So not looking forward to the cold the next few days.
Fred is super cute. Our two sisters in the barn did end up going to the same home. We have another one, Andy, who's ~6 months old and already big and heavier than our house cat. He's also polydactyl with HUGE paws.
The birds seem to be surviving; here's a couple of my backyard woodpeckers huddling against a tree in the cold wind on Christmas:
(female red-bellied woodpecker)
(female downy woodpecker)
We rigged up a water bowl with a birdbath heater today so they'll have water, but they haven't figured it out yet that I've seen. The regulars in our yard are:
1 red-bellied woodpecker (pictured)
pair of downy woodpeckers
pair of blue jays
pair of white-breasted nuthatches
half a dozen or more chickadees
small flock of house sparrows and dark-eyed juncos
The eurasian collared doves have yet to find the food at least. Need to get some new bird houses up too.
Also this week I saw the long-tailed duck that has been seen where I found my harlequin duck:
(it's the weird-looking one among all the goldeneyes.) This makes a whopping 50 lifers (new species seen) for me this year!
The last couple of days. Without the wind, it actually felt warmer today.
This is probably the most recent bird shot I have. A rescued Barn Owl living on a canal boat on the Grand Union Canal.
So not looking forward to the cold the next few days.
Fred is super cute. Our two sisters in the barn did end up going to the same home. We have another one, Andy, who's ~6 months old and already big and heavier than our house cat. He's also polydactyl with HUGE paws.
The birds seem to be surviving; here's a couple of my backyard woodpeckers huddling against a tree in the cold wind on Christmas:
(female red-bellied woodpecker)
(female downy woodpecker)
We rigged up a water bowl with a birdbath heater today so they'll have water, but they haven't figured it out yet that I've seen. The regulars in our yard are:
1 red-bellied woodpecker (pictured)
pair of downy woodpeckers
pair of blue jays
pair of white-breasted nuthatches
half a dozen or more chickadees
small flock of house sparrows and dark-eyed juncos
The eurasian collared doves have yet to find the food at least. Need to get some new bird houses up too.
Also this week I saw the long-tailed duck that has been seen where I found my harlequin duck:
(it's the weird-looking one among all the goldeneyes.) This makes a whopping 50 lifers (new species seen) for me this year!
I didn't have to wear a coat on my walk today it was so warm. How is Eric doing in school?
I found this today when I was looking for a different photo and thought of you.
So not looking forward to the cold the next few days.
Fred is super cute. Our two sisters in the barn did end up going to the same home. We have another one, Andy, who's ~6 months old and already big and heavier than our house cat. He's also polydactyl with HUGE paws.
The birds seem to be surviving; here's a couple of my backyard woodpeckers huddling against a tree in the cold wind on Christmas:
(female red-bellied woodpecker)
(female downy woodpecker)
We rigged up a water bowl with a birdbath heater today so they'll have water, but they haven't figured it out yet that I've seen. The regulars in our yard are:
1 red-bellied woodpecker (pictured)
pair of downy woodpeckers
pair of blue jays
pair of white-breasted nuthatches
half a dozen or more chickadees
small flock of house sparrows and dark-eyed juncos
The eurasian collared doves have yet to find the food at least. Need to get some new bird houses up too.
Also this week I saw the long-tailed duck that has been seen where I found my harlequin duck:
(it's the weird-looking one among all the goldeneyes.) This makes a whopping 50 lifers (new species seen) for me this year!
Stay warm!
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
for a minute; he said it was 52* there at the time. And we've got -8* for a high today. Brrr! It won't last forever; next week is supposed to be halfway decent again.
Eric is doing well with school; he goes back on the 8th.
@Bollox Ref
And scads of birds. I think I saw a Virgina Rail but not sure. Just got a glimpse before it ducked behind the pickle grass. Really stunning place.
photo of Charles. Hey, it's so good to see you, magiamma! Hope you've been doing well.
Thanks BR for tonight's Photo OT. And thanks to all of our outstanding Community photographers for sharing their work with us throughout the year.
I luv all of it--especially, the animal photography, whether it be pets, zoo animals, wildlife, or birds. Needless to say, the photos of scenery are always beautiful and fascinating. And, Janis's gorgeous photos of NZ are especially a nice treat.
Below's a photo from our southern-most residence on the Eastern Shore. True, it may be one of the 'reddest' places in the US, but, IMO, (and I know I'm prejudiced) it's one of the most beautiful parts of the state. Instead of posting a photo of the shoreline or local resort, here's a peek at a lovely park.
Everyone have a wonderful, prosperous, and safe New Year's Day!
[Edited: 'peek,' not 'peak.' Knew that looked 'funny.' ]
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
"Purity test"??
I've come to flag that phrase, like many others, as a tool of neoliberalism in order to shut down intelligent conversation. When someone disagrees with you, their issues are not lesser than yours. The lines that they draw are not inferior to yours. They are not being "pure" when they honor those lines. Rather, they are acting with principle. --SnappleBC
photo of Charles. Hey, it's so good to see you, magiamma! Hope you've been doing well.
Thanks BR for tonight's Photo OT. And thanks to all of our outstanding Community photographers for sharing their work with us throughout the year.
I luv all of it--especially, the animal photography, whether it be pets, zoo animals, wildlife, or birds. Needless to say, the photos of scenery are always beautiful and fascinating. And, Janis's gorgeous photos of NZ are especially a nice treat.
Below's a photo from our southern-most residence on the Eastern Shore. True, it may be one of the 'reddest' places in the US, but, IMO, (and I know I'm prejudiced) it's one of the most beautiful parts of the state. Instead of posting a photo of the shoreline or local resort, here's a peek at a lovely park.
Everyone have a wonderful, prosperous, and safe New Year's Day!
[Edited: 'peek,' not 'peak.' Knew that looked 'funny.' ]
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
"Purity test"??
I've come to flag that phrase, like many others, as a tool of neoliberalism in order to shut down intelligent conversation. When someone disagrees with you, their issues are not lesser than yours. The lines that they draw are not inferior to yours. They are not being "pure" when they honor those lines. Rather, they are acting with principle. --SnappleBC
0 users have voted.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
health care--especially, Medicare, Part D, and Medigap--is about the only issue that I consistently try to follow. (And single-payer proposals, to a lesser extent.)
Hey, I understand--I don't always make it here in real time, either. Anyhoo, glad that I caught up with you this evening--don't be a stranger!
#3.2.1 Great to see you too... in real time that is. I do love your comments on healthcare. Very helpful. Have a happy new year
0 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thank you for graciously sharing your knowledge and appreciation, here at c99. May you always enjoy the beauty of nature and humanity, in places of all colours.
photo of Charles. Hey, it's so good to see you, magiamma! Hope you've been doing well.
Thanks BR for tonight's Photo OT. And thanks to all of our outstanding Community photographers for sharing their work with us throughout the year.
I luv all of it--especially, the animal photography, whether it be pets, zoo animals, wildlife, or birds. Needless to say, the photos of scenery are always beautiful and fascinating. And, Janis's gorgeous photos of NZ are especially a nice treat.
Below's a photo from our southern-most residence on the Eastern Shore. True, it may be one of the 'reddest' places in the US, but, IMO, (and I know I'm prejudiced) it's one of the most beautiful parts of the state. Instead of posting a photo of the shoreline or local resort, here's a peek at a lovely park.
Everyone have a wonderful, prosperous, and safe New Year's Day!
[Edited: 'peek,' not 'peak.' Knew that looked 'funny.' ]
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
"Purity test"??
I've come to flag that phrase, like many others, as a tool of neoliberalism in order to shut down intelligent conversation. When someone disagrees with you, their issues are not lesser than yours. The lines that they draw are not inferior to yours. They are not being "pure" when they honor those lines. Rather, they are acting with principle. --SnappleBC
to express my appreciation to you for hosting our Friday Photography OT's, and for posting your beautiful photography here.
As far as any knowledge goes, have to smile on that one, since I'm one of the few folks who regularly participates in this OT, who doesn't even have enough knowledge to make an intelligent comment about any actual techincal aspect of the photography.
As usual, though--thank you for being so gracious.
Hey, just saw your comment to SD--so, I'll go ahead and wish you
A Wonderful, Prosperous, Healthy, And Safe New Year!
Thank you for graciously sharing your knowledge and appreciation, here at c99. May you always enjoy the beauty of nature and humanity, in places of all colours.
0 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
to express my appreciation to you for hosting our Friday Photography OT's, and for posting your beautiful photography here.
As far as any knowledge goes, have to smile on that one, since I'm one of the few folks who regularly participates in this OT, who doesn't even have enough knowledge to make an intelligent comment about any actual techincal aspect of the photography.
As usual, though--thank you for being so gracious.
Hey, just saw your comment to SD--so, I'll go ahead and wish you
A Wonderful, Prosperous, Healthy, And Safe New Year!
@janis b
Yes, He's such a poser. We call him Charlie most of the time but when we call him Charles it is pronounced as I imagine it would be in England. Chahles dahling.
That must be fun to say out loud. Does Chahles enjoy it as much as you do?
Happy New Year Dahling ; ).
#3.2 Yes, He's such a poser. We call him Charlie most of the time but when we call him Charles it is pronounced as I imagine it would be in England. Chahles dahling.
Mandus MeGhee Costello, Mandy for short. Got her from a farmer where she lived in the barn. Not a very socialiable or friendly cat at first, but she came around to being nice.
from the kerbside for free in Madison, some 30 years ago. Still going strong, and Fred likes to do his thing.
I should note that Fred has been formally named as Frederick Gingersnap Garbanzo for family records.
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Silly me... my computers calendar sent me a reminder that today is my brother's birthday, but it's not until Sunday. That's why I decided that tonight is New Year's Eve. Boy does this make me look stuupid
Silly me... my computers calendar sent me a reminder that today is my brother's birthday, but it's not until Sunday. That's why I decided that tonight is New Year's Eve. Boy does this make me look stuupid
to know the time or day. I am grateful though, that my American family and friends have learned how to calculate the time difference before they ring at 4am.
how long have you been doing this and how did you get interested in it? The details in the photos are amazing. One looks like a spiderweb.
I've seen videos that capture things in slow motion and the equipment is very expensive.
Modern technology really helps out for these shots.
Here's a look at my set up.
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
how long have you been doing this and how did you get interested in it? The details in the photos are amazing. One looks like a spiderweb.
I've seen videos that capture things in slow motion and the equipment is very expensive.
0 users have voted.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
obviously, it's beyond my pay grade to even comment on them, since I'd have no idea what would be involved in producing any of them.
But, my hat's off to you--thank you!
BTW, I really enjoy your photos of zoo animals, since all varieties of animals--wild or domestic--tend to strike a chord with me. I certainly hope that you never tire of posting them!
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
Fred looks like a real cool kitty, tell him I said hi.
These are some shots I took last Saturday morning of water drops colliding.
0 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
obviously, it's beyond my pay grade to even comment on them, since I'd have no idea what would be involved in producing any of them.
But, my hat's off to you--thank you!
BTW, I really enjoy your photos of zoo animals, since all varieties of animals--wild or domestic--tend to strike a chord with me. I certainly hope that you never tire of posting them!
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
0 users have voted.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Been to busy to hang in real time like some others.
Know I do lurk a bit when I can steal 5 minutes here and
there, and sure do appreciate all the great contributors,
minds, and ideas here. Not to mention the often cool photos.
Here are few odes (Odonata - dragonflies and damselflies).
Widow Skimmer - Libellula lactuosa
Ramburs's Forktail - Ischnura ramburii
Red-tailed Pennant - Brachymesia furcata
Filigree Skimmer - Psuedoleon superbus - dig them crazy eyes man
Green Darner - male - if you tell a lie, they will not poke your eye out.
All but a few politicians would be blind.
Happy New Year all!
apologies if this doesn't work, my first attempt at pix...
0 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
I'm glad that you enjoy visiting, and especially that you chose to share your photos when you can. You must enjoy rewarding time by a stream.
Sorry I haven't been around lately,
Been to busy to hang in real time like some others.
Know I do lurk a bit when I can steal 5 minutes here and
there, and sure do appreciate all the great contributors,
minds, and ideas here. Not to mention the often cool photos.
Here are few odes (Odonata - dragonflies and damselflies).
Widow Skimmer - Libellula lactuosa
Ramburs's Forktail - Ischnura ramburii
Red-tailed Pennant - Brachymesia furcata
Filigree Skimmer - Psuedoleon superbus - dig them crazy eyes man
Green Darner - male - if you tell a lie, they will not poke your eye out.
All but a few politicians would be blind.
Happy New Year all!
apologies if this doesn't work, my first attempt at pix...
Been to busy to hang in real time like some others.
Know I do lurk a bit when I can steal 5 minutes here and
there, and sure do appreciate all the great contributors,
minds, and ideas here. Not to mention the often cool photos.
Here are few odes (Odonata - dragonflies and damselflies).
Widow Skimmer - Libellula lactuosa
Ramburs's Forktail - Ischnura ramburii
Red-tailed Pennant - Brachymesia furcata
Filigree Skimmer - Psuedoleon superbus - dig them crazy eyes man
Green Darner - male - if you tell a lie, they will not poke your eye out.
All but a few politicians would be blind.
Happy New Year all!
apologies if this doesn't work, my first attempt at pix...
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
BTW, luv your avatar! I'm a 'bird lover,' being a prolific feeder of them. Sadly, our beautiful Family of Cardinals has shrunken to less than half the size it once was. I just hope that they can handle the frigid weather that's ahead.
Sorry I haven't been around lately,
Been to busy to hang in real time like some others.
Know I do lurk a bit when I can steal 5 minutes here and
there, and sure do appreciate all the great contributors,
minds, and ideas here. Not to mention the often cool photos.
Here are few odes (Odonata - dragonflies and damselflies).
Widow Skimmer - Libellula lactuosa
Ramburs's Forktail - Ischnura ramburii
Red-tailed Pennant - Brachymesia furcata
Filigree Skimmer - Psuedoleon superbus - dig them crazy eyes man
Green Darner - male - if you tell a lie, they will not poke your eye out.
All but a few politicians would be blind.
Happy New Year all!
apologies if this doesn't work, my first attempt at pix...
0 users have voted.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Dragonflies are my favorite insect. I think we have all of those kinds here.
Sorry I haven't been around lately,
Been to busy to hang in real time like some others.
Know I do lurk a bit when I can steal 5 minutes here and
there, and sure do appreciate all the great contributors,
minds, and ideas here. Not to mention the often cool photos.
Here are few odes (Odonata - dragonflies and damselflies).
Widow Skimmer - Libellula lactuosa
Ramburs's Forktail - Ischnura ramburii
Red-tailed Pennant - Brachymesia furcata
Filigree Skimmer - Psuedoleon superbus - dig them crazy eyes man
Green Darner - male - if you tell a lie, they will not poke your eye out.
All but a few politicians would be blind.
Happy New Year all!
apologies if this doesn't work, my first attempt at pix...
@Bollox Ref
and his name gradually morphed to aMino Garbanzo Beano. A purebred Wire hair terrier I found at the Bloomington SPCA.
as if he's had a plate of beans. We agreed that Garbanzo was the most interesting bean name.
0 users have voted.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I love this photo. Is that an OOF (out of focus) butterfly,
like a Monarch or something similar in foreground? Is it an original single image or was it made from more than one original image? If a single original frame it is spectacular. Lots of critics might dis the OOF object but they would be the ones a bit artistically challenged IMHO. It actually adds to it from my POV. Beautiful very cool photo.
I think I get the Frederick and Gingersnap part, but ‘Garbanzo’! Does ‘gonzo’ have anything to do with it ; ?
Thanks Bollox, and to all a Happy New Year.
I once heard that new year’s day would be well spent in a way that sets the tone you’d like for this coming year. Cheers, everyone!
0 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
OOF is very close to OOPs, which this is also. It wasn't until I looked at the image on the screen I realised what the orange (Monarch) flash was, that I saw when I pressed the shutter. At first I thought, damn, something's wrong with my camera. I too love the unexpected, and how receptive the camera's eye is to that. Thank you.
I love this photo. Is that an OOF (out of focus) butterfly,
like a Monarch or something similar in foreground? Is it an original single image or was it made from more than one original image? If a single original frame it is spectacular. Lots of critics might dis the OOF object but they would be the ones a bit artistically challenged IMHO. It actually adds to it from my POV. Beautiful very cool photo.
OOF is very close to OOPs, which this is also. It wasn't until I looked at the image on the screen I realised what the orange (Monarch) flash was, that I saw when I pressed the shutter. At first I thought, damn, something's wrong with my camera. I too love the unexpected, and how receptive the camera's eye is to that. Thank you.
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Front door glass, Kent, England.
from a couple of years ago.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Hi Bollox
So not looking forward to the cold the next few days.
Fred is super cute. Our two sisters in the barn did end up going to the same home. We have another one, Andy, who's ~6 months old and already big and heavier than our house cat. He's also polydactyl with HUGE paws.
The birds seem to be surviving; here's a couple of my backyard woodpeckers huddling against a tree in the cold wind on Christmas:

(female red-bellied woodpecker)
(female downy woodpecker)
We rigged up a water bowl with a birdbath heater today so they'll have water, but they haven't figured it out yet that I've seen. The regulars in our yard are:
1 red-bellied woodpecker (pictured)
pair of downy woodpeckers
pair of blue jays
pair of white-breasted nuthatches
half a dozen or more chickadees
small flock of house sparrows and dark-eyed juncos
The eurasian collared doves have yet to find the food at least. Need to get some new bird houses up too.
Also this week I saw the long-tailed duck that has been seen where I found my harlequin duck:

(it's the weird-looking one among all the goldeneyes.) This makes a whopping 50 lifers (new species seen) for me this year!
Stay warm!
This shit is bananas.
I've been walking my daily mile in sub-zero F.
The last couple of days. Without the wind, it actually felt warmer today.
This is probably the most recent bird shot I have. A rescued Barn Owl living on a canal boat on the Grand Union Canal.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Cool owl.
This shit is bananas.
Have you heard that it's in the high 40's here?
I didn't have to wear a coat on my walk today it was so warm. How is Eric doing in school?
I found this today when I was looking for a different photo and thought of you.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yep; I talked to my FIL on the phone
Eric is doing well with school; he goes back on the 8th.
This shit is bananas.
Happy New Year Everyone

Elkhorn Slough

Butano State Park

I check in on y'all every week but never seem to get here before Satruday mornig. Thanks as always for keeping-on keeping on
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Elkhorn Slough
looks a lot nicer than Slough, Berkshire (see The Office).
from a reasonably stable genius.
Forty miles of hiking trails
And scads of birds. I think I saw a Virgina Rail but not sure. Just got a glimpse before it ducked behind the pickle grass. Really stunning place.Off to look up your slough...
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Hi magiamma, nice to see you again.
That's a beautiful portrait of Charles.
Janis just took the words out of my mouth--a gorgeous
photo of Charles. Hey, it's so good to see you, magiamma! Hope you've been doing well.
Thanks BR for tonight's Photo OT. And thanks to all of our outstanding Community photographers for sharing their work with us throughout the year.
I luv all of it--especially, the animal photography, whether it be pets, zoo animals, wildlife, or birds. Needless to say, the photos of scenery are always beautiful and fascinating. And, Janis's gorgeous photos of NZ are especially a nice treat.
Below's a photo from our southern-most residence on the Eastern Shore. True, it may be one of the 'reddest' places in the US, but, IMO, (and I know I'm prejudiced) it's one of the most beautiful parts of the state. Instead of posting a photo of the shoreline or local resort, here's a peek at a lovely park.
Everyone have a wonderful, prosperous, and safe New Year's Day!
[Edited: 'peek,' not 'peak.' Knew that looked 'funny.'
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hi Mollie
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Thanks, magiamma. Lately,
health care--especially, Medicare, Part D, and Medigap--is about the only issue that I consistently try to follow. (And single-payer proposals, to a lesser extent.)
Hey, I understand--I don't always make it here in real time, either. Anyhoo, glad that I caught up with you this evening--don't be a stranger!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hi Mollie
Thank you for graciously sharing your knowledge and appreciation, here at c99. May you always enjoy the beauty of nature and humanity, in places of all colours.
Hi, Janis! It's my honor
to express my appreciation to you for hosting our Friday Photography OT's, and for posting your beautiful photography here.
As far as any knowledge goes, have to smile on that one, since I'm one of the few folks who regularly participates in this OT, who doesn't even have enough knowledge to make an intelligent comment about any actual techincal aspect of the photography.
As usual, though--thank you for being so gracious.
Hey, just saw your comment to SD--so, I'll go ahead and wish you
A Wonderful, Prosperous, Healthy, And Safe New Year!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I meant all your other knowledge ; ).
All the same to you for the new year, Mollie and family.
Hi Janis
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; )
That must be fun to say out loud. Does Chahles enjoy it as much as you do?
Happy New Year Dahling ; ).
Greetings Fred
cute picture of him. What's the thing he's hanging on?
It's been close to 50 here this week after a good size snowstorm on Xmas eve.
The grass is peaking up through the snow and it looks much cooler than this picture from my phone camera.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's a plant that we picked up
from the kerbside for free in Madison, some 30 years ago. Still going strong, and Fred likes to do his thing.
I should note that Fred has been formally named as Frederick Gingersnap Garbanzo for family records.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I named my first cat
Mandus MeGhee Costello, Mandy for short. Got her from a farmer where she lived in the barn. Not a very socialiable or friendly cat at first, but she came around to being nice.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hi snoopy
Thanks for the grasses popping up through the snow. I find it very lyrical and funny.
Hope you all enjoy a cosy new year.
You too, Janis
I guess we're not out celebrating the end of the year. Is it 2018 in your world or are you behind us?
The grass peaking through the snow was really stunning in its natural light. I meant to retake it with my real camera.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'll be welcoming the new year tomorrow night.
We are 20 hours ahead of you.
Silly me... my computers calendar sent me a reminder that today is my brother's birthday, but it's not until Sunday. That's why I decided that tonight is New Year's Eve. Boy does this make me look stuupid
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Stupid, is not something
you can ever be accused of, even if you can't read time ; ).
You're too kind
and sweet. Still... I can feel stuupid. You had to think, what the hey? Right?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I wouldn’t expect anyone not living here
to know the time or day. I am grateful though, that my American family and friends have learned how to calculate the time difference before they ring at 4am.
I love the second photo
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Thanks, I do too
But I'm not telling how I did it, but I bet I won't be able to do it again
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for Friday Night Photos tonight, BR
Fred looks like a real cool kitty, tell him I said hi.
These are some shots I took last Saturday morning of water drops colliding.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thank you, BR
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
One can imagine almost anything
in that split-moment image of two drops meeting. Thanks Socialprogressive.
You're welcome, Janis
The patterns produced from two drops meeting are like snow flakes, no two are alike.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Way cool
how long did it take for you to capture them like this?
ETA. Look at the ripples in the 2nd and 3rd photos. Please tell us how you did this.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks Snoopy
Modern technology really helps out for these shots.
Here's a look at my set up.

We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
I thought it took special equipment to do this
how long have you been doing this and how did you get interested in it? The details in the photos are amazing. One looks like a spiderweb.
I've seen videos that capture things in slow motion and the equipment is very expensive.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's something I've wanted to try
for a few years. I finally got around to getting the equipment needed last week so these shots are from my first attempt.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Those truly are amazing and beautiful shots, SP--
obviously, it's beyond my pay grade to even comment on them, since I'd have no idea what would be involved in producing any of them.
But, my hat's off to you--thank you!
BTW, I really enjoy your photos of zoo animals, since all varieties of animals--wild or domestic--tend to strike a chord with me. I certainly hope that you never tire of posting them!
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thank you for the compliment, Mollie.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Sorry I haven't been around
Sorry I haven't been around lately,
Been to busy to hang in real time like some others.
Know I do lurk a bit when I can steal 5 minutes here and
there, and sure do appreciate all the great contributors,
minds, and ideas here. Not to mention the often cool photos.
Here are few odes (Odonata - dragonflies and damselflies).
Widow Skimmer - Libellula lactuosa

Ramburs's Forktail - Ischnura ramburii

Red-tailed Pennant - Brachymesia furcata

Filigree Skimmer - Psuedoleon superbus - dig them crazy eyes man

Green Darner - male - if you tell a lie, they will not poke your eye out.
All but a few politicians would be blind.
Happy New Year all!
apologies if this doesn't work, my first attempt at pix...
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Thank you dystopian
I'm glad that you enjoy visiting, and especially that you chose to share your photos when you can. You must enjoy rewarding time by a stream.
It's good to see you again
thanks for stopping by and posting your pics.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Makes 'three'--glad you stopped by, dystopian! Thanks
for posting your work here.
BTW, luv your avatar! I'm a 'bird lover,' being a prolific feeder of them. Sadly, our beautiful Family of Cardinals has shrunken to less than half the size it once was. I just hope that they can handle the frigid weather that's ahead.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Way cool!
This shit is bananas.
How adorable!
I think I get the Frederick and Gingersnap part, but ‘Garbanzo’! Does ‘gonzo’ have anything to do with it ; ?
Thanks Bollox, and to all a Happy New Year.
I once heard that new year’s day would be well spent in a way that sets the tone you’d like for this coming year. Cheers, everyone!
Fred occasionally 'toots'
as if he's had a plate of beans. We agreed that Garbanzo was the most interesting bean name.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I agree too, about the bean name.
Toots Thielemans ...
My first dog I named Amino (a biochem year)
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
@janis b
I love this photo. Is that an OOF (out of focus) butterfly,
like a Monarch or something similar in foreground? Is it an original single image or was it made from more than one original image? If a single original frame it is spectacular. Lots of critics might dis the OOF object but they would be the ones a bit artistically challenged IMHO. It actually adds to it from my POV. Beautiful very cool photo.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Yes, it's an OOF!
OOF is very close to OOPs, which this is also. It wasn't until I looked at the image on the screen I realised what the orange (Monarch) flash was, that I saw when I pressed the shutter. At first I thought, damn, something's wrong with my camera. I too love the unexpected, and how receptive the camera's eye is to that. Thank you.
You're right
cameras pick up things that we don't see if we aren't looking for them. The OOF makes it different.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
20 hours in the future
Thanks Janis for the hopeful thought.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Happy New Year, QMS