The Weekly Watch

Looking for Allies in the Calm Before the Storm

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: You guys know what this represents? Maybe it’s the calm before the storm.
REPORTER 1: What’s the storm, Mr. President?
REPORTER 2: What does that mean?
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Could be, the calm, the calm before the storm.
REPORTER 2: What storm, Mr. President?
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We have the world’s great military people in this room. I will tell you that. And we’re going to have a great evening. Thank you all for coming. Thank you.”
REPORTER 2: What storm, Mr. President?

Nate is heading my way...and it literally is the calm before the storm.

Hurricane Nate.jpg

With so much to focus on, it has become difficult to see all the shenanigans. The House passed major cuts to education, medicare and medicaid this week.
They are still focused on tax cuts...think they can slip it though if they distract people with a war?
T-rump says we just have to wait and see where he will strike...will it be Iran? ...or is it N. Korea? Tune in next week for details...
Meanwhile the democraps continue to push the Russia narrative...come on. Imran Awan had his hearing this week.
Well it's onward through the fog...the fog of war, climate chaos, and the collapse of capitalism.

We do have are a few I heard this week...

Bernie isn't the savior, but he is our ally. He always said, “it is us not him”. Listen to Bernie and Bob Reich discussing strategies and goals. (30 min)

This conversation with Bernie and Jimmy Carter from last May was pretty interesting too. (1st 20 min)

Lee Camp and Max Blumenthal discuss c o r p o r a t e media’s role in manufacturing consent for endless i n t e r v e n t i o n i s t m i l i t a r i s m and its effectiveness in smearing any voices that stray from such mainstream narratives. (1st 15 min)
More from Max on Russiagate (video and text)

Rev. Barber is building a peoples campaign (3 part interview with video and text)

The last part of the interview with Muhammad Yunus was released this week (video and text)
(the other 2 parts link from here too)

There was also some good news out of Birmingham this week.


Around the World

In Canada the people count for something. What happened here was a people-powered movement that rose up to stop this pipeline. It's a movement that was led by First Nations and indigenous communities, by trade unionists and environmentalists all coming together to delay this pipeline, and now to eventually stop it. This is a huge win for people today. (video and text)

We don't stand by our allies. The Kurds are going to be thrown under the bus. US business as usual. Vijay Prashad (video and text)

We don't even stand up for our territories...the vultures are circling Peurto Rico (video and text)

More from Vijay on Iran (video and text)

So ditch the Iran deal and start a war. That's what they seem to want (video and text)

Israelis Speak Candidly to Abby Martin About Palestinians (23 min)


Endless war...

We live in a sick country obsessed with guns we trust
Jeremy talks about his piece and also has a nice interview with Alynda Segarra of Hurray for the Riff Raff and they conclude with a discussion of Pat Tillman on the intercepted podcast (with text)

Medea reminds us it isn't just gun control at home but abroad in places like Yemen too

It is past time to end the Afghan war
They're ready for us to go home...(90 sec)

The Nobel Peace Prize goes to the anti-nuke group icanw

Chris Hedges explains the death of the US empire


How about a little justice?

Will our judicial system convict politicians or banksters? They've been having success in Brazil. Jimmy Dore reports (14 min)
(Although not all is good in Brazil)

Jimmy talks about the situation in St. Louis and TYT's Jordan's arrest. (17 min)

Looks like it's good bye to net neutrality. FCC's Pai is reappointed for five more years. Some democraps voted for him too. (9 min)

The 2018 budget proposal paves the way for a $1.5 trillion tax cut to be offset by massive cuts to Medicaid and Medicare


The WaPo wants to obscure wealth inequality. Surprise, surprise.

Michael Hudson discusses the tax scam proposal (video and text)

This week Ralph Nader and Alan Essig, Executive Director of Citizens for Tax Justice break down President Trump’s Tax Reform proposal and insurance expert, Robert Hunter, returns to explain what’s going on with hurricane and flood insurance in the wake Harvey, Irma and Maria.

Equifax...Richard Wolff shares his view (3 min)

What happened to the unions? (3 min)

Privatize privatize privatize...the DeVos mantra

the world.jpg


We can and must cut down on fossil fuels and plastics. Those who look away and pretend we don't have a problem are only slowing solutions and accelerating our self-destruction.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

Could we help our Island territories go green?


Well I wish us all the best as we ride out all the different storms we face. I'll join you if I have power and internet service. If not please carry on... I always appreciate your insights and comments.

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Lookout's picture

Already had 3.5" of rain and it is forecast to last through the day. I was glad to have power this morning. We have not had high winds yet...they're due this afternoon.

A couple of antiwar pieces I neglected to include -

Journalist Matt Kennard discusses UK Secretary of State for International Trade Liam Fox - his history and ties to US corporations, what this means for Brexit negotiations and what's it's really like inside the world's largest arms fair. (video and text)

Larry Wilkerson talks about our role in Yemen (video and text)

Can we effect change?
George Lakey, author of "Viking Economics: How the Scandinavians Got it Right and How We Can Too", joins Chris Hedges to discuss non-violent resistance against the corporate state. (28 min)

I think we have to find allies where we can. Climate is a huge challenge, especially since we refuse to admit it is a problem. Seems particularly evident today as the storm gathers.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

@Lookout If it does, don't get off!

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question everything

Arrow's picture

Lots of nice Tee-Vee viewing today.
It takes stupidity to start a war. Guess Trump IS that stupid.

Lookout: You got fishing waders? You might need them.
Hope "the creeks don't rise".

Have a good (if wet) one.

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I want a Pony!

Lookout's picture


I find T-rump more conniving than stupid. He's the profit in chief...all about money for his class. I really think the threat of war is to get the tax cuts through while everyone is distracted.

Yes it is a "singing in the rain" kind of day here. Gene Kelly is great in that scene.

Glad you dropped by and hope you have a good one!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Another great post to keep me busy all week.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Lookout's picture


I hope the facebook pictures are posting well. Let me know if there's a problem. I appreciate your efforts to grow our site.

I sort of rushed this edition fearing a power loss yesterday or last night. Still plenty of info to keep folks occupied. So far it's just rain so I should be around till noon or so anyway.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Raggedy Ann's picture

Many thanks for providing my Sunday entertainment. I've got video running on the iPad so I can listen to one after another. Your weekly watch is a great educational tool for me.

Good luck with the storm. We're high and dry today, which is welcome after a week of rain and ground beginning to be saturated. My dirt road is finally drying out!

Have a beautiful day, everyone! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Lookout's picture

@Raggedy Ann

It amazes me to watch the rapid collapse of the system. T-rump is really unraveling the social fabric...sowing dissent, arrogance, environmental destruction, and war to maximize his personal profit. We are reaping what we sowed and I blame the dems as much as the rethugs.

Have a good one!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Hang in there as you ride out the storm.
A feeling of dread seems to be prevalent these days. This song conveys that a bit.
That feeling manifests itself with me in frequent nightmares. I know I am not a unique case in that regard.
But it is a beautiful Sunday morning here. I will chip away at the wonderful reading list you have compiled. Thank you for that as always.

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Lookout's picture


Whether it is raining or not...we face the storm of climate chaos, environmental destruction, aggression and war, social disintegration/racism, and so on. It didn't suddenly start with T-rump...this failure of capitalism has been growing for decades. Now it is evident to any who look.

Enjoy the day!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

totally unrelated except in that it showcases an example of the very best that humans can be capable of. Something to lift one's spirit.

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mhagle's picture



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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

@mhagle Smile
Glad you liked it!
In an earlier thread last week you asked me what variety snow pea I bought. Well, I don't remember but am expecting my package of seeds to arrive in the mail this week so I will let you know then.
Enjoy your tinkering today. I will be doing some of the same. My lemon verbena and tomatoes need feeding, so I will do that.

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mhagle's picture

Glad that Nate is not as vicious as the others. Don't know how deeply I will dive into these stories. Some I have read or watched already. Can't really handle the "calm before the storm" stuff. For now, I am going to tinker in the garden.

Been bottle feeding an abandoned kitten for the past month. Elmer. He is so darling. Feisty now and plays with wiener dog, Toby. But damn, gave me ringworm on my face.

Not posting a picture of the ringworm. Smile

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Lookout's picture


One is nearer to God's heart in the garden than anywhere else on Earth.

Dorothy Frances Gurney (October 4, 1858 – June 15, 1932) was an English poet and hymnwriter. The second to last verse of her best-known poem, "God's Garden" is seen everywhere on signs, plaques and other garden ornaments, but few people know its author.
“Originally written in Lord Ronald Gower’s visitor’s book. It was inspired by his exquisite garden at Hammerfield Penshurst.”

And from my old friend Lotus Dickey...Go Hoe Hard Your Garden...(2.5 min)

All the best to you and your garden (and your new kitty). Here's a few natural ringworm treatments...

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mhagle's picture


Wonderful music. Didn't you write an essay on him? Love it.

Also a great list of natural cures. My dad swore by apple cider vinegar. I am using iodine. Glad to hear that Borax is antifungal, since it is an ingredient in my home made laundry soap.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

about the nominee for the EPA is interesting. I read a very good article in Counterpunch that explained the 'tipping point' in an easily understandable way. Perhaps someone should show that article to the current nominee, W Wehrum, it might make things a bit more clear for him.
Storms of My Grandchildren occurring sooner than we expect.

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Lookout's picture


These giant backwards strides on the environment are going to be difficult to put back right.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture

at the Labour Conference in England: YouTube (25 min.)
Note Labour's slogan, For the Many Not the Few.

… everyone takes his side in favor of the many, or of the few, according to his constitution, and the circumstances in which he is placed.
- Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, June 27, 1813

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Lookout's picture


I enjoy Naomi and I'll look forward to listening to her. She had a nice interview with Jeremy a couple of months ago on the intercept too... (18 min)

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

I get nostalgic listening to them. Good ol' old men. Sigh.

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Lookout's picture


...and catch one of Jimmy's Sunday school lessons. Better not wait too much longer.

There's also a folk artists creation near Plains I want to visit... Pasaquan

Jimmy still hosts a yearly square dance that some friends play.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: You guys know what this represents? Maybe it’s the biggest burrito ever in all history.
REPORTER 1: What’s in the burrito, Mr. President?
REPORTER 2: What does that mean?
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Could be carne asada, could be shredded chicken, could be the hugest massive combo burrito ever, tons and tons of whatever, I cannot say.
REPORTER 2: Are you going to eat the big burrito, or are you going to share it, Mr. President?
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We have the world’s greatest Mexican fast food chefs in this room. I will tell you that. And I'm going to have a great burrito. Thank you all for coming. Thank you.”
REPORTER 2: What kind of burrito, Mr. President?

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"Bi-polar? I'm Bi-winning!!!" -- Charlie Sheen