What makes America great? Here is one example:

I wrote this comment before Michigan:
I want a win in Michigan really really bad. Would be great to
See the Muslim community come out in groves and Vote Bernie to victory.
But, know this- We are winning every moment we are in this race.

I must have been on the super duper nice list because Santa brought me my present early:

check here under the tree

Political commentators and media outlets were quick to pounce on a “fascinating” statistic from Bernie Sanders’ victory in the Michigan primary on Tuesday night: Democrats in Dearborn, a city whose population is 40 percent Arab, voted overwhelmingly for Sanders over rival Hillary Clinton (59 percent to 39 percent). The subtext of pointing out this particular statistic is clear. How, the media wondered, could a predominantly Muslim group support a Jewish candidate?

Bernie and his campaign are about finding common ground, that is the underlying theme. How are we all common, how are we all affected, how are we all connected.

This vote from Dearborn shows that his message of inclusion is resonating and tearing down the walls that religions trap us in.
This vote from Independents in Michigan show that his message of inclusion is resonating and tearing down the walls that politics trap us in.

It’s hardly a new theme in Sanders’ campaign — he has spoken out against anti-Muslim rhetoric for months, likening such prejudice to the conditions his Jewish parents faced preceding the Holocaust.

Common in our struggles for justice , peace and prosperity.
We are common, and that message is resonating.

Bring it home Bernie!!

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Merry Christmas, and Happy New Era!

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pswaterspirit's picture

I don't care if he gets another thing done. This country needs an attitude adjustment once that happens we can proceed.

I have a very religious friend who lives in Ohio. She posted the video of Bernies speech at liberty university on facebook. He comment was it moved her so much she cried through the whole thing.

She said it left her feeling like he respected her even if they didn't agree on everything. He shared many of her values even the places he didn't she could agree he had excellent reasons that he had put great thought into and she could respect that.

She has 230 comments from like minded people. Not the hater cult types but just regular religious folks. Every last one of them was positive.

If he can convey that to this country we win. This is the antidote to Ronald Reagan.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

I've been turning it over in my mind.

Such rapid evolution doesn't just "happen." Sure, the message went viral. But for it to be transformative like that — where it turns all the poll numbers upside down overnight and kicks Nate Silver to the curb — that's almost like a physical virus, a pandemic.

It's bigger than a message, or even a idea whose time has come.
Is it possible that one person's unwavering decency is that powerful?

'Cause that's all I got.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
pswaterspirit's picture

It is the belief that no one is any greater or lesser. They come by their beliefs for good reasons and that they have thought as long and as hard as I have.

It is a willingness to ask questions of someone even if you find their ideas apalling. If you ask enough questions you will find at some point there is something on which you agree.

Almost every republican I know agrees with me on the problems of this country. We do not yet agree on how to solve them.

I have a good friend Rep Liz Pike a republican in our statehouse. We bond over organic farming. Together we have written 5 very progressive bills that solve some issues in our state. To date two of those have become law backed by the majority of the Republicans and Democrats. She more than a few republican beliefs I strongly disagree with and that is okay.

Just focus on finding common ground.

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lotlizard's picture

'Cause if you miss it, I feel sorry, sorry for you

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