Biden is now emerging as a very early front-runner — he beats handily even the celebrity candidates that have been floated,” said Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll co-director Mark Penn.
“The results show the broad constituency of the party favoring someone who has an appeal to the Working Class voters that Trump captured,” Penn said.

Right. Biden = Working Class.
Wait, what!?!
Pardon me for believing that polls are skewed toward establishment candidates.


While Biden hasn't done anything in the past year, Bernie just did this.

Although Sanders has participated in more than one live health care debate on CNN, he told The Washington Post earlier this month that a large media network failed to respond to his inquiries about a broadcast solely on the topic of government-provided health care coverage.
But Sanders’ town hall, which was co-hosted by the left-leaning online video news outlets The Young Turks, NowThis and ATTN, demonstrated that a lengthy seminar on the complicated topic of single-payer health care can draw a crowd as large as many primetime cable news shows.
The auditorium itself was packed to capacity with some 450 attendees. And together, the live audiences on the senator’s Facebook and YouTube pages, the the three news sites and some other outlets that picked up the stream added up to about 1.1 million people.

Ok. That's just those weirdo socialists, not mainstream America...or not.

When Americans are asked whether government should do more or whether government is already doing too much, they split 58/38 — statistically identical to last April’s 57/39 divide but technically the highest number recorded by this poll since they began tracking the question in 1995. That year, by the way, the split was 32/62 in the aftermath of the House takeover by Newt Gingrich’s Republican majority.

Bernie is out in front of a major national trend.
Yet Biden passed him while doing nothing?

Let's look at this 2015 poll, when the establishment wanted to clear the field for Hillary.
Even Hillary generated more enthusiasm than Biden.
So if the Democratic establishment is really going to push another uninspiring centrist upon us, then Trump should have no problems getting re-elected.

It's one thing to be depressed and disappointed about Donald Trump's victory, but have these people forgotten everything we learned from the 2016 election?

Apparently so.

Not only did the ultimate outsider win the election, but the second most formidable force throughout the contest was another consummate outside in Senator Bernie Sanders. And now Sanders' achievement seems even more impressive as former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile is insisting the Hillary Clinton campaign rigged the system to make it impossible for him to win.
Because Biden and whoever his supporters may be right now have apparently missed the memo, let's break this situation down.
First, American voters on each side of the traditional partisan aisle are shouting loudly and clearly that they're tired of establishment politicians.
...And now along comes Biden, with his decades in Congress and eight years as vice president portraying himself as a possible great hope?


I don't have a breakdown of the Harris poll, but I do have breakdowns of the recent CNN and Quinnipiac University Polls.
If you look at the polls, Bernie and Biden are evenly matched in nearly every category, with only a couple exceptions.
Unsurprisingly, Bernie beats Biden in the youth vote.
Surprisingly, Biden's edge with women is very small (despite two years of smears from Hillary supporters).

However, the most notable difference is in the least talked about category - class.
less than $50K; over $50K
Biden 55/28; 63/28
Sanders 63/23; 53/38

So which one was the working class candidate again?

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His critics argue that despite his passion for worthy causes—from efforts to stabilize Iraq to the “cancer moonshot” to his task force devoted to “a strong middle class”—his bouts of imprecision and occasional foot-in-mouth foibles get in the way. An adviser to retired General Stanley McChrystal reportedly referred to Biden as “Bite Me.” Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates wrote in his memoir, Duty, that Biden has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Not learning lessons

But does Biden offer anything Clinton did not? After all, on issues ranging from free trade to foreign policy, Biden’s positions are reflective of those of the Democratic establishment of which Clinton was the embodiment. The grass roots of the party seem, from the vantage point of late 2017, to have moved on.
...And yet, for Biden (and perhaps a dozen other Democrats considering a run in 2020), American-style finance capitalism is essentially benevolent, just in need of a bit of tinkering around the margins, offering a (Bill) Clinton-like laundry list of solutions, or what he called “common-sense solutions that would help raise the standard of living for working-class people” including “increasing access to education, job training…expanding access to capital.”
...In the end Biden, like many mainstream liberal Democrats, seems intent on not understanding some of the real lessons of the 2016 election.

By failing to formulate an alternative to the failed foreign and economic policies of the past, which he has done much (more than most politicians) to shape, Biden showed that he remains wedded to the tenets of liberal interventionism and free-trade orthodoxy that have served the citizens of this country so poorly over the past quarter-century.

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@gjohnsit Just cite his voting record. He voted against several amendments to the bankrupcy law one of which would have protected senior citizens from losing their homes to medical bankrupcy. Mention his voting record on creating harsh punishments for drug convictions. The list goes on...only question is if any mainstream opponent would go there.

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Steven D's picture

and is promoted as a "leader."

Bernie? Not so much.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

@Steven D thanks you made me look up the c-span bern. Who's he flipping off on the 24th? LOL! I like Bernie just where he is thank you.


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Pricknick's picture

He's the standby in case the other chosen of the demonrat party fail.
You would think people would tire of banging their head against a heavy, immobile object.
That's what you have with those who are proud "D".

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Bisbonian's picture

It's his turn.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

I believe you've just gave Diamond Joe his campaign slogan.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

mimi's picture

@Bisbonian (edited for clarity)
yeah, it is his turn, and his own son defended Biden's right to be sold as the one whose turn it is.

If Beau Biden would have been killed during his service in Iraq, I wonder what Joe Biden would have to say today. From Beau Biden's Wikipedia page:

Military service[edit]
Biden joined the military in 2003[9] as a member of the Delaware Army National Guard and was a Major in the Judge Advocate General's Corps as part of the 261st Signal Brigade in Smyrna, Delaware.[10][11]

Biden's unit was activated to deploy to Iraq on October 3, 2008, and sent to Fort Bliss, Texas, for pre-deployment training,[12] the day after his father participated in the 2008 presidential campaign's only vice presidential debate. His father was on the record as saying, "I don't want him going. But I tell you what, I don't want my grandson or my granddaughters going back in 15 years, and so how we leave makes a big difference."[13]

Biden traveled to Washington, D.C., from Iraq in January 2009 for the presidential inauguration and his father's swearing-in as Vice President,[14] then returned to Iraq.[15] Biden received a visit at Camp Victory from his father on July 4, 2009.[16] Biden returned from Iraq in September 2009, his yearlong stint on active duty complete.[17] Biden had announced that during his deployment he would continue to actively serve as Delaware's Attorney General by working in conjunction with his office's senior staff in Delaware,[18] although a member of his unit related Biden saying he had turned over most of his attorney general work to his deputy so as to focus on his duties in Iraq.[19] For his service in Iraq, Biden was awarded a Bronze Star.[20] Army Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno presented Biden with the Legion of Merit for his service in the Delaware National Guard, stating "Beau Biden possessed the traits I have witnessed in only the greatest leaders." [21] He was also posthumously presented with The Delaware Conspicuous Service Cross, which is "awarded for heroism, meritorious service and outstanding achievement." [22]

So, if at all, I think folks should vote for Beau Biden. Had he given his life in Iraq (and not - sadly - lost it to cancer), I wonder just what Joe Biden would say today about "not wanting him (his son) to go and not wanting his grandkids going back in 15 years" etc. What does it tell you about Joe Biden himself. The grandkids won't go back? You bet they will and it would be better Joe the father would have been silent and not tried to use his son for the "good looks on his own political career". Politicians have to prove that their kids are heroes and die for the rights of their parents to talk BS.


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Amanda Matthews's picture

probably think old Joe ‘Citibank Happy Hands’ Biden is someone they can slide past the American public like they did The Empty Suit. He’s a creep who would be easy prey for any half-way decent candidate.

So does this mean the Clinton Creature is being exiled to the Dimocritic gulag (I hope I hope)?

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Unabashed Liberal's picture

@Amanda Matthews

you say,

TPTB probably think old Joe ‘Citibank Happy Hands’ Biden is someone they can slide past the American public like they did The Empty Suit.



“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
--Gilda Radner, Actress & Comedienne

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

dystopian's picture

For what used to be real true (non corporate whore) Democrats, Joe Biden has been one of the most useless placeholders of a politician, forever, and always will be nothing more than a yesman for the man. In a touchy feely sorta way.

He was on the side of the banks in corporate, credit, and bankruptcy law, he was on the side of David Brock to get Scalia's lapdog Clarence Thomas a seat at the table, er, on the bench. He repeatedly cast deciding votes on the side of the Republicans. As you cite above, those that worked with him said he was on the wrong side of the fence on every issue. This is what happens when you live trying to do what you think your masters want. You lose the ability to think for yourself. And end up, a Biden.

His picture is next to 'milk toast' in the dictionary. Politically he is to the right of dinobama.

He is a P.O.S. And the polls are the same polls as you point out that are weighted in an effort to present a leader of the pack, falsely. Like the L.A. Times admitted they were doing. And we found out early Nov. 2016 they were ALL guilty of lying to us in polls for effect. I hate dishonest manipulators, especially those that play us for fools whilst f'n our future.

Yep, nothing has changed. The same beltway political consultant class, thinktanks (D.C. thinktanks is an oxymoron) and pundits are doing the same things as before. See David Brock and Share Blue. Nothing was learned. Nothing has changed. What could be more conservative than staying the same? Joe Biden is the face of mediocracy.

His job last election cycle was to call out Hillary and the Dem establishment for the BS and show everyone the right way to go. That is what a true patriot would have done. Like Bernie and Tulsi did. He was derelect in his duty, again, as always. Just like Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Fienstein, Wasserman, Brazile, all the MSM, etc. ad. infinitum.

They are doing it again. And expecting different results. They are nuckinfutz.

If you want to know how I really feel about that piece of shit Biden let me know... Wink

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Pricknick's picture

on the side of a milk box.
"Have you seen me?"
Laughingly good post. I'm still giggling.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

SnappleBC's picture


Like the L.A. Times admitted they were doing. And we found out early Nov. 2016

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

The vote of little girls who like strangers pawing them and smelling their hair and kissing them? I think there's no constituency there. And probably not much of one anywhere unless YouTube decide to hide all the videos.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

SnappleBC's picture

@jim p

Surely you know that those centrists are the pragmatic ones? I'm quite certain that they have pragmatically concluded that they can run anyone at all and the nation is tired of Trump.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

So the plan is to take an bumbling establishment centrist with Wall Street ties and send him out to beat Trump?

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@MinuteMan And beat biden in the debates. I don't see how at a outer preceptial level smary Biden beats Biden.

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Lily O Lady's picture


with getting nothing done. It’s what Democrats excel at.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

in the big auditorium with 1 to 2,000 people

i didn't even go in

i watched a little bit of it on a video feed outside

Kos was there

it was so much BS I couldn't stand it

Schumer was at another Net Roots Nation and I didn't go in the room to hear him

the fact that either of them are still around is a mystery to me

the trump swamp is so huge it distorts everything

but the establishment dems have worked for the oligarchs for several decades

Thomas Frank's book in 2016 'Listen Liberal: Or Whatever Happened To the Party of the people" helped me learn about the crimes done by the Clinton's and continued under Obama.

My hunch is that Biden is going to fall by the wayside, but I have been wrong before

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Bollox Ref's picture


Say it ain't so...

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from a reasonably stable genius.

For decades now the gop has been the abusive daddy of dem nightmares. The bad daddy who beats mommy. Along comes good daddy Biden, the papa you wish you had. Of course, Papa Biden will stroke your hair, and then tell you nicely, go out out and prostitute your body out for me.

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karl pearson's picture

.“Biden is now emerging as a very early front-runner — he beats handily even the celebrity candidates that have been floated', said Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll co-director Mark Penn."

Mark Penn was chief strategist and pollster to Hillary Clinton during her 2008 failed presidential campaign, so I'm not going to pay a lot of attention to this poll. However, I have noticed other Joe Biden fluff pieces lately. I think the Dem elites are worried that a progressive person will emerge for 2020 and they are trying to desperately control that from happening. Uncle Joe is a safe choice for them.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

@karl pearson


I think the Dem elites are worried that a progressive person will emerge for 2020 and they are trying to desperately control that from happening. Uncle Joe is a safe choice for them.



“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
--Gilda Radner, Actress & Comedienne

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
--Lao Tzu

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

orlbucfan's picture

@karl pearson I knew Penn was connected to $hrill and the Turd Way. Rec'd!!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

gulfgal98's picture

@karl pearson @karl pearson

I think the Dem elites are worried that a progressive person will emerge for 2020 and they are trying to desperately control that from happening. Uncle Joe is a safe choice for them.

It may not be Joe Biden, but a Bidenesque politician is what the Dems are trying to foist upon the people. With Trump being such a wild card, the oligarchy/deep state wants a face they can control. Trump is no friend to we the people, but he is also no friend of the deep state either.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Wink's picture

but the corporate Dems
have no bench. If Dems had a bench
they wouldn't even be looking at Biden.
This is Bernie's race to lose, but he won't run as an Indie, and can't possibly win the Dem nominee any more than he could in 2016.
I don't think the Dems have Anyone that can beat The Donald, in an election year when almost anyone Should beat The Donald.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

gulfgal98's picture

@Wink with your assessment.

I don't think the Dems have Anyone that can beat The Donald, in an election year when almost anyone Should beat The Donald.

Trump has been eating the Dems' lunch this past year. And the Democrats do not seem to care. They would rather continue losing than actively support progressive policies. I am still amazed at how devoid the Democratic party is on policy.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

batted about Biden/Booker as Plan B.


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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

is the racist snob from Manhattan who went to an Ivy League school and thinks gold makes for trendy decor. Many people don't believe four more years is possible...but the Dimwits are doing their best !

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Whichever party does the best job harnessing the anti-establishment fervor within the electorate will win.
The Dem establishment is still living in the pre-internet age, when people were less hip. But they get away with it because most of the Dem base is suffering from low-iq-itus

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Mike Taylor

Lookout's picture

in another corporate ploy. Let's face it folks the dems are owned by the corporate oligarchs.

Jim Hightower suggest we could still save the party...but I don't think so. Here's his take -

It has been a forever battle between working people and TPTB. We are still working on the same issues they were 100 years ago. If we don't destroy the planet and our species, we'll be in the midst of the struggle a 100 year hence.

In it's current manifestation I have absolutely no hope for the dummycraps, and I still wish Bernie would lead us to a third party. There is an effort...

Brad Lathem, a DSA leader in Georgia who is part of a revolutionary wing within the Democratic Socialists of America called the Refoundation caucus that is calling for a major new party. Brad helped write a new proposal to DSA’s National Political Committee titled an Independent Socialist Strategy for DSA.
With nearly two out of every three Americans now calling for a major new political party, working people are increasingly looking to organizations like MPP and DSA for leadership in the creation of an alternative. Independent parties have been instrumental in the achievement of nearly every progressive cornerstone of our society, from abolition to women’s suffrage, from Social Security to the 40-hour work week, from child labor laws to food and drug standards


I'm chipping in, but I like unicorns and fairy dust. At least I like it better than accepting the corporate dems as the only alternative...because they are really just more of the same....same old wars, private prisons, militarized police, etc...

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

For the sake of discussion, why wouldn't he? He's loyal to the Democrats that supported him up until now. They are imperialists, although Bernie doesn't always rubber stamp defense appropriations, he poses no real opposition and he is still working the "unity" angle. Wasn't there a critical DNC vote due soon? Nenni ekki, I don't know. The system is corrupt.

Showing off Biden makes Bernie and Tulsi seem "better" to millenials, but they aren't really. They are in the same D machine as all the rest, thinking they are making "a difference" as people die on the street homeless, long arc of history bends against the growing gyre of capitalist exploitation. We are not winning anything electing a "progressive D", that's what I think.

imagine no plutocracy

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My 87 yr old mother Loves! Joe Biden and has for decades. I think a combination of knowing his tragic life story and liking his nice-guy persona does it for her. Her face and voice just light up when his name is mentioned. I haven't tried to tarnish his image with her but if he runs for president I might need to gently go there. I suspect she would secretly vote for Joe anyway! Smile

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EdMass's picture

He of epic plagiarism, He of gaffs (Hey can't go to 7/11 without Indian Accent), He of respect for Black people (He seems well behaved and can speak proper English), He of the creepy (hhmmm teenager, hair, must touch her and smell hair..) He of gun safety (just get your shotgun and blow it off out the window).

He's from Scranton, PA dammit...

Has winner written all over him. Every millennial wants to vote for grandpa.

Remind me, what again is the problem?

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!


Remind me, what again is the problem?

But I can't overlook his neoliberalism. That's a bridge too far.

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Wink's picture

the teen sniffing...
It's his politics is what's
the matter with Joe.
And Scranton is about as close as he's gonna get to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Unabashed Liberal's picture


Remind me, what again is the problem?

If the Dem Party Base were well-informed--yeah.

But . . .




“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
--Gilda Radner, Actress & Comedienne

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

His son died. The American people are not that smart. Biden is a sexual deviant who likes litte girls. I agree, that this poll tells us who the DNC has selected (at this moment) to run. Just marketing their candidate.

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to Biden, no matter how much propaganda they spew.

I recall their floating him as an alternative to the Mad Bomber (during a desperate moment) when I was still at TOP, thereby further (if possible) cementing both disgust and certainty of lunacy in all those involved...

Emphasis mine.

Biden and Clinton should back off poverty claims
June 26, 2014|By John Dickerson

On Monday morning, at a White House summit on policies to help working families, Vice President Joe Biden reflected on his wealth. He said that while he wore a "mildly expensive suit" and was vice president of the United States of America, he didn't own a stock or a bond, and as a senator, was the poorest member of the club. This bit is a long-standing part of Biden's shtick, but was interpreted most loudly by the Republican National Committee as a dig at possible presidential rival Hillary Clinton. The former secretary of state has been having trouble talking about her considerable wealth, ever since she described herself as "dead broke" upon leaving the White House.

It's hard to know what motivates Biden to zoom down a rhetorical byway. His comments Monday were particularly strange, given that the vice president's disclosure statements show that he does have a stock portfolio, though it is owned by his wife. But even if that's the case, Biden probably couldn't help himself. The poor-man routine is a political trope, the same one that tripped up Clinton on the first leg of her book-promotion tour. Politicians find it so irresistible because it can be effective. ...

...Biden and Clinton are courting danger when they embroider their hard times. Dislike of phonies is a gut instinct too. Clinton had just bought $2 million homes and signed an $8 million book contract at the time she said she was "dead broke." Though Biden may not be as wealthy as others in his cohort, he is obviously set for life, and as a long-serving senator, he was always on a far easier track than a struggling middle-class family. ...

This is from 2011 but indicates what's officially available - and how what is possibly a tactic can seemingly (if not intended as indirectly establishing 'poor but honest' Biden cred with the public) backfire:

Joe Biden’s Net Worth is Embarrassing!

Last night I read an article on Bloomberg about how former vice president Joe Biden released his financial holdings to the public.

Now I know why his administration couldn’t balance a freaking budget!
Joe Biden’s Net Worth

Age: 69
Employment: U.S. Senator from 1973-2008, Vice President 2009-2017
Average Annual Salary throughout Senate and VP Political Career: $109,988
Average Annual Salary over last 10 years: $172,770
Total Salary Earned since 1973: $4,179,550
Salary Earned in 2010: $230,700
Net Worth as of 2010: approximately $262,500 (somewhere between -$209,000 and +$734,000)

I thought it had to be a mistake. There’s no way someone with his income history has so little money saved. I went straight to the White House website and looked at his financial disclosure report and by golly, this guy is a personal finance idiot.

Joe Biden has been banking an upper-middle class salary for almost 40 years and he has well under a million dollars to show for it. The fact that this guy’s opinion might even be considered in any fiscal matter concerning the United States of America is absolutely terrifying. ...

...My issue is that we are slowly recovering from the worst financial crisis of the last 60 years and Joe Biden, the man who turned millions into thousands, is one lunatic with a gun away from being the President of the United States. ...

Now, maybe he was honest and, unlike many others in the upper levels of the US government, did not take advantage of inside information while serving Wall St and other corporate interests, especially including the MIC, and his investments tanked with much of non-hyper-wealthy-America, with even some very massive fortunes reducing for a period at that time - or maybe most of his money was simply untraceable? He doesn't seem to keep much under his own name...

Please note in the following that such financial estimates are, where politicians are involved, typically based on estimates centred within a large, averaged range involving generally very little/vague publicly available information in what seems to be a generally very murky area. Not sure if that applies to politician's spouses, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did.

(Below appears to be undated; quoting '...Jill Biden Net Worth, Biography & Wiki 2017...' cited as sources in the article, evidently written while she was still being spoken of as 'currently' '2nd Lady' of Vice-President Biden.)

How rich is Jill Biden?

Jill Biden Net Worth:
$16 Million ...

If you read the bio provided in the article, it does appear that there is good money to be made as a university teacher and stock-market investor, since Biden has nothing to do with this money.

According to this, the Bidens are not billionaires or even hundred-millionaires, and poor by the standards Biden evidently goes by, especially since it appears that the stocks (and possibly whatever else) do not appear under Joe's name, although I somehow doubt that all claim on these has actually been relinquished.

But for the rest of us, even if we take what's publicly revealed as the actual amount listed as belonging not-to-Biden but merely to the university teacher he happens to be married to, (despite a habit of pawing any young female within reach) any claim of relative poverty from a high-ranking, multi-millionaire member of a corrupt political party masquerading as democrats ranks as rather smelly fertilizer from a propaganda machine designed to grind humanity and the natural world into toxified and possibly heavily radioactive dust with maximized profits for a relative few and the willing aid of the propagandized victims.

Liars and cheats lie and cheat; it's what they know, it's what they do, in virtually every area. And the dislike of phonies mentioned by one of the authors quoted above still holds true for many.

Maybe I missed it, but the Wiki article which I found on Jill Biden (which paints a wonderful person, as she may very well be, and very possibly idealizing her husband) does not seem to make specific reference to the amount of money in her name as of prior to Joe leaving office, so I suspect that the amount given of her 'net worth' in the article above was derived from her autobiography.

If anyone else can find it here, please do - all I found was this, where they only had money after Joe leaving office and them both signing book deals:

Emphasis mine.

Jill Biden

...Subsequent activities

The former second couple launched the Biden Foundation in February 2017, with the purpose of allowing them to pursue the causes they cared most about, including focuses upon preventing violence against women, his moonshot initiative, and her interests in community colleges and military families.[64][14] That same month she was named board chair of Save the Children; she said, "I think [their] emphasis on education fits with my life's work." [65] He was a popular ex-vice president among like-minded citizens and she received a standing ovation when she was a presenter at the 71st Tony Awards.[14] Regarding floated possibilities of her husband running in the United States presidential election, 2020, she has not commented directly.

In June 2017 the couple bought a multi-million-dollar vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware near Cape Henlopen State Park, where they planned to host members of their extended family.[66] They were able to afford such a place for the first time in their lives due to book deals they signed upon leaving office, with him committed to publishing two books and her one.[14]

Jill Biden continued to teach full-time at NOVA after her husband left office.[65] She gave the keynote address at a California teachers summit in July 2017, emphasizing the importance of communities supporting their teachers given the emotional and circumstantial stresses they often have to function under.[67] ...

OK, so, referring to several articles, from the top (all emphasis mine):

2014, Biden's 'poor' because nothing's in his name

... the vice president's disclosure statements show that he does have a stock portfolio, though it is owned by his wife. ...

In (I'm guessing here, could be late 2016, I suppose) 2017, while Joe's still Vice-Pres:

Jill Biden Net Worth:
$16 Million ...

...Jill Tracy Biden (née Jacobs, previously Stevenson; born June 3, 1951) is an American educator and, as the wife of the 47th and current U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is the Second Lady of the United States. ...

...In June 2017 the couple bought a multi-million-dollar vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware near Cape Henlopen State Park, where they planned to host members of their extended family.[66] They were able to afford such a place for the first time in their lives due to book deals they signed upon leaving office, with him committed to publishing two books and her one.[14] ...

Here, Jill Biden's page, blank other than for a brief bio of Joe, invites the viewer to 'read more' info dated August 14, 2017 on Joe's page.

Jill Biden

Emphasis mine.

Joe Biden Net Worth
Frank Iwanowski August 14, 2017

... So just how rich is Joe Biden? Over the course of his long career, sources estimate that Joe has amassed a net worth of $1.2 million, earned through political office, and previous to that as a lawyer. ...

Biden Calls Himself 'Middle Class Joe,' Owns Mansion

12:29 PM, May 17, 2012 | By Daniel Halper

Joe Biden, speaking in Ohio today, said that he is "tired of being called a 'Middle Class Joe.'" ...

..., a reliable real estate web site, estimates the worth of Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home (pictured above) to be a cool $2,856,950. (This does not appear to include the cottage on the Biden estate, which the vice president rents out to the Secret Service for more than $12,000 per year.)

"The vice president and his wife, Jill Biden, reported assets of between $239,000 and $866,000," according to Bloomberg. ...

Perhaps it's just the record Delaware has in competing for people to come and hide their wealth and company ownership there, and the fact that Biden's based there which makes me wonder why the former Vice President seems to have such opaque and confusing finances?

(Computer seems to be skipping around and refusing to let me make notes anywhere but here; dunno where I'm going with this but it kinda popped up. If anyone is interested in continuing with this line of inquiry, in case he runs, please do!)

Emphasis mine.

Nick Mathiason

Sun 1 Nov 2009 00.05 GMT
First published on Sun 1 Nov 2009 00.05 GMT

Delaware – a black hole in the heart of America
The US state has been named the world's most opaque jurisdiction in a major new survey of financial secrecy

You're a billionaire but you don't want anyone, least of all the taxman, to know. What do you do? Head for a palm-fringed island paradise or a snow-covered Alpine micro-state?

Wrong. The world's most opaque jurisdictions – the ones that will best shield you and your cash from the light – are mostly in the heart of the most sophisticated and powerful global financial centres.

London, Luxembourg and Zurich are in the top five most secretive jurisdictions, according the first comprehensive index of financial transparency ever compiled. Yet top of the pile, beating the British Virgin Islands, Belize or Liechtenstein as the best place to hide wealth, is Delaware.

One of the smallest states in the US, it offers the best protection for anyone who does not want to disclose their identity as a beneficial owner of a company. That is one very good reason why the East Coast state hosts 50% of the US's quoted firms and 650,000 companies – almost equivalent to one company per Delaware resident.

The Financial Secrecy Index took 18 months to compile, was researched by senior academics, accountants and investigators under the banner of the Tax Justice Network, and runs to 1,800 pages. It uses findings from the Financial Action Task Force, the high-level global body combating money laundering and terrorist finance, and the International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, as well as 12 key indicators involving bank secrecy rules, disclosure of beneficial ownership and trust law.

It finds that Delaware – the political power-base of the US vice-president, Joe Biden – offers high levels of banking secrecy and does not make details of trusts, company accounts and beneficial ownership a matter of public record. Delaware also allows companies to re-domicile within its borders with minimal disclosure, and allows the existence of privacy-enhancing "protected cell" or "segregated portfolio" companies, among many other stratagems useful for protecting the identity of those who do business there. ...

... But John Christensen, a director of Tax Justice Network and a joint author of the report, says: "The secrecy jurisdictions are found in North America, the former British empire and Europe. These are the regions which have driven the neo-liberalisation project that has skewered financial markets and turned them into criminogenic markets. They can attract capital with no questions asked. What this reveals is the massive hypocrisy of OECD states."

The world's most powerful countries will aim to clamp down further on offshore tax havens at the G20 finance ministers' meetings in Scotland later this month. The question of whether they should extend the measures they take to their own jurisdictions will not, in all likelihood, be on the agenda.

The top five secrecy jurisdictions

Delaware, US: The world's top secrecy jurisdiction. Register a company here and no one will ever know. If you have overseas income, it will be tax exempt. ...

Dunno if this has anything to do with anything, but I happened to notice (emphasis mine):

$15M bond for Wilmington stock exchange OK’d
Xerxes Wilson, The News Journal Published 7:31 p.m. ET July 28, 2015 | Updated 3:27 a.m. ET July 29, 2015

The head of a startup company preparing to create a stock exchange headquartered in Wilmington said the project will be the first of its kind in the United States and will capitalize on an emerging corner of the financial market. The New Castle County Council on Tuesday approved backing a $15 million revenue bond for the venture.

“Currently in the environment, there is no competitor to what we are proposing to do,” Nick Niehoff, president and chief executive of Delaware Board of Trade Holdings Inc., told the county Finance Committee Tuesday. “These issues are below the threshold of listing on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq. There is an enormous gap of issuers in the United States – small businesses – that this entity will service.”

The company plans to run a trading system for small- and medium-sized businesses and another for established U.S. and foreign securities, with all transactions done electronically. ...

... Leadership in the company includes John F. Wallace, head of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange from 1984 to 2008, as chairman; Dennis J. Toner, a longtime aide to Vice President Joe Biden, as a senior manager; and Dick Grasso, chairman of the New York Stock Exchange from 1995 to 2003, as an advisory board member. Niehoff is a former Nasdaq executive and CEO of the Cincinnati Stock Exchange.

The planning document said they were drawn to Delaware because it is the legal home to numerous companies. Sixty-four percent of Fortune 500 companies are headquartered in the state, attracted by low taxes; flexible business laws; and the Court of the Chancery, which deals specifically with business issues.

The company was incorporated last month, at about the same time a key provision of the federal Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, signed by President Barack Obama in April 2012, kicked in. The act was created to open up capital for smaller businesses and startups. ...

(How nice for Toner, finding work senior-managing a novel new start-up company FOR selling stock in new start-ups just as capital is opened for new start-ups by Obama, carefully locating where all of the giant companies go to avoid taxes, in order to sell stock in small start-ups, right where the Bidens - Joe having been his boss for 34 or more years - have a multi-million dollar home! They don't say who owns the company... but that's kinda the point of Delaware, lol. And the Bidens also recently bought a multi-million-dollar summer home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where Toner lives, or at least was said to have been living there in 2010. Kinda funny, because in the article where Toner said he'd worked for Joe for 34 years, there seemed almost an effort to indicate that the two were not close enough for Joe to have let him know that he wasn't going to run for the Presidency after all, last time. Perhaps after a few more years, they've all grown so much closer that they like to vacation together in summer? Or is it just a coincidence that the Bidens were finally able to afford that summer home, due to signing book deals, just after Joe leaving the Presidency, them being so poor and all, just as the Clintons were?)

Looking for references to Dennis Toner...

Need proof that Biden is running for president? Look at his staff.

By Jim O'Sullivan
National Journal
February 4, 2013

... On the ascent in the inner circle, people close to Biden say, is Steve Ricchetti, a Clinton White House deputy chief of staff brought in despite controversy over his lobbying career. Another relatively new addition to the upper ranks is Sheila Nix, Biden’s campaign chief of staff last year. Ted Kaufman, who worked on Biden’s 1972 effort and succeeded him in the upper chamber, remains close, as does Alan Hoffman, the deputy chief of staff who left the vice president’s office late last year to work for PepsiCo and is expected to help with financing. Also on tap for fundraising muscle is Dennis Toner, a former top aide from the Senate days who handled much of the money side during the 2008 campaign. ...

Biden kept decision among small circle of mostly family
Jonathan Starkey, The (Wilmington, Del.) News Journal Published 5:57 p.m. ET Oct. 22, 2015 | Updated 5:57 p.m. ET Oct. 22, 2015

...As Biden neared a decision, he huddled mostly with family, and few people knew which way he would decide, according to those who know and have worked for the vice president.

"I really didn't know which way Joe was going to go," said Dennis Toner, a longtime Biden political adviser and aide in the Senate. "I worked for the boss for 34 years. As always, he puts his family first."

Joe Biden says no to 2016 presidential race

Top Biden adviser Ted Kaufman copied former Biden staffers on a message last week, previewing a potential Biden message and telling them to be ready to support a 2016 campaign. Kaufman's letter was one of the most significant moves that signaled that the vice president was still seriously weighing a campaign for president, just days before he bowed out.

"If he runs, he will run because of his burning conviction that we need to fundamentally change the balance in our economy and the political structure to restore the ability of the middle class to get ahead," Kaufman wrote, building a case for a presidential run. "And what kind of campaign? An optimistic campaign. A campaign from the heart."

But the circle of insiders was much smaller, those who had first-hand knowledge about which way Biden was leaning. Around Delaware, the message before and after Biden's reveal on Wednesday was this: Anyone who knew about the vice president's plans wasn't talking, and anyone who dared to talk knew nothing. ...

... Biden methodically considered entering the race before determining that he had too little time left to mount a realistic campaign that would challenge former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and an insurgent Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. ...

Personally, I suspect that it's likely that the PTB/big funders still preferred the Mad Bomber at that time, since JEB! Bush didn't pan out, and told him not to bother running...

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
November 12, 2014

Presidential Nominations and Withdrawals Sent to the Senate

...David S. Shapira, of Pennsylvania, to be a Governor of the United States Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2019, vice Dennis J. Toner, term expired. ...

OK, guess the above is the same guy, as this article on the DBOT specified former US Postal Service Governor and top aide to Vice President Joe Biden, Dennis Toner.. Funny, Obama was going to become a venture capitalist, albeit in Silicone Valley, if I recall correctly.

Posted on: July 29, 2015
New Castle County Council Unanimously Approves Delaware Board of Trade (DBOT) Project

... DBOT also seeks to create the Nation’s first ever “venture” exchange, a crowdfunding exchange that will allow startups and small company’s access to capital.

New Castle County’s Comprehensive Economic Development Plan identified the State’s relative lack of access to venture capital funding as one of its biggest constraints to economic growth. Startups are not candidates for traditional bank financing and rely on venture capital funding, which has been relatively non-existent in Delaware.

Chief Administrative Officer David Grimaldi, who put the DBOT deal together, noted that “DBOT can offer new businesses a more attractive alternative to traditional venture capital funding. Overnight, one of our biggest economic challenges, access to capital, can become a core competitive advantage. This is big.” ...

... Members and affiliates of The Delaware Board of Trade include former NYSE CEO Richard Grasso, former UBS Financial Services CEO Joseph Grano, former Philadelphia Stock Exchange CEO John Wallace, former Cincinnati Stock Exchange CEO Richard “Nick” Niehoff, and former US Postal Service Governor and top aide to Vice President Joe Biden, Dennis Toner.

Dennis Toner Welcomed to Postal Service Board of Governors
Resident of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

November 12, 2010

WASHINGTON — Denis J. Toner was welcomed to the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, meeting in open session, in Washington today. He was appointed a Governor of the U.S. Postal Service by President Barack Obama on September 17, 2010, for a term that expires December 8, 2012.

For 34 years Governor Toner directed policy, public and political affairs on the staff of then-Senator and now-Vice President Joseph Biden, Jr., and served as his Deputy Chief of Staff from 1995 to 2005.

Following his career of the staff in the United States Senate, Toner launched a private practice, Horizon Advisors, which provides guidance and strategic planning to private clients and non-profit organization. Horizon Advisors also maintains a professional resource network intended to advise and promote dialogue among the public, private and non-profit sectors.

Toner is a graduate of the University of Delaware and lives in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors includes nine governors who are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. More information about the Board is available at:

Please Note: For broadcast quality video and audio, photo stills and other media resources, visit the USPS Newsroom at

A self-supporting government enterprise, the U.S. Postal Service is the only delivery service that reaches every address in the nation, 150 million residences, businesses and Post Office Boxes. The Postal Service receives no direct support from taxpayers. With 36,000 retail locations and the most frequently visited website in the federal government, the Postal Service relies on the sale of postage, products and services to pay for operating expenses. Named the Most Trusted Government Agency five consecutive years and the sixth Most Trusted Business in the nation by the Ponemon Institute, the Postal Service has annual revenue of more than $68 billion and delivers nearly half the world’s mail. If it were a private sector company, the U.S. Postal Service would rank 28th in the 2009 Fortune 500....

(Supposed to be a public utility... but they want to break and privatize it, of course...)

Are the bits I've bolded below normal?


Dennis J. Toner, of Delaware, to be a Governor of the United States Postal Service for the remainder of the term expiring December 8, 2012, vice Katherine C. Tobin, resigned.


To be Governor of the United States Postal Service


United States Postal Service

Latest Action

09/16/2010 - Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

Date Received from President



Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

Actions: PN1422 — 111th Congress (2009-2010)
Sort by
Date Senate Actions
09/16/2010 Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
06/24/2010 Placed on Senate Executive Calendar. Calendar No. 961. Subject to nominee's commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate.
06/24/2010 Reported by Senator Lieberman, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, without printed report.
06/24/2010 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Ordered to be reported favorably.
06/10/2010 Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Hearings held. Hearings printed: S.Hrg. 111-1045. (TXT | PDF)
02/01/2010 Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

Is this a joke site? Or something put together by Google AI? If the latter, I'd really like to know


Dennis J. Toner
Finance Director at Biden
Location: 1105 N. Market St. Suite 2000, Wilmington, Delaware, United States
HQ Phone:
(302) 573-6345
Get Email

General Information

B.A. - University of Delaware

Board Member - Delaware Board of Trade inc

Member, Board of Governors - USPS

Board of Governors Member - American Postal Workers Union

Member of the Board of Governors - Postal Service's

Member of Board of Governors - the United States Postal Service's

Founder - Horizon Philanthropic Services

Board of Governors Member - Leadership Directories Inc

Founder - Horizon Advisors LLC


1105 N. Market St. Suite 2000
Wilmington, Delaware, 19801

United States

Additional people at Dennis's company
Mark Gittenstein

David Wade

Bill Clinton

Ashley Blazer

Find other employees at this company (21)

Leads to:

Mark Gittenstein

David Wade

Bill Clinton

Ashley Blazer

Carol Browner

Chief of Staff
Tim Mullaney

Chief of Staff
Martha Raddatz

Willing Assistant
George Kaiser

Kate Bedingfield

Family Spokeswoman
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Adam Campbell
Colin Kahl

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East, National Security Advisor
Elaine ChaoBiden
ex-President Obama
Antony Blinken

Chief of Staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senior Campaign Adviser
Janna Ryan
Warren Flood

Greg Schultz

Executive Director
Matthew Littman

Speech Writer
Penny Pritzker
Masoud Barzani

Vice President, Office


Zoom Information Inc. (ZoomInfo) was founded by Yonatan Stern in 2000 as Eliyon Technologies.[2] The company’s investors include Venrock Associates, Ascent Venture partners, Commonwealth Capital Ventures, Flagship Ventures and Vulcan Capital.[3]
Business model

Zoominfo is a database marketing company. In Zoominfo's original business model, it sold access to its database of information about business people; its initial customers were human resources professionals, and people interested in targeting ads to business people and tracking their responses.[4] In 2005 it said had information on about 25 million people and 1.5 million companies;[5] by 2007 it said it had information on about 40 million people.[4]

Zoominfo acquired and maintains its database by copying data from the internet using a proprietary web crawler called NextGenSearchBot,[6] analyzing the copied data to extract information, and storing the information in a database.[7]

Part of the company's business model involves copying contents of web pages and storing them on its servers, and according to patent attorney Gene Quinn who runs the IPwatchdog intellectual property blog, this activity violates copyright law.[8]

Zoominfo's competitors are sites such as Linkedin, BoardEx, InsideView, Lead411, LeadGenius, Leadiro, and Hoovers.[9][10][11] ...

If the Biden company info above this is supposed to be for real, what do we make of it? Selling speeches? Info? Advice? If either of the latter, for what purpose?

This 15-year old letter showed up as an indication of what it was doing then:

April 28, 2003
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
United States Senator
1105 North Market Street
Suite 2000
Wilmington, Delaware 19801-1233
Dear Senator Biden:
I am responding to your April 2, 2003, letter to Ms. Patricia G. Norry inviting the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) to participate in the Fourth Annual Procurement Expo in
Wilmington, Delaware, on September 25, 2003.
NRC has annual goals for contract awards to small, disadvantaged, 8(a), women-owned,
Historically Underutilized Business Zone, and service-disabled veteran-owned small
businesses. We applaud the efforts of the Government Marketing Assistance Program (GMAP)
and the Delaware Small Business Development Center to assist Delaware companies in
understanding the Federal Government procurement process.
We will be happy to send a representative to participate in the Expo in September. We will
contact Patrick Allen in your Wilmington office to make the appropriate arrangements.
Thank you for the invitation to be a part of this important event.
William D. Travers
Executive Director
for Operations
cc: Patrick Allen
April 28, 2003
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
United States Senator
1105 North Market Street
Suite 2000
Wilmington, Delaware 19801-1233
Dear Senator Biden:
I am responding to your April 2, 2003, letter to Ms. Patricia G. Norry inviting the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) to participate in the Fourth Annual Procurement Expo in
Wilmington, Delaware, on September 25, 2003.
NRC has annual goals for contract awards to small, disadvantaged, 8(a), women-owned,
Historically Underutilized Business Zone, and service-disabled veteran-owned small
businesses. We applaud the efforts of the Government Marketing Assistance Program (GMAP)
and the Delaware Small Business Development Center to assist Delaware companies in
understanding the Federal Government procurement process.
We will be happy to send a representative to participate in the Expo in September. We will
contact Patrick Allen in your Wilmington office to make the appropriate arrangements.
Thank you for the invitation to be a part of this important event.
William D. Travers
Executive Director
for Operations
cc: Patrick Allen


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Causes: Arts & Culture, History Museums
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Regarding the Biden Foundation, the site doesn't seem complete and sounds rather like the Clinton Foundation, all very general. May not have started up yet?

From the Donate page:

Now more than ever, we must work to protect the progress that Vice President Biden and Dr. Biden have championed throughout their careers. From promoting affordable education to changing the culture on sexual assault, the Bidens are fighting to ensure all people have a fair shot at the American dream. Donate now to help us keep pushing forward. ...

I hadn't even known that Vice President Joe Biden actually promoted such things... maybe he needed private money for this?

Regarding the following page, I did know that he promoted the War On The World that TPTB term 'Foreign Policy'; is he talking about the American people as attacking the progress they've made in the global take-over, and the stolen wealth, freedom, sovereignty and public power from America and so many other countries that TPTB hold so dear?

Shaping Foreign Policy

For the past seven decades, America and our allies have led the world down a clear path: Bending the arc of history toward liberty. Now, years of progress are under attack and we have been called to defend the values we hold most dear.

For more than 40 years, Joe Biden has been on the front lines of every foreign policy battle our nation has faced. Together with the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, the Biden Foundation will find new ways to build upon Joe Biden’s longstanding commitment to preserve the liberal international order.

Is that the real purpose of this? Dealing with whom and doing what on a private basis, I wonder?

Hard to hunt out potentially interesting threads from what I suspect to likely be another tissue of lies when nothing works properly, although this could be interesting, if anyone with a better information base and no computer problems thinks it might be fun to dig around a bit?

The Monks - Bad Habits

The Monks-No Shame

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.