The Evening Blues - 11-30-17


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Albert Collins

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features "The Master of the Telecaster," Texas bluesman Albert Collins. Enjoy!

Albert Collins - Frosty

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. `Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, `controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. `Reality control,' they called it: in Newspeak, `doublethink.'"

-- George Orwell

News and Opinion

Media Erase NATO Role in Bringing Slave Markets to Libya

Twenty-first century slave markets. Human beings sold for a few hundred dollars. Massive protests throughout the world. The American and British media have awakened to the grim reality in Libya, where African refugees are for sale in open-air slave markets. Yet a crucial detail in this scandal has been downplayed or even ignored in many corporate media reports: the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in bringing slavery to the North African nation.

In March 2011, NATO launched a war in Libya expressly aimed at toppling the government of longtime leader Muammar Qadhafi. The US and its allies flew some 26,000 sorties over Libya and launched hundreds of cruise missiles, destroying the government’s ability to resist rebel forces. US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, along with their European counterparts, insisted the military intervention was being carried out for humanitarian reasons. But political scientist Micah Zenko (Foreign Policy3/22/16) used NATO’s own materials to show how “the Libyan intervention was about regime change from the very start.” ...

Secretary Clinton, who played a decisive role in the war, declared live on CBS News (10/20/11), “We came, we saw, he died!” The Libyan government dissolved soon after. In the six years since, Libya has been roiled by chaos and bloodshed. Multiple would-be governments are competing for control of the oil-rich country, and in some areas there is still no functioning central authority. Many thousands of people have died, although the true numbers are impossible to verify. Millions of Libyans have been displaced—a staggering number, nearly one-third of the population, had fled to neighboring Tunisia by 2014.

Corporate media, however, have largely forgotten about the key role NATO played in destroying Libya’s government, destabilizing the country and empowering human traffickers. Moreover, even the few news reports that do acknowledge NATO’s complicity in the chaos in Libya do not go a step further and detail the well-documented, violent racism of the NATO-backed Libyan rebels who ushered in slavery after ethnically cleansing and committing brutal crimes against black Libyans.

[See article for detailed analysis of media coverage of NATO's seminal role in creating a brutal slave state in Libya. - js]

Donald Trump's menacing talk on North Korea is leaving the US isolated

Donald Trump’s latest threat to destroy North Korea’s regime by force produced an angry response from Russia on Thursday. Yet elsewhere, the menacing talk from Washington was mostly met with uncomfortable silence.

While there is no shortage of international concern about Kim Jong-un’s latest, “breakthrough” missile test on Wednesday, Trump’s bellicose talk of war is rendering the US increasingly isolated.

Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, appeared to voice doubts shared by other countries when he claimed on Thursday that Trump was deliberately pushing Pyongyang towards military confrontation. “It seems they have done everything on purpose to make Kim lose control and make another desperate move,” he said.

Lavrov rejected imposing additional sanctions demanded by Trump. Lavrov suggested previously unscheduled US military exercises in December were part of an undisclosed plan to trigger a conflict. “The Americans need to explain to us all what they are actually up to. If they seek a pretext to destroy North Korea, they should openly say so.”

Reacting to Wednesday’s test, Trump’s ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, upped the ante again, pinning blame wholly on Kim’s shoulders. “If war does come, it will be because of continued acts of aggression like we witnessed yesterday … If war comes, make no mistake, the North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed,” she said.

North Korea Crisis: "US looks to pressure China as UN meets to discuss Pyongyang's missile launch"

U.K. Government Pressured Over Secret Base’s Role in Trump’s Drone Strikes

Thr U.K. government is facing fresh calls to clarify its role in U.S. drone strikes after acknowledging that there are potentially hundreds of British spy agency personnel working inside a U.S.-controlled surveillance base that has played a key role in so-called targeted killings.

Earlier this month, British Minister of State for the Armed Forces Mark Lancaster disclosed to the U.K. Parliament that employees of eavesdropping agency Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, are stationed at a remote base in the north of England called Menwith Hill. An unknown number of GCHQ employees are among 578 British civilians, military, and contractors at the site, Lancaster confirmed in a previously unreported written statement, alongside 627 Americans. ...

Menwith Hill is the National Security Agency’s largest overseas surveillance facility, located near the small town of Harrogate in North Yorkshire. As The Intercept revealed in 2015, the base has been used to aid “a significant number of capture-kill operations” across the Middle East and North Africa, according to top-secret documents. The facility operates spy satellites used to pinpoint the locations of people on the ground below, and it is equipped with eavesdropping technology that can harvest data from more than 300 million emails and phone calls a day. ...

One former drone operator previously told The Intercept that the NSA helped locate drone targets by analyzing the activity of a cellphone’s SIM card. “It’s really like we’re targeting a cellphone,” said the former drone operator. “We’re not going after people — we’re going after their phones, in the hopes that the person on the other end of that missile is the bad guy.” The use of such methods was effectively confirmed in 2014 by former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden, who declared during a debate at Johns Hopkins University: “We kill people based on metadata.” ...

Jennifer Gibson, a staff attorney with London-based human rights group Reprieve, said lethal U.S. operations have “skyrocketed” since Trump’s inauguration, “killing scores of civilians in countries like Yemen.” She questioned the role of British personnel in the attacks, which have never been approved by or debated in Parliament.

Wow, this creep keeps popping up like a bad penny:

Blackwater founder pitches plan to quell Libya migrant crisis with private police

Erik Prince, the founder of the private military contractor Blackwater, is pushing a plan to intervene in the migrant crisis in Libya with a proposal involving a privately-trained police force that would mirror his company’s work in Afghanistan. The proposal, he said, would be a more humanitarian option for the European Union compared to the chaos that is now gripping the oil-rich nation, given widespread reports of grave human rights abuses by militia groups against migrants.

Prince, who is close to the Trump administration and is mulling a run for Senate in Wyoming, said it would be relatively easy for his company, Frontier Services Group, to stop, detain, house and “repatriate” hundreds of thousands of African migrants who are seeking a path to Europe through Libya.

He has also proposed to do so for a “fraction” of the price the EU is spending on boats that intercept migrant vessels in the Mediterranean.

“The traffic of human beings from Sudan, Chad, Niger is an industrial process,” he told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. “To stop it, you have to create a Libyan border police along the southern border.” Prince suggested that his plan would be more “humane and professional” than the programmes that are being supported by the EU to try to stop the flow of migrants.

White Helmets taboo: Why is Reporters Without Borders trying to cancel panel on controversial group?

Russia Accuses US of Trying to Partition Syria

While the US was long in opposition to federalization of Syria, demanding the nation remain heavily centralized, that seems to have been changed with the Kurdish YPG having captured massive amounts of territory from ISIS.

Now, US allies have a lot of territory to rule, and the US is looking to help them to do so, setting up infrastructures of government, and being very careful to not let the Syrian central government have anything to do with it.

That’s not in keeping with previous US positions, nor even with federalization, and Russian officials are now accusing the US of being in the process of establishing a de facto partition of Syria between the government territory and Kurdish territory.

In an Unprecedented Move, 10 Democratic Senators Demand That Netanyahu Halt Israel Demolition of Palestinian Village

In a startling demonstration of support for Palestinian human rights from Capitol Hill, 10 Democratic senators wrote a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday urging him to halt the impending demolition of two Palestinian and Bedouin towns. Israel has been actively planning the demolition of the West Bank Palestinian village of Susiya for months. Its government claims that the village is not authorized, despite the fact that it is in the occupied West Bank, which is internationally recognized as Palestinian territory.

For the past couple years, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has been a lone voice on the issue, writing directly to Netanyahu to demand he halt the demolition. Feinstein’s efforts have been successful, as Israel has put off Susiya’s demolition multiple times. But there are reports that Israel will begin demolishing structures in the village within weeks.

On Wednesday, Feinstein finally got some backup. She was joined by nine other Democratic caucus senators — Vermont’s Bernie Sanders and Pat Leahy, Illinois’s Dick Durbin, Delaware’s Tom Carper, Minnesota’s Al Franken, Massachusetts’s Elizabeth Warren, New Mexico’s Martin Heinrich, Oregon’s Jeff Merkley, and Hawaii’s Brian Schatz — in a letter from her office demanding Israel not demolish Susiya and the Bedouin town of Khan al-Amr.

The letter is unusually strong in its description of Israeli government behavior. “Instead of forcibly evicting these communities, we encourage your government to fairly re-evaluate Susiya’s professionally developed master plan and provide the residents of Khan Al-Ahmar equal building rights. Your government’s threats to demolish these communities are particularly distressing in light of the Israeli Civil Administration’s efforts to dramatically expand settlements throughout the West Bank,” it reads.

US Congress Revokes RT’s Capitol Hill Press Credentials

RT Network’s press accreditation was pulled Wednesday following the Justice Department’s move to require that RT register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act earlier in November.

"The Executive Committee of the Congressional Radio & Television Correspondents' Galleries' exercised its authority, as granted by the ruled of the House and the Senate, to withdraw the news credentials of the RT Network by unanimous vote on November 21," the government office said in a letter to the RT production office dated November 29. ... The loss of accreditation is effective immediately, according to Craig Caplan, Executive Chairman of the Congressional Radio & Television Correspondents' Galleries. ...

The Justice Department vowed that FARA would not interfere with RT's mission to report the news. "The law does not restrict registrants from operating, however. Other U.S. agents of foreign media entities are currently registered under FARA and continue to operate freely in the United States," DOJ said November 13. ...

The US State Department has echoed these claims. "When the United States tells someone to register under a foreign agent requirement, we don't impact or affect the ability of them to report news and information. We just have them register. It's as simple as that," Heather Nauert, spokeswoman for the State Department, said in October.

Has Trump Made It Easier to Spy on Journalists? Lawsuit Demands Answers.

Press freedom groups filed suit today to force the government to disclose more about how and when it obtains journalists’ communications, amid reports that the Department of Justice under Attorney General Jeff Sessions is pursuing a record number of leak investigations.

The question the groups hope to answer is whether the Trump administration — openly hostile toward news media — has jettisoned or modified rules that limit the government’s ability to spy on journalists while they do their jobs. ...

Carrie DeCell, a staff attorney with Knight First Amendment Institute, which is bringing the suit along with the Freedom of the Press Foundation, said that “we have seen the DOJ media guidelines that Obama released, but we understand that Sessions is reconsidering those guidelines, and the way the government uses subpoenas against journalists.” In August, Sessions announced that his department was reviewing the guidelines as part of a crackdown on leaks but did not specify what changes might be made.

Iceland seeks return to political stability with new prime minister

The leader of Iceland’s Left-Green movement has become the country’s new prime minister at the head of a broad three-party coalition that could restore a measure of political stability after a succession of scandals. Katrín Jakobsdóttir, 41, a popular former education minister who is considered to be Iceland’s most trusted politician, took office on Wednesday after formally signing a new government accord with the centre-right Independence and Progressive parties.

She told local media the administration’s focus would be on greater investment in healthcare, education and transport infrastructure, sustaining Iceland’s economic recovery from the 2008 financial crash, and improving gender equality and LGBT rights.

The outgoing prime minister, Bjarni Benediktsson’s Independence party narrowly won the 28 October election – the country’s second snap poll in less than a year – but lost a quarter of its seats, paving the way for Jakobsdóttir to form a left-led coalition. ... Amid widespread dissatisfaction with the cronyism and corruption many see as endemic in the country’s political and business classes, polls have shown almost half of Iceland’s voters wanted Jakobsdóttir to become their next prime minister.

Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Joseph Stiglitz: Trump Tax Plan to Worsen Inequality, Expand Loopholes

Whistleblower: Mnuchin's Touted Analysis Claiming 'Tax Cuts for Rich Pay for Themselves' Doesn't Even Exist

The Trump White House has pulled out all the stops in its efforts to help the GOP ram through its widely disliked tax bill, including—as the New York Times reported Thursday—citing a Treasury Department analysis one government whistleblower says doesn't even exist.

For months, Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin has peddled the ambitious claim that not only would the GOP's proposed tax cuts for the rich "pay for themselves" through a massive surge in economic growth, but also that the cuts would help the U.S. "pay down debt."

"In our models, we believe there will be $2.5 trillion of growth," Mnuchin said during a recent CNN interview. "And we're happy to go through the numbers. We're happy to give the details. We want full transparency to the American public."

Despite such lofty promises and his expressed commitment to "transparency," however, Mnuchin has yet to release the promised analysis, even as the Senate is expected to vote on the GOP tax plan as early as Thursday night. According to an economist at the Office of Tax Analysis, he hasn't done so for good reason: there is no such study.

As the Times reports:

Mr. Mnuchin has promised that Treasury will release its analysis in full. Yet, just one day before the full Senate prepares to vote on a sweeping tax rewrite, the administration has yet to produce the type of economic analysis that it is citing as a reason to pass the tax cut.

Those inside Treasury’s Office of Tax Policy, which Mr. Mnuchin has credited with running the models, say they have been largely shut out of the process and are not working on the type of detailed analysis that he has mentioned.

An economist at the Office of Tax Analysis, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so as not to jeopardize his job, said Treasury had not released a "dynamic" analysis showing that the tax plan would be paid for with economic growth because one did not exist.

Tax analysts expressed shock and dismay at the fact that, on the eve of the vote on a plan that could have devastating consequences for millions of families, the Treasury Department still hasn't released anything resembling a comprehensive exploration of the it's long-term implications.

Latest Evidence Rich Don't Need Tax Cut: Top 1% $4.9 Million Wealthier Since 2007 While Everyone Else $4,500 Poorer

If any more evidence were needed to show that the wealthiest Americans really don't need a tax cut, here it is: Between 2007 and 2016, the average wealth of those in the top one percent grew by a whopping $4.9 million.

What about everyone else? In that same period, the average wealth of the bottom 99 percent declined by $4,500.

This is according to an analysis put out Wednesday by Matt Bruenig of the People's Policy Project, based on data from the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances.

Recent nonpartisan analyses have consistently found that the Republican tax plan, expected to hit the Senate floor for a vote as early as Thursday, would deliver even more wealth to the richest Americans. And contrary to GOP rhetoric, the plan would also hike taxes on millions of low-income and middle class families.

Rex Tillerson makes unexpected White House visit amid reports of his firing

The US secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, made an unannounced visit to the White House on Thursday after multiple press reports emerged that Donald Trump was hatching a plan to oust him and replace him with the CIA director, Mike Pompeo.

Asked on camera if he wanted Tillerson to stay at his post, Donald Trump did not reply directly, saying only: “He’s here. Rex is here.” As reports of his imminent departure swirled in Washington, the secretary of state had been spotted by reporters on the White House grounds, a visit that had not been on his public schedule for the day.

The White House spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, repeated Trump’s statement about the secretary of state’s current whereabouts, adding: “There are no personnel announcements at this time. Secretary Tillerson continues to lead the state department and the entire cabinet is focused on completing this incredibly successful first year of President Trump’s administration.”

The New York Times first reported on Thursday morning that a plan had been developed by the White House chief of staff, John Kelly, to force Tillerson out, move Pompeo, a former Republican congressman, to the state department and replace Pompeo at the CIA with the Arkansas senator Tom Cotton. The report was quickly confirmed by other media outlets quoting White House sources, but all the reports said Trump had not yet made up his mind whether to execute the plan.

Pundits Funded by Drug Company Applaud Its Takeover of Trump Health Department

In an article for the Associated Press, two former senators defended President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Health and Human Services Department, Alex Azar. But the AP neglected to mention that the pair are affiliated with a Washington think tank that receives money from Azar’s recent employer, drug giant Eli Lilly.

On Wednesday morning, AP turned to two former senators to offer a defense of Azar, who has come under fire for his close ties to the pharmaceutical industry, which the HHS regulates. “While there may be disagreements on policy, I do think he’s willing to hear people out,” said former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, a Democrat, in the AP article. Former Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist offered a similar take: “Will he carry pharma’s water? I don’t think so, based on my interactions with him,” he said.

AP noted that both former senators have positions at the Bipartisan Policy Center, a Washington-based think tank. But the esteemed wire service omitted that the Bipartisan Policy Center is funded by a variety of health care industry interests, including Eli Lilly.

the horse race

White House Defensive as Trump Shares British Hate Group Videos, Drawing International Condemnation

A Kingdom United in Revulsion at Donald Trump’s Embrace of Far-Right Racists

Britons have rarely been more divided than they are at present over the headlong rush toward an exit from the European Union nearly half the electorate rejected. But on Thursday, the United Kingdom was nearly united on one point: a widespread revulsion at U.S. President Donald Trump for his decision to fold the far-right, racist fringe group Britain First into his warm Twitter embrace.

The condemnation of Trump from leading politicians across the spectrum, which began on Wednesday, accelerated on Thursday during a debate in Parliament on what was formally termed the “urgent question” of “the activities of Britain First, online hate speech and the sharing of inflammatory content online by the president of the United States, Donald Trump.”

The debate began with the Home Secretary Amber Rudd, a Conservative whose office maintains a list of extremists banned from entering the U.K. for hate speech, repeating Prime Minister Theresa May’s position that “this government will not tolerate any groups who spread hate be demonizing those of other faiths or ethnicities and who deliberately raise community fears and tensions — and we have been clear, President Donald Trump was wrong to retweet videos posted by far-right group Britain First.”

Diane Abbott, the Labour politician in line to become home secretary should her party form the next government, said that Trump’s promotion of anti-Muslim propaganda by Britain First “is not just offensive to British people of Muslim heritage, it is not just offensive to British people of black and minority heritage, it is offensive to all decent British people.”

Nancy Pelosi urges John Conyers to resign: 'The brave women who came forward are owed justice'

Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday that Democratic congressman John Conyers should resign in the wake of multiple allegations of sexual harassment by women. Pelosi, the House minority leader, said during a press conference on Capitol Hill that the allegations against her fellow Democrat were “serious, disappointing and very credible”. The House minority leader on Sunday defended Conyers, who has served in Congress since 1964.

Pelosi said: “It is very sad. The brave women who came forward are owed justice. I pray for Congressman Conyers and his family and wish them well. However, Congressman Conyers should resign.” ...

Conyers, who vigorously denies the allegations against him, has no intention of stepping down, said Arnold Reed, Conyers’ lawyer, during a combative press conference in which he attacked Pelosi for not being a strong enough advocate for women. “She sure as hell won’t be the one to tell the congressman to leave,” Reed said outside the Conyers family home. The congressman, who is 88, was hospitalized overnight for issues related to stress, Reed said. Conyers was taken to the hospital in Detroit after experiencing shortness of breath and dizziness.

Al Franken: two more women accuse senator of sexual misconduct

Two more women have come forward to accuse Democratic senator Al Franken of sexual impropriety, according to reports on Thursday.

Stephanie Kemplin, an Ohio army veteran, told CNN that Franken groped her breast in 2003, while she was deployed in Kuwait and he was a comedian on a tour of the Middle East to entertain US troops.

Separately, a former elected official in New England, who requested anonymity, told the website Jezebel that Franken attempted to kiss her onstage at an event in 2006.

In total, six women have accused the Minnesota senator of sexual misconduct.

the evening greens

EPA Hosts the Beginning of the End of the Clean Power Plan in Coal Country

As the Trump administration continues down its warpath to eliminate environmental protections, it found a perfect venue for a planetary funeral party: the heart of coal country. The Environmental Protection Agency yesterday concluded a two-day hearing on its plan to repeal the Clean Power Plan — a 2015 rule that formed the centerpiece of the U.S. plan to reduce its emissions in line with the targets laid out in the Paris Agreement — in Charleston, West Virginia. And the irony was not lost on people who live there.

“I think the EPA decided to hold these hearings in Charleston because we are right in the heart of the coalfields. If the EPA thinks it’s going to come here and only hear from people who oppose the plan, I think they’re wrong,” said Karan Ireland, a Democratic member of Charleston City Council and an advocate for bringing more solar energy to the state.

“You can’t just stereotype the typical West Virginian,” Ireland, who testified against the repeal on Tuesday, told The Intercept. “It’s a difficult thing to talk about here,” she said of the plan. “It’s absolutely true that there are communities that have been devastated by the loss of coal jobs. As a West Virginian and a person who enjoys electricity, I respect and honor our heritage as a coal-producing state. Having said that, I believe the science on climate change.”

This week’s hearing is so far the only scheduled chance for the public to comment on the repeal. The Obama-era EPA, by contrast, held 11 public listening sessions before proposing the CPP, in addition to four public hearings during a public comment hearing on the plan.

Did a coal baron make his miners attend today’s EPA hearing?

Robert Murray, the founder and CEO of Murray Energy, America’s largest privately owned coal company, looked frail as he approached the dais in West Virginia’s capitol building for the EPA’s only public hearing on repealing the Clean Power Plan. Breathing through an oxygen tube, he argued that President Barack Obama’s signature climate change regulation would decimate the coal industry and ruin the lives of coal workers—more than 20 of whom were sitting in the hearing room dressed in full work gear, hardhats and all. “Thank you fellas for being here,” Murray said, “and God bless you.”

[S]eeing the coal workers in the hearing room in Charleston on Tuesday, I asked Murray if he had asked his employees to come. “No, I did not. They came on their own,” he said. “Their lives have been destroyed and they’re here because they wanted to be there. Nobody asked them to be here, and I certainly didn’t ask them to be here.” Later, as the coal workers filed out of the hearing room during a 15-minute break, I asked a Murray worker, Ryan Wilson, whether Murray had asked him to attend. “He did ask,” he said. “He asked for volunteers.”

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Is Trump Going to Lie Our Way Into War With Iran?

What’s Wrong with Talking to North Korea?

Trump retweets 5-year-old violent videos from Syria, Egypt

Trump’s Acting Directors Are Quietly Dropping “Acting” From Their Titles

Supreme Court Hears Arguments About Cellphone Location Tracking in Landmark Privacy Case

The Web Began Dying in 2014 – Here’s How

NSA Secretly Helped Convict Defendants in U.S. Courts, Classified Documents Reveal

Behind the Push for Catalonian Independence

Republicans Did the Same Thing in Oklahoma They Want to Do Nationally, and Democrats Swept Special Elections as a Result

A Little Night Music

Albert Collins - Put The Shoe On The Other Foot

Albert Collins - Too Many Dirty Dishes

Albert Collins - Soulroad

Albert Collins - Angel Of Mercy

Albert Collins - Master Charge

Albert Collins - My Woman Has A Black Cat Bone

Albert Collins - Collins Shuffle

George Thorogood & Albert Collins - Madison Blues

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QMS's picture

Joe, thanks for the collation of todays nightmare themes. Wonder if you picture TPTB shivering in their shadows with the realization that the rest of the world are going to make their own currency? Hell on us when the bottom drops out of the petro-dollar. All those "sanctions" US imposed coming back now. Ouch

0 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

joe shikspack's picture


well, these folks went to the best schools - and presumably there they had some history classes. these folks have been warned that empires don't last. i hope that they are quaking in their boots over the comeuppance that might be visited on them once they are no longer powerful. sadly, some of that comeuppance will probably be visited on the rest of us, too, though.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Things are ramping up, it seems. Do you feel the pressure? It's like we are all in a pressure cooker. When will it blow - because it will! - ?

December tomorrow - that came fast!

Have a beautiful evening, everyone! Pleasantry

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

QMS's picture

@Raggedy Ann snow peas and mung bean sprouts, stir fried with sesame oil. Smile

0 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Raggedy Ann's picture

Not exactly what I had in mind, but it will involve community - the American community. Wink

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

joe shikspack's picture

@Raggedy Ann

yeah, for me it's been kind of like that scene in the horror movies where the teenagers are wandering around the scary haunted house and a creepy voice moans, "don't go into the basement." inevitably, though the kids always wind up in the basement.

well, i say if we have to go into the basement with these scary morons, lets have a party! Smile

0 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

@joe shikspack
levity is important during these horrifying moments. The intensity is beginning to affect me in that the ground is beginning to rumble under my feet. Hmmmm... a good Girl Scout is always prepared. I feel I better get to it.

Have a good one, joe!

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

joe shikspack's picture

@Raggedy Ann

have a great evening!

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Azazello's picture

That's what this crackdown on RT is all about. They're not really concerned about Russian propaganda, it's the Americans who have been shut out of US media that they fear, the ones who have had to go to RT because they can't get a hearing here.
This was funny, from Moon of Alabama:

Today the U.S. State Department hit the ball of hypocrisy out of the park.

It remarked that "legislation that allows .. to label media outlets as 'foreign agents' ... presents yet another threat to free media". It noted that "freedom of expression—including speech and media ... is a universal human rights obligation".

The remark came after the U.S. Department of Justice required the Russian outlet RT America to register as a 'foreign agent' under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). RT registered as ordered on November 13.

But the State Department statement was NOT in response to the DOJ requirement against RT. The State Department reacted to a new Russian law that was issued in response to the demand against RT. The new Russian law is a mirror to the U.S. FARA law. It demands that foreign media which are active in Russia register as 'foreign agents'. (The EU poodles followed the State Department nonsense with an equally dumb statement.)

With its criticism of the Russian version of the FARA law while ignoring the U.S. FARA action against RT, the State Department confirmed the allegations of hypocrisy RT and other media have raised against the U.S. government.

It was so much easier back when there were just the three TV networks and a few newspapers and magazines to deal with.
[video: width:400 height:240]

0 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

divineorder's picture

@Azazello @Azazello

... Remember the days....

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

snoopydawg's picture


Obama and Hillary told us that one of the reasons they needed to invade Libya was because Gaddafi was arresting people who were protesting against him and this was during our OWS protests. Hypocrisy.

Both Obama and Kerry have said that no country has to tolerate being bombed by another one during the Israeli bombardment of Gaza. Hypocrisy


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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


not only have they lost control of the narrative, they have forgotten that the bread part of "bread and circuses." by failing to provide bread, they provide an incentive for the average 'merkin to pay attention to the alternative narratives.

thanks for posting that jimmy dore piece about congress going after xinhua.

0 users have voted.
divineorder's picture

For some.....
Big day for RT, which this afternoon reported that Tillerson not leaving after all.

Trump be like,



0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

joe shikspack's picture


when i was out and about this evening, i saw a teevee weatherman in front of an ominous looking radar map, with a caption something like, "cold is coming with a vengeance."

it has been pretty mild here for the last week or so, daytime temps in the 50's, nighttime in the mid to upper 30's, but, well, it'll be december tomorrow. i guess we're due for a cold snap.

so, rexxon is still in the clown car. ok. i assume he is probably better than his replacement will be.

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enhydra lutris's picture

How is that today's US residents don't know that the official narrative is 100% certain to be spun and twisted, and more than likely outright false? Did they all just fall from the sky?

0 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

i suspect that most us residents don't really believe the official narrative, after all they have at least a dim sense that they are getting screwed. on the other hand, most folks despair of the prospects of having to fix what's broken but still sort of functional, in that they are still getting some of their survival needs met.

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snoopydawg's picture

in Libya in 2011 and still backed the terrorists that were doing it? I'd be dumbfounded if my mind could accept being dumbfounded by anything that happens anymore. And they did this under the umbrella of saying that they needed to do it to protect people from Gaddafi? By dropping 26,000 bombs on the country. Okay....

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

joe shikspack's picture


i keep saying that it is impossible to be too cynical. it almost seems to understate the problem, somehow.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

posting. Mr M's packing our vehicle for us to leave after midnight (tomorrow), and, we're seeing the last of Family off about 11:00 p.m. (They drive at night, like us.)

Anyhoo, if the constant 'grinding' eventually desists, I'll try to expound on several misleading claims that I've seen this evening--made by AARP. Must say, the CEO (Jo Ann Jenkins) is a piece of work. Saw her interviewed by Brian Lamb on C-Span a while back. I'll try to re-find a pic of her with her hero--Ronald Reagan!

Here's my 'trivia' item for today,

Walt Disney World is bigger than how many countries?

Answer: It's bigger than the world's five (5) smallest countries.*

*Sorry--it doesn't give the name of the countries!

Hey, Everyone have a good one.



"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures--they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive."--Gilda Radner

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

divineorder's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

Interesting article on AARP positions.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

divineorder's picture

After Rubio admitted SS and Medicare were targets I searched Twitter to see Grayson had said anything.

Nada, but saw a number of tweets ragging about his connections to Russia.

Also got this Email from him today.

I really would like to see him get re-elected.

Dear [divineorder]

Here is something I never see anymore in e-mails from elected officials and candidates:

“I got good things done for you. If I’m elected again, I can get more good things done.”

Well, I’m going to break that mold. Listen up:

I got good things done for you. If I’m elected again, I can get more good things done.

Isn’t that what politics is really all about? Support the Committee to Elect Alan Grayson today, and you will see more good things done for you – and our progressive principles >>

Here are some good things I did – including bills and amendments I passed during four years when the other party, the GOP, controlled the US House of Representatives:
Moving more than $80 million from the military weapons budget to the health research budget – more healthcare, less warfare;
Instituting a “contractor death penalty” for government contractors who cheat the taxpayers;
Blocking the effort to start a new U.S. war in the Middle East;
Mandating the first independent audit of the Federal Reserve, which uncovered $27 trillion in unreported bailouts;
Extending more than $1 billion a year in tax credits for “green energy” conservation in homes;
Collecting three million signatures on my “No Cuts” petition, which prevented cuts in Social Security cost-of-living adjustments; and
Dramatically expanding veterans’ benefits, bilingual housing counseling, funding for clean rivers and bays, and free tax advice for seniors.
In fact, I passed more than 100 progressive amendments and bills through the Tea Party House in just four years – more than any other Member of Congress.

Look, Donald Trump is the worst President of my lifetime. I want to see Trump impeached and convicted. But “cry me a river” is not enough. Whether or not we evict Donald Trump from the White House, I know that as long as I’m in office, I can get more good things done – for you, for us, and for the whole, wide world.

Who else is saying that to you?


Support our campaign, and help elect a progressive champion to the U.S. Congress. Chip in $5 or whatever you can afford, right here and right now >>


Alan Grayson

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Alan Grayson

This email was sent to [divineorder] Follow Alan Grayson on Facebook and Twitter. Should you want to unsubscribe -- and let right-wing Republicans win -- then click here. Join Alan Grayson in winning the fight for the soul of the Democratic Party by making a contribution to our campaign here

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

if I don't run out of time tomorrow evening, I'll explain what bothers me about a couple of AARP's recent statements/stances. Otherwise, I'll address it next week.

BTW, when I was complaining the other night about Mr M's and my flimsy 'pickins' for a MA Plan--which basically included '1' Local MA PPO Plan, and '1' Regional MA Plan (both happen to be Humana plans), I wasn't in any way taking a potshot at your and JB's new plan. I've seen it--it's a far cry from what our offerings would be! And that doesn't even count the difference between the deductibles and OOP costs.


Hope to catch up with Everybody tomorrow. But, if we don't make it, you Guys have a nice weekend!


"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures--they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive."--Gilda Radner

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers

0 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

divineorder's picture

@Unabashed Liberal We had pretty comprehensive health care in Austin ISD before we retired and now the Medicare / Medicare Advantage Group pisses me off with the all the out of pocket and deductible!

Have not totally trusted AARP in years but look forward to seeing what you post.

0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

lotlizard's picture

to be concerned about some social developments involving immigrants …

When it comes to the U.K., this is the one that gets me: the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal, with Pakistani culprits.

I just can’t figure out how the authorities could let this go on for years because people were afraid of being called racist …

And why did the Labour party make the MP for the district resign merely because she brought up the fact that the perpetrators were Asian?

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divineorder's picture


0 users have voted.

A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.