Deep State and New Developments

Since October 30, followers of 4chan political boards have been abuzz over the posts of a user who has come to be known as "Q." I do not frequent 4chan myself, but have learned about these posts from a YouTuber that I follow and went to several related YouTube sites to learn more as a result. And now I have fallen down into the rabbit hole.

I have been reluctant to post this as it could appear to fall within the realm of conspiracy theory, so feel free to challenge it as thus. However, over the last two weeks, these posts by "Q" have been intriguing and some of what he has posted has come to fore. So I am going to do this essay as a point to spark discussion and/or debunking.

So what is "Q" saying? Since October 30, "Q" has made over 1,700 posts on the 4chan political board. A member of 4chan compiled all of "Q's" posts into a chart in which users can post their answers to "Q's" questions. Here is a link to that chart in case you are curious about it.

The format that "Q" has used mostly is in the form of questions, each of which leads to another question. By reading the series of questions and doing some research, often the answer he is trying to convey becomes fairly clear. Occasionally he makes a statement instead of a question in which he uses analogies and pseudonyms for some of the players in what is happening. This format has led numerous members of 4chan and other online people to research everything he is saying. He often repeats a question multiple times over the course of the two weeks during which he has been posting at 4chan.

More recent posts have been more detailed as when he recently named the Saudis, the Rothchilds, and George Soros as the targets of the big money triangle. The targets are illegal arms sales, drug running and human trafficking, often that of young children who are abused and then killed afterwards. Saudi Arabia has been one of the prime places where trafficking in children has been occuring.

If we look at all that has happened in the last couple of weeks, we can see that a lot of things are happening very rapidly. In late October, George Soros transferred massive amounts of his wealth to his nonprofit organizations which shelters it.

Tony Podesta has resigned as a result of this inquiry and the Podesta Group will permanently shut down as of tomorrow November 15. Employees were told not to expect any paychecks after November 15. Does this mean the Podesta Group bank accounts were frozen?

Kimberley Fritts, the CEO of Podesta Group, told staff on Thursday that the lobbying firm would close its doors by the end of the year, sources told CNN. Fritts also asked employees to clean out their belongings and told them they would not be paid past November 15.

We have seen the purge that has happened in Saudi Arabia with number of Clinton supporters among those who have been purged from the government and jailed. Also their assets have been frozen.

As assets built up through corruption will become state property, how much money is at stake?

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Saudi government is targeting as much as $800bn and has already frozen 1,700 bank accounts.

First, who is "Q"? No one really knows who "Q" is but he appears to be an insider close to Trump with a lot of inside knowledge about many of the current events we are witnessing. This means he has done a great job of appearing to be legit or this is the most complex and ingenious LARP of all time.

So why is "Q" posting this inside information? There have been many reasons speculated, including LARPing, but the two most common are that this is either a psyop on behalf of one of the government agencies involved in an ongoing war among the deep state agencies or that "Q" is posting on behalf of President Trump to reassure the American people that he is doing everything possible to rid the government of the worst of corruption involving the illegal sale of arms, drugs, and human trafficking.

YouTuber Tracy Beanz summarized her three scenarios in a video that she posted yesterday. Go to 6:30 of her video below where she summarizes her thoughts on why "Q" is posting these bread crumbs of information.

We are living in very interesting times. Has anyone else here heard of "Q" or has followed this story? What are your thoughts? I really wish I knew where all of this is headed.

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Big Al's picture

Haven't heard of this. Without following you down the rabbit hole I'm just guessing, but it looks like someone playing games to me. Of course I'm someone who never believed for a second that Trump was trying/going to clean the swamp and I think his appointments thru month nine have shown that. People can only blame so many of his appointments on the deep state before the pattern has to point directly at Trump.
Also, the topics appear too broad for someone with a Q clearance, i.e., Q would not have Q level knowledge on all these issues and subjects, no one does except those at the very, very top. And the only one I know of who bothers with this kinds of bullshit at the top is Trump.
So obviously, Q is Trump. Which explains why he has been tweeting less.

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gulfgal98's picture

@Big Al First, I completely doubt that Q is Trump. Q's posts are very nuanced, something I have never seen from Trump.

Second, Trump's idea of draining the swamp may be very different from my idea or that of most people here. This never occurred to me until recently when I started reading about the posts that Q made on 4chan. I am not saying that Trump is being altruistic because I do not believe that is in his fiber.

Regardless of motivation, if this results in removing some of the worst elements of society, ie child traffickers, then we have made progress. I tend to believe this purge (with several 100 indictments) is not going to be a cure all, but if it is a start, then it is better than nothing.

BTW, Big Al, I went down the rabbit hole so you would not have to. Wink

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Big Al's picture

@gulfgal98 Smile Those rabbit holes can get deep.

Of course I was kidding about Trump, I've got no clue, I listened to a couple minutes of the video and still have no clue. Therefore, I'm going to go read about the Jonestown massacre. Did you know that the CIA was involved in that? (just kidding again, but not really)

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@Big Al "Journey to Nowhere" for the most profound investigation of Jones and, consequently, how cults like his work, and work for, everyone involved.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

Big Al's picture

@jim p CIA mind control experiment?

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@Big Al
why people sign up for getting mind-controlled.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

Deja's picture

Bless your heart, gg! (Meant sincerely, not mean southern style.)

It's very hard to read 4chan due to the plethora of n words and homophobic bombs even in well researched posts. Very, very hard. Cussing doesn't bother me, even the bitch or c word, but the racial, homophobic and islamaphobic ones make it nearly impossible to get through much of it.

Kudos, gg!

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gulfgal98's picture

@Deja 4chan is where "Q" has been posting, but my info has come from people who have reviewed his posts and summarized them. In the chart that I linked of his posts he says the reason has posted at 4chan is that they are less likely to censor.

I repeat, I do not go to 4 chan.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Deja's picture

He's right about the censorship, hence the horrible words I mentioned.

I actually did go there, when I first heard of pizzagate, and, while they poop all over with the language, they sure can dig some stuff up! Evil little geniuses.

I wouldn't think less of you if you had, just that you are stronger than I.

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snoopydawg's picture

who knows what's conspiracy theories anymore? We know that there is an all out psyops going on, but we don't know what the goals are. War with Russia? It looks like it's a possibility because of the troop movements in countries surrounding Russia. Defang Trump for repairing relationships with Russia? Or to defang his whole presidency? It's still hard to believe that he's the president, isn't it?

Another psyops from the PTB? We know that they can rig elections for their advantage. We saw this with the Bush presidency. Apparently the people who wrote PNAC wanted Clinton to remove Saddam during his tenure, but he was busy fighting the Monica scandal. They knew that with Cheney as VP, he could handle Bush and get the PNAC started. They only needed an event to get it started. Now look at how many countries are destroyed for (caugh) Israel and corporations.
Would Gore have invaded Iraq after 9/11 if he was president? Did he actually win the election or was it rigged so that republicans can get their wet dreams passed knowing that Trump would sign their legislation? Bueller?
So WHAT was the goal of the FBI, Hillary and Obama when they took over the Steele dossier and released it to the media?

The PTB doesn't want us to be informed about what our government is doing, so they are censoring the alternative news websites and twitter. These types of websites are debunking the Russian propaganda plot and coming up with theories about why it's being pushed on us. And people yawn about it because it's for leftist libtards. RT is a Russian website,so it's okay that it has to register as a foreign company, but has an Israeli connected website have to do this same thing? Nope. They have been interfering with our elections and foreign policies for much longer and anyone who doesn't kiss its ring are not allowed in congress.

I have no idea what is happening and hope that we find out one day. Amanda and free society posted interesting essays too and maybe if we keep finding information from various sources, we'll figure out what the Hell is going on.
My $.02

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

gulfgal98's picture

@snoopydawg that there is a lot of truth to Q's posts, but I also believe that they are probably self serving for whomever he is working for. There is a lot of grey here, no whites hats to be seen.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

about playing off NSA against CIA and NSA then being portrayed as somehow a good thing beating back the "evil" CIA does make some sense. I didn't read the NYT article, whining about how all those pesky leaks were harming the NSA, but it fits as part of the potential spin there. I would love to think scenario 3 is the case - really truly good people trying to get the word out, but I am not that optimistic. This system is crumbling under its own weight and the greedheads who own us will get every scrap they can before it all goes down. They'll use whatever means they deem necessary, and they do not care about the consequences. They are so used to facing absolutely no consequences for their predatory actions, they seem to think they never will. And they just might be right.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

gulfgal98's picture

@lizzyh7 I would love to see scenario 3 be the one, but I am inclined to believe that some version of scenario 2 is probably what we are witnessing. There is no doubt in my mind that there is a war in the deep state. Even so, it is quite possible that scenario 2 will still be more beneficial than the status quo.

I will say this again, if scenario 2 ends up putting all the pedophiles in jail and breaking that evil chain, then it might be worth it to me.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

RFID pills, directed energy weapons, local fusion center seeing every communication, gps every movement, mk ultra sleeper shooters, coincidental accidents- is this the right rabbit hole? the sixth mass extinction? cashless chipped society? it used to be 'only castles burning' but this century is something more. got no clue either re: Q. guess it's time to find a swamp and get out of it.

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snoopydawg's picture


I knew that it was in the pipeline, but I can't believe that people will take them. Jeebus, how far are they going to go with their surveillance crap?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

This was the first I heard of Q, but I went and started reading about it. According to the "theory", Mueller arrested John Podesta on Nov. 1st with the stipulation that there be a complete MSM blackout of the arrest.

I then attempted a search of John Podesta arrested and while many alternative sites are reporting that they believe he was there wasn't any actual proof and not a peep from the MSM.

So I went to John's twitter account. He used Twitter regularly. His last Tweet was Oct. 31st. Since that day, not a single piece of evidence exists that John Podesta has said a word to anyone. He just vanished.

In those same stories, they state that Herself was to be arrested Monday. Again, amidst media blackout. HRC was still tweeting away as of 5 hours ago.

Bottom line: if John Podesta pops up a free man and HRC isn't arrested, this was all right wing BS. Until then, keep an eye out for HRC to suddenly clam up on social media.

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I think is a claim, or did I miss the news?
Been looking at this and it looks like someone is messing with people. Huma was to have been arrested ten days ago along with the podesta Bros and so on.
Whatever it is, looking at people commenting on Q's "Revelations" and the "Left" blogosphere reminds me of that old Far Side cartoon: in one panel a guy in bed is thinking "she loves me; she loves me not; she...." And in the other panel the gal is thinking "yes I really do like vanilla more than chocolate." The title is "Same Planet, Different Worlds."

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

gulfgal98's picture

@jim p now conflicting reports say it is unproven, so without definite documentation, I probably should correct that. Thank you for correcting me on this

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

@jim p I poked around on the sheet and many, many of those comments reeked of pure RW fantasy world fever swamp. Same thing with the Russians under every bed the left keep seeing. I don’t think anyone knows what to believe anymore as the reality we’re living seems so implausible. Only thing I do know is Trump saving us from some cabal of Satan worshipers in our government is as unlikely as those crafty Russians having brainwashed us into becoming discontent with the status quo.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Dr. John Carpenter
we all were back before we saw that Russian ad among the other 10,000 ads?
It made me want to go hit someone. Especially that cat video.
That there are child abuse and human trafficking circles, and among the rich and famous, is really indisputable. International reports put trafficking as a multi billion business, and for years. But to see people on the so-called left deny it goes on and rightists think only Dems are involved...
We need, everyone, a Nationwide sabbatical from left/right, conservative/liberal, Dem/Repub identities and the vitriolic rhetoric that goes with it. Get together as adults and get all the data together. And not forget the issue is that a relative handful of shitstains are ruining life in every direction.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

@jim p not Putin or Trump or whomever else. They would have a chance. Empty tribalism will do it first.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

they think they're doing good like Gates screwing up our schools, they just make it worse. They have no clue what reality is for the 99%.

We all know our government doesn't call the shots. The GOP money men now hold all the levers of power. I think it is simply a changing of the guard. Obama and the Clintons were told "go quietly and we let you live". Why else would Sessions and Trump refuse to investigate them?

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

@dkmich about the Clinton's but to actually go after them probably would expose him somehow too. These people are incestuous in that they only interact with their own little sect of uber wealthy. That whole Russia thing is the bait and switch. Maybe something comes of this, the Clinton's surely DO more than deserve it, but somehow I think that brings down the whole house of cards. Better to just use it as kabuki. Although the Podesta thing gives me a tiny bit of hope at least a few go down even a bit. Enough to muzzle them from public discourse would be a great start. God, dare we hope for that muzzle?! Naïve of me, I know.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

@lizzyh7 and refused to do anything about Bush II war crimes, they’re all intertwined like yarn in a sweater. Pull that loose end and everything unravels. The real disagreements aren’t with substance, just style.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

snoopydawg's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

control of congress again next election and then they will reverse everything that republicans have been doing. I love reminding them about 2006 when they ran on rolling back the Bush abuses. Pelosi is saying this again.."I don't think that impeaching Trump is the best thing to do."

This is one of the biggest reason that people want them back in power. Remember that the Bush tax cuts were made permanent during Obama's tenure and that he not only continued Bush's wars, he did his own and also invaded Libya under false pretenses, just like Bush did Iraq.

Obama only voted for the FISA act 'so he could become president and then he would stop the illegal surveillance programs.'
It's amazing that no matter how many times we've been burned by democrats, people still believe that they are the party that looks out for us while it's the republicans that do all the harmful legislation.
Have you heard about the democrats working with republicans to roll back banking reforms? Yep. They are looking out for us.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg or “fool me once...”

Or same as it ever was.


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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Granma's picture

I'm pretty sure this is scenario 2.
The questions and comments by Q remind me of the short videos that appeared shortly before the 2016 election. The man in the videos said there was a behind the scenes fight going on. He said that they were going to make sure Trump won.

I'm paraphrasing. It has been a long time. My computer died last week so I can't hunt up the link to the video I'm remembering. I'm on an old, limited tablet. But this Q sounds very much like the man in those videos, or someone with whom he shares a way of seeing politics.

My 2 cents.

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snoopydawg's picture


it's so obvious that we are being manipulated, isn't it? It's too bad that others can't see it.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Wink's picture

You have a feeling of what's about to happen and you're more likely right than wrong. The $h!t is about to hit the fan, and it's likely to happen by summer or during the summer. I suspect it won't be pretty. Someone said that "They" - the gov't - have arrested people that were at the Trump protest last January. I suspect we'll see more of that. If they can pick out faces from the crowd last January there are not many of us safe.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

arendt's picture

Its so much tastier than the bland Russiagate mush served up by the corporate media. Smile

Seriously, thanks for the heads-up. I have some important work-related events coming up in the next two days, so I won't be going down the rabbit hole right away. But I've bookmarked it.

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Song of the lark's picture

this nonsense. "Q" is just another of many who when things get real is going to get banished, shunned or his head chopped for spewing bullshit in post collapse world. Heh! Tell me , oh please tell me he has the 801st version of who shot Kennedy.

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and an aside. I think you have a link missing. In this sentence,

George Soros transferred massive amounts of his wealth to his non-profit organizations which shelters it. Tony Podesta has resigned as a result of this inquiry ...

Both of your links go to the NYT story. It is not clear to me what "this inquiry" is since the NYT story doesn't mention Podesta at all.

And, besides sheltering $$, (it is kind of what the super-rich do, NP or offshore), why folks hate Soros more than say Bezos or Gates hasn't ever been clear to me. Yeah, he's a neoliberal fuck, OK. But the Open Society bit doesn't feel evil. At least not in the league of other billionaire's forays. I'm obviously missing something, but all the evidence that I've seen goes off into CT pretty quickly. (Admittedly, I haven't spent a lot of time looking. It just seems a bit weird.)

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gulfgal98's picture

@peachcreek Thank you for catching that bad link on the Soros story. I had multiple links open when I was writing this and copied the wrong one. Blush

What I was pointing out about Soros is both the timing of this massive move of money and the huge amount. It may be coincidental but I think a lot of the rats are worried about where this investigation is going. Similarly, the sudden and complete shut down of one of the world's largest and most influential lobbying groups is also coincidental?

Like, I posted, I do not know where this is headed, but a lot of coincidences are suddenly happening.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

strollingone's picture

all conspiracy theories are true.

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bondibox's picture

This guy loves a good CT. But really, it's all tied into the stuff I've been writing - pizza gate, human trafficking, saudi arrests. Speculation is that 'Q' is Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

Yes, I've been down this rabbit hole too. CT or not? We can hope not, but with so much propaganda and psyops coming from both sides, who can tell.

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bondibox's picture

If anyone is still watching this thread, here's a good one fresh off the presses

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”