New Year's predictions: fact free and purely intuitional
Having swum around my swamp, which in 2017 has undergone several attempts at drainage, I have developed a sense of the future. It's not hard. History repeats itself. When you've seen one tree, you've seen them all. Etc. Going around in circles has the advantage of safety, even if you wind up in the same place, because the hazards are known.
Swimming outside the confines of your circle does pose some risks. But how else are we gonna learn anything? My swamp is very dark most of the time because of a parasitic condition affecting the cypresses and other trees. It is called Moss Suffocation Miasma (MSM). For years I thought MSM was impenetrable but I have since learned different. A friend introduced me to the intertubez and I learned of delights previously unknown.
Now I have become a voracious ingester of these new treats, though some still give me heartburn. I have discovered some things about those annoying humans that occasionally venture into the swamp. I have ingested a few of them, also. In so doing, revelatory ideas pierced my thick skull. Now it is hard for me, having a walnut-sized cerebrum, to divulge more than one bit of knowledge at a time, although does put me at an intellectual advantage to the local Congresscritter snooping around the swamp. He seems to have learned nothing except where to find his next meal.
So, succinctly, here is my first outrageous prediction of the year. Last year, some of my fellow swampers heaped scorn and derision on me because I discovered Pizza--or at least Pizzagate. Doesn't exist I was told. Then I found out about a related portal called Pedogate. Wow, more dubious comments and aspersions.
I do not take kindly to being aspersed. My idea of a winning argument is getting in the last bite. Mmm!
I have learned though reliable sources, my brother Alphonse who is well-connected with the DC swamp, that there are such things as sealed indictments. I thought seals just swam in the ocean, but, oh well. The DC Orangutan, boss of the DC swamp, has been hoarding them, just like a billionaire hoards money. Allegedly there are at least one hundred and maybe more than one thousand.
My prediction is those indictments will be unsealed and lots of folks are going to be taking involuntary trips to Cuba, at the Guantanamo Resort. Some of the people have names many of you humans already know. A partial list of the resort dwellers includes: Podesta J, Podesta T, Clinton B, Clinton H, Comey W, Mills C, Palmieri J, Soros G, Weinstein H. I could go on but instead I have an informative video featuring Crokin L (journalist, not pedophile).
More info is coming in the next few days, after my brain recovers from using so many fancy words.
Please listen to Liz in this longish video (55:30). She is a proven reliable reporter

I want to make a prediction too
The dummycrats will attack the tax scam. The problem is people will get some payday relief (till the cuts for regular citizen phase out). They will see their payday go up and wonder why the democraps are sooooo stupid as to oppose the manna from heaven. In the meantime they will do their best to promote corporacrats and demean progressives to install the candidates of their choice. Therefore, no take over of the house and senate as currently predicted.
Now as to your suggested indictments.... George Webb provides some interesting ideas too.
Here's a summary video he did yesterday (8 min)
How about a short vacation to the Caroni Swamp, one of the most important nature reserves in Trinidad and Tobago, AE? (4 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Mmm mm mmm! Those red birds look delicious!
Always fun to read your alligator essays
However I don't often have the opportunity to watch the videos. Will try to later.
Does it speak to some of the same issues as this op-ed?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Not exactly a fit but an extension of the conspiracies
I'd love to believe that this would be used only for good and not evil, but, apart from the obvious, one further area of concern is the fact that only a RUSSIAN!!! (with the obligatory: Hacked!!! the not-on-the-net Vermont electrical grid and posted puppy-pics to influence the election!!!) billionaire who apparently funneled money to the Clinton Fundation is mentioned in the Medium article, not the Canadian and other investors benefiting by the Uranium One deal which almost everything I'd previously seen written did mention as involving massive kick-backs to the Clintons via this 'home money-laundry service'...
Taking the corrupt Clinton wing down is a very popular and wonderful start, but since seemingly everything gets turned against the publics of America and the rest of the world, I do find this scarily broad claim to over-riding global law by the US PTB just as scary and destructive as that illegally granted by the US PTB and those traitorous bribed/bullied/blackmailed public servants of the unwittingly/unwillingly involved people of betrayed free countries in these privately made agreements to the billionaires and corporations involved in the corporate coups being termed 'trade deals'...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
From Zack Haller's article, referring to the EO
A large degree of money laundering occurs when money is transferred to other countries, like the Cayman Islands or Swiss Banks or Canada or Russia, etc. Even if that money is then transferred back to the U.S., that money can be seized because of its tenure, however brief, overseas.
@Alligator Ed
That part's super - but why only mention the Russian involvement?
Too tired to look up some other telling issues, which I've certainly posted before, but he's dirty and involved with the Clintons on one of the spin-offs from the once-main Fundation. I'd be more concerned with him because he's still active in doing whatever under the guise of charity work - like the Clintons palming off cheaply bought, watered-down and unsafe AIDs drugs for poor people which increased their suffering and death rate and holding inspirational and luxurious meetings which achieve nothing, simply to 'justify' donations, when not getting kick-backs in disaster-stricken Haiti for pouring money into enriching investors building luxury resorts while disaster victims continue to be homeless or in trash-built shacks, if lucky.
Billions went into that Fundation and damn little went anywhere near those most in need of help, despite their (exploded) claims and attempts to make themselves appear to be doing great things, which was what I suspect interested Guistra. Charity scams are Big Business for the sick at heart these days.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Hit the WaPo paywall--I won't subsidize the CIA
If this is true
Trump will go from being the worst president in American history (a rank he doesn't deserve - W was worse) to the best president in history (also a rank he won't deserve, but he'll get credit for it for at least a century)
But if it's not true, but something really is happening, then we're witnessing the beginning of the American fourth reich.
On to Biden since 1973
OK, here is a fact: the Clinton political death warrant
This is the famed Executive Order, enforcing the Global Magnitsky act. I(t is wonderful to see Obama's creation to bite him in the ass.
Executive Order
It starts out like this:
In honor of this eventuality of Clinton bondage (where THEY are in bondage) I humbly offer this song for them:
@Alligator Ed
Whoops, just read that:
... DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. ...
How are the Clintons and other evils sourced within the US outside of it to qualify? This doesn't look good, at all...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Agree about Pizzagate
Pizzagate became overstuffed w/ ludicrousness. Layer upon layer of bullshit toppings piled upon a solid crust made for weak pie.
So much so that it became a shameful admission/confession that one found the basic premise valid.
Really a rather effective way to disappear a scandal that threatens the foundations of gov’t, dontcha think?
Thanks for the clips - looking forward to watching.
Watched the video
My hope is that they take down the corrupt democrats. Then we the people, who have been fucked by austerity take down the republicans. Note my comments in todays OT. My husband's Texas teacher retirement healthcare has gone to shit. It should wake up a bunch of folks.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Hey Alligator Ed! Yoo Hoo!
I'm new here & don't really know you, but I tried real hard to watch that clip of L. Crokin. So hard I didn't give up until she & host couldn't praise the courage of Sean Hannity quite enough.
When i used the google to verify L Crokins journalistic chops, she's best known for rw ct's & for being a Trumpeter.
LSS, could you please summarize what it is that's of importance in that clip?
Welcome to our home, c99
One thing about this site, other than being home to people much more knowledgable than I, is the respect we show to one another, even in disagreement. Most of us came here in protest to the maltreatment of Bernie during the 2016 primary. Certainly others came here first such as JtC and joe shickspak, and several others who got this thing rolling.
Stick around. There's lots to learn and occasionally lots of fun too--and sometimes even both together.
Much more than just a reliable reporter!
[Liz Crokins] "is one of the best twitter accounts out there."
And in her own words, "I'm a real journalist with a really solid background."
Well there you have it. I'm sold. More seriously, that video and the associated sites were quite the trip down the rabbit hole. I don't regret the hour and change I spent on it. It was hilarious.
That's what happens when conspiracy theorists lose sight of the need for verification of their theories.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard