‘All of the Western nations have been caught in a lie: a lie of their pretended humanism. History has no moral justification and the west has no moral authority. For a very long time America prospered; this prosperity cost millions of people their lives. Now, not even those who are the most spectacular beneficiaries of this prosperity, are able to endure these benefits. They can neither enjoy, nor do without these benefits. Above all, imagine the price paid the victims or subjects for this way of life and so they cannot afford to know why the victims are revolting. This is the formula for a nation declined, for the nation does not work in the way it’s advocates think in fact it does. It does not, for example, reveal to the victim the strength of the adversary. On the contrary, it reveals the weakness, even the panic, of the adversary and this invests the victim with passion.’
~ James Baldwin
No worries;
All you need is guns gold and God.... You can fake the god part if you are like me a lapsed Buddhist.
whazza 'lapsed buddhist'? in LDS lexicon, a lapsed mormon is a 'jack mormon'. so...'jack buddhist', perhaps?
So how do we stop them?
"The United States of America is run by a cabal of racist, classist, sexist, militaristic, misogynistic, greedy, heartless thugs."
I don't see many of these writers of doom and gloom positing any solutions. I remember reading a Paul Craig Roberts essay not long ago and he said maybe there's not a damn thing we can do.
I continue to believe the problem is our political system which keeps that cabal in power.
Nothing will change...
until enough people wake the fuck up. Whether the problem is our political system which keeps that cabal in power, or the oligarchy, or the TV tube, or lizard people from another planet. It will not change until enough people want it to change.
We gotta' keep chooglin' along, brother, try to wake their asses up. The Vietnam War woke me up, that was some big time gloom and doom right there, but it forced its truth on me. What truth woke you up?
Speak the truth and hope it sinks in, one person at a time. If it's a war for minds, that's how you fight it. Do we have enough time? Hell I don't know. At least it's something, until the whole shebang collapses anyway.
Keep on trucking, right?
Keep hope alive brother.
we accomplish a little of that here:
That's what keeps me chooglin', like I said before, it's either that or close up shop and go to the local pool hall and play some snooker. Or the mountaintop.
yes, 'woke' including a revolution of values..
a revolution of higher consciousness...then, perhaps. but what are the geezers, geezerettes, and disabled to do? try to bring the truth, or others' truths and polemics, as i so often need to do. can't all be james baldwin, can we?
another quote, perhaps longer in his book and 'i am not your negro' was this heady and only to relevant today one:
""I have always been struck in America by an emotional poverty so bottomless and a terror of human life, human touch, so deep that virtually no American appears able to achieve an organic connection between public stance and private life." whoooosh.
It may seem like sometimes...
we bloggers are shaking our fists into the ether, like we are preaching to the choir, bouncing our words off the wall and each other. But I get frequent emails from folks using our "Contact Us" link, lurkers, for whatever reasons that don't register, stating how much they enjoy reading the site, how much it means to them, the little bit of sanity it provides in a world of propaganda and censorship. They ask that we please keep speaking the truth.
People are listening and searching. Sometimes, within our virtual boundaries, we lose sight of that.
i'm not sure how to answer,
especially given the google news analytics blockades of leftist, anti-war, anti-imperialist sites as per wsws.org. there are others with graphs, but i'm quite sure you're not on it, nor of course, is the café (smile). i'm tempted to say that if blogging changed anything, as emma goldman famously said about voting, it would be illegal.
but the iron fists are coming down with google and facebook reps at the senate hearing, google blocking 'radical content' from youtube (i hadn't known they'd bought it until a couple days ago), and twitter bans at will. the internet and social networking were gonna be the Great Equalizers, remember? and some said 'twitter will bring the revolution' (and did in the middle east, quite laughably: it was otpor, soros, the CIA, as i understand it.
i've had the blues the past couple weeks cuz the café commentariat has disappeared, and while i know why that is for some, certainly not all. i get notifications of 'follows', but they must be lurkers, as few ever surface to comment, and no registration is required.
but for me, blogging is more a case of: what else can i do by now, besides that, tithe lots of food into our community, garden a bit, and keep a sluttish house (smile)...now that i can't get out in the world no mo'. but i am glad for you that those emails keep you keepin' on here; wrangling this place must be no mean feat.
It's that time of the year Wendy...
happens about this time every year. It's slower here too. Something big is in the air though, things might get very interesting for 2018.
I'm hip to the gatekeeper's trip, we are hoping to fly under the radar for the most part, but who knows? Time will tell. We started as a tiny little site and may end up that way again, but we'll keep on keepin' on.
more power to your 'who knows?'
i suspect that what we'll see in before 2018 are simply ads for empty suit candidates in the midterms. one thing we've learned is that no matter the color of skin nor the ethnic origin of a candidate prevents on from acting as a comprador (foreign agent willing to profits off the backs and labor of one's brethren).
i'm reminded of all that obomba failed to do, but so magnificently di w/ grace and style to fuck over black and brown people, while saying "I am not a president for black people" or some excuse or other. subprime mortgage fraud, for starters. who went to jail? a few low-level underlings. eep, cynical? yes, i think we all have a right to be, whether we are or not. (paraphrasing james baldwin)
but oy and veh: i downloaded and installed what's said to be firefox 32 bit for windows, and yep, it has easy copy capabilities, but i tried to use it in a sample café diary, the tweeties wouldn't copy, and i can't get it to stop being my default browser, which is also problematic for me, multiple tab-wise. i'll keep fiddling w/ it, but my frustration by now knows no bounds at the moment. i swear i used to use it to cross-post here, though...
lord luv a duck,
i'm blushing now as i consider that by '2018' you may not have meant the midterm elections, but had been pinging nostradamus's 2018 predictions like WWIII, animals and humans talking to one another, mt. vesuvius erupting again...massive deaths due to climate change, yanno, other interesting things.
or sensing that the proof that 'we are not alone' is about to show itself, whether friend or foe, lol. a major gamechanger. would technically advanced visitors suck all the co2 out of the upper atmosphere, for instance? or be the scary and malevolent Independence Day beasts that stephen hawking predicts?
any of the above, too many to just pick one though. It just feels like something big is going to blow, and soon.
I used EasyCopy to transfer this essay and it picked up everything including the tweets. I start at the bottom of the essay and highlight everything, text, videos, images and tweets. Then you have to be sure to select "HTML Source" from the menu when you copy it.
yep, i used HoTMoteL source, although..
i can't highlight from the bottom up, only the reverse. no tweets, but all else. so i thought maybe i'd try a test run on your software of a dec. 2017 'a NATO Space Command plus ‘The Nuclearization of Space’, as i had tweets. no tweets came in. maybe i got the wrong windows32 bit exe.? gads, i hate to go thru the lists of 54s again to see.
but as for aliens, lol, i clicked into CP and found r. hunziker's 'will aliens save humanity?' only it's about claims that close encounters w/ aliens on earth have shut down nuclear silo operative abilities at times around the earth. declassified stuff, i guess. interesting, but the film he says is...believable...is 48 minutes, arggh. Not Soon Enuff, i reckon.
It doesn't matter...
If you highlight from the top or bottom as long as you get it all. I do it from the bottom up cause it seems easier for me. Are you running any extensions in your FireFox browser that may be blocking the tweets? I use NoScript and have to allow twitter or tweets wont display. Other extensions could possible do the same. EasyCopy definitely picks up tweets so something is blocking them in your browser.
i dunno what 'no script' is
but i've checked all the Firefox options including security, privacy, nothing about Tweets, just some tracker blocking things that never reference Tweeties. i don't have add-ons, but do have adblocker. so i am buffaloed. but if i build a storifh here, do i need to click the 'embed tweet' thingie to do that, or is that just for commenting, and in a diary i just lay in the twit url? sorry to dash off, but mr. wd is back w/ the groceries, and my chore list groweth largeth. back as i can.
This sounds familiar...
When I was in college a guy came and gave a talk on this subject; I don't remember his name though. Maybe it was the same guy. It was very interesting.
This shit is bananas.
Sounds familiar to me, too.
I believe the explanation I read for the weapons being shut down was that it was most likely self-protective, should this story be true. Aliens probably wouldn't be stupid enough to actually trust TPTB and their political/military lackeys.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
lol, this shit is bananas'
i just could sit thru the 48 min video, or whatever it was.
i suppose it depends...
what you mean by 'political system'; that's a very broad term. citizens united, a failed duopoly system that the ruling class is fine with, ever-decreasing consolidated media w/ no blocks by justice dept. antitrust laws (monsanto/bayer impending), PropOrNot lists of 'untrustworthy' news such as...the usual suspects, prosecution or intentions to prosecute or drone kill whistleblowers like assange...well, the list goes on. but as far as john whitehead's lengthy essay, its title was ‘Silence Is Betrayal: Get Up, Stand Up, Speak Up for Your Rights', containing this (and a hella lot more):
"“The next time you hear any government shill talk about the need to keep America safe, remember that the people of the United States continue to be robbed, cheated, tasered, stripped, searched, bullied, threatened, jailed, shot and killed by the very government agents entrusted with protecting their rights. As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the U.S. government has become a greater menace to the life, liberty and property of its citizens than any of the so-called dangers from which the government claims to protect us.
So enough with the lies. Enough with the fast-talking, foul-mouthed, slick politicians. Enough with the silence.
The time has come for truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
As George Orwell noted, “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
now saying the truth is even harder than ever, but that's what made andre damon's reporting on facebook and google at the senate hearing even more key, imo. the social network sites are of course in thrall to the Empire, as evidenced by this: "Watts expressed extreme fear over the widespread growth of opposition to the policies of US imperialism"
i also got to musing about obomba's rule and his DHS's brutal attacks on occupy camps, and the massive coordination among acronym agencies, in particular. but that shit scared the fuck outta the ruling class.
Just talking about representative "democracy",
i plead guilty to over-thinking it, big al. side note: dust off your expose on tulsi gabbard; lots of 'progressives' are beginning to like her for Prez. ptui. of course, Oprah for prez! as well, how not-thinking 'outside the box'.
yeah, i dunno the answer to your essential question, but some make mention of the idea of regional balkanization of amerika, no prez or rotating ones, instant run-off voting, changing the voting commission's $ math on who can get into debates, but dayum, has there ever been a prez candidate you voted for except for 'lesser evil'? or a somewhat populist senate, house candidate you voted for with some hope, that didn't turn comprador once in office?
me, i like the zapatista way of governance, myself: from the people's 'five snails' upward, then down to the people again to approve, reject, etc. but it's very small community in chiapas, so there's that.
Have seen that about Gabbard, again.
The most peculiar thing about Gabbard is her membership in one of the most evil organizations on the planet, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
I've got a bunch of links I saved that I'll pull out some time.
Relative to this political system, one question I have (not to you but generally) which I was going to turn into an essay is, "do you think the United States should always and forever maintain the representative political system, including the office of president, it currently uses or change to something different?"
i did dig this up that you'd written on 4/11/17
‘Syria, Tulsi Gabbard, Progressives, and U.S. Imperialism’
of course now she's being extraordinarily lauded for saying that it's the fault of the US that north korea wants nukes. thus: Tulsi for Prez! running mate Oprah? but her close alliance w/ the thug narenda modi also sincerely disqualifies her as being 'moral'.
on your question, i see you have a diary up on it; if i have anything constructive to add, i will.
Outstanding Essay!
John Whitehead nails it as usual and I loved the James Baldwin quote. A few snippits from the Haiti massacre story:
Well as long as the massacre wasn't planned I guess it's just an oopsie.
"Punish the bystanders"?
Yep. Just like the Dakota Access Pipeline protests and the thousands of Americans gunned down by cops. No accountability. America is an embarrassment to Banana Republics.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
the credit goes to the essayists i quoted,
but thank you. and yes: an embarrassment to banana republics everywhere! for the Rabble, that is...but srsly, i hadn't even known there was still a concentrated UN mission there. if you peek into the aforementioned café babylon piece, you'll see some stark imgages: the tent cities 5 yrs. after the quake contrasted with the new clinton marriott, w/ iirc toffs like sean penn at the grand opening. loads of clinton quotes, including this:
“When pressed about the lack of progress made in the (housing) rebuilding efforts, including inabilities to provide shelter, Secretary of State Clinton said “Those who expect progress immediately are unrealistic and doing a disservice to the many people who are working so hard.”
Bill Clinton, UN Special Envoy to Haiti, has been equally optimistic about Haiti’s cheap labor prospects, especially since the passing of the Haitian Economic Lift Program (HELP) in May. The bill would increase the amount of Haitian assembled goods that could be imported into the United States duty free. “This important step,” Clinton said, “responds to the needs of the Haitian people for more tools to lift themselves from poverty, while standing to benefit U.S. consumers.”
#assholes for profits, #assoles of the great white savior complex.
but yeppers to 'no accountability'. the baldwin quote is one of a zillion soul-stirring, gut-wrenching ones from 'i am not your negro'. the whole things on youtube, but we found it on independent lens on pbs stations we get, and watched it twice so far. simply staggering, relevant today, and simply...the best thing i've ever watched.
More kabuki bull crap in congress
Merkly (D) has created a bill that will block the net neutrality legislation and he only needs one more republican to get it passed in the senate. Then it goes to the house where it will need a lot of republicans to vote for it. Then Trump has to sign it. With this going on today, what are the chances of it passing? This is just more play acting by the democrats and when this doesn't pass people will blame the republicans for it. Just like they blame them for their tax bill. Anyone think that the democrats wouldn't have voted for it if they had the chance?
Unconstitutional? You betcha, but the constitution has been dead to this country for some time.
Oh look, another entity that wasn't elected, but will have great power to decide what should be censored.
Her's response to Trump's statement
Brilliant essay, Wendy!
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
that must have been the senate hearing andre damon at wsws in the OP had been talking about!
but oh, those Ds are The Peoples Party, aren't they? one of their authors had talked about the bern's (MLK day, i assume) op ed in the guardian: not one mention of socialism, even the DSA kind, militarism, or tra la la.
and double OMG on 'the anointed one's' tweetie. #Asshole for #Resistance. nice to see some truth came w/ it.
You may have heard that after spending a year saying that
Trump is not to be trusted the democrats voted to give him more power to spy on us. The House has passed a spending bill to avoid the government shutdown, but the democrats are not on board yet because DACA and other things aren't included in it. So what else have they been busy with you ask?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
sigh here, as well.
but de-funding CHIP is an abysmal step for the chirren of amerika. but it's hard to say what the blue team ISN'T willing to bargain away as per their Grand Bargain TINA history for however long, isn't it?
it's official (and trump will sign it)
‘Senate Passes FISA Reauthorization Act, With Help of Democrats, truthdig; the author has the dems outlined in yellow boxes in the roll call ves votes.
well, well, snowden always said that he’d just wanted to start a conversation, and to the NYT: “So long as there’s broad support amongst a people, it can be argued there’s a level of legitimacy even to the most invasive and morally wrong program, as it was an informed and willing decision,” he said.” god's blood, what shitty politics the man has; GG in many ways as well, as far as i'm concerned. but i'm the minority vote.
It took a president.
Shithole is now an accepted word in media. And there is no proof a president said it.
Look it up.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
ha; i did, and dick durbin said he did.
oddly enough, because i never watch news on the teevee, i'd just cued up pbs ahead of a drama i wanted to see, and there was judy woodruff-ruff interviewing durbin. he said yes, he sure did say it. she asked if the conversation had been recorded. dunno he said, but i sure as hell hope it was! hadn't any idea what the 'it' was, turns out it was #shithole nations in a compromise meeting on immigration. ye gods and little fishes, though.
guess i gotta go w/ durbin, and not just cuz it sounds exactly like trump. i did see a tweet by the tweeter-in-chief saying what he HAD said though.
ah, but that sure does remind me of a great tune!
Apparently you haven't heard who controls America.
Think so?
One thing about Russiagate is that it has given the media and the democrats a new cosmology of power. After following Russiagate and reading tweets and comments by the faithful, Russiagate has redefined who is in power. This is rather a recurring theme--that the Russians in many and various ways have taken control of government and society. Russians have become for a good part of the population what the Jews were to the Nazis.
No longer are American oligarchs, billionaires, deep state actors, lobbyists, oil money, big Pharma money, MIC, etc in control. Rather they never really existed and were replaced by a pristine system soiled and now controlled by the Russians. Particularly on TOP there are front pagers and others who post diaries that create a complex, Rube Goldberg inspired connections of guilt by association which show for example, that Putin was responsible for what happened at Charlotsville. Is it any wonder that the media and democrats have openly embraced the worst sort of mouthpieces for corporate America and the war machine so long as they fit the new cosmology.
And now if you want to fix stuff, you first have to fix the Russia/Putin problem. Using an old cliche, don't worry about who is behind the curtain little Dorthy.
Pathogical greed among the power-crazed.
We have always been at war with Eastasia. Also Westasia, Northasia and Southasia, and rather a lot of ourselves as well. So much simpler than The Psychopaths That Be realizing that they're billionaires well past retirement age and should simply take the money and run, leaving the rest of us to start patching up what we can of the damage they've done, while there's anything still left to salvage. But they can't even leave us the wreckage...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Sorta reminds of me of Rumsfeld when asked about WMDs
This is a good point
This started out with just the people who were involved with the Trump campaign and now there are more and more allegations against people who had any type connection to him. What does the German bank have to do with the election? Or someone giving funds to the NRA? This is the new accusation on the front page of ToP. One writer there picks up information from anywhere and then he ties it to the Mueller investigation.
Apparently now most of the GOP are Putin's puppets and they are traitors because they want to find what the actions of the Obama justice department were. Even when he admits what the intelligence agencies have done, he dismisses it as truth. Susan Rice was involved in finding the identities of the people on the NSA wiretap, but hey that's okay for reasons.
If congress decides that Russia needs to be punished for the election tampering, how many people are going to cheer the action? Especially if it's a military one that includes the use of nukes? The reusable ones? Democrats have taken the propaganda and turned it into hysteria.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
that's great fun,
i ♥ the dickens outta it. yes, roosian chaos, the red white house on Time magazine, chelsea manning and julian assange are putin's stooges, and now the guardian's reporting that it was nigel farage
who brought some thumb drive (the steele dossier; i'm way behind) to assange at the ecudorian embassy. purdy crazy out there. prof. stephen cohen just did an interview in which he said that all this russia-gate rubbish directly shows disrespect for FDR having made détente with the Bear in 1933, i think was the date.
thanks for the chuckles.
What do we do?
The internet has been tamed.
The online community has been infiltrated.
The MSM has been bought up.
How do we proceed from here? The more online commentary of rebellion, the tighter the restrictions, the more censorship.
Many of us here are retired, older, past our prime. But so are the current blackhearts of the Oligarchy. Their time on this planet is no longer than ours. They will pass their wealth and power on to their heirs, who will then attempt to continue their reign.
But they can never stop us from communicating face to face. And although it is to late for us, who are older, we can talk to the younger generations face to face. The Gen Xers, the Millennials, and whatever comes after them must be inoculated with our rage against the system. They must be told how it used to be in America.
Many of them are already becoming "awakened". It is their fight now.
Reach out, to your children and granchildren. And your nephews and nieces.
Coach them. Help them. Educate them.
Face to face. It is all we have left that they cannot take away from us.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
It's not too late for us earthling, you just said it:
Throughout history, humans have used the "wise elder" approach because naturally we gain experience and knowledge as we age. I don't know about you, but I didn't know shit when I was in my twenties compared to what I know now. I didn't have nearly the grasp on the truth, the way things work and what possible solutions are out there back then as I do now. Now, maybe there are those who did, like Meteor Blades on Daily Kos, who evidently already knew it all and was the most fantastic activist on the planet when he was young, but then turned into an establishment gatekeeper. But for most of us, it took years and years to come to the knowledge and awareness point we're at now.
The millenials simply don't have the knowledge or experience.
To not put that to use in LEADING a revolution would be a shame. I referred to an essay I drafted a few days ago about the Baby Boomer generation. In it I lambasted the boomers for letting the world get to the way it was, but also for wanting to quit because they're too fucking old. I don't think that's the way it should be.
A lot of older folks are relying on Bernie Sanders, a 76 year old man. Hell, I'm a spring chicken compared to him.
hey, spring chicken...
i was trying to remember a xavier rudd song w/ a similar message, but...couldn't.
Political reality hit me full face
with the Warren Commission report. At 13 years old, I knew then and there to never trust what I'm told as truth.
That Commission create far, far more suspicion then they ever could possibly imagined, in tens of millions of people, worldwide. To be assumed that stupid set the stage for what followed, the civil rights movement, anti-war protests, and the womens liberation movement.
I hope and believe the Millennials are having that "we are not that stupid" moment and rebel en mass.
Rage against the Machine, Big Al
Thanks for the support.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
i agree, face to face is best
it's what i loved best about Occupying mancos, co back in the day. we were only two, mr. wd and i, but so often people would get out of their cars or trucks to talk. we found listening was best, then asking them questions, offering new ways to imagine things, etc. so many times those who'd been shaking their heads No approaching us would leave with somewhat baffled Nods Yes.
in the wayback machine was also Samizdat, or 'the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state, especially formerly in the communist countries of eastern Europe.' but srsly, as the hammer comes down on social media, especially, we may see that come again.
They shoot horses, don't they? And puppies? Why not school staff
Next excuse: we can't stand the suffering of the people of Haiti and are putting them out of their misery wherever possible.
The very concepts of justice, democracy and humanity are being killed off.
Followed another link from that horror to this:
So much for equal rights, treatment and opportunity for all under a government of, by and for the people - and they haven't even re-written the US Constitution yet, as far as we know.
Although this sounds also like an attempt to get the public to support the Trilateral Commission's/ALEC's long-running push to get that Constitutional Convention going so that they can get that 'uncontrollable' 'Runaway' Constitutional Convention that's been mentioned as 'a concern of some' - once the billionaires/corporate interests get their pathologically greedy and psychopathic little paws in it.
Equal-opportunity slavery for all!
They're really pushing for riots as an excuse for martial law, aren't they? And calling the UN in doesn't sound like an option, either, unless people want their schools shot down by armed, uniformed thugs, whether paid by their own public funding to protect them or not.
All that NRA fuss about 'protecting gun rights' while the complete lack of official enforcement of all American's Constitutional rights has never been massively and consistently demanded by The People set the stage for this. Can't fight armies with hand-guns when they have a multiple-agency spy system into everyone's daily lives, drones, bombs and satellites, among many other things. And fighting the armies doesn't remove the illicit plotters behind the scenes; it's the source that must be hit, economically and with strikes, and for the latter, financial support for strikers is required.
We need pacific, globally co-ordinated action against all such co-opted gone-rogue governments/legal systems, even if they do shut down the internet, as they can and will during any 'emergency', evidently to limit people to the corporate media propaganda stations, as well as to maximize the damage done to make it worse, where desired, to better weaken and isolate The People with fear and helplessness, so that they can't unite to help each other.
How do we do this? Will we bother, or just accept this as a 'done deal'? I know that I don't know what to do; I can't even rely on my computer functioning and am not up to anything physical, like pacific marches...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Another good point
Yes we did. We watched silently while they kept taking our rights away from us. Oh there was backlash when Bush passed the Patriot and Military commission acts, yet there was no backlash when the Obama administration renewed them. And now the democrats helped give more power to Trump and not many people have said anything about it.
Martial law? You betcha it's coming. The police have been practicing for it on the various protests. Sure looks like they are ready to install it.
And we just watched or in some cases people cheered it.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
i wonder if dixon is right about this
"Employers of every kind will be entitled to persecute and prosecute workers for accessing a web site, for signing a petition or letter, for attending a meeting or taking part in conversations about collective uplift. Those activities will be by definition outside the law. ..." the rest i can easily believe, but i hadn't checked in w/ Labor Notes for a coon's age.
yes, we're so often back to the 'What then, shall be done' point, aren't we. me, i'm lame south of the lame in two legs' (mancos), so i dunno what i can do outside of this homestead. but i've always supposed that if there's ever a successful revolution, first the global slaves wake up, and say Enough! but i feel so much less sure that it's n its way (as per the Maya) than i did a few years ago. tragically, i'll add.
i went and read dixon's piece at BAR,
and now understand that this wasn't part of the scotus case, but of a future to to come soon:
“The US left, if there is such a thing is about to enter a similar place. Employers of every kind will be entitled to persecute and prosecute workers for accessing a web site, for signing a petition or letter, for attending a meeting or taking part in conversations about collective uplift. Those activities will be by definition outside the law.”
Hi, Wendy! Appreciate your essay(s), btw!
I'm so sorry about your legs, makes everything a major pain in the ass, so to speak, when those can't get you around well, doesn't it?
Let's hope the various billionaires/corporate interests involved in all this kill each other off in their various Battles of the Billionaires for Personal Global Supremacy - or pass away from their generally advanced old age - before they take the rest of us with them... not much time remaining...
I'm afraid that in too-many cases, corporate interests will engage in as many abuses as they can either get away with, or consider worth-while, despite the odd wrist-slap, since - like The Right Politicians - they are, so very oddly and illegally, claimed to be somehow considered 'above the law' and, by imposed 'law', corporations are permitted only to consider maximized profits, despite the appalling harm and destruction resulting, (as do too many politicians).
But who has any 'right' to grant anyone/anything else a 'right' to sicken/harm/defraud/control/kill/destroy their fellow-citizens or other people/their country/countries/the environment, even the entire global life-support system, to sacrifice the existence and future of life itself to suit their own personal desires?
From 2011:
This type of demand was made illegal in various US States over the following few years - but if the Supreme Court declares that workers have no rights and that employers effectively own them during the period of their employment, will those making employees pee in a cup, apparently simply to exert power over anyone vulnerable whom they can humiliate, draw the line anywhere short of Russia-gate level? If you have nothing to hide, what are you worried about? You have no rights,
this is a security issue!I am your employer!https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2014/01/10/facebook-passwo...
This following regards behaviour within the workplace, but with workers declared to have no rights I can see this type of intensive surveillance potentially being abused in being applied to workers off-duty, (as it already is by some, even while there is still legal recourse,) either by people at the company hired to surveil employees or by employers:
It would appear that a number of these companies are already concerned with various of their abuses/illegalities - against which laws still exist - being revealed by employees, which doesn't inspire much trust in their ethics...
From 2010:
They have no legal protections for unscrupulous employers to worry about, and so abuses are blatant, because what are those deemed to have no rights going to do about it?
This following appears to be somewhat slanted toward the employers, (in example: COLA creates an inflationary spiral = but, but, The People are supposed to suffer to keep inflation low!!! the economy doesn't involve The People and country except as exploitable resources, for Petes sake!!!) but makes the points below - regarding the fall of unions in the US and the loss of rights/protections for workers falling with them.
(Note: am absorbing life-giving caffeine while prying my eyelids open and have not read the entire lengthy paper giving an overview of the history within the period stated, just looking for points regarding the stripping of worker rights and the lengths gone to to do so for extra profits for those already having most.)
When psychopathic billionaires and corporations are creating the laws, the laws will be psychopathic in protecting abusers against those they abuse, to protect their most destructive profiteering at all cost to their victims.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
crap legs suck,
but...considering the various cultural forms of 'the sorrow tree', there ain't a person on the planet i'd trade whole lives with. but jezum crow, woman; you did a hella lot of binging as you sucked in your caffeine!
i'd add that amazon spying and snooping is epic, and screwing their emplyees by wage theft *and* their failures to make their workplaces safe, and what sort of theft is that walmart keeps many wage slave workers under 40 hrs. to avoid benefits, and that even their hourly wages for 40 hours keep their families available for public assistance.
but those were chilling cases; thank you for rockin' and rollin' with it. oh, and as far as unions, the other scotus decision to come soon is another 'right to work' case. as in 'why should we be forced to pay union dues when we don't join the union?' answer: cuz you get the benefits the union might get you! but sadly the Big Union bosses have for too long worked hand in hand w/ management to fuck members over, most memoraby trumka and the afl-cio.
Lol, still forgetting the blasted titles...
Lol, started it the night before, but was too tired to see straight so left the rest until morning, in the hope I'd be a little more functional. I livz in my dreamz, generally while 'awake' since I have trouble sleeping. But it does (depending on mood) raise the fighting spirit when you look at the accumulation of abuses in any given area. Sometimes outrage is all that keeps us going, lol.
Glad you're keeping cheerful! Gotta enjoy what we've got while we've got it, despite whatever bits we'd rather do without - or whatever bits we'd rather not have to do without - don't we?
It really amazes me that brainwashing works so well, especially when against unity, including that formed by (good) unions, but the buggers doing it have had a lot of practice over the past few decades... somebody should tell the filly sucks that disemboweling the Golden Geese means they don't get a flock and will have to get by on their measly hundreds of billions in what should already be their retirement years, with none left to drain but each other.
Edited to remove a vagrant 'a'.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
most of my days start around 4,
so i was picturing you guzzling your liquid-awake for a few hours, grin. i hear ya on trouble sleeping, but even when i do, i'm havin' a hella time remembering my dreams lately, which is another form of crippling for me. some say even unremembered dreams serve a purpose, and no doubt they do, but in the Know Thyself arena...i'd rather remember them past a few still photographs of them.
yeah, outrage helps keep us alive, as does being able to feel the pain of those who are even more oppressed, with fewer resources, to provoke more outrage and even sometimes, activism beyond 'keyboard warrioring'. (smile) best to you, ellen north.
Just to mention, could be Vit B deficiency.
If you can't recall dreaming at all, that is. Obviously, nutrient levels will vary with whatever you've eaten on any particular day, and B vitamins are transient; seem to recall may stay in your system for about 8 hours, whether used or eliminated.
This is just the first pertinent example on the top on of my search page, but will do. Especially as those of us with a better idea of what's going on need to keep depression over current reality at bay, lol.
I dunno if you have to get up at 4 AM or just wake up, but if you have trouble sleeping and can manage it, taking Melatonin helps replenish some of what our bodies begin to produce less of after childhood, helping to make you mildly drowsy after ingestion and which, especially over time, does help you sleep longer and better. The more pain you're in/stress you're under, the more help you may need sleeping. And this is gentle, can be supplied in vegetarian form, and doesn't cause any toxicity/damage.
Personally, I'm a big believer in trying to provide nutrition/aid to help the body heal over taking (criminal org.) pharma drugs to change the way your body works on order to ideally mask/avoid symptoms, while potentially causing other signs of resulting biological disruptions - and which purportedly thereby-avoided symptoms are often listed as side-effects of whatever drug may be given to avoid them. But nowadays, only the affluent can afford a decent, healthy diet and adequate supplementation of whatever may be necessary. Not many affluent left, overall...
Oh, definitely, the more vulnerable the victimized, the more powerful the outrage - but without an outlet forming some hope of positive action, it's hard to avoid burn-out and despair. Fear is not the only mind-killer... 'here', and people like you, like all those here, help provide hope as well as information and insight.
The best to you - and I hope that one day soon those legs of yours will be dancing on the grave of American fascism.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
how kind of you,
yes to b vitamins but we eat lots and lots of large flake nutritional yeast, including frying tofu planks in it w/ cornstarch and flour. we also both swallow caps of high cbd cannabis, and at night use thc cannabis; i put our homegrown in an alligator clip, light it, and breathe it in thru my nose (i hate pipes); mr. wd eats cannabrownie pieces i make him after cooking roasted cannabis in a crockpot in butter, which equals cannabutter.
we use spices as medicines as well, which i'd brought to c99 some months ago; if you'd like the list, go to the café and read the 'contact me' in the categories list on the right sidebar, and just ask; i'll send it.
in my dreams, i used to dream of flying (lucid dreaming), running. playing ball, even traveling on a body-sized skateboard on the highway east of here to the top of the mountain above durango, co. but my dreams are blocked from me now. thanks for better wishes, but for various reasons, this is how i'll live out my life...until they carry me out in a box. i'll never ever go to a doctor or hospital again. luckily, mr wd understands this. (smile)
great essay wd
bookmarked for future discovery
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
the turning the tables was fun, wasn't it?
and yep, plenty of good info and stats, to boot.
sometimes standing issues on their heads
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
big smile