It's Just A Start, But I'll Take It: "'The American People' Sent Gift-Wrapped Horse Manure to Steve Mnuchin's House"
That's the title of an RSN item I just got in my email box today.
It's short, so I'm going to post about half of it here.
Bel Air streets were closed and the Secret Service and LAPD bomb squad called in after a mysterious package addressed to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin appeared outside the home of one of his neighbors. The gift-wrapped box, which was labeled as being from “the American people,” turned out not to contain a bomb, but a pile of horse manure.
According to The Washington Post:
In video of the scene taken by an NBC Los Angeles helicopter, an officer can be seen opening the box, dumping out its contents and spreading a dark, unevenly clumped substance across the ground… Afterward, at least three officers could be seen standing around the pile, shining flashlights on the manure and moving it around with their feet, presumably to check whether anything else might be hidden in it.
At the same time, the Orange Goon Boy allegedly just said privately to his criminal tycoon friends at his little boys fort for rich douchebags in FLA. about the #GOPTaxScam - "you will get rich from this."
Just recently was having conversations with some friends who participated in Occupy about what will happen next, with a public just being suffocated more and more cruelly by the greed of the 1%. It's got me wondering: When will this era's John Brown rise up to strike the first blow against the Economic Terrorists of Wall St (a title I've started to write up in an essay)? I can see a day in the not so distant future when people might begin to take extreme action.
With Net Neutrality on the chopping block and a brazen fuck-you transfer of wealth upward yet again with this #GOPTaxScam, the tinder could just be being lit aflame now. Do you smell it?
Brown University economist Mark Blyth puts it this way:
“This is basically a revolt against technocracy. It is a revolt against government by unrepresented, unelected, undemocratic elites. And having had a government where every single district in your country says no chance. 61% say no chance {I don’t know to what he’s referring.}. And then the result is we’re going to do it anyway. You’re basically proving to people that democracy is irrelevant.
“So this is global Trumpism. It is a no win scenario until basically until elites figure out that at the end of the day, as I like to say to my American hedge fund friends, the Hamptons is not a defensible position. The Hamptons is a very rich area on Long Island that lies on low lying beaches. Very hard to defend a low lying beach. Eventually people are going to come for you.
Remember this brilliant hedge fund manager thieving, heartless clown, Steve Schwarzman, who at Davos, during Bernie Sanders populist rise in early 2016, appeared to be "Genuinely Puzzled by Bernie Sanders' Populist Crusade Against the Richest 1%."
At "740 Park Ave," where both Schwarman, Steve Mnuchin and David Koch live (as documented in the film by Alex Gibney), a doorman tells a little bit about the character of these swine.
This is great, come Christmas time I'll get $1,000 bonuses from each of the residents," a former doorman at 740 Park Avenue said.
After all, the building houses more billionaires than any other building in America.
But he thought wrong...
...they are high tempered and you need a thick skin to work there. Some are detestable people and they are billionaires."
The doorman revealed:
David Koch was the worst tipper. The doorman would load his two vans every weekend, when Koch was heading to the Hamptons, and he never tipped him.
Some residents would only give a $50 check as a Christmas bonus.
Steve Schwarzman, CEO of the Blackstone Corporation, has 25 Christmas trees delivered to his apartment for his annual Christmas party — one for every room of his home.
Of course now, when you go to look for the Alex Gibney documentary on YouTube it's just loaded with fakes - a sign to me that the 1%, petrified of this populist rage boiling over and overwhelming them - have paid their lackeys to glut the searches and bury the original (I know I've found this one with relative ease in the past. Is this just one more example of how money & power covering up opposition?)
Emma Goldman led thousands up Park Ave at the turn of last century saying, "Ask for work. If they don’t give you work, ask for bread. If they do not give you work or bread, then take bread.” Where are today's charismatic leaders to rally the masses? Too busy online, checking their Farcebook feeds to see how many "likes" they got?
Looking back now, Occupy was perhaps a bit ahead of its time, in terms of a full fledged movement focused on the direct causes of failed government as being its functioning as an auction house to the highest bidder. And no one bids higher than the speculative gambling addicts on Wall St.
Whether or not this will come to pass, I'll tell you one thing: I'd like to see more people unafraid of getting in the faces of these fascist corporate, real estate and banking bastards who only know how to pillage the masses. All we need is this to come to a head - with the main caveat being that the cops realize they have much more in common with the gripes of the 99% than their bosses/superiors who dine with the 1% and for whom they carry out their orders - and with them on our side it'll be a whole different game.
I'm sick of vainglorious assholes like Koch, Schwarzman and Langone (Home Depot) emblazoning their names all over public and private edifices I have to pass every day (i.e. on the NY Public Library entrance on 5th Ave). They're trying to assuage their consciences by giving a tiny, tiny pittance of their blood money. Philanthropy is bullshit. If we had socialism we'd never need their money; it would already be in the public coffers, where all that illicit stolen money from workers and pensioners instead winds up "off-shored," just so they can each brag to each other about how many zeros they have at the end of their accounts and compete like children for bigger prizes than their hopefully-soon-to-be cellmates in the Bastille.
We need to galvanize the public again the way Occupy did.
They need to fear us.
A box of shit ain't a bloody horse's head under the covers in someone's bed. But I guess I'll take this as a sign that at least there's a bit of a pulse out there.

evening mark...
heh, glad to see that santa is switching from coal to more environmentally-friendly horse manure. too bad he missed the chimney.
actually, i think that these acts of cultural counter-programming (the poop on the doorstep and the graffiti on the library) are excellent means of fighting back. one might call it a propaganda of the deed that does not require violence to spread its point.
@joe shikspack Total agreement.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
UPDATED: Manure Sender Identified
I just posted this in joe's Evening Blues.
Kentucky native takes credit for gifting horse manure to Treasury Secretary
Here's a Christmas message from Robert Strong.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
This is EXACLTY what I'm talking about...
This is the guy? Amazing. Just so uplifting. What a magnanimous and edifying soul. Laying it down within the historical context of ancient cooperative radical cultures who lived by the basic tenet's of Jesus's teachings and today's America faux Christians, who will fall over themselves to get behind anyone with an R after his name and a American flagpin on their lapel. Righteous!
Made me think of David Foster Wallace quoting the great music writer Lester Bangs, who said of a certain great piece of music, "it gives me an erection of the heart." Which is what happened at Occupy every day.
It's a clarion call that there are so many eloquent, beautiful and empathetic people who could galvanize this whole thing, via this new age of self-broadcasting after a bold act.
Think about this bizarre mainstream reality we've been cramped into by the Power That Be. If you're a mainstream person, you're getting your "news" from these completely vacuous, soulless corporate whore talking heads. And on a consumer treadmill as part of the purposely elusive American Dream, conditioned to believe in the myth of American Exceptionalism, mortgaging your happiness to a future day that never comes, even when you acquire X, Y and Z. Life in that fetid-watered fishbowl with neon lights is a scam. But you can't quite finger the malaise, because we're not talking and listening to one another, rather than thinking some (not) very smart people know better because they are "credentialed."
I know at least a dozen people off the top of my head who could run intellectual circles around the clowns in the MSM and the puppets in government masquerading as our betters, and I'm sure you all do too (there's a good many here). This guy would certainly make the mark. I'm absolutely positive their are tens of thousand more like him.
Do something big. Then self-broadcast. Don't let the sinister MSM let their vicious spin machine grind you down. Get out ahead of it like he did.
Only when we can challenge these deranged psychopaths running this horror show of greed and inhumanity - not so much to appeal to their shuttered consciences, but to both put some fear into them and maybe more importantly meet, support and coalesce with one another - will we form the bonds to imagine and create Another World together.
This kind of courageous act, underpinned by righteous indignation and gentle empathy and compassion, is what will carry us.
Got any ideas, folks?
(thanks JnH!)
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I Believe it Was During the 1992 Presidential Campaign
... when either Newsweek or TIME had a magazine cover story titled, "Hyperdemocracy."
Why was the author concerned about too much activity and noise in a democratic election? As I recall, he wasn't at all pleased that people for the first time ever were donating money to then-candidate Jerry Brown using an 800 phone number.
This section of your above comment
reminded me of how far the internet, if used effectively, has (largely) democratized the political process for average, ordinary people. As you say above, by and large, many such political observers (including many here on c99%) are far better in offering penetrating insights that established newspeople in the mainstream media often fail to do.
With an explosion of political blogs and all kinds of social media in the past decade and a half, the "hyperdemocracy" complaint I mentioned above sounds downright quaint by today's standards!
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
You nailed it, joe.
"Cultural counter-programming," I like that.
That's a subject for another essay I've got in the works: how we can incorporate into our daily lives even just small acts of subversion, non-compliance, reverse or "people" propaganda. Incidentally, Emma Goldman spoke about the power and importance of Left propaganda.
At the very least a scrawl of graffiti or a bold non-violent act is an existential cry out, amidst this soul-sucking world of rampant, all pervasive commodification and consumerism - that we are human beings - not alone and not loans - who are not being treated as such.
There are many small ways to do one's part in getting the conversation going in a different direction. Levity helps too.
The time has come for us each to get a little bolder, within each's comfort zone perhaps. But I think we have to start taking more agency individually.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
shout it out
question everything
I agree -- and it's so easy. I have been struggling, for the past year, in trying to figure out what I could actually do. Everything seems so hopeless, especially as we all witness the continued inability to coalesce around any one particular cause or action or movement. But I think you've finally hit on something important, that truly can galvanize us. We just need to get the ball rolling. Eventually, the momentum from our individual acts of rebellion might just wake everyone else up -- which is the first, crucial step required for any kind of lasting change.
I don't know, maybe my instincts are wrong, but I can say this: I'd rather start participating in subtle subversion than sit on the sidelines as I have been, feeling completely impotent.
Really looking forward to your next essay on ideas for what we each can do.
look up "culture jamming" on wikipedia, and check out
the website for adbusters, .
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Thank you, Emma Goldman and Howard Zinn,
for providing the models.
Thanks for those clips, janis.
Those are two heroes for the ages for sure. The latter of whose surname my son bears as his middle name.
When I think of Emma I think of the story of how she, held in prison on Blackwell's Island for a year, volunteered as a nurse and won the admiration of many of the street-hardened and abused women who came to be fond of her tenderness and radical theories.
Have you ever seen the Zinn play "Marx in Soho," the one-man play by NYC teacher and activist (and producer of the film response to the charter school puff piece called "The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman" and NY lieutenant gubernatorial candidate) Brian Jones?
Amazing guy, and excellent actor.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
What a brilliant play and performance.
It is so pointed and curved with humour, depth, promise and empathy for a decaying society.
A few highlights for me of Zinn’s capacity to weave history and insight in an unsparing way, with great emotional impact …
“Jenny, she nursed those babies, and tried to keep them warm; but saw them die, one by one …”
“Rather than imprison individuals for their crimes, we should destroy the social conditions that engender crimes; give to each person the scope that he needs to develop in society”.
“Our interests are the same … teach children to love and respect their fellow creatures …
“Capitalism … it’s also producing its own death.”
“Ideas cross borders … people are estranged from themselves … but there is possibility, if you give people what they need“.
You’re doing wonderful work Mark. Very many thanks for sharing the thoughts and experiences that inspire and motivate you. Your family, close and far, are strengthened by them.
It not only the republicans and Wall Street that we need
to watch. They're doing a lot of things out in the open, but the Koch brothers have been working behind the scenes to put as many republican governors in office as they can. If the things you've mentioned here doesn't get that log burning, maybe what the Koch brothers do will. Remember all the seats and states that turned Red after the 2010 midterms?
The GOP tax bill could kill two birds with one stone
The article shows just how close they are to calling for a constitutional convention. How many congress members are aware of what the brothers have been working on? More importantly, how many democrats are? Instead of working on fixing this, they have been distracting us with Russia Gate instead. I have been aware of this for awhile and writing about it here, but how many other so called 'Progressive' websites even know about this and instead of informing people about it, they spend their days writing about what Trump tweeted and how close Mueller is to hanging him.
You are right about the fact that the police will be affected by this. How safe are their pensions from the Wall Street predators?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Police are the Praetorian Guard of the Rich
Like the billionaires living at 740 Park Avenue who were not in the least generous with their doorman, they will be equally generous with their Praetorian Guard, paying them just above--but only just above--the rest of the plebeians. When the social battle field, upon which the Police maintain "order" becomes gradually denuded through the attrition of wealth, the Police will see that the money lies with their masters--but the power belongs to them. When and whence arises a new Colonel to grasp the reins of power and strangle those with the wealth. It is just about time. Strange how it is often the Colonels who do this and not the generals. The reason is simple: the Generals are part of the inner circle, feasting on the bounty of society, while the Colonels and the rest of the Praetorian Guard can only look in the windows to see with envy what they are prevented themselves from having.
Whether there is a Constitutional Convention or not, the fact remains that those looking into the windows of the Elite will eventually tire of looking--they will take. There is a sociological principle about relative poverty. I do not endorse this as a justification for what is done but simply state this as a fact. In any given society, it is not necessarily the wealth inequality of the rich versus the poor, the poor may, for a while, be sated with the knowledge that our poor are not as poor of those in societies even more disadvantaged as our own. Example, a destitute Rwandan is far more destitute than all but the homeless here. In that recognition lies a pacifier to the masses: "we've got it bad, but look at those Rwandans". This temperament will protect the rich only so long.
The resulting upheaval, the inevitable "Night of the Colonels" will be neither peaceful, nor benevolent. The cast of Oppressors will simply change but the plot will remain the same: new oppressors for old.
How does the Purple Resolution fail: too many people refused to play along. In my jurisprudence, notably limited by lack of bias, the Court of Public Opinion (CPO) plus the refusal to play along are mass movements, which if realized in a massive way, could pull down the whole stinking edifice with much less violence--though, inevitably, there will be blood.
Thank you, Mark and Snoopy for your comments.
Good point about what the police might do
Some OWS members were trying to tell the police that they too are going to be effected by what the banks were doing. But I'm pretty sure that if they did change sides, the PTB would just hire some private mercenaries to do their jobs.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Your point is good
I wonder if anyone is working on a portable EMP device
so they can use it when the PTB decide to book out for their bunkers? Just after they take off in their private jets, wham! An EMP fries their electronics
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Great idea!
@snoopydawg The GOP only wants to
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal
'Austerity' is for the public chattels they bleed as desired for whatever they desire. Which happens to be everything for them alone, in the fast-approaching end.
Of course, the US PTB have no respect for any constitution, democracy or anyone's human rights. Parasitic psychopaths are defined by their characteristic lack of empathy, ethics and associated ultimate lack of longer-term survival sense, missing the 'human' parts of the brain which enabled species survival, even despite the tendency of psychopaths to take over unwitting societies due to their exclusively self-interested ruthlessness and cunning - and previous human inability to identify (apart from pathological attitudes and actions they'll attempt to 'normalize' within societies they've taken control over) and contain them, not having had brain scans to easily ID and keep them out of public office until recently.
If the frogs weren't already bubbling in the steaming Two-Party Pot, the information below - also somewhat reminiscent of what did and didn't happen in the Dem Nomination - would get the blood boiling. But the Hondurans are refusing to accept it - and are an example to the world. No wonder Total Information Control is being inflicted on internet users...
If the US population refused to accept suspicious electoral results and pacifically held firm against the imposition of another puppet anti-public-good candidate, this whole corrupt and deadly mess would lose its foundations, being no longer able to stand on the heads of its citizens while incrementally adding more sharpened studs to its jackboots to reduce them to mush.
Democracy Now! being on a total roll; I'd have missed all this following, if not directed there via a posting of another article of great interest in another thread, by snoopydawg.
This absolutely needs to read in full at source, if at all possible.
(Beth Hart wrote this song about Bush-2, who initiated the push on the TPP and allied corporate coups, traitorously handing rights of domestic and other legislation over from the people of unwittingly-involved countries over to ruthless outside self-interests in privately made agreements between those who had no right to do so, but figure that if they 'Big Lie' claim to have such non-existent rights to dispose of the rights, futures, democracy, countries and lives of others - which their public offices exist to nurture and safeguard against such attack/predation/theft - loudly enough, the sheep will passively accept their arbitrarily determined fate as disposable and dispossessed chattels within a corporate/billionaire-owned/operated State [in reality belonging to the inhabitants as a Commons in perpetuity] and can even be conned into supporting their own subjection and rapidly approaching doom-for-profit on the promise of [unmentioned as 'competitively' hazardous and insecure slave-wage] jobs for some, here or there.)
Personally, I find it rather inspirational.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Time for Occupy 2.0
Everywhere. All 50 states, top 200 cities. April 27, 28, 29. Four months to get ready.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Is there such a plan?
Just proposed it.
If there's support here I will start work getting Syracuse ready. I suspect there will be support.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@Wink Occupy was protesting
Is Occupy 2.0 going to be protesting that, or just protesting Trump?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Same as 2011,
us vs. the 1%. Only better weather. Hopefully.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@Wink My guess is an anti
To avoid that, how about using Occupy's techniques, but not Occupy's name?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I doubt that the kids
even remember Occupy 2011. But, whatever... the "name" doesn't matter, but it needs an identity of some sort.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
“I am the law”
Judge Dredd!
Someone rifled Mrs Lark’s car and swiped her new boxing gloves and martial gear bag. In the dark on Xmas day! Alrighty then!
I am ready to send my piece of poop
I will happily donate it to Amazon, who send could redeem themselves and deliver the package 'Amazon prime free of charge' to my favorite poop-deserving shit-pooping folks.
Let's start the poop campaign, canvassing and donating our poop. Ahh, that would be a stinky fun, wouldn't it?
You know I agree with you.
But it ain't "global Trumpism."
The establishment really, really wants us to believe all this started last January, and the rest of them have nothing to do with it. It's like a bigger, better version of "Obama wanted to do good things, but the Republicans just wouldn't let him!"
Now it's "The Democrats and half the Republicans wanted a sane world, but Trump just wouldn't let them!"
Constantly looking for someone who looks worse to blame. Like a political wet-wipe for their dirty hands. Boy, do they need it. The realization that "democracy doesn't matter" had already hit most people by Fall 2016. That shitshow of an election season convinced most people.
But now the people are convinced that if only the shitshow hadn't put Trump in the White House, everything would be okey-dokey. Or at least, that's what the politicians and media want us to believe.
If it had been okey-dokey, we wouldn't have had to sleep in parks because the government was too much of a corrupt ass to put rich people in prison.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
This is so very true
People are blaming him because when an immigrant is deported and hasn't setup legal guardianship for their children, the children go into foster care. One website is deriding Trump for this, but the program started in 2011 when WHO was president?
That president deported more immigrants than any other during his tenure, but he got and continues to get a pass on all the things that Trump is now doing because of the infrastructure already in place for him to do so.
Remember this?
When you say that you miss Obama..
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Heard a story last week...
about Occupy Houston helping more than the gov't after the hurricane last fall.
Perhaps that is our future...forgetting government and its reform to banding together for tribal survival. Seems the dystopian future of Scifi novels is becoming a reality.
If I was young I would go to another country. After several decades developing our homestead I have a hard time imagining moving now.
It is bad when you see your own country as the evil empire promoting war abroad and starvation wages at home. But I think that's where we are.
Thanks for the essay. Always thought provoking to read your work.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
@Lookout That was true during
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
never give up your piece of land that you
build up to live off from, when you own it outright. I would not. There is no way that a move to another country on the long run would be the right decision. One likes to believe that though.
What is the latest age you would advise someone to emigrate out of the US?
No I'm in place here
Even have an old cemetery on the place awaiting....and that box of horse shit would be useful to me.
I guess you are never too old to move elsewhere if you're unhappy. However, I have far more than money invested in the homestead. Plus, no matter where I live I will be sad that we in the US value others lives and livelihoods in such low esteem.
For now I'm glad to be where I am.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
A good place
question everything
Always a treat to see/read you, MfQ. A Happy, Healthy
New Year to you and yours. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Never Forget
It was Barack Obama and his thugs that crushed Occupy '11.
Great to read you again Mark
Sooner or later people will rise up but in the mean time they seem to hold onto the false narrative's they are feed. On a good note the avid socially liberal Democrat's I live near and have as friends in real life seem to have gone silent on politics. No more talk of fake 'resistance' and the Obama love seems to be dimming. The Russian's did it lines are diminishing. Funny how people get all nostalgic for a con they fell for that was never real but was cosmetically more palatable. It makes me optimistic to hear these people spouting socialistic non-partisan solutions like single payer healthcare instead of going on about what a great deal Obamacare was. They seem to be straying from the Demoratic herd rather then focusing on blaming the GOP and The Hairball scary clown. I think they have noticed that the entire Democratic party on every level, has since this farce of an election been missing in action and has not bothered to resist or obstruct in any effective way other then the usual we're not as bad. Reforming the party is a vanishing illusion.
seems like a good direction to evolve
question everything
That'd be why replacing the corrupted CorpoDems who'd taken over the Party with real people working for, rather than against, the public/country's good seems to be Bernie's plan. It's not like '3rd Parties' are allowed a chance in selections - but a 2nd bout of obvious cheating attempts, if electorally monitored and strongly protested by The People, (rather than, as always previously, encouraging it to worsen by accepting the cheated results as a 'done deal',) might produce results.
A pacific and political solution is always exponentially preferable to a bloody revolution - but evident cheated results cannot any longer be passively accepted by The People at any electoral stage in order to potentially achieve any positive result at all.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.